#Lunar witch
2000s-angell · 16 days
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nocturnalbatt · 3 months
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wandoffire · 10 months
Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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lunar-witches · 1 year
🌟 Types of Divination 🌟
🃏 Tarot Reading: Ah, the classic! Shuffle those cards, lay 'em out, and let the symbols tell your story. It's like a psychic storytime with beautifully illustrated cards.
🔮 Crystal Ball Gazing: Channel your inner fortune teller and gaze into the shimmering depths of a crystal ball. See visions, symbols, or just a really fancy paperweight – your call!
☕ Tea Leaf Reading: Sip your cuppa, but don't toss those leaves! The way they settle in your cup can unveil the mysteries of the universe. Get ready to decipher some leafy hieroglyphics.
🖐️ Palmistry (Chiromancy): Study the lines, mounts, and shapes on your palm. Each crease tells a story about your life path, personality, and potential. It's like reading a roadmap to your destiny right on your hand!
🕊️ Feather Divination: Feathers are more than just fashionable accessories for birds! They can carry messages from the spirit world. Find one, meditate on it, and decode its wisdom.
🌀 Runes Casting: Norse warriors used them, and now you can too! Grab some ancient runestones, cast them, and let the runic symbols weave tales of your destiny.
🕯️ Candle Scrying: Light a candle, focus on the flame, and let your visions come to life within the flickering glow.
🌿 Pendulum Magic: Swing that pendulum and ask it some yes-or-no questions. Allow the pendulum to swing freely and always keep your hand still to allow the energy to truly answer you questions.
🌗 Numerology: Numbers, man! They're everywhere, and they've got a lot to say. Discover your life path, destiny, and soul numbers.
🔍 Scrying Mirrors: Stare into the abyss... or, well, a special mirror! Gaze deep, and let the answers reveal themselves.
🌊 Water Scrying: Gaze into the reflective surface of water – be it a pond, a lake, or even a scrying bowl. Watch as ripples reveal the unseen.
🐚 Shell Divination: Channel your inner mermaid! Listen to the whispers of seashells and let them reveal their secrets. You can also collect a handful of different shells and cast them. Their placement, pattern, etc, can reveal important details!
🗝️ Key Casting (Cleidomancy): Gather a collection of old keys, close your eyes, and toss them onto a cloth. The position and arrangement of the keys will unveil symbolic messages or answers to your questions. It's like unlocking the secrets of the cosmos, one key at a time.
🎶 Music Divination (Alectryomancy): Play some tunes and let the lyrics, melodies, or even random song selections speak to you. The songs that resonate can offer messages or insights about your current situation. Let the music be your mystical DJ!
With this ever-growing list of divination methods, you'll have a magical tool for every occasion. Trust your intuition and let your inner seeker explore the mystical world of divination. Happy divining, cosmic explorers! 🔮🌠
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕾𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖍𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙
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New Moon
Appearance: The moon is not visible in the sky.
Duration: Lasts about 1-3 days.
Energy: New beginnings, fresh starts, setting intentions.
Intention Setting: Write down or meditate on your goals and desires for the coming month.
New Projects: Initiate new projects or start new habits.
Cleansing: Perform a cleansing ritual to clear away old energies and make space for the new.
Waxing Crescent
Appearance: A small sliver of the moon begins to appear.
Duration: About 7 days.
Energy: Growth, expansion, gathering energy.
Manifestation Work: Focus on the growth of your intentions and desires.
Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to strengthen your goals.
Action Steps: Take practical steps towards achieving your intentions.
First Quarter
Appearance: Half of the moon is visible.
Duration: About 1-3 days.
Energy: Decisions, challenges, taking action.
Problem-Solving: Address any obstacles that have arisen since the new moon.
Courage Spells: Perform spells to boost confidence and courage.
Reevaluation: Adjust your plans if necessary to stay on track.
Waxing Gibbous
Appearance: More than half but not fully illuminated.
Duration: About 7 days.
Energy: Refinement, patience, and persistence.
Refinement: Fine-tune your goals and work out the details.
Patience Rituals: Practice patience and stay focused on your long-term goals.
Energy Work: Perform rituals to boost your energy and motivation.
Full Moon
Appearance: The moon is fully illuminated.
Duration: About 3 days.
Energy: Completion, celebration, illumination.
Manifestation Rituals: Perform powerful rituals to manifest your intentions.
Gratitude Practices: Celebrate your achievements and express gratitude.
Divination: Use tools like tarot cards or pendulums to gain insight and clarity.
Waning Gibbous
Appearance: More than half but decreasing in illumination.
Duration: About 7 days.
Energy: Reflection, gratitude, sharing knowledge.
Reflection: Reflect on what has been accomplished and learned.
Sharing: Share your knowledge and experiences with others.
Gratitude Rituals: Focus on giving thanks for what you have received.
Last Quarter
Appearance: Half of the moon is visible again, but decreasing.
Duration: About 1-3 days.
Energy: Release, letting go, forgiveness.
Release Rituals: Let go of anything that no longer serves you.
Forgiveness Practices: Practice forgiveness for yourself and others.
Decluttering: Clear out physical and emotional clutter.
Waning Crescent
Appearance: A small sliver of the moon is visible before disappearing.
Duration: About 7 days.
Energy: Rest, recuperation, introspection.
Rest and Recuperation: Take time to rest and recharge.
Introspection: Reflect on your inner self and spiritual journey.
Dream Work: Pay attention to your dreams and subconscious messages.
Additional Tips for Baby Witches:
Moon Journaling: Keep a journal to track your activities and feelings during each moon phase.
Crystal Charging: Use the full moon to charge your crystals by placing them under moonlight.
Moon Water: Create moon water by leaving a container of water under the moonlight to absorb its energy, especially during the full moon.
This chart provides a basic framework for how you can align their practices with the moon phases. As you grow in your practice, you may find additional or alternative activities that resonate more with your personal path.
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oracle-fae · 2 years
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satanasvincit · 5 months
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Moonstruck - Apollonia Saintclair
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daportalpractitioner · 3 months
performing magick with in sync with your cycle
bleed phase: protection, banishing
follicular: uncrossing+road opener, prosperity
ovulation: glamour, love, sex
luteal: healing, cord cuttings
there are so many different kinds of spells + rituals that you can perform, but these are very common + beginner friendly!
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thesensteawitch · 2 months
~This Is What They Would Tell You!
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left To Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea Souls!💖
I hope you're doing well. Here's a collective reading about what a poet would tell you if you were their muse! ✨
In case you would like to BOOK A READING with me then I am sharing the links below for the same.
You can also DM me in case of any query.🫶🏻
Pile 1
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You have so many sides to you, and yet you hold space for more. I am directionless. Where should I lead this poem about you? Or where are you leading me? There’s so much to you that I want to express, but I fear I’ll end up looking like a fool. You’re like the universe—mesmerizing, intriguing, and frightening, with layers and layers of mysteries. You are divine to me. Being a poet feels like a boon when I look at you. Only fated souls get to write about someone so infinitely charming. I sense the never-ending wisdom you hold. I’d forever be your devotee if you’d let me drink just one drop of what keeps you glowing like you do. You’re sharp, kind, wild, and a dream that only slips away. Where are you looking? What inspiration do you need? Come on! You walk to your own rhythm, your shadows delightfully dancing to your beat. The sound of your steps tells me stories of places you’ve been and people you’ve met. You hold no regret, no grudge—only lessons. You think, reflect, and cry for being mistreated. But when it’s your turn, you choose to destroy the weapons that bruised you so deeply, instead of hurting others with them. The venom couldn’t kill you but made you wise. Following your footprints, I find the earth swallowing the shed skin of your old self. How can I define you when you’re constantly transforming? Every time I think I have finally known you, I find something new revealed. My hands fall short of holding your grace, my mind loses the words to portray it. As I said, you’re sharp—you’ll never let me read you. You take me to the end only to throw me into a new beginning. It’s not your fault; I understand that’s who you truly are. Sometimes, while falling asleep, I wonder who would be so lucky to fall in love with you? Or who would you fall in love with? But then again, I don’t feel you’re deprived of love, because YOU ARE love. I look at you the way others look at stars. Everyone attempts to count them at least once in their lifetime but eventually gives up, knowing it’s an attempt they will fail. But I am not tired; I am taking a break. I would like to admire you for now, knowing that maybe I too will never fully know you, but I’ll keep exploring who you are, just like scientists cannot give up on SPACE! Ah! See, I cracked something! Your lover must be someone like you—infinitely charming and holding mysteries as vast.
Pile 2
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You know what? I am mad at you! Because either you attack or you run away. See? You just revolted back. Or perhaps hid in your closet, knowing that someone knows your little secret. You’re that 22° in astrology. Kill or be killed? You’re neither a prey nor do you need to triumph over someone or something else to keep yourself safe. All I am trying to say is that you’re not meant to just survive; you’re meant to thrive. But hey, I do see your heart. The life around it has withered, and you’re surviving on memories. For how long, may I ask? You’re not a coward; you’re afraid. I heard someone say, “The one who is capable of love is capable of being saved.” At this point, all the love is leaking from the corners of your heart. Make the best use of it, or it’ll go to waste. Life isn’t at the extremes; it’s in the middle. That’s where you find your balance. That’s where you will shine bright. I see you singing to yourself, making stories in your heart but never writing them down for the world to taste. You don’t need to say ‘NO’ to something you want. Openly say what you want and to the person who can give it to you. Don’t keep whispering your wishes into the ears of God. He’s even giving you a side-eye now, haha. You’re the leader! If you don’t take the lead, you’ll never have your pack. Do you get it? Why am I even writing about you? It seems to me that you’re an artist too. You know the depths of your pain better than I do. Gosh, you need a hug! Whoever you’ve lost in this physical world doesn’t like to see those tears rolling down your cheeks. Every time you try to make sense of your emotions, you only make your heart heavier. Love keeps dripping and draining into the river of unexpressed emotions. You’re about to be granted a new life, a restart. But this won’t be handed to you until you decide and do what you’re supposed to do. The pain demands to be felt and yada yada yada! We’ve all watched *The Fault in Our Stars*. But come on, there’s an expiry date to feeling it too. I told you, you’re an extreme case. Pain won’t leave you until you leave it. YOU DESERVE THE WORLD. And I know you don’t believe it, but from where I am seeing, all your wishes are about to come true. You’re just ONE decision away. And I am here watching and waiting for you to make that move. Go where your heart is; that’s where you’re supposed to be. Don’t run away from your destiny. Remember, you’re not the same kid who froze at the point of a horrifying sight and couldn’t do anything about it. You’re grown up now. You can HEAL yourself. You’re not hopeless or helpless. You don’t even need to find your potential; it’s just there, waiting for you to see it and accept it.
Pile 3
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Excuse me, miss/mister? Do you even have time to read what I have to say? You’re too busy figuring things out. Huff! The amount of mental and physical work you do is commendable. Are you waiting for something or someone? I am not surprised to see your spiritual side. What side, huh? You’re SPIRITUAL—IN & OUT! You’re wise, extremely intuitive, and resourceful but haven’t learned how to avoid burnouts. Can something ever be hidden from you? From where I see, it seems you’re new here but not naive. You’ve completed a tough journey filled with passion, rage, excitement, and burnouts (again!). Life has been preparing you for something bigger than your destiny! You’re heavily protected from the forces that don’t want you to be where God is taking you. But we all know who’s more powerful, don’t we? I see you bumping into your past sometimes, but you quickly realize that’s not where you’re supposed to be. The price you would have to pay to return to the same place or people is quite heavy. You don’t feel comfortable in the old stories anymore. You’re grateful but not greedy to go back. I laugh at those who think they can lure you with temptations! Lol! You are ten steps ahead of them. Stay where you are. All this silence around you is a blessing. You’re about to win. You’re meant to win in this lifetime. This is not your first time around. I have seen you somewhere—not here, but in a different lifetime. You’ve lived all those lives to WIN in this one! The smoke of your burned karmas surrounds you. You’ve cleansed! You’re not in the dark; you’re rising from the ashes. I see the wings of a phoenix on your back. YOU’RE THE CREATOR OF YOUR OWN DESTINY. Evidence of your faith and intuition follows you in the forms of birds, butterflies, feathers, and angel numbers. One day, you may share your story, but you know that day is not today. God, you’re mysterious, and all those stories are tattooed on your skin in a language no one can decipher. Your presence is enough for people to turn around, pause, and reflect. You raise the temperature of the room and melt the ice away. People open up to you naturally. Everyone just wants to experience a drop of you. But you’re not easily accessible. Your magic is sacred and can’t be put on sale. You’re magic. The path you’ve walked on shines so bright. That’s how I trace your past life because you leave glitters behind.
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arcane-trail · 1 year
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🔮 Witchy Shop 🔮
Use code "TUMBLR" for a discount
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2000s-angell · 1 month
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Some white witches: "Eclipses are bad dark energy you must never do anything on an eclipse night it's negative vibes horrible things will happen!"
My ancestors: "A lunar eclipse? Oh you mean the giant sky dog that eats the moon for fun. It'll spit it back out when it gets tired of it. Carry on now."
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iridescent-witch-life · 7 months
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2024 Lunar Calendar by Duchess_of_Lore
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yoursghouly · 1 year
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“Lunar Oracle” by Wyld Raven
(Black and White Version)
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lunar-witches · 1 year
Spells To Do For Each Phase of the Moon
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New Moon: Spells related to personal growth, manifestation, abundance, fertility, new relationships, grounding, and stability.
Waxing Crescent: Spells related to success, growth, attraction, communication, and intellect.
First Quarter: Spells related to courage, motivation, breaking bad habits, passion, and creativity.
Waxing Gibbous: Spells related to balance, organization, completion, emotional healing, and intuition.
Full Moon: Spells related to love, intuition, psychic abilities, abundance, protection, releasing negative energy, and grounding.
Waning Gibbous: Spells related to banishing, breaking bad habits, releasing negative energy, and communication.
Last Quarter: Spells related to endings, closure, forgiveness, passion, and creativity.
Waning Crescent: Spells related to rest, renewal, dream work, divination, emotional healing, and intuition.
My Ko-Fi
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