licensedproducers · 4 years
British Medical Cannabis Needs Boost
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Individual Patient Stories Not Enough to Convince NHS of Effectiveness – LPC Although technically medical cannabis is legal in the UK, the British medical cannabis movement is not moving as quickly as many would like. Lucy Stafford was one of only a handful of people with a medical cannabis licence in the country a year after legalization. And she still had to pay about $2,600 per month to get it. “Before cannabis I would have had to take a large amount of opiates,” said Stafford, now 20. She suffers from Ehlers Danlos syndrome, an extremely painful disease that causes her limbs to dislocate and muscles to spasm. “I would have been … crying in pain for most of it, whereas now I am able to function. Sure I need to rest and take it easy but it has made living with my condition manageable and lets me function and have a life, something I never expected to have.” The pain was unbearable, and yet doctors couldn’t increase her fentanyl dosage – an extremely potent and dangerous opiate. When Stafford first tried cannabis – technically skirting the British medical cannabis system – it was night and day. Her pain went from a 10 to a 4, Stafford said, and she was able to sleep properly for the first time in years. “On my medical notes my doctor described me as having transformed,” Stafford said. “I feel like I’ve become myself for the first time in my life. It’s absolutely unbelievable.” More Cannabis Research Needed Stories like this don’t convince everyone. Read the full article
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