#Lunen changes with the phases of the moon hence the differing appearance
whelpimnauthuman · 24 days
🔮 🎊📜 pick whichever you want to answer (if you are still doing the ask game, sorry if not)
Ahhh!! Yes, I am still doing this! (Also, I'm answering all of them. Because I want to)
(From my Wolvden Ask game!)
📜 Is there a naming system?
More or less? I use nature names, but if one of the parents is from another Pack that had a naming system I try and integrate that in! (For example, one of my friends that I trade with often uses Romanian names, so wolves I get from them tend to also have Romanian names, and when those wolves have pups I like to give some of them Romanian names as well! Just as a family thing)
🎊 Any interesting customs, celebrations, or ceremonies?
I can think of three:
For reference, the Sheer Cliffs Pack lives in a very mountainous territory. There is some forest, yes, but the majority is large, maze-like mountains, with steep cliffs that can easily kill any wolf who isn't paying attention. The territory is harsh, and food can be scarce in the winter - the Pack has just recently survived a harsh famine. As such, pups are forbidden during winter; it's seen as selfish on the parents' end to do so when food is hard to come by as is. The pups themselves are never punished (it's not their fault their parents broke the rules), but their parents will be fed last, and it's not uncommon for the father to be almost constantly out of camp hunting. If this does affect the pups... Well, the parents knew the risk. (While the pups may be seen as a hardship, those that survive are known for their durability, able to survive the hardest of elements)
The Pack has three main ranks* that a young wolf can train as- Hunter, Scout, and Fighter - and while all ranks receive relatively the same training, each excels in something. Starting at a year old, a wolf is able to finish their training and become a full adult by finishing something called a Trial
Hunters, being the Pack's main food providers, must be able to complete a hunt successfully. This includes not only a solitary hunt, but also a hunt with their future hunting team - Team Hunts obviously take longer, as the Team needs time to get used to each other, and it's seen as a time of great celebration when a Team brings down their first kill together.
Fighters mostly defend the Pack, and their Trial is... Probably the most difficult. Wolves training to be fighters must successfully defend the Pack in a fight, normally from a battle of some sort. However, if times are peaceful... Well, fights aren't always guaranteed, so, if a Fighter-in-training has reached 2 years old, and has yet to have their trial, they will be approached by an older fighter and have to prove their strength against them. This was put into place to help prevent younger wolves from seeking fights to prove themselves - whether they could win them or not.
Scouts are kind of a combination of the other two roles; they hunt and fight, as well as patrol and expand borders. In an attempt to teach the young wolf the territory, the Scout-trainee is sent out into the territory, and must survive alone for the next 24 hours. During this time, they are expected to mark and defend the borders, find new land, or make their way through the maze-like Winding Canyons by themselves. An experienced Scout does follow to keep track of where the trainee goes and what they are doing, and the trainee can decide to do multiple at once, so long as at least one is done and they return to camp safely the next day, they pass.
There are also trials for outsider wolves (mostly consisting of surviving the territory and actually making it to the camp), as well as Healers and Pupsitters.
*These are the "main" ranks. There are more - Second-in-Command, Heir, Healer, etc - these are just the ones that mostly make up the Pack.
The final ritual is perhaps the most somber. When a wolf dies, the Pack must howl for them, as it is believed that, if they don't, Lunen, the Moon deity who leads wolves to the dead, will be unable to find them, and their spirit will wander the mountains forever.
🔮 Are there any higher powers/supernatural beings? Any kind of gods, religion, etc?
I have a lot of old life I need to re-write at some point. The basics are "The Pack mainly believes in two God-Wolves that control the Sun and Moon respectively, as well as their own respective seasons, causing the seasons to be associated with their respective God and vice-versa."
Also the gods change depending on beliefs; if one wolf believes the God of Death (for example) is a terrifying beast to drag you to the afterlife, that's how they'll appear to you, but if you see it as something gentle and welcoming, that's what you'll get. Gods are just. Vague and built on belief, basically. (Kinda "gods fade/die with time" but instead of dying they change? Or like. Zeus vs Thor, both exist, just different)
Uhh, there are more/other gods, those are just. The main two/only two I really feel like. Fully creating rn.
ANYWAYS if you want the long (and somewhat outdated) version, it's under the read more!
The Pack (mainly) believes in two God-Wolves, Solaris and Lunen, who rule the heavens together. Solaris is a large male wolf who takes the form of the sun, Lunen's gender changes and takes the form of the moon. Stories of the two are mostly vague, beyond the fact that they rule their Pack (therefore the World) together, causing night and day, as well as the seasons.
Solaris is known to be a constant: he rises daily, gives the world life, watches over his creations, and rests. Lunen, however, is a bit more adventurous. Depending on one’s beliefs, it could be that they’re curious of the creatures they don’t get to see (living, at least, since Lunen is the one who guides the dead to the afterlife), or it could be they’re just bored. It may also be they’re sneaking off to visit Solaris. Whatever the reason, Lunen is known to “sneak off” from time to time and adventure the world, only to return later.
There are stories of what Lunen looks like, however, they all vary as much as anything else when it comes to the gods: some say a white wolf with black or gray splotches, some say a dark black, almost blue, wolf with white. Stories even differ on them being male or female. However, all report similar splotches along the wolf’s face and tail, and the same similar pale white eyes…
As Lunen guide’s wolves’ spirits to the afterlife, they’re seen as very important to the Sheer Cliff’s Pack. The winds that howl through the cliffs are said to be spirits that Lunen forgot, or, perhaps, Lunen themself passing by, delivering a message… Because of this, it’s believed Lunen loves music, and that, if a wolf dies, the Pack must howl for them, so Lunen can find them, or the wolf’s Spirit will be lost.
The Seasons
Winter Death, Hardship, Strength (From Overcoming Trials)
Spring Rebirth, Energy, Life, The Possibility for New Beginnings
Summer Relaxation, Enjoyment of Time and What One Has, Memory to not “Go Soft” and take things for granted.
Fall: Change, Death for renewal, Sacrifice for the greater good
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