badface · 2 years
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Now that his cook is back, he is never letting go again.
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lamina-tsrif · 2 years
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post-whole cake hugs!
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pinpin78 · 2 years
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solarmantle · 2 years
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Day 4: Free day! (Meme time)
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lusanicx · 2 years
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Always late following an event-
For Day 7 : Tears
Luffy can feel Sanji's pain
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pingo1387 · 2 years
LuSan Hurt/Comfort Week 2022  Day 8: Scars  @lusanofficial 
Luffy traced the small scar on Sanji’s lower back as Sanji lay under him. 
“I like that,” Sanji murmured. “Keep doing that.” 
“I think people only have scars from doing stupid things,” Luffy said, out of nowhere. 
Sanji turned himself over, Luffy lifting himself up and then sitting back down on Sanji’s legs. 
“Explain,” Sanji said. 
“That scar on your back,” Luffy said. “That’s from Drum, right?” 
“Yeah, but---” 
“And you got it because you threw yourself down a mountain. Stupid.” 
“I did it because---” 
“And this one?” Luffy said, placing a hand over the large, faded scar on Sanji’s chest, branching out into hundreds of tiny arcs like a tree without its leaves. 
“You know what that’s from. Skypiea. Enel.” 
“Because you threw yourself in front of Usopp and Nami instead of going for Enel directly, or using an object. Stupid.” 
“Now listen here---” 
Luffy reached under Sanji’s back and patted his shoulder blade. “And this one?” 
“That . . . ah.” Sanji squirmed. “The invisible man from Thriller Bark. He got behind me and---” 
“Well, where’s this one from?” Sanji snapped, pointing at Luffy’s eye scar. 
Luffy grinned. “I stabbed myself to prove I was tough.” 
Sanji sighed and reached up to Luffy’s face, bringing him closer to kiss just under his eye. 
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Lusan Hurt/Comfort Week 2022: Day 6 Rain | True Love’s Kiss @lusanofficial​
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biipbop · 2 years
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Please, don’t leave again
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lusanofficial · 2 years
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One more week until LuSan Hurt/Comfort 2022 !! Check out our pinned post for more details 💙❤ What's your favorite lusan hurt/comfort moment?
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devilsfruits · 2 years
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malkerony · 2 years
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Rest of the art for the event
#lusanhcw2022 #lusan #sanlu #onepiece #luffy #sanji
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solarmantle · 2 years
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Day 3: Nightmares
Bonus under the cut
It was just a dream! (Thankfully)
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pingo1387 · 2 years
LuSan Hurt/Comfort Week 2022  Day 1: Touch Starved  @lusanofficial 
When Luffy turned on the light in the kitchen in the dark of night, he jumped at the figure already sitting on the couch. 
“Sanji!” he exclaimed. “You startled me!” 
“Sorry,” Sanji mumbled. 
“I wasn’t going to steal food, by the way. I just, um, wanted to make sure the fridge lock was still working.” 
Sanji sighed. “Whatever. Leave.” 
Luffy hesitated, turning around to face him fully. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” Sanji said, too quickly. 
Luffy bent his legs and jumped, vaulting over the table and landing on the couch next to Sanji, causing Sanji to pop into the air for a split second before landing back where he was sitting. He glared at Luffy. 
“What’s wrong?” Luffy repeated. “I can’t help you if I don’t know.” 
“Nothing!” Sanji snapped. “I---I don’t know. I just---feel like shit. Came here to think about . . . what to bake, to clear my head. It happens.” 
“So you need to cook something, and you’re good?” 
“Bake. Yeah, sometimes.” 
Luffy didn’t miss the way Sanji had been slowly leaning towards him as he spoke. But perhaps Sanji hadn’t realized it, because all at once he jerked away. 
“Anyway,” he said, looking away. “You can stay if you want something to eat, but I might be a while---” 
He gasped when Luffy wrapped him in a hug, stretching his arms around his body again and again. 
“Is this better?” Luffy asked. 
Sanji’s head fell onto Luffy’s shoulder. He didn’t have a clue what was going on, just that Luffy’s hug was like a flood after a drought, and he didn’t want him to let go. 
“Yeah,” he wheezed. 
“Okay. I’m staying here.” 
“I-In the kitchen, or---” 
Sanji struggled in Luffy’s grip. Understanding, Luffy loosened his arms, and Sanji freed his own to wrap them around Luffy, leaning into him with untold desperation. It wasn’t fair to Luffy, he knew. With this kind of affection, he could become addicted just as easily as cigarettes, craving physical contact every time he felt like shit. He would just be using Luffy to satisfy a hunger. 
Yet he selfishly clung to him, feeding himself before Luffy. He wasn’t sure he could ever let go. 
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me and you, and you and me
Lusan Hurt/Comfort Week 2022: Day 4 Free Day - 20 years later @lusanofficial
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lusanofficial · 2 years
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Three more days until LuSan Hurt/Comfort 2022 !! Check out our pinned post for more details 💙❤ We hope the prompts were fun to work with!
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malkerony · 2 years
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Day 3: Freedom
#lusanhcw2022 #lusan #sanlu #ルサン #onepiece #sanji #luffy
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