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kcuf-ad · 2 years ago
The best types of ships are when the only thought process for a guy is "Man... I love my wife."
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kalolasfantasyworld · 10 months ago
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Secre's watching you 💛💙
With all the LumiNero talk lately I got inspired ^^
Mellon_soup pose reference
9th of #KaLola BC Ships Art Series
@meircury I'm a big fan of your art and since I drew you favorite ship I thought you might want to see 💕
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cyroverr · 6 months ago
BC's Rarepair Week! @bceventshub
Today is Lumiere's last day, and he's going to leave the world a happy prince. (For Secre's sake).
Luminero, first day, prompts: meeting/angst, 1k, no warning.
september hates me but it can't stop me from writing something for the doomed couple and their heartbreaking story.
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just-a-little-fan-1793 · 1 month ago
Lumière: This is for you, for Valentine's Day!
Nero: A music box with a ballerina wearing a black tutu?
Lumière: I made it myself and it reminded me how amazing you are.
Nero: ... I guess its sweet, my Prince.
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vilandel · 1 year ago
Lumière and Nero forcthe ship ask 😘
Hello Little Fan!
Lumière x Nero/Secre... Makes Sense, compels me 🤩 No surprise here, I suppose. But it is one of my favorite Black Clover ships (kinda wish I could write them more often...). Their story is really tragic, because of how it ended and you can really see how much they care for each other. I kinda wished that Lumière could have survived or that at least Nero could have said "I love you" to him. He certainly would have said "I love you too", (don't try to change my mind 👉👈).
Also, those two were inspired by one of my absolute favorite children tales, one I read I lot when I was a child. The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde. Tabata said it himself:
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Volume 28 if I remember correctly
Imagine my happy surprise when I realized that one of my favorite children books inspired two characters in my favorite manga/anime 🤩♣️
It honestly made love Lumière and Nero even more 🥰
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the-black-bulls · 1 year ago
My fav ship aka LumiNero!! and since you ask for crack ship… I am gauche adlai crack ships believer so * twirls hair * zora x gauche? 😳
send in ships to get these classifications
oooh hey there, thanks for the ask! :D
happy prince ship!
does it make sense? duh!
does it compel me? duh!
lumiere's farewell made me tear up not because I cared about his ass but because nero was devastated, oh god she was speechless and incapable to voice her feelings and instead told him that she'd go with him - this is why I have a very hard time shipping nero with any other character; nero's heart beats to lumiere and asta is their spiritual child x')
now that we're over the bittersweet ship, tho- LMAO 💀
does it make sense? it does... in a yaminacht way, not a yamichar, or a magnaluck way, not greyche, there's no single romantic bone in this one, just an asshole making another asshole's life far worse but by the devils would they get the hots for each other.
does it compel me? sure it does, I remember crackshipping them as a joke ever since zora's reveal as a black bull in the manga, their whole deal sounds hilarious in my head.
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azuvist · 2 years ago
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Happy Halloween!
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gerhard-kanthak · 5 years ago
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La Palma - Barranco del Luminero | Jan 28, 2020
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months ago
LumiNero in ice skating AU!
Winter holidays are approaching and Lumiere got his girlfriend Secre a gift.
Fic for Black Clover Rarepair Week 2024 and a Part of the Black Clover Ice Skating AU
Prompt: modern
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vilandel · 11 months ago
If it's not too late for the Bingo, can I request Lumière x Nero, please?
And another one, thank you Little Fan 💘
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Yep... there is a reason why I have them having a happy ending in any AU I'm going to write for Black Clover. If only...
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kalolasfantasyworld · 11 months ago
Lumière x Nero for the bingo, please?
Hi Anon!
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Unfortunately no bingo. I'm not feral about them, but I do find them really cute and I have an idea for an art for the for the ship series (just need to sit down to it...). I'm sad about how it ended for them, but I honestly don't see Nero with anyone else. They were perfect for each other.
Thanks for asking!
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the-black-bulls · 1 year ago
Hiya Cyro! For the salty ask game; may I ask for 17, 20, and 23 please 🥰?
Salty Ask List
Hiyo Liyra! always one of the first people to send me asks 😆🤝🏻
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
hoo-boy, many things come in mind, if I have more free time and passion I'd have just rewrote the series after the end of the elf arc, some examples:
instead of julius remaining a wk, I'd have made him step down and lose all his political power with someone else declared the next wk after him because, IMO, julius is the reason why clover kingdom is incapable from changing.
instead of having asta go out of his way to prove his innocent to a bunch of shitty people for a crime he never committed so that he remain on their good side... I'd have made him kicked out from the magic knights, fully exiled, and labelled as an outlaw with the bulls which led to their journey across the continet, AND THEN, asta will return to the kingdom protecting it on his own terms because the asta I love should be a free soul like lumiere, not a system slave like julius.
I also have some examples for the manga, like how I'd have made the spade kingdom arc focus only on megicula & dark triad, and how I'd have included a follow up underworld arc that focus on lucifero & the other devils, and how I'd have made the black bulls reach asta in hino to cheer him up out of his depression and explore yami's land.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Luminero! this ship has some of the most wholesome and emotional momemts and I've never seen toxicity from their shippres 💖
23. Unpopular character you love? (first answer)
easy answer is Gauche but let's talk about someone different this time, like the Dark Triad? I'm not sure if they're unpopular but while I'm a huge fan of the elves they're nowhere near as intimidating and intriguing and investable (to me) as those three bastards who show up one day and dogwalk the good guys like it's just another teusday and that was the hypest I've ever been with the series, plus they are siblings, are family, and I think that's cool? I wish tabata did more to them instead of putting them aside to clear the stage for their devils and brother tho.
I should make it clear, however, that the only dark triad that stirs any strong emotions from me on his/her own is dante. I love-hate dante. he's entertaining and full of personailty but he's also a bitchy wet rat who should be beaten down to kiss the ground more <3
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months ago
Hiya Lola! For the ask game, may I ask for 1, 42, and 59 please 🥰!
Hi Lyra!
Thanks for asking! 💕
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Answered here
42.  What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
Answered here
59. Have you participated in any fic events/writing challenges?  If yes, what were they and did you enjoy them?
Yes I participated in the BC rare week challenge and wrote a little one shot for LumiNero in the ice skating AU. The whole AU is a getting out of my comfort zone challenge for me, considering I don’t focus on the Silvas (just Noelle), but I can really see myself getting out there and broadening horizons. 
When it comes to LumiNero they’re both very much alive and are a couple in LPoL, so even during the little moments when I wrote them they started speaking to me. I had an idea for this scene I wrote for the challenge while writing chapter 5 and thought hey since LumiNero are a rare ship I should write it now. 
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vilandel · 1 year ago
For your salty asks, 1, 6, 9 and 20 please? Also, I salute your bravery, dear 🫡
Hi, Acacia, good morning and thank you for your asks 🫡
1 - Which OTPs I just don't in my fandoms? You know, this is actually a good question. There are ships that I don't like romantically, but still respect and understand why the shippers love them. If there are anything, certainly incest and problematic ships, but that is of course normal.
Funny story though, there is a Fairy Tail ship that I didn't get at first, but I came to like under certain circumstances, which only works with them. Jellal x Ultear from Fairy Tail, during their time at the Magic Council. And you know who made me ship it? One of the biggest Jellal x Erza shippers I know! Ironic, isn't it? And only during the council times, during the Crime Sorcière times they are a Brotp for both of us. What interested the Jerza shipper about Jeltear was "what if they have some kind of affair during their time at the Magic Council?". She found that they have that kind of vibe and I have to say, why not? Not only has she wrote interesting stories about them during that time, but it somehow also adds to Jellals guilt to start anything with Erza, because his only relationship he ever had was an affair during his "villain time", during which he and Ultear thought that they controlled the other. We know how it went truly, but still. It makes good stories if you like drama and if you want to try writing a problematic relationship. I understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea, but if anyone is interested about more details why my Jerza shipper friend and myself are liking Jeltear, feel free to ask^^
6 - What fandom made me enjoy a pairing I previously hated? Not hated at first, but in Black Clover it was Asta x Mimosa. I found her crush cute and how she took inspiration from Asta, but I was neutral towards the ship at first. But then the haters came, Mimosta haters and Mimosa haters, and just to understand why, I got interested in the ship and then I was... excuse me? There is nothing wrong with this ship (and with Mimosa in general), so the haters are one of the reasons why I started to like this ship. I prefer Astelle of course, but Mimosta is a cute ship too. And to be fair, never forget that there are many characters in Black Clover who would get angry at any kind of Mimosa bashing.
9 - Most disliked characters? Dante, Vanica, Zagred, Lucius for sure. Oh, I LOVE to hate them and I love them as villains, but I would never love them for their personalities and actions, that is for sure. Also, king Augustus, obviously. When I write him, I always have the feeling that if I want to punch him while writing, I got his character perfectly. Ledior and Lillian Vaude as well, heck why I made Langris cut ties with them too and give the brother's children not the Vaude names. As for other fandoms... There are many villains, that I love as villains but hate as the people they are. So any villain for the sake of being evil, probably. Like Shiro in Assassination Classroom or some villains in Fairy Tail, like Brain for example. I'm otherwise very open about characters and I love most in any fandom I am, but of course I have some characters I don't like.
20 - Purest ship in any fandom? I don't know what is meant with purest, so I go with the ships that are the most innocent for me, I guess. Astelle, Mimosta, Mars x Fana, FinFin and Luminero in Black Clover, Chendy and Loke x Aries in Fairy Tail, Deku x Uraraka, Kamijirou, Kirimina and my a lot of ships in Assassination Classroom, like Meg x Isogai or the Chiba x Hayami. I probably forgot some^^'
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the-black-bulls · 2 years ago
astelle or luminero!
(send me two ships or friendships and I'll pick one)
Asta x Noelle vs. Lumiere x Secre
I'm neutral with both ships but I'll go with luminero because of their bittersweet conclusion.
HCs bonus:
Asta x Noelle:
they're the kind of couples who'll do morning workouts together, mostly asta doing the heavy lifting as noelle sits on his back and read the newspaper for him.
watch them bicker like an old couple about trivial things.
if they ever had kids, I see them with one biological child and lots of adopted children (one of them is a devil like liebe), they also live a simple life in hage and asta does not take the silva name, thank you very much.
Lumiere x Secre:
their favorite time of the day is the lazy morning, with fresh minds and hot drinks and a lot of possibilities to start their day.
lumiere had a personal sketchbook where he drew his most private and treasured ideas, from magic tools to clothing concepts, but a good part of it had multiple sketches for secre, and she was pleased to have it back 500 years later.
while there's no future for them, nero likes to see asta as her and lumiere's spiritual child.
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