#Lucy Cavendish oracle cards
qldqueerboy · 10 months
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The amount of pushing and pulling in getting your way today is keeping you occupied but it certainly isn’t giving you the mental freedom to control your anguish that everything you want to achieve is not happening quick enough. Hold faith. Guidance will come showing you a better approach in managing your activities without having to apply the physical struggle or strain in getting them done.
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bloodvampyr · 8 months
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klorrie24 · 2 months
Foxfire: The Kitsune Oracle - Hope
Hope This oracle card comes from the Foxfire: The Kitsune Oracle deck, created by Lucy Cavendish. Artwork by Meredith Dillman. This article contains affiliate links. If you purchase using the links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you! Hope is the offering that carries us forward into the darkness, unbowed and unbroken, despite the knowledge of the true challenges which face us.…
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honeybubbledivination · 2 months
What do you need to hear right now? 🍯🐝
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✨ Hello, hello, busy bees! ✨
Today, I just felt like pulling some cards and seeing what happened! Below, I have some cards for you to choose from!
[At the end, I have my ko-fi linked if you’d like to donate! Not required! Just appreciated if you’re feeling generous!]
[Cards to choose from are from the deck ‘The Divine Masters Oracle’ by Kyle Gray and Jennifer Hawkyard’]
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Pile One:
Isis - Calling Your Power Back
‘Grapejuice’ by Harry Styles “There’s just no getting through; without you…”
‘Angels On the Moon’ by Thriving Ivory “Don’t tell me if I’m dying, ‘cause I don’t wanna know; If I can’t see the sun maybe I should go…’
‘Tarot of The Divine’ by Yoshi Yoshitani: The Emperor, KnoC, 7oS, KoP, 6oP, QoP, 2oS, KoS, 10oC, The Empress, 2oW, The Magician, 7oW, The World, The Chariot, 9oS, Judgement, 10oS, The Devil, The Hanged Man, 4oC, KoC, The Hierophant, 4oP
‘Oracles of Shadows & Light’ by Lucy Cavendish and Jasmine Becket-Griffith: Marie Masquerade //Glamour, intrigue, drama. Dried-Flower Fairy //Sweet Memories. Sea Storm //Calm amid chaos. Witch at the End of the World //An important end, a new beginning.
‘Moon Magic’ by Marie Bruce: Blood on the Moon, Star Gazer, Toad, Arcturus, Wolf Moon, Moon Stuck
Hi, Pile One! I feel as though I’m speaking to a peer. I’m 22, so you might be close to my age. Either that or you have a pretty youthful energy. I also feel a soft masculine vibe from this pile. Which leads into the reading. You know you don’t have to be all macho to honor your masculine side, right? Masculinity is about providing and strength. It’s not about being a massive dickhead. You can be ‘soft’ and still be a good husband and father. You aren’t a pansy or anything like that. I feel that you probably have family or friends who have more “traditional views”. But, no offense, they’re idiots. You’re uniquely you. You don’t fit into the boxes your social group tries to put you in, and that’s okay. To hell with them! Do what makes you happy, honey! Be you! You aren’t alone in not liking labels. You are human. You don’t have to be put into a box. Live freely. You may be highly sought after, but you aren’t making good friends or lovers. You have a very sweet air about you once you start to open up to people and most of those people tend to take advantage of you. You may want to pursue something in fashion or you might have a keen eye of what looks good and what doesn’t. You may tend to dress down to keep eyes off of you, but if wearing cute clothes makes you happy then do it! Who cares what anyone says! This is your life and you deserve to present how you want! Your new life will always cost you your old one. Don’t be afraid to let people, things, or situations go to move forward with who you truly are and what you truly deserve. Have the confidence to be who you truly are! And honestly, your family isn’t going to care that much. They’ll come around and truly just be happy that you’re happy. When you feel good about yourself, you do better in life. You have the ambition to go after what you want and take it. Plus, being a people pleaser is a form of manipulation. It’s not good to lie to yourself and in turn lie to others. Be mindful. You aren’t a bad person or less than for being ‘different’. You’re just you. And that’s exactly what you’re supposed to be, little bee!
- Bunny 💛🍯
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Pile Two:
The Blue Beings - Light Transmission
Gold Rush - Taylor Swift “Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you…”
Permanent Vacation - Arrows in Action “I found my peace; In places I had never been…”
‘Tarot of The Divine’ by Yoshi Yoshitani: Judgement, The Lovers, The Fool, 3oP rx, 8oS, The Hierophant Rx, 9oP, 6oP, QoW, 10oP, The Wheel of Fortune, KoC, 3oC, 9oC, KnoP, 7oC, 8oC, 1oP, 5oP, 10oW, PgoW, 7oW
‘Oracles of Shadows & Light’ by Lucy Cavendish and Jasmine Becket-Griffith: Sea Storm //Calm amid chaos. I Am Kali //From death comes rebirth. Fairy of the Divine Hand //Intoxication, distorted view, overindulgence! Snow Angel //The signs are with you already!
‘Moon Magic’ by Marie Bruce: New Moon, First Quarter, Esbat, Black Cat, Unicorn Moon, Glimmering
Hey, Pile Two! You’re living as your authentic self! Congratulations! I feel like this took you some time and you may have felt a little called to pile one at first. I see that you’re getting to go out and party and have fun with new people! Black cats might be significant to you. (I take them as good luck!) You’ve learned to keep friends close, but not too close. You have good boundaries with other people and how the interact with your life. But, do you have good boundaries with yourself? Yes, you’re having fun and making money. But, are you remembering to keep your limits in mind? Are you overindulging in sex, booze, or just staying up too late? Make sure you’re still focusing on how to make yourself feel good, without getting lost in it. I’m so proud of you, though! I know it’s hard to find the balance, especially when you’ve only recently learned you DESERVE to feel good about yourself and have fun. But remember to reel it in and relax sometimes. You don’t have to go, go, go. And you don’t have to be lazy or greedy either. Just find balance in all that you do! Great work on choosing yourself, Pile Two!! To add a little treat for all your hard work and continued efforts to better yourself, you seem to have love offers coming in! That’s right! You’ve got options! I feel like you’ve been manifesting them (through prayer or just having something like a Pinterest board with relationship ideas and goals). They’re on their way! Keep yourself in check to be the best version of yourself for YOU and how you want to handle these new love offers!
[P.S. you don’t need as much confirmation as you think! Start trusting yourself more, busy bee. You’ve made it this far all on your own, why have still doubt yourself?]
- Bunny 🍯💛
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Pile Three:
Hanuman - Devoted Warrior
Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie “Pressure, pushing down on me; Pressing down on you…”
Take Me To Church - Hozier “I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies; I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife…”
‘Tarot of The Divine’ by Yoshi Yoshitani: The Magician, The Tower Rx, 8oW, The Lovers, The Devil Rx, 2oC, PgoP, The Moon, The Empress Rx, 3oS, 7oS, 4oS, KoS, 5oC Rx, 6oC Rx, 9oS
‘Oracles of Shadows & Light’ by Lucy Cavendish and Jasmine Becket-Griffith: Autumn Is My Last Chance //Please don’t lose hope! Strangely Lonely //Holding on way too tight. Witch at the End of the World //An important end, a new beginning. Fairy of the Highlands // It’s time to be brave.
‘Moon Magic’ by Marie Bruce: Sky God, Nightshade, Toad, Star Gazer, Full Moon, Moon Dust
You’ve been through the wringer, pile three! I see that you’ve been put in a situation to where you’ve had to pull away from a toxic situation involving a feminine energy who wasn’t reciprocating what you were giving them. This was really hard for you because you’re loyal and devoted. You would never turn your back on someone you love, but they turned their back first. You avoided a tower moment by stepping away and being firm in yourself and your morals! You aren’t a bad person, you just know when it’s time to cut the crap and leave people behind! Way to go!! I see that because of being able to cut this person out, you’ve made room for someone new! Don’t be afraid to open up and make new connections! Not everyone is here to use you, honey bee! You’ve cut off a lot of people lately or are at least hiding away to try and keep yourself safe. It’s making you lonely and you’re looking at things from a hopeless perspective. You are worthy of good things, love. Release control of what’s happening. Realize you have fought hard and deserve to relax and unwind. You can have fun with other people! Go on dates! Make friends with people online or in person! Go have fun! Get out of the house and go for a walk, you never know who you might bump into! Stop playing it too safe, pile three! Live your life! If you hide away, you’re still letting that old person and their energy have control over you! Remember who is really in control here! Keep buzzing onwards and upwards!
- Bunny 🍯💛
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💛🍯 Bunny’s Notes:
Thank you for buzzing by! I hope that if this resonated with you, you gain the courage to keep being yourself and finding the balance of when to act defensively or when you should turn away from things/people/situations that no longer serve you! Love and light to you all!
If you’d like to tip me, below is the link to my ko-fi! Not needed to enjoy my readings! Thank you so much, busy bees! 💛🐝
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Golden Gift
Magickal help is on the way.
A Faerie Healing is coming: lifting and dissolving depression, bringing sensual bliss, calming your frustration and any anger you may have felt towards others you felt hurt you. 🧚
Wear gold to amplify the energy of this card. ✨
The Deer Queen is gentle, her power is enormous and her touch is transformation itself.
Believe & Receive
Faerie Much Love to All!
Jenn 💋
@jenncrole_psychicstarlite 🧜‍♀️
#cosmicconnections #planetaryinfluences 🪐
#talesfromacancermoon 🌙
#psychicstarlite 🧚🏼‍♀️
#dufferincounty #Dufferin #caledon #orangeville #canada
Card from:
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle.
By Lucy Cavendish
Artwork by Selina Fenech.
J. M. Crole 📸 Bobcaygeon, 2023
Words of Wisdom by the Lit Messenger
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thelivewireoracle · 3 months
Weekly Tarot 8/27/23 - 9/2/23
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4 of Potions (Cups), The Fool, Strength, + Anti-Hero
Hello everyone! This week may shake up your connections and the way that you relate to yourself, others, and situations. With the 4 of Cups, you may see yourself unbottling some old emotions and perhaps cleaning out expired connections in your metaphorical cupboard. The behaviors in yourself and others that you once enabled or accepted are no longer tolerable. Perhaps you’re done drinking from the cup of apathy and are now seeking something new and fortifying. Whatever it may be, the Full Moon this week offers a moment to reflect before you begin this new chapter. You are taking with you what you have learned and perhaps embracing your true nature - or at least the nature that best serves you at this time. Many of you may find that new guides will appear to assist you along the way. And for others, you might be stepping into completely new roles that will allow you to fully embrace your gifts and strengths. 
With the Anti-Hero card, some of you may be asked to embrace a side of yourself that you’ve repressed for a long time. Whether it was out of fear of being perceived in the wrong light, fear of rejection, or simply fear of meeting your whole authentic self. This week will give you opportunities to allow yourself to fully be seen. And if you feel as if you don’t know where to begin, ask yourself “What parts of myself have I bottled up in order to make someone else feel safe?” “What part of me have I recently seen in another, but have rejected because I was told that it was wrong to be different?” “Is being perceived as the villain in someone else’s story while being the hero in another really all that bad?” “How am I trying to control someone else’s experience by projecting only the parts of myself that I feel are appropriate to be seen?” “How can I better show up for myself and my loved ones in a way that allows others the space to be seen fully as well?”
In terms of crystals, Obsidian works in a way that allows us to reflect on energies that can be hindering our progress and serves as a tool that gives us strength to create compassionate boundaries with ourselves and others. Silver Moonstone allows us to connect our rational mind with our intuition which then works as a vehicle to aid our discernment. Better discernment and healthy boundaries are some of the most important tools to have no matter where you are on your journey. (For more information on crystals and minerals, please see our store favorite Crystal Basics and Crystal Basics Pocket Encyclopedia by Nicholas Pearson.) -Lilith Jane
Decks Used
Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot by Minerva Siegel, Artwork by Abigail Larson
Les Vampires Oracle by Lucy Cavendish, Artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
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cilis-readings · 1 year
Hello I love to join you're blind Oracle! N.V.W. 🌈 Password Red.
hello! here’s what i got for you :)
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deck: into the lonely woods by lucy cavendish
card: do not hide your light
the light within you is longing to be freed! it will not vanish, be stolen, or shrivel away if you let it shine. bring your light out and let it shine, let it guide you with purpose. the world needs your light!
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Kleo's Oracle Decks [02]
This is a second part of me sharing what oracle decks I own. You have seen some of the cards on the pictures I occassionally post together with the reading but not all decks were included in those.
So let's see with what I work when crafting those readings you like!
The Lantern Oracle
Angelina Mirabito ^ Illustrated by Yuly Alejo
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This is such a beautiful and deeply meaningful deck. I can imagine it to be super good for shadow work. I don't do that very often but I still like to use this deck for a daily pull and sometimes for the personal readings. It's artistically superb.
The Solitary Witch Oracle
Lucy Cavendish ^ Illustrated by Lady Viktoria
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This is one of the most aesthetically beautiful decks I own. When I saw it was about to be released, I knew I will need it. It's a recent purchase, I didn't have that much time to use it but first impression is highly positive. I can relate to the theme of the deck as I also live alone and some might call some of my habits and hobbies witchy. 😁 I'm looking forward to read this deck more often in future and I believe it's going to become one of my favourites.
The Wild Unknown Alchemy
Kim Krans
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This is one of those super unique decks that approach the whole spiritual aspect of life from a new angle. I trully love the connection with the grandfather of modern science - Alchemy. While it's not easy to work with this deck, it's actually one of my favourites. The meanings are pretty deep and resonating well with me. The only drawback is the shape and size of the cards. Maybe if they were smaller, the hexagon shape wouldn't be an issue but the cards are pretty large and there are 71 of them which makes a pretty decently thick deck. For someone with small hands like mine it's a challenge to shuffle it. But it's not like a major issue.
The Wild Unknown Archetypes
Kim Krans
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Once again, a pretty original type of deck from the talented author Kim Krans. I also have her tarot deck. The Archetypes deck contains 78 cards and they are of circular shape. Once again, for my hands they are pretty big but they still shuffle easier than the hexagon ones. The archetypes are picked pretty well and not limited to like human roles or personalities. It's also one of my favourite decks despite the fact it's not the easiest one to read.
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle
Kim Krans
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And last deck from Kim Krans. This one is more on the traditional side. It contains animals sorted into categories by element - fire, earth, air, water - plus there's a special spirit category where you can find some mythical creatures like Unicorn or Dragon for example. It's one of my favourite decks and I use it often as it tells me what kind of energy I have today or what kind of energy needs to heal. And I love animals, of course. It's a beautiful and pretty universally useful deck.
The Wisdom of Trees Oracle
Jane Struthers ^ Illustrated by Meraylah Allwood
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I love this oracle deck. It gives such peaceful vibes. I'm a nature lover and this tree deck simply resonates so well with me. I often use it in my personal readings as it gives pretty useful informations. The cards can actually read as reversals, too, as the guidebook includes reversed card meaning. I don't read reversals in tarot nor oracle but I know for some this could be a useful information.
Urban Crow Oracle
MJ Cullinane
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Once again, you can see that the author is my favourite as I also have three tarot decks from her. This a truly good oracle deck and I felt such an immediate connection when I hold it in my hands for the first time. I love crows. They are one of the smartest birds and they can truly act in a bit of human way. This oracle shows how much of love and respect the author has for them, too. I smilled reading some of the stories that inspired the cards as I have experienced similar situations with crows, too.
Wild Mystic Oracle
Anastasia Catris
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Yes, I have many animal decks. Because I love animals of all kind. This is such an impressive and useful deck. The guidebook includes a shadow meaning of each card as well as the ... regular meaning of it. It's pretty useful for readings and I often use this deck in personal readings. The cards are glossy and might be harder to shuffle but that's really a minor setback.
Woodland Wardens
Jessica Roux
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This deck gives such a vintage vibe but it's genuinelly beautiful. Each card combines an animal with some plant and the guidebook gives messages for both straight and reversed position of the cards. I love the aesthetics and the messages which are pretty short and straight to the point.
The Literary Witches Oracle
Taisia Kitaiskaia ^ Illustrated by Katy Horan
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This is one of my newer decks and I haven't had the opportunity to use it in depth yet. It's for those who are fans of literature and it contains cards depicting famous female literature authors and then there are cards depicting symbols or items often used in stories. The guidebook is pretty short and not very complex which is a pity as I think it had a potential to make more of the cards but then again, working with oracle cards is a personal experience and when the guidebook is thin it opens the door for your own take on the meanings. I wouldn't recommend this deck to beginners, though.
These were my oracle decks (some more are on their way to me so this post will be updated soon, same for the tarot decks post).
Oracle cards are always pretty specific.
Tell me whether some of these caught your attention.
Do you use oracle decks? Which one is your favourite? Do you connect well with oracle cards? Do you combine oracle cards and tarot?
Share with us!
I personally combine tarot and oracle only in specific cases, I don't really have a spread that would include both types (with the ideal partner spread exception). Do you have ideas how to include any of the oracle decks in the existing spreads? Feel free to give your suggestion.
Check part 1 of my Oracle Deck:
Kleo's Oracle Decks [01]
Check the Tarot Decks:
Kleo's Tarot Decks [01]
Thank you for reading!
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the-marian-pagan · 1 year
Okay. So.
I am going to be shifting my posting away from Mary for a while. To make a long story short, I am still very devoted to her, but I think it’s best if I handle the next few months of that devotion in private. I have some healing to do that doesn’t need social media factoring in.
However, I will still be posting here as I begin my deck study of The Faerytale Oracle: An Enchanted Oracle of Initiation, Mystery, and Destiny, written by Lucy Cavendish with artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith.
This deck is a little kitschy. It’s very much a product of its time, first published in 2001 by Blue Angel back when thematic borders and glossy cards were all the rage. It’s also a compilation deck, meaning the art was created by Jasmine Becket-Griffith with no intention of being used for divination, and was only compiled later for use in the oracle deck. The art was chosen from different collections and different points in her career, meaning it is not super visually cohesive. And the guidebook and marketing make it pretty obvious this deck was geared towards younger teens.
That being said, if you let it, this deck can and will give some of the most profound and accurate readings I’ve ever had. I’m not sure what exactly it is. Maybe it’s the universality of human storytelling, as the cards are all specific folktales from around the world. Maybe it’s Jasmine Becket-Griffith’s evocative sad girls with big, watercolor eyes. Maybe it’s the way Lucy Cavendish retells these folktales and interprets them in ways I had never thought of before. But somehow, this classic 2000s mass market pop deck has become one of my most used and most loved. And I think it’s about time I dedicate some hours to learning it.
It pairs particularly well with Lucy and Jasmine’s parallel book, Magickal Faerytales: An Enchanted Collection of Retold Tales, as well as Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D., so I will be using and referencing both of these books in my studies too.
The majority of my deck study will take place in a google doc, so I have the freedom to write as much as I want without having to worry too much about keeping an audience or running out of physical paper. But I will be occasionally posting about the journey here, especially as it relates to Mary (because of course I’m going to find connections to the Maiden in a deck full of children’s stories, haha). I hope you’ll join me! I’m very excited to start cracking book spines and shuffling cards.
Until next time,
- Ettie
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midnitevintage · 15 days
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Haven’t done an oracle read in a while but this card came up twice today. Really showing how much of a hopeless romantic I am
Oracle Set: The Faery Forest by Lucy Cavendish
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ejjangel · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Oracle of the Shapeshifters: Mystic Familiars for Times of Transformation Change.
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qldqueerboy · 11 months
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Self-preservation seems like a good idea today. The decision to walk away from your promised commitments and obligations today can’t be taken lightly. At least you have the time to weigh up the many benefits as well as disadvantages should you decide to take this approach. And if no clarity arises from your thinking process then it is better to check in with your intuition. It’s a much better proposition.
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bloodvampyr · 8 months
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✨Mercury in Gatorade
🪶Pick a Card cuz we all need a cosmic timeout. To think🧠 And stuff🫀
September 27th - October 19th
Pick a Card masterlist 💞💦
Choose a circle from this Olympics logo 💖
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General message for the collective
Butterfly. Wings of change. Cruella de vils. Cruelty. Every villain has a backstory. If you walked a mile in their shoes you'd seethe at injustice too. Red riding hood and polka dots. Childlike innocence. The Before. Threads of fate are interconnected. The past, present and future are are not so hard to distinguish and separate from the other. They're enmeshed closer than you think. Cut some cords. Reflect. Review. Detach. Revise. Incorporate the horrors of the past and work your way through. We recreate that which we don't try to understand and feel.
Bad things happen when people feel unloved.
Desprate for food, attention, shelter, love.
Hate the crime, not the criminal.
Now pick a pile from the Olympic ring circle
1. Two little Witches 30 blue (volleyball)
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Cry it out. Tears clean your eyes.
Old clothes need mending.
Broom. Sweep it away. Bees.
Housewarming puja. Do a cleanse or banishment ritual .
Childhood friends. Love. Here is the church and there is the steeple. We sure are cute for 2 ugly people.
No stop. No more ugly, negative, bullying thoughts about you. I won't stand for it.
Reprogram your brain. Listen to positive affirmations before bed.
Instead of calling yourself dumb, ugly, etc, or whatever horrid inner dialogue you have with yourself say soemthing positive.
Clear out the trash talking. Bad habits always need to be replaced by something new. The easiest xamooe I can't think of is someone trying to wake up early. Instead of hating on yourself for always being late, say I beliwve I will wake up at xyz time.
Say it like a prayer if you wish. I will wake up at 8 o clock. I will wake up at 8 o clock. (or whenever/whatever you need to) the law of attraction isn't a joke.
I don't believe you can randomly manifest a billion dollars in a day. But I do believe that if you repeat soemthing often enough you star to believe it and act towards it soon enough.
That's the secret to the law of attraction action and manifesting your hearts desire. Make room for belief. Make space for positive action. It starts in the mind. Declutter toxic thoughts, spaces, clean your room. Air it out. Write down your goals. Google peopep successfully at what you do. Use wiki how. Teach yourself things. Find out.
Research ways to do your thing.
Get rid of shit that doesn't help you. Throw it away if it's bringing you down.
In the movie dear zindagi, Alia's therapist tells her that if she wanted to go climb a mountain there's no need to start with the biggest one.
And there's no need to kill yourself to make a point. Start with a small, scaleable hill. Start with the smaller, Easier, doable task. Build your confidence and Build stamina.
Small changes won't cure All your problems magically, but it will make you feel marginally better and take away the stress of having a 100 problems.
But now since you have lesser things to deal with you'd have more mental bandwidth to devote to the more tricky challenges you're dealing with. Let's get going shall we? 😊💙
2.Violet Angel 23 (weight lifting)
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Hurt and comfort. Self soothe. Picking up the pieces.
Have you seen those Insta reels that go - Everything sucks. Just kidding. Everything is great. Or maybe it isn't. But you know what? Nothing is permanent.
You're on a roll coaster. Somtimes it's fun. Sometimes it's just scary. Life is a ride you can't avoid.
There's this story about a court jester who was asked by a King to write down something that would make Kingman happy when he was sad but would upset him if he read it when he was in a good mood. Now obviously this pompous little Leo, oops I mean, brat, I mean royalty figure(sorry leos) thought he did something really cool and outsmarted the jester. But nah. This guy surprised him by doing just as he was asked to. Do you know what he wrote down?
This too shall pass.
OK, so will your sadness. It's gonna fade into happiness soon enough. You've been through the worst of the storm. Now you get to enjoy the cool breeze and flowers that follow.
I saw this psotivity quote that went ' if you're going through hell keep going, why would you stop there' and if someone chirped that to me when I was frustrated, angry, miserable I'd probably clop them in the face like ' listen you rotten excuse for A Percy Jackson, I'm tired, also my backpack has a tonne of stones and hell is literally on fire+ my feet are burnt so don't you fuckin come at me with that witticism if you're not planning to put me in a wheelchair and wheel me through hell'
There's no magickal elevator that opens up when u pass a trial in hell. But I've heard that the Queen of Hell is also a Goddess of flowers and once a year she returns to the land of the living. That day isn't far off. You can go with her.
It's gonna get better for you.
All of the hurt, pain, sadness, heartbreak will be a thing of the past. Dry your tears, drink some rose milk and go to sleep. Happy days are coming.
Have you ever watched Titanic and wondered if Rose had managed to keep Jack afloat a few moments longer? How different their lives could have been...
It's either sink or swim untill help arrives. The Violet Angel Soemtimes shows up to indicate a new love, fried ship, loving relationship or some kind of help.
I know it's dark out and all that jazz, but when the ghpusl leave and the vampires go to sleep the sky turns pink
This dark night of the soul is coming to an end. You'll be happier than you've ever been. Just you wait and see!
3.Grumpy Red Fairy 8(cycling)
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change and transformation
Get angry if anger is what you truly feel.
Are u tired of other people expecting you to live talk breathe act sing fart a certain way? Well it's no business of theirs.
Let the facade drop. Take off the social mask. (not the physical Covid safety ones).
Pretending is tiring and drains energy real quick.
In order to be truly loved we have to go through the terrifying ordeal of being known. 😬
People who are living a lie are always irked by those who don't chop away parts of themself to fit in.
Why cut your foot to squeeze into Cinderella's shoe? That glass slipper was certainly not meant for you . And while we're on the subject you wouldn't have been happy with Cinderella's Prince Charming either. There's something out there that's more right and made for you.
Why try so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?
Be you. Be real. Be authentic. And if that pisses some people off so mote it be.
No more lies.
Reblog to save this message.
4.i am Kali chabhi 13 (javelin throw)
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Key in
Death. Change. Transformation.
Energy goes where attention flows.
Nursery rhyme - London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. (Break it down.) Build it up with iron bars,iron bars, iron bars my fair lady
Adapt or perish.Destruction. Demolition before rebuilding.
Those who resist change are the first to die out.
When the storm winds blow the stubborn oak topples but it's the willow that survives.
The old ways will not serve you in the new world. Cut your losses. And start over. Change your outlook. Accept changing circumstance and respond according to it.
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Goddess Kali hodls your hand as you cut cords with your resistance to change and she helps you walk through the flames into a new reality.born anew. Like Danaerys stepping into the flames and emerging as the mother of dragons.
Kali Maa is clearing all that is leeching off your energy, draining your strength, and abrading those relationships that cannot do anything but keep you stuck.
Test of strength. Rejoice in the purification of stale energy.
Sometimes things have to fall apart for better things to fall in place 💙 stay strong Pile 4, you'll survive 💪💯
5. ghosts of the past 42 (archery)
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I don't have my glasses
Clear the debris. You have a chance to rehash old issues and clear them once and for all. Now is a good time to let it go.
We forgive people so that we can release the pain and bitterness they left behind in our heart.
Move on from the past.
Your past shapes you but it doesn't have to define you. The present moment is always a choice. You are the author in a choose your own adventure. Some quests are scripted. But a whole lot of it is not.
When you take off your mask, you must turn around and confront others living a charade.
Where mad Men rule, it's considered out of fashion to be wise.
See, a lot of versions of us exist in other people's head but it's time to stop allowing others to write your narrative for you.
Maybe you have made some questionable or even embarrassing life choices s in thr past.so what? If you know better now, act better.
Yeah? Say if you're trying to give up a bad habit and x, y, z comes along talking about your gambling or street mugger days, you can actually say ' well actually that's not who I am anymore.' like Phoebe does IN friends. She got off the streets and made a whole new life for herself.
Make room for the person you are blossoming into. Flowers need space to grow.
Leveling up journey. You can escape poverty, your bad habits, challenges, addictions, etc. You have the power to rewrite your life story by virtue of actions and day tod at decisions. It's okay to cut off people who try to stop you from outgrowing them.
Old friends, acquaintances could be popping up in your life to remind you either of how far you've come or that there's still some work to be done in areas you that you had settled already.
It's okay be forgiving. Be greatful to yourself. Do past, present, future you a solid one and stay focused on your growth.
As long as you're learning from your mistakes, you're doing good 💕
We're only defeated when we stop trying
Abhi mujh may kahi Bali thodi so Hai zindagi - I still have a little fight left in me. 10 of swords energy. For some if you you're the first in a family line to do something great. Changing the course for someone . Showing people it's possible to improve ones situation. Inspiring them. But most of all believing in yourself enough to do the thing. And being gracious when you make mistakes along the way 🌱🌹
I'm so proud 🥺 of you, Pile 5. Keep going 👏you're doing so well
That's all the cards had to say folks. The rest is up to you ♥️good luck, and godspeed 💫
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inhalingmagic · 2 years
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thelivewireoracle · 3 months
Weekly Tarot 2/5/24 - 2/11/24
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Sacrifice, 2 of Cups, 7 of Swords, Knight of Cups
Sacrifice is a word that has such a weight to it. When we are young, we are taught that in order to get ahead in life or to attain our desires an exchange of sorts must be made. When we love someone, we learn that concessions must happen in order to meet in the middle. We learn to put others' needs before our own. Eventually, we give and give until there is nothing left. With each decision to disregard our own needs, we pull further away from ourselves and our loved ones. This week gives us an opportunity to turn a new leaf in the chapter of our relationships and connections.
The 2 of Cups appears as a gift to all of us. It gives us a chance to consider what it would be like to experience harmonious and fulfilling relationships. These can be romantic or strictly platonic. In order to show up for others, we must consider how we relate to ourselves. What does it mean to have a healthy relationship? When you compare each person’s experiences, we find there are common themes of safety, trust, communication, support, and pure honesty. When you go to rate yourself on a scale of 1 through 10, where do you sit in regards to these things? How confident do you feel in saying that you would score perfectly? No matter the answer, there is always opportunity for growth.
How often do we look outside ourselves to see what is causing our problems? For many, you might say quite a bit frequently. But how often do we truly take accountability and make adjustments within our power? The 7 of Swords is giving us a chance to own up to our faults. How often do we perpetuate our own self-sabotage and then deflect the accountability because we feel ashamed? This week might shed some light for many of you in regards to unhealthy, enabling behaviors and ways of thinking. Give yourself grace and take the time you need to gather yourself. It’s okay.
Lastly, the Knight of Cups shows us that even in the toughest battles, there is strength in having the ability to feel. Our emotions guide us through experiences. They give us a way to fully engage through our senses. When was the last time you really leaned into a welcomed hug from a friend and embraced all the facets of their energy? Or when did you last listen to your favorite song and felt the rush of relief or sadness as you traced the sounds with your mind? Your challenge this week is to embrace feeling. Do it alone where you feel safe or with a trusted loved one. Share an experience together with no judgment even if just for a few minutes. You will learn what each and every emotion is trying to tell you with time. You will learn how to respond to them accordingly in new and healthier ways.
As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. The New Moon this week is the perfect time to reflect and commit to following through with what you’ve been putting off for so long. Just know that the most powerful magic begins with you and how you relate to the world around you. Be well and have a blessed week! :) - Lilith Jane
Decks Used
Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza
Les Vampires Oracle Cards by Lucy Cavendish, Illustrated by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
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