votocis · 4 years
Last line tag
I was tagged by @olivetheflyinghuman​ Thank you C: 
He had to raise his voice quite significantly to shout over the engine taking away quite a lot from the nonchalant manner with which he wanted to deliver those lines.
It’s mu OC Lucas on a unintended rescue mission. I gotta admit it was quite fun writing that story.
I tag whoever wants to be tagged! (This feels like cheating, but oh well)
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votocis · 5 years
‘’You’re acting like a child. There’s literally nothing to worry about.” She rolled her eyes thinking of just how big of a fuss he was making from nothing, really it was nothing in her eyes.
“What?” His eyes got a little bigger with something between disbelief and anger. “I helped you and all I wanted in return was what we already had going – some fun time.” It couldn’t be counted in that arrangement, because his help came from having some genuine human concern, despite of what Octavia expected from… everyone, as life has taught her – nothing was free. “And you fucking stabbed me in the back!”
“She doesn’t know anything, there’s no files, nothing.” She went on getting sick and tired of his overreaction, because that was the truth – the investigation wasn’t official and if he had only given Octavia her phone back no FBI agent would be bursting in here any minute. That was not how Lucas saw it and it was something Octavia wouldn’t understand, because he had kept a lot hidden from her.
He smiled skeptically, shaking his head. “And when the hell have you started trusting people? Enough to pull someone else into it.” He locked his fingers on her phone feeling in his bones that the best place for it was on the floor, scattered like glass. Instead, he made his way to the coffee table and dropped the smartphone right into the glass of whiskey. He had not drank enough to be dealing with this kind of shit.
Octavia watched the deed in terror not even suspecting he would move to such thing. She jumped forward pulling the phone out although there was no chance that it would be of any use, but she had hope that she could save at least the sim card. “You are fucking ridiculous!” She muttered through her teeth trying to dry the phone out. Lucas was just standing with his arms crossed, letting her do what she could, but knowing the result.
“You can get the fuck out.”
She looked up at him, with fury at the bottom of her eyes and perhaps just a little bit of hurt, but he didn’t care anymore. Octavia has crossed a line from which there was no coming back. “I wanna see you dealing with Raven when I’m not around, asshole.”
“She’ll be my guest.” He replied coldly after her as she was storming off. The door shut violently behind her and soon it was followed by some rushed exchanged, but no one came through the door. Lucas was left with the mess, but all he wanted to do right now was to forget this day happened at all.
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votocis · 5 years
Dead or alive
The advertisement looked bleak. It unpleasantly reminded Lucas of a scene from Sister Act where Deloris Van Cartier was being searched for as a beloved daughter (or cousin), dead or alive. It made him chuckle at the time, but now there was nothing to laugh about. This was about real dangerous people searching for a real person, that happened to be his friend (in some weird way).
“So...” He disturbed the silence, shifting his gaze from his laptop’s screen to Octavia. “What are you gonna do about it?”
“I’m planning to give them exactly what they want.” Octavia said with confidence, that almost didn’t match a shaky manner with which she took out a cigarette.
Lucas raised his eyebrows, for a moment staying silent as if he was still processing the fact that she seemed perfectly serious about it. “Are you crazy?” She was, they had established that some time ago. “You’ve been running away from them this whole time and now you want to willingly throw yourself into their arms?” He seemed to be missing something, he had to be.
The woman shrugged her arms and got up from a stool. She lit up the cigarette and took a deep drag of it, before exhaling slowly. “Eleven years.” She started, instead of addressing the question directly, as she would. “I’ve been running away from them for eleven years and most of my plans haven’t worked out. I’m here, aren’t I?” She smiled ironically. “I have a concept, more than a plan, and in the worst case scenario I’ll kill just one of those fuckers, in best? I’ll take all of them down.” There was something Octavia have kept to herself this whole time knowing exactly just how much Lucas would not appreciate the type of company she decided to get entangled with – the FBI. “I have nothing to lose, anymore.”
“What about your life? How are… wha… How do you see that even going? You’re one woman against God knows how many people, and you think you could take even one down before others shoot you?” He shook his head in disbelief getting up. “I always thought your survivals instincts are stronger than that.” He commented to which she just rolled her eyes. “Unless…” He turned around to face her. “You’ve been working with someone, who should not know about my existence, but you sold me out for your own safety.”
Octavia’s hand paused at her lips, she slowly moved it away squinting her eyes as she looked to him. “That’s really how little trust you have in me?”
“You’ve got almost none of my trust.” He raised his voice. “You’re always bending the truth, sneaking around, it’s in your fucking nature, so don’t even try to make me feel like I’m the bad guy here.”
She averted her sight, trying to keep her nonchalant manner as she took another drag, exhaling towards the window. It wasn’t even close. The smoke spread around the room, soaking into their clothes, staining the furniture with its odor that was going to hang around for longer than Lucas would like it.
“I should’ve known.” He muttered underneath his breath closing his laptop. Leave her to her own devices, he thought. If she’s just that desperate to kick the bucket, just let her. It was tempting, indeed.
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