musicarenagh · 1 month
Exploring the Emotional Depth of Alan Dreezer's Latest Hit Eastbourne, East Sussex native and award-winning electro-pop singer-songwriter Alan Dreezer has once again enticed his fans with a new song, “(Love Didn’t Hurt Me) IT WAS YOU,” which was released on August 16, 2024 and precedes the third album titled *NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES* to be released in the summer of the following year 2025. From the emotionally charged lyricism to the cinematic sound design, Alan skillfully weaves pop with hints of R&B and Soul with influences from George Michael. Dreezer began his music journey in 2017 with the *LONDON E12* album and has never ceased to come up with unique ideas from then on. His most recent released song, featuring interesting vocals and fantastic lyrics is a pure work of his talent, created together with Elliot Richardson who is also well-known as his mate and co-author. This interview allows us to discuss with Alan more about his creative approach, his new material, and what he has in store for the audience in the new album. Let’s get deep into the mind of an artist who is still making waves on the electro-pop scene. Listen to (Love Didn't Hurt Me) IT WAS YOU https://open.spotify.com/track/37DVKeLioNLs01QyObt5IQ?si=023754c3c0e84879 Follow Alan Dreezer on Twitter Spotify Soundcloud Bandcamp Youtube Instagram What is your stage name? Alan Dreezer Where do you find inspiration? Many things inspire me but usually it is a single word or phase seen in a book, magazine or online that sparks an idea. I then usually ask myself “What does that word or phrase mean to me?” and then start to jot down stuff in my notes app. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? I was always into music from a young age but never really thought about performing until my best friend suggested starting a band when we were 18. We were awful for the first few years but by the age of 25 we had a management deal and had toured with some top bands which was really exciting. Are you from a musical or artistic family? None of my family are musical at all but they are all very supportive of my journey. I honestly don’t think I would have ever become a songwriter if it wasn’t for my best friend Russell Aylett. He brought out something in me that I wasn’t looking for or knew was there and I am forever grateful for that. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? Listening to George Michael sing “A Different Corner” inspired me to try and write songs more seriously. The song was so well crafted and beautifully performed with such raw emotion that it made me want to try and dig deeper into myself and work harder at my craft. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I am a lyricist, melodist and vocalist but I’m not a great musician as such so I rely on collaboration to enhance my ideas. I have collaborated with Elliot Richardson my producer for 13 years and he is a big part of all aspects of my music. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? It was The Police at Milton Keynes Bowl in 1980. It rained the whole day so it was like a mud bath but the concert was incredible. How would you describe your music? I would say it’s Pop with tinges of RnB & Soul too. However I do think it is very difficult to define exactly what genre you are as I have taken inspiration from so many different types of music over the years. [caption id="attachment_56701" align="alignnone" width="2000"] However I do think it is very difficult to define exactly what genre you are as I have taken inspiration from so many different types of music over the years.[/caption] Describe your creative process. I always start with a lyric because I have to have something to say first of all. Then I find a melody/top line that fits the mood just by humming it to myself. Over a few days sometimes weeks if the melody keeps coming back to me then I pursue it and record it with a drum loop or click track. I then take
that to the studio along with some musical references that I feel suit the vibe and we build from that framework into a song. How has your style evolved since the beginning of your career? As a solo artist my first album was very much influenced by 80’s music and retro pop. My second album took more inspiration from people like Justin Timberlake and early 2000’s music. With this 3rd project I’m leaning more into things like disco and classic soul music much more so it’s constantly changing and evolving. Who do you see as your main competitor? I don’t see music as a competitive thing. I firmly believe everyone should “JUST DO YOU!” and if people gravitate to what you’re doing then great! I also believe everyone should support each other and try and help each other grow. I have mentored a number of younger artists starting out in the business and it’s something I’m really proud of and get a lot from. What are your interests outside of music? I’m a huge film buff and also enjoy watching most sports. I enjoy hiking too as a live near The South Downs and I play tennis from time to time. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I was a retail store manager in my early years and would probably go back to that if I had to. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? If I’m being transparent I have encountered ageism as a solo artist. I started this part of my journey in my late 40’s after being in bands for years and there have been a few snubs when age has been mentioned. Naively I thought the quality of the music should outweigh things like that but some radio/promoters/managers seem more comfortable selling a twenty something artist in my experience? https://open.spotify.com/artist/7wUPEi8IzA5uUvVhAWVL7o?si=64otaPNQToW9MdfnB5FG4A&nd=1&dlsi=0687c1f3bb6e427a If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? The percentage of streaming royalty payments paid to artists are scandalous. Music has been devalued massively in recent years in my opinion. Why did you choose this as the title of this project? The title of my 3rd album is going to be called “NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES” and we have been using that quote as motivation in all aspects of our process to get out of our comfort zones and try things that we haven’t tried before and it’s been really liberating! What are your plans for the coming months? To promote this new single and then continue work on the 3rd album which should be ready in the summer of 2025. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? I’m in talks with a couple of other artists at the moment but there is nothing concrete just yet. What message would you like to give to your fans? Thank you for your continued support and I promise this 3rd album is worth waiting for!
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