#Low voltage step and aisle lighting
wedesignyouny · 2 years
Best Low Voltage Step and Aisle Lighting - All Cinema Sales
3 Types of Step and Aisle Lighting [Best Low Voltage Step and Aisle Lighting]
Step and aisle lighting is a type of architectural lighting that is used in large commercial spaces such as supermarkets, department stores, and warehouses. This type of architectural lighting was first introduced by the architect Louis Sullivan in 1889 when he designed the Carson Pirie Scott store.
Architects use step and aisle lights to create a sense of openness in the space by providing adequate light for people to see where they are going without feeling overwhelmed or claustrophobic.
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However, when it comes to choosing step and aisle lighting, you need to consider the space and the function of the area. Generally, there are three main types of step and aisle lighting:
1) LED Tubes – These are usually installed in corridors, stairwells, or other areas with a high level of foot traffic. They are perfect for illuminating areas that need to be well-lit but don’t require a lot of color variations.
2) Fluorescent Tube Lighting – These lights provide more brightness than LED tubes but they do not have good color rendering. They are great for illuminating high-ceiling spaces such as warehouses or hallways.
3) LED Strip Lighting – This type of lighting is perfect for adding brightness to places previously thought impossible. Moreover, they emit a variety of single colors and also have color changing options, making it a quite useful step and aisle lighting for almost any area.
Best Low Voltage Step and Aisle Lighting
If you are looking for top quality low voltage step and aisle lighting products, look no further than All Cinema Sales and Services. They are specialists in providing professional installations, maintenance, and sales of aisle lighting, floor lighting, and wall lighting for theaters, schools, churches, luxury homes and many other venues.
You can contact them for your needs by calling 800 628 5788 or sending an email to [email protected]. If you are still unable to get in touch with them, you can send your message by filling out a simple questionnaire present on their official website AllCinemaSales.com.
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Contact us today to speak to one of our representatives in our New York office:
All Cinema Sales & Services
📍 : 120 Laurel Road, Suite AEast Northport, NY 11731
📞 : 800-628-5788 (toll free)
📞 : 631-754-5655 (local)
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crushzone · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Characters As A Film Crew (Pt. 1: Pharmacy Commercial for Gardening Tools
NO ONE asked for this, but I felt a strong urge to bring it to existence. 😂
Will probably be a multi-series because I breath, eat, and sleep on film sets, and even if they are the same crew positions, they all got different styles and reactions based off the premises.
Also, not all positions will be included. I’m only typing the specific ones where Haikyuu!! characters occupy.
So consider each of these headcanons as one film shoot. And the next part as a different shoot. Some characters might get called back to be on future shoots, so expect some reappearances.
And if you have a goofy idea for our next premise, we might be able to open a lil brainstorm pool.
The crew gathers, bright and early, on a commercial shoot for a pharmacy store. They’re trying to promote their newly stocked Spring gardening products where a shopper browses through the aisles, then a group of dancers and a leaf mascot emerges and begins dancing.
1st Assistant Director - Sugawara Koshi
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He’s so happy to be here. When he hears that there will be dancing involved, he gets SO excited.
When the shot is rolling and people are dancing, he will be right by the director, swaying happily to the songs that they are dancing to. By the end of the first day of filming, he’s already remembered all the dance moves.
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Because he enjoyed the fun dancing so much, he gets too distracted to...you know....actually do his job.
Is the main reason why the film shoot goes overtime; because he forgets to keep the director’s and cinematographer’s time in check.
He’s also not very harsh when it comes to putting his foot down and telling the cinematographer that this HAS to be the last shot before they  move on.
When the cinematographer kinda brushes him off, he will pout a lil, and mentally settle on allowing them 2 mores shots just cuz the dance is so fun in this. And same goes for the other shot, then the other...holy crap we have to be out in 15 minutes?! Where did the time go.
If they need more extras to dance, he low key wishes that he could hop in and help out. And when they let him, he is freaking happy.
Is very kind to any production assistants who may be new to the gig.
Makes every instruction sound like a very polite request.
All production assistant interns have a crush on him, and they keep trying to bring him fruit snacks from crafty.
Cinematographer - Tsukishima Kei
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The wrong man for this particular shoot
He’s low-key a little embarrassed that he is going to be filming a bunch of people dancing and being happy.
While everyone is happily dancing along, he just glowers by the camera when some dancers can’t seem to hit their mark right. They’re not going to get the perfect spotlight he’s designed for them, dammit!
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Gets a little annoyed by how Suga is so excited about the dance.
Also hates the fact that there are so many actors, it’s making him a little anxious about any background actors knocking on his lighting or camera equipments. 
Needs to sip on some Caprisun to calm his nerves, asap.
Will never tell his brother, Akiteru, how his shoot went when he gets home. That, or he’ll make it up, that he actually shot a horror film or something less “lame”.
Will eat the catering meals that are provided, but will silently judge how stiff the chicken is, or how overcooked the pastas are.
The kind of cinematographer who always remains by the camera, and doesn’t really help lighting and grips much when they need it. (It’s a very small crew, so some people are doubling duties.)
Will also leave most of the work to his camera assistants, treats this commercial shoot with the standards of a feature film, and will get kind of annoyed when his expectations are not met. However, if someone asks him if he’s okay, he’ll just smile and say that it is all dandy.
Wouldn’t even accept fruit snacks that his assistant camera brought for him, in an attempt to lighten his mood.
Sodium levels are very high.
Lighting - Wakatoshi Ushijima
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Just general really quiet and stoic
No one really notices him, but even before the cinematographer can figure out how to describe the way they want the shot lit, he’s already had a massive light set up on stand by and is ready to go.
Also freaking strong, while the other electrics are figuring out a way to carry this lighting contraption across the pharmacy, and up the stairs wit no elevator, he’ll just say “Let me try”, picks it up, then walks out there alone like he’s holding a feather.
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Him and his big lights lol
Somehow, his hands are heat resistant? He tends to lose his leather gloves when he lends it out to someone who needs it. So he just uses those cheap, thin gloves from expendables to adjust some hot lights, and he never flinches. We will never know if it actually hurts him or if he just doesn’t react, even when we can clearly see the smoke coming from his melting gloves.
Doesn’t know anything about voltages though, if there is an outlet, he will plug. Keeps blowing the fuse, and while some people are afraid to mess with the pharmacy’s breaker, it doesn’t bother him. Flips EVERY switch till it works, without reading the labels. definitely gave locations a heart attack.
Never complains about poor catering, but he will bring his own healthy lunch and breakfast.
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Though he’ll occasionally snack on fruit snacks from crafty. However, if he got the last packet of fruit snacks available on crafty and someone wants it, he will give it to them in a heartbeat.
Makeup - Satori Tendou
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There will be people dressed as leaves and trees? Some farmer-themed costume? DANCING?! He’s DOWN.
He probably had no makeup experience, but he found a way to fake his resume, so that he can put in all of his acrylic finger painting “experiments” as his experience.
When he gets there, his eyes sparkles at ALLLL of the people who are waiting for him to turn them into something.
Doesn’t really listen to what he was instructed to do, so some of the customers who were suppose to have some natural makeup, got turned into a tree as well. Fortunately, the director was able to work around this error, but now they are very short on human-looking actors.
Surprisingly not as awful with his body painting as he could’ve been? Not the best, but he’s not too shabby.
Started off doing the actor’s makeup with one of his original random humming, but when he steps outside to see some of the dancers practicing their moves, the song instantly got stuck in his head, and he CANNOT stop singing it. It’s beginning to drive some people insane.
He will be by the monitor, wiggling his lil hips and humming to the song. He had to be hushed by the Assistant Director Suga a few times, but he can’t help it, music just kind of rumbles out of him like breathing. Also, it’s not like Suga is so harsh about his hushing to begin with, but it did annoy Tendou for a hot sec, before he disregards him since he also notices him dancing next to the director.
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Terrible at sanitizing his brushes. Will use the same brushes on different actors (gross). When an actor complains about sanitization, he just pretends like it had JUST occurred to him that they are right. Then he would set the brushes down and go at it with his freaking fingers.
Tilts his head like an owl and steps 10 steps back to study how his makeup job looks, before coming back to examine up close. Just really not subtle about it.
Grip - Keiji Akaashi
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This man is a grip i would HIRE in a heartbeat.
Just like Ushijima, people don’t really notice him, per say, but in a way, you also can’t help but notice how he’s always shadowing the cinematographer so he can get a head start on instructions and problem solving.
However, he is very methodical though. Never just asks his team to grab a gear until he is sure it will be used. He just understands that most equipments are freaking heavy, and he never wants to overwork his crew.
Always hella crafty; need a dolly shot, but you couldn’t rent one? Here’s a shopping cart lol. Sound department misplaced their dead cat? (It’s a fluffy thing that you put over the microphone to prevent wind sounds), just let me buy a teddy bear from the kids section and make one for you. His rigs definitely makes it to shittyrigs Instagram page often.
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But you have to admit that his shittyrigs are pretty impressive AND actually secure.
Ended up getting pulled into the commercial to be one of the costumers, since they were short on actors (Since Makeup Artist Tendou kept turning actors into trees). He barely reacts to anything so they had to pull him back out.
Because his roommate, Bokuto, is taking the role of the main leaf mascot, he cannot wander off to rest between takes because Bokuto keeps looking to him for approval haha.
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Really quiet, but when anybody comes up to him for some advice, he never hesitates to share what he’s learnt from his experience.
Lead Actor (Mascot) - Kotaro Bokuto
Is Akaashi’s roommate.
One day when Bokuto returns home, all pouty, because he decided to quit his job, Akaashi tries to think of a way to get this man a job that he would enjoy.
Then when he tells Bokuto that he’s hired for a commercial shoot as a Grip, Bokuto basically threw him a little ice cream party (he probably throws Akaashi a little celebratory party every time he gets a gig, and he is an experienced regular who gets gigs ALL the time.) but he did sensed something wrong: As happy as Bo is for one of his many grip gigs, there’s an underlying atmosphere of sadness that he can’t brush off.
“How do you feel about potentially dancing in a leaf mascot costume for a commercial shoot?” And at that question, Bo’s eyes sparkle ✨
Seeing as Akaashi had worked with this advertising company as a freelancer for a while, he put in a good word for his friend.
When Bokuto shows up for audition, the casting directors LOVE him. Gets the role right away, and from that day on, this company keeps re-hiring him as their different mascots.
The crew loves him, the client loves him, and the casts love him. This man is THRIVING.
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Not the best dancer, but he’s energetic enough that it’s just endearing in his own way.
When he gets handed the leaf costume, he’ll accepts it as if someone’s handing him a sword.
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Just stomps around the pharmacy as a lil leaf, the heat of the suit doesn’t even bother him when he could look this cool. However, he’ll trip on his costume A LOT, but he’s fine because it’s actually pretty cushiony.
In one of the shots, he tripped on his costume, and simply stands back up to continue dancing like nothing’s happened, cuz the show must go on. That was the shot that made it to the final commercial.
The choreographer actually tried to teach him a dance, but because he’s pretty bad at learning dances, they just let him do his thing.
Boom Operator - Lev Haiba
This tall boi is BORN to be a boom operator.
Due to his naturally friendly demeanor, a lot of background and dancers thought that he is flirting with them. However they later realize that he’s just friendly when they figured out they were all swooning over the same person.
Can hold boom poles very high, like he can hold it over the aisles without a ladder sometimes.
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This is his first gig, so he doesn’t really know tricks to hold the boom pole for an extended amount of time.
So his arms will probably tire out real fast. And sometimes you can turn around mid dance to see that he has his eyes closed and his arms are TREMBLING. (Poor boi, but please keep your eyes open when the camera is rolling lol.)
And when the shot is cut, he will bring his arms back down and smile SO big cuz he gets to relax. But will cry when they have to go again.When will this shot cut omg. The dance sequence is so long.
Because he keeps his eyes closed, he always accidentally dips the microphone in frame. I can assure you that you will hear “BOOM IN FRAME” about a 100 times on this shoot.
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When the director views their favorite shot, they realize the microphone is in frame, Lev would smile VERY innocently when the director groans.
Trips on his own microphone cable. Akaashi had to come up with a contraption to save him from tripping.
No idea how to coil cables, so it’s always just a big spaghetti mess.
Always eats SO much during lunch.
Always bumping into shelves, counters, fridges. If you hear the sound of 30 cans falling from a distant aisle, it’s probably Lev and his boom pole. Will also give locations a heart attack.
Same goes for if you hear “OW!!” it’s probably him too, but this time he is tripping on his cable, before the pole lands on someone’s head.
Just overall a very chaotic and dangerous boom operator.
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Transportation - Hinata Shoyo
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Honestly has no idea what he is doing. JUST learnt how to drive recently, so he figured, he’d make some money.
Can’t even follow the GPS so well. GPS: turn left at Baker St. Hinata: BUT WHEN?! Is it this street? Whoa, this car is coming out of the street...oh...that was Baker St. uhh, I’ll do another loop. Actor: this is your 4th loop!!
Gets kind of overwhelmed by how many actors he had to pick up. This is a pharmacy commercial shoot right? Why are there so many actors?!
Just gets really awkward when there is no one to transport though. Like what else is he suppose to do now?
Would just hang out around crafty and stress snack. Then he’d have to run to the bathroom often cuz he ate too much.
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Because of that, you can’t really find him when you need him, sometimes. He’ll have to keep responding to his radio while in the restroom.
Totally thinks that the distortion of the radio will mask his flushing. But he is WRONG.
Dancer - Terushima Yuuji
Is actually a pretty great dancer. He gets to be one of the dancers who get the most screen time.
The choreographer loves him, he even asked if he can please add his own flair to it, and when he attempts some free styling, the whole team is impressed, some even swooned.
Found a way to convince the director to have him wink at the camera, and that may or may not be why the pharmacy’s gardening products were nearly all sold out the moment the commercial aired. Never knew gardening could be this sexy, did’cha? *winks*
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Playboy af. At the end of the shoot, he’s got 10 new numbers from cuties on set, can’t even decide who he should hit up first. Some of these numbers, he got them from crew/cast members who genuinely thought his cocky behavior’s pretty hot, but a good half of it also came from his persistence.
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Demands some fancy snacks for crafty, but when the crafty person leaves to go find that snack for him, he quickly shoves a handful of some junky candy and cheetos in his pockets. 
And those snacks will probably be his dinner tonight.
Is a little bit of a jerk to “newer” actors. Like bruh, this is not even a film shoot for a movie, it’s just a commercial. 🤷🏻‍♀️
REFUSES to be turned into a tree. He will maintain his sexy human form, please, and thank you. But sexy farmer is fine, I guess.
Background Actor (who dances too) - Kageyama Tobio
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Shows up thinking that all he has do is to just push shopping carts around in the background.
He didn’t know he had to dance too. And suddenly all blood drains from him.
What is he going to do?! He was already in 2 of the shots, he can’t back out now.
When it comes to the dancing part, he is as stiff about it as you can expect.
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Why are there no yogurt or milk at crafty? :( He needs it now more than ever, to calm his nerves.
But when he did get it, and drank it, it didn’t seem to sit too well in his tummy when he dances. He’s confused.
Freaking transportation guy keeps occupying the bathroom. His name is Hinata? He knows because he can hear Hinata’s name being called through the walkie while he is in the restroom.
A/N This is my first headcanon, so please let me know if there are things I can improve on! 🥰
Taglist (open): @shhhlikeme @ceo-of-daichi @karasu-hoes @super-noya @nonexistent-social-life
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amanda2020jumi-blog · 4 years
Zhongshan Fuyou Lighting Co., Ltd.
Zhongshan Fuyou Lighting Co., Ltd. will explain in detail the relevant knowledge and details of the installation of ilbfWc12w wall washer lamp. LED wall lamp is a lamp that uses light-emitting diode as a light source to disassemble on the wall or furniture wall and become an LED wall lamp. Traditional wall lamps mostly use halogen lamps, which have low luminous efficiency, specific power consumption, increased ambient temperature and short service life. LEDs are nearly superior to traditional lighting products in terms of light-emitting principle, energy saving and environmental protection. And the unidirectional LED lighting constitutes a perfect support for the light distribution of wall lamps.
Consumer instructions, the entire installation process strictly follows the instructions, and it is better to ask a special technician to stop the installation and adjust the mechanical tools, so that it can guarantee the quietness of the operation of the mechanical tools and the effect of the entire LED wall washer very good. . .
The luminous efficiency of high-power LED wall lamps has surpassed 100 lm / W, and because the spectrum of LEDs is almost entirely concentrated in the visible light band, the luminous efficiency is nearer than incandescent lamps and is catching up with energy-saving lamps and fluorescent lamps.
. . The series and parallel connection of the LED lamp board takes a wide voltage. . To make the LED wall washer rated at the input voltage scale compared to a wide-scale ACV, the LED series and parallel method of the light board is very important. Since the current power supply is generally a non-blocking step-down power supply, when a wide voltage is being requested, the output voltage should not exceed V, and the input voltage scale can reach V. In other words, the number of series does not exceed the series. Do not have too many parallel connections, otherwise the rated current is too large and the heat is severe. It is recommended to merge. The total current should not exceed mA. There is also a wide voltage scheme, which is to use L to raise the voltage to V, and then step down the voltage, which is equivalent to two switching power supplies, and the cost is twice as expensive. .
High amount of light:
Since there is no ultraviolet and infrared rays in the spectrum, there is no heat and no radiation, no burden to the human eye, and no fading of objects illuminated by it.
. . LED high-power wall washer installation needs to pay attention to some issues. . You need to use screws to fix the lighting; connect the lighting and the power cord together, and then wrap them with waterproof tape; pay attention to the maximum number of serial connections when installing; confirm that all installations are correct, and you can turn on the power. . . When installing and transporting LED high-power wall washer, pay attention to anti-vibration; before the installation of lighting, Chen must make sure that the location of the installation can accept twice the weight of the sold product, and will not shake after the installation; the installation process should be Use the LED power supply that matches the sales data; stop disassembling the lighting; if the lighting is displayed, you need to stop using it immediately. . . . . The scale of LED high-power wall washer is inexhaustible, the development and application of light source modules are accelerating, and consumers are paying more and more attention to various factors such as the quietness and invariance of the humanized demand for light quality, intelligent lighting Ankang Lighting Is showing a very broad application prospects. In the past few years, led lighting has been changing rapidly in terms of technical goals such as light efficiency. When a new product comes out, the concept of home lighting is to improve the light efficiency a few times. Today, the light efficiency of LED light sources has reached LMWLMW, and the speed of change in light efficiency and other aspects has slowed down. When you go to exhibitions such as Guangya Exhibition, you will find that the light quality and light environment are increasingly valued. . .
Good color rendering:
Compared with fluorescent lamps, the color rendering index of high-power LED wall lamps is high. The color of the illuminated object is better presented.
. . The led line light series is a flexible whitewashed lamp, which is characterized by low power consumption, long life, high brightness, easy to bend, maintenance-free, etc. Especially suitable for entertainment occasions inside and outside the room, the outline of buildings and the making of confession boards, etc. According to different needs, the goods sold include V, V, etc., and the lengths are CM, CM, CM, CM, etc. Line lights with different specifications can also be customized according to customer needs. . .
Low maintenance cost:
LEDs have a long lifespan, with a luminous flux half-life of more than 50,000 hours, and are generally used for more than 30 years. The impact resistance and earthquake resistance are strong. There are no vulnerable parts such as tungsten wire and glass bulb, and the possibility of non-general 'scrap' is very small. Among them, road lighting LED output value accounts for half of its future industry
Small product:
It can make the lamp exquisite and exquisite, more suitable for different use occasions, and at the same time, it can disassemble the different arms, so that the light of the lamp can be changed abundantly. Green:
Recyclable waste, no pollution, unlike fluorescent lamps containing ingredients, better environmental protection benefits, no ultraviolet and infrared in the spectrum, no heat, no radiation, little glare, and waste can be recycled, no pollution, no elements, cold The light source can be touched quietly and belongs to the typical green source of Changsha. One light high
There are many types and styles of wall lamps, such as common ceiling lamps, color-changing wall lamps, bedside wall lamps and mirror front wall lamps. Ceiling lamps are mostly dismantled on balconies, stairs, corridor aisles and bedrooms, suitable for long-term lamps; color-changing wall lamps are mostly used for festivals and festive occasions; bedside wall lamps are mostly disassembled on the upper left side of the bed, the lamp head can move universally, and the beam is concentrated Easy to read; the wall lights in front of the mirror are more whitewashed and are being used near the bathroom mirror. The lower the working current of the electronic component in the rated voltage working range, the lower the heat and the longer the life, and the shorter the life.
The installation height of the wall lamp should be slightly higher than the line of sight 1.8 meters high. The illuminance of the wall lamp should not be too large, as it is more artistically contagious. The choice of the wall lampshade should be determined according to the wall color. The white or cream yellow wall should use light green and light blue lampshade, lake green and sky blue wall. It is advisable to use milky white, light yellow and brown shades. In this way, a large-scale one-color background wall cloth is decorated with a conspicuous wall lamp to give people the feeling of elegant Changsha. The wire connecting the wall lamp should be light color, which is convenient to apply the paint with the same wall color to keep the wall clean and tidy. Otherwise, you can first dig a small slot in the wall that just fits into the wire, embed the wire, fill it with lime, and then apply the paint with the same color as the wall. Master Xu said that the wire inspection cover of street lamp poles has been stolen for a long time, and it has been lost more this year. They have a total of individuals in the street lamp maintenance team.
Things to keep in mind
It is understood that in recent years, with the inexhaustible improvement of people's livelihood and the growing concern about topics such as energy and environment, consumers' demands for energy conservation, environmental protection and well-being are increasing. In terms of lighting, the selection of more green, energy-saving, and well-being lighting products has gradually become a mainstream of society; and LEDs have been said to be excellent in terms of energy saving, environmental protection, use efficiency and lifespan, and their widespread use has become a certain trend. Calculated according to the cost per kilowatt-hour, a set of LED lights can save about one yuan in electricity costs over a year.
However, consumers should pay attention to the following misunderstandings when purchasing lighting:
Misunderstanding 1. LED bulbs of several W can replace incandescent lamps of several W.
Positive solution: Because incandescent lamps only talk about wattage but not lumens, they will affect consumers' habit of buying lamps overnight. The difference between LED technology and incandescent lamp, because the light effect of LED is still being developed, so the wattage can not actually represent its lumens. Some manufacturers are giving signs similar to '40W incandescent lamp exchanged for sale' on the package to assist <a href="https://www.winpowerlights.com/article/detail/what-is-low-profile-led-light.html">visit here</a> consumers in purchasing. The horizontal line of the long arm light should be tight and flat.
Myth 2: The greater the LED power, the brighter the brightness. Needle radiator.
Positive solution: The brightness of general LED light is weighed by lumens (lm). The higher the lumens (lm) output of LED lamps with different power levels, the more energy-saving. For example: 5W and 6W LED lamps are compared. If the 5W lumen output exceeds 6W, then the 5W lamp is actually more energy efficient than the 6W lamp. LED junction temperature is controlled at the ideal temperature (TJ, ambient temperature T = hour);
Zhongshan Jiahui Tianshi Lighting Co., Ltd. is a production and sales company under Hong Kong Fuyou Lighting Co., Ltd., which has two major brands, Fuyou and Jiahui Tianshi. The company has been focusing on the production <a href="https://www.winpowerlights.com/article/detail/what-is-low-profile-led-light.html">visit here</a> and sales of LED outdoor lighting brand lamp application products for 8 years. Strong R \u0026 D capabilities ensure that Fuyou Lighting continues to innovate, successfully build a system industry chain covering the research and development, production and sales of related products such as lamps, light sources, accessories, etc., and accurate market positioning makes Fuyou Lighting repeatedly win five-star domestic and foreign stars. Hotel, high-end real estate and office building lighting projects, the company's comprehensive competitiveness ranks in the forefront of the domestic LED lighting industry.
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
Tivoli LED String Lights Have Many Different Benefits
 Tivoli LED String Lights Have Many Different Benefits
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Tivoli LED String Lights are modern innovations in lighting technology. LED means "light emitting diode". It is a kind of semiconductor, which generates light when it comes into contact with electric current. This modern light bulb has no filament and is more energy efficient.
Compared with ordinary light strings, they are more colorful. The LED emits bright and very clear light. The color of the light emitted by the color LED lamp is bright and very clear. They will add color to any space where they are hung. The color LED lights are not easy to fade even if they are used outdoors for a long time, and they will still emit bright colored light after being turned on.
Tivoli LED String Lights is no doubt that they are more durable than ordinary light strings. Even if they are placed outdoors, their service life is longer than ordinary light strings. The longest lifespan of LED bulbs is 11 years, which is a long time. In the past, if your string lights lasted for a year, especially when used outdoors, you were lucky. Now, with LED lights, you can use them for a longer period of time without having to change bulbs frequently. It is also a common problem that the light string is easy to break if it is not used for a long time, but the LED light string does not have this problem. You can put them in a sealed box and you can still use them after a few months or a year.
They are more cost-effective because they do not need to be replaced after a few months or a year. When you buy them, they may be more expensive than ordinary lamps, but they are very durable. You will save money by using them because you don't have to replace them for a long time.
The biggest advantage of Tivoli LED String Lights is their power efficiency. Compared with ordinary lights, they consume less power when turned on. Their power efficiency rating is 80%. This means that 80% of the energy passing through them is converted into light energy. Only a small part of the energy it consumes is wasted. A large part of this is converted into light energy.
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Contact us today to speak to one of our representatives in our New York office:
All Cinema Sales & Services
📍 : 120 Laurel Road, Suite AEast Northport, NY 11731
📞 : 800-628-5788 (toll free)
📞 : 631-754-5655 (local)
🌎 : https://www.allcinemasales.com/
We welcome feedback!
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
Benefits of Low Voltage Step and Aisle Lighting
Low voltage step and aisle lighting are low-voltage fixtures that provide illumination in retail spaces and other commercial buildings. These fixtures are typically mounted on the floor near the front of aisles and at the steps leading up to checkouts and other points of interest, making it a good option for smaller businesses that don’t have much room to spare.
Step and aisle lighting can be used in many places, including hospitals, factories, grocery stores, bookstores, fashion shops, convenience stores, and more. They help individuals find their way around a space as well as illuminate areas where there may not be much natural light.
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Low voltage step and aisle lighting products are cost-effective lighting solutions that can be used to save energy and add ambiance to the property. These light fixtures are easy to install, meaning you don’t need to spend too much money on labor costs too.
Low voltage step and aisle lighting products can be used in the following ways:
– It can be used to illuminate the entrance and highlight products on display
– It can be used as an emergency exit light so that individuals know where they are going in case of an emergency
– It can be used as a guide for customers who may need assistance
Best Low Voltage Step and Aisle Lighting Products
When it comes to providing top quality low voltage step and aisle lighting products, All Cinema Sales & Services is the market leader. They have been actively operating in the industry since 1980, and over time have served thousands of customers across the country with their world class products and first class services.
You can contact them for your needs by calling on 📞 1-800-628-5788 or sending an email to 📧 [email protected]. Not just this, you can even reach out to them by filling out a simple contact form present on their official website 🌎 AllCinemaSales.com.
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Contact us today to speak to one of our representatives in our New York office:
All Cinema Sales & Services
📍 : 120 Laurel Road, Suite AEast Northport, NY 11731
📞 : 800-628-5788 (toll free)
📞 : 631-754-5655 (local)
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
Allcinemasales is a full service lighting supply distributor with the capability of next day delivery anywhere in New York. Theater and Auditorium Safety Lighting in New York Commercial and Residential Aisle Lighting, Floor Lighting, and Wall Lighting. Call Us 631-754-5655 or Mail us [email protected]
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
Best Low Voltage Step and Aisle Lighting NYC | All Cinema Sales
Advantages of Low Voltage Step and Aisle Lighting
Low voltage step and path lighting are low-voltage apparatuses that give brightening in retail spaces and other business structures. These installations are normally mounted on the floor close to the front of paths and at the means paving the way to checkouts and different focal points, making it a decent choice for more modest organizations that don’t have a lot of space in excess.
Step and walkway lighting can be utilized in many spots, including medical clinics, production lines, supermarkets, book shops, design shops, general stores, and then some. They assist people with tracking down their strategy for getting around a space along with enlighten regions where there may not be a lot of normal light.
Low voltage step and passageway lighting items are practical lighting arrangements that can be utilized to save energy and add atmosphere to the property. These light apparatuses are not difficult to introduce, meaning you don’t have to burn through an excessive amount of cash on work costs as well.
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Low voltage step and passageway lighting items can be utilized in the accompanying ways:
– Enlightening the entry and feature items on display can be utilized
– It very well may be utilized as a crisis leave light so people know where they are going if there should arise an occurrence of a crisis
– It very well may be utilized as an aide for clients who might require help
Best Low Voltage Step and Aisle Lighting Products
With regards to giving top quality low voltage step and path lighting items, All Cinema Sales and Services is the market chief. They have been effectively working in the business beginning around 1980, and over the long run have served huge number of clients the nation over with their a-list items and top notch administrations.
You can reach them for your necessities by approaching 1-800-628-5788 or sending an email to [email protected]. In addition to this, you might in fact connect with them by finishing up a straightforward contact structure present on their authority site AllCinemaSales.com.
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Contact us today to speak to one of our representatives in our New York office:
All Cinema Sales & Services
📍 : 120 Laurel Road, Suite AEast Northport, NY 11731
📞 : 800-628-5788 (toll free)
📞 : 631-754-5655 (local)
🌎 : https://www.allcinemasales.com/
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
Tivoli LED String Lights Have Many Different Benefits
 Tivoli LED String Lights Have Many Different Benefits
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Tivoli LED String Lights are modern innovations in lighting technology. LED means "light emitting diode". It is a kind of semiconductor, which generates light when it comes into contact with electric current. This modern light bulb has no filament and is more energy efficient.
Compared with ordinary light strings, they are more colorful. The LED emits bright and very clear light. The color of the light emitted by the color LED lamp is bright and very clear. They will add color to any space where they are hung. The color LED lights are not easy to fade even if they are used outdoors for a long time, and they will still emit bright colored light after being turned on.
Tivoli LED String Lights is no doubt that they are more durable than ordinary light strings. Even if they are placed outdoors, their service life is longer than ordinary light strings. The longest lifespan of LED bulbs is 11 years, which is a long time. In the past, if your string lights lasted for a year, especially when used outdoors, you were lucky. Now, with LED lights, you can use them for a longer period of time without having to change bulbs frequently. It is also a common problem that the light string is easy to break if it is not used for a long time, but the LED light string does not have this problem. You can put them in a sealed box and you can still use them after a few months or a year.
They are more cost-effective because they do not need to be replaced after a few months or a year. When you buy them, they may be more expensive than ordinary lamps, but they are very durable. You will save money by using them because you don't have to replace them for a long time.
The biggest advantage of Tivoli LED String Lights is their power efficiency. Compared with ordinary lights, they consume less power when turned on. Their power efficiency rating is 80%. This means that 80% of the energy passing through them is converted into light energy. Only a small part of the energy it consumes is wasted. A large part of this is converted into light energy.
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Contact us today to speak to one of our representatives in our New York office:
All Cinema Sales & Services
📍 : 120 Laurel Road, Suite AEast Northport, NY 11731
📞 : 800-628-5788 (toll free)
📞 : 631-754-5655 (local)
🌎 : https://www.allcinemasales.com/
We welcome feedback!
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wedesignyouny · 3 years
Find here online price for lighting for theater and home theater installation services in New York, NYC. Call Now 631-754-5655 or Mail us [email protected] for any types of inquires.
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wedesignyouny · 3 years
All cinema sales offers low voltage step & aisle stairway lighting is designed not only to illuminate your stairs but also to make it safe. We also offer Commercial Flooring Solutions for Safety for Staircases, Floors, Ramps, High Traffic Areas and Hallways with obstructions. For any inquiry Call 631-754-5655 or Mail us [email protected].
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wedesignyouny · 3 years
All cinema sales offers low voltage step & aisle stairway lighting is designed not only to illuminate your stairs but also to make it safe. We also offer Commercial Flooring Solutions for Safety for Staircases, Floors, Ramps, High Traffic Areas and Hallways with obstructions. For any inquiry Call 631-754-5655 or Mail us [email protected].
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wedesignyouny · 3 years
Find here online price for lighting for theater and home theater installation services in New York, NYC. Call Now 631-754-5655 or Mail us [email protected] for any types of inquires.
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wedesignyouny · 3 years
Install a Custom Home Theater Room For Your House - All Cinema Sales
Install a Home Theater for Quarantine Life
Private Cinema Systems – Media Design – Theater Room Setup – AV Equipment – Smart home Automation
Turn your dreams into reality with custom home cinema design, installation and setup from All Cinema Sales.
With all the time families are spending at home what better way to entertain them than a home theater! Create a new one from scratch or upgrade your existing home theater for hours of enjoyment.
For decades All Cinema Sales has been creating the commercial movie theaters across the country that you and your families watch the top box office hits in. Regal, Bow-Tie, AMC, are just a few of the many names we work with.
We also do luxury home theater installations across the country. We are available for local projects in New York City, The Hamptons, The North Fork, and all of Long Island.
The designs for a home theater are endless. Choose a traditional theater with leather recliners and beautiful aisle lighting and accents, or perhaps you’re interested in a more minimalist ultra modern home theater that is understated with clean lines. Whatever your preference is we can make your dreams come true, and unlike smaller companies you’ll have the experience and the low-pricing of our commercial division.
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Home theaters expertly designed by All Cinema Sales are dedicated spaces for reproducing a first-class movie-watching experience through stunning HD visual quality, crystal clear audio, and smart home integration. Invite some friends over or have movie date night, grab your favourite snack and beverage from the kitchen, and enjoy the ultimate personal cinema experience!
Our high-end residential AV services ensure all your home cinema system installation needs are met, including:
Media room design for new construction or retrofitting
Installation of home cinema systems
Home movie theater room setup
Theater seating for private cinema
Seating stage
High performance surround sound/distributed audio systems
Acoustic wall treatments
Automated window covers
One-touch lighting controls
State-of-the-art media room equipment
Training on how to use your new home theater system
Smart home systems
CONTACT US for a free home theater design consultation and estimate!
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For More Info Please Visit Our Website : https://www.allcinemasales.com/
Or Email Us : [email protected]
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
All cinema sales offers low voltage step & aisle stairway lighting is designed not only to illuminate your stairs but also to make it safe. We also offer Commercial Flooring Solutions for Safety for Staircases, Floors, Ramps, High Traffic Areas and Hallways with obstructions. For any inquiry Call 631-754-5655 or Mail us [email protected]
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