reiyouu · 1 year
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Phosphophyllite 💎 in splatoon style 🐙
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glo-katt84 · 1 year
23 and 33 for ask game! o/
Chilly weather Personally I don't like it very mutch if it's cold, it's sad. snow is a big no no. but.. if your talking about fall time I love it, it's when I can wear all of my favorite outfits!!!
When was my last adventure?
Oh the other day actually I'm on vacation right now so we went exploring around the resort and we saw a lot of kodies (a wered ltol racoon cat thing)(alsi I'm not a Rich bastard we've been saving up for years)
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tellio · 10 months
Unflatten the World by Unfolding Ideas (LTOL)
The word ‘explication’  has always been associated with poetry and religious exigesis.  I has morphed for me into the word “unfolding” and more recently has come to be associated for me with Nick Sousanis’ idea of “unflattening”. The Tiktok video below is both a metaphorical and actual example of this unfolding. It is a form of learning by thinking out loud (LTOL)   @color.nerd an attempt to…
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doglok · 1 year
【黒猫のウィズ】復刻当日に判明した事とは… 復刻 初音ミクの歌声ファンタジー【黒ウィズ】【解説】 今日の動画は【復刻 初音ミクの歌声ファンタジー】についてです。復刻当日7/7に判明した事をざっくりまとめてみました! via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdWhQLuUp9k
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ridzmystique · 4 years
The Great Escape
In honor of @muttonthings​ uniting @jalebi-weds-bluetooth​ and I. Wrote this one a long, long time ago for a group of friends who wanted me to Close the Loop of what happened to Lakshmi/Mama/that one Prakash that faints when the family’s Ooh La La song starts. Enjoy the crack!
It just isn't my day today.
I have gone around, looking for someone, anyone, that would understand me, and give me what I wanted, but so far, I had only ended up traumatizing herself.
Honestly, this family was so weird.
If anyone in Delhi knew what went on behind the walls of Shantivan, they would either faint, or write a book on it and become a millionaire. Or do both.
I wandered over to the room of the woman-cries-a-lot. Honestly, that woman had a water tank on her head. There was no way that a woman her size could carry the amount of water in her body, that was required to cry at the drop of the hat, or the sight of it...or even the mention of it.
I didn't know why I was here. Honestly, what could I expect from the woman-who-likes-to-touch-everyone? But she did have a tendency to leave laddus are jalebis around, and I was in the mood for some of those!
"You're here!" the woman-who-is-surprised-at-everything said. "Oh god. I have been looking all over the house for you! Everyone else took aarti and prasad, except you! Do you know that this is the fifteenth time I had to give aarti to Devi Mayya just so that I could give it to you as well?"
I was pulled over and seated before I could even utter a sound. A mountain of kumkum was dumped on my forehead and the aarti plate was rotated around and around and around until I was dizzy.
But I perked up when she fed me a jalebi. Say what one will about this house, but they had one of the best jalebis ever!
Before I could savor my food-of-gods, I was pulled away from it to go do pradakshina around Devi-Mayya.
Hain, Devi-Mayya!
I managed to escape just in the nick of time, and enter the room of Naniji. She truly was such an inspiration.
At her age, she had the energy and power to bring the entire family to their knees, rather than fall on her knees every two minutes, like the woman-who-could-be-killed-by-a-cough. Not to mention, her thumkas were legendary.
What an inspiration.
"Oh, you are here," Naniji said, with a smile. "I was thinking about going to a satsang. I should take you with me. It will be great fun!"
My heart stopped at the mention of satsang. Every time I was around her satsang friends, I was pulled this way and that, my cheeks were pinched and my beauty fawned over. As fun as it was the first time, I worried that one of these days, they would pull my cheeks right off!
Abort Mission!
When she turned around to look for something, I slyly made my escape.
Not knowing where to go, I wandered over to the door of the newly married couple...one of he newly married couple, I should say. The less interesting one.
"Aakashji," Payal said, shyly.
"Payalji," Aakash replied, equally bashfully.
"Aakashji," she repeated, whispering this time, blushing.
"Payalji," he said, his voice sounding like that of a teenage boy who discovered sex for the first time.
"Aakashji," there was a definite note of coyness this time.
Since they knew each other's names well enough, I had to decide that they must be doing something decidedly naughty. Peeking in, I was stunned to see what was happening.
They were sitting on the bed, five feet apart, pointing at their wedding album, and mentioning each other's name every time their picture came up, and blushing like school kids.
To use ASR's favorite line, completely, What the f**k!?
Shaking my head, I move away from there before I catch whatever it is that they are infected by. PPP perhaps? Permanent Prepubescent Personality must be it.
Needing a breath of fresh air, I walk over to the gardens, hoping that the other PPP wasn't around. Perpetually Pissed-off Personality, this time.
But luck just wasn't with me today.
"Khushi," he said, breathlessly, moving towards her.
"Arnavji," she replied, blushing.
But unlike his brother, ASR wasn't a man of many words...or a man of the same word, many times.
He was about to bend and catch her lips with his own, when I made the mistake of stumbling over one of this beloved potted plants.
"What the...!?" he asked, as Khushi pushed his away at he noise, looking around consciously.
He turned his angry glare towards me and I cowered away.
Making ASR angry was NOT a good thing. That man could fry and eat me away, literally.
I run away from there as quickly as I can, and sneak into Mamaji and Mami's room.
"Hello Hi Bye Bye," I hear mami say. "I need to buy new makeupiya, for the tripya. I will be back later-ya?"
She sashayed out of there, and I saw Mamaji hang his head in defeat.
"I cannot take this anymore," he said, quickly getting up and starting to pack a bag. "I need to leave before she comes back. She drowns me off my money now, with her makeup and shopping. Imagine taking her to the US, I would run out of money and have to end up working as a taxi driver!"
I can feel you, I think sympathetically.
He completes packing a bag, and turns around, only to stop in his tracks when he sees me.
"You might as well come with me," he offers. "I am sure you had enough of the family as well."
I make a gesture that I hope conveys a nod, and trail after him.
On our way out of the house, through the back door, bending behind bushes so that we remain unseen, we bump into a figure.
Mamaji and I exclaim in shock, and the other figure does the same.
Mamaji picks up his bag in both hand, presumably to knock the intruder over the head, but is stopped by the next words out of the intruder, who turns out to be XP, Xtra Prakash's mouth, "Honestly, I hate working here," he says, his hands raised. "They are so weird."*
Mamaji nods and brings the bags down. "You can come with us too," he offers, out of the goodness of his heart.
XP gives a smile filled with gratitude and follows us.
3 Years Later
"That's our 10th million, in the bank!" MR explains.
No, not Manohar Raizada. It's Michael Romero now.
"Truly, there is no one of your caliber," XP nods.
You guessed it right, it stands for Xavier Pablo now.
"I can't believe a reality show with you as our star could make us millionaires," MR says, in disbelief.
But I knew.
I knew that LTOLS, "Lacksmi takes over Los Angeles" would take over the world one day.
I lean back in my pool-side chair, aviators on, and sigh out a "Baaa" in contentment.
Life was good.
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letstententen · 7 years
803日目 生涯ラブ&ピース クルル・オム
【生涯ラブ&ピース クルル・オム】について…
初登場は新ウィズセレの時です。 同期はラスとルツィアです。 同期はレアスキルでもある全員精霊交代を持っているのが特徴です。
そこでちょっと使い方などを調べつつ、どんなところで使えばいいのかいつ使うのかってところを書きます。 (more…)
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moth208 · 6 years
reminder for myself to draw new refs for the like...non-au versions of hina and guppy. actually all the hy/ltol because 
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hieunguyenduc-blog · 4 years
HTML là gì? Các thành phần quan trọng của HTML?
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HTML không phải là ngôn ngữ lập trình, đồng nghĩa với việc nó không thể tạo ra các chức năng “động” giống như các ngôn ngữ lập trình khác được. Nó giống như Microsoft Word nhưng dùng để bố cục và định dạng các trang của website. Vậy thì HTML là gì? HTML có những thành phần quan trọng nào? Và cách ứng dụng của nó ra sao? Hãy cùng Top On Seek tìm hiểu qua bài viết sau nhé!
Các phần tử của HTML ( HTML Elements )
HTML là chữ viết tắt của Hypertext Markup Language ( Ngôn ngữ đánh dấu siêu văn bản). Nó giúp người dùng tạo và cấu trúc các thành phần trong trang web hoặc ứng dụng, phân chia các đoạn văn, heading, links,.... Cùng đi vào tìm hiểu các phần tử của nó nào!
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Phần tử HTML hay còn được biết đến với tên Tag hay Entity hay thẻ. HTML là ngôn ngữ đánh dấu (markup-language) do đó có thể hiểu một phần tử HTML chính là một văn bản được đánh dấu để thể hiện theo một cách nào đó. Một phần tử HTML thường được xác định dựa trên ba thành phần: Thẻ mởNội dung nằm bên trong cặp thẻ (hay còn được gọi là nội dung của phần tử)Thẻ đóng Thẻ mởNội dung phần tửThẻ đóng&lth1&gtThis is a Heading&lt/h1&gt&ltp&gtThis is paragraph.&lt/p&gt
Các thuộc tính phần tử của HTML ( HTML Attributes)
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Thuộc tính phần tử HTML được sử dụng để bổ sung thông tin cho phần tử. Có thể tóm gọn về thuộc tính phần tử HTML đơn giản như sau: Các phần tử HTML có thể có các thuộc tínhCác thuộc tính cung cấp thêm thông tin về phần tửCác thuộc tính có các cặp tên / giá trị như charset = "utf-8" Ví dụ về một trang HTML đơn giản như sau: &lt!DOCTYPE html&gt &lthtml lang="en"&gt &ltmeta charset="utf-8"&gt &lttitle&gtPage Title&lt/title&gt &ltbody&gt   &lth1&gtThis is a Heading&lt/h1&gt   &ltp&gtThis is a paragraph.&lt/p&gt   &ltp&gtThis is another paragraph.&lt/p&gt &lt/body&gt &lt/html&gt Giải thích ví dụ trên: Các phần tử HTML là các khối xây dựng của các trang HTML. Khai báo &lt!DOCTYPE html&gt định nghĩa trang này là HTML5Phần tử &lthtml&gt là phần tử gốc của một trang HTMLThuộc tính lang định nghĩa ngôn ngữ của trangPhần tử &ltmeta&gt chứa thông tin meta của trangThuộc tính charset xác định bộ ký tự sử dụng trong trangPhần tử &lttitle&gt chỉ định tiêu đề của trangPhần tử &ltbody&gt chứa nội dung mà trang hiển thịPhần tử &lth1&gt định nghĩa tiêu đề lớnPhần tử &ltp&gt định nghĩa đoạn văn Tất cả các trang HTML phải bắt đầu bằng khai báo: &lt! DOCTYPE html&gt. Bản thân trang HTML đó cũng phải bắt đầu bằng &lthtml&gt và kết thúc bằng &lt/html&gt. Phần nội dung hiển thị của trang HTML nằm giữa 2 tag &ltbody&gt và &lt/body&gt.
Cấu trúc của một trang HTML
Hình ảnh dưới đây sẽ cho bạn thấy cấu trúc của một trang HTML là gì? Nó trông ra sao.
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Phần màu trắng chính là phần nội dung sẽ hiển thị ra cho người dùng nhìn thấy.
Các phần tử trong một trang HTML được biểu diễn ra sao?
1. Tiêu đề
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Các tiêu đề HTML được định nghĩa bằng các thẻ heading từ &lth1&gt cho đến &lth6&gt. Thẻ &lth1&gt chính là tiêu đề quan trọng nhất. &lth6&gt xác định tiêu đề ít quan trọng nhất: &lth1&gtThis is heading 1&lt/h1&gt &lth2&gtThis is heading 2&lt/h2&gt &lth3&gtThis is heading 3&lt/h3&gt 2. Đoạn văn bản
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Đoạn văn bản trong HTML được định nghĩa trong thẻ &ltp&gt &ltp&gtThis is a paragraph.&lt/p&gt &ltp&gtThis is another paragraph.&lt/p&gt 3. Liên kết Các liên kết HTML được định nghĩa trong thẻ &lta&gt &lta href="https://www.w3schools.com"&gtThis is a link&lt/a&gt Điểm đến của liên kết đó nằm trong thuộc tính href 4. Hình ảnh Hình ảnh HTML được định dạng bằng thẻ &ltimg&gt. Tệp nguồn (src), văn bản thay thế (alt), chiều rộng và chiều cao được cung cấp dưới dạng các thuộc tính: &ltimg src="img_w3schools.jpg" alt="W3Schools" style="width:120px;height:150px"&gt 5. Nút click Các nút click được định nghĩa trong các thẻ &ltbutton&gt &ltbutton&gtClick me&lt/button&gt 6. Danh sách Danh sách trong HTML được xác định bằng các thẻ &ltul&gt (danh sách không có thứ tự / dấu đầu dòng) hoặc thẻ &ltol&gt (danh sách được sắp xếp / đánh số), theo sau là thẻ &ltli&gt (danh sách các mục): &ltul&gt  &ltli&gtCoffee&lt/li&gt  &ltli&gtTea&lt/li&gt  &ltli&gtMilk&lt/li&gt &lt/ul&gt 7. Bảng Các bảng trong HTML được xác định bằng thẻ &lttable&gt. Các hàng của bảng được xác định bằng thẻ &lttr&gt. Tiêu đề bảng được xác định bằng thẻ &ltth&gt. (in đậm mặc định). Các ô của bảng (dữ liệu) được xác định bằng thẻ &lttd&gt. &lttable&gt  &lttr&gt    &ltth&gtFirstname&lt/th&gt    &ltth&gtLastname&lt/th&gt    &ltth&gtAge&lt/th&gt  &lt/tr&gt  &lttr&gt   &lttd&gtJill&lt/td&gt    &lttd&gtSmith&lt/td&gt    &lttd&gt50&lt/td&gt  &lt/tr&gt  &lttr&gt    &lttd&gtEve&lt/td&gt    &lttd&gtJackson&lt/td&gt    &lttd&gt94&lt/td&gt  &lt/tr&gt &lt/table&gt
Lập trình HTML
Mọi phần tử của HTML đều có thể có các thuộc tính. Trong lập trình web, các thuộc tính quan trọng nhất là id và class. Thuộc tínhVí dụid&lttable id="table01"&gtclass&ltp class="normal"&gtstyle&ltp style="font-size:16px"&gtdata-&ltdiv data-id="500"&gtonclick&ltinput onclick="myFunction()"&gtonmouseover&lta onmouseover="this.setAttribute('style','color:red')"&gt Qua bài viết trên hy vọng bạn đã có thể trả lời cho mình được những câu hỏi đơn giản như HTML là gì? HTML có những thành phần nào? Và cách sử dụng của chúng ra sao? Cùng theo dõi các bài viết khác của Top On Seek để bổ sung thêm nhiều kiến thức hữu ích khác nữa nhé! Nguồn: w3schools.com Read the full article
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Source: ワニアンテナ
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【ウィズ】《LtoL(4/4)》「驚天颱風 フウカ・カエラム」最終ステータス 潜在能力 スキル
【ウィズ】《LtoL(4/4)》「驚天颱風 フウカ・カエラム」最終ステータス 潜在能力 スキル Source: ゲームaアンテナ 黒猫 Source: 【総合】アンテナサイト グッディ! Source: まとめのまとめ速報処
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shissokuantena-blog · 7 years
240: 2chよりお送りします 2017/06/21(水) 14:30:36.28 ID:FdqqzjXQa イザーク、リークは来ましたか? 338: 2chよりお送りします 2017/06/21(水) 15:33:02.72 ID:w5fglgsra リーク来たねセイ水火か 339: 2chよりお送りします 2017/06/21(水) 15:33:20.27 ID:S4OPfxvN0 セイ強そう 340: 2chよりお送りします 2017/06/21(水) 15:33:20.75 ID:q6inQYgL0 346: 2chよりお送りします 2017/06/21(水) 15:34:09.20 ID:8Swtvwd/d >>340 スオウ火光やんけええええええやったああああ 344: 2chよりお送りします 2017/06/21(水)…
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letstententen · 7 years
776日目 旧GW精霊たちを進化させてみた3
旧GW精霊たちを進化してみました、3体目。 GW2015とGW2016が対象なんですけど…持ってないんですよね~あいにく2015はひとつも。
【桃神剣 スモモ・プルーム】
実はごく最近までブルームだと思ってました。 まさかプルームだったなんて…あんなにたくさん使ってたのに、、、しょっちゅうリーダーにしてたのに恥ずかしいな。
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purpledreamergalaxy · 7 years
683名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。2017/01/24(火) 10:45:03.77ID:EfwaR7FAa.net 正直クリ正すらLtoLまだなのにバレンタインとかやれるか不安だわ ウィズセレみたいに適当進化されてもやだし 温泉の件は絶対許さない
続きを読む 続きはこちら【黒猫】セルマとか、ちょっと髪伸びた? 【黒猫】セルマとか、ちょっと髪伸びた? クロネコウィズと {$excerpt:n}
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1996-2000romy · 9 years
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Rosca de reyes!👑✨🙏Yummy 😋 #familia #buenosmomentos ❤️#family #goodtimes #LTOL❤️
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Source: ワニアンテナ
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【ウィズ】《LtoL》「歪みに抗う尊き祈り オルハ・ゲート」最終ステータス 潜在能力 スキル
【ウィズ】《LtoL》「歪みに抗う尊き祈り オルハ・ゲート」最終ステータス 潜在能力 スキル Source: ゲームaアンテナ 黒猫 Source: 【総合】アンテナサイト グッディ! Source: まとめのまとめ速報処
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