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concerthopperblog · 1 year ago
Shades of Sorrow Over North America Tour: Crypta Live @ Bogg’s Social & Supply!
Last year during the US Tour of Terror at The Masquerade in Atlanta, Morbid Angel brought a band named Crypta out on tour with them. After seeing the carnage and mayhem that is Crypta, when they announced their first-ever United States headlining tour, I knew that I had to be there. Crypta is a death metal band from Sao Paulo, Brazil that formed during the Summer of 2019. The band features Fernanda Lira (bass/vocals), Jéssica di Falchi (guitar), Tainá Bergamaschi (guitar), and Luana Dametto (drums). Crypta has released two (2) LPs and seven (7) singles. The latest album, Shades of Sorrow was released August 4th, 2023, on Napalm Records. It is also worth noting that Luana and Fernanda previously played together in the Brazilian thrash/death metal band Nervosa.
Leading up to Morbid Angel’s US Tour of Terror last year, I listened to Crypta’s debut album, Echoes of the Soul, steadily on repeat getting ready for that show. Crypta quickly became a band that I put in my musical rotation daily. I knew that this band was going to make some magic in the future, and I was excited to listen to their growth. So, when Crypta announced the Shades of Sorrow Over North America Tour 2024, I added a reminder to make sure I would not miss their Atlanta date. Crypta’s Shades of Sorrow Over North America Tour 2024 kicked off in beautiful San Juan, Puerto Rico on January 27th, and will continue until the tour finale in Seattle, Washington on March 2nd, 2024. Almost halfway through their tour, Crypta stopped by Bogg’s Social and Supply in Atlanta, Ga. to perform with local Atlanta area bands Murder Van and Malefic.
Murder Van is a death/thrash metal band from Atlanta, Ga. that formed in 2018. Murder Van includes DeathRay (bass), Drew Verstraete (drums), and Skraw Tharp (guitar/vocals). They have independently released one (1) LP, one (1) EP, and two (2) singles. Murder Van was a good choice to kick off the festivities, as they played some of their hardest and most brutal songs for the early crowd. And in return, the crowd showed their utmost appreciation for this insane set from Murder Van. Even Brent Hinds (Mastodon guitarist) showed up this evening to support his Atlanta buds. That is what Atlanta does, always coming out and supporting the homies! This was my first time checking them out and I hope to see them again soon.
You can follow this link to Murder Van’s Official Bandcamp page and check them out today!  
Malefic is a black/death metal band from Marietta, Ga. that has been active from 2003 to 2010, 2013-present. Malefic currently consists of Sam Williams (guitars), Jason Da Vila (guitars), Andy McGraw (bass), and Aaron Baumoel (drums). This quartet was crammed on stage but made the best of it with another ferocious set for those who came out early to the show. It is not often that you see a drummer take the lead singing duties, but Aaron is a phenomenal dual performer. Crashing hard on the drums and delivering some vicious vocals while Sam, Jason, and Andy shred on their axes. Just like Murder Van, I must admit that I have not seen Malefic before this evening, and I am ashamed of myself for missing out on some wild metal in the past. Support your local bands wherever you may live. There are a lot of great and unknown artists out there that need to be heard.
You can listen to Malefic at their Official Bandcamp page today!
Now after the opening bands helped destroy some ear drums with their ferocious sets, it was time for Crypta to take the stage. Getting the opportunity to see Crypta perform in such an intimate setting at Bogg’s Social was electrifying, especially with the energy that the band exhibits during their dynamic live shows. Crypta is a band that I will make every opportunity to see when they come near my area, and if you ever get a chance to see them then you will know exactly what I mean. Between Jessica and Taina’s lethal assault on guitar, Luana’s ability to blast some ferocious beats on the drums, or Fernanda’s wicked vocals that often remind me of the late great Chuck Schuldiner from the legendary death metal band Death.
Check out Crypta’s blistering set list from this evening’s tour stop at Bogg’s Social:
·         “The Other Side of Anger”
·         “Kali”
·         “Poisonous Apathy”
·         “Lift the Blindfold”
·         “The Outsider”
·         “Lullaby for the Forsaken”
·         “Stronghold”
·         “Limbo”
·         “Trail of Traitors”
·         “Under the Black Wings”
·         “Dark Clouds”
·         “Dark Night of the Soul”
·         “Agents of Chaos”
·         “Lord of Ruins”
·         “From the Ashes”
·         “The Closure”
 Head over to Crypta’s Official Bandcamp page today and show them some support. Or you can visit Crypta’s Official Online Merchandise Store for some band t-shirts, CDs, and more. You can also read my previous review featuring Crypta: United States of Terror 2023: Morbid Angel’s 40th Anniversary exclusively on Concerthopper.com.
You can still have time to catch Crypta on their first-ever United States headlining tour during the following dates:
02/14/24: Fayetteville, AR @ Majestic Lounge
02/15/24: Houston, TX @ Rise Rooftop
02/16/24: Dallas, TX @ Trees
02/17/24: Austin, TX @ Come and Take It Live
02/19/24: El Paso, TX @ RockHouse Bar & Grill
02/20/24: Albuquerque, NM @ Launchpad
02/21/24: Phoenix/Mesa, AZ @ The Underground
02/23/24: San Diego, CA @ Brick By Brick
02/24/24: Los Angeles, CA @ Whisky a Go Go
02/25/24: Las Vegas, NV @ Backstage Bar & Billiards
02/27/24: Sacramento, CA @ The Starlet Room
03/01/24: Portland, OR @ Dante's
03/02/24: Seattle, WA @ El Corazon
 Curious about Concerthopper? You can find more music-related articles, interviews, various photo galleries, indie music reviews, our ‘Bars & Bites’ section, our exclusive “She Said, She Said” column, or become a Concerthopper at www.concerthopper.com. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by following this link: The Setlist! Please ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date in 2023, on all music-related events/festivals such as SESSANTA: Primus, Puscifer, & A Perfect Circle: Live at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre (Atlanta), Life Is But A Dream… North American Tour: Avenge Sevenfold Live at KeyBank Center (Buffalo), Shoot For The Moon Tour: Sierra Ferrell Live at The Eastern, Blue Oyster Cult Live at The Eastern (Atlanta), Seasons World Tour 2024: Thirty Seconds to Mars & AFI Live at MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre, Mr. Bungle: Live at The Tabernacle, The Deathless Tour: Set It Off w/ Crown the Empire, Caskets, and Death By Choice Live at Water Street Music Hall (Rochester), Leftover Salmon, The Infamous Stringdusters, & The Kitchen Dwellers: Live at The Eastern (Atlanta),  RUCKUS! Tour 2024: Movements Live at Water Street Music Hall, We Legalized It 2024: Cypress Hill Live at Tabernacle, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard: Live at The Fox Theatre (Atlanta), and King Dunn Tour: Live at The Masquerade by following us on all social media formats: Concerthopper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  You can also follow my concert hopping on Facebook and Instagram.
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zvoneradikalni · 2 years ago
Things to do in Sukošan
when you are dead 🤣🤣🤣. Za one rijetke koje su pogledali film “Things to do in Denver when you are dead”, ova referenca će možda izmamiti osmijeh (Steve Buscemi ❤️). Iako u stvari nema neke veze (odličan je film!), samo mi palo napamet 🤣. Anyway, ajmo na bitno … Luana kontinuirano pada na listi upisa za Sportsku gimnaziju sa svojih mizernih 56 sportskih bodova (od maksimalnih 80, jer jebi ga,…
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livornopress · 2 years ago
Rigassificatore, Verdi-Sinistra a fianco dei comitati in lotta
Rigassificatore, Verdi-Sinistra a fianco dei comitati in lotta
Rigassificatore Piombino, On. Luana Zanella (Capogruppo deputati verdi Sinistra): Noi a fianco dei Comitati in lotta contro l’energia fossile Roma, 7 marzo 2023 Voler fare dell’Italia l’hub mediterraneo del gas ( nei primi cinque mesi del 2022 venduti 1124 smc – standar metri cubi ) significa; non guardare al futuro e portare il Paese in un vicolo cieco. I comitati dei cittadini che dal Nord al…
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curewhimsy · 7 years ago
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superfuji · 3 years ago
Primo Maggio senza pace. Ora Draghi parli al Paese
Per Lorenzo, schiantato da una putrella nel suo ultimo giorno di tirocinio a Udine. Per Luana, mangiata viva da un orditoio tessile a Prato. Per i 1.221 che se ne sono andati l’anno scorso. Per i 218 che sono caduti già quest’anno. Questo Primo Maggio è per loro, come ha detto il presidente della Repubblica: una Festa al contrario, perché non c’è niente da festeggiare quando il lavoro non è vita ma è morte, non è diritto ma sopruso. Ma la festa al contrario vale anche per tutti gli altri. Per chi di lavoro ci vive, o più spesso ci sopravvive. Per chi nel lavoro, insieme al dovere, vede anche il riscatto e il rispetto, ma non trova né l’uno né l’altro. Sergio Mattarella ha ancora una volta il merito di parlare chiaro, al Paese e al Palazzo. Il lavoro irregolare troppo spesso «varca il limite dello sfruttamento, persino della servitù». La precarietà è «una spina nel fianco della coesione sociale». Le condizioni salariali sono critiche per troppi «lavoratori poveri e pensionati poveri». Mai come quest’anno, il Primo Maggio di guerra ci interroga tutti. E pretende risposte, soprattutto dal governo e dalle classi dirigenti.
C’è un dovere di chiarezza sulla politica economica. Lo diciamo da almeno due mesi: anche se Draghi non lo conferma, noi in un’economia di guerra ci viviamo già. In un mondo in cui la crescita prevista si dimezza al 3 per cento, il Pil italiano torna a decrescere dello 0,2 per cento nel primo trimestre, l’inflazione ad aprile sale al 6,2 per cento, la spesa pubblica sfonderà il tetto dei 1.000 miliardi a fine 2020, i ricavi delle imprese crolleranno del 3,2 per cento l’anno prossimo. Sul versante prezzi-salari il quadro è ancora più complesso. La guerra fa esplodere un focolaio inflattivo già acceso da tempo su tutte le filiere: tra il 2019 e il 2021 i prezzi del gas sono cresciuti del 636 per cento, quelli del petrolio del 46, quelli del mais del 77, quelli del frumento del 57. Per contro, le retribuzioni medie orarie tra gennaio e febbraio sono ferme, e tra il 1990 e il 2020 i salari medi degli italiani sono calati del 2,9 per cento. Gli occupati precari sono 3,2 milioni, quelli a part time sono 4,8 milioni. I lavoratori che aspettano il rinnovo contrattuale sono 6,8 milioni. La media di attesa tra i vari settori merceologici è di 30,8 mesi. In queste condizioni disastrose, ci si aspetterebbero due cose. Un’operazione-verità sulle condizioni reali del Paese, un grande patto sociale sul modello di quello cui Ciampi vincolò le parti sociali nel 1993. Non abbiamo né l’una né l’altro. Abbiamo invece rigurgiti di lotta di classe tra imprese e sindacati. Abbiamo un tavolo negoziale, proposto dal ministro Orlando, che Confindustria considera “un ricatto”. E abbiamo un governo che centellina aiuti (il prossimo, in arrivo, di altri 8 miliardi) ma si ostina a non prendere di petto il vero nodo della fase: con la guerra che ha fatto saltare i conti del Def, non converrà rivedere le priorità indicate dal Pnrr, e magari riflettere anche su un ulteriore scostamento di bilancio? Ha ragione Veronica De Romanis: forse è il caso che Draghi parli al Paese, e spieghi come il governo intende affrontare i mesi durissimi che ci aspettano. Se mai ha avuto senso, il pacchetto “pace o condizionatori” ormai non si può più vendere alle famiglie e alle imprese italiane. C’è un dovere di chiarezza sulla politica estera. I principi di base li conosciamo e li condividiamo: lo abbiamo detto e lo abbiamo scritto più volte. La Russia è il carnefice, l’Ucraina è la vittima. Questa guerra è frutto della nuova volontà di potenza di Putin, che negli ultimi vent’anni ne ha già fatte tre (Cecenia, Crimea e Siria) e ne porta fino in fondo le responsabilità. Sua è la colpa del massacro dei civili, dello stupro delle donne, delle torture ai bambini. Sua è la colpa dell’invasione di uno Stato sovrano, della devastazione delle città, del saccheggio dei villaggi. Sua è la colpa delle tre crisi che adesso squassano il pianeta: crisi economica, crisi energetica, crisi alimentare. Non abbiamo bisogno di ribadire da che parte stiamo: stiamo dalla parte dell’Occidente e dell’Alleanza Atlantica, delle liberaldemocrazie e del diritto internazionale, del multilateralismo e della globalizzazione. È la parte giusta della Storia, e lo ripetiamo con forza e con orgoglio. Respingiamo gli opposti ideologismi. C’è un ideologismo pro-russo e anti-amerikano (per usare una vecchia formula dei tempi della guerra in Vietnam): quello dei sedicenti martiri del Pensiero Unico, che in tv denunciano le odiose censure della fantomatica “informazione mainstream” mentre la medesima li lascia sdottoreggiare h24 sui talk e sui giornali, e degli indecenti cacadubbi della Sacra Rete, che sui social rimbalzano la bassa propaganda mosco-fila pronta a negare qualunque evidenza. Se servisse ancora una “firma” sui bombardamenti in territorio ucraino, l’abbiamo ottenuta con i due missili del Cremlino piovuti su Kiev durante la visita del segretario generale dell’Onu. Ma c’è anche un “occidentalismo” cieco e sordo (per usare la formula di Margalit e Buruma ai tempi dell’attacco qaedista alle Twin Towers). Quello degli intellettuali boots on the ground, che considerano intelligenza col nemico qualunque riflessione retrospettiva sulle vicende geo-strategiche di questi ultimi trent’anni. Capire come ci siamo illusi di ricostruire un Ordine Mondiale dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino non significa affatto giustificare l’ingiustificabile (gli orrendi crimini di Putin). Ma aiuta a comprendere (possibilmente per non ripeterli) gli errori di prospettiva e i rapporti di causa-effetto che hanno contribuito a portarci fin qui. Cioè non dentro un nuovo Ordine, ma alle soglie della Terza Guerra Mondiale. «Xavier Solana, da alto rappresentante della politica estera europea, a metà anni 2000 disse chiaramente che non era più pensabile un rapporto tra la Nato e l’Urss come quello dei tempi della Guerra Fredda… Era necessario identificare gli interessi comuni tra europei e russi. E visto che loro erano alla ricerca di una collocazione, bisognava creare un sistema di sicurezza e di difesa comune fondato sugli interessi vitali di europei, russi, americani… L’errore non fu ampliare i margini dell’Unione fino alla Russia, come fece Prodi. Al contrario, fu di essere rimasti chiusi in noi stessi, e aver portato la vecchia Nato ai confini… Fiona Hill, bravissima consigliera di diversi presidenti Usa, ha raccontato i suoi colloqui alla Casa Bianca nel 2008, con George Bush e Cheney. Prima del vertice Nato a Bucarest cercò di dissuaderli dall’includere nell’Alleanza militare Georgia e Ucraina, scatenando l’ira di Cheney e la reazione contrariata di Bush, il quale replicò che lui amava la “diplomazia vigorosa”. Quanto vigorosa, l’avevamo capito qualche anno prima con la sciagurata invasione dell’Iraq. Sappiamo poi come sono andate le cose…». Chi articola questi pensieri non è un pericoloso agente della Fsb travestito da giornalista. E non è neanche il professor Alessandro Orsini, in uno dei suoi deliri onanistici sui bimbi felici sotto le dittature. È il presidente della Consulta Giuliano Amato, in un’intervista al “Venerdì”. A meno che non si pretenda di inserire anche lui nella lista nera degli utili idioti del nuovo Zar di San Pietroburgo, conviene ragionare su ciò che dice. Senza per questo offrire sponde alla mattanza russa o indebolire la resistenza ucraina. La fine della pace è ormai sancita. La fase due del conflitto russo-ucraino è una guerra permanente a bassa intensità. Il piano-monstre di aiuti militari da 33 miliardi di dollari annunciato da Biden è un vero salto di qualità. L’intendenza euro-atlantica segue, aprendo a Ramstein il primo arsenale delle democrazie. Parliamo non più solo di sistemi di difesa anti-carro e anti-aereo, ma di armi offensive importanti e imponenti. Anche l’Italia sta per varare un decreto bis sull’invio di nuove armi all’Ucraina. Ormai siamo co-belligeranti a distanza. Come ha scritto giustamente Domenico Quirico, siamo entrati in guerra anche noi, ma senza il coraggio e l’onestà di dirlo a noi stessi. Se la realtà è questa, allora tutti i governi a partire dal nostro hanno il dovere di spiegarlo alle opinioni pubbliche e ai Parlamenti. La domanda posta da Lucio Caracciolo è cruciale: dov’è la vittoria per noi occidentali? Stiamo armando Zelensky per consentirgli di resistere nell’attesa che le nostre sanzioni convincano Putin a fermarsi, o crediamo e vogliamo che l’esercito ucraino vada fino in fondo e vinca la guerra anche per conto nostro? Vorremmo saperlo: non è accettabile che la lista delle armi che stiamo inviando ai resistenti ucraini sia secretata dal Copasir. E dovremmo discuterne: non è possibile che Draghi non spieghi la posizione italiana alle Camere, cosa che finora è accaduta tre volte, il 25 febbraio, il 1° e il 23 marzo. La doppia missione del premier, prima a Kiev e poi a Washington il 10 maggio, segnala una positiva ripresa dell’iniziativa diplomatica. Ma è necessario un colpo d’ala nell’azione e nella comunicazione politica. Non basta dire «faremo quello che deciderà l’Europa», anche perché la Ue non decide ed è tuttora divisa sull’embargo energetico. Bisogna dire cosa abbiamo fatto finora, nel rispetto o meno dell’articolo 11 della Costituzione. Bisogna sapere cosa vogliamo fare d’ora in poi, e semmai cos’altro noi proponiamo all’Europa, visto che la richiesta di fissare un tetto al prezzo del gas è stata respinta con perdite. E bisogna capire se l’Italia e l’Europa hanno ancora un po’ di filo da tessere, per provare a dare una chance alla pace. Tenendo sempre a mente le parole di Robert Schumann, citato proprio da Mattarella nel suo splendido discorso a Strasburgo: «La pace non potrà essere salvaguardata se non con sforzi creativi, proporzionali ai pericoli che la minacciano».
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transtranscendence · 4 years ago
2004-2007 - We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For Pedro Cruz Ramos, murdered on February 4, 2004, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
For the unknown person murdered on February 9, 2004, in South Auckland, New Zealand.
For Precious Armani, murdered on February 29, 2004, in Atlanta, GA.
For Mickey Ward-El Smith, murdered on March 3, 2004, in Washington, D.C.
For Augusto Flores Munoz, murdered on April 16, 2004, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
For Thyotis Jackson, murdered on May 19, 2004, in Sacramento, CA.
For John D. Mayo, murdered on May 31, 2004, in Salt Lake City, UT.
For Cedric Thomas, murdered on June 5, 2004, in Baton Rouge, LA.
For the unknown person murdered on June 7, 2004, in Delhi, India.
For April Marie, murdered on July 2, 2004, in Richmond, VA.
For the two unknown people murdered on July 12, 2004, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Gennaro Rizzo, murdered on July 13, 2004, in Caserta, Campania, Italy.
For Darryl Fearon, murdered on July 16, 2004, in New York City, NY.
For Leandro Bispo Estavao, murdered on July 20, 2004, in Boltiere, Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy.
For Ricky Lee Blakes, murdered on July 30, 2004, in Norwalk, CT.
For Delicious Green, murdered on August 13, 2004, in San Francisco, CA.
For Riviera Rene, murdered on August 14, 2004, in Grand Rapids, MI.
For Joel Robles, murdered on August 15, 2004, in Fresno, CA.
For Andre, murdered on September 13, 2004, in George Town, Penang, Malaysia.
For the unknown person murdered on November 6, 2004, in Long Beach, CA.
For the unknown person murdered on November 26, 2004, in Santiago de Surco, Lima, Peru.
For Luana Pereira Das Silvas, murdered on December 3, 2004, in Migliarino Pisano, Italy. For Penny Port, murdered on December 19, 2004, in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
For C. Hernandez, murdered on December 20, 2004, in Mendoza, Argentina.
For Robert Binenfield, murdered on December 21, 2004, in Monroe, LA.
For Felicia Moreno, murdered on December 26, 2004, in Hollywood, CA.
For the unknown person murdered on January 12, 2005, in Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina.
For Karlien Carstens, murdered on February 18, 2005, in Okahandja, Otjozondjupa, Namibia.
For the unknown person murdered on February 22, 2005, in Neuquén, Argentina.
For Phool Chand Yadav, murdered on March 17, 2005, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
For Alisha Sandoval, murdered on March 18, 2005, in Lodi, CA.
For Gerald “Ricky” Sandoval Jr., murdered on March 25, 2005, in Lakeland, FL.
For Mylene, murdered on March 26, 2005, in Marseilles, Bouches-du Rhône, France.
For Ashley Nickson, murdered on May 1, 2005, in Dothan, AL.
For Noleen Jansen, murdered on May 6, 2005, in Luderitz, Karas Region, Namibia.
For Julio Argueta, murdered on May 16, 2005, in Miami, FL.
For Marisa, murdered on May 28, 2005, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
For Kasha Blue, murdered on June 18, 2005, in Chicago, IL.
For Irene, murdered on July 31, 2005, in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.
For C. Hernandez, murdered on September 17, 2005, in Dorchester, MA.
For Christina Smith, murdered on October 12, 2005, in Houston, TX. 
For Kaaseem Adalla Juanda, murdered on October 17, 2005, in Glenwood, IO.
For the unknown person murdered on November 11, 2005, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
For Donathyn J. Rodgers, murdered on November 15, 2005, in Cleveland, OH.
For Rani, murdered on November 20, 2005, in North Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
For Vanessa Facen, murdered on November 21, 2005, in San Diego, CA.
For the unknown person murdered on November 27, 2005, in Northridge, CA.
For Simone Walton, murdered on December 4, 2005, in Dallas, TX.
For Roberta Oliveria, murdered on December 8, 2005, in Milan, Lombardy, Italy.
For Paulina Mendez Cartagena, murdered on December 18, 2005, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Alexis L. King, murdered on February 3, 2006, in Philadelphia, PA.
For Tiffany Berry, murdered on February 9, 2006, in Memphis, TN.
For Yardena Marsh, murdered on February 15, 2006, in Tel Aviv, Israel.
For Melissa Green, murdered on March 21, 2006, in Phoenix, AZ.
For Rupesh Mandal, murdered on March 30, 2006, in Mahottari District, Province No. 2, Nepal.
For Robert Lee Armstrong, murdered on April 15, 2006, in Canton, MI.
For Sudha alias Lakshimi, murdered on May 26, 2006, in Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
For Barbara Calderon, murdered on June 10, 2006, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Lupita, murdered on July 29, 2006, in Gardolo-Trento, Italy.
For Lezlie Anne Field, murdered on August 2, 2006, in Bangkok, Thailand.
For Edgar Cano Camacho, murdered on October 19, 2006, in Milan, Lombardy, Italy.
For Marcus Rogers, murdered on October 22, 2006, in Baltimore, MD.
For Daxi Arrendondo, murdered on November 11, 2006, in San Francisco, CA.
For Thalia Sandoval, murdered on November 19, 2006, in Antioch, CA.
For Valentina Falco, murdered on November 26, 2006, in Novara, Piedmont, Italy.
For Tamara Sabeh, murdered on January 11, 2007, in Baghdad, Iraq.
For Keittirat Longnawa, murdered on January 31, 2007, in Rassada, Phuket, Thailand.
For Tatiana, murdered on February 18, 2007, in Trani, Apulia, Italy.
For Moira Donaire González, murdered on March 5, 2007, in Vi��a del Mar, Valparaíso, Chile.
For Michelle “Chela” Carrasco, murdered on March 16, 2007, in Santiago, Chile.
For Erica Keels, murdered on March 23, 2007, in Philadelphia, PA.
For Bret T. Turner, murdered on April 2, 2007, in Madison, WI.
For Manuela Di Cesare, murdered on April 21, 2007, in Pescara, Italy.
For the unknown person murdered on July 11, 2007 in Kingston, Jamaica.
For Oscar Mosqueda, murdered on July 29, 2007, in Daytona Beach, FL.
For Stefania, murdered on August 1, 2007, in Rome, Lazio, Italy.
For Maribelle Reyes, died from AIDS on August 30, 2007 after being turned away from various treatment centers for her transgender identity, in Houston, TX.
For Paula Cristina Hernandez, murdered on September 19, 2007, in Chinandega, Nicaragua.
For Thanawoot Wiriyananon, murdered on November 12, 2007, in Phuket, Thailand.
For Elly “Sayep” Susanna, murdered on November 17, 2007, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
For Sally Camatoy, murdered on November 19, 2007, in Dubai, Philippines.
For Brian McGlothin, murdered on December 23, 2007, in Cincinnati, OH.
For Gabriela Alejandra Albornoz, murdered on December 28, 2007, in Santiago, Chile.
For all the other trans siblings who were murdered or went missing.
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foreveralwaysanauthor · 5 years ago
Christmas Eve Miracle
Christmas Season Prompts Day 7
December 14th – Snowed In ☃️
Pairing – Mack and Brady
(I’m sorry I’m late! I had no time yesterday or today to write this out and had to make do on short time, but I hope everything pans out alright. Mack’s behavior is based on my sister, Honey, who is gonna kill me for even saying she inspired something I wrote, but I’m tired and don’t give a flying fladoodle what she says rn)
I believe we shall start this story the same way many of these begin.
It was a dark and stormy night. Well, really, it was only 6:43, but given the sun had already set, it was pretty dark. Snow fell from the sky in thick flakes, floating up over the windshield of Brady’s rental car, a 2017 Rogue. Mack and Brady were on their way through the town of Tilton, New Hampshire to Mack’s Uncle’s house on the edge of Lake Winnisquam in Sanbornton. A week prior, the couple had left their home in San Clemente, California, boarded a plane in Santa Ana, landed in the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and were staying in a hotel in Concord.
The GPS told them that the ride from the hotel to Mack’s Uncle’s house would only be about a half hour, but the GPS hadn’t accounted for black ice, thick snow, and a very pregnant and very irritable Mack who was a week away from her due date of December 31st and didn’t feel like going out in the snow. Mack had been excited to visit with her relatives, but, as it was a very snowy Christmas Eve, she found herself not wanting to leave the safety of the hotel room.
The idea of Brady driving on snowy roads was torture on Mack. At least she knew how to handle slippery, icy roads. The only knowledge Brady had of handling wet roads was when it rained in California, he had no prior experience on roads splotched with sheets of black ice, a substance nearly invisible to the human eye.
As Mack took another deep breath to calm herself, Brady glanced at her in concern. “Are you alright, honey?”
Mack nodded, leaning her head against the cool window. “I just want to get to the house party and get it over with. We shouldn’t have left the hotel with the roads this bad.”
“Well, if it means anything, the GPS says we’re only about six minutes away,” Brady claimed, watching a car go by. They were in, what Brady assumed, the center of Tilton, but he couldn’t be sure due to how few people dared to go out in the middle of the storm.
“The GPS doesn’t count for me telling you to slow down because of ice.” Hearing that, Brady eased his foot back onto the brake pedal, watching his speedometer go from twenty-five to almost fifteen. “Thank you,” Mack mumbled from the passenger seat.
“Of course,” Brady said softly, turning on the Mozart CD they had brought with them. Mack had insisted on bringing it as not only did it calm her and the baby down, she had read that classical music was great for babies and small children to listen to as it would aid in their mental growth. Once the music started, Mack relaxed into her seat and closed her eyes, trying to keep calm while Brady drove. Brady would glance occasionally at Mack just to make sure she was doing alright, but after a while, he remained focused on the road, the timer on the GPS showing them getting closer by the minute.
“Brady,” Mack said softly, sitting up as best she could, “pull over.”
Brady watched his wife with concern as he kept going down the road. “Why? Are you alright?”
“Just pull over!” Mack insisted, one hand on her stomach and the other on the handle of the door.
Without another thought, Brady threw the blinker on and pulled to the side of the road, a streetlight and a road sign for a nearby lodge being the only things allowing light into the vehicle. As the car was parked, Mack had unbuckled her seatbelt, opened her door and stepped out, leaning her top half into the car and lightly touching where she had been sitting.
“Mack, what’s wrong?” Brady asked, unbuckling himself and preparing to jump out of the car.
Mack’s expression was enough to trigger a reaction in Brady, but her words caused him to start acting. “I think my water broke.”
Brady reached for his phone, his immediate reaction being to call the hospital, but Mack stopped him. “Brady, we can reach the hospital just fine, I don’t need an ambulance. Just let me get back in and we’ll go. We’ve got this.”
Brady seemed to relax a small bit as Mack’s calm attitude seemed to radiate into him as well. “Okay. Okay. We can do this.”
Mack slid herself into the car once more and shut the door. Brady re-buckled himself and shifted the car back into Drive. As he pushed the gas pedal, however, both of them realized he had stopped the car on a patch of ice. They wouldn’t be going anywhere unless Brady tried to get out and push, but even that might not help unless Mack could get behind the wheel to steer the car, which she couldn’t as her bump prevented her from sitting at the wheel.
Brady huffed in agitation before pulling his phone out once more, dialing Mack’s Uncle’s number. “Hey,” Brady said as Mack’s Uncle answered. “I know the party started already, but Mack and I are still in Tilton. I think we’re stopped by a digital marketing place, but I’m not sure. The sign’s covered in snow... Well, we’re stuck on ice and her water just broke.” A moment of silence passed before Brady screeched anxiously into the phone, “YES, the baby’s coming! What else could that mean?!”
Mack yanked the phone from Brady’s hands and talked with her uncle for a minute. “We’re going to try to find a hotel or something to stay in because I am not giving birth in some rental car in the cold when I could at least have a couch or something… Yeah, take your time. Keep the party going before you come out; I don’t want to ruin the night for you guys. I’ll probably still be in labor. Just call Brady when you get here, okay?... If anything happens, we’ll call... Love you too, bye.”
Brady climbed out of the car after Mack handed him his phone back, telling Mack to stay there and he would go find somewhere for them to stay. Mack watched as he ran off into the cold, disappearing into the white haze that consumed the area. She turned the key backwards until it clicked off into radio only mode so the car wouldn’t lose any gas just sitting there, turning the CD back on and turning it up so she could try to relax. Minutes passed and the song changed more than once before Brady appeared, helping her out of the car and over to a nearby campground that had agreed to let them stay in one of the cabins.
Two and a half hours went by. Anxiety was high. Crying and worried comments had come from mostly Brady by that point, but Mack still hadn’t given birth and the relatives they had called, still hadn’t showed up. Thankfully, one of the people who owned the campground, was also a mother of five and could easily handle Mack giving birth. The woman was able to help Mack with all necessary things, except for the one thing almost every mother needed: epidural.
By the time the fifth hour rolled around, Mack had begun pushing. Brady had been told by Mack to stay in the living room so he could see if their relatives had shown up yet, but all he could see was snow and the occasional headlight from those brave few that dared to go out. Snow had mounted up and, from what Brady could see, it was maybe up to eight inches, collectively.
Mack’s screams of pain echoed through the small cabin, making Brady flinch. He hated hearing her in pain, but she had told him to leave the room as his anxiety was making her more and more angry at him. He had seen the look in her eyes and had feared for his life, so he chose to listen to her and wait in the other room. The power had gone out about twenty minutes ago as the radio told them a big rig had jackknifed and taken out a few power lines just a little bit further down than where Mack and Brady had left the car.
A few minutes later, Mack’s screams were replaced by a small voice crying and Brady had dropped everything he’d been holding onto the couch and dashed for the bedroom, seeing the owner woman place the little one into a towel and rest it on Mack’s chest.
She looked up at the two of them as Brady sat behind Mack and looked over her and their new baby. “Congratulations, darlings. She’s beautiful.”
“She?” the parents echoed.
The woman glanced at them before realization dawned on her face. “You didn’t know the gender, did you?”
“No,” Mack whispered, her voice sounding scratchy and hoarse. “We wanted to be surprised.”
Brady smiled as the baby girl gurgled in her little towel. “I told you it was going to be my princess.”
Mack smiled dazedly up at Brady before watching her little girl again. “You did. Well, king of the castle, what are you naming our princess?”
Brady’s smile broadened as he spoke, “I know we already said Kaya would be her middle name if our baby was a girl, but for the first name, I like the idea of mixing our parents names. So, Makaela is your mom and Luana is mine so… how about Makana?”
“Makana…” Mack said softly as she took in the fact that she had brought this wonderful little human into their lives. “Makana Kaya Birch. I like that.”
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fallinyourtidalwaves · 7 years ago
luana told me when she had a car she drove it to mount shasta once and it broke down and some native americans in the area tried to help her fix it but she ended up having to just leave it (lmfao ?) and bought a greyhound ticket back to sf but the greyhound left her at a gas station and took all her things with it so she had no phone or money or clothes and hitchhiked with some random man and they drove in front of the bus on the highway and forced it to pull over for her. isnt that so wild i love her crazy stories and i can tell they’re absolutely real
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zvoneradikalni · 4 years ago
Moj krevetić ❤
I evo ga … nakon 9 godina služenja i drugoj generaciji Vanjakovih, doslo je vrijeme za rastavljanje i spremanje na tavan U njemu sam spavao ja, u njemu su spavali i Toni i Veronika i Luana … a hoće li poslužiti i trećoj generaciji vidjet ćemo Thanks for all the happy nights
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curewhimsy · 2 years ago
VOLUME WARNING- Very loud for some reason???
Very short original song I made, sung by 15 synth characters (Re:SON@Te)
Instrumental and UST by me
Vocals- Ame Sugar Hatsune Miku Yowane Haku Joy Smiley Rhona Aequor Nagisa Onda Luana Kai Rie Hibine Kasane Teto Utane Uta Momone Momo Soune Taya Namine Ritsu Yokune Ruko Fuuga Koto
The song is called Kagayaku
This is also the tune I heard in my dream back in November
Instrumental made with Online Sequencer
Lyrics- 今日から来てる、眩しくしてる Kyou kara kiteru mabushiku shiteru 私たちの笑顔を見��る Watashitachi no egao wo miteru 日常の中で魔法が輝くでしょう Nichijou no naka de maho ga kagayaku deshou 冷たい雨が降るの時 Tsumetai ame ga furu no toki 虹をするって心から光 Niji wo suru tte kokoro kara hikari きっとずっと世界は奇跡がいっぱいでしょう Kitto zutto sekai wa kiseki ga ippai desu yo
ENGLISH- It’s coming from today on, it’s sparking Look at our smiles The magic of everyday is sparking When there is a cold rain Make a rainbow with light from your heart Surely, forever, the world is filled with miracles
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multimediosnoxsalta · 5 years ago
PAMI firmó con el Ente Nacional Regulador del Gas (Enargas) un convenio para incluir durante dos años a los centros de jubilados en el registro de usuarios contemplados por el DNU
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El PAMI suscribió un acuerdo para evitar el corte del servicio de gas en los centros de jubilados PAMI firmó con el Ente Nacional Regulador del Gas (Enargas) un convenio para incluir durante dos años a los centros de jubilados en el registro de usuarios contemplados por el DNU presidencial que evita el corte o la suspensión del servicio de gas en caso de mora o falta de pago, en el contexto de la emergencia económica sanitaria, se informó hoy. “PAMI busca empoderar a sus 4.200 centros de jubilados. La comisión de Enargas de adultos mayores promueve que los centros de socialización sientan el alivio de ser escuchados por un ente estratégico del Estado", dijo la directora ejecutiva de la obra social, Luana Volnovich. El interventor de Enargas, Federico Bernal, aseguró que “la firma de este convenio está en la lógica de empoderamiento del Ente, y en poner al Enargas de pie, que fue lo que nos pidió el presidente Alberto Fernández”. En el convenio de cooperación se destaca que los centros de jubilados cumplen “un rol fundamental de integración comunitaria y en los procesos participativos como construcción social en las personas mayores”, que en estos momentos por la situación generada por la pandemia deben permanecer cerrados. Read the full article
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newsintheshell · 6 years ago
Kyashian Sins, da stasera la versione doppiata su Man-Ga
Il primo episodio della serie andrà in onda dalle 21:50.
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Da questa sera alle ore 21:50 inizierà la programmazione su Man-Ga (canale 133 di Sky), in prima visione assoluta, della versione doppiata in italiano di “Kyashian Sins”. 
La serie di 24 puntate, diretta da Shigeyasu Yamauchi (Kimi no Iru Machi, I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco: Il Capitolo del regno dei Cieli) e prodotta fra il 2008 e il 2009 da Madhouse e Tatsunoko Production, si discosta fortemente dall’originale anime “Kyashian Il Ragazzo Androide”, realizzato sotto la supervisione di Ikkei Puri (creatore di Yattaman, Tekkaman e Hurricane Polymar), proponendo una visione più dark e drammatica dell’opera, impreziosita dal design di Yoshihiko Umakoshi (Saint Seiya Omega, My Hero Academia, Mushishi).
Il cast di doppiatori, svelato nei mesi scorsi, è il seguente:
Kyashan: Ismaele Ariano
Luna: Martina Felli
Lyuze: Katia Sorrentino
Ohji: Riccardo Rovatti
Ringo: Laura Valastro
Dio: Massimo Triggiani
Leda: Luana Congedo
Briking Boss: Massimiliano Lotti
Dune: Lorenzo Scattorin
Akos: Maurizio Merluzzo
Margo: Andrea Rotolo
La morte di Luna per mano di Kyashan condanna la Terra alla rovina. Passano cento anni e ormai anche i robot temono la fine e credono di poterla evitare solo divorando la causa di tutto, ossia proprio Kyashan. Kyashan non ricorda nulla di quanto da lui stesso fatto e intraprende un viaggio nel tentativo di recuperare la memoria, tra l'odio degli umani e la caccia continua dei robot.
L’appuntamento con i nuovi episodi, sarà ogni giovedì sempre alle 21:50. Le repliche andranno invece in onda ogni venerdì alle 8:45 e alle 16:40, ogni sabato alle 23:40 e ogni domenica alle ore 16:40.
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transtranscendence · 4 years ago
1995-1999 - We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For the unknown person murdered on January 1, 1995, in Philadelphia, PA.
For Mara Duvouw, murdered on January 1, 1995 in New York, NY.
For Gisele Gaga, murdered on January 31, 1995 in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on July 10, 1995, in Oakland, CA.
For Valerie Hill, murdered on July 12, 1995, in Akron, OH.
For Rev. Gypsy Prowett, murdered on July 12, 1995 in Memphis, TN.
For Tarayon Corbitt, murdered on August 10, 1995 in Dale County, AL.
For Quincy Favors Taylor, murdered on October 11, 1995 in Atlanta, GA.
For Steven Wilson, murdered on October 14, 1995, in Middletown, DE.
For Tatiana Rivers, murdered on December 30, 1995, in Oakland, CA.
For Logan Smith, murdered on February 22, 1996, in Hoffman Estates, IL.
For Christian Page, murdered on March 22, 1996, in Chicago, IL.
For Rodney D. Neadeau, murdered on May 31, 1996, in Minneapolis, MN.
For Janice Ricks, murdered on June 13, 1996, in Cleveland, OH.
For Keooudorn Lily Phothisane, murdered on July 20, 1996, in Minneapolis, MN.
For Thomas Hall, murdered on August 15, 1996, in Wahiawa, HI.
For Dion Webster, murdered on November 4, 1996, in New York City, NY.
For Alan Fitzgerald Walker, murdered on November 9, 1996, in Fayetteville, AR.
For Lynn Montana, murdered on January 1, 1997, in Washington, D.C.
For Toya Charlton, murdered on January 1, 1997, in Tuscaloosa, AL.
For Curdell James III, murdered on January 1, 1997 in Tuscaloosa, AL.
For the unknown person murdered on February 20, 1997, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Robyn Brown, murdered on February 28, 1997, in London, United Kingdom.
For Martine Bohn, murdered on March 22, 1997, in Mons, Hainaut, Belgium.
For Gracie Detzer, murdered on May 28, 1997, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
For Kevin Freeman, murdered on June 20, 1997, in New York City, NY.
For Marcela Arias, murdered on July 29, 1997, in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. For Michelle Gardiner, murdered on September 30, 1997, in Snowtown, South Australia.
For Stacey Estupinian, murdered on October 1, 1997, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For María La Conchita Palencia, murdered on October 2, 1997, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.
For Robert Jones, murdered on October 15, 1997, in New Castle, DE.
For Vanessa Lane, murdered on October 31, 1997 in Snowtown, South Australia.
For Maurice E. Murray, murdered on November 10, 1997, in St. Louis, MO. 
For Jerrell Williams, murdered on November 30, 1997, in Mobile, AL.
For Yamile Lee, murdered on December 4, 1997, in San Diego, CA.
For Ali “Luscious” He’shun Forney, murdered on December 5, 1997, in New York City, NY. The organization Safe Space opened a special home for transgender youth, the Ali Forney House.
For Vianna Faye Williams, murdered on December 24, 1997, in Jersey City, NJ.
For the unknown person murdered on December 31, 1997, in Madrid, Spain.
For Tasha Dunn, murdered on February 14, 1998, in Tampa, FL.
For Jacqueline Julita Anderson, murdered on February 24, 1998, in Portland, OR.
For Leslie Re’Geanne, murdered on March 24, 1998, in Chicago, IL.
For Regina Haskins, murdered on April 4, 1998, in New York City, New York.
For Karla Barrahona, murdered on May 5, 1998, in El Salvador.
For Sigfrilda Shantall Pastor Arguelles, murdered on May 15, 1998, in Catacamas, Olancho, Honduras.
For Tiny, murdered on July 31, 1998, in El Cajon, CA.
For Luana da Silva Lago, murdered on August 4, 1998, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For Jamaica Green, murdered on August 18, 1998, in New York City, NY.
For Victor Olvera, murdered on September 8, 1998, in Fort Worth, TX.
For Monique Thomas, murdered on September 11, 1998, in Dorchester, MA.
For Chanel Chandler, murdered on September 20, 1998, in Clovis, CA.
For Lauryn Paige, murdered on January 9, 1999, in Austin, TX.
For Steve Dwayne Garcia, murdered on February 6, 1999, in Houston, TX.
For Chris Muzett, murdered on February 20, 1999, in Detroit, MI.
For the unknown person murdered on February 25, 1999, in Houston, TX.
For Margaret Ingalls Bodfish, murdered on June 24, 1999, in Orinda, CA.
For Pvt. Barry L. Winchell, murdered on July 5, 1999, in Fort Campbell, KT.
For Barretta Williams, murdered on July 27, 1999, in Chicago, IL.
For Carol Wright, murdered on July 30, 1999, in Pitsmoor, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK.
For Kareem Washingston, murdered on August 29, 1999, in Passaic, NJ.
For the unnamed baby murdered on December 8, 1999, in Dallas, TX, just three days after they were born into this world, simply for having ambiguous genitalia.
For all the other trans siblings who were murdered or went missing.
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punalavaflow · 6 years ago
KILAUEA ERUPTION — ONE YEAR LATER: Midwife, husband vow to return to Leilani despite losing homes in two eruptions
Sitting in her Pahoa midwife clinic, Roxanne Estes recalls the loss of her home in Leilani Estates with the same soft, steady voice that her clients admire.
But with her eyes gazing at the floor, she acknowledges the past year has been anything but stable.
“We’re almost at 365 days of the loss of our home,” Estes said. “And there is not one day I don’t remember — oh, that thing — oh, yeah, I don’t have that anymore.”
It’s not the first time they lost a home to the volcano.
In 1986, lava flows from the long-lasting Pu‘u ‘O‘o eruption destroyed her residence as the Royal Gardens subdivision was slowly consumed.
That experience couldn’t fully prepare the 40-year Puna resident for what would come last year when magma migrated down rift from the now-extinct vent and erupted in Leilani Estates almost under her feet.
This time, Estes and her husband, Sam, only had minutes to leave with essentially the clothes on their backs as a string of fissures ripped open across the lower Puna subdivision, starting May 3, 2018. In a few weeks, their property on Luana Street would sit under the fissure 8 cone.
“We thought we could come back, but it just got worse and worse,” recalled Estes, 59.
The loss of their house, along with an ornamental plant farm on the same property, would be compounded by the destruction of Luana Gardens, a birthing home Estes, a certified nurse midwife, opened in 2014 just down the street.
Still, her own tragedy and loss didn’t stop her from helping women who opted for a birth outside a hospital. The next birth she oversaw occurred just two weeks after the eruption started.
“What did keep me moving forward is this practice here,” Estes said.
Some babies were born inside hotel rooms or wherever evacuated women could find housing. A few mothers decided to give birth in a hospital.
“It affects everybody,” Estes said. “But women are strong, and they kind of pull it together. They know they have kids, and they have to do it.”
She added, “I had to put my life aside to ensure that people I work with were feeling safe and they were listened to so they had good births. We just had a baby in Leilani two days ago.”
Estes said she was hit by depression like many of those who lost their homes. But she hasn’t had much time to think about it.
Estes said she has overseen more than 1,500 births in her midwife career, including about 250 at Luana Gardens, where she also had classes and hosted gatherings for mothers.
For months, she would drive up to the ruins of the birth home and cry. She got some closure last February when she and mothers who gave birth there gathered to say goodbye.
“It’s not just special to me, but to a lot of people,” Estes said. “This is where they became mothers, where they shared their greatest fears and conquered their greatest fears.”
Luana Gardens was located at the edge of the lava flow, and was destroyed by fire.
The only thing to survive the fire was a stained-glass window. But that was later stolen.
Stacey Breining, who gave birth at Luana Gardens four years ago, said she misses it, but also marvels that the same spot she gave birth could have so much “creative energy.”
“I can’t help but say it’s beautiful and awe-inspiring,” she said.
Breining, who is pregnant and plans to do a home birth with Estes, said Luana Gardens also became a gathering spot for mothers in the rural area, where homes tend to be secluded.
“It facilitated and created this community of women and families and young children who have these same core values with how we desire to birth and raise our babies,” she said.
While the eruption was ongoing, her partner, Demian Barrios, went in with his truck and a gas mask to grab some supplies and a cradle from the birth home. It was surreal for him to be back there in those conditions.
“I turned into a room where we had breakfast the next day” after the birth of their son, he said. “I was reliving that moment. I was seeing posters on the wall with photos of me and my son. It was a super emotional moment.”
Like many others, Estes said she is still recovering, and the business is struggling after a year of losses.
But that and the loss of two residences and the birth home to Kilauea hasn’t deterred her from living in Puna, or from being a midwife there.
“I felt it was really important to have a midwife, to have options,” said Estes, who became a midwife after giving birth to three children at home.
The Esteses, who are renting a home in Nanawale Estates, also plan to move back to Leilani, though in the upper part of the subdivision that was spared from the lava.
The volcano isn’t shaking her off just yet.
“We looked all over,” she said. “Nothing was as comfortable to us as where we were in Leilani. So that’s why we are going back.”
Email Tom Callis at [email protected]. from Hawaii News – Hawaii Tribune-Herald http://bit.ly/2Lm2pG7
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gistabout · 7 years ago
Hawaii eruptions spread, some residents warned to 'go now'
Hawaii eruptions spread, some residents warned to ‘go now’
PAHOA, Hawaii (Reuters) – Emergency authorities battling lava flows and gas erupting from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano warned some residents to “go now” as a new fissure opened and more structures were destroyed.
A new fissure spraying lava fountains as high as about 230 feet (70 m), according to United States Geological Survey, is shown from Luana Street in Leilani Estates subdivision on Kilauea…
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zvoneradikalni · 4 years ago
Konačno ... pehar i medalja ❤❤❤
Konačno … pehar i medalja ❤❤❤
Danas je završila sezona 1. HNLŽ U-15, koju je ŽNK Agram završio pobjednički, kako i dolikuje, pobjedom nad ŽNK Međimurjem s ležernih 6:1 (i za mene ipak pomalo iznenađujućih, jer Međimurje je druga ekipa lige), čemu je Luana doprinijela s dva gola i dvije asistencije. Ovo je primarno foto-album, i početi ćemo ga s ponosnim tatom 😎. Onda za početak, nekoliko slika s tijeka utakmice … par…
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