#Losers get pushed to the backburner
anglers1mp · 1 year
So yeah…
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mass-convergence · 1 year
I’ll be honest with you - in season 1 of WOT:
I didn’t exactly love what I’m calling the Main Character Squad (Rand, Egwene, Perrin, Mat, Nynaeve). Like don’t get me wrong - I didn’t hate them. I just thought they were … idk … boring? And this may warrant a rewatch, I’ll admit I was not in the best place emotionally while watching the season. But I just felt like they were kind of flat with maybe the exception being Mat and Nynaeve who I was kinda like 👀 what’s going on. Mat had that whole corrupted by darkness thing going on with him and Nynaeve was just a fucking badass and seemed highly motivated to protect her friends from the get go. But idk Rand felt like he was just kinda …… there? Same with Egwene and Perrin.
(This is ending up turning into an essay so I’m gonna put shit below a cut)
They were cool characters and I obviously was rooting for them to get reunited and stuff but I was like “eh???” Until maybe the very end when things started falling in place and the plot became a lot more sticky (as my friend describes plots that suddenly have a lot of competing motivations all coming together)
So I think my main issue was with their writing rather then the characters themselves. I’m coming at this as a complete outsider to WoT - never read the books and even if I did, I believe an adaptation must be able to stand on its own. And what I think happened was that season 1 like *had* to catch everyone up on the lore of the world, why Moiraine was so hellbent on finding the Dragon, what the hell the Aes Sedai were, etc. etc.
And it may have somewhat put characterization on the backburner until the end when they were like “we caught you up to speed now here’s the plot”. I guess they felt passive, like the plot was just happening to them instead of them driving the plot. Like we got hints of stuff - I was confused about what was going on with Perrin, then really intrigued towards the end when the wolves attacked the White Cloaks camp. And then of course the whole Eye of the World thing and Ishamael being released and him cutting Moiraine off from the One Power.
But idk, most of that season just fell flat to me.
The second season however, whooooo boy did I get fucking invested in those crazy kids. I was like “why can’t Nynaeve deliberately channel? [Insert Spiderverse “can’t do it on command” meme here]”, “oh fuck how is Egwene going to get out of this and also fuck you Renna”, “Rand please don’t go crazy”, “Perrin is like spiritually connected to wolves??? I need to know more about how that is a thing”, “Mat I swear to god you better not be evil because I’m like rooting for you”.
And of course I was really invested in the supporting characters - like Moiraine’s journey, Liandrin’s betrayal, Lanfear’s … everything (god I love her).
And oh god was it almost empowering to see their arcs play out.
- Rand struggling with the fact that he is indeed the Dragon Reborn and that male channelers tend to go batshit and kill everyone they love.
- Perrin becoming more familiar with his wolf-powers (I forgot what they were called or if they even had a name I’m sorry) … and being caught between his humanity and his wolf side. RIP Hopper, I’m glad you were avenged almost immediately.
- Egwene first off like: struggling with the fact that Nynaeve was kind of distant (because Nynaeve was obviously dealing with her own issues) but sticking with her friend. And then getting fucking captured and enslaved and like thrown into one of the most disempowering positions one can get into… and she fucking still held her own and never gave in. God I think her arc is like my favorite one this season. Fuck you Renna I’m glad you fucking got what you deserved.
- Mat dealing with the aftermath of the dagger and just having this darkness inside of him. He had been pushed down and kicked all his life, people viewed him as a loser, and he had that attitude towards himself as well. I felt like a connection to him because yeah, that boy is just a touch depressed, and as someone who’s dealt with their own mental health issues and ADHD absolutely making me feel like I’m constantly failing everyone including myself …….. good lord did his arc make me feel some feelings. Like he took that darkness - namely the dagger - and he used it to fight his way out. And then he’s a fucking hero of the horn. That is unironically super fucking inspiring to me.
- Nynaeve not being able to channel on command, being almost afraid of the power she can wield (I think that’s the angle they’re going for at least - though it also does seem to be very attached to her emotions). Out of all the main character squad: I liked her the most in the first season. She was very much motivated to protect her friends. Like I do see her kind of as the mother figure of the group (and not in a derisive way - like she will absolutely fuck a person up if they hurt her friends as we saw in season 2 with that sul’dam), the “heart” in the five man band. Like *almost* like Katara in a way and I really loved Katara so there you go.
- honorable mention to Moiraine because she thought that she had to handle this shit on her own. She had to figure out what Ishamael and the Dark One were planning while protecting Rand and also dealing with the aftershocks of her being cut off from the One Power. Something that Verin very much analogized to being assaulted or raped. And Moiraine just kept trucking, carrying the burden of what she felt like her own responsibilities like she carried those fucking buckets up the hill. The season was her realizing she could rely on others and she didn’t have to be as closed off as she was being. And oh my god once she got the One Power back she (a woman who was already plenty fucking badass during this entire season) like went to fucking S-tier levels of badass. God I fucking love her.
Basically: I’m saying that I loved season 2 very very much and I’m now rooting for these crazy kids to fuck shit up and save the world.
Also I love every single woman in this show who’s not Renna or the Seanchan because fuck those slavery loving assholes.
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Anon here: I feel like IT having three different versions of canon that allow you to find at least something for literally every pairing contributes a lot to the variety and acceptance of ships in the fandom. Meanwhile Stranger Things has one canon and also has had the cast constantly splitting up into separate groups that hardly ever interact until the end of the season for the last 3 seasons: Will and Mike were separated from everyone in season 2, Dustin was separate from everyone for the whole of season 3 and Will, Mike, and Lucas were separated from El and Max for a good chunk of time, and then Will and Mike were separated from Max, Dustin, and Lucas and also El was on her own as well. So the canon has kind of pigeonholed the fandom into these specific dynamics because these characters are the ones who actually get to interact with each other and create moments for people to latch onto. This also is related to a problem with ST that I have which is that the writers seem allergic to developing character dynamics. Like, Will almost only ever interacts with Mike and El. Max almost only with Lucas and El. Dustin with Steve, Robin, and Lucas etc.
This is a very good point that I didn't think of, thank you for bringing this to light for me!
The canon It media does have a good mix of interactions across the board when it comes to the Losers engaging with each other in different pairings or groups. This is because this was important to the directors and presumably King too, but he was also high when writing It so who knows.
I feel like the Duffers on the other hand just see two characters who work well together, who market St well together, and go like!! That's it!! These characters don't need to interact with anyone else! Don't fix what's not broken!
Even Finn Wolfhard has said he wishes Mike has had more scenes with Dustin because he felt like they've barely interacted since season one. He said this as a joke but,,,he's not wrong.
I can see where this adds into the shipping wars. Also it makes minor or niche ships nearly non-existant in the fandom. Which!! I think there should be more of solely because it's fun.
Even platonic relationships in the St canon is pushed to the backburn, fuck I don't even know how Will and Max interact together because we haven't seen it. God forbid a character in St interact with another character that isn't a father figure or a potential love interest.
I happy you added to this anon, it got my brain worms wiggling.
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animezinglife · 2 years
For Top Gun ask - 16 & 17!
I ended up putting this under the cut because it got long. Thanks for the request!
16. Do you have any headcanons you want to share?
Sort of. I don’t really want to push too much on these characters because I think they were so well done, but I couldn’t help a few creeping into my mind.
I have a headcanon that Rooster’s a gifted, largely self-taught mechanic. There’s nothing that supports or suggests that, but I posted more on that thought process here. 
Rooster’s call sign is on one hand a tie to Goose, but earned because he sings in the shower in the mornings or plays old tunes too loud and wakes everyone up. Sun’s not even up yet? Guess who’s singing “Mustang Sally” or who’s jamming out to “Once Bitten, Twice Shy” at that forsaken hour?
I absolutely share the widely-accepted headcanon that Hangman had a complete asshole of a father. However, I’m torn on what I believe to be the most likely scenario for Hangman’s upbringing and his father’s involvement in it. One headcanon isn’t that his dad was a loser or a deadbeat. In that one, I think of him as being someone who might’ve done very well for himself and who forever kept his family on the backburner (and was a detached, selfish person in general). If Hangman’s from a military family, that might look like his father being a high-ranking officer who was far more married to his career than he ever was his wife, and far more the politician type of officer than a true leader. However, I think Hangman’s mother would’ve always done her best, and I think he’d be pretty protective of her. Or, he might’ve been a good officer but a lousy and selfish father. I’ve unfortunately seen that in real life before. To be transparent, that’s exactly the relationship my current boss, her ex-husband, and their daughter had. It’s pretty much just her and her daughter and he dutifully and distantly sends his child support check. 
On the other hand, if his dad IS a deadbeat, it’s possible he walked out on them (or maybe even had been in the Navy himself and was dishonorably discharged, hence Hangman’s compulsion to be the best) and that Hangman looked to someone else as a father figure, but not without some damage already being done. I have a hard time though thinking the family wasn’t at least comfortable financially, though I think that’s admittedly more to do with Glen Powell playing Hangman than Jake Seresin himself. I can’t look at him and not take in all the details like the perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect body, etc. without thinking he had the means before he joined the Navy to at least get him into those habits. Personally, I lean a bit more towards the first headcanon.
Bob comes from a successful military family, and pretty much everyone goes into either the Air Force or Navy at some point. He strikes me as the type who’d be close with his grandpa. He’s also the type who would figure out how to build a cannon out of a potato and some pipe and test it out in the middle of a corn field. Notice I don’t mention this being a headcanon--that’s based on personal experience and Bob is that guy. Period. A lot of people jump on his accent, but I personally think he could be from anywhere Southern OR Southern Midwest. There’s some crossover there in a lot of states. I can’t fully pinpoint where I think he’s from, but I’d love to know. 
Phoenix is an Arizona gal. She’s got that spunk and, combined with her call sign, it seems like a possibility. 
Payback is extremely family-oriented. If something came out about one of the young guns being married and fans having to guess which one that was, I’d put money on Payback. He seems like he’d be a sweet husband/dad type.
Cyclone is a husband and father, and his children are grown. He was a mix of strict but loving growing up. He’s not a soft person, but he’s genuine and would do anything for his family. He wasn’t around much for their games or recitals or anything of the like, but he did what he could and always tried his best even if he sometimes fell short when work got in the way.
Warlock’s taste in music can best be described as “classy grandpa.” He himself isn’t an old man, but his taste in music? Definitely not young.
17. Was there anything in the movies you wish was handled differently?
In the first, I wish the pacing in the second half of the movie were a little better and more even. I'm probably going to upset some folks on this one but Goose's death and the scenes with Carole, Viper, etc. that immediately follow are way too fast and choppy. It actually detracts from the impact of losing Goose altogether.
While I think it could be argued that how jarring it is could closely reflect a quick, shocking accident in reality, there needed to be more depth and time in those moments. I love the movie. I have tremendous respect for it, but the pacing's just a bit "meh" for me as it nears the end.
In TGM, the only thing I'd even consider changing would be to integrate Penny a bit more seamlessly into the main storyline. Movies rarely trust the audience to remember characters from the past, but ironically in this instance, they might've trusted the audience a bit too much--a line or so tying her to being the girl Maverick took for a joyride in an F-18 years ago would've served well. Ironically, I'd gathered that she was an admiral's daughter long before I gathered she was that admiral's daughter--everything about her from her demeanor, connection to the Navy, and even her look screamed it.
I could've used a little nudge that reminded me of that, though, and I've heard the same from friends and family who've seen the film.
I wouldn't change anything about TGM other than that.
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ang3leyes · 7 years
Rebel Rebel
Notes: Hey! I wrote something?? Okay, this one goes out to @elf-scones-research for being there and listening to me rant about this for like months. Love ya bby! Without further ado, the Radio Rebel AU I’ve been planning for months.
Summary: Small, gay, well-mannered Eddie Kaspbrak has a secret. More specifically, a secret identity. By day, he stays quiet and hangs out with the self-proclaimed Losers Club, but by night, he's the smooth talking anonymous DJ 'Radio Rebel'. The genius part of it all? No one would ever suspect it. Only now, Eddie's long time crush Richie Tozier is in the picture, and there's more at stake than just his podcasted radio show.
Pairings: Reddie, Stanlon, possible Benverly
Chapter: One/Six
Word Count: 3883
Warnings: Sonia Kaspbrak. Just,,,, Sonia Kaspbrak. 
Eddie flipped on his earmuffs. He checked the voice modifier. He took a deep breath. Here we go again he thought as he hit ‘Record’.
He supposed it was stupid. A bunch of idealistic bullshit, which it kind of was. But… there was just something so tempting about sounding like a bit of a smartass anonymously.
“This is Radio Rebel coming at you live from the underground,” Eddie felt something warm slide over him. He smiled as he felt it sink into his skin, felt himself becoming comfortable, for once, hidden inside his own skin. “You don’t know who I am, but I know who you are. Because I’m one of you,” this part always felt the best to Eddie. Hiding in plain sight, the thrill of it was intoxicating. He could speak his mind, he could play music and talk to people and be himself, without anyone actually knowing it was him. It felt as good as telling a secret, and it didn’t sting nearly as much.
“Before we get to a Bowie mix I made when I was bored off my ass in English, I just wanted to tell you how bullshit the report cards that came out today at Lincoln Bay are. So what if I don’t want to dress like I’m from the 1950’s? A low participation grade for short shorts, that sucks ass.” Eddie smiled. He was angry, yeah, but that's where his best stuff tended to come from. “But it’s not just the teachers, is it? Guys, we all talk shit about the school staff for putting us into boxes and shutting us down, but I thought, since grades were being handed out, I’d let you all know that it’s not just the teachers who fuck us over by judging us.” Delicate, ran a tangent thought through Eddie’s head. Fairy boy in the short shorts. “Jocks, outcasts, dorks, the pops, the gays,” Eddie took a sharp breathe from between his teeth. “We’re all so quick to judge. And, obviously, people get hurt by that. You’re you. You’re not some perfect mix of qualities that make you one thing, neither are your best friends, neither are you classmates, neither am I.” Eddie spun in his chair and sighed. “I do it too guys, sorry this turned into a tangent, I promise I’m not trying to lecture. We all have a power to change things, that’s all I wanted to remind you.” Eddie rolled his chair around in lazy circles. “Talk to the kid with the remote control car. Invite him to soccer tryouts. Ask the stoners for help on your math homework. Actively change the status quo,” he spun once more before stopping and planting his feet determinedly. “I dare you.” Eddie paused. “And I get it. Not everyone can do that right away. But this next song is what inspires me to try a little bit every day. Hope you guys like it.” With that, Eddie lowered the headset mic and spun once more to his computer, selecting the song. The opening riff to ‘Rebel Rebel’ filled his bedroom. He smirked at his own joke.
He loved this. This was his life, and for the first time in a while, he really, really loved it. This was his music, his advice, his show. Here, he could be himself.
Admittedly, at first he had been unsure. His music taste wasn’t eclectic or cool or obscure or anything people really tended to enjoy in a radio program. He listened to a strange mix of classic rock, even classic-er rock, and ‘80s pop. He didn’t know much about music either. He could clumsily play a few notes on the piano, (the remnants of lessons his mother had scheduled in his heavily drowsed childhood that he resented and shuddered at the thought of), but that was it.
All of this, he had thought, would lead to a flop of a podcast, so he had let the idea sit on the backburner. That had, however, been before the first day of Junior year, when Eddie had returned from the summer after coming out the last day of Sophomore year.
It wasn’t that he had gotten pushed into a locker or been beat up behind the school like the movies might have suggested. Instead, people treated him like he was breakable, timid and quiet. He was just so done with the soft stares and even softer words, spoken to him as if people thought that if their straightness was even a smidge louder, he would shatter. What was worse, his new sense of retrospect had given him an almost superhuman ability to see those around him struggling.
He couldn't help but see that even within friend groups, stereotypes prevailed. Ditzy blondes and rude jocks filled his thoughts for months, and it was little things that caused him to throw caution (and his fears of his music taste being inadequate) to the wind. He would give his advice and try to make a difference, even if no one would listen. What came to surprise Eddie was that it actually worked. His podcasted radio show, Radio Rebel, had caught on and, though Eddie wasn’t sure how, a significantly large portion of his school (and other schools in the area? What the hell?) listened to him every Tuesday and Thursday night.
He danced around with silly kicks and shimmying shoulders to the music playing from his computer, another show successfully recorded and broadcasted live, and began to gather his homework, set out his clothes, and get ready for school the next morning.
Though he had started this whole show because of the bitter taste school had put in his mouth, it was heartwarming to hear people listen to his advice, or to at least try to. He felt (in the moments he was walking through the school, seeing his words rippling back and forth between friends old and new and hearing his clueless band of loser friends debate the illustrious Radio Rebel’s identity) like a spy in the old films he and Ben had watched over the summer when the rest of their friends had been busy. So yeah, he was excited for school, excited to see that from behind an unknown persona, he was making a difference, and excited to spend time with his friends, who he loved with everything he had.
This excitement for school, Eddie found once more hours later as he stood by his locker with Mike and Bill at his sides.
“Ruh-Radio Rebel was a-awesome last night,” Bill said, leaning against the locker and sighing.
“I know! Bowie’s my absolute favorite,” Mike was smiling now too, the curve of his lips around his words giving him the appearance of sunshine and of sunflowers. (Eddie, of course, knew that his best friend loved David Bowie-it was one of the reasons why the man’s music had become a regular part of Eddie’s rotation).
“I don’t know,” Eddie said, hiding a smirk, “Wasn’t their advice a bit... idealistic? ‘Change the status quo’ is harder than it sounds.” Eddie was constantly undercover to find what he could do in order to make Radio Rebel universal and unbiased and, most of all, true.
Mike gasped. Bill’s eyes bulged.
“What? Of cuh-course not!” Bill declared, puffing his chest out and looking personally affronted
“Maybe they aren’t realistic, but they’re  inspirational. So what if it’s hard? Rebel’s doing a good thing.” Mike, instead of defending the school’s favorite radio DJ as he had done in the past, smiled down at Eddie with a spark lit up in the corner of his eye. His smile was playful, but it almost made Eddie wonder… no, Mike didn’t know. Of course he didn’t. Nobody would ever suspect the cool, relatable Radio Rebel to be the small Gay Kid who didn’t seem to fit anywhere. Most people actually thought Rebel was a girl, much to Eddie’s chagrin and pleasure. The voice modifier worked miracles. So no. Mike wasn’t acting any out of the ordinary. Everything was perfectly normal, and Eddie was projecting.
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed distractedly. “Wish I could be more like them.”
Bill and Mike shared a look.
“W-well,” Bill said, kicking up fear within Eddie’s chest. He couldn’t know anything, none of them could.
“Bill and I have been talking,” Mike’s voice was soft as he laid a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, but instead of sounding condescending, his voice was comforting in an understanding way. “We think you should talk to your aunt.”
“My aunt?” Eddie questioned, looking from one of his best friends to the other.
“Eh-ever since you’ve been living with her, yuh-you’ve suh-seemed more confident.” Bill explained, looking a bit uncomfortable and glancing at Mike, who was the best out of all of them at giving advice without making a person feel small.
“We thought it might help you to get a job at Slam. The two of you could spend time there together.” Eddie couldn’t deny that every interaction he had with his aunt (and the owner of Slam FM Radio) Joyce made him feel just the slightest bit more solid, the slightest bit more real. But a job at Slam, one of the biggest radio stations in Seattle? He was already so busy with his own show.
(A small voice whispering, delicate, you’re my delicate boy, the slick slide of honey down his throat, something in the middle of it all, the recognizable bump of a pill in its sugar coating, bird bones enclosed in human skin-)
“I don’t know,” Eddie said instead, “It’s pretty hard to get a job there.”
“But yuh-you’re pretty talented.” Bill said, bumping his shoulder against Eddie’s with a reassuring smile that had made their whole group fall in love with him at one point in their lives.
“Just think about it,” Mike said, his forehead creasing. “Your aunt is really good for you.”
And she was. Eddie knew this, he wasn’t stupid. Ever since his aunt and her sons (one of whom he only saw occasionally due to his status of being away at college) had moved into town, they had taken him in. They had taken him from sticky half swallowed medicine and a drugged dredging summer that had seeped its way into Eddie’s pores like sap to a tree, (so slowly and so entirely that he could think of nothing else), and had given him a strength he’d never known was possible. The immense gratitude he felt, as well as his unsureness, well, that only created a thicker barrier from them. In this reverence there was hesitance, and in all hesitance there is fear.
“I’ll think it over,” Eddie said finally, looking around at the people who could care about him without making him feel breakable, letting a smile flit across his face, small and genuine as he reached up to bring his two towering friends down for a hug.
“How can you even think in a time like this?” Beverly’s voice broke through their touching moment as she and Ben walked up, completing the group of five best friends.
“We’re so close!” Ben said, and Eddie bit back an inappropriate joke. That wasn’t supposed to be him. He wasn’t funny, at least, he never had been to anybody else but himself and his cousins.
“Radio Rebel revealed the biggest clue about their identity yet!” Bev squealed, taking Eddie’s hand and spinning him in a circle.
“Stop it Beverly,” he said through stern laughter, “What do you mean?”
“In last night’s show! Did you even listen? Minute 0:27, Radio Rebel goes to our school!” Ben was positively glowing and it made Eddie feel warm all over to know his small mishap had caused that happiness. “They could be anyone all around us!”
“It could be,” Eddie put a hand to his chin and tilted his head, “Mr. Dennis. Or, no! I bet it’s Principle Marino!” Mike laughed at his sarcastic tone and slung his arm around his best friend.
“I-if you kuh-keep that up Ben’s gonna get an aneurysm,” Bill said, linking his arm with Ben’s unoccupied one.
“This is serious guys!” Ben huffed as they began to walk to Bev's locker, located farther down the hallway in a different clump. “What if I like, spill my drink on them at lunch or something? I don’t want the whole school to hate me,” he bit his lip as if he considered that to be a very real possibility.
“Benny, it’s literally impossible for anyone to hate you,” Bev said fiercely.
“You’re so sweet Ben, nobody'd do that to you.” Eddie really hoped Rebel didn’t come across as a person who’d rat someone out to the rest of the school for something so small.
“Ugh, wuh-would you look at that?” The friends were diverted from Ben’s plight as Bill pointed across the hallway where Greta Bowie was standing with her lackeys, chatting and batting her eyelashes in a way that just screamed fake as she kicked Josh Halkin’s book from where it had fallen from his hands, like the book was nothing and Josh was even less. If there was something Eddie absolutely could not stand, it was a sense of hierarchy. And, okay, as much as he preached open mindedness, he was loyal most of all, and Greta had been so horrible to each one of his friends in so many ways that Eddie found it inexcusable. This was just a sick reminder of it, and Eddie felt a fire high up in his chest that pushed him to walk in her direction at the same time Bev did.
Eddie could feel the other three following at a slower pace and looked over to Beverly, seeing the same fire on her face as he felt within himself.
“What’re you doing?” Ben called, causing Bev to turn around and Eddie to turn his head over his shoulder.
“What Radio Rebel told us to do,” she responded, taking Eddie’s arm and squeezing.
“Let’s see how far ‘idealistic’ will get us,” Eddie said, feeling less and less sure about himself by the ticking seconds, but soon he and Bev were standing right in front of Greta and her friends, who giggled meanly behind their hands as if they knew something Eddie and Bev didn’t.
“Well, well, well,” Greta said, her voice pinched as if she was talking through her nose, “What do we have here?” She raked her eyes up and down Eddie and Bev.
“We saw what you just did to Josh,” Bev said, and Eddie bit back a bit of fond annoyance at his ability to cut straight to the chase, no preamble necessary. “It was kinda rude, don’t you think?” Bev’s voice was sickeningly sweet, her eyes glinting dangerously.
“Oh, wanna fuck him too, do you Marsh? The other four aren’t enough for you?” Eddie gritted his teeth, breathless fury boiling at the base of his throat.
“Excuse me?” he bit out, causing the heads of everyone in the opposing groups to turn to him. He wiped his palms on his shorts. Why was he nervous now? He wasn’t anxious with his friends when he went to make a sassy remark, and he wasn’t when he was in his bedroom speaking into a microphone. “W-what did you just, what did you just say to her?” Greta looked a smallest bit surprised. Eddie doubted they’d spoken to one another since seventh grade. “You can’t just,” he whipped his head from side to side nervously, “Just say that! Jesus, what the hell is wrong with everyone at this school?”
"Hm," Greta hummed, tilting her head to the side. "This Rebel Rabble," Bev mumbled 'Radio Rebel' in correction under her breath as she looked at Eddie in gratefulness and awe, "Is making sickly nobodies think they can talk to us."
"Hey!" Mike stepped forward, his brave, broad chest high and his kind demeanor twisting into something angry. "Don't talk about by friends like that!" Eddie's teeth ground together once more as Ben and Bill stepped forward as well to defend him, and Bev reached out to grab his hand, because despite the fact that his friends never made him feel delicate, their protective nature sometimes made it hard for him to appear strong to others.
That didn't stop him from being grateful to all of them, but especially Mike in that moment, who, as the school's star quarterback, held the most respect among their friend group with the rest of the school and caused Greta to back off with a small 'whatever'.
"Let's go girls," she said, whipping around and flipping her hair like she was the mean girl in a silly movie as she walked away from the school's resident losers.
"Fuck off asshole," Eddie said as he glared daggers into Greta Keene's retreating form, though Greta was a bit too far away to be within earshot. Beverly snorted, and with a sad smile, Eddie realized that once more, his friends had come to his rescue. When, he wondered, would it be the other way around?
“What is up my dudes, this is Trashmouth Tozier of The 69ers,” Richie’s loud voice rang out as he focused his video camera (large and vintage from the late ‘80s because Richie was Edgy like that) on Stan, who was standing at his locker, getting his books out.
“That’s not our name,” Stan deadpanned as he turned around.
“Yeah, I know Mr. Lead Singer Big Shot, but I thought it might be time for an upgrade,” Richie said as he balanced the bulky camera and went to throw an arm over Stan’s shoulders.
“An upgrade in a lead guitarist, maybe,” Stan grumbled, causing Richie to turn the camera clumsily around to capture his face within the frame as he threw his head back in a bout of raucous laughter.
“Oh, Stan the Man gets off a good one!” Richie’s glasses dangled a bit crookedly from his face, and his hair was mused into wild curls, and these two things matched with the disgruntled and slightly windblown looking nature of his shirt (which was brightly patterned and buttoned wrong) gave him the distinct appearance of always looking breathless. Perhaps this was what gave him the feeling of always being on the edge, and maybe it was what made him feel as if he was at the precipice of a personality.
“Shut up Richie,” Stan mumbled, shrugging Richie’s arm from off of his shoulders.
“What’d we talk about, Staniel,” Richie said, wrapping his body lankily around the camera to show off a self satisfied grin, the glint in his eyes refracting in his coke bottle lenses. Stan only heaved out an exasperated sigh, his face taking on a sour pinch. “Go on, say it!”
“Hi, we’re Fight or Flight, and we’re gonna tear up prom,” Stan began and tapered off, wincing and shaking his head, as if wondering why he had become friends with Richie in the first place, “Just like Richie tore up your mom last night.” Richie let out large guffawing laughs.
“Would’ya look at that! Stanny’s really got it in him!” Stan put his head in his hands, and removed it a second later to turn to the camera.
“I lost my dignity for twenty dollars.” Richie laughed nonetheless.
“Twenty dollars well spent!” he hollered, and before Stan could release the cutting remark that sat on his tongue, Greta was strutting up to them.
“Hiya Richie,” she giggled, a fake little thing that was too high in pitch to sit right with Richie, “Hi Richie’s camera,” Stan cleared his throat, and Greta turned, her face flashing disdain before molding back up into positivity. “Uris.”
Richie rolled his eyes. Greta, he knew, was a certified bitch. He wasn’t stupid. He knew about how she bullied Stan in middle school. He knew she’d trashed the yearbook club’s classroom because the student editor had had the guts to tell her to shove it. He saw how she treated everyone in school, and Richie hated it. What made his blood boil nearly more than anything else, though, was the particular fixation she had on a specific band of students, a group of self proclaimed Losers. It wasn’t like Richie would ever admit it, but for the past year and a half, he’d been getting closer to the, again self proclaimed, Losers Club, and he liked to consider at least some of them to be his friends.
And then there was the case of Eddie Kaspbrak, but Richie tried his very hardest not to think about that. Greta had been a bitch to him for years upon years, though Richie didn’t know how anyone could do anything other than respect the guy.
“What do you want Greta?” he asked, his voice flat.
“Just to say hi,” she giggled, twisting her hair around her finger with something dangerous glinting in her eyes. “Come on girls.”
With that, she crooked her finger and had her friends trailing behind her. Richie shut off the camera.
“I don’t know what the fuck her problem is,” he muttered as he walked over to Stan. He looped his arm casually around Stan’s shoulders, because while Stan pulled away mockingly and made a face as if to tell Richie he was disgusted by him, Richie knew his best friend appreciated the contact every once in a while.
“Yeah, yeah, you have a massive friend crush on the Losers Club,” Stan said, rolling his eyes with a fond smile. Richie scoffed, affronted.
“They gave themselves an iconic name, they take no shit, and they’re just as obsessed with Radio Rebel as we are!” he gushed.
“As you are,” Stan muttered. Richie went on, ignoring him.
“And don’t act like you aren’t head over heels for Mike Hanlon,” Richie said, smacking his lips together to making over exaggerated kissing noises.
“Beep beep, Tozier.” Stan said as they walked to the pre-calc class they shared first period, his cheeks tinted pink. Richie laughed at the familiar phrase and nudged his best friend fondly. Stan had English with Mike Hanlon, the school quarterback and founder of the art club. The boy was one of the sweetest people in the school, and Stan tended to talk about him non-stop on days when he had English class.
The two boys continued on their way, joking with each other and feigning annoyance. They had been best friends for years, and while they got on each others' nerves often, they had each others’ backs.
As they passed by the losers, Richie’s eyes were drawn to the figure of Eddie Kaspbrak, whose arms were moving all around in a way that spoke of a passionate conversation. Richie smiled a bit, and tore his gaze away.
With lingering thoughts of Eddie in his head, he turned back to Stan, who was pulling up last night’s Radio Rebel broadcast. Stan offered his an earbud, which he readily took, searching for a distraction.
As the distinctive filtered voice of Rebel drifted into one ear and the precalculus classroom loomed at the end of the hall, Richie glanced over at his best friend, the comforting weight of normalcy settling down on him.
Just a normal day, Richie thought to himself, smiling at Rebel’s words.
Little did he know just how much could change in one day.
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movieswithkevin27 · 7 years
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Undoubtedly the most mainstream and well-known work from director Dee Rees, Mudbound is a film set in rural Mississippi that takes place in the 1940s. Occurring before, during, and after World War II, Mudbound explores the racism, the tension, the class tensions, the impact of war, the dreams, and the tumultuous relationships, that occur on a farm. Moving to Mississippi to fulfill his dream of running a farm, Henry McAllan (Jason Clarke) brings along his wife Laura (Carey Mulligan) and their two children. On the farm he now owns, there are multiple working families, one white and one black. The white family factors into the film less, but the black family is headed by pastor Hap (Rob Morgan) and midwife Florence (Mary J. Blige). They live there with their sons and daughter, including son Ronsel (Jason Mitchell) who joins the military and is sent to Europe during the war. Henry’s brother Jamie (Garrett Hedlund) additionally goes to war and lives with the main family, as does Henry KKK member and deeply racist father Pappy (Jonathan Banks). This living situation, especially in times of strain, is a situation waiting to explode and it often does leaving a hellish crater in its wake.
Three of the most central themes in Mudbound are dreams, racism, and war. The dream aspect of this comes from all families in the film. In moving to this farm, Henry fulfills part of his dream in being able to be a farmer. Likewise, his wife Laura gives up her dreams of not living on a farm though she does receive her dream of being a mother. By her own admittance, being a mother and a wife is really what she wanted in life the most and it is what she is able to receive from her partnership with Henry. For the Jackson’s, their dreams are left unfulfilled yet their hearts are fuller. As many songs and films have shown over the years, it is not poverty or wealth that determines how rich one is, but in the family and people they have to share their lives with. For Henry and Laura, they tolerate one another but do not feel that passion and connection. Laura is more devoted to her children and Henry is devoted to his work on the farm. Between Hap and Florence, however, there is great wealth. Hap dreams of being able to own a farm himself and work his own land instead of another man’s land, but as he admits, it is perhaps not the time in America for a black man to own land, as having a deed to the land is hardly enough in the deeply racist Mississippi town in which they live. Florence wishes to fulfill this dream with him and provide extra income through caring for the McAllan children alongside Laura. However, though they struggle and are constantly pushed back down to the ground, they are nonetheless capable of pulling themselves out due to the connections they have with one another. There is a bond that they have that is forged not just in religion but in love and togetherness.
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It is this love and togetherness that lends itself to the discussion of racism in the film. All things in Mudbound are bound to the mud. It is the soil beneath everybody, but also the footing that keeps this city and town firmly planted in the past and unable to move forward. Things such as racism and hatred dominate, while paved streets of Germany and Belgium prove to a welcome relief of both racism and hatred for Ronsel while in battle. It is there that he falls in love with a white girl, which eventually causes him great problems at home in Mississippi but it always serves as a beacon of remembrance that things do not have to be this way. White and black can live together if only they recognize the similarities between them. This is nothing but fantasy in Mississippi, however, in which the town is run by the KKK and Pappy is one of the chief members of the racist gang of losers. Striking fear into the heart of every black person they encounter, the KKK take no “insult” lightly and dole out barbaric “justice” to the black people they feel have stepped out of line. It is a traumatizing work in this endeavor leading one of the most chilling moments in recent film history once Pappy discovers that Ronsel had a child with the white girl in Germany. Rallying his KKK friends, the group tie up Ronsel. Having bonded greatly with Jamie over their war experiences and with Jamie have come to learn that there is nothing separating the races other than hatred, Jamie comes to his defense only to have to witness the mutilation that Ronsel is forced to endure. Thus, the racism in Mudbound is not just suggested. It is engrained in the very fabric of this film, as it is ingrained and buried deep within the mud and soil of this land. It is inseparable and even white people like Jamie who try to offer a loving hand amidst the sea of hate are forced to suffer for their love as the racists that run the town hate “race traitors” as much as they hate black people. It is a traumatizing, tragic, and achingly honest portrayal of racism that is just Pappy calling blacks the n-word, but also in the fear, trauma, and terror that racism instills. Every little action taken by Ronsel or another black person in this film is scrutinized, criticized, and possibly even admonished if not done properly. Signs advertising that a store “serves whites only” or the colored section of a bus are visual signs of the racism, but it is the strict enforcement of the racism that provides Mudbound with so much of its drama, its terror, and its honesty.
The film’s portrayal of Ronsel as a war hero in a tank who learned that Europeans do not hold the same prejudices as the Americans is similarly powerful, in how it shows the impact of the war. This theme of the war is a major element of this film and, for Ronsel, it offers hope. Yes, he saw sadness and horrors in Europe, but it shows him that white and black can live with one another in harmony and with love. It is only in America that he, in uniform, is admonished for wearing a uniform and cornered in a local food market. For him, he sees just how things have not changed. A lot of him wants to return to Germany for the girl, but also for the culture and the people who accepted him. He sees how stuck behind his country is and how it can never accept him due to his race and in spite of his accomplishments in the name of the United States. It is a powerful display of the impact or lack thereof of war on the minds of the citizens left behind. For them, a black soldier returning home is no more than a black man who needs to learn to not wear his uniform. Compared to Jamie, Ronsel takes a far sunnier view of what occurred to him due to the togetherness and love he felt in Europe. Mudbound, however, takes the time to develop the issues faced by Jamie as well. Alongside Laura, Jamie is the only one to not harbor great hatred for blacks. He is, thus, given the room to explore his PTSD and his issues that bring him closer to Ronsel and lead to his alcohol issues in the film. Of all the characters in the film, it is hard not to sympathize with Jamie and Ronsel the most as they are the ones who have given up so much of themselves in war and left behind a piece of their lives in Europe only to arrive back in America to face further violence, animosity, and misunderstanding, due to the weight that they carry on their shoulders.
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In addition to the brilliant thematic development of the film, Mudbound’s cinematography is also of great note, capturing the endless brown and hard soil of the land that defines this picture with such tenderness and a brilliant eye for beauty. It is a film that lives off of long shots of the horizon with the orange, blue, or pinkish purple sky hanging over the sea of nothingness on this farm. No matter the brutality on display, the camerawork by cinematographer Rachel Morrison is always nothing less than exquisite in capturing the gorgeous dull colors of this period setting and the horrific violence and sadness that occurs. At times, it feels almost picture-esque with the color washed out or the gorgeous shots of the horizon. Rees seems to like these shots as a moment of tranquility amidst the sea of horror and, in watching the film, these quiet moments that show the potential beauty of this land highlights the tragedy that it has been the location of so much trauma.
Where Mudbound suffers, however, proves to be a great weakness that nearly holds it back entirely. It suffers from a great structural issue in which Rees’ adaptation feels stuck in the pages of the book it adapted. Anchoring moments with intrusive narration from the variety of characters at play, Mudbound often gets in its own way with how fractured its narrative can become with the narration feeling almost like chapters of a novel. It switches perspectives nicely and is likely there to help the film make coherent sense, but it often gets too wordy and too explanatory about one’s mindset entering a chapter in the film and, unfortunately, this just serves to take the steam out of the film far too much. Narration is often best used lightly and unintrusively. Mudbound can really serve as an example as to how to not use narration in a film. It is simply far too in the way and distracts from too much. One such result is rather lackluster characters with the film just not able to explore them in enough depth for how many are introduced. Ronsel and Jamie are often exceptions this due to the focus on racism and war that so often includes them. Characters such as Florence, Hap, Henry, and Laura, however, often find themselves on the backburner of this film and it is in large part due to the film’s general disinterest with them and its fractured narrative that, even when it shows things from their perspectives, does not provide them with enough meat to really delve into enough.
With a terrific ensemble cast led by excellent turns from Carey Mulligan, Garrett Hedlund, Jason Mitchell, and Mary J. Blige, Mudbound is a film that possesses great acting, strong direction, brilliant themes, and gorgeous cinematography. However, it is the writing in regards to the narrative structure and one-dimensional characters that often provide roadblocks and obstacles in the path of the film. Nonetheless, Mudbound is a moving, poignant, and incredibly timely film that shows the power hatred has and how it pales in comparison to the power that love and caring can bring into the world of darkness humanity has made for itself.
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lostsummerdayz · 5 years
Lost Summer Sunbeams #2: Player Spotlight - Aria Mikado
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By Nay Holland
Hello hello! Here we are, once again, back to another episode of Sunbeams! In case you missed the first chapter, where I covered the achievements of Mr. Deezee Kujaku, please check it out!
Our second spotlight this week will focus on an esteemed player and contributor within the FGC in her own right. Coming fresh from an ambitious project that brought a portion of the community together for a combo video, here’s our Sunbeams player spotlight, Aria Mikado!
If you hadn’t already seen this awesome video, please check it out below!
This was a community combo video project that brought over twenty different contributors over the span of thirty games, nearing to the total of a hundred different combos! This thirty-minute ode to fighting games can be seen as a love letter not just to the FGC, but to all various types of fighting games as a whole. If there was a fighting game, both known and obscure, that you could think of, chances are, it was featured.
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Due to how large this project was, the end result was a clean presentation with almost professional-like quality. When I asked her if she made something like this before, she had this to say.
AM: Basically a friend of mine and I were fans of the old school combo vids done in a similar manner. They kind of fell off over time, and we kinda felt like they needed to be a thing again. We like the concept of people pushing their creativity. We like seeing the skill on display. We like seeing people bring up games that didn't really get a lot of time to shine and showing off what they're about so people can maybe get interest in them.
Having a friend push you to do your best and vice versa is one of the best qualities anyone can have, especially in the community. Then came the inevitable question. How long has Aria been invested into fighting games? 
AM: I've been playing fighting games since I was really young. The earliest one I can actively remember, like most, is Street Fighter II. I played a variety of them, though, as years went on, and I just found myself more fascinated with what was possible in those games as opposed to JUST trying to figure out how efficiently I could bat someone around, though in some ways, they go hand-in-hand. Eventually, I just wanted to take the things I could learn to try to teach people things, or at the least, to try to show people something cool, if possible.
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Exploring “what’s possible” within said games is the cornerstone for new strategies being formed. This isn’t evident not just in fighting games when you “lab” in practice mode, but in other gaming communities as well. How does this tie into bringing people from various corners of the community onto the project? 
AM: My aim with the community combo video is always to bring people from different walks of life, at differing skill levels, together to give people a chance to show what they think is cool. For a lot of people I've talked to, there's a layer of intimidation when it comes to the concept of putting themselves out there, whether it's making tutorials or exhibition videos of any sort. My HOPE for the community CMVs is that they get to express themselves alongside others, and for them to be able to say "I was part of something cool."
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AM: We also want to be able to show our love for the FGC. Fighting games have a deep history, more than what's covered by just the games you see on the main tournament stages. The community CMVs usually bring a decent bit of variety, so people get to see games they may not have even known about.
And what about being a content creator?
AM: I think there's a good deal of importance to it, honestly. Whether you're an avid content creator or a steady tournament player, supporting the scenes for the games you love is important for keeping those games, and in turn, the FGC itself, strong. There's also the factor of sharing information. I'd like to think that everyone in the FGC has their place. Content creators that make exhibition and tutorial vids can often dig out things very quickly that even some of the best players can overlook, so circulating that kind of information can be crucial to the growth of a game.
Don’t just simply mistake her as someone who exclusively theory crafts and create cool videos for the masses. She’s also naturally a fighter and a competitor herself!
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AM: The first tournament I actually went to offline is Gwinnett Brawl, in Georgia. Pretty fun tourney experience, all things considered. It was a good starting point for someone like me that has severe anxiety issues, since it was an overall smaller venue. Personal hurdles aside, though, I've attended other locals, multiple Final Round tournies, and EVO, back in 2016. All fun experiences, and I got to meet friends I've known online for years, so massive bonus there.
AM: Just getting to see how I stacked up against others in games I loved playing was interesting, with EVO being the most prominent for me. Tied for 16th in the Nitroplus Blasterz side tourney that year, knocked into losers by one of my best friends, so I can't complain about that but so much. Definitely prefer being a content creator, though. I love to teach things when and where I can, and hope to help others progress if I can.
While at the time of writing, the thrill of competition has been placed on the backburner for Aria, the passion for fighting games hadn’t wavered. Perhaps a huge part of her identity is the voice she provides to others who are like her. An inclusive voice that the FGC has always been in need of.
As someone who is LGBT and isn’t afraid to identify with who she is as an individual, Aria represents the many members of the FGC who fights for inclusiveness.
I asked her what advice she could give to someone who is in the FGC that may find it difficult to come out and embrace their identity and individuality. I also asked about the current state of the FGC with its inclusion and representation of LGBT players.
AM: I think the representation of trans and non-binary players is integral to the overall growth of the FGC. Being accepting of LGBTQ+ players as a whole is important for ANY community, but the FGC in particular has seen its share of toxicity, both in a general sense, and in regards to bigotry within the community. As we've seen, though, the FGC is also capable of some truly amazing things when we come together, so players being supportive one another, regardless of orientation, is paramount to bringing more people in the community together. 
AM: As far as LGBTQ+ people who are hesitant to embrace who they are within the FGC, it's a tough road to walk in general, so it's understandable. Coming from someone who's been through troubles herself with coming out as trans to my family, It's all the more important that you accept and represent who you are, not only for yourself, but because your courage in doing so might in turn give others the boost THEY need to move forward and accept themselves. We have to support and care for one another. The FGC can be awesome for EVERYONE, and we can, and should show that.
A powerful answer from an equally powerful person. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you’re a high level competitor or a “casual” player. If you prefer to provide content via streaming or YouTube videos. Even if you’re writing about players and the FGC in general via articles! It doesn’t matter if you’re cis or LGBTQ+. 
Everyone who is a part of the FGC is all under one roof, one community. Watching her community combo video and seeing all of us, myself and my friends included, contribute. All of us from various backgrounds, various disciplines, and various histories. We can all come together to create something beautiful if we all put our heads together.
As far as Aria goes, expect a lot of things planned from her this year! Including a new super top secret YT channel! Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions once again!
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Check her out on these platforms! Twitter Youtube
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fitdietpills · 5 years
Gold Trim X Reviews Fat Burner| Fit Diet Pills
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I need to locate that won't break the budget. Perhaps what I have is a persuasion in relation to it. It is a cinch for most family members. As we know, here is my response to this question. Let's get into my insightful statements referring to that. It's how to control worrying with reference to that. If you can't figure out Weight Loss from your familiarity of the subject, then type it into the Internet. Evidently, this still felt a lot like Weight Loss redux. Your attitude with that sarcasm is fundamental. I'm using it right now. In my experience, what's the silver lining?
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