#Love seeing wolfwood haul it around
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The ACTUAL piece of art I meant to make for the Wolfwood drawing festival... made last Thrusday like 5 days late. x’D
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Can i request vash & wolfwood his wife didnt know she pregnant, so reader do overwork until pass out in the end both of them know reader is pregnant, and the reaction his wife giving birth the twins i wanna see how absurd they face it 🥺🙏✨ thank you
And really love u writings anyway
A/N: WAIT THAT'S KINDA CUTE, headcanons coming up! Thanks for the request and thank you so much for reading my stuff! :D
Warnings: Mention of pregnancy, childbirth, blood, slight violence in Wolfwoods', reader is AFAB in this one
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Vash the Stampede
Given that Vash is... Vash, there was no way either of you knew if you could even get pregnant in the first place.
Seriously - no known plant/human hybrids existed, so the two of you never really thought much of it. You both just kind of assumed hybrids couldn't exist because plants couldn't reproduce with humans
Well, how WRONG you both were
But of course, because neither of you knew it could happen, neither of you caught on when you eventually started feeling nauseous, throwing up at random points in the day and feeling gently under the weather
110% you and Vash both were like "aww dang a cold? That sucks" and Vash would cuddle you lots to try and make you feel better cause he just thought you were sick
You also didn't let this sudden "sickness" slow you down - you kept working hard, on the run with Vash and the others, moving constantly, sleeping under the glow of the worms in the warm sand, hauling your weight and then some as the group continued to travel across No Man's Land
However, what you hadn't anticipated was suddenly not being able to do as much as you used to be able to - suddenly the sun beating down on you was too much, the heat overwhelming, and before you knew it, you had collapsed
Vash and the others were definitely concerned, but the concern turned to confusion and disbelief when they accidentally got a look at your stomach when your shirt had ridden up as you sat up once you regained consciousness - your stomach was SWOLLEN.
Everybody was a bit freaked out, you very much included, until you started to put the pieces together - your "illness", your sudden inability to tolerate things as you had before, your stomach swelling
"Vash... I-I think I might be... pregnant?"
Honestly, I think Vash would be stunned at first but once he realizes that what you're saying makes sense (and after the confirmation of a doctor from one of the nearby towns you guys travelled through), he'd be DELIGHTED
Would be the type of husband/partner who would never let you carry anything heavy anymore, hovering over you protectively, always worrying and making sure you were comfortable and not endangering yourself or your baby
"You need to rest, (Y/N)! You're growing a whole new being, you and I have gotta make sure you're taking good care of yourself now!"
Would give you ankle/foot massages A LOT to help with discomfort
Vash would definitely spend a lot of time talking to your tummy as it grows bigger, pressing soft kisses to your stomach and caressing it gently
Vash would be excited but TERRIFIED simultaneously to be a dad - so much sadness, death and regret followed him everywhere he went, and he was terrified to bring you into it, let alone an innocent child
You would have to comfort him and reiterate that you were in it together and that you think he'd be a wonderful dad
Also, because Vash is a plant and they age rapidly compared to humans, the pregnancy would be faster than a traditional human pregnancy
Vash has seen births before, especially given how long he's been around, so that part of it all doesn't make him nervous. The fact that now, it's HIS child, THAT makes him nervous
Would absolutely cry during the birth of your twins, partially out of fear, partially out of joy, and also partially because you'd gripped his hand so hard that you'd likely broken several of his fingers (oops)
Borderline passed out when they told him there were TWO babies - he wasn't expecting that at all
IDK why but I can see him being a dad to either twin boys (like him and Nai), or 1 girl, 1 boy.
It doesn't matter though, cause Vash would love your babies from the moment they let out their first cry, the reality hitting him - he's a father now.
Would give anything to protect you and his children - you're his world. His family. <3
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Unlike Vash, you and Wolfwood absolutely knew that pregnancy could happen
You and him both were sorta neutral about it - not actively trying to prevent a pregnancy, but not actively trying to conceive either.
"If it happens, it happens," Wolfwood said with a shrug when you brought it up to him
And so, you two just went about your lives together as always.
Of course, neither of you really bothered to keep tabs on your pregnancy status because you were busy travelling (and being on the run) with Vash and the others
Everything was as it usually was, with the group trying to escape from another disastrous clash with a police force of some kind, bullets flying past you all
You were hiding behind a corner, covering Wolfwood as he managed to fend off the cops coming after Vash and the rest of you, when a stray bullet struck you in the side, causing you to cry out and fall back
"(Y/N)!" You heard Wolfwood scream out your name, but you couldn't seem to see where he was anymore
Before you knew what was happening, the world went black
When you woke, your eyes opening to bright light, you quickly gasped and sat up only to cry out from the sharp pain in your side
Wolfwood was by your side, a deep scowl on his face, but you could see in his eyes that he was scared
"Mornin', sweetheart, nice of you to rejoin us in the land of the living."
Once you were more fully awake, the doctor came in to speak with you and Wolfwood, cheerfully reporting that "Thankfully, the bullet missed anything important, and the baby is just fine, too."
Umm, what?
Both you and Wolfwood choked slightly on your own spit as the doctor said that, with you coughing out "What baby?"
Yup, turns out you were pregnant and had been for a little while already at that point
From that point forward, Wolfwood becomes EXTREMELY protective of you, refusing to let you walk in front of him or even stand in front of him (he plans to use his body to protect yours if something bad happens)
He'd do his best to smoke less and not do it around you because it isn't good for the baby (he's trying hard but he still forgets sometimes)
Wolfwood would be the kind of guy who outwardly seems very relaxed and unphased by the situation but secretly has tried to read through every parenting book he could get his hands on
And when it's time for you to give birth? Listen, Wolfwood has seen a lot of things in his life, but he was NOT expecting birth to be that gruesome
Would become very pale, sweating profusely before dropping like a stone, out cold
Comes back to life when your baby begins to cry, announcing their arrival into the world
You would witness a rigid man bend and soften in front of you - you'd see Wolfwood's gaze soften and a genuine smile appear on his face as he holds your and his baby in his arms, a tiny hand wrapping around one of his fingers
Love at first sight for Wolfwood - he never thought a family would be something he wanted, but now that he has one? He's never letting go of it
Until the doctor announces that the second baby was coming
Thankfully the nurse had enough sense to take your baby from Wolfwood's arms shortly before the doctor announced that because he ended up back on the floor, out cold again
Kind of a wuss around childbirth but he loves his babies (and you) more than anything else in his life
I can definitely see him as a dad to twin girls (idk why he gives me girl dad energy)
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beelzebby666 · 1 year
Mashwood Week Day 2: “If I Don't Make It Back From Where I've Gone Just Know I Loved You All Along”
"Stay here."
Meryl already doesn't like where this is going. Wolfwood's gripping the Punisher in one hand when he turns to her, the other looping around to grab the back of her neck. She goes to protest, to tell him he's being ridiculous and she's not letting him run off and do something stupid, when he leans down and presses a kiss to her forehead.
It's gentle. The kind of gesture reserved for quiet moments shared between them and Vash in the private of closed doors. The kind of thing he only really does on rare occasions, his usual form of love language with her is a mix of bickering and teasing.
"Please," he whispers, lips still against her skin. "Please stay here."
She knows he and Vash worry about her. Can't always keep track of her in chaotic situations. And while she can hold her own she's less sturdy than either of them. Wolfwood sounds almost scared, begging her like this to just stay put for once. Things are bad. He must not know if he and Vash will even be okay.
Panic flares and her eyes swim with tears. Meryl reaches out and grabs his shirt with both hands, desperately yanking him back when he goes to pull away.
"No, no no no–"
Wolfwood’s hand wraps around one of her’s. He’s still being too gentle with her, coaxing her fingers open and off his shirt. Like he’s extracting something they shouldn’t have from a child’s grasp. Meryl grips tighter at his shirt with her other hand and chokes down a sob. She doesn’t want to cry, she wants to scream at him and tell him he’s stupid–they’re both stupid. But the icy fear gripping her chest won’t let anything but panicked whimpering come out of her mouth.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, gently pulling her other hand off his shirt. He lingers a moment, holding it while she grasps at his fingers and gasps for air. She can’t even look at his face, his own eyes too painfully full of remorse over upsetting her.
He won’t tell her it’s going to be okay. Because he doesn’t know.
There’s a commotion behind him and Wolfwood tenses, squeezing at her hand before letting it go. Vash needs him. And Vash needs her to stay where she is, out of danger. She knows this, understands it in theory, but feeling so powerless in a situation that they’re risking their lives in feels like Meryl’s being ripped apart.
He’s left her alone “for her own good” before. Years not knowing if Vash was alive and years of seeing Wolfwood once in a blue moon, looking more ragged and skinny than the last time. She’s barely gotten over the ache in her chest that caused and now this?
Wolfwood cups her cheek and wipes one of her tears away with his thumb. Meryl still wants to punch him and still wants to cling to him for dear life and still knows she’s not allowed to do either. He still won’t say it’s going to be okay, no matter how much he wants to.
Instead, he just says, “Please,” one more time before letting go of her face and leaving. So Meryl buries her face in her hands and sinks down to sit on the floor.
She knows one day he won’t come back, deep in her gut she swears she knows. Even if he does this time. Even if hours later, bloody and broken but still breathing, he and Vash haul each other back to find her, Meryl knows one day they won’t. And she knows all they want is for her to be safe. So all she can do is stay behind and hope it’s not goodbye for good.
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typingdyslexiaisathing · 10 months
Drying Tears (Trigun Fanfic)
Summary: Vash has a moment of guilt for someone to give him solace.
Pairing: Vash the Stampede X OC
content: Romance, established relationship, mention of violence, mention of injuries
I wasn't surprised in the least when I woke up to find out Vash had locked himself in his room. Both Meryl and Milly telling me how the bar fight had ended last night. With me getting knocked over the head by a guy wielding a beer bottle. Which led to Vash breaking up the fight and bringing me to the local clinic to get patched up. With Vash only leaving when the nurse had all but chased him out in the middle of the night. So I sighed to heft myself out of the bed and into my slightly crusty clothes. Meryl helping me find my boots as Milly said, "You may want to get something to eat. But I don't think Mr. Vash has had anything since last night. He said he wasn't feeling well."
My snort isn't unexpected as I shook out my jacket before putting it on. "Not very surprising to me, Milly. Guilt tends to make a person queasy. But I will be able to change that with some gentle nudges. So don't worry for too long." Meryl rolls her eyes to huff and cross her arms. "That idiot. Why should he feel guilty? The guys that got drunk and started the fight are the ones to blame. Not him."
Meryl meets my gaze for her to see the serious expression on my face. So she listens closely as I answer. "Because he cares way too damn much for everyone but himself, Meryl. After this long, you shouldn't have to even ask that question." Meryl gives a long sigh to nod her head and walk with Milly out of the room. With my own steps soon to follow.
Getting to the inn didn't take very long. But I was surprised to find the door to my shared room with Vash was unlocked. With Wolfwood already by the door when I peeked inside. His tension melting away as he saw me. "Praise the Lord. You doing all right?" I nodded to give him a hug. His own arms like steel as I huffed a laugh into his chest. "Better than a certain angel. But it'll be okay. I appreciate you being here for him. It means the world, Nicholas." Wolfwood gave that rumbled chuckle before letting me go. His cross soon at his back for him to walk out the door. "Anytime, Retha. Now I will go and get some repair work done on Angelina as well as a hot meal."
Soon enough, I sat myself by Vash. Who was in the bed and rolled up in the blanket like he was hiding from the world. So I slipped my boots and jacket off to then give a warm sigh. "You are going to thank Wolfwood and the insurance girls later with something home made. No excuses, love. So would you think about putting the guilt to the side and actually looking at me a moment?"
Vash took a moment before he moved. The blanket falling away as he sat up in front of me. And he looked more of a wreck than I felt. His eyes were red from crying. As was his nose. With him giving a hard sob to look every problem in the world was his fault. So I scooted closer to place my hands to his face. Soft words given as I stared at him with all the love I had in me. "Thank you for fighting to keep us all safe. Both in the bar. And every time you choose to protect those around you. Do not let yourself believe I blame you for failure, Vash. Be it last night. Or any time in the past or future. I am in this for the long haul. No matter what comes at us. You will always be my beloved crimson bird."
Vash gave a hard sob to shudder so hard it made the bed creak. Those beautiful eyes closing as he said with aching words, "But you got hurt! I wasn't fast enough to keep that guy from hitting you! It's my fault that-" I move to wrap my arms around Vash and place a soft kiss to his lips. Several more kisses given to keep him from finishing. With my own words washing against his lips. "No Vash. Do not do such to yourself. Not to my crimson bird. Not to the one I love most. You may believe you failed me. But that will never be true in my eyes. You did your best. And that makes me so very proud of you. That's all I will ever ask of you my sweet soul. That you do your best."
Vash gave another hard sob to press himself into me. His hands coming up to grip the back of my shirt as tight as possible. So I rocked us back and forth as he continued to cry and sob. Just letting him let all the pain and sadness free to wash over the moment and pass by with time. My humming of an old church hymn as I held Vash close. Not really minding the throbbing ache in the back of my head. But soon enough, Vash gave a long sigh to ease into me after exhausting himself. So I laid us down on the bed properly to pull the blanket over us and keep humming. My kisses catching his tears for him to all but fall asleep. His words soft and full of love. "Thank you so much, Retha. I promise I'll always do my best for you."
My smile is genuine as I chuckle. "Good to know, crimson bird. Just rest for now. Then we'll go and get something filling to eat."
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