#Luke Evans barefoot
prgayfootluvr77 · 1 year
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Luke Evans
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4 F's of February
Feast: Lyrics
A lot of song lyrics from very romantic songs. And a lot of country music because... old southern values means a lot of food talk in the lifetime story... Anyway, enjoy and write responsibly.
"I keep on hopin' we'll get cake by the ocean." Cake by the Ocean by DNCE
"And a little bit of chicken fried." Chicken Fried by Darius Rucker
"Sugar, oh honey honey." Sugar Sugar by Dylan Delato
"All you gotta do is put a drink in my hand." Drink in my Hand by Eric Church
"Pour some sugar on me." Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard
"Tequila makes her clothes fall off." Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Joe Nichols
"Sugar pie, honey bunch." I Can't Help Myself by The Four Tops
"A caramel-colored sunset sky." Watching Airplanes by Gary Allan
"She's my cherry pie!" Cherry Pie by Warrant
"Big straw hat, banana drink." Key Lime Pie by Kenny Chesney
"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts." I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts by Danny Kane
"Caramel kisses you send my way." Caramel Kisses by Faith Evans
"Have some chicken and some baked beans." That's What I Love About Sunday by Craig Morgan
"Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth." Song of the South by Alabama
"Life is just a bowl of cherries." Cheeseburger in Paradise by Jimmy Buffet
"Made from the biggest watermelons on the vine." Watermelon Crawl by Tracy Byrd
"And I'm eating rice and pintos." Do You Want Fries With That? by Tim McGraw
"You be my glass of wine, I'll be your shot of whiskey." Honey Bee by Blake Shelton
"Watch my corn pop up in rows." Where the Green Grass Grows by Tim McGraw
"Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey." Rain is a Good Thing by Luke Bryan
"And he said, 'Honey, you oughta know." All-American Girl by Carrie Underwood
"Her ruby red lips was sippin' on sweet tea." Barefoot Blue Jean Night by Jake Owen
"What a field looks like full of corn and cotton." Take a Back Road by Rodney Atkins
"Just a spoon full of sugar make it better real quick." Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland
"Fallin' on deaf ears of corn." International Harvester by Craig Morgan
"Is a double shot of Crown." Bartender by Lady A
"For barbeques, tailgates, fairs and festivals." Red Solo Cup by Toby Keith
"You're as sweet as strawberry wine." Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton
And a few extra lyrics to swap out during the month.
"Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack." Tik Tok by Ke$ha
"Baby look like a candy." Candy by Mingo (feat. Chloe
"O my darling, sugar" Dear Ariaella by Blessed Branco
"Could you hand me some sugar?" Sugar by Way Too Fast Zombies
"I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart." Bubblegum B*tch by Marina
Buy me a Kofi?
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writingontheclouds · 4 years
can't help falling in love (with you)
For full-goosebumps-on-my-arm-giddy-feeling, play Kina Grannis' ‘Can’t help falling in love with you’ (also featured in Crazy Rich Asians) in the background.
You can thank me later.
Read it on AO3 here.
There were many times that Lily Evans thought she loved James Potter. She wanted to say it, to speak it out and let it be known, so the truth was finally out there in the universe for eternity to come.
It did not, however, start like an epiphany.
Although she will admit, when the first time the thought crossed her mind, it terrified her and her heart almost stopped. It was a cold December night, one of many that brutal winter, so it could have easily been hypothermia, she argued in her mind.
Lily was snuggled up in two blankets, sitting by the fire in the common room after hours, struggling to finish her essay that was due tomorrow and trying to not keep snotting all over it. Professor McGonagall had been kind enough to grant her a much-needed extension, as she battled a bad case of flu, but the work still needed to be done. This essay, this particular gruesome monster of an essay, that was making less sense as she prattled on trying to string comprehensible sentences, was finally due tomorrow. She had tried to bite her pride and let Marlene help her, the girl even offered to write it for her as Lily did not seem to be getting better and refused to stay in the Hospital Wing for longer than 10 minutes, but she had not relented. Even under the weather, she had a morality that didn’t let her do that.
Standon’s hypothesis for transfiguration is a law that describes transfiguration for objects that don’t move to objects that can move to help wizards. She stared at the sentence. She did have the morality but lacked the mental capacity to write English, apparently. She closed her eyes, leaned back on the sofa as another sneeze rattled her body and she rubbed her nose for the hundredth time that evening. It felt like she had rubbed sandpaper all over it, it hurt to even touch now.
She was about to crush the parchment in front of her into a ball and throw it in the fire when the door of the common room opened and she heard two hushed voices. She immediately threw the blankets over her head and tried to sink into the sofa and be as still as humanly possible, so the passerby's thought she was somehow a part of the sofa. She did not want anyone seeing her this way, red-nosed, hair resembling a bird’s nest and prominent dark circles under her eyes.
The voices stopped and there was an eerie silence in the common room. Lily, with her eyes, shut as tightly as possible as if it will somehow make her invisible, counted to 30 and slowly peeked out between her blankets.
James Potter and Remus Lupin were standing in front of her with bemused expressions on their faces. Lily did not think that her face could have turned redder, but apparently, it could. And she did.
“Lily?” Remus said, his head tilting sideways. “You alright?”
“Hi,” She managed to croak, after a beat and cleared her throat. Her throat felt sore.
“Merlin’s pants, Lily, are you okay? You looked like your face took a hit by a bludger,” James asked, shock coloring his face, then concern.
“Yeah yeah, I’m okay, just a little poorly,” She said, waving her hand and shaking it off. “Where have you boys been?” She managed to croak and tried to change the subject.
“Just out and about,” Remus answered, and Lily knew that was all the detail she was going to get about their shenanigans. She would probably experience it in person in a couple of days. She bet it involved some kind of an explosion in a very public setting.
“What time is it?” Lily asked, suddenly realizing it should be really late into the night now.
“Half three, I think.”
“Bugger!” She cursed and sat up straight, the blankets rolling over off her head and settling on her shoulder as she set about rearranging her books and ink pots and parchment, as if this might somehow give her the motivation to finish this assignment.
“Do you need help, Evans?” James asked, as he stepped closer and read the topic on her parchment.
“No, no, you boys go ahead with your scheming,” She said, waving them off as she rubbed her eyes to clear them and fought back a yawn. She then sneezed again so violently that Remus jumped. Lily had noticed that he got jumpier the closer it got to a full moon night, which was now just 2 days away.
“Sorry, Remus,” She said as she rubbed her nose again and tried to blow into a tissue.
“Let us help you, Lily. You’re ill, you should be in the Hospital Wing,” Remus said, as he tried to come closer.
“No! No, Remus, stay there, I don’t want you to catch my germs and become ill. You already look dead on your feet.” She said, stopping him right in his tracks. The last thing the boy needed was to be sick on Full Moon.
“You head up, Moony, and get some sleep,” James insisted. “I’m here,” He said with such an assurance that neither Lily nor Remus thought to argue with that.
She sat on the couch and he sat across the table on the floor, crossed legged, opening books, explaining topics, and bookmarking all the important points she needed to cover. There were theories to cover, limitations to write, methods to jot down and conclusions to be drawn. He didn’t offer to write it for her, or dictate her the answers point-blank. In some funny twist of fate, he knew what she needed at that exact moment and Lily was grateful. James also somehow brought a cheese toast and a hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows floating in it that smelled divine, even to her congested nose.
“Where’d you get these?” She asked as he tried to pass her the hot chocolate. She pulled on the sleeves of her chunky sweater as she held the mug, relishing the warmth it brought to her hands.
“I have ways,” James replied, as he bit into his own cheese toastie.
“James Potter, ever cryptic,” she said, and he just chuckled.
At one point in the morning, James had migrated to the couch and was perched beside her, books open in his lap and pointing to the diagrams as he explained another complication of the theory, his hands moving animatedly alongside as he talked on. Lily gazed at him as he continued, the rotten transfiguration theory long tuned out, as she watched the fire reflected in his glasses, his unruly hair pointing in all directions, and his sharp jawline showing a hint of facial hair. He looked beautiful, she thought, almost dream-like.
“Evans, are you writing this down?” Bright hazel eyes snapped at her and broke her out of her reverie and she startled and tried to concentrate again on Standon’s hypothesis. She felt disgusted with herself; when did she become so lovesick? She could have sworn she saw a hint of a smirk on his face, but she didn’t dare look up to confirm.
Did it mean- no, of course, it didn’t. She didn’t lo-. No, just no. It’s not possible. She shook her head violently, ignoring the weird look James was probably throwing her and finally resumed writing, thinking that it was probably this flu that was messing with her brain.
She came in to find and congratulate Marlene, that’s her cover story, she told herself. Really, she’s her best friend, who’d doubt her?
Marlene had caught a bad bludger to her leg during the match. In fact, almost everyone on the Gryffindor team had. The Ravenclaw beaters, Bill and Luke, had been completely ruthless, both the players attacking and knocking down one Gryffindor player at a time. She had been furious when she saw Marlene's face scrunched up in pain, yelling profanities. Madam Hooch had called a foul, but that had made the two beaters even more relentless.
She had nearly flung herself onto the pitch when the beaters had caught James between them, smirking at him evilly when they sent bludger after bludger at him. He expertly dodged them; James wasn’t Gryffindor’s star chaser for nothing. He literally looked like sex on a stick… well, broom, in this case. But when James saw Bill and Luke flying after Noah who was speeding after the snitch, he had taken the heat himself. The bludger hit on the side of his stomach and then again one directly at his wrist. But James masked his pain as he maneuvered his broom with one hand, desperately trying to block the beaters path, while Noah successfully caught the snitch. The ground seemed to erupt in a flurry of red and gold as the whole of Gryffindor came spilling onto the pitch.
Lily wanted to congratulate him, he was responsible for most of the points Gryffindor made today. But she couldn’t get through the crowd of people surrounding the team. She didn’t even see Marlene in the crowd before the team disappeared back into the changing rooms. She’d already walked halfway back to the castle with Alice and Dorcas when she realized she should have made sure Marlene was okay. But when she couldn’t find her in the women’s changing room, she had contemplated trying the men’s. Not that Marlene would be there, but James might be.
Now that she saw he was barefoot, wearing his quidditch trousers and water dripping down from his hair, she realized she might not have thought this through. He must have just come out of the shower. But that’s not why she’s dumbfounded, unable to draw her eyes away from the sight in front of her.
He was shirtless. Merlin help her, a shirtless James Potter was standing in front of her, wrapping a white bandage around his left wrist. When he finally noticed someone in the doorway, he squinted, trying to see without his glasses. “Lily?"
“Hi James,” She said, nervously as she takes him all in. He promptly put on his glasses which were lying on top of his pile of clothes.
“Hey!” He said all smiles as he continued with the bandage. As if having a blushing female gaze at him shirtless was a regular occurrence. She could see the nasty bruise starting to blossom as he wrapped the bandage expertly, covering half of his palm and his wrist. The sight was somehow so bewitching. When she regained her composure, she realized that he was looking at her expectantly. Merlin’s pants, what did he say?
“Uhmm.. what?” She managed to stammer. Her mouth felt unnaturally dry.
“I asked what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the common room celebrating?”
“Shouldn’t you?” She countered, completely forgetting she came in here for Marlene.
“We took quite a hit today. I just wanted to be alone for a bit.”
“But we won.”
“Yeah, but I need to change my strategy to defend ruthless buggers like Bill and Luke. Thought I’ll think about it while it was still fresh in my mind."
“Oh.” She said, mentally screaming at James to just put on a damn shirt so she can stop looking so confounded.
“That looks like a nasty one,” She added, motioning to another bruise that was starting to blossom on the left side of his abdomen.
“Eh, I’ve had worse.” He said, shrugging it away and sitting down now to put on some socks and shoes.
“I know, last year right?”
“I’m surprised you remember,” He said, looking up at her, eyes lighting up.
“The whole of Gryffindor probably does. You gave us all multiple cardiac arrests.” She said remembering the brutal match with Slytherin last year where a bad blunger caught James smack in the middle of his chest, knocking him off his broom and falling straight to the ground. He suffered from a broken arm, multiple broken ribs, and bruises and cuts covering every inch of visible skin. Even Madam Pomfrey was worried he might not make it, but somehow James had pulled through, waking up 6 days later while complaining about the bricks for pillows they had in the hospital wing that smelled like Sirius’ feet.
He blushed and got up, picking up a towel and running it through his hair. Merlin, he was trying to give her a cardiac arrest again, she was absolutely positive about it. But looking at him at that moment, she thought about warm summer mornings and that she wouldn't mind waking up to him coming fresh out of a shower like this. She blushed at the thought and felt her cheeks growing warmer, as her mind took an unexpected sexual turn.
His bandage had come undone, and he was fiddling with it again. Lily walked towards him, trying to look unperturbed by his shiftlessness. It was really unbecoming of a witch, and she was trying with all her might to ignore it now, while she said, “Here, let me.”
Without waiting for his reply, she took his bandaged hand and started to wrap it properly. She was so close to him that she could feel the heat radiating off of him and smell his shampoo. It smelled of eucalyptus. And mint. It made her swoon. Lily could feel his eyes on her. He was not exactly the king of subtlety, but if he still fancied her, he had kept it to himself lately. Though her hands were trembling with nervous energy, she managed to tie the bandage up securely within minutes.
“There you go,” she said, withdrawing her hands from his, her fingers still tingling from where it had made contact with his skin.
“Uhh.. yeah..” He stammered, looking down at his hand. “Thanks.”
She hums a nod in return.
“Great job today though, captain!” She said, grinning, punching him playfully in the arm, trying to douse the electricity between them.
He returned her grin, blushing again, his bandaged hand automatically reaching out to mess his hair at the back of his head. She realized it’s a nervous gesture, but it came off as so innocent and pure, like a little boy blushing at the thought of his first crush. “Thanks, Lil."
“Now, let’s go back to the castle. You deserve a victory party. Strategize tomorrow.” She said, turning around and walking towards the doorway. She turned back to glance at him, waiting for him to follow.
“Uhh yeah.” He said, picking up his Gryffindor jersey and a jacket, putting it on quickly, and following behind her.
She walked quickly out of the changing rooms and stopped short as she realized it was pouring outside. She really should have brought an umbrella; England’s weather was so unpredictable.
James was unperturbed though, he walked out into the rain, conjuring an umbrella wide enough for two people from his wand, and held out his arm to her.
“C’mon, it’s just rain.” He said, grinning from ear to ear. She grinned back and entangled her arm through his. They walked through the rain together, shoulders rubbing, talking, and giggling.
It was Christmas Eve and she couldn’t sleep. Lily lay awake in her bed staring at the window, tracing the path of the moon in the sky. Across the dormitory, her friends Marlene, Dorcas, Mary, and Jane slept peacefully in their beds, a Christmas stocking hanging from each of their beds. Dorcas was even snoring lightly. Lily scowled at her predicament, feeling jealous of their peace. Then felt terrible about feeling jealous because what kind of a friend was she, really.
This year she wanted to celebrate Christmas, her last Christmas here at Hogwarts with her friends. They’d had a great time; midnight kitchen runs to get hot chocolates now that James and Sirius had shown them the secret entrance to the kitchens, late-night gossip sessions, Witch Weekly’s quizzes that left them in splits, and a few study sessions here and there too but mostly just making the most of the little time they had left at Hogwarts.
She looked at her bedside clock again. It had barely been 20 minutes since she last saw it but it felt like hours. She looked at the new copy of Little Women sitting on her bedside table and got up from her bed. Moving silently, she shrugged on the thickest shrug she could find, put on cozy mismatched socks, and trudged downstairs to the common room, the book hugging to her chest. She scanned the common room, grateful that it was empty but then she spotted someone sitting in the armchair beside the fire, only a mop of messy black hair visible.
“James?” She asked. She could recognize that messy head anywhere. He startled like a deer caught in headlights and looked up at her. She could see the thoughts he was drowning in a second ago ebbing out of his eyes as he came back to the present. “Hey Lil, what are you doing up so late?"
“Couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’ll read,” Lily replied, turning the book around in her hand so he could read the title, plopped down on the couch beside the armchair, and tucked her feet up to get cozy.
“Little Women?” He said, cocking his head to the right to read the title on her book clearly.
“Yes, it’s a family tradition. We read it every Christmas.” Lily exclaimed as a matter-of-fact.
Her mother used to read to them from her own copy of Little Women every Christmas. This tradition had continued, without fail, every year. The last 6 years when she went back home for Christmas, her mum, Petunia, and Lily curled up near the fireplace as she read the story to them. Her mom's voice was made for narration. It was one of Lily’s fondest memories of home, she could just picture the 4 girls running about the house. It was also one of the only few times where Petunia and her would get along anymore, they both knew this time was sacred.
“What’s it about?” He asked, walking up to the couch and sitting next to Lily.
“You don’t know Little Women? It’s a classic! Every kid knows about it.” Lily said jumping, mortified that someone didn’t know about the story. Then she realized wizards are not really exposed to Muggle literature. They were really missing out.
“I kind of grew up on Tales of Beedle the Bard, Quidditch Through The Ages kind of thing.”
“Oh yeah, sorry. I forget sometimes.”
“No worries, what’s it about?” He asked again, plucking the book from Lily’s hand, turning it over, and reading the synopsis on the back.
“It’s a story about 4 sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy and how they grow up after the Civil War in America. It’s about societal expectations, living in poverty, breaking the patriarchy, and all. It’s a classic, in Muggle literature. My mom used to read it to Tuney and me every Christmas by the fire. It’s one of my favorite memories.” She babbled, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Hmm, I’ve never read any Muggle book before. How DO they grow up?” He asks, one eyebrow raised, handing the book back to her.
“Oh no. I don’t give away spoilers. You gotta read it to find out,” Lily said, smirking at him.
“I’m assuming you’ve read this about a thousand times?” James asked, teasing.
“I’ve heard it read a lot of times. Since we were little. I’ve never actually read it myself.”
“Does that count as reading, though? Listening to a book?”
“Of course it does!” Lily exclaimed, offended by the idea.
“I’m only teasing!” James said, surprised by her sudden outburst. “How about I read it to you?” James asked, suddenly.
Lily stopped short. “And why in Merlin would you do that?”
“Dunno. Nowhere else to be, nothing else to do, I suppose.”
Lily chuckled and shook her head, dismissing the idea, knowing he was just teasing her again. She was about to completely ignore his presence now and start reading the book when it suddenly disappeared from her hand.
“Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents” grumbled Jo, lying on the rug.” James enunciated. “I absolutely agree with you, Jo,” James added, before resuming. “It’s so dreadful to be poor!” sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress."
“James..” Lily whispered, putting a hand on his arm to stop him, suddenly unsure of what she was going to say. She just couldn’t fathom that he would that for her. He stopped reading and looked at her.
“You said it’s tradition, right? Can’t have you breaking it.”
“Wouldn’t have pegged you one for traditions.” She said, incredulous, with a small playful smile.
“I’m nothing, if not traditional Evans.” He said shyly and flicked her nose playfully. He cleared his throat and made a big show of returning to his place in the book. “Ah, where were we now?”
“I don’t think it’s fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and the other girls nothing at all,” added little Amy, with an injured sniff. We’ve got Father and Mother, and each other,” said Beth contentedly from her corner."
She looked at him at that moment, and she swears her heart actually swelled. Throwing all caution and boundaries to the wind, and ignoring that growing endearment that she felt for James at that moment, she picked up his arm, putting it around her, and snuggled in so close to his side so there was absolutely no space left. She put her head on his shoulder and tucking her head all the way into the crook of his neck.
James, without breaking his narration, immediately rested his cheek on her head, with his arm resting by her waist the book in between them now, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do. Like it was rehearsed and perfected between them over years.
He read till his throat was sore. Lily doesn’t remember when she fell asleep. It was probably somewhere around when Laurie and Jo went ice-skating, or when they were both somehow more tangled with each other than before. If she was being honest, she had trouble concentrating on what James was saying. His scent was enveloping her, she could feel his heartbeat through the layers of his sweaters. She tried to match her heartbeat to his, to calm herself down, closing her eyes and letting the warmth of James wash all over her.
She wondered when she had started noticing James; when his silhouette became a little more pronounced in her vision and when he started taking up more space in her mind. It was like little bits of knowledge she had added to her mental James bucket. She knew now that he preferred tea over coffee. Apparently, he did not need the caffeine to provide him with energy as he had enough on his own. She also knew he almost never stood still, his legs would be jiggling, or he’d be running his hand through his hair or fiddling with something in his hand. She knew he got little crinkles by his eyes when he smiled and he was absolutely blind without his glasses and he loved to fly on his broom in the rain.
But in her half-asleep haze, she most certainly does remember a sudden silence in the room, an envelope of quiet, then a kiss so gentle on top of her head as if she was made out of glass so delicate that would crack at the smallest touch. In truth, Lily realized suddenly, that she didn’t mind being lovesick. Especially if it was for James Potter.
She remembers hearing James’ voice one last time before sleep beckoned her.
“Merry Christmas, Lily."
She isn’t sure what made her walk all the way to the astronomy tower that particular night. She argued that it was such a beautiful night and she wanted to watch the stars and get some time alone with her thoughts, but it definitely wasn’t because she might find James alone there.
Though when Kyle Sullivan turned up for their nightly rounds instead of James, she was visibly deflated. She had come to relish these walks with him where he would recount stories of his childhood, his mum and dad, and 3 loonies that had become his family (his words, not Lily’s). So when the 6th year Hufflepuff showed up out of his breath, she was confused. James had apparently needed a night off and would owe Kyle one for this, so the Hufflepuff gladly replaced him. Having the Head Boy owe you one was certainly a great incentive.
She refused to believe that she had resorted to sneakily vying information out of Sirius later in the common room, pretending to be angry, when she actually was bummed. Absolutely not. If he was off trying to pull a prank, Lily as a Head Girl was obligated to put a stop to it and give him a week’s worth of detention and eat his ear off about his head duties.
“James likes to sulk at a certain height.” Sirius had chuckled, not taking his eyes off off the game of wizard chess he was playing with Peter. Lily had just hummed nonchalantly and marched back to her dormitory. After the common room had emptied not half an hour later, she had grabbed a shawl and ventured out. She convinced herself that she was on her way to give Potter an earful for staying out of the tower after hours and that he should not abuse his Head Boy position, but all that somehow vanished when she reached the top of the astronomy tower.
He sat with his back towards her, leaning back on his hands behind him and legs dangling off. He didn’t even turn to look who it was. She was not exactly quiet while coming up.
“James?” Lily said quietly, not wanting to break the silence of the night with her voice.
James glanced at his right for a beat, acknowledging her presence, but said nothing. She stood there, a little discouraged by his apathetic reaction and hesitated. There was once a time when he would automatically perk up when she entered the room, his eyes stealing glances at her throughout the day as if he tried to make sure she was real, sometimes. She used to hate that, despised that attention, but now, she found herself missing it. She sure was vain, she thought to herself. It shouldn’t bother her this much.
When he didn’t say anything for a long while, she turned to leave, thinking he truly wanted to be alone when he spoke.
“Can you believe it that tomorrow’s the last match I’ll ever play on these grounds?” He said quietly, head nodding towards the quidditch grounds barely visible in the distance.
She didn’t know what to say, so she stayed silent. Instead, she walked over to him and sat down beside him, legs dangling off the edge just like him. She didn't look at him, just kept her eyes trained on the distant grounds.
“I used to dream about playing for my house team. Just like Mum. She was a beater for the Gryffindor team back in her day.” He continued and Lily finally looked at him. He looked like he was deep in thought, but Lily could spy a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“Feels like I blinked and the 7 years at Hogwarts have come to an end. We’ll leave this place soon, and..” He looked down at his hands, the thumb of his left hand now rubbing the palm of his right hand. There was a ring there, with a faint P scribbled in an elegant scroll. “…and childhood’s over. We’ll have to be adults now. I’ve always thought I’ll be happy to leave Hogwarts, to make something of myself and make a difference with the war that’s going on, but right now…” He sighed, and finally looked at her. “I just want to be a child again.” It came out as a whisper. Lily thought she saw the barest hint of tears in his eyes but he looked down again.
Lily had rarely seen James this way. She’d seen him smiling coyly, grinning proudly as they set off another dung bomb, amused at Sirius, laughing so hard that he fell from the sofa but she’d never seen James Potter sad. Not once in the last 6 years and she’d lived in close proximity with the boy. And right now, she had absolutely no idea what to say to make him feel better. She tried to ignore the ache she felt in her heart seeing him this way, but it was demanding to be felt.
Suddenly, something took over her. Maybe she related to how he felt and dreamed about summer beach vacations in France as a child with her family again, or maybe it was an eagerness to see him smile again, that she slid her hand into his and entwined their fingers. Her thumb ran slowly on the back of his hand, and he looked at her, and she smiled and said “Me too.” When he smiled back, she could hear the beating of her own heart like someone was banging a drum in the background, the vibrations traveling to her very bones as the truth slowly and steadily seeped inside of her, taking over the veins and settled in every nook and cranny of her body.
It was like suddenly, something in the world shifted. Like something old and rusted yet familiar finally sliding into place. And suddenly, she wasn’t sure why she waited so long. She had spent almost a year battling her own feelings, burying them so deep and hoping it would get crushed under the weight of the other things in her life. When she saw glimpses of that love, of the potential of loving someone so deeply, it scared her. Because to love someone that deeply also means to be that vulnerable. She’d lost enough in her life and she didn’t think that she could survive losing James too.
But at this moment, when she was looking at him in the eyes, all she wanted to do was love him. So that’s what she did.
Lily closed the distance between them, stopping only when their lips were a hair’s breadth away from each other. She could smell mint on him, hear his sudden ragged breathing. They stayed like that for a moment, breaths mingling and noses touching and she waited as if asking for his permission. James put one hand on her cheek and pulled her towards himself, their mouths finally colliding.
And it was glorious. Kissing James Potter felt glorious. It felt so natural to be doing so that she wondered why didn’t she do it before. She could have saved herself a lot of sleepless nights and mental arguing that nearly drove her crazy.
When they finally broke apart, James chuckled, blushing, and said, “I was waiting for you to do that..”
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galadrieljones · 6 years
Dragon Age Question Meme
Tagged by @thevikingwoman and @idrelle-miocovani. Thanks!! ^_^
tagging @pikapeppa @a-shakespearean-in-paris @wrenbee @bearly-tolerable @hidinginthehinterlands @ladylike-foxes @sasshole-for-rent @ma-sulevin @princessvicky01 @lyrium-lovesong
01) favorite game of the series?
Inquisition. It was my introduction to the franchise, and I just have a hard time going back to older games and enjoying them the same? I really liked Origins, but the silent protag, despite my love for Skyrim, isn’t really my thing. I’ve never *actually* played all the way through DA2. Don’t shoot me. I just don’t have the time lol.
02) how did you discover Dragon Age?
My husband bought it for me for my birthday one year, on a recommendation from a guy at GameStop. He said, “My wife loves Skyrim. What are some other games she might like?” Inquisition had just come out like six months earlier.
03) how many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve only played through Origins once. I’ve played through Inquisition in its entirety (including Trespasser) 4 times.
04) favorite race to play as?
Hmm. I’ve played most as an elf, but that’s due to Solavellan. I am not really an elf-exclusive kind of lady. My first two PTs were with Trevelyans who romanced Cullen and Sera respectively. In Skyrim, another game with a million race choices, I’ve mostly played as a Nord, with a couple wood elves, too. So, I like elves and humans equal, I’d say.
05) favorite class?
Rogues, archers in particular. This is pretty much always true for me. Though I play Revasan Lavellan as a two-handed warrior with a great big sword and it’s QUITE fun (in Skyrim, my main Nord is a two-handed warrior, too.)
06) do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I have mixed certain things up. I’ve done playthroughs in Inquisition where I let the Wardens stay, playthroughs where I exile them. I’ve also gone with the Templars once, though I mostly choose the Mages because I just like In Hushed Whispers better. I like to mess with the opening world state a little in the Dragon Age Keep, too. But there are certain things I always need to be the same, just because I can’t cope with the other options lol. For example, Morrigan and Warden Matthew Cousland are an OTP for life for me, and it’s canon in my brain forever that Matthew would not do the blood ritual with Morrigan, nor would he allow it to be performed with anyone else, so he died saving the world. But they do have a baby together--Kieran exists. But he is not an old god baby in my universe and never will be.
07) go-to adventuring group?
Solas, Iron Bull, and Dorian with Sene Lavellan; Solas, Cassandra, and Sera for Revasan Lavellan. Sometimes, I’ll mix things up a little with Sene (who I’ve played a LOT) and bring Sera instead of Dorian, or Cole instead of Dorian. Sometimes I’ll bring Cass or Thom instead of Bull. I specialize Sera with daggers, actually, so I can have two kinds of rogues. 
08) which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Overall, probably Sene, since I’ve played her the longest and written about her the most. But I’ve put a lot into Revasan as well. In some ways, I feel I know his code better than Sene’s. 
09) favorite romance?
Solas. But Sera was also lovely.
10) have you read any of the comics/books?.
No. I have “Masked Empire,” but I’ve not read it.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book?
12) favorite DLCs?
Trespasser. I also like Jaws of Hakkon. The Frostback Basin is a super neat setting with a lot of strangeness and beauty. I love the pink.
13) things that annoy you.
Not much? Mostly I get annoyed when parts of the fandom fixate on things that annoy them. That annoys me, because I’m here for the positive vibes, not the negative.
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Ferelden. I think it’s weirder. 
15) templars or mages?
Mages. Honestly both factions have problems  in their leadership as far as I’m concerned, but I tend to choose the mages more often, because the quest is more fun in Inquisition, and I just can’t stand the idea of them being enslaved by some Tevinter fuckface. 
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
I have two universes: one where Sene is Inquisitor, and one where her father Revasan is Inquisitor. They each exist in their respective universes though and are the same people, just in different roles. Sene is with Solas in both.
17) what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Warden Matthew Cousland named his Mabari Good Boy.
18) have you installed any mods?
Console only
19) did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
No. He didn’t want anything to do with the Wardens. He was sort of like the Prince Hal of the Couslands, causing trouble and being ironic and kind of a jerk and a charmer. Morrigan often casts him as having had a bandit’s sensibility but a good heart. He joined the Wardens because after his parents died he was a mess and didn’t know what else to do or where else to go. I picture him as only having been like 24.
20) hawke’s personality?
I kind of just go with classic purple Hawke lol. He’s a little derpy but brave as hell. His plans often go wrong but he’s very good at improvising. He romanced Fenris. His name is simply Garrett. 
21) did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
No lol. I like to use knightly colors though. I always use light, silvery metals and then with accents that fit each character’s personality. Sene’s accent color is always a fiery red. Revasan’s is a cold blue.
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Probably not much. My characters all tend to sort of face forward at all times. Revasan might change things from his wife’s tragic backstory though. He might save her family from the Fifth Blight if he had the chance.
23) do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Plenty lol. I headcanon my Lavellans as land rich farmers who live stationary, wealthy lives and have for three generations. I have robust headcanons for the Dalish in general, mainly that there is a robust farming tradition among them, and that there are more successful Dalish elves than many humans and city elves realize. Nobility and Chantry officials would be unfamiliar with their culture, but any agricultural and merchant families of Ferelden and Orlais and the Free Marches would probably work often with Dalish farmers. I also headcanon Dalish farmers as being very much in league with the Merchant’s Guild. The Lavellans have a strong, historic partnership with the Tethras family, for example, because of all the business they do in Kirkwall. Varric has known Revasan and also Sene for many years. 
I also reject the barefoot elves thing. I just...for me, personally, it’s too Fantasy with a capital F and I like things to be a little grittier than that. So my elves wear boots, okay? Come at me.
24) are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Nope. Or, well, I mean, Revasan’s appearance is heavily informed by that of Luke Evans. His voice claim is like a mix between Gordon Ramsey and Jude Law. Sene is entirely unique.
25) who did you leave in the Fade?
When it was Hawke or Stroud, I left Stroud. When it was Hawke or Alistair, I left Hawke. Hawke wanted it more. Alistair is too...precious in my mind. I was worried about him. But in my sort of main world state, Alistair is King of Ferelden and not a Warden, so Stroud is actually in the Fade for all intents and purposes.
26) favorite mount?
Lol I don’t use mounts. My party and I run around on foot like children and get eaten by bears like men. 
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newcountryradio · 6 years
Playlist New country  #940 van 17 september   2018 tussen 20.00-22.00 op Smelne fm
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http://newcountryradio.tumblr.com                 maandag  Smelne’s countryavond
1. Tracy Lawrence –  Find Out Who Your Friends Are   (maandartiest)
2. Dan Seals – Addicted  1988
3. Brooks & Dunn – Play Something Country   2005
4. Jake Owen – Barefoot Blue Jean Night  2011
5. Morgan Evans – Day Drunk
6.  Mountain Heart – No Complaints .
7. Keith Urban – Never Comin’Down
8.  Chris Stapleton – Milionaire
9.  Cd vd week: Doug Adkins – Not Enough Whiskey
10.  Cd vd week : Doug Adkins – Second Hand Heart
11.  Luke Bryan – Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset  #1  
12.  George Strait – Am I Blue    
13.  Zingga – Foolish Heart
14.  Cor Verhaegh – Rody
15.  Rick Trevino - I’m a Mexican    (maandfavoriet  )
16.  Tracy Lawrence –    Till I Was A Daddy Too   ( maandartiest)
17.  Eric Church – Sinners Like me       (sofi)
18.  Jake Owen – American Couuntry Love Song    
19.  Willie Nelson – Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
20.  Cdvw : Cody Jinks –   Desert Wind
21.  Cd vd week : Doug Adkins – Wish It Were Rainin’
22.  Album #1:   Luke Combs - Honky Tonk Highway
23.  Alan Jackson - where were You When The World stopped Turning  (Juweeltje)
24.  Kenny Chesney  /Jimmy Buffett- Trying To Reason With Hurricane Season
25.  Cam – Mayday
26.  Stephen Cochran – Thinkin’Im Drinkin’    
27.  Bellamy Brothers   - Old Hippie    
Adres  Baukevandervliet Samensteller/ presentator New Country  Barten 30 8447 BS Heerenveen  
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midcing · 6 years
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'cause these city walls never knew that we'd make it this far we've become echoes, but echoes are fading away
FULL NAME: mark alexander west
FACE CLAIM: chris evans
AGE: 37 years old
SEXUALITY: bisexual
DATE OF BIRTH: january 28th
GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis male & he/him
OCCUPATION: librarian
USUAL HANG OUTS: bars, parks with his daughter, his house, friend’s houses
HOBBIES: playing/watching football, dancing, playing instruments
FIVE POSITIVE TRAITS: kind, independent, curious, supportive, generous
FIVE NEGATIVE TRAITS: repressed, detached, stubborn, rebellious, obstinate
DRINKS, SMOKES, & DRUGS: yes, no & no.
the mother of his daughter — okay i keep meaning to send this to the main ( and i’ll at some point in the future ) but if you want to fill up this connection hmu !! it doesn’t necessarly need to be romantic but i don’t have a section for romantic/platonic/enemy. so like i imagine them being super in love at some point ?? and then they get together and they have a kid and mark is supposed to become more responsible and be better but he doesn’t?? ? he keeps loosing jobs and he is doing his best but he just doesn’t have his priorities straight ?? and like they fight and argue they end up breaking up and now ... years later they have a child together and mark. .. he is still the same person ... your char could honestly react in whatever way you want. like she could hate him for being the way he is and being highkey annoyed . she could want him to do better. she could be sad that they ended the way they did. idk but i think there is so much potential for drama just focusing on the kid. and like picture it. him showing up just a lil too late for a party. ?? fights over new boyfriends/girlfriends and their roles on the kid’s life ?? stuff like ‘maybe we should put her in a private school’ ‘i can’t afford a private school’ ‘my new bf can tho’ ‘he is not her dad tho’ ‘he is around way more often than you tho’ !! wow !! the pain !! pls and thanks ???
the one that got away — honestly i’m trash for mark being an absolute emo about everything ? so like maybe things just didn’t work out bc he was too focused on his daughter or his ex or literally anything else. maybe they were also focused on smth else. they both decided it didn’t work and remained friends. they are still friends but like that is the problem ! they are friends but they are obviously absolutely in love. and it’s mark being like ‘i know it doesn’t work when we are together but i can’t ?? not love you ?? will stop being  ?? perfect  ?? wtf’
generosity goes too far — i legit don’t know. this idiot would give his last pair of shoes to people and walk around barefoot bc someone said they forgot theirs at home. maybe it is someone who is fully taking advantage of him and like keep asking for things and he keeps giving them bc he wants to help. or maybe it is someone who is genuinely in need and mark is just bending over backwards to do stuff for them and it is the kind of thing where like they see he is going too far but they also need it ?? and just him paying their rent even tho he doesn’t have money for his rent and being like ‘it’s fine !!’ even tho it isn’t. and just trying to take care and help the other even he can’t take care of himself.
it’s been too long — maybe someone who knew mark as a irresponsible spoiled kid when he lived in new york, before his family moved to california to get away from his father’s crimes. and now they meet again in kola he is broken and broke and it’s like ‘wow ??  what happened to you dude??’ maybe your muse changed a lot too ?? and like they see just how different they are from who they were ?? it’s this awkward thing bc at some point they were super close and trying to reconnect years later now that they are completely different people wow  
the best friend — the batman to his robin ?? the han solo to his luke skywalker ?? the bucky to his captain america ?? the hommie the bro the person that does everything with thim. friendship is beautiful pls throw some of it at me.
the drinking buddy — honestly mark has a real hard time opening up to people and talking about what is going on with him. i would love someone that like listens to him. like they get drunk together talk shit about life bc life is a bitch. and just someone he shares stuff with. someone who is there to listen to him, while he is there to listen to them. they know they will always be around the other when they need 
i’m bad at thinking about enemy connections but if you have any ideas hmu
ride or die godparents — they are godparents to each other kids. their kids play together. she is helping him clean up his act to be around his // taken by lorena cortez @ofadorations
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-19 22 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
This Rotten Week: Predicting Midnight Sun, Pacific Rim Uprising, Paul, Apostle of Christ, Sherlock Gnomes and Unsane Reviews
Will The Walking Dead's Georgie Return? Here's What The Actress Told Us
The Walking Dead: 4 Questions We Have After Rick And Negan's Latest Big Brawl
The Walking Dead's Saviors Are Falling Apart, And We're Loving It
Who Is The Walking Dead's Georgie? 5 Important Things The Actress Told Us
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Wonder Woman 2' Reportedly Filming in the US in June
'The Matrix' Relaunch Writer Teases Expanded Universe of Movies
'Star Wars: Episode IX' Will Go in "Unexpected" Directions
Mark Hamill Says Playing Luke Skywalker "Is Much More Enjoyable Now" Than in Original Trilogy
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Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
Adventures in Austin: A Love Letter From SXSW
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
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Coco was great, Loving Vincent was gorgeously unique but in my mind, THE BREADWINNER should have won the best animation Oscar.
I spent a lot of time getting the movies to sing Frank Ocean’s White Ferrari
Making of Mario Bros Movie japanese art book
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Netflix Abandons the Idea of Gamifying Binging For Kids; Here’s How They Could Use That Tech Instead
0 notes
celebritylive · 4 years
Our shelter-in-place days just keep coming, and so do the livestream shows.
Once again, PEOPLE has a brand new batch of archived ones for you to pick from (all previewed from the comfort and safety of social distancing). More shows are being announced every day, so keep watch over your favorite artists’ social media accounts — or check out the Opry’s helpful calendar of livestreaming music and entertainment.
RELATED: Luke Bryan, Keith Urban, Brad Paisley and More: PEOPLE’s First Guide to Which Livestream Country Concerts to Watch
KEITH URBAN, 31 minutes:
The second edition of “Urban Underground” comes to you from his private Skye Studios, and he performs another six-song set, this time on ganjo, electric and acoustic guitar. Once again, his audience of one, wife Nicole Kidman, is there to dance to the music, which includes new single “God Whispered Your Name.” Memorable moment: Urban offers a tribute to hero Kenny Rogers, who died March 20, with a reverent reading of “The Gambler.”
Bonus: Barefoot and clad in all black, Kidman offers a charming performance as Urban’s roadie, changing out his instruments between songs.
DIERKS BENTLEY, 50 minutes:
Bentley delivers his cheerful charms and a setlist of six songs, including the apropos “Riser” and “I Hold On,” from a stool in the kitchen of his Colorado home. His alter-ego, Hot Country Knights lead singer Doug Douglason, also makes a cameo appearance to perform a saucy song (“It ain’t my fault / It’s that asphalt”) from his ’90s band’s new album, The K Is Silent.
Memorable moment: You’ll either laugh at or totally identify with Bentley’s heroic efforts trying to figure out a live Instagram video chat with Thomas Rhett. Success at last: TR remotely performs new single ” Beer Can’t Fix” (duet partner Jon Pardi is in absentia, of course).
CHRIS LANE, 34 minutes:
This show is short on music — Lane performs only two songs — but the adorable banter between him and his reality-TV show alum wife, Lauren, could qualify this for a series pilot. Memorable moment: Lane gives viewers a tour of the newlywed couple’s new home, complete with comic color commentary (in the master bedroom: “This here, ladies and gentlemen, is where all the magic happens!”)
Bonuses: The Lanes’ sweet mutt, Cooper, makes several well-behaved appearances. Also, Lauren Lane answers a viewer question about the possibility of a “corona-baby.” “I’d rather not refer to it as that, if it was in existence,” she mischievously answers. “Maybe … I’m not opposed to that!”
  THE GRAND OLE OPRY, 90 minutes:
After Vince Gill’s memorable show last week with Marty Stuart and Brad Paisley, he returns to the hallowed stage with talented family members in tow: his wife, Christian artist Amy Grant, and two daughters, Jenny Gill, 37, and Corrina Grant Gill, 19. Each takes a turn performing an original song and a cover.
Memorable moments: Gill and Grant always earn superlatives, but the next generation’s gifts are also exceptional. Jenny Gill has forged a modest music career in Nashville, and here she shows she deserves more with “Mama Needs a Lullaby” and a John Mayer cover. Corrina Grant Gill, a college music student, is a revelation as a singer, songwriter and musician (on piano). Another Gill triple threat! (The first 30 minutes, by the way, are Opry promos and previews.)
ASHLEY MCBRYDE, 23 minutes:
McBryde’s second livestream, featuring all covers, continues to mine her eclectic memory bank of songs, no doubt assembled from her years of working bars and clubs. Among the surprising selections are beat-the-blues novelty songs, one dedicated to potatoes, to the tune of “The Mexican Hat Dance,” and another with sea creatures figuring prominently in the lyrics (“I lobster and never floundered”).
Memorable moment: Who would expect to tune in to a country artist and hear The Supremes’ “Can’t Hurry Love”? Bonus: McBryde wears a dinosaur onesie for most of the show.
MORGAN WALLEN, 34 minutes:
The great Mulleted One brings his bountiful charisma to the livestream, putting the “social” in social distancing with at least five other people (two band members, a band member’s girlfriend, a photographer and a cousin) present in his Nashville quarters.
Memorable moment: Of course he plays his hits, “Chasin’ You” and “Whiskey Glasses,” but he also delivers a moving a cappella performance of “How Great Thou Art.” Bonus: Boots, Wallen’s excitable new German Shepherd, who looks less than a year old, gets introduced. Mayhem ensues.
  JIMMIE ALLEN, 64 minutes:
Shunning a home setting, Allen sets up in a large practice space with two guitarists and a drummer to essentially perform an entire 16-song concert, complete with live tracks. Alas, it’s not exactly a visual feast: The dim lighting and the remote stationery camera mean you’re never able to make out Allen’s face.
Memorable moments: Allen creatively reimagines his first No. 1, “Best Shot,” with a lengthy bluesy intro, accompanying himself on keyboard. He also introduces a new song, “Those Days Were Made for These,” that’s ready-made for these perilous times (“Remember to tell yourself forever isn’t right now”). To note: the show starts at 14:19.
SCOTTY MCCREERY, 24 minutes:
From his Raleigh, North Carolina, home, McCreery offers a four-song set with down-home introductions and storytelling in between. Memorable moment: McCreery soldiering through his emotions when he hits the “Five More Minutes” verse about his late grandfather.
Bonus: Dressed in a New England Patriots sweatshirt, he announces he’s definitely sticking with his Tom Brady-less team — even if they play Tampa Bay, Brady’s new team.
  CAYLEE HAMMACK, 62 minutes:
Setting the mood by lighting a faux religious candle to “St. Dolly,” Hammack proves her larger-than-life stage presence translates well at home in front of a cellphone camera. Drawing on her years playing Nashville honky-tonks, she entertains with covers ranging from “I Will Survive” to “Stand By Your Man.” And don’t deprive yourself of your biggest laugh of the day, which is certain to arrive when she performs her own self-written song, “Knocked Up.”
Memorable moment: Hammack’s guitarist texts with an offer to chug a beer for every verse of Smash Mouth’s “All Star” she’ll sing. Hammack calls him up, sings two verses and is heading toward a third when you can hear him beg for mercy: “You’re killing me!”
AVENUE BEAT, 47 minutes:
Hankering for some hang time with your best girlfriends? This newbie threesome, who share an apartment, offer the perfect virtual substitute. Sami Bearden, Savana Santos and Sam Backoff’s music — and sublime harmonies — mostly come in snippets during this show, but their banter, teasing and easy camaraderie are just plain fun to watch. Memorable moment: When label head Scott Borchetta calls in and, right on the spot, promises to release one of their newest songs as a single on April 10. Entitled “Anxiety,” it couldn’t be more fitting for a global pandemic (“Thank you, anxiety, for making me scared of everything”).
Bonus: A friend — keeping her distance — arrives at their doorstep with a care package that includes Doritos, Double-Stuf Oreos and White Claws, and Bearden, Santos and Backoff dissolve into paroxysms of delight. “I’m so happy!” Backoff exclaims. “My soul has ignited!”
  GRATITUNES, 3 to 5 minutes:
Nashville’s Music Row and its at-large creative community have launched this initiative, which gives artists a chance to musically celebrate the staff at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Brad Paisley kicks off the project with a lively acoustic “Southern Comfort Zone.” Other artists already queued up include Dustin Lynch, Lauren Alaina, Amy Grant and Sara Evans. All performances are archived at www.gratitunes.com, and keep checking back for new music. You can also show your support by posting a message on social media using hashtags #Gratitunes and #VUMCHeroes; all posts are populated in real-time on the Gratitunes website.
As information about the coronavirus pandemic rapidly changes, PEOPLE is committed to providing the most recent data in our coverage. Some of the information in this story may have changed after publication. For the latest on COVID-19, readers are encouraged to use online resources from CDC, WHO, and local public health departments. To help provide doctors and nurses on the front lines with life-saving medical resources, donate to Direct Relief here.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2JwCHed
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bongaboi · 6 years
Grammy Awards 2019: The List, Part 2
Best R&B Performance
"Best Part" – H.E.R. featuring Daniel Caesar
"Long as I Live" – Toni Braxton
"Summer" – The Carters
"Y O Y" – Lalah Hathaway
"First Began" – PJ Morton
Best Traditional R&B Performance
"Bet Ain't Worth the Hand" – Leon Bridges
"How Deep Is Your Love" – PJ Morton featuring Yebba
"Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight" – Bettye LaVette
"Honest" – MAJOR.
"Made for Love" – Charlie Wilson featuring Lalah Hathaway
Best R&B Song
"Boo'd Up"
"Come Through and Chill"
"Feels Like Summer"
"Long as I Live"
Larrance Dopson, Joelle James, Ella Mai & Dijon McFarlane, songwriters (Ella Mai)
Jermaine Cole, Miguel Pimentel & Salaam Remi, songwriters (Miguel featuring J. Cole & Salaam Remi)
Donald Glover & Ludwig Göransson, songwriters (Childish Gambino)
Darhyl Camper Jr., H.E.R. & Justin Love, songwriters (H.E.R.)
Paul Boutin, Toni Braxton & Antonio Dixon, songwriters (Toni Braxton)
Best Urban Contemporary Album
Everything Is Love – The Carters
The Kids Are Alright – Chloe x Halle
Chris Dave and the Drumhedz – Chris Dave and the Drumhedz
War & Leisure – Miguel
Ventriloquism – Meshell Ndegeocello
Best R&B Album
H.E.R. – H.E.R.
Sex & Cigarettes – Toni Braxton
Good Thing – Leon Bridges
Honestly – Lalah Hathaway
Gumbo Unplugged (Live) – PJ Morton
Best Rap Performance
"King's Dead" – Kendrick Lamar, Jay Rock, Future & James Blake
"Bubblin" – Anderson Paak
"Be Careful" – Cardi B
"Nice for What" – Drake
"Sicko Mode" – Travis Scott, Drake, Big Hawk & Swae Lee
Best Rap/Sung Performance
"This Is America" – Childish Gambino
"Like I Do" – Christina Aguilera featuring Goldlink
"Pretty Little Fears" – 6lack featuring J. Cole
"All the Stars" – Kendrick Lamar & SZA
"Rockstar" – Post Malone featuring 21 Savage
Best Rap Song
"God's Plan"
"King's Dead"
"Lucky You"
"Sicko Mode"
Aubrey Graham, Daveon Jackson, Brock Korsan, Ron LaTour, Matthew Samuels & Noah Shebib, songwriters (Drake)
Kendrick Duckworth, Samuel Gloade, James Litherland, Johnny McKinzie, Axel Morgan, Mark Spears, Travis Walton, Nayvadius Wilburn & Michael Williams II, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar, Jay Rock, Future & James Blake)
R. Fraser, G. Lucas, M. Mathers, M. Samuels & J. Sweet, songwriters (Eminem featuring Joyner Lucas)
Khalif Brown, Rogét Chahayed, BryTavious Chambers, Mike Dean, Mirsad Dervic, Kevin Gomringer, Tim Gomringer, Aubrey Graham, John Edward Hawkins, Chauncey Hollis, Jacques Webster, Ozan Yildirim & Cydel Young, songwriters (Travis Scott, Drake, Big Hawk & Swae Lee)
K. Duckworth, A. Hernandez, J. McKinzie, M. Samuels & C. Thompson, songwriters (Jay Rock)
Best Rap Album
Invasion of Privacy – Cardi B
Daytona – Pusha T
Swimming – Mac Miller
Victory Lap – Nipsey Hussle
Astroworld – Travis Scott
Best Country Solo Performance
"Butterflies" – Kacey Musgraves
"Wouldn't It Be Great?" – Loretta Lynn
"Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters" – Maren Morris
"Millionaire" – Chris Stapleton
"Parallel Line" – Keith Urban
Best Country Duo/Group Performance
"Tequila" – Dan + Shay
"Shoot Me Straight" – Brothers Osborne
"When Someone Stops Loving You" – Little Big Town
"Dear Hate" – Maren Morris featuring Vince Gill
"Meant to Be" – Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line
Best Country Song
"Space Cowboy"
"Break Up in the End"
"Dear Hate"
"I Lived It"
"When Someone Stops Loving You"
Luke Laird, Shane McAnally & Kacey Musgraves, songwriters (Kacey Musgraves)
Jessie Jo Dillon, Chase McGill & Jon Nite, songwriters (Cole Swindell)
Tom Douglas, David Hodges & Maren Morris, songwriters (Maren Morris featuring Vince Gill)
Rhett Akins, Ross Copperman, Ashley Gorley & Ben Hayslip, songwriters (Blake Shelton)
Nicolle Galyon, Jordan Reynolds & Dan Smyers, songwriters (Dan + Shay)
Hillary Lindsey, Chase McGill & Lori McKenna, songwriters (Little Big Town)
Best Country Album
Golden Hour – Kacey Musgraves
Unapologetically – Kelsea Ballerini
Port Saint Joe – Brothers Osborne
Girl Going Nowhere – Ashley McBryde
From A Room: Volume 2 – Chris Stapleton
New Age
Best New Age Album
Opium Moon – Opium Moon
Hiraeth – Lisa Gerrard & David Kuckhermann
Beloved – Snatam Kaur
Molecules of Motion – Steve Roach
Moku Maluhia: Peaceful Island – Jim Kimo West
Best Improvised Jazz Solo
"Don't Fence Me In" – John Daversa, soloist
"Some of That Sunshine" – Regina Carter, soloist
"We See" – Fred Hersch, soloists
"De-Dah" – Brad Mehldau, soloist
"Cadenas" – Miguel Zenón, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album
The Window – Cécile McLorin Salvant
My Mood Is You – Freddy Cole
The Questions – Kurt Elling
The Subject Tonight Is Love – Kate McGarry with Keith Ganz & Gary Versace
If You Really Want – Raul Midón with Metropole Orkest conducted by Vince Mendoza
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
Emanon – The Wayne Shorter Quartet
Diamond Cut – Tia Fuller
Live in Europe – Fred Hersch Trio
Seymour Reads the Constitution! – Brad Mehldau Trio
Still Dreaming – Joshua Redman, Ron Miles, Scott Colley & Brian Blade
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
American Dreamers: Voices of Hope, Music of Freedom – John Daversa Big Band featuring DACA Artists
All About That Basie – Count Basie Orchestra directed by Scotty Barnhart
Presence – Orrin Evans and the Captain Black Big Band
All Can Work – John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble
Barefoot Dances and Other Visions – Jim McNeely & The Frankfurt Radio Big Band
Best Latin Jazz Album
Back to the Sunset – Dafnis Prieto Big Band
Heart of Brazil – Eddie Daniels
West Side Story Reimagined – Bobby Sanabria Multiverse Big Band
Cinque – Elio Villafranca
Yo Soy La Tradición – Miguel Zenón featuring Spektral Quartet
Gospel/Contemporary Christian Music
Best Gospel Performance/Song
"Never Alone" – Tori Kelly featuring Kirk Franklin
"You Will Win" – Jekalyn Carr
"Won't He Do It" – Koryn Hawthorne
"Cycles" – Jonathan McReynolds featuring DOE
"A Great Work" – Brian Courtney Wilson
Kirk Franklin & Victoria Kelly, songwriters
Allen Carr & Jekalyn Carr, songwriters
Koryn Hawthorne
Jonathan McReynolds, songwriter
Aaron W. Lindsey, Alvin Richardson & Brian Courtney Wilson, songwriters
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song
"You Say" – Lauren Daigle
"Reckless Love" – Cory Asbury
"Joy." – For King & Country
"Grace Got You" – MercyMe featuring John Reuben
"Known" – Tauren Wells
Lauren Daigle, Jason Ingram & Paul Mabury, songwriters
Cory Asbury, Caleb Culver & Ran Jackson, songwriters
Ben Glover, Matt Hales, Stephen Blake Kanicka, Seth Mosley, Joel Smallbone, Luke Smallbone & Tedd Tjornhom, songwriters
David Garcia, Ben Glover, MercyMe, Solomon Olds & John Reuben, songwriters
Ethan Hulse, Jordan Sapp & Tauren Wells, songwriters
Best Gospel Album
Hiding Place – Tori Kelly
One Nation Under God – Jekalyn Carr
Make Room – Jonathan McReynolds
The Other Side – The Walls Group
A Great Work – Brian Courtney Wilson
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
Look Up Child – Lauren Daigle
Hallelujah Here Below – Elevation Worship
Living With a Fire – Jesus Culture
Surrounded – Michael W. Smith
Survivor: Live from Harding Prison – Zach Williams
Best Roots Gospel Album
Unexpected – Jason Crabb
Clear Skies – Ernie Haase & Signature Sound
Favorites: Revisited by Request – The Isaacs
Still Standing – The Martins
Love Love Love – Gordon Mote
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-19 19 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
This Rotten Week: Predicting Midnight Sun, Pacific Rim Uprising, Paul, Apostle of Christ, Sherlock Gnomes and Unsane Reviews
Will The Walking Dead's Georgie Return? Here's What The Actress Told Us
The Walking Dead: 4 Questions We Have After Rick And Negan's Latest Big Brawl
The Walking Dead's Saviors Are Falling Apart, And We're Loving It
Who Is The Walking Dead's Georgie? 5 Important Things The Actress Told Us
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Wonder Woman 2' Reportedly Filming in the US in June
'The Matrix' Relaunch Writer Teases Expanded Universe of Movies
'Star Wars: Episode IX' Will Go in "Unexpected" Directions
Mark Hamill Says Playing Luke Skywalker "Is Much More Enjoyable Now" Than in Original Trilogy
Daisy Ridley Has No Idea About 'Star Wars: Episode IX'
Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
Adventures in Austin: A Love Letter From SXSW
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
Film School Rejects
‘Profile’ Review: Imagine an Even Less Frightening Windows Desktop
‘Isle of Dogs’ Review: Team Canine Forever
‘Yuletide Terror: Christmas Horror on Film and Television’ Is a Gift for Genre Lovers
‘Krypton’, ‘Instinct,’ ‘March of the Penguins 2,’ and More TV You Must See This Week
Brett Haley and Nick Offerman Talk Music and ‘Hearts Beat Loud’
Reddit Movies
Sonic Movie to begin filming in Atlanta in July
I spent a lot of time getting the movies to sing Frank Ocean’s White Ferrari
Making of Mario Bros Movie japanese art book
Moonrise Kingdom (2012) is how artsy is done right imo. Funny as hell and incredible cast. Highly rec.
SYFY Announces "Leprechaun Returns" for 2019
Roger Ebert
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "The World Before Your Feet," "Alt-Right: Age of Rage," "First Light"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "The Dawn Wall," "They Live Here, Now"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “Friday’s Child,” “Sadie,” “Prospect,” “Write When You Get Work”
Screen Rant
Bizarro Superman’s Wife and Son Join The DC Universe
Walking Dead’s New Character Could Be Setting Up Season 9
20 Superhero TV Show Easter Eggs That Didn’t Go Anywhere
Awesome Infinity War Fan Art: Avengers’ ‘The Last Shawarma’
Rick & Negan’s Brawl Was The Walking Dead at Its Best
Slash Film
‘Patrick Melrose’ Clip: Benedict Cumberbatch Has Dinner With Voices in His Head
Netflix Abandons the Idea of Gamifying Binging For Kids; Here’s How They Could Use That Tech Instead
James Mangold’s Ford vs. Ferrari Movie Eyes Matt Damon and Christian Bale
Bill Hader Brings Back Stefon and Changes Wardrobe on Air in the Best ‘Saturday Night Live’ This Season
‘Legion’ Season 1 Recap: Trippy New Recap Video Only Offers More Questions and Absolutely No Answers
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-19 16 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
This Rotten Week: Predicting Midnight Sun, Pacific Rim Uprising, Paul, Apostle of Christ, Sherlock Gnomes and Unsane Reviews
Will The Walking Dead's Georgie Return? Here's What The Actress Told Us
The Walking Dead: 4 Questions We Have After Rick And Negan's Latest Big Brawl
The Walking Dead's Saviors Are Falling Apart, And We're Loving It
Who Is The Walking Dead's Georgie? 5 Important Things The Actress Told Us
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Wonder Woman 2' Reportedly Filming in the US in June
'The Matrix' Relaunch Writer Teases Expanded Universe of Movies
'Star Wars: Episode IX' Will Go in "Unexpected" Directions
Mark Hamill Says Playing Luke Skywalker "Is Much More Enjoyable Now" Than in Original Trilogy
Daisy Ridley Has No Idea About 'Star Wars: Episode IX'
Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
Adventures in Austin: A Love Letter From SXSW
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
Film School Rejects
‘Isle of Dogs’ Review: Team Canine Forever
‘Yuletide Terror: Christmas Horror on Film and Television’ Is a Gift for Genre Lovers
‘Krypton’, ‘Instinct,’ ‘March of the Penguins 2,’ and More TV You Must See This Week
Brett Haley and Nick Offerman Talk Music and ‘Hearts Beat Loud’
Watch ‘Tomb Raider,’ Then Watch These Movies
Reddit Movies
Sonic Movie to begin filming in Atlanta in July
I spent a lot of time getting the movies to sing Frank Ocean’s White Ferrari
Making of Mario Bros Movie japanese art book
Moonrise Kingdom (2012) is how artsy is done right imo. Funny as hell and incredible cast. Highly rec.
SYFY Announces "Leprechaun Returns" for 2019
Roger Ebert
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "The World Before Your Feet," "Alt-Right: Age of Rage," "First Light"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "The Dawn Wall," "They Live Here, Now"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “Friday’s Child,” “Sadie,” “Prospect,” “Write When You Get Work”
Screen Rant
Walking Dead’s New Character Could Be Setting Up Season 9
20 Superhero TV Show Easter Eggs That Didn’t Go Anywhere
Awesome Infinity War Fan Art: Avengers’ ‘The Last Shawarma’
Rick & Negan’s Brawl Was The Walking Dead at Its Best
Love, Simon is Empowering People Around the World to Come Out
Slash Film
‘Patrick Melrose’ Clip: Benedict Cumberbatch Has Dinner With Voices in His Head
Netflix Abandons the Idea of Gamifying Binging For Kids; Here’s How They Could Use That Tech Instead
James Mangold’s Ford vs. Ferrari Movie Eyes Matt Damon and Christian Bale
Bill Hader Brings Back Stefon and Changes Wardrobe on Air in the Best ‘Saturday Night Live’ This Season
‘Legion’ Season 1 Recap: Trippy New Recap Video Only Offers More Questions and Absolutely No Answers
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-19 13 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
This Rotten Week: Predicting Midnight Sun, Pacific Rim Uprising, Paul, Apostle of Christ, Sherlock Gnomes and Unsane Reviews
Will The Walking Dead's Georgie Return? Here's What The Actress Told Us
The Walking Dead: 4 Questions We Have After Rick And Negan's Latest Big Brawl
The Walking Dead's Saviors Are Falling Apart, And We're Loving It
Who Is The Walking Dead's Georgie? 5 Important Things The Actress Told Us
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'The Matrix' Relaunch Writer Teases Expanded Universe of Movies
'Star Wars: Episode IX' Will Go in "Unexpected" Directions
Mark Hamill Says Playing Luke Skywalker "Is Much More Enjoyable Now" Than in Original Trilogy
Daisy Ridley Has No Idea About 'Star Wars: Episode IX'
Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies Ranked by ComicBook.com Fans
Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
Adventures in Austin: A Love Letter From SXSW
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
Film School Rejects
‘Isle of Dogs’ Review: Team Canine Forever
‘Yuletide Terror: Christmas Horror on Film and Television’ Is a Gift for Genre Lovers
‘Krypton’, ‘Instinct,’ ‘March of the Penguins 2,’ and More TV You Must See This Week
Brett Haley and Nick Offerman Talk Music and ‘Hearts Beat Loud’
Watch ‘Tomb Raider,’ Then Watch These Movies
Reddit Movies
Making of Mario Bros Movie japanese art book
Moonrise Kingdom (2012) is how artsy is done right imo. Funny as hell and incredible cast. Highly rec.
SYFY Announces "Leprechaun Returns" for 2019
Oddly enough Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island still holds up today. (Discussion)
Meep Meep! The Surprising History of Classic Cartoon Sound Effects.
Roger Ebert
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "The World Before Your Feet," "Alt-Right: Age of Rage," "First Light"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "The Dawn Wall," "They Live Here, Now"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “Friday’s Child,” “Sadie,” “Prospect,” “Write When You Get Work”
Lean on Pete
Screen Rant
20 Superhero TV Show Easter Eggs That Didn’t Go Anywhere
Awesome Infinity War Fan Art: Avengers’ ‘The Last Shawarma’
Rick & Negan’s Brawl Was The Walking Dead at Its Best
Love, Simon is Empowering People Around the World to Come Out
Don’t Worry, Hawkeye Has His Own Thing Going on in Avengers: Infinity War
Slash Film
‘Patrick Melrose’ Clip: Benedict Cumberbatch Has Dinner With Voices in His Head
Netflix Abandons the Idea of Gamifying Binging For Kids; Here’s How They Could Use That Tech Instead
James Mangold’s Ford vs. Ferrari Movie Eyes Matt Damon and Christian Bale
Bill Hader Brings Back Stefon and Changes Wardrobe on Air in the Best ‘Saturday Night Live’ This Season
‘Legion’ Season 1 Recap: Trippy New Recap Video Only Offers More Questions and Absolutely No Answers
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-19 01 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
The UK Just Banned A Game For The First Time In A Decade
The Cool Way Star Wars: The Last Jedi Used CGI In The Throne Room Fight
Twitch Prime Is Giving Away A Bunch Of Games
Sonic The Hedgehog Is Getting A New Racing Game
Nintendo Shining The Light On Indie Games Next Week
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Black Panther' Passes $600 Million at the Box Office
'Deadpool' to Finally Premiere in China
Tommy Wiseau Added as the Joker in 'The Dark Knight'
'Black Panther' Projected to Make Over $460 Million in Profit
'Avengers: Infinity War's Benedict Cumberbatch Broke A Marvel Rule To Learn The Film Is Mind-Blowingly Epic
Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
Adventures in Austin: A Love Letter From SXSW
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
Film School Rejects
Brett Haley and Nick Offerman Talk Music and ‘Hearts Beat Loud’
Watch ‘Tomb Raider,’ Then Watch These Movies
‘Flower’ Review: Zoey Deutch Shines In a Highly Atypical Coming-of-Age Tale
The Great Big Irish Actors Appreciation Post
What My Experience With Cancer Helped Me Understand About ‘Annihilation’
Reddit Movies
How To Make A Blockbuster Movie Trailer
Guy writes screenplay about 2 kids finding the long-lost 1968 Mustang GT 390 from the movie Bullitt. Randomly mentions it to dude who secretly owns the actual car
My First Movie Which I Made In Nigeria Will Be Showing In New York This April.
The Disaster Artist [Gag Reel] - YouTube
“Throne of Blood” (1957) - By the legend Kurosawa starring Mifune. Still awestruck by this scene and how they made this masterpiece
Roger Ebert
SXSW Film Festival 2018: "The Dawn Wall," "They Live Here, Now"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “Friday’s Child,” “Sadie,” “Prospect,” “Write When You Get Work”
Lean on Pete
Tomb Raider
Screen Rant
15 ’00s Cartoons That Have Aged Badly
Avengers: Twitter Adds Emojis For 3 Of The 6 Infinity Stones
Mark Hamill: Luke’s Star Wars 9 Return Up To J.J. Abrams
Will & Grace Revival Already Renewed for Season 3
Superheroes Who Didn’t Make the Avengers: Infinity War Cut
Slash Film
‘Legion’ Season 1 Recap: Trippy New Recap Video Only Offers More Questions and Absolutely No Answers
Star Wars Bits: ‘The Last Jedi’ Hits SXSW, John Boyega Solves a Mystery, and ‘Rebels’ Says Goodbye
‘Ready Player One’ Almost Had Another Classic Movie Reference, But Spielberg Axed It [Updated]
‘Wildling’ Review: A Creature Feature About the Fear of Teenage Sexuality [SXSW]
‘Walking Dead’ Season Finale and ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Premiere Will Play In Theaters
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-18 04 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
Clarissa Explains It All Revival In The Works At Nickelodeon, Presumably To Finally Explain it All
Christian Bale And Matt Damon Are Probably Teaming Up For A New Movie
Mark Hamill’s Hilarious Response To Luke’s Fate In Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Someone Made An All-Hawkeye Poster For Infinity War, And It’s Pure Gold
Oscars President John Bailey Is Being Investigated For Sexual Misconduct
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Avengers: Infinity War's Benedict Cumberbatch Broke A Marvel Rule To Learn The Film Is Mind-Blowingly Epic
'The Batman' Movie to Reportedly Go Into Production in 2019
'Avengers: Infinity War': Chris Evans And Scarlett Johansson Address Possibility Of Captain America And Black Widow Romance
'Black Panther' Wins Fifth Box Office Weekend, 'Tomb Raider' Opens in Second
Fans Are Comparing the 'Avengers: Infinity War' and 'Thor: Ragnarok' Posters
Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
RED SPARROW: A Sultry, Seductive Star Vehicle
Film School Rejects
Brett Haley and Nick Offerman Talk Music and ‘Hearts Beat Loud’
Watch ‘Tomb Raider,’ Then Watch These Movies
‘Flower’ Review: Zoey Deutch Shines In a Highly Atypical Coming-of-Age Tale
The Great Big Irish Actors Appreciation Post
What My Experience With Cancer Helped Me Understand About ‘Annihilation’
Reddit Movies
‘The Master’ Is Paul Thomas Anderson’s Favorite Movie, Even If He’s ‘Not Sure It Was Entirely Successful’
ISLE OF DOGS - The amazing and hard work that goes into making stop-motion animation!
Satans Alley Trailer (Tropic Thunder)
Braveheart's William Wallace had - in order - his penis, testicles, intestines, heart, and head removed.
After Craig: should the next Bond be a period piece?
Roger Ebert
A brief note on depression
Oscar Flashback: At the Oscars Without You: A Letter to Roger
The Unloved, Part 51: "Mademoiselle"
Leonard Doyle (1928-2018): Longtime Ebertfest Greeter at Virginia Theatre
Celebration of Life for Mary Frances Fagan to be Held April 14th
Screen Rant
The DCEU Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Camp
Avengers: Infinity War Director Says Thanos Is ‘Empathetic’ At Times
Netflix’s Collateral Review: A Smart, Binge-Worthy Procedural
16 Marvel Controversies That Almost Ended Their Movies
Avengers Theory: Thanos Needs Time Travel To Find The Soul Stone
Slash Film
‘Isle of Dogs’ Featurette: See The Work That Goes Into Creating These Very Good Dogs
TV Bits: ‘Family Guy’, ‘Sabrina’ ‘Camping’, ‘The Sinner’, ‘Valley of the Boom’, ‘Elvis Presley: The Searcher’
How ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Celebrates Femininity and Young Womanhood
This Week In Trailers: Pet Names, Alloys, First Match, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, Happy Anniversary, Ramen Heads
Daily Podcast: Avengers: Infinity War, Ava DuVernay, Ready Player One, The Last Jedi, and More
0 notes
savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-16 07 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
Ava DuVernay Is Making A New Gods Movie For DC
Luke Cage Just Cast Its Big Season 2 Villain
Captain Marvel In Avengers: Infinity War? Here's What We Know
Watch Conan O'Brien Try To Convince Dwayne Johnson He'd Be A Good Stunt Double
The Walking Dead Is Heading To Theaters For A Big Event
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
Ava Duvernay to Direct DC's 'New Gods'
'Enchanted 2' Director Gives Update on Sequel, Amy Adams' Involvement
'Tomb Raider' Review: A Fun Video Game B-Movie
'Avengers: Infinity War': New Look At Black Widow
'Justice League' Fans Spot Steppenwolf Nudity in Film
Film Comment Magazine
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
The Film Comment Podcast: Tell Me
Festivals: Berlin 2018
Festivals: Venice 2017
TCM Diary: Secret Ceremony (1968) + The Legend of Lylah Clare (1968)
Film Inquiry
THOROUGHBREDS: Nothing New, But It’s Still Snarky Fun
ALLURE: A Disturbing Story But An Impressive Debut
LOVE, SIMON: Parity Through Mediocrity
AFTER THE STORM: Tokyo At Its Most Personal
Film School Rejects
Miranda July to Take on the Heist Genre
How the Safdie Brothers Test the Limits of Our Empathy
Michael Bay’s ‘Pain & Gain’ is More Essential Than Ever
How Katharine Hepburn Orchestrated Her Hollywood Comeback On Her Own Terms
Danny Boyle is the Next James Bond Director
Reddit Movies
Logan - Wolverine vs X-24 | FX & Gore' VFX Breakdown
Edgar Wright on Instagram: “My 1995 debut feature ‘A Fistful Of Fingers’ finally gets a release on DVD & Blu Ray through @arrowvideo this year, some 23 years after its…”
'Happy Death Day' Sequel To Begin Filming in May
‘Game Of Thrones’ Stars Indira Varma & Conleth Hill Join Spy-Thriller ‘Official Secrets’
READY PLAYER ONE - Dreamer Trailer [HD]
Roger Ebert
Tomb Raider
The Love We Found: Frank Oz and Victoria Labalme on “Muppet Guys Talking”
Back in the USSR: Armando Iannucci on "The Death of Stalin"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “Elizabeth Harvest,” “Don’t Leave Home”
An Addictive Quality: Evan Rachel Wood and Julia Sarah Stone on “Allure”
Screen Rant
15 Secrets You Didn’t Know Behind Whedonverse Shows
Logan Director & Writer Reunite For The Force Adaptation
The Witcher Continues: Geralt A Playable Character in Soulcalibur VI
Marvel’s Luke Cage Announces New Villain for Season 2
20 Lord Of The Rings Memes That Prove The Movies Make No Sense
Slash Film
Ridley Scott Interested In Adapting Comic Book ‘Queen and Country’
Amazon’s ‘Good Girls Revolt’ Brought In So Few Subscribers, Each New Customer Cost $1560
‘Westworld’ Star Jeffrey Wright Talks Bernard’s “Unique Position” in Season 2
‘Pale Blue Dot’ Enlists Jon Hamm to Star Opposite Natalie Portman in Astronaut Drama
Now Stream This: A Stephen Hawking Documentary, ’80s Action, International Horror, ‘Power Rangers’ and More
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-16 01 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
How Sean Gunn Feels About Bradley Cooper Getting The Attention For Playing Rocket In Guardians
American Idol Contestant Says He Was Not Sexually Harassed By Katy Perry
Check Out Justice League Members Standing By Superman's Grave In New Deleted Scene Still
Kendall Jenner Addresses Rumors About Her Sexuality
Cameron Diaz Has Not Retired From Acting, Selma Blair Clarifies
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
Tom Holland Is Getting Impatient For The 'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Deleted Scene Shows Rose Bite Back
Scarlett Johansson On What She Wants In A 'Black Widow' Movie
Star Wars: Watch Mark Hamill's Emotional Reunion With Yoda on 'The Last Jedi'
Thor Will Be Pivotal After 'Avengers: Infinity War'
Film Comment Magazine
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
The Film Comment Podcast: Tell Me
Festivals: Berlin 2018
Festivals: Venice 2017
TCM Diary: Secret Ceremony (1968) + The Legend of Lylah Clare (1968)
Film Inquiry
AFTER THE STORM: Tokyo At Its Most Personal
THE LULLABY: A Sporadically Jumpy, Bland Horror Film
SXSW Review: FIRST REFORMED: The Culmination Of Schrader’s Career
Interview With Laurent Lafitte, Star Of SEE YOU UP THERE
Film School Rejects
What ‘The Twilight Zone’ Teaches Us About Storytelling
Kristen Stewart to Play Actress Jean Seberg in Civil Rights Era Thriller
Mira Nair Will Direct the BBC’s First All Non-White Period Piece
Key and Peele Are Reuniting For Henry Selick’s Next Stop-Motion Film
‘Eighth Grade’ Trailer: The Social Media Generation’s Own ‘Lady Bird’
Reddit Movies
The Virgin Psychics Trailer
What opening scenes really sold you on how awesome the movie was going to be without actually having seen the rest yet?
Men in Black is seriously an overlooked Sci-Fi accomplishment.
"Star Wars" production designer reveals that in a scene cut from "The Last Jedi," it's shown that Luke carved little wooden figures to keep himself company
Confess! What’s the “biggest” movie you’ve never bothered to see?
Roger Ebert
The Love We Found: Frank Oz and Victoria Labalme on “Muppet Guys Talking”
Back in the USSR: Armando Iannucci on "The Death of Stalin"
SXSW Film Festival 2018: “Elizabeth Harvest,” “Don’t Leave Home”
An Addictive Quality: Evan Rachel Wood and Julia Sarah Stone on “Allure”
6 Balloons
Screen Rant
Walton Goggins Interview: Tomb Raider
Dragon Ball Super Anime Movie Gets a Release Date
Teen Titans: 20 Things You Didn’t Know About Robin
Jumanji Director Not Interested In Making A Star Wars Movie
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Teaser Trailer Has Arrived
Slash Film
The Russo Brothers Talk ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ [Set Visit Interview]
New ‘Solo’ Posters Show Off the Cast, Avoid Ripping Off Album Covers This Time
‘Love, Simon’ Review: A Fairly Ordinary Teen Movie…and That’s Why It’s Wonderful
Edgar Wright Announces ‘Baby Driver Volume 2’ Soundtrack
Why the Original ‘Tomb Raider’ Matters to a Generation of Women, Even If It’s Not Very Good
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