#Low Cost Business Card Printing
littlebeemarketing · 2 years
Custom Business Cards In  Townsville
Want to promote your business with our custom business cards in Townsville? Here Little Bee Marketing has a best printing solutions for you. Feel free to contact us at  07 4439 5080. 
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"Clothing tags, travel cards, hotel room key cards, parcel labels … a whole host of components in supply chains of everything from cars to clothes. What do they have in common? RFID tags.  
Every RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag contains a microchip and a tiny metal strip of an antenna. A cool 18bn of these are made – and disposed of – each year. And with demands for product traceability increasing, ironically in part because of concerns for the social and environmental health of the supply chain, that’s set to soar. 
And guess where most of these tags end up? Yup, landfill – adding to the burgeoning volumes of e-waste polluting our soils, rivers and skies. It’s a sorry tale, but it’s one in which two young graduates of Imperial College London and Royal College of Art are putting a great big green twist. Under the name of PulpaTronics, Chloe So and Barna Soma Biro reckon they’ve hit on a beguilingly simple sounding solution: make the tags out of paper. No plastic, no chips, no metal strips. Just paper, pure and … simple … ? Well, not quite, as we shall see. 
The apparent simplicity is achieved by some pretty cutting-edge technical innovation, aimed at stripping away both the metal antennae and the chips. If you can get rid of those, as Biro explains, you solve the e-waste problem at a stroke. But getting rid of things isn’t the typical approach to technical solutions, he adds. “I read a paper in Nature that set out how humans have a bias for solving problems through addition – by adding something new, rather than removing complexity, even if that’s the best approach.”   
And adding stuff to a world already stuffed, as it were, can create more problems than it solves. “So that became one of the guiding principles of PulpaTronics”, he says: stripping things down “to the bare minimum, where they are still functional, but have as low an environmental impact as possible”.  
...how did they achieve this magical simplification? The answer lies in lasers: these turn the paper into a conductive material, Biro explains, printing a pattern on the surface that can be ‘read’ by a scanner, rather like a QR code. It sounds like frontier technology, but it works, and PulpaTronics have patents pending to protect it. 
The resulting tag comes in two forms: in one, there is still a microchip, so that it can be read by existing scanners of the sort common within retailers, for example. The more advanced version does away with the chip altogether. This will need a different kind of scanner, currently in development, which PulpaTronics envisages issuing licences for others to manufacture. 
Crucially, the cost of both versions is significantly cheaper than existing RFID kit – making this a highly viable proposition. Then there are the carbon savings: up to 70% for the chipless version – so a no-brainer from a sustainability viewpoint too. All the same, industry interest was slow to start with but when PulpaTronics won a coveted Dezeen magazine award in late 2023, it snowballed, says So. Big brands such as UPS, DHL, Marks & Spencer and Decathlon came calling. “We were just bombarded.” Brands were fascinated by the innovation, she says, but even more by the price point, “because, like any business, they knew that green products can’t come with a premium”."
-via Positive.News, April 29, 2024
Note: I know it's still in the very early stages, but this is such a relief to see in the context of the environmental and human rights catastrophes associated with lithium mining and mining for rare earth metals, and the way that EVs and other green infrastructure are massively increasing the demand for those materials.
I'll take a future with paper-based, more humane alternatives for sure! Fingers crossed this keeps developing and develops well (and quickly).
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octuscle · 1 year
Dear Chronivac Support
Is chronivac active or shut down? I'm a wealthy guy looking for some fun and adventure. There is a hot Latin poolboy in our neighborhood inspiring me to enjoy holidays as a latino. I searched the internet and found eric gustavo Oliveira as hot guy. A spring break as a latino like him would be great. I hope I can swap back later?
I recommend Chronivac Travel for this. I have a very cool offer for Cartagena. If you allow, I will put everything together for you. You don't even have to pack. You get your luggage with your boarding pass at the American counter in JFK.
The flight departs at 06:50. So, according to your habit, you will be at the airport at 05:50. But sorry, you fly low cost in economy. Fortunately for you, we have already checked you in and checked your luggage. Here are your boarding pass and your backpack. You can give me your Louis Vuitton laptop bag, you won't need it for the next two weeks.
The queue at the security check is annoying. You are used to the fast lane. But I want you to have the ultimate Latino experience. Of course, your backpack will be patted down. Grinning, the officer flips through the Spanish gay magazines. He asks you something in Spanish. You begin to regret the whole action.
Before boarding, you have just enough time to get a beer and a sandwich for the first leg to Miami. You look for your wallet. Actually, it should be in the inside pocket of your jacket. But you realize you're not wearing a jacket anymore. Shit, did you forget it at the security checkpoint? But why do you have the hip bag hanging in front of your chest? You look, there is a cheap nylon purse. With a cannabis leaf in front of the Colombian flag on it. And inside, next to your Colombian ID and driver's license, a few old dollar bills. And a credit card. Apparently your name is now Diego Gonzales. When you ask the flight attendant at boarding if you could get an upgrade, you can hardly remember the English words. The flight attendant does not understand your request, but smiles friendly and tells you in broken Spanish your row and your seat.
Fuck, the lad next to you is a real beauty. You find it hard not to look at him all the time. At some point he asks you in English, smiling, when you are already on approach, if Miami is your destination. You shake your head, show your chest and answer "I Cartagena home". He answers you "You follow me". You understood that. And you do that in Miami in the airport. With a little distance. But the splendid ass always in view. The man disappears in a toilet. You follow. The door to a stall is a little bit open. You open the door and behind it the stallion is already waiting with his pants down. You understand the command. You kneel on the dirty floor and blow the fellow. He moans a little too loud for this place. Someone rants something about gay perverts. Your seat neighbor blows his load in your face. But even that is not new for you. You lick the hard-on skillfully clean, suck off the last drop and stow the cock in his pants. Without giving you a glance, the fellow throws you a few dollar bills. And quickly leaves the toilet. Almost 50 dollars. Not bad. You would have done the blow job for free. But now you should hurry to get to your connecting flight.
On the flight to Cartagena, you'll finally get your upgrade. Crossing business class on the way to your seat, you make eye contact with a gentleman in row 2 for a little too long. And no sooner have you stowed your carry-on luggage than a flight attendant stands next to you and tells you with a wink that your uncle in row 2 invites you to spend the flight next to him. As soon as you reach cruising altitude, your newfound uncle invites you to become a member of the Mile High Club. He raises the privacy screen, activates the "do not disturb" sign. And unbuttons his pants. An upgrade to business class. And $600 in freshly printed bills. Your stock is soaring.
Home at last! Three weeks of vacation in your homeland, until you have to go back to the gringos. Where vacation means you'll be working at the Bomba Beach Club. In the service. And maybe there will be some extra income. Usually the three weeks are enough to pay your rent for half a year in New Jersey. Whereby it certainly won't be long before your mother will ask again if you wouldn't like to find yourself a nice young Colombian and be happy here.
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You are already smiling at the thought. Your parents have picked you up from the airport, you have freshened up and are already wearing your work clothes. Your vacation begins with the evening shift. That is good. Then the tips are more generous. It's going to be a great three weeks! Thank you for traveling with Chronivac.
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
Chapter Eight
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A much anticipated box arrives in the post one chilly November morning, and Simon attacks the brown tape with a stanley knife as soon as it hits his desk. I hover behind him vibrating with nervous anticipation as he peels open the flaps to reveal blocks of white card, vacuum packaged into individual piles. He lifts the first one out and drops it into my hands. “Have a look at those.”
I jam my thumbnail into the plastic and rip it away with a fervour to reveal my first Christmas card design. Merry Christmas is printed across the front with a jaunty, diagonal tilt. Every centimetre of space around it is taken up by stylistic holly leaves and bright red berries, and in between those are the little gold stars and dots I spent far too long drawing in with meticulous detail on the drawing tablet that I borrowed from Gabriel. Here it is, my hard word manifest. I smooth my hand over the top card and sigh with satisfaction. They look good. 
“Nice.” Simon comments. “No print errors so far.”
“Yeah, great.” I say. “How are the rest?”
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He shuffles through the box to pull out five more stacks. Five more designs I slaved over, and each one of them is perfect. If he thinks it’s odd that I sink to my knees onto the floor and hold the cards like they’re my children he doesn’t say so. He just starts clearing up the rubbish around me, mercifully ignoring the proud tears that have sprung to my eyes. I pull out my phone and take a picture for Claire, for Shane and for Jude. 
I did it!
Their excited responses are just starting to come in when Simon’s phone buzzes in his pocket. He has an annoying ringtone that distracts me far too much from my excitement. He picks it up. 
“Hey Shell what’s up? 
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I bring the cards over to my desk and start unpacking them, sorting them into stacks with the correct envelopes as he has his loud conversation. 
“Hang on what- really? Oh shit, what- okay but who-” Simon makes moves towards the stairs, and the urgency of his movements makes me snap to attention. “Do you know where she is exactly?” He disappears out of earshot, and I’m left staring at the staircase where he was only a moment before. I catch Izzy’s eye. She’s frowning with concern, a deep line carved between her brows. “Do you think it’s something about Jen?” she asks me, and I shrug. “I don’t know. I have no idea what’s going on with her.”
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Simon comes back into the studio about five minutes later without saying a word. He hunches over his desk and yanks his sketchbook out in front of him. I listen to the sound of him tapping a pencil on the pages, drawing nothing, but I pretend not to notice. It’s minutes before his phone rings again, and he doesn’t move from his desk to answer it this time. 
“Yeah? Oh, she did. Where did she say she was then?” A hassled sigh. “What? Like, how did she even- well no it’s not like you can just get a bus there, can you? …And your dad? …No, okay, obviously. Well, look… yeah but like, the taxi will cost a bloody fortune, I mean like a fortune. Surely you know someone with a licence?”
I continue sorting out the envelopes, trying very hard not to eavesdrop on Simon, but even with his hushed tones he’s making it impossible not to. 
“Yeah, I mean, I’ll ask.” He’s saying now, doubtfully. “Y-yeah I know. Fine, yeah, okay it makes sense.” He hangs up after another minute and from the side of my gaze I watch him get up from his seat and make his way across the room to where Izzy is working at the press. He speaks to her in a low voice, but I’m close enough to hear every word. 
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“Izzy, I’m so sorry to ask, but you’re able to drive, aren’t you?”
She hesitates. “Yeah, I can.”
“Look, there’s just this thing with Jen, Michelle is really worried about her, she’s way out in some house in Wicklow somewhere and it sounds dodgy, I-”
“I don’t own a car, Simon.”
“Right but you could borrow Michelle’s dad’s car. I hate to ask because I know you’re flat out busy this week, but-”
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“I’ll do it.” I hear myself saying, and they both whirl around to stare at me. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be eavesdropping or anything but I’ll do it. I have nothing important to do today,” I quickly eye the mess around Gabriel’s desk. “I can drive, and I know Jen.” There’s silence. “Seriously. I’ll do it.”
“You have a licence?”
“Do I look like I don’t have one?”
Simon looks a bit resigned, but he nods anyway. “Alright, fine, works for me.”
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We take the bus across the city and into Clontarf together, not saying much despite being smushed together into the cramped seats on the upper level. I stare out over the sea as we move along the coast. It’s been years since I’ve been here, and the autumn has turned it duller, sparser than I remember it being that late summer when I visited. I can’t resist a glance up Jude’s avenue as we clamber off the bus and head down the main street towards Michelle’s house. I can’t see the beautiful Georgian house from the seafront like this, and I know he’s not there, but still, for a moment I let a shiver pass through me, briefly transported to another time. 
Michelle lives in a solid, 1930s red brick house with the trees that line the edges of St Anne’s park within view of the front door. It’s an old, leafy suburb with neat piles of raked leaves on the narrow strips of lawn that separate the footpaths from the road. She’s waiting at the door when we arrive, her thumbnail lodged between her teeth. 
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Simon gently lifts her hand away and kisses her forehead. “All good, Shell?” She nods. “Youse took ages.”
“I know, it was just the bus.” 
I raise a limp hand to wave at her from where I stand awkwardly by the bins, and she waves back. “God, thanks so much for doing this, Evie. I know it’s a bit crazy.”
“It isn’t. I don’t mind. I just hope that Jen is alright.”
“Yeah, same.”
“What happened?”
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“Ugh!” She rolls her eyes and pulls the door closed behind her. “It’s Pamela again, it was hard to tell exactly what happened because Jen was so upset on the phone, but I think they had a fight while at a party at this weird house out in the back arse of Wicklow and Pamela drove off and left her there.”
“Oh my god what?”
Michelle tosses the car keys to me and I barely manage to catch them, jingling around as I scramble to pluck them out of the air. “Yeah, Pamela is a fucking bitch. It’s not the first time she’s done something like this.”
“Does Jen even know the people at the house?”
“I’m not sure, to be honest. I don’t care either. I just want to go and get her, she didn’t sound good at all.” 
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I nod at that and we all climb into Michelle’s dad’s car. I have to adjust the seat to give myself more leg room. He must be a very small man. Simon takes the passenger seat on account of his long legs, and Michelle climbs into the back. It takes me a few minutes to get used to it, accustomed to the specific way that my dad’s car works. Where his car needed a knack to start it, this one roars to life smoothly. Where his car has a sticky gear stick, squeaky windscreen wipers and moss growing on the window rubber, this one is clean and sleek and easy. The glove compartment even has both hinges intact and there aren’t any ancient stains, but still, I struggle with the sensitivity of it, the altered position of the reverse gear, and we sputter and start all the way from the driveway to the estate exit. My face burns up, but neither Simon nor Michelle say anything in acknowledgement.
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When we’re out on the open road it’s easier. I don’t mention that I’ve never driven in Dublin before, but I doubt there is a need to. It’s probably all over my face, with every wince when a cyclist wobbles into my lane, or a hassled sigh when other cars refuse to let me merge, but once we hit the motorway I relax. Still, I feel very small in this big car, like a little girl behind the wheel, doing something too big and too important to be appropriate.
Michelle has the address of the house on her phone, and she directs the whole way, as dual carriageway becomes a singular lane, and as a slip road takes us from narrow road to narrower, until the road is flanked with a canopy of rust coloured trees, dappled late morning sun on the hood of the car. We drive for an hour without the radio on. Just quiet, until eventually we reach a small town with grey buildings on both sides of the road. There is an internet café and a pizza takeaway with a cartoonish Italian man painted on the window. 
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“There ought to be an estate up here.” Michelle pipes up from behind me. “On the right.” 
“That’s where she is?”
“I hope so. She stopped responding to my messages half an hour ago.” Her voice cracks a little there, and Simon reaches back to comfort her. “She’s fine, Shell. Don’t worry about it. Where could she have gone?”
It’s a large estate. There is a hill that rises high over the town, and I swing around a labyrinth of roundabouts and side roads, sure that without sat-nav I would never find my way out of here again. I mount the curb outside a house that looks exactly like all the others, save for the overgrown lawn. Simon gets out of the car and bangs on the door. 
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“Should we get out?” I say. 
“Probably not” Replies Michelle. “Simon will handle it.” We both watch him wait there. There is a lump beneath my ribs that grows with every passing second, unable to take my eyes off the door, trying to ward off any unhelpful thoughts for the sake of Michelle, and then the door swings open, and Jen is there. 
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I can’t hear their conversation, but I can see Jen wringing her hands and nodding at him. It’s the first time I’ve seen her since Izzy’s gig, and she seems even smaller now than she did then, even in the way that she holds herself, hands clutched around her body, shoulders hunched forward like she’s trying to turn herself into the tiniest woman alive. Simon comes back to open up the back door for her and the moment she climbs inside Michelle has her arms around her neck and is stroking the back of her hair. 
“Jen.” She says hoarsely. “What the hell?”
“I’m sorry.” Jen says in a voice just above a whisper. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“You shouldn’t be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.” She sniffs loudly. “It’s Pamela who should be.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Simon climbs into the passenger seat next to me, very quietly so as to not disturb them, and we sit there stoically, staring straight ahead. Jen is crying now too, swiping her face with her sleeves and whimpering. I watch Michelle in the rear view mirror, pulling the sleeves of her sweatshirt over her hands and helping, makeup dried onto her best friend’s face in grey streams. 
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“Maybe we should get going.” Simon says to me in a low voice, and I nod, staring up the engine and gingerly pulling away from the curb. 
“Oh, God. Evie.” Jen says, noticing me for the first time. “You drove all the way out here? What-”
“It’s alright, nobody else has a licence. I’m happy to do it. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“God, this is bonkers. I can’t believe you had to do this.” She bursts into tears again, causing Michelle to cluck over her, gently shushing her, pulling her wet face into her shoulder. 
“Jen.” She’s saying softly. “This can’t keep happening. Pamela doesn’t treat you nicely. Someone who loves you like she says she does, she’d never drive away and leave you in a house full of strangers like that.”
“Yes, I know.”
“You have to think about what’s best for you, the happiness that you deserve. She doesn’t deserve you. She doesn’t treat you nicely.”
“I know, I know.” Jen says in a voice that makes me wonder how many times they’ve had this very conversation before. “You’re right.”
“Who are those people?”
“Her friends from somewhere. I don’t know. Or maybe not her friends, even. She buys drugs from them.”
“And what,” Michelle says carefully, calmly. “That’s what you were doing these last two days? Just partying and doing drugs?”
Jen makes a small sound of agreement.
“And then?”
“I pissed her off. I said something stupid, and she got annoyed with me. She thinks I embarrassed her in front of everyone else. We argued, and then she eventually left. I probably was annoying. I can be that way.”
My palms tighten on the steering wheel and my heart suddenly palpitates in my chest. I try to take a deep, steadying breath and focus as we pass through the grey village and back onto the country roads. 
“No matter what you said, Jen, you didn’t deserve to be left alone with strangers.” Michelle continues soothingly. She’s good at this, I realise, good at hiding her true fury at Pamela and showing up as the supportive, reasonable best friend instead. “Can’t you see that? Nobody deserves that. What time did she leave you?”
“Last night, around midnight maybe.”
A pause. “So you were there all night?”
“Yeah, but it was fine. I’m sure she would have come back eventually, once she cooled down, I just got a bit overwrought, I had a panic attack, that’s why I called you. Actually, it’s not as big of a deal as I made it out to be.”
I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment and take a shuddering inhale. My hands are so tight around the wheel that they’re starting to hurt. Simon glances at me. “You alright, Evie?”
“I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
I let my breath out slowly and say as quietly as I can: “It’s just… it’s hard for me to hear that.”
“What? About Pamela?”
“About how Jen explains it away.”
He stares at me, and then looks away. One small nod of understanding, and he doesn’t ask any more. “If you need to stop the car and get some air, it’s alright, you know.”
I drive on. 
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I don’t think about Dean if I can help it, but still, sometimes those putrid memories resurface and leave me feeling sick to my stomach. Even now, when I’m so far from that place I taste bile in my throat, remembering the dim haze I existed in when he was there, casually tearing me apart with his searing words each time I saw him, the terror that slowly grew in me like mould, insidious, worsening day by day until I was afraid to say anything at all. Afraid to do anything wrong, to even touch him in a way that he suddenly decided that he didn’t like. 
“You’re no fun at all.” He said one morning as I headed for the shower. “You just lie there quietly. I’d have a better time with my hand.”
“Okay.” I said. “I’m sorry about that.” and I went to wash him off me. 
The memory scorches me. Tears spring to the corners of my eyes and begin to blur the motorway ahead, and I blink them away fiercely. I can’t think about this. 
I can’t think about this. 
I can’t think about this. 
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“Evie.” Simon’s voice reaches me, and to my surprise his hand is bridging the distance between us and laying on my shoulder. “We can stop. You look a bit unwell.”
I glance in the mirror at Jen, falling asleep on Michelle’s shoulder now, pale and wan and thin and worse than I am. I shake my head. “It’s fine. Let’s just… can we stick on the radio?”
“Yeah, no bother.” He flicks on some golden oldies station and we coast onwards towards the city to the sound of Neil Young’s guitar. 
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“If you feel like lying down, mam has your room made up.” Michelle says as we bring Jen inside. It’s only the early afternoon. Her parents are still at work and the house is empty, and neat, and ordered and the kind of place that makes me feel like taking my shoes off, but everybody else leaves them on, so I do too. 
“Thanks. Maybe in a while.” Jen says, and shuffles into the living room. As she brushes past me I get the scent of her clothes. Tobacco, that strong, overpowering smell that can only be from a place where smoking is allowed indoors. I follow her and sit with her on the couch while Michelle heads for the kitchen to make something for us all to eat. Simon hovers between rooms for a few moments before deciding to follow his girlfriend, leaving Jen and I alone. 
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“Thanks so much for coming to get me, Evie.” She says. “Honestly, I’m so embarrassed that you had to get involved at all. I feel like a fool.”
“Don’t.” I insist. “I would have never left you there.”
“Well, I think it’s obvious enough that I shouldn’t have even been there. It was so stupid.”
“It wasn’t, I get it.”
She lets out a long, enervated sigh and sinks into the sofa, and her eyes flutter shut, and it’s peaceful and completely quiet save for the birds outside and the occasional sound of dry leaves scraping across the driveway. She must be utterly exhausted. As I look at her face, pale and wan, I imagine her all alone in that strange house, up all night waiting for Pamela to come back. Sure that she would, then not quite so sure anymore, realising that she was stuck, and the inevitable dread that must have accompanied her.
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When I don’t think she’ll speak again she says to me gently. “I’m sorry we fell out of touch. I didn’t know how to talk to you.”
“Oh, God, Jen no. Please don’t even worry about that now. It doesn’t matter at all, and it was my fault anyway, I was going through a weird phase.”
“I should have been there more, but I just… I didn’t really know if I had any right to intervene.”
“I was alright, Jen. I worked it all out.”
“I always liked you a lot. You’re a nice girl.”
I smile. “I liked you a lot too.”
“We should have been friends.”
“I know.”
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She tilts her head and looks at me, and her mouth curves into a humorous little smirk. “I’ve always been sorry that it wasn’t easier with us. I have this friend, you see, and he has this long habit of complicating things with the girls I want to befriend.”
I huff out a laugh. “I have no idea who you mean.” 
“Mmm, I’m sure you don’t.”
“I didn’t think you still called him your friend.” I say.
“He’s changed his tune lately, and has started complicating things with me instead, I suppose you could say, but,” A shrug. “I’d say we’re… well, it’s all a bit up in the air. Ask me again in another while. I don’t know.”
“Oh right.”
“You were talking to him at Izzy’s gig.” She says, curiosity in her eyes. “Are you back on speaking terms again?”
“Yeah, we are. A little bit.”
“Has he mentioned me?”
“Not really.”
“Ah. Is he still with Astrid?”
“Okay.” And she reaches for my hand to place it into her lap and turns it face up. She pulls my fingers so they’re stretched out flat and then traces the lines of my palm. 
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���I can’t read palms.” She says. “But if I could, yours would say, hm, unless you go out and ask for the things that you want, you can’t expect the universe to give them to you.”
I laugh. “That’s specific.”
“Wow, yeah, crazy.” She says as she pretends to examine me further. “That’s the same line that Jude has.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, his palm also tells him to cop on for once and be honest with himself, but I’d be surprised if he did. For a smart boy he’s so unbelievably stupid sometimes.”
I draw my hand away and rest it in my lap again, and this joke scenario doesn’t feel quite so funny all of a sudden. Jen knows, but she’s calm beside me, and her gaze is steady and insistent. “He doesn’t make good choices, he’s just like that, he probably won’t get his head screwed on right until he’s in his thirties. It’s nothing to do with you. He’ll keep choosing girls that are wrong for him.”
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“You think Astrid is wrong for him?”
“Astrid’s completely gorgeous, but have you ever spoken to her?”
I shake my head.
“She’s not funny. She’s nice, and she’s very clever and capable and mature and all of that, but in all of the time I’ve spent with her over the last three years, not once has she ever told a joke, or a funny story or said something in an even slightly funny way. She’s dull, Evie. I honestly never got what the appeal was.”
“I’m sure there’s more to her than meets the eye.”
“You mean she’s good in bed or something?”
Heat flares in my cheeks. “Well I didn’t mean that, but I suppose maybe. He must be going out with her for legitimate reasons that outweigh her non-existent sense of humour.”
“We all know, love, all of his friends know why, and it because he’s literally not able to be on his own. He hates being single, he always said that it made him feel uncomfortable to be by himself. Astrid was just there.”
“I’m sure he’s crazy in love with her too, though.” I don’t know why I’m choosing to defend a woman who was nothing short of blatantly unpleasant to me outside the café on one of the only occasions that I met her, but I simply can’t fathom the Jude that I know making a shallow choice based on convenience. 
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“Yeah, as much as you can be in love with a person who you’re completely incompatible with. She’s Leo.” Jen stares at me as if this proves everything, but I shrug. “I don’t know what that means.”
“It means they can’t understand one another fundamentally, Leo can’t date Scorpio, it just never works out, but you, you’re Pisces. You’re both sensitive, artistic little water signs. You’re perfect for each other. It’s legitimately written in the stars.” 
“I think he and I have probably moved past the possibility of anything happening.”
“Do you want it to?”
I hesitate, because I do. Of course I do, it feels like in my whole life I’ve never really wanted anyone or anything as badly as I’ve wanted him, the boy who made every other crush I’ve had in my life seem completely laughable, conjuring up feelings inside me that I only thought existed in movies, but I am terrified of my feelings for him, and terrified of finding out that he might return them. 
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“He’s still with her.” I say.
“I think he’ll figure out what he really wants sooner or later.” 
“Well I think it’s silly to talk about this.”
“Whatever, chick.” Her eyes slide away from mine and she tilts her head to gaze out the window, through the venetian blinds out to the suburban scene, and I meet eyes with a porcelain dog on the mantelpiece, next to a dutch clock with a rotating pendulum that twists back and forth, back and forth in centrifugal motion. Jen checks her phone to find no new messages. 
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“I know how it feels to care a lot about a person who doesn’t treat you very nicely.” I say in sympathy, and she doesn’t move, or look at me, and her hands, with nails chewed down to the quick, tighten around her phone. “I know.” she says. “But sometimes it feels like a miracle to be wanted by anybody at all.”
A lump forms in my throat and my heart flutters. “Yeah, I get that.” I swallow convulsively. “But feeling like that doesn’t make it true.”
“But things are different when you aren’t beautiful and you can’t just have what you want.”
Something clatters loudly in the kitchen and we both snap around to look in the direction of the french doors. 
“Sorry.” Michelle calls out. “Dropped a tray in the sink.” and Simon’s shadow moves across the frosted glass as he reaches for the handle.
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“Evie.” Jen says suddenly, soberly, and my eyes flick to hers again. “Don’t tell Jude about what happened today. Don’t tell him where I was or what you had to do to help me.”
“Yeah, please, just like, as a favour.”
I hesitate. “I suppose.”
“I can’t handle it if he knows. He gets too emotional. He’ll call me, and I can’t talk to him right now.”
“Okay, yeah. I’ll keep it between us.”
She visibly relaxes again. “Okay, good. Thank you.”
“No problem” I’m saying, just as Michelle and Simon come back into the room with a tray laden down with our lunch. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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inventors-fair · 2 years
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Eligible Bachelors - Hit Singles Winners
Bouquets and love letters to our winners this week: @bergdg, @grornt, and @squeezyboi!
Pivlic, Restaurateur - @bergdg I think this card may just be the single most versatile entry submitted this week. With only three abilities you have successfully created a card that synergises with decks focused on flying creatures, dying creatures, artifact tokens, lifegain, and artifacts dying. Of those five, only lifegain doesn't really have an extant Partner commander that especially synergises with it (Ikra Shidiqi aside, perhaps). That you've managed to cover so much ground in so few lines while also constructing a card that just Makes Sense On Its Own impresses me to no end. Like, this very much does not look at all like you went down a checklist trying to find every possible synergy one could have with the extant partners, but you somehow managed that while constructing your impish small business owner, and I must applaud you for this. Although maybe it could cost like one more mana? I don't know, jury's still out there, honestly if anything I'm picking nits for the sake of it here. This card is delightful, and I must thank you for submitting it.
Hemir, the Earthdrover - @grornt While there are certainly a few tribal elements among the extant list of potential partners, what stands out to me about this cards specifically is not how well it might work with *those* cards, necessarily, but also with just about every other printed partner. I adore how this card opens up space for one to take any arbitrary partner and turn that card into a potential general for a tribal deck, regardless of the actual specific abilities of the card in question. Have you ever considered running Tymna for a Cleric Tribal deck? Now, suddenly, with this particular friend in the picture, that idea doesn't sound quite as outlandish. I just really appreciate how much raw design space this card opens despite being relatively simple ability-wise. Well done.
Finn McLeod, Coalition Advisor - @squeezyboi Finally, rounding things out for the week, we have this rather delightful saboteur doubler. While there aren't an astounding number of commanders with combat damage triggers to double in this particular card pool, the ones that are there are all unique enough in nature that I could easily see someone building a lot of potential decks with this guy. Your creature type selection definitely seems to acknowledge what the environment has to offer, as there are several Pirate tribal partners which all have some kind of saboteur effect, but I could easily see someone pairing this with the aforementioned Ikra for some kind of goofy high-toughness deck, or maybe even Sidar Kondo to take advantage of saboteurs with relatively low power. Plus, this is just generally a cool and unique effect that I'm honestly surprised they haven't done yet. While they've definitely gotten close with a couple of attack trigger doublers, saboteurs are a big enough staple of the game that I think they deserve a little bit of the limelight.
That'll be your winners this week. Runners will be up a bit later. There were a whole, whole lot of very strong entries this week, and honestly I can't thank you all enough for giving me so many cards to agonize over. Seriously, y'all are entirely too good at this.
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paydayquid · 7 months
Bequests Quick Cash Support for Short Term Loans UK from Direct Lender
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Short term loans UK direct lender provide specific financial assistance to those living around the United Kingdom who are unable to work due to medical or mental illnesses. These folks can receive financial assistance through these credits to easily meet their utility-related financial obligations. As a result, such people shouldn't be a headache when a crisis occurs.
Applying for these financial things means you won't have to worry about getting another payday loan because you can definitely borrow more money without any problems. All of these are necessary for you to meet the credit requirements for short term loans UK direct lender. Along with eighteen years of proof, you should also have an investment account in your name and a private certification from the UK.
For a two-month repayment period, you can get small amounts of money ranging from £100 to £1000. Although you must pay rather hefty loan fees, keep in mind that this short term loans UK is repayable within two months. Furthermore, the funds can be utilized for a variety of immediate financial requirements, including covering medical expenses, unpaid service bills, past-due credit card payments, unexpected bank overdrafts, unforeseen travel expenses, children's school or educational charges, past-due home rentals, and so on.
Applying online is the quickest way to get a short term loans UK. You just need to submit the application form along with your legitimate points of interest for the loan specialist to process it. The approved fund is safely deposited into your record during the restricted period of focus. It is completely free of additional printed materials and application fees along similar lines.
Short Term Cash Loans: meet unforeseen expenses right away and avoid delays
Short term cash loans are characterized as unsecured offerings in which approval is granted without the need for collateral. Up to £5000 can be borrowed to cover unforeseen costs. Additionally, you may apply for anticipated costs.
These loans are available to everybody. One of the main criteria used by the lender to determine affordability is proof of income. Being well-employed is a surefire method to gain acceptance. Give up worrying about your credit score dropping. You can apply with a good credit score or a low one.  These short term loans direct lenders come with a high cost. Because there is no security or personal guarantee for the loan, lenders charge competitive interest rates. The rates are advantageous because loans are easily accessible and have few qualifying restrictions.
Short-term loans are available to retirees, business owners, single mothers, senior citizens, unemployed people, students, and anybody else in need of minor loan assistance. When making same day loans UK approvals, we adhere to authority standards. The main goal is to help you as much as possible, tailored to your specific situation. It is now nearly hard to meet essential obligations in the midst of job loss, income reduction, and growing living expenses. It is nearly impossible to obtain a personal loan in this situation. Certain costs cannot be postponed. Short-term loans cover this gap.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 2 years
Hi! Feel free to ignore if you don't feel like answering. I see you've been posting about selling pokemon merchandise, and I wanted to ask if you maybe have any advice for someone who's also interested in selling merchandise but isn't quite sure where to begin?
Sure, I can give a little bit of advice! Sorry if this is super haphazard, I'm just talking off the top of my head.
Ok tbh the first thing to be aware of is that making merch is expensive. I really do not recommend getting into making and selling merch if you're struggling financially. I don't make a lot of money from this.
If you're interested in learning more about manufacturers/where to get stuff made, there's a list of them on the account @howtobeaconartist under the "resources" tab. They also have a lot of advice for selling merch in general, tho they're mostly geared toward anime convention artists.
There's also vograce, a company based in china that makes a variety of things:
I use them a lot but there's also often communication issues/minor printing complications, and shipping can get quite pricy if you're ordering a lot of things. (for example, shipping on the order of submas pillow cases + misc merch samples was almost $100.) (also I live in the US.) That said, I like to use them because they have low minimum order quantities; I don't sell a ton of merch, so it's convenient for me to be able to buy small quantities of items. They also let you split up orders between multiple designs (again, useful for lowering quantities).
Anyway, my personal recommendation for your first merch would be buttons. I get them made by cheapestbuttonsnet on Etsy:
Their prices are very affordable, and they also let customers split up an order between multiple designs. Typically I order a batch of 50 buttons, and then split it between 5 designs to end up with 10 buttons of each design. Customer service is also very responsive; if you have further questions I'd recommend messaging them on Etsy or sending them an e-mail.
Anyway you don't have to start with buttons, but that's just what I think would be the best balance between affordable for the artist + affordable/attractive for customers.
Also, keep in mind that artwork you draw for merch should be sized at least 300 PPI for prints, charms, buttons, and stickers, and at least 150 PPI for fabric printing (like pillows). This means if you want to print a 1.5 inch button, the canvas you draw on should be at least 450 px by 450 px (because 300 * 1.5 = 450). Typically I draw larger than this anyway (like 2500 px by 2500 px for most things), but note that if you draw larger that some small details may get lost.
There's a bunch of other logistic things you'll need to do before selling merch, including:
setting up an online shop (I use Etsy because they're convenient for shipping and send tax forms at the end of the year to make it easier to report income, but they have a lot of random fees)
Purchasing shipping materials (for buttons/charms, usually just bubble mailers from amazon or wherever are fine)
Setting prices (I reference other sellers on Etsy to gauge a good price for products. Another thing people often do is take the cost of manufacturing one unit, multiplying it by 3, and using that as the price.)
Purchasing business cards to include in orders (optional; I get mine from catprint.com bc I like their holographic finish and I get prints from them anyway, but there are much cheaper options out there for business cards)
Taking product photos/making graphics for products (this goes with "setting up an online shop" tbh. i hate taking product photos LMAO;;;)
Drawing the actual artwork for the merchandise lskdjflsdjf
There's probably more than this and there's more details that I'm not mentioning because this is just a short little intro, but tbh a lot of merch making is about learning along the way and seeing what works and what can be improved on.
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counterfeitsale · 2 years
Counterfeit Sales
We are one of the Leading Fake Banknotes Producers in the Business
One thing which is certain About Us is that, we are quality leader in Authentic Banknote and Counterfeit Banknotes printing. The  work we do ranges from the production of substrates and security features, through banknote printing and web application, to plant engineering.
High-tech solutions ensure we produce the best banknotes in the world. We have the Best Counterfeit Banknotes for sale. Recent developments in photographic, computer and printing technologies, along with the availability of low-cost equipment, have made the production of counterfeit money relatively easy.
Counterfeitsales produces super undetected counterfeit banknotes. We use cutting-edge technology to produce the best fake banknotes and security paper for documents that convey value, identity and confidence. With our advanced printing processes, managed services, and distinct focus on quality, we realize every currency as a unique, secure and cost-effective solution.
Buy counterfeit bank notes online from the best producers in the market. Banknotes are a country’s business card, and the design imperatives and their unique properties including color-shift, tactile, and interactive elements enable them to be authenticated and mechanically processed.
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printsouq1 · 8 days
Create, Print, and Profit: Everything You Need to Know About Print on Demand
In today’s fast-paced world, print on demand (POD) services have become a game changer for both individuals and businesses. Whether you’re looking for "print on demand near me" or want to dive into the thriving market of print on demand Dubai, the possibilities are endless. From custom t-shirts to unique phone cases, print on demand lets you bring your creative ideas to life without the stress of managing inventory. This blog will take you through everything you need to know about POD, its benefits, and where to find the best online print companies.
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What is Print on Demand?
Print on demand is a service that allows you to create products only when someone places an order. Instead of stocking up on items and hoping they sell, POD gives you the freedom to offer a wide range of products without upfront costs. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or simply want to design your own merchandise, POD makes it easy to get started.
Why Choose Print on Demand?
Here are some reasons why print on demand has become so popular:
Low Start-Up Costs: One of the biggest perks of POD is that you don’t have to spend money on inventory. You create the product when someone orders it, so you’re never stuck with unsold items.
Customizable Products: Whether you want to design custom t-shirts, mugs, or even wall art, POD platforms offer tons of products to choose from.
No Inventory Worries: Forget about managing stock, packing, or shipping. The print company handles everything for you, from production to delivery.
Start a Business Easily: Launching a small business has never been easier. With POD, you can set up an online store in minutes and start selling your designs.
Eco-Friendly: Since products are made only when they’re ordered, there’s less waste, making POD a more sustainable option compared to traditional retail.
Print on Demand in Dubai: A Growing Trend
If you’re based in the UAE, searching for print on demand Dubai will show you just how quickly this trend is growing. Dubai’s thriving economy and booming e-commerce scene make it the perfect place for custom products. Whether you’re an artist wanting to sell your designs or a company looking for personalized corporate gifts, there are plenty of POD options available.
Top Print on Demand Companies in Dubai
Dubaiprint.com: A well-known name in the local market, Dubaiprint.com offers everything from t-shirt printing to business cards and posters. Their services are ideal for both businesses and individuals looking for high-quality on-demand printing.
Print Souq: Known for their reliable service, Print Souq offers customizable products like t-shirts, corporate gifts, and stationery. Their advanced digital printing ensures your designs come out looking perfect.
RedBubble: While based internationally, RedBubble is a great platform for Dubai-based designers to sell their artwork on a variety of products such as clothing, home decor, and more.
T-shirt Printing Online: Express Your Style
Custom t-shirt printing online has skyrocketed in popularity. Personalized clothing is not just a trend—it’s a way for people to express their individuality, promote their brand, or simply wear something unique. Whether you’re starting your own clothing line or need custom t-shirts for an event, online t-shirt printing is a convenient and affordable option.
How to Get Started with T-shirt Printing Online
Create Your Design: Most POD companies offer easy-to-use design tools that allow you to upload your own artwork or create something from scratch using their templates.
Choose Your T-shirt Style: From crew necks to v-necks and long sleeves, you’ll have plenty of options to pick from. You can also select different fabrics like cotton or polyester depending on your needs.
Set Your Price: Once your design is ready, you can order the t-shirts for yourself or list them for sale on platforms like Etsy or Amazon. One of the best things about t-shirt printing online is that you get to control the pricing and make a profit from your creativity.
Shipping and Fulfillment: After placing an order, the POD company takes care of printing and shipping. With many services offering global delivery, you can reach customers all over the world.
Online Print Companies: Your Go-To for Custom Products
Beyond t-shirts, many online print companies provide a vast array of customizable products. Whether you’re looking for mugs, hoodies, phone cases, or wall art, these platforms make the entire process—from design to delivery—super easy.
Top Online Print Companies to Check Out
Printful: As one of the leading names in the POD industry, Printful offers a wide variety of products. From apparel to home goods, they handle everything from printing to shipping, making it an excellent choice for those looking to start their own business.
Teespring (Spring): Known for its user-friendly platform, Teespring allows you to create and sell custom products like t-shirts, accessories, and home decor. You can also integrate it with major e-commerce sites, making it easy to reach your customers.
Zazzle: Zazzle is a marketplace that lets designers sell their custom products, offering everything from clothing to tech accessories.
Society6: A platform tailored for artists, Society6 lets you sell your designs on products ranging from art prints to furniture.
Gelato: A unique platform with a focus on sustainability, Gelato produces and ships products locally, reducing delivery times and carbon emissions. Their range includes everything from clothing to posters.
Conclusion: Unleash Your Creativity with Print on Demand
Print on demand has opened up endless possibilities for anyone looking to create and sell custom products. Whether you’re searching for "print on demand near me" or curious about the growing market of print on demand Dubai, there’s never been a better time to dive in. With low upfront costs, no inventory headaches, and a wide variety of customizable products, POD is a fantastic option for creatives and entrepreneurs alike.
Take the leap, explore t-shirt printing online, and tap into the power of online print companies to bring your designs to life. Whether you’re building your own brand, expressing your personal style, or launching a new business, the print on demand industry offers a world of opportunity.
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littlebeemarketing · 2 years
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Order high-quality signage banners, that are helpful in promoting your businesses more efficiently. Have a look at our official website for more information. 
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weissprinters · 11 days
Key Factors to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Large Format Printing Company in New Jersey
In the vibrant business landscape of New Jersey, finding the right large format printing company can significantly impact your marketing efforts and overall brand visibility. With numerous options available, it's crucial to consider several factors to ensure you partner with a reliable and capable printing service. 
Here's a guide on what to consider when looking for a large format printing company in New Jersey.
1. Local Presence: Printers in NJ
Choosing a local printing company offers several advantages. A local presence means quicker communication, easy collaboration, and the ability to visit the facility in person. When searching for a large format printing partner, prioritize companies with a physical presence in New Jersey to foster a strong working relationship.
2. Full-Service Capabilities: Full Service Printing Marketing Company NJ
Opting for a Low price business card printing nj provides a one-stop solution for all your printing needs. From large format banners to business cards and promotional materials, a company offering a comprehensive range of services ensures consistency in your brand representation. This convenience can save you time and streamline your printing requirements.
3. Reputation and Reviews: 
Researching the reputation of printing companies is crucial. Look for reviews and testimonials from other businesses that have utilized their services. Positive feedback and a solid reputation are indicators of a reliable printing partner. Additionally, consider the company's experience in handling large format printing projects, ensuring they have the expertise to meet your specific needs.
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4. Quality of Printing: Large Format Printing New Jersey
The quality of your printed materials reflects directly on your brand. Assess the printing quality of the company by requesting samples or examining their portfolio. Large format printing demands attention to detail and precision, so ensure that the printing company in New Jersey has the necessary equipment and expertise to deliver high-quality results.
5. Technology and Equipment
State-of-the-art printing technology is essential for large format projects. Inquire about the equipment the printing company uses and whether it aligns with industry standards. Up-to-date technology ensures that your large format prints are produced efficiently and with the best possible quality.
6. Customization Options
Every business has unique branding needs. A reliable large format printing company should offer customization options to tailor their services to your specific requirements. Whether it is custom sizes, finishes, or unique materials, the ability to personalize your prints is crucial for effective brand representation.
7. Turnaround Time
Time is often of the essence in marketing campaigns. Inquire about the turnaround time for large format printing projects. A reputable printing company should be able to provide reasonable timelines without compromising on quality. Clear communication regarding deadlines ensures that your marketing materials are ready when you need them.
8. Pricing and Transparency
While cost is a significant factor, it's essential to consider the overall value provided by the printing company. Transparent pricing and a clear breakdown of costs help you make informed decisions. Be wary of hidden fees and ensure that the quote covers all aspects of your large format printing project.
9. Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a hallmark of a reliable printing partner. Evaluate the responsiveness and communication skills of the company. A printing company that values customer relationships is more likely to address your concerns promptly and ensure a smooth printing process.
10. Sustainability Practices
As environmental consciousness grows, businesses are increasingly seeking eco-friendly printing solutions. Inquire about the printing company's sustainability practices, such as the use of environmentally friendly inks and materials. Choosing a company committed to sustainability aligns your brand with modern values. In the dynamic business environment of New Jersey, selecting the right large format printing new jersey requires careful consideration. From local presence to customization options and sustainability practices, these factors contribute to finding a printing partner that aligns with your business goals. By prioritizing these considerations, you can ensure that your large format printing projects are in capable hands, enhancing your brand's visibility and impact in the market.
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harshmishra8726 · 11 days
NFC vs. QR Code Business Cards: Which One is Right for You?
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In a world where networking is vital, digital business cards have become a game-changer. NFC (Near Field Communication) business Cards and QR Code business cards are two popular options for quickly sharing contact information and other digital content. Each has its strengths, but how do you choose the one that best suits your needs? Here’s a straightforward comparison of NFC vs. QR Code business cards, highlighting their key differences, ease of use, and features to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding NFC Business Cards
NFC (Near Field Communication) is a wireless technology that enables devices to communicate when they are nearby, usually within a few centimeters. NFC business cards have embedded chips that store data, which can be read by tapping a smartphone against the card.
Key Features of NFC Business Cards:
Ease of Use: NFC cards are incredibly easy to use. With a simple tap, users can instantly share contact information, social media profiles, websites, or other digital content without the need to open any apps.
Technology Integration: NFC business cards leverage advanced technology, offering a seamless experience for users with modern smartphones.
Customization: Data on NFC chips can be updated or customized to meet various needs, such as sharing a portfolio or sending users to a specific website.
Speed: NFC technology allows for almost instantaneous data transfer, making it faster than scanning a QR code.
Professional Appeal: NFC cards feel modern and tech-savvy, making them ideal for industries where innovation is key.
However, NFC business cards do have some limitations. Not all smartphones are equipped with NFC readers, especially older models. Additionally, these cards can be more expensive to produce compared to traditional QR code cards.
Understanding QR Code Business Cards
QR (Quick Response) codes are 2D barcodes scannable by smartphones. When scanned, the code directs users to a website, social media page, or other digital content.
Key Features of QR Code Business Cards:
Wide Compatibility: Almost all smartphones come with built-in QR code scanners, either within the camera or through a downloadable app, making it highly accessible.
Cost-Effective: QR code business cards are generally cheaper to produce than NFC cards. You only need to print the QR code on the card, and it can be scanned multiple times.
No Additional Tech Required: Since scanning QR codes requires no special hardware, it can be used by a broader audience, including those without NFC-enabled phones.
Customizable: Just like NFC cards, QR codes can be linked to various forms of content, such as websites, portfolios, or social media profiles.
Printable: QR codes can be added to any material, whether it’s a business card, a flyer, or even a product package.
However, QR codes have some downsides. They require users to open their phone’s camera or an app, which might take slightly longer than NFC’s tap-and-go functionality. Additionally, scanning QR codes in low light or from a damaged surface can be tricky.
A Side-by-Side Comparison
Feature NFC Business Cards QR Code Business Cards
Ease of Use - Tap to transfer information instantly - Requires opening camera to scan code
Cost - Higher due to NFC chip production - Lower, simply print the QR code
Speed - Instantaneous data transfer - Slight delay due to the scanning process
Customization - Easily programmable and updatable - Customizable but fixed once printed
Compatibility - Limited to NFC-enabled devices - Works with nearly all smartphones
Durability - Chip could wear over time - QR codes can be damaged or faded
Which is Best for Your Business?
Choosing between NFC and QR code business cards depends on your business needs, audience, and budget.
NFC Cards: These are ideal if you want to present yourself as cutting-edge and tech-savvy. If your audience is likely to have modern smartphones and you’re looking for an easy, fast, and seamless way to share data, NFC cards are a great option. Industries like tech, marketing, and startups may benefit from the professional appeal of NFC business cards.
QR Code Cards: If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution that can reach a broader audience, QR code business cards are a solid choice. They work with nearly any smartphone and don’t require special hardware, making them more accessible to people who may not have the latest technology. They are also perfect for mass distribution, especially in industries like retail, events, or hospitality.
Final Thoughts
Both NFC and QR code business cards have their unique benefits and challenges. NFC cards provide a sleek, modern approach to networking but come with higher costs and limited compatibility. QR code cards are highly accessible and affordable but may not offer the same speed or ease of use as NFC cards. By considering your target audience, business goals, and budget, you can decide which type of digital business card will best suit your needs.
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aeliya888 · 16 days
Enhancing Industrial Automation with the Simac C.S.I. 4969/09 PCB Card
In the realm of industrial automation, the efficient operation of machinery and control systems relies heavily on the integration and functionality of various electronic components. Among these, the Simac C.S.I. 4969/09 PCB card stands out as a critical element for improving automation processes. This article delves into the features, advantages, and applications of the Simac C.S.I. 4969/09 PCB card, highlighting its role in modern industrial environments.
Overview of the Simac C.S.I. 4969/09 PCB Card:
The Simac C.S.I. 4969/09 PCB card is a high-performance printed circuit board designed for use in industrial automation systems. Known for its robustness and versatility, the C.S.I. 4969/09 integrates seamlessly into a variety of automation setups, providing essential functions such as signal processing, communication interfacing, and control logic. Its design reflects the demands of industrial environments, ensuring reliable performance under rigorous conditions.
Key Features:
Advanced Signal Processing: The C.S.I. 4969/09 is equipped with advanced signal processing capabilities that enhance the accuracy and reliability of data transmission. This feature is crucial for applications where precise control and monitoring of industrial processes are required.
Robust Construction: The PCB card is built to withstand the harsh conditions typical of industrial environments. Its durable construction ensures longevity and reliable operation, even in settings with high temperatures, electrical noise, and mechanical vibrations.
Versatile Integration: Designed for flexibility, the C.S.I. 4969/09 can be integrated into a wide range of automation systems. It supports various communication protocols and interfaces, making it suitable for diverse applications across different industries.
Enhanced Connectivity: The card provides robust connectivity options, facilitating seamless communication between different components of an automation system. This ensures smooth data exchange and coordination between legacy and modern equipment.
Ease of Installation: The C.S.I. 4969/09 is designed for user-friendly installation. Its straightforward mounting and connection processes help minimize setup time and reduce the risk of errors during installation.
Low Maintenance Requirements: With minimal maintenance needs, the C.S.I. 4969/09 allows for uninterrupted operation of industrial systems. Its reliable performance reduces the frequency of maintenance checks and associated downtime.
Advantages of Using the Simac C.S.I. 4969/09 PCB Card
Improved Operational Efficiency: By enhancing signal processing and communication capabilities, the C.S.I. 4969/09 contributes to overall operational efficiency. Its ability to handle complex data and commands ensures that industrial processes run smoothly and efficiently.
Increased System Compatibility: The versatility of the C.S.I. 4969/09 allows for easy integration with both older and newer automation systems. This compatibility is essential for businesses looking to modernize their operations without discarding existing equipment.
Enhanced Reliability: The card’s robust construction and reliable performance enhance the dependability of industrial automation systems. Reduced risk of failure translates to improved system uptime and productivity.
Cost-Effective Solution: The C.S.I. 4969/09 offers a cost-effective solution for upgrading and maintaining industrial automation systems. Its ability to interface with various equipment helps businesses avoid the costs associated with complete system replacements.
Scalability: The card supports scalable automation solutions, allowing businesses to expand and upgrade their systems as needed. This flexibility ensures that the automation infrastructure can grow in line with operational demands.
Applications in Industrial Automation
The Simac C.S.I. 4969/09 PCB card is suitable for a wide range of applications in industrial automation:
Manufacturing Control Systems: In manufacturing environments, the card can be used to control machinery and processes, ensuring precise operation and coordination of equipment.
Process Monitoring: The card’s advanced signal processing capabilities make it ideal for monitoring industrial processes. It enables real-time data collection and analysis, facilitating prompt response to operational changes.
Remote Monitoring and Control: The C.S.I. 4969/09 can be integrated into remote monitoring systems, allowing operators to oversee and control equipment from distant locations.
Integration with SCADA Systems: The card supports integration with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, providing a critical link between field devices and central control stations.
Legacy System Upgrades: For businesses with existing analog or older digital systems, the C.S.I. 4969/09 offers a means to upgrade and integrate these systems with modern automation technologies.
The Simac C.S.I. 4969/09 PCB card is a vital component for enhancing industrial automation systems. Its advanced features, robust construction, and versatile integration capabilities make it a valuable asset for businesses looking to optimize their automation processes. By improving signal processing, connectivity, and system compatibility, the C.S.I. 4969/09 helps ensure efficient and reliable operation in demanding industrial environments. As industries continue to evolve and embrace new technologies, the C.S.I. 4969/09 stands out as a key player in bridging the gap between legacy systems and modern automation solutions.
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book4flight · 18 days
Cheap Flights: Your Guide to Affordable Air Travel
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In today's world, air travel has become a necessity for both business and leisure, but it doesn't have to be expensive. With the right strategies, you can find cheap flights that fit your budget without sacrificing comfort or convenience. This comprehensive guide will explore various methods, tips, and tools to help you secure affordable flights, ensuring that your next trip is both enjoyable and economical.
1. Start Early: The Importance of Booking in Advance
One of the most reliable ways to find cheap flights is by booking early. Airlines often release their cheapest seats months in advance, and prices tend to increase as the departure date approaches. By planning ahead and purchasing your tickets as soon as your travel dates are set, you can lock in the lowest fares available.
Booking early also gives you the advantage of choosing from a wider selection of flights and seats. If you're flexible with your travel dates, you can compare prices across different days to find the most affordable option. Tools like Google Flights and Skyscanner allow you to monitor fares over time and set alerts for price drops, ensuring you never miss a deal.
2. Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates and Times
Flexibility is key when searching for cheap flights. Airfares can vary significantly depending on the day of the week, time of year, and even the time of day. Generally, mid-week flights, particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, tend to be cheaper than weekend flights. Similarly, flying early in the morning or late at night can often result in lower fares.
Traveling during off-peak seasons, such as late fall or early spring, can also lead to substantial savings. Avoiding major holidays and school vacation periods will not only help you find cheaper flights but also allow you to enjoy a less crowded travel experience.
3. Use Flight Comparison Tools
The internet offers a plethora of tools designed to help you find the cheapest flights. Websites and apps like Kayak, Skyscanner, Momondo, and Google Flights allow you to compare prices across multiple airlines and booking platforms. These tools also provide options to filter results by price, duration, and stops, making it easier to find the best deals.
Another useful feature is the ability to search for flights within a range of dates, which can help you identify the most affordable travel periods. Some comparison tools even offer "Everywhere" searches, allowing you to explore the cheapest destinations from your departure city, perfect for travelers with a flexible itinerary.
4. Consider Budget Airlines
Budget airlines, also known as low-cost carriers, have become increasingly popular for offering no-frills flights at significantly lower prices than traditional airlines. While these carriers may charge extra for services like checked baggage, seat selection, and in-flight meals, the base fare is often unbeatable.
Examples of budget airlines include Southwest Airlines, Ryanair, EasyJet, and AirAsia. When booking with a budget airline, be sure to read the fine print regarding fees and policies to avoid unexpected costs. Packing light and bringing only carry-on luggage can help you save even more when flying with these carriers.
5. Leverage Airline Rewards Programs and Credit Cards
Airline rewards programs and travel credit cards can be powerful tools in your quest for cheap flights. By signing up for frequent flyer programs, you can earn miles or points every time you fly, which can be redeemed for free or discounted flights in the future.
Travel credit cards often come with generous sign-up bonuses, such as free flights or large amounts of points, after meeting a minimum spending requirement. These cards also offer benefits like free checked bags, priority boarding, and travel insurance, adding value to your travel experience. Some cards even allow you to earn points on everyday purchases, helping you accumulate rewards faster.
6. Look for Flight Deals and Promotions
Airlines frequently offer promotions and sales that can lead to substantial savings on flights. These deals are often time-sensitive and may only be available for a limited number of seats, so it's important to act quickly when you spot a bargain.
To stay informed about these deals, sign up for airline newsletters and follow their social media channels. Additionally, websites like Scott's Cheap Flights, Airfarewatchdog, and The Points Guy specialize in finding and sharing the best flight deals, so you can take advantage of discounts and error fares that might otherwise go unnoticed.
7. Opt for Connecting Flights
While direct flights are often more convenient, opting for a flight with one or more connections can sometimes result in significant savings. Connecting flights are generally cheaper than non-stop flights, especially on long-haul routes.
When booking connecting flights, consider using a service like Skiplagged, which specializes in finding hidden city fares. These are flights where you book a ticket to a final destination but get off at a layover city because it’s cheaper than flying directly to that layover city. However, use this method cautiously, as airlines generally frown upon it and it may have some risks.
8. Book One-Way Tickets on Different Airlines
Another strategy to find cheap flights is to book one-way tickets on different airlines instead of a round-trip ticket with the same carrier. This approach, known as "hacker fares," allows you to mix and match flights from different airlines, often resulting in lower overall costs.
For example, you might find that one airline offers the cheapest outbound flight, while another has the best deal for your return journey. Websites like Kayak and Momondo make it easy to search for these hacker fares, helping you put together the most cost-effective itinerary.
9. Consider Alternate Airports
When searching for flights, don’t limit yourself to just one airport. Major cities often have multiple airports, and flying into or out of a smaller or secondary airport can sometimes result in cheaper fares. For example, if you're flying to New York City, consider Newark (EWR) or LaGuardia (LGA) in addition to JFK.
Additionally, nearby cities may have lower-cost flights, and it might be worth driving a little further or taking a train to save money. Use tools like Google Flights or Skyscanner to include nearby airports in your search, giving you a broader range of options.
10. Avoid Extra Fees
Airline fees can quickly add up, turning what seemed like a cheap flight into an expensive one. To keep costs down, be mindful of common fees such as those for checked baggage, seat selection, and in-flight services.
If possible, travel with only a carry-on bag to avoid baggage fees. Many budget airlines offer tiered fare options that include different levels of service, so choose the one that best suits your needs. Additionally, bringing your own snacks and entertainment can help you avoid spending extra money on board.
Conclusion: Making Cheap Flights a Reality
Finding cheap flights is all about being proactive, flexible, and informed. By booking in advance, using flight comparison tools, considering budget airlines, and leveraging rewards programs, you can secure affordable flights that leave more room in your budget for experiences and adventures. Whether you're planning a quick getaway or a long-haul journey, these strategies will help you travel smart and save money, making your next trip both enjoyable and economical.
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techgadgetsonlin · 1 month
How to Choose a Gadget Online?
In the modern digital era, the convenience of shopping online has transformed how we purchase gadgets. Whether it's a smartphone, laptop, or any other tech device, buying online offers a vast selection, competitive prices, and the ease of comparing products from the comfort of your home. However, the abundance of choices can also make the decision-making process overwhelming. This guide will help you navigate the complexities of online gadget shopping, ensuring that you make a well-informed purchase.
Identify Your Needs
The first step in choosing the right gadget is to clearly define your needs. Consider what you’ll be using the device for. Are you looking for a smartphone with a great camera for photography, or do you need a laptop with high processing power for gaming or graphic design? Understanding your primary use will help you focus on the features that matter most, making it easier to narrow down your options.
Set a Budget
Once you know what you need, set a realistic budget. Gadgets come in a wide range of prices, and it’s easy to get carried away with high-end models that offer more features than you might need. Determine how much you’re willing to spend and stick to that budget. This will not only help you avoid unnecessary expenses but also make the selection process quicker by filtering out options that are out of your price range.
Research the Options
With your needs and budget in mind, start researching the available options. Look for gadgets that meet your criteria, paying close attention to brand reputation, specifications, and user reviews. Websites like CNET, TechRadar, and Wirecutter provide expert reviews and comparisons, which can be extremely helpful. Additionally, user reviews on e-commerce platforms like Amazon or Best Buy can give you insight into the real-world performance and durability of the device.
Compare Specifications
Comparing specifications is crucial when choosing a gadget online. Look beyond the brand and model name, and dive into the details. For smartphones, consider aspects like processor speed, RAM, camera quality, battery life, and storage capacity. For laptops, factors like CPU performance, graphics card, screen resolution, and portability are key. Comparing these specs will help you identify the best device that fits your needs.
Check for Deals and Discounts
One of the advantages of shopping online is the availability of deals and discounts. Before making a purchase, check if there are any ongoing promotions, discount codes, or cashback offers. Websites like Honey or RetailMeNot can help you find the best deals. Also, consider waiting for major sales events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or back-to-school sales, where you might get a better deal on the gadget you want.
Consider the Warranty and Return Policy
When buying a gadget online, it’s important to consider the warranty and return policy. Make sure the product comes with a manufacturer’s warranty, which will protect you against defects and malfunctions. Additionally, check the return policy of the online store. A flexible return policy will give you peace of mind, knowing that you can return or exchange the product if it doesn’t meet your expectations.
Verify the Seller’s Credibility
If you’re buying from an online marketplace like Amazon, eBay, or AliExpress, it’s essential to verify the credibility of the seller. Look at the seller’s ratings, reviews, and how long they’ve been in business. Avoid sellers with negative reviews or a low rating, as they might not provide the best customer service or sell authentic products. It’s always safer to buy from well-known and reputable sellers, even if it means paying a little extra.
Read the Fine Print
Before making the final purchase, read the fine print. Ensure you understand all the terms and conditions, including shipping fees, delivery time, and any additional costs that may be involved. Some online stores may have hidden fees that aren’t immediately apparent, so it’s crucial to review all details before confirming your order.
Look for Reliable Customer Support
Lastly, consider the availability of customer support. A gadget is a significant investment, and you want to ensure that you can get help if something goes wrong. Check if the seller or manufacturer offers reliable customer support, including easy access to repair services, customer service hotlines, and online help centers.
Choosing a gadget online can be a rewarding experience if approached with careful planning and research. By identifying your needs, setting a budget, comparing specifications, and verifying the seller’s credibility, you can make an informed decision that ensures you get the best value for your money. Remember to take your time, read reviews, and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure about any aspect of the purchase.
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businessindustry · 1 month
Photo Printing Kiosk Market: Research, Industry Analysis to 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Photo Printing Kiosk Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Photo Printing Kiosk Market Analysis, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Photo Printing Kiosk Market?
The global photo printing kiosk market size reached US$ 1,964.3 million in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 3,099.9 million in 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% during 2024-2032.
What are Photo Printing Kiosk?
A photo printing kiosk is a self-service unit that enables users to print digital photos and other photo-related products on-site. Found in locations such as retail stores, shopping malls, and convenience stores, these kiosks provide a convenient way for users to upload, edit, and print their images. Featuring touchscreen interfaces, they allow users to choose print sizes, customize options, and select from various paper types and finishes. Designed for ease of use and high-quality output, photo printing kiosks often connect with online platforms and digital storage devices to simplify the printing process.
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What are the growth prospects and trends in the Photo Printing Kiosk industry?
The photo printing kiosk market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The photo printing kiosk market is expanding due to a rising consumer preference for convenient and high-quality photo printing solutions. This growth is fueled by the increasing use of digital photography and the demand for immediate, on-the-spot photo prints and products. Technological advancements in kiosks, including improved touchscreen interfaces, higher print quality, and integration with digital platforms, are driving market development. The strategic placement of these kiosks in high-traffic locations such as retail stores and malls also enhances their visibility and usage. Leading companies are investing in innovative features and broadening their product offerings to meet evolving consumer needs and stimulate further market growth. Hence, all these factors contribute to photo printing kiosk market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
Type of Kiosk:
Standalone Kiosks
Mini Kiosks
Connectivity Type:
Wired Kiosks
Wireless Kiosks
Printing Technology:
Dye Sublimation
Printing Size:
4x6 Inches
5x7 Inches
8x10 Inches
Service Offering:
Photo Prints
Photo Books
Canvas Prints
Greeting Cards
Passport Photos
End User:
Retail Stores
Shopping Malls
Photography Studios
Event Venues
Consumer Type:
Individual Consumers
Professional Photographers
Sales Channel:
Personal Use
Commercial Use
Software Solution:
Image Editing Software
Order Management Software
Printing Software
Customization Options:
Text Overlays
Other Customization Features
Price Range:
Low-cost Kiosks
Mid-range Kiosks
High-end Kiosks
Maintenance and Support Services:
Hardware Maintenance
Software Updates
Technical Support
Integration with Other Platforms:
Mobile Apps
Online Printing Platforms
Social Media Platforms
Target Market:
Consumer Market
Professional Market
Business Market
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Kodak Moments
HP Inc.
Canon Inc.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Sony Corporation
Shutterfly Inc.
Epson Corporation
Cewe Stiftung & Co. KGaA
Photo-Me International plc
DNP Imagingcomm America Corporation
KIOSK Information Systems
Print Mates
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Photo Printing Kiosk-market
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