#Lugal-e ud me-lám-bi nir-ğál
yoga-onion · 3 years
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Sumerian Mythology - The earliest deities of ancient Mesopotamia (55)
The Ninurta Myths Lugal-e - The longest Sumerian epic
It is one of the longest works ever written in Sumerian, with 726 lines in full.
The title Lugal-e means "O king!" and comes from the poem opening phrase in the original Sumerian. In this case, Rugal (king) refers to the god Ninurta (Ref). Ninurta's Exploits is a modern title assigned to it by scholars. The poem was eventually translated into Akkadian after Sumerian became regarded as too difficult to understand, around the time of the reign of King Gudea (22nd century BCE).
Second only to the goddess Inanna, Ninurta probably appears in more myths than any other Mesopotamian deity.
The ancient Mesopotamian myth beginning Lugal-e ud me-lám-bi nir-ğál  (=Sumerian for 'Storm of King Melam, the incomparable god Ninurta'), also known as Ninurta's Exploits.
The great epic consists of three parts: the first part, which is an epic telling of the warrior-god and god of spring thundershowers and floods, his deeds, waging war against his mountain rival á-sàg (“Disorder”; Akkadian: Asakku), the second part tells how Ninurta then used the defeated stones to build mountains as restoration of the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for irrigation and agriculture; finally, Ninurta returns to Nippur from war in his “beloved barge” Ma-kar-nunta-ea and afterward judging his defeated enemies, determining the character as well as use of "the army of rock demon offsprings", and is celebrated as a hero in the third part.
This myth combines Ninurta's role as a warrior deity with his role as an agricultural deity. It is a major bilingual epic dating from the second half of the third millennium BCE.
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ニヌルタの神話 ルガル・エ〜シュメール最長の叙事詩
古代メソポタミアの神話「ルガル ウ メラム・ビ ニルガル(=シュメール語で「メラム王の嵐、比類なき神ニヌルタ」の意)」は、「ニヌルタの功績」とも呼ばれている。春の雷雨や洪水を司る戦士の神であるニヌルタの、山のライバルである悪霊アサグ(「無秩序」の意;アッカド語:アサック)との戦いを描いた第一部、その後、ニヌルタは世界を整理し、倒した戦士たちの石を使って山を築き、小川や湖、川がすべてチグリス川やユーフラテス川に流れ込み、灌漑や農業に役立つように設計する経緯を語る第二部、その後、敗れた敵「石の戦士の軍隊」を裁き、石の特徴と用途を決めた。最後に、ニヌルタは「最愛の船」マカルヌエンタエダに乗って戦地からニップールに帰り、英雄として祝福される第三部と、物語は三部作で構成されている。この神話は、ニヌルタの戦士神としての役割と、農耕神としての役割を組み合わせたもので、紀元前3千年紀の後半に作られたバイリンガルの大叙事詩である。
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