#Luts muse
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Please ignore my messy living room and gaze upon my beautiful tall child 😭 I finished his faceup and put in his eyes last night! His name is Tide.
(He is a Luts SDF65 Dian Head on a Luts SDF Muse body in NS!)
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Ahhh I love this girl so much 🩷
#adult doll collector#ball jointed doll#doll hobby#luts doll#luts bjd#Luts bory#Luts Senior Delf#Luts Senior Delf muse#1/3 bjd#sd bjd
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Doll Musings and Rambles
So... I got the notification a few days ago that my 1/4 DFH girl body shipped! So I should be getting the body for my Souldoll Aehael soon! It's been about six months, and the body is a custom resin match to Switch Milktea Rose.
I'd like to get a body for one of my other floating heads, too, and I am heavily considering the 1/4 Sprouting Dragon girl body. Rambles photos etc further under the cut.
I wish I had some larger, high-res images offhand, but I don't. It's been hard finding references on instagram (thanks insta for killing tags, makes your platform so useful), but I think this body might be a good fit for my Souldoll Junia or Logandolls Peregrine. What I do know is that Jane's Doll Land is a US-based dealer for a lot Chinese companies, though, and I can get the body in light tan (soom tawny) for $121/$141 shipped from her, so naturally my interest has been piqued. According to Jane's, the neck is ~6.7cm, so I think it should work well for Junia or Peregrine. Both have pretty small necks; Peregrine was sculpted with a minifee body in mind, I believe? I was previously considering a Loongsoul body for Peregrine but unfortunately Loongsoul seems to offer tan very infrequently, and I'm not interested in dyeing a bjd body unless it's the absolute last choice.
Either 1/4 Huajing girl bodies are still in consideration for Peregrine and Junia, but the Magnolia body (or Luts model delf) may ultimately go to my Souldoll Calia... we will have to wait and see. Honestly I am anxious what might go on in regards to the impeding discussion about US tariffs with our trade partners, so I'm not exactly excited at the prospect of ordering much else overseas right now, especially since some of these companies are easily a 5-6 month wait time.
Regarding the last point, I've also been trying to decide what I want to do in regards to Xagadoll's Mizzle.
Mizzle has... kind of sort of been a grail doll of sorts? I remember first seeing her on Mint on Card but I wasn't sure who she was. :v Things never quite panned out when I have wanted to order her in the past, so she simply... just never got here. If it wasn't for the fact she would take months before getting here via preorder and me being impatient, I could have seen Mizzle as being a contender of being my first ball jointed doll. I'm not exactly sure what is the estimated wait time of Xagadoll/Asleep Eidolon is right now, but I imagine it's in the 5-6 month range.
One doll I think might well be a very, very strong contender for my first 2025 BJD purchase though, is Logandolls' curvy elf girl!
Photo from Logan’s instagram! It’s showing off the new hips he sculpted, just in a far smaller scale. She’s absolutely adorable and I think she would be the absolute cutest doll ever. I wouldn't mind adding a tan Logandolls Lark to the crew, either.
But... Unless something big happens like Legranddoll or Summerbird making a come back, or I finally find some of the souldoll heads I am looking for (clodia, please come to me), I think this is a sold, though probably a bit overzealous, “2025 bjd goals/wishlist” of sorts. Besides maybe the sprouting dragon body - I may submit that order still in 2024 😂 Otherwise my other bjd goals are the same they are every year: get more clothes, shoes, eyes, wigs, and faceups done lmao. It would be nice to fit a smartdoll pear girl in there somewhere, although since she would warrant a new wardrobe due to being a new size, I... don't know if I will be fitting her in 2025, but I do hope to (eventually!) get her. Maybe I can justify her if I can get some more sales moved. Who knows, we shall see.
That said, I think my only 2024 purchases are the after-mentioned Doll Family H body (bought ~5 months ago), my almost paid off Littlefee Chloe + tan Vampire Minifee Chloe head, my Magic Mirror Sinead (old promo model, bought from Nanyalin's personal collection), as well as two outfits from Cloversinging from independent artists, and... random clothing bits and bobs from Aliexpress/Ebay/Etsy/etc. I traded for my Calia head from a friend and I bought my Junia head secondhand. Definitely a good amount of things but (probably?) significantly down from 2023 and earlier...
Granted, I did sell a bit of my collection to lessen the financial burden of some pretty big things (ie, wisdom tooth removal, car repairs and ultimately getting a new car), but it's been nice outfitting dolls I already have. The decrease probably has a lot to do with instagram removing recent tags and when facebook sales groups were easily navigable. Truthfully when it comes down to it, though, I think my biggest "bjd-adjacent" dolls is probably getting a nice set up to actually display them. 99% of my bjd-related stuff honestly chills in a box when not getting photos. I kind of want something like an IKEA Billy Bookcase with doors but my house is honestly quite small so I am not sure where a new piece of furniture like that would go right now.
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Ace Acead Achal Ack Ade Adess Adle Adop Ads Ady Afabi Afra Agne Ago Ain Aine Aira Ald Aldat Alde Ale Alet Alie Alk All Alla Allet Alph Alsa Alte Altz Amar Amet Amiba Amili Amul Ana Ance And Ane Anele Anfre Ang Anich Annia Annis Anoît Ans Ant Antra Anut Apaul Apso Ard Are Aria Arian Arica Arl Arle Armo Arn Arol Arp Arpy Art Arta Ary Aud Audge Aul Auny Aure Aurf Aurin Aurn Aurt Auste Aut Aval Ave Aver Avirg Back Bal Balle Balte Ban Bapop Barce Barg Barld Bas Basco Bel Bele Bend Beng Ber Berea Beres Berg Bern Beron Berry Bet Bier Big Bile Bin Bit Blair Blaut Ble Blen Blick Blore Bluer Bluka Blut Boar Bol Bone Brald Bre Brel Bri Bried Brild Brin Brise Brock Bruid Bug Buge Bugu Bunk Bunka Béa Cabar Cable Cair Cal Cald Cand Cane Canut Cap Car Cas Cat Ceag Cel Cele Celic Cell Chal Chama Chane Chard Chare Chari Chaël Cheid Chel Chen Cher Chert Ches Chic Chich Chil Chill Chine Chish Chlie Chlo Chlon Chno Chon Chria Chrie Chris Chrit Chtop Cla Clam Clan Clant Clard Clat Clato Cle Clutz Cléa Cléme Cock Cof Coffe Cola Cole Colk Colkt Cona Cop Core Coret Corge Corn Cors Cory Couck Couse Cra Crock Cucid Cuse Cyre Céa Céate Dale Dan Dand Dane Dann Danna Dano Dard Darl Dego Del Dele Delle Deme Demel Demme Den Derc Derd Des Devel Dia Dian Dic Did Die Dies Diet Din Dine Dio Dion Dis Dolf Dout Dovin Drale Dranz Drapp Drean Dres Drid Drin Drut Dry Dryan Dubre Dul Duo Dus Dust Duste Dut Dwave Dwise Eande Eid Ein Ele Elgar Elhed Eling Elk Elmut Elop Elte Eltel Elter Eltz Ely Emal Eme Emel Emlit Emon Emper Ence Enny Ental Erie Ern Esco Eup Euran Eurce Eus Evinn Ewave Exas Exast Expe Fabit Fai Fane Faul Fer Ferry Figa
Fil Fin Fium Fiur Flarp Flo Flon Floul Fluc Flue Flumo Flut Flutz Fol Fola Fold Folf Folia Folo Fra Frah Fral Fran Frand Fre Freat Frede Fres Frie Fried Frore Frudo Fruid Frunk Fun Fund Fune Fur Fus Fut Futh Gae Gank Gano Ganz Gard Gardt Garie Garn Gaël Gel Gelf Genne Ger Gerig Gern Gerry Ges Ghlop Ghop Ghto Ghton Ghtop Gial Giald Gil Gin Gine Ginet Gion Gis Gisch Gise Glass Glen Glia Gline Gnès Gone Gore Got Grack Grang Grard Gre Gred Grel Grent Gres Grest Gret Grick Grum Grée Gues Guid Guita Gum Guma Gumet Gérin Günto Hacia Hacid Hack Halm Ham Hamp Han Hana Hanin Hann Hanti Har Hara Harc Hard Hare Haric Harie Harle Hart Haunk Heand Hed Hedar Hedya Heine Heing Hel Hen Hena Henz Her Hera Herbe Heres Herie Herto Hes Het Hic Hick Hicme Hie Hila Hime Hiper Hiser Hobo Holk Honik Hop Hople Horc Hord Hores Horle Hounk House Huc Hugae Hul Hunt Hyerd Hymon Hymp Hélia Hélie Imar Imild Inath Ind Indus Ine Inin Inne Ino Inoé Inz Inzel Irape Ire Irge Irhan Irine Irès Ise Jack Jan Jea Jeado Jeang Jearp Jeate Jence Jent Jerry Jery Jes Jine Jitte Jivee Jiver Joace Joard Jock Johon Jon Jore Josca Jose Joso Josop Jron Jul Jula Julla Junk Jupes Jute Jéro Kabie Kach Kack Kar Kard Kards Kat Kaël Ken Kenal Kent Kit Kita Kitz Kla Klaur Kle Kob Kock Kold Kop Kpunk Lam Lan Lar Lass Laste Laud Len Liale Liass Lick Lie Lille Lin Linas Line Lival Lock Lode Lodie Loid Lois Lona Lop Loé Lues Lukie Lum Lumel Lut Lycha Lyne Lype Lyres Léme Lüton Mado Mag Maind Maire Mais Mal Malk Mall Malme Man Mana Mance Manck Mang Mange Manna Manne Mano Manop Mante Mar March Mard Mardt Mare Marf Maris Marit Marp Mart Mary Mas Mass Mata Matal Mate Mathe Matig Med Mely Men Met Meta Metal Metan Metto Mia Mial Miam Mibal Mic Mica Mich Mil Mild Mill Mily Min Minat Mine Minn Mino Mins Mir Mire Miry Mock Modia Modo Mon Mone Moom More Mul Munk Muno Mus Muse Muska Mut Mutep Naine Nat Nel Nelda Neock Ner Nere Nert Nes Netal Nic Nich Nics Nie Niené Nin Nis Niume Noce Noid Nom Nues Nuker Nukin Nunel Nut Nyiph Ock Odie Ola Oldes Ole Olf Olges Olk Oll One Opat
Ora Orein Osele Ote Otino Otrap Otris Otte Ousic Out Pade Pald Pall Pas Paud Pause Paut Paw Paya Paymn Pes Phaël Phon Phout Pie Pin Pinès Pip Piry Ple Polk Pop Poph Pople Popop Posca Pose Post Powee Praw Pria Prie Prock Psic Psop Psych Puge Pugu Punie Punk Puny Quese Rak Ral Ran Rand Rann Raur Red Reep Reg Relin Rent Rerme Res Resco Ress Rha Rhan Rhyes Ria Rie Rine Riste Roce Rodia Rold Roli Rone Rop Rose Rosop Rotry Roul Rount Rud Rudop Rum Runk Rée Régig Régo Rélin Sad Sady Sae Sal Sald Sall Sam San Sance Sane Sanor Sar Sat Sater Saxop Seann Sel Sell Sepop Sher Shtop Sia Sic Siche Sick Sie Sine Sive Skack Skam Skap Sla Slat Sli Slie Smuse Snock Sop Soul Sould Soune Sounk Soure Sous Souse Sout Spe Sphop Spian Spit Stans Ste Stean Ster Stia Stial Stinz Stive Stnum Sto Stone Stric Stry Sug Sul Sumda Sun Sunt Sur Sure Surf Suza Sve Swal Swam Swas Swava Swave Syl Syle Sylit Syme Symo Syne Synt Sype Séve Séved Séves Tal Tale Tall Tard Tend Tep Teple Tepop Ter Thar The Thie Tia Tialk Tich Tick Tin Tinal Tine Torn Tri Tric Trock Trull Try Tune Turpy Tya Tyl Ulber Ulle Unk Urock Urone Uré Val Valco Valsa Van Vana Vap Ver Ves Vicie Vid Vidja Vie Viko Vild Vin Vina Vine Vinic Vio Vion Vione Voca Vock Wall Walle Wam Wees Wenz Wer Weric Werng Werry Wert Wes Whein Wife Wig Wigae Wil Win Wine Winey Wob Wobie Wol Wole Wolk Wooma Wore Wory Wras Xana Xanne Xas Xass Xyle Yenra Yop Yukey Yve Yveme Yvemo Yvet Élikt Émy Éve Éver
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"Unfortunate, but understandable." Few would likely choose the same extreme measures Ford had taken to keep his muse away.
Where Oz had his aura to shield him, Ford had nothing but a scrappy old duster and a threadbare scarf to bundle up. The air reminded him of coastal Alaska during one of his expeditions to find the Akh`lut. Good memories.
"Fascinating! A sort of karmic rebirth." Ford's palm cupped his 5-o'clock shadow, rubbing the stubble there for tactile stimulation. His mind was already working equations on ways to fine-tune the process and replicate it. Yet that wasn't important at the moment! Focus, Ford! "It stands to reason that death and dreams may have more in common that I previously thought."
He adjusted his spectacles, nearly losing a lens from their tattered state. "Someone must have attempted to summon him to your dimension prior. That or a rift was already open between here and another universe." Both of which would be grave. "Did you tell him anything important before he left? Anything he might be able to leverage?"
His brow quirked a little at the younger—older, he reminded himself—man's chugging, but declined to comment; only sipped again from his own tea and said, "Of course, any aid you can provide will be welcome."
There was, he thought, quite a significant difference between a tinfoil hat and inserting a plate into his skull. One was merely silly; the other would raise questions unless he arranged to be injured rather badly, and Ozpin would… prefer not to fracture his skull, thank you.
Shrugging into his overcoat, he drifted toward the café entrance and said dryly, "Given the choice, I'd choose the tin hat."
Even with the street-heaters ablaze, it was bitterly cold outside, what little suggestion of warmth there is during Mantle's summers stripped away by the perpetual twilight of late autumn; Ozpin turned up his collar and sank the lower half of his face into the folds of his scarf, flaring his aura against the frigid wind while they hurried past the dust dispensary next door and into the constabulary on the corner. He waved to the secretary at the front as he directed Ford down the hall to his office.
"The first thing you should know," Oz said quietly, as soon as the soundproofed door had shut behind them, "is that the circumstances of my mortality are a little unusual. I was cursed, a very long time ago, to return to life again and again; I became acquainted with your… adversary during my most recent death."
He draped his overcoat on the back of his chair and sat down. Ordinarily, he wouldn't be nearly so forthcoming: but this man had traveled here from another world and had dealings with the likes of Bill Cipher. Ozpin was undoubtedly not the most unusual thing Ford had ever encountered.
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Honestly glad no one gives a shit about my random blogging things for the most part
#usb blog#usb be bloggin#god that would honestly creep me lut if people atarted reading my dumb musings#if it was a moot maybe nah#but a stranger? gtfo
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All the mountains are my throne by Snow Nymrah
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❝ ...what are you doing? what do you want? ❞ ( @hnils )
#( &. musing )#( &. ft. nils )#i had to bc the 'suicidal idea' is iconic !!#*sigue jugando con los luts bc they're magic*
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So all three Terras have arrived since today, and so has the Aolingshi boy, making my collection of Koumeis complete - until Luts releases a Honey Delf version lol
Next one in line should be the Moonlight Jewel one?
I don't remember when exactly I bought Vana, but the preorder ended at the beginning of April, so she should be due in August.
And lastly, the Obitsu girl is due August - September, so I assume she'll be last.
Now I just need time to paint more dolls 😬 well. Time and energy lol.
I'm not 100% sure yet what to think of the MUSE body, it feels a bit disproportionate with the wide shoulders and narrow hips. It also doesn't have any genitals, which is kinda nice if you're looking for a "genderless" body.
I'll do a comparison with the other Kid Delf bodies I have and post it here once I have the time.
Checked what dolls I'm waiting for and...
It's just barely April 🥲
(I really hate time limited orders of stuff that won't be available anymore 😭)
Some of these are only heads, but still...
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Mike and I are being victimized send help please
#my muse is technically older than me (ooc)#jk i love you#even if you insist on lutting mikes world through hell
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Ok I remade it and styled it
It needs some pattern edits and some really stiff interfacing but I refuse to do a third draft today so that’ll be a problem project for later.
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August & Elena
Elena forces August to be her friend because “Nobody should have to go through life, or the afterlife, alone - even a bloodsucking vampire.”
Elena is a Luts Muse Bory in real skin brown, and she has a company faceup. August is an Aimerai Akagi (the first one ever made - he was literally the display doll!) and he’s in white skin with a company faceup as well.
#doll hobby#adult doll collector#ball jointed doll#bjdphotography#luts senior delf#luts bory#luts bjd#aimerai#Aimerai Akagi#sd bjd#1/3 bjd#ball jointed dolls
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10 song challenge
Rules: tag 10 songs you can’t stop listening to and then tag 10 people Thanks for the tag @incurablescribbler and @medhasree<3
I will be doing 15 because I am extra like that
1) Ishq Zahenaseeb OST- I haven’t been in peace since the day I heard this song. The soft vocals and the amazing lyrics. I love the blend of the modern romantic vibe with the sufi part. Fav lyrics “Main tabah hua, main fana hua. Mera rom jalke swah hua. Tadap meri kuch aur shadeed, tadap meri kuch aur shadeed”
2) Kehna hi kya- Bombay- Classic AR Rehman. Fav lyrics “Sitam thoda thoda hum pe shokh hawa bhi kar jaye. Aise chale, aanchal ude, dil mein ek toofan uthe. Hum toh lut gaye khade hi khade.
3) Supermassive Blackhole- Muse This song always makes me want to pick a fight with someone! Fav lyrics everytime Matt Bellamy says ohhhhh you set my soul alight. *fans self* *takes deep breath*
4) Alif OST- Again the vocals by Shuja Haider and Momina Mushtehsan. My fav lyrics in this song is probably just all of it. The song explains the relationship between God and human so well.
5) Amaro Porano Jaha Chay- From stories by Rabindranath Tagore- This is the Arijit Singh version. I don’t understand the lyrics but love the way this song is sung and the melancholic feel of the song. Also it fit in so well with the story of the episode
6) Lahu Muh Lag Gaya- Ramleela And at the 6th song my chichora side has come out. If the word coquettish was made into a song it would be this song. Full disclosure I never cared much for this song in the movie I liked it after I saw a clip of YRHPK with Shaheer and Rhea doing nain mataka to this song. Fav lyrics: Bhatak rahi hai aankh yeh malang ang ang ang. Atak gayi hai saans uske sang sang sang”
7) Channa- Atif Aslam- Coke studio- As much as I rail on Atif Aslam for singing out of scale when he does get it right its downright a delight. The softness in his voice in this song is so soothing and just makes me go weak in the knees. The mix of Punjabi lyrics and western classical arrangement works so well in this song. Whoever came up with the arrangement is a genius. Fav lyrics “ Loon Loon vich teri, deed ravan ve,Nahi reh sakdi tere bina ve”
8) Jai Jai Girivar Raj Kishori- From Siya Ke Ram. If there is anything that this show got right it was music and aesthetics. This song with the way this shot is set up, classic.Any version of Ram and Sita meeting for the first time for me is just has my heart soar. Fav lyrics: the entire end when the tempo goes up.
9) Pompeii- Basitille- This song just reminds me of my time in London. Times that I really miss a lot. It also has the line which is basically as a question I ask myself all the time “ how am I gonna be an optimist about this?”
10) Do I wanna know- Arctic Monkeys- Alex Turner’s voice is probably the most sensual thing in the world for me. I love the vibe of this song and the whole song is brilliantly written.
11) Paradise- Coldplay - I can not have a song tag without this song. I feel like this song symbolizes my need to move from one place to another ( Along with Kabira). Fav lyrics : I love all of the lyrics but I love the way he sings “lying underneath the stormy skies, she says oh I know the sun must set to rise”
12) Kabira- Yeh Jawani Hai Diwani ( both versions)- This song is just so bittersweet and sings about people who are constantly on the move to find something that feels right. Fav lyrics: “Ban liya apna pigambar, Tar liya tu aat samandar. Phir bhi sukha man ke andar kyun reh gaya”
13) Train song- Gully boy- This song is so wholesome and upbeat. Fav lyrics; ““Sapne Jinme Ho Aisi Ho Teri Aankhe Payaar Mein Jinme Ho Aisi Hi Teri Baate Jin Umide Ho Aise Tere Din Ho Chain Ho Jin Mein Aisi Hi Teri Rate”
14) Kajar Bin Kaare- Karsh Kale ft Sulaiman Merchant. When this song says ghayal kiyo jiya ra re, that is how I feel about this whole song. The lyrics and vocals are amazing but my favorite is the musical arrangement and how much fun all the people are having while playing this song. The flute bit always gives me goosebumps. Love it.
15) Mathura Nagarpathi- Raincoat- I don’t know how I have never heard of this song up until this year and now it’s one of my favorites. Shubha Mudgal can never go wrong with vocals and is as stunning as ever. The best thing for me is obviously the lyrics, so heart-wrenching and aptly describing the pain of being away from a loved one/place. It gives me all the Krishna struggling to be human while being a god feels.
Anyways I went way over but I just have a lot of feelings about music okay!! What do these songs tell about me? Well if someone figures it out do let me know lol!
Tagging @demonkidpliz @cursedbabyclown @uwu-bro @youandthemountains @nihilisticdebate @allegoriesinmediasres @randomfandomtraveller @anandamayenu @m0hinii and whoever else comes across this and wants to do it!
Stay safe guys!
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Thank you so much for the CFS reaction! I got one last ask before I quit bugging you (I'm greedy, I know). How bout companions in an Art vs Art situation, but it's synth, and human Sol? How would they identify the real Sole, and what do thet do with the synth? Thanks for all this, it means a lot to me! xx
You’re not bugging me in the slightest; I love writing reactions! I always get excited when i get a new request—the more, the merrier! Please enjoy!😊
oh yeah side note: i usually like to make “silent soles” so you can lut yourself in their shoes, but i kinda had to give Sole dialogue in this one.
FO4 Companions React: Real Sole vs Synth Sole
Sole and their companion were leaving Walden Pond when they noticed a person nearby. A person who looked identical to Sole. The pair approached the individual, and the two Soles began bickering about who the “real [name]” was:
“I’m too sober to deal with this right now,” Hancock stated, “I’m just gonna hit some Daddy-O real quick
“Take your time,” Sole 1 stated.
“Don’t you dare, Hancock,” Sole 2 warned, “You know how you get with that Daddy-O shit.”
Hancock immediately took out his knife and stabbed Sole 1. He approached Sole 2, the real Sole.
“Can’t have two of you running around. I can barely manage one,” Hancock teased. “Imagine all the trouble two of you would cause…I’m glad you don’t have a twin!”
“Oh jeez. Why do these kinda things always have to happen to us?” Piper complained. She thought for a moment and then had an idea. “Hey! The real [name] would know the special nickname I gave them. What is it?”
Sole 1 blinked. “Uh…buddy?”
Sole 2 smirked, “Blue. Because I lived in Vault 111.”
Piper beamed. “Ding ding! We have winner,” she exclaimed. She looked at synth Sole.
“So you’re the synth, huh? You got nowhere to go?” Piper thought for a moment. “I would let you crash at my place in Diamond City, but if word gets out that you’re a synth…I don’t even want to think about it.”
Sole 1 frowned.
“How about you come with us for now, okay? We’ll get you situated.” Piper promised.
“Oh damn. Oh shit. I‘m no good at these find the difference games,” Gage panicked. He then had an idea. He quickly adjusted his fingers and threw his hands in the air.
“What’s going on?” Sole 1 asked.
Sole 2 did another hand motion and Gage smiled. He looked at the fake Sole.
“Gang signs, ya poser.” Gage explained just before gunning down Sole 1.
Gage then shifted his attention to Sole 2, “And ya said these signs were stupid. I sure showed ya, didn’t I?
Danse looked back and forth between the two Soles. “I’ll return momentarily,” the Paladin began, “I’m going to find Cutler
and get his opinion. He has a good eye for these kinds of situations.”
“Should I wait here, or do you want me to come with you?” Sole 1 inquired.
“Isn’t Cutler…” Sole 2 hesitated, mindful of their companion’s PTSD, “…not…not alive right now?”
Danse whipped out his laser rifle and vaporized Sole 1. The real Sole smiled and approached the Paladin.
“I knew you would catch on, soldier.” Danse commented, “You’re much sharper than that synthetic vermin.”
“This is tough…you both look the same,” Preston hesitated, “But I need to pick the right one. Marshal, can you help me out?”
“No problem Preston,” Sole 1 began, “I have been there for you and the Minutemen through thick and thin. Always fighting for the people. It would be a shame if you lost all of that by shooting me instead of that imposter over there.”
“Marshal?” Sole 2 asked, “Did I get a promotion?”
Preston immediately stared at Sole 1. “You’re the imposter,” Preston said, “Now what?”
He thought for a moment and then nodded. “Would you like to join the Minutemen?” He asked the synth. Sole 1 nodded. “Excellent. You can follow us back to Sanctuary Hills and we’ll get you acquainted with everyone over there.”
“Alright, synth. Let’s see how sly you really are,” Nick challenged, “Give this old detective a run for his money.”
Nick approached the two Soles and scanned them. After about two minutes of careful examination, the detective walked up to the synth Sole.
“You’re the synth,” He stated plainly, “You have one of two options: live an honest life and don’t cause trouble for the sake of my friend here, or die right here, right now.”
Sole 1 shuttered, “The first option. I won’t cause any problems—I promise!”
Nick solemnly nodded, “Then you’re free to go.”
The panicked synth swiftly ran off into the distance.
Sole stared at Nick in disbelief and the detective chuckled.
“The Institute sure is good at making carbon copies of people‘s physical appearance. Fortunately, they haven’t quite nailed replicating idiosyncrasies yet,” Nick smirked, “I know you never take that wedding ring off. Your clone over there didn’t get the memo, apparently.”
“God dammit, these synths are sneaky little rats, aren’t they?” Cait studied the two Soles and scratched her head, “I can’t deal with this shite right now. I’m goin to take a hit of psycho.”
“Wait, Cait! Hold on,” Sole 1 pleaded. “This doesn’t have to be hard. I swear, I’m the real [name]!”
“Why?” Sole cried in frustration, “We just busted our asses getting you cleaned up in Vault 95 and you’re just going to throw it all away?”
Cait took put her shot gun and shot Sole 2. She approached the real Sole, who now looked distraught. She looked at them sympathetically.
“I would never, darlin. It was just a test. And you passed,” she reassured, “I’m sorry for hurtin ye like that.”
“Two [names], huh? This is gonna be fun,” MacCready smirked and held out his hand, “My most prized possession. Give it to me.”
Sole 1 scratched their head as Sole 2 promptly placed a toy soldier in MacCready’s hand.
“Thank you, friend,” MacCready beamed, looking at Sole 2. He then whipped out his gun, “And goodnight imposter,” he stated, sniping Sole 1 in the forehead.
He walked over to the real Sole and smiled, “I hope you didn’t think I wouldn’t be able to tell the two of you apart. I could’ve figured it out even without the soldier.”
X6 looked at Sole 1, then at Sole 2.
Sole 1 immediately collapsed, and Sole whipped their head to look at their companion.
X6 approached them. “I’m a professional Courser, [sir/ma’am]. You don’t have to worry about rouge synths fooling me.”
“Two’s a crowd!” Deacon exclaimed, “Guess it’s time for comedy hour!” He dramatically cleared his throat: “Two Brotherhood of Steel soldiers are sitting in a tank,” he began.
Sole 1 looked interested in the joke, while Sole 2 rolled their eyes.
“One soldier tells the other: BLUB BLUB GLUB BLUB GLUB. The other soldier drowns.”
Sole 1 immediately started laughing while Sole 2 shots daggers at Deacon.
Deacon knew instantly who was whom. He pulled out his gun and aimed at Sole 1, “Sayonara!” He shouted.
Sole 1 braced for impact, but nothing happened. They looked at Deacon.
“I’m just messin with ya,” he began, “As long as you promise not to go screwing up my pal’s reputation, I don’t have any reason to kill you. In fact, you could probably be a valuable member of the Railroad if you wanted to join our cause.”
Sole 1 nodded and Deacon grinned.
“Great! Why don’t you start heading down to the Old North Church then. There should be a secret door and the password is Railroad. Let them know Deacon sent ya.”
As soon as Sole 1 left, Deacon looked at the real Sole with a goofy smiled plastered across his face. “Now back to what we were talkin about before…I know you’re a huge fan of my jokes. Wanna hear another one?”
“Why two human?” Strong asked, scratching his head. “Was only one this morning.”
“That’s because they're a faker.” Sole 1 said, pointing an accusing finger at Sole 2.
“Shut up. No you’re not. I am!” Sole 1 retorted.
“Human fight with clone. Yes. Interesting.” Strong commented, “But Strong want to smash clone.”
The Sole’s were silent for a moment before Strong spoke again.
“Human know this. Who Strong’s favorite au-thor?”
“You don’t read…do you?” Sole 1 asked.
“William Shakespeare.” Sole 2 answered confidently.
“That real human,” Strong said, pointing at Sole 2. “Goodnight, clone,” Strong stated as he bashed the synth with his super sledge.
“Oh my…” Curie mused, looking back and forth between the two Soles, “I…I don’t know who’s who!”
“I’m the real [name]!” Sole 1 pressed, “How can you not tell the two of us apart? We’re best friends”
“[He/She]’s lying!” Sole 2 swore, “I’m the real one!”
Curie frantically looked back and forth between the two Soles when she suddenly had an idea.
“Both of you turn around and lift up your shirt.”
The two Sole’s obeyed and Curie examined their backs. Sole 1’s back was smooth, but covered with a few cuts and bruises. Sole 2’s back was also slightly bruised and cut, but unlike Sole 1, they had a large, stitched up laceration that ran from one rib to the other. It was an injury they had received upon fighting a Mirelurk King with Curie.
She approached Sole 2. “You, you’re the real [name]! I’m so glad I was able to tell.” She then looked at Sole 1. “It must be fun looking like one of the most fascinating people in the Commonwealth.” Curie remarked. “But we can’t have you running around and pretending to be [name]. I’m so sorry…”
“Wait,” Sole 1 pled, “I won’t cause any problems. You have my word.”
Curie smiled. “Well, I’m glad! If you promise you won’t do evil, you are free to go!”
Sole 1 thanked Curie and Sole for sparing them as they rushed away.
“I am one confused sea cucumber right now,” Longfellow stated, scratching his head, “I’m too old for this shit. Dammit, [name], why would you do this to a senile old man?”
The two Sole’s stared at Longfellow.
“Only one way to find out who the real deal is,” Longfellow pulled a fiddle out from seemingly nowhere and began to sing:
“Oooooh-! What you’re gonna do with a drunken sailor?
What you’re gonna do with a drunken sailor?
What you’re gonna do with a drunken sailor…?”
Sole one raised an eyebrow while Sole 2 beamed.
“Early in the morning!” The latter finished.
Longfellow smiled and shot the synth Sole to the ground. He then approached his real companion.
“I know that’s your favorite sea shanty, [lad/lassy]!” He exclaimed, “My pleasure to have rid the world of your evil clone.”
“The two of you look identical. It’s going to be hard to tell who the imposter is, but I have an idea.” Ada declared. She suddenly lit up and projected an image onto the ground. It appeared to be an empty checkbox with the words I am not a robot written next to it.
“This high-tech projection is touch-sensitive,” Ada explained, “So who is going to try to check the box first?”
Sole 1 stepped forward. They tapped the box with their foot and nothing happened. They then tried again with their hand. They then stomped on it, and jumped on it. The box would not check.
“This stupid thing isn’t a touch screen!” Sole 1 complained, “Don’t lie!”
Just then Sole 2 stepped up. They lightly tapped the box and a check appeared.
“That answers our question, then.” Ada declared. “It looks like she is the real human being. I am sorry.”
Sole 1 slumped a bit, “Now what?”
Ada thought for a moment. “Well, I think I know someone who could use some company. Her name is Isabel Cruz. She should be located at the Robotics Technology Facility in East Boston.”
“Thank you,” Sole 1 stated, as they turned and ran away.
“Oh bother…” Codsworth mumbled, looking back and forth between the two Soles, “you both look completely identical.”
“It’s me, I’m the real [name]!” Sole 1 shouted.
“No, I am!” Sole 2 hollered back.
The two continued to bicker until Codsworth spoke again, “Only the real [name] would know the answer to this question!”
The two Soles perked up.
“What name did the [hubby/wife] insist on giving me before you settled on Codsworth?”
Sole 2 immediately answered, rolling her eyes at the memory “Mr. BB-8 But Floating and British.”
“Correct!” Codsworth cheered. He then turned to Sole 1. “I’m not going to harm you, [sir/ma’am] so long as you do not cause any trouble in [name]’s body.
The synth hastily nodded and ran away.
Codsworth then floated over to the real Sole. “You know, I never really did have the chance to properly thank you for changing my…unique name,” he stayed, shuttering, “So thank you. I am very grateful.”
#fallout 4#fallout#fo4#danse#paladin danse#deacon#hancock#maccready#piper#curie#ada#strong#codsworth#longfellow#gage#porter gage#nick valentine#x6#x6 88#synth#react
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When you live in the truth of the art everything falls into to place easily. My mind’s eye saw the cover art for this project before the song was even done. Super grateful for this woman who has always come through and showed out EVERY TIME we’ve worked together. Professional, punctual and easy going, a perfect recipe for perfection. Muse: @im.theonlykay Song: “Hue” by @officialjohnbrooks featuring @officialjvoice510 and @tembu . . . #blessed #grateful #steadfastermedia #hue #johnbrooks #jvoice #tembu #creativeboutique #photography #videography #sony #4k #sfmlux #luts #colorgrade #color #art #camera #creative #boutique #bayarea #california #love #joy https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ92UNoJIyF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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"I would love that. Best time to walk the beach is late at night or early in the morning at sunrise. Not a soul in sight, just you and the wind and the waves. Most peaceful place to be." Horatio muses as they walk up to the restaurant together.
"Lt. Caine, great to see you again. It's been a while. Your table on the terrace is ready. Right this way." The hostess says. Horatio gives a smile and nods. "Thank you very much. Feels good to be back." They are lead upstairs and to a balcony table that over looked the beach and water. "Isn't that beautiful?" Horatio looks lut and smiles.
The Detective and the CSI
“Well let’s see…” He says in his deep, yet kind voice. “I love the beach and I used to surf a long time ago, but now I stay far too busy. But every now and then, I do take walks down by the water. It’s peaceful. I’m no good with plants, don’t have any pets, and no kids of my own. I have a niece and nephew though.”
The restaurant wasn’t far. Horatio picked a nice location that was near the beach, and it was appropriate for a first date. Nothing too fancy. Very chill. He pulls up into the parking lot. “Here we are. This is a nice little tropical type of restaurant. No allergies, right? Like shellfish or seafood? Should’ve asked that before we got here.”
Emilee smiles at hearing he loved the beach. Ever since she moved to Miami the beach across from her apartment complex had been her saving grace many a night, especially after a rough case. There was nothing a long walk on the beach wouldn’t fix, she had learned that. “I love kids…I’d love to meet your niece and Nephew when the time is right.” she says as she shoots him another warm smile from the passenger seat. The way the sun was illuminating her from behind..it was like this moment was meant to be, picture perfect. She chuckles when he got a worried tone about her potential allergies. “Oh no nothing like that. I grew up on shellfish and seafood.” she says softly, watching him just drive. She was taking the little things in, how he gripped the wheel, his watch..his cologne..things like that. She was shocked when he pulled into the place, it was so quaint. Nothing like the Downtown Miami eateries. “I…I am impressed I would have never found this place by myself.” she muses as she opens the door to the Hummer for herself, stepping out carefully. She was independent. “No allergies..I grew up on seafood.” she tells him, reassuring him with a small smirk, hooking her arm through his. “Perhaps after dinner we can take a walk on the beach?”
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