#Los Angeles Online Reputation Management
whimsiwitchy · 30 days
Controversially Young Girlfriend 
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Hugh Jackman x popstar!reader 
series masterlist & main masterlist
summary: y/n is a globally beloved pop star. She is known for her talent and dedication towards her craft. Recently, she has also been known for her preference for older men. After a breakup with her former older boyfriend, she had a run in with the hottest dilf right now, Hugh Jackman. Y/n tried to warn him, but what can she say, she has an effect on hot, older men. 
warnings: age gap (23/55), cursing, y/n used, implied shorter reader, afab reader, she/her pronouns. 
warnings will change as the story progresses! all descriptions of real people in this story are FAKE. i do not know these people and this is purely fiction. Please let me know if I missed anything! <33
authors note: this is an idea I had that I really needed to write. I’d love to make this a series if you guys want more, just let me know! This is only my second time writing fanfiction and my first time writing for Hugh, please be nice lol. Thank you for reading! <3
Part one: breakup and new beginnings 
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Being a young girl living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere made it seem impossible to live your dreams of becoming a singer. You grew up in a tiny little town in Louisiana called Minden. With a population of less than 15,000 people, the closest ‘big’ city being Shreveport, growing up was pretty boring. You had big dreams of making it big and making it the fuck out of the country. Minden wasn’t always so bad. It was a nice community that had fun things here and there, but you craved more. 
Once you graduated highschool back in 2020, you focused on working and saving as much money as you could, only buying essentials and equipment to help make music. You took a few online classes on producing and tried your best to make whatever song was bouncing around in your head come to life. It took a year for you to feel confident enough to release your first few songs out into the world. So in July of 2021, you teased a song on TikTok to your small following. You started to gain a few more followers here and there, it was exciting. At the end of August, you released your first song titled ‘to the point’ and it blew up on the clock app. You gained a hefty following after that, on the brink of hitting one million. 
By the end of 2022, deciding on Los Angeles, you had finally saved enough money to move, so you were packing your bags and heading out. Your agent was ecstatic about the move because it meant more opportunities for your career. After releasing a few more songs over the past year, you hired Stacy to help you manage everything. 
Fastwording to 2024, your dreams have come true and you have been an established and respected artist for almost two years. You started to build a reputation as someone who was dedicated and passionate about their craft- always being involved in any creative process. It was bliss. Lately though, you’ve gained another reputation, the controversial young girlfriend, a whore, a gold digger. Since you’ve been in the spotlight, you’ve had your fair share of dating history and if they all happened to be older men, so what? It wasn’t something you had planned on but older men were just built differently. They were so much sexier and put together than the guys your age. They knew what they were doing and how to treat a woman right. You were so tired of being asked out through instagram direct messages, you wanted someone who wasn’t afraid to talk to you in person, and that seemed to only come from men twice your age. You weren’t complaining though, you enjoyed it. 
Your last ‘scandalous’ relationship ended up being far more public than you intended it to be. In the beginning, the men you were seen with were never anything serious, just dates or one night stands. Though with Pedro it was different. You dated him for six months before it all came crashing down and you felt heartbroken. He was the sweetest man you’d ever been with and it all ended because the hate from fans on our age gap was too much for him. It was an ugly breakup and you were positive that he wouldn’t want to be associated with you anymore, even as friends. 
“I should have picked a different song.” You huff in frustration. Today you were going to be performing on BBC’s Radio 1 Live Lounge and as requested, you'd be performing your own song and a cover of your choosing. When Stacy first presented this opportunity to you, it had only been a month after your recent breakup and naturally you chose to cover ‘THE GREATEST’ by Billie Eilish. Now that you were mostly over Pedro, the song seemed silly to sing and you weren’t feeling as vocally confident now that you were here. 
“Babe, you’re gonna kill it! Just let your emotions flow, give the fans what they want.” Stacy is sitting across the room as she comforts you. She’s fidgeting with your vocal humidifier, attempting to put it together before you start warming up. Her advice isn’t terrible, she’s right. You’d been pretty silent on the subject matter, steering clear of social media so you wouldn’t say anything stupid. Rumors of your breakup had been all over the headlines but there hasn’t been confirmation from either of you. Singing this song today would definitely stir the pot again and make everyone realize that it is done between you two. 
“You’re right.” 
“As always. Here, start warming up the money maker.” She laughs while handing you the humidifier. 
“I really hope he doesn’t watch it. I’d literally smash my head into a brick wall out of embarrassment…” 
Placing the humidifier over your mouth and nose, you sit there letting your mind wander. Having your personal life exposed to everyone really sucked and hiding your boyfriends wasn’t something you wanted to do, but you knew that in the future it was something that would have to happen. 
“I think I’m taking a break from men.” You let out proudly, glancing over at Stacy. 
“Whatever you say girl.” You could hear the doubt lingering in her tone and the roll of her eyes. 
“Ugh… You don’t believe me do you? I can totally break off from men and be my own person for once.” 
“I’m not trying to doubt you babe. It’s just…You tend to attract men like a magnet and you have some severe daddy issues.” She's typing away on her laptop as if she didn’t just completely disrespect you. 
“I don’t have daddy issues.” You say flatly. “I happen to have a very loving father who was always present in my life, so the whole dating older men thing does NOT stem from daddy issues. Thank you very much.” You say matter of factly. 
“Hm..Well I give it a week.” 
After a few sound checks for your mic and band, you perform your first song. You chose a more upbeat song off your debut album to start, given that you were about to lay your heart out of the line. It was honestly kind of awkward performing in this setting. There was a booth in front of you that had the sound board and all of the other electronic stuff that you didn’t understand. Then right to the left of that, the cameras were positioned with a group of crew members sitting behind them. It always felt awkward performing to smaller audiences. 
The first song went by smoothly, earning a few cheers from the people in the room. As the band prepared for the next song, you could see the door in the booth open and two figures walk in. You weren’t wearing your glasses or contacts since it was supposed to be a short day, so you really couldn’t make out who had just walked in. You assumed more workers came in and brushed it off. 
“All ready?” A man behind the camera asks and you give a thumbs up. 
You somehow managed to get through the song without having any vocal mess ups. It was a challenging song and you'd definitely have to text Billie later to give her some credit. A few tears slipped here and there, feeling the emotions that you thought were gone slowly be released. You pulled yourself together and you felt really proud of the performance as a whole, showing the world the potential your voice had. 
A few soft claps are dying out as everyone starts cleaning up the room. You’re reaching down to grab your water bottle when you feel someone rushing up towards you. 
“Ahhh you did great babe but um two hot dudes will be walking through that door any second!” Stacy is whispering and all you could do was give her a confused look before the door opens. You squint trying to make out the two figures. 
“God you’re talented!” You hear the voice before you see the face. 
“Oh um, thank you so much.” You let out not really sure who you were speaking to. Once the two men get into view, your jaw drops slightly. 
“HOLY SHIT!” You yell a little too loudly. Slapping your hand over your mouth, you hear a very rich man laugh coming from a very good looking man. For some reason, whoever is in charge of the fate of the universe has blessed you with the presence of Ryan Reynalds and Hugh Jackaman. 
“Oh my god i’m so sorry, that’s literally so embarrassing. I just couldn’t see who you were at first.” 
“It’s okay sweetheart.” They both wear big smiles on their faces. 
“I’m y/n, it’s so nice to meet y’all, i’m a big fan!” You gush out, trying your best to refrain from fangirling. 
“We’re big fans as well. We were next door interviewing for the radio show, when we heard you were recording over here. We ran over here to try to catch you.” Ryan lets out. 
“No shit! That’s so cool. I really appreciate it.” Before the conversation could continue, Ryan is being called over by someone, leaving Hugh and yourself alone. 
“Hows Pedro, haven't seen him in awhile.” Hugh asks genuinely, giving you a small smile. It caught you off guard completely. You racked your brain trying to think of a time in your six month relationship that Pedro mentioned Hugh at all but nothing came up. 
“Oh I uh- I wouldn’t know. We aren’t together anymore.” Your voice is soft, trying not to make this any more awkward. 
“Shit. I’m so sorry, with the way he spoke about you, I thought you’d be together longer…” He trails off. 
“Yea me too.. he couldn’t handle the heat I guess.” You shrug. 
“Well, his loss yea?” He smiles trying to cheer you up. 
“Yea..” You say softly, your voice matching your smile. You take a moment to really look at him and he’s beyond handsome. He’s aged but in a way that makes you wish you were able to see the years go by with him. He was tall, almost towering over you, and his muscles were practically popping out of his shirt. 
The same guy that was walking to Ryan, gathers the three of you for a picture for the BBC socials. You stand in the middle, both men placing their arms behind either side of you. Hugh’s hand was placed on the small of your back. You looked up at him quickly, his face already smiling at the camera. You hear the camera go off a few times, causing you to look that way as well. Once the cameraman was satisfied, everyone gave their goodbyes and the room cleared out. 
Later that night you were scrolling through your phone when a text popped up from Stacy. 
Stacypoo <33: I told you. You couldn’t even go a week. ;) 
The text is accompanied by a screenshot of a notification stating that “‘thehughjackman’ started following you!”. You rushed to open instagram and went to your followers to search from his name. You stared at his page for a few minutes before following him back. 
While you had control over your own social media, someone handled all of your business related content. You went on your page to see that the picture that was taken at BBC earlier today was already posted with one comment standing out beyond the rest. 
Thehughjackman: Great meeting you sweetheart! :)
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Thank you for reading <3
part two
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llittletingoddess · 8 months
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«When the night comes, the stars begin to shine and the greatest crimes begin to come into life»
part 1 of multiply
°•○ warnings: age gap, slow burn, original character, cursing, smoking, drinking, mentions of death, mentions of murder, mentions of abduction, manipulation, abuse, national hate, politics mention, discrimination
°•○ Note from Author: Here it is, my first-ever work that was written on English! I'm so excited to finally share it with you all. This was a spontaneous idea but it came out so good so far! I'm really can't wait to show you what I'm cooking for the final, and truthfully - you've already seen a spoiler, but shh! Hope you will enjoy this very first piece I did, and I promise - I won't forget about updating it! Have fun and leave your comment if you'll like the text! I love you all <3
1. From The Start
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles.. the city of stars, dreams, fame and lights. The image of the perfect american life as they could tell. Money rivers, cameras, the most popular people are living here, basking in the Californian sun and sipping their thousands dollars-worthy drinks. The perfect picture of a Hollywood life perfectly hid its other side, that Los Angeles tried to hide so desperately. 
Los Angeles.. the city of crime, blood, money and murders. When the night comes, the stars begin to shine and the greatest crimes begin to come into life. No one knows who it is, no one knows how deep and long this network is and especially - how to stop it.
And while famous people represent the golden side of the city, its darker side getting their weapons ready to kill them all.
How could you possibly have any agreements with Russia being American in such dark and dangerous times? No one knows. Not the President, not the Government, and not even the Pentagon. But when you have money and the possibility to break the system - surprisingly everything’s possible. Especially when you have friends in the FBI that could easily cover you, one of the best PR managers in the world and the perfect reputation, at least you think so. And even the danger of World War can’t stop money going into your pocket when you are one of the richest people in the world. Actually, it has many advantages.
  Living on the golden side of this life was a pleasure. He worked hard for years to get what he was now. Interviews, luxury meetings with the first class people of the world, a place in the Forbes’ lists of the richest, the most influential people of the planet, the prettiest girls to spend nights with, rivers of alcohol, a few yachts and a successful business - his life was perfect. The name of James Hetfield was known and he was so proud of who he has become. 
It all started from a small project that should’ve failed on the day of its release. A small network of musical markets that were developed into the biggest music store in the world. James was passionate about music. He loved to play guitar and in his younger days he wanted to have a band to play. But with lots of circumstances this idea was scrapped but not forgotten. Instead, he decided to invest in music. It all started with a small instrument market that had a low percentage of sales. It was meant to die from the start, but everything changed when his markets began to make custom instruments. 
And now, decades later, he was the owner of the biggest music market in the world which continued to develop. The network of markets, online-shops, custom salons, music labels - it all came from one passionate idea. Was James proud? Oh hell yeah he was.
James was a good-looking man, though he didn’t think about himself in such a way. Though he was one of the richest people on Earth, he was pretty down to it, and for that he was loved even more and had his perfect reputation he was proud of. No one knew about his connection with the FBI, which he hid so carefully. Though he was in his late fifties, his age wasn’t a problem for him. He was married to one of the most popular models of America, but it was obvious that this marriage had nothing with things they called “love” and “happiness”. 
Truthfully, he never was really happy. His parents never supported his passion for music, they never supported him at all. When he said that he’ll start his own music market his father yelled at him for being stupid and investing money in “crap”. If only he could see who his son has become.. Sadly, James’ parents died in a car crash, and that made his persona even more hard-working and cold-hearted.
His latest concept, the music app that gained one billion customers in half a year, was that one project James wanted to move to Russia, avoiding all the sanctions. It was planned to be big! Whilst James’ rivals kept losing their customers, his brand will keep growing. All he left to do was to have a private meeting with Russian investors and sign the deal. Just a touch of the pen and he will create history - getting american dollars from silly Russian people. 
The only problem his brand could possibly meet was its own Russian market. Their culture provided the support of motherhood products, and having a new rival on the monopoly would be an experience. He should know what to expect from this opportunity, so now he spends all his days in his office, reading information about the Russian market, its opportunities and advantages. But even though he acted legally, the promo campaign of his app was started way earlier to prepare people for the upcoming sensation. And how he was satisfied when he fooled Russian investors and got the client base from Russia! But now, to avoid all the problems, he needed to make it official. All he saw now is the biggest deal in the history of his brand with perfect terms and conditions and big investments for its development in Russia. Pure perfection.
But James didn’t know that perfection is a lie.
• • •
Moscow, Russia
While everyone thought that Russia is a cold and unfriendly place, Moscow proved that it could greet everyone with some style and grace. Old Soviet buildings mixed with modern skyscrapers, lots of cultural and historical monuments that were slowly fading in the time and nature gave the megapolis some charm that make Russia so popular for foreign tourists. Everyone was curious to see the Kremlin’s House, The Red Square and Lenin's grave. Russia had a lot of story behind it and it definitely had a lot to show to the one who was interested in it.
But she wasn’t.
Modern Russia was different from its big ancestor. Now it looked like an infamous nineties era, with its bands and leaders of all classes, but there was one big difference - now these leaders were one of the world’s biggest mafias, setting their own rules and killing everyone who was against their politics. Russia was a big totalitarian country which despised any western innovations. But more than that, they despised America as their main rival. And their newest position against America worked so damn good for them as a plan to get rid of the western stuff they hated. They thought it influenced their children, doing an american propaganda for the zombified Putin’s nation. And sanctions were the perfect plan for the russification of the youth and the younger generation.
Things got different though when they got a private partnership suggestion from Blackened Ltd, a private American musical brand which was focused on music. A nice business partnership to avoid politics and sanctions, to bring good money to the States and give Russian customers some quality service avoiding sanctions. It was a good idea, right? But the Russian mafia didn’t think so. After a big council meeting with russian musical directors from Yandex and VK it was obvious that the american suggestion was declined. But it turned out that the American businessman wasn’t that easy when Russian services began to lose their audience during the VPN usage for the Blackened App. After some investigation they found out that Blackened Ltd. created a promo campaign that was focused on the russian audience, and it was the point when the unofficial world monopoly war began.
She sat in the crowded carriage, listening to the useless Russian small talks and smirked at how easy life was for them no matter that the country was one leg in a world war. Someone was worried about a gift for his girlfriend, another one shared their opinions about other nations, races and even sexuality of people. Why do they care so much? She didn’t understand why Russians were so cold and mad. She lived there for five years and she felt like she was the slave of the regime. No right to love who you wanna love, you can’t say anything provocative cause you’d be in a prison immediately, and the police officers everywhere she went just made her feel herself tensed. Even if she worked for the first heads of Russia now, it didn’t make her feel less protected when she was just a simple citizen. Even though, she was an American, and this whole nation hated America. They thought that the american nation should die and it didn’t make the situation better.
She was known as “The Wild Rose” for her abilities to plan her murders and her clean work. Every loud political murder was caused by her and she was still untouchable. Police couldn’t find her and when she was almost caught her boss covered her with a big bag of money. They called her one of the best when it came to observation and spying, they called her one of the best when it comes to the murder. And even though she had some serious rivals to contest with, they always rooted for her. 
Leah Bennett was a quiet girl from the Florida coast. She was the only child in her family, and somehow, her parents weren’t too joyful with her presence in their family. Her dad was an alcoholic, her mother was an animal. She always said that Leah is not enough, whatever she did - if she did not get the highest grade in the school, if she didn’t take out the trash immediately after her mother told her, if she didn’t help, doing her own business and so much other stuff. Her father yelled and beat her, telling that she would never become a big person and would never do anything good for her family. But she did. 
Killing her parents was the first time Leah tried blood in her life. Even though it was spontaneous, she felt a relief when she cut her father’s head in pieces with an axe. Police began an operation to neutralise her, to make her suffer for what she did, and that’s when her journey began. She needed to run away. Leah was hidden within homeless people, fighting for a plate of soup and killing some more people to stay alive. This time she did way better, without witnesses and blood stains on her clothes. When her parents’ story calmed down she came back home, living without electricity to not cause neighbours to call the police again. 
She was an average girl - blue eyes, dark curly hair, the type of girl high school boys would like but they never did. Leah was a quiet girl that preferred to stay alone than enjoy big companies of people, reading detectives and showing surprisingly good results in Sports and Maths. If only she knew how these skills will help her in her future..
When she was 18 she was kidnapped by a russian agent and deported to Russia to be trained by the best killers in Russia. At first, Leah did small kills for small money that didn’t make any sense, but the better she became the more she wanted. And that’s how her international fame as “The Wild Rose” began. Leah didn’t know why Russians picked her as their great weapon against the world's biggest money networks, but as long as she was paid and she was safe - she didn’t care. 
She missed America though… It was a good moment of nostalgia for her when she had some missions there - from small kill to big, she felt way better being on her own field instead of grey Russia’s panel houses. Her biggest wish was to stay in America and continue her work there, in her Motherland, but Russians always watched her - being an American for them was almost the same thing as being a black man for a white racists. Though they raised her and made her a professional, they didn’t trust Leah - neither did she. 
Leah finally left the carriage with a heavy sigh of relief, slowly walking to the place of her destination. She looked at the people and she understood why everyone called Russians the grumpiest nation in the world. Everyone was just so sad, so grumpy and unfriendly that sometimes it made Leah pissed. She had no mood to live and breathe, she felt like a bird in a cage in Russia, and her masters enjoyed it. She put on her earpods and turned on some metal to try and increase her mood. This was the only way for her to set herself on the right wave before her tasks.. This morning she received a message about her newest victim and it was time to find out some more details. Leah begged for it to be some annoying American when she could kill and finally escape her cage. She didn’t know what she would do there - get herself a house? Adopt a cat? Get a lover? It was boring.. 
Leah knew that she would have some time to think about it on her way to the mission. She put on a smile to annoy some strangers and walked to the headquarters of her bosses. Today she had a big hope for the better…
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mirageofficial · 2 years
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𖤐 ⤸ ₊ ִ ˚ ࣪ ˖ MIRAGE is a group that consists of five members that is managed under KQ ENTERTAINMENT. the quintet is well-known for being kq’s first ever girl group, and the company’s first act since the debut of the boy group, ATEEZ. the company initially planned for the group to be rap-centric, but many potential candidates for the final lineup showed that this would be hard to accomplish. so, with their final debut in february 2020, the lineup ended up featuring nari ,, eunae ,, xepher ,, nako ,, and arin as a k-pop act with no officially confirmed positions — only ones given by fans. the group’s debut mini album, LUCID DREAMING : LEVEL1, was a viral success online due to the group’s catchy choreography and intricate visage thanks to the video direction of the tracks, BLACK MAMBA, LUCID DREAM, & NEXT LEVEL. as their name + lore suggests, their concept explores illusions, time traveling, & also displays a battle of resisting temptation with a sound that never remains in the same genre per comeback.
⩇﹒⺌ more below the cut﹒﹗﹒
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mirage was originally meant to be managed under DOOMSDAY RECORDS, a new subsidiary label from kq that would be launched with the group’s debut. but, the new label was scrapped in order to ensure the new group had enough funding to present eye-catching content in the future. aside from 3/5 being main lyricists, the group is 85% fluent in english, and often add not only english versions of title tracks but also original songs for international fans. they’ve been releasing english songs since their second comeback, presenting listeners with the b-side RE-LAPSE + english versions of their songs WANNA-BE and A LITTLE DIFFERENT. other english songs (both variants and originals) include STARLIGHT ,, TIPTOE ,, LOCO ,, LOVE ME / LEAVE ME ,, & THE HAPPIEST GIRL. due to their popularity around the world, there’s speculation that the group will release an english project before a japanese one.
the group is known for a unique lineup for a multitude of reasons, but the biggest one of all is due to their third youngest member (1999) being the group leader — this is because the oldest member and los angeles-born, nari, was born in 1996 & is also one of the oldest artists under kq. xepher was crowned leader not for her training time, but for being the company’s first female trainee with leadership qualities. when counting the longest training time, former PLEDIS ENTERTAINMENT trainee + maknae, arin, started in early 2013 and was on produce 48 prior to joining kq in 2017.
the members were revealed without further announcements in age order, they were called the KQ GIRLZ (the female version of KQ FELLAZ, a traditional pre-debut project) before their official name was confirmed. the lineup caused a lot of commotion, as it included eunae, the younger sister of former PENTAGON member, jihun, and the former TOMORROW X TOGETHER member, SOUL. before txt, soul was one of the original kq trainees that were supposed to debut in ateez, but ended up getting signed by BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT. she participated in only a handful of promotions for THE DREAM CHAPTER: STAR before dispatch exposed her newfound relationship with yuto from pentagon. she was already heavily disliked by most from the very start due to being the only female, and multiple sources predicted that after the downfall of GLAM many would try to sabotage her career before it had even begun. though bighit is rumored to cover up potential scandals of other artists before the public finds out, soul’s was not one of them. it certainly did ruin everything ahead, it would completely destroy her reputation + relationship with bighit — so she left both the group & company, disappearing from the public eye from may 2019 until february 2020. desperate to complete mirage and solidify a lineup, soul was signed back into kq despite her scandal & re-debuted under her birth name, nako. since returning right after eunae completed her training, both girls would become the final additions to the group’s roster.
today, mirage has become an example of a group becoming popular outside the big three companies, they are very vocal about trying to grow up, mature from past mistakes, and their strange yet close bond. with four EPs, a single album, and two full LPs, mirage is becoming a force to be reckoned with — and seemingly, very used to adapting to whatever life throws in front of them.
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GROUP NAME ╱ mirage (신기루)
DEBUT DATE ╱ february 7, 2020
FANDOM NAME ╱ promise
GREETING ╱ “looking for a miracle? hello, we are mirage!”
COLOR PALETTE ╱ quick silver (#9BA79D) + english lavender (#C17896)
— LUCID DREAMING : LEVEL1 [2020, mini album]
— TREASURE MAP : LEVEL2 [2020, mini album]
— THE QUEEN’S JEWELS : FINAL ROUND [2020, mini album]
— WE NEED LOVE [2021, single album]
— FESTIVAL [2021, first album]
— ONEIRIC [2022, mini album]
— THIS IS A MIRAGE [2022, second album]
— REBIRTH [2023, mini album]
— SUCKER PUNCH! [2023, first english album]
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[1996 ; kim jiwon ; NARI] ╱ main dancer, lead vocalist, lead rapper, writer
[1998 ; jeon taryn ; EUNAE] ╱ main vocalist, lead dancer, sub-rapper, visual
[1999 ; shin ailee ; XEPHER] ╱ leader, main rapper, main dancer, sub-vocalist, writer, face of the group (performance)
[1999 ; kang nako ; NAKO] ╱ main rapper, lead vocalist, writer, face of the group (acting)
[2000 ; park arin ; ARIN] ╱ maknae, main vocalist, sub-rapper, main visual, face of the group (modeling)
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SOUL'S OLD TAGLIST: @skzfairies @m00niesk7 (let me know if you’d like to remain on the taglist! or if you’re new, to just join!)
[ NOTE ] nako, formerly known as soul & is now a revamped oc, was originally going to be a standalone addition to TXT. as time went on, i felt like she would have more potential in a girl group!
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junkbeegoneca · 1 year
Eco Friendly Junk Removal Near Me
5 Key Factors To Consider When Hiring An Eco-Friendly Junk Removal Service
When it comes to junk removal, many people are now looking for eco-friendly options. Hiring an Eco friendly junk removal near me service not only helps you get rid of unwanted items, but also ensures that they are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.
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But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right one? In this article, we will discuss five key factors to consider when hiring an eco-friendly junk removal service. 
Environmental Certifications And Practices
When hiring an eco-friendly junk removal service, it's crucial to consider their environmental certifications and practices, ensuring they're actively working towards a greener and cleaner future.
Look for certifications which demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices. Additionally, inquire about their recycling and disposal methods. 
Recycling And Waste Management Policies
To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, make sure to check out the recycling and waste management policies of the Junk removal near me company you're interested in.
It is important to hire an eco-friendly junk removal service that prioritizes recycling and proper waste management. Look for a company that has clear policies in place for sorting and separating waste materials to maximize recycling efforts. 
Use Of Sustainable And Non-Toxic Materials
By utilizing sustainable and non-toxic materials, a junk removal company can ensure that their operations are environmentally conscious and promote a healthier and greener future.
When hiring an eco-friendly junk removal service, it is crucial to consider their use of sustainable and non-toxic materials. These materials are designed to minimize harm to the environment and human health. 
Reputation And Reviews
A company's reputation speaks volumes about their commitment to providing quality and eco-friendly services. Look for companies that have a strong reputation for being reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible.
Online reviews can be a valuable source of information, as they provide insights into the experiences of previous customers.
Pay attention to the overall rating and read through both positive and negative reviews to get a comprehensive understanding of the company's performance. 
Pricing And Cost Transparency
When evaluating different Eco friendly Junk removal Los Angeles, it is essential to take into consideration the transparency of their pricing and costs. Pricing and cost transparency play a crucial role in choosing the right service provider.
A reputable eco-friendly junk removal company should provide clear and upfront pricing information to its customers.
They should offer detailed pricing options based on factors such as the volume of junk, the type of materials being removed, and any additional services required. 
Hiring an eco-friendly junk removal service is a great way to ensure that your unwanted items are disposed of responsibly.
When selecting a company, it’s important to consider their environmental certifications and practices, recycling and waste management policies, use of sustainable and non-toxic materials, reputation and reviews, as well as pricing and cost transparency. By doing so, you can ensure that you get the best service for your unique needs. 
At Junk Bee Gone, we prioritize environmental responsibility and sustainability in order to provide a quality junk removal experience and offer same day junk removal near me.
Contact us today to learn more about how our services can help make a difference. Our experts are here to help with all of your eco-friendly junk removal needs!
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aertfzsdgysr · 3 days
Reliable HVAC Repair in Los Angeles: Keeping Your Home Comfortable All Year Round
Why Regular HVAC Maintenance Matters
HVAC systems work year-round to keep your home’s temperature regulated, but continuous use can lead to wear and tear. Just like your car, your HVAC unit requires regular tune-ups to operate efficiently and avoid unexpected breakdowns. Proper maintenance ensures your heating and cooling system runs smoothly, extends the life of the equipment, and helps you save on energy bills.
A well-maintained system also improves air quality. Los Angeles, hvac repair los angeles notorious for its smog and pollution, can have an impact on the air quality inside your home. A clean and functional HVAC system filters out pollutants, dust, and allergens, ensuring that you and your family breathe clean, healthy air. Regular maintenance helps ensure your unit stays in peak condition and operates efficiently, even in extreme weather.
Common HVAC Issues in Los Angeles Homes
The local climate can push HVAC systems to their limits. The frequent use during long, hot summers means that certain components of your air conditioner may wear out faster. Some common issues include:
Refrigerant Leaks: If your air conditioner is not cooling efficiently, a refrigerant leak might be the cause. Low refrigerant levels make it hard for the system to cool the air properly.
Clogged Filters: Dust, pet hair, and other debris can block your system's filters, making it harder for the HVAC unit to circulate air, leading to inefficiency or even damage.
Thermostat Malfunctions: When your thermostat fails, your HVAC system may not operate correctly, causing temperature fluctuations or improper heating and cooling cycles.
Electrical Problems: Worn-out wiring or broken capacitors can cause the system to stop working altogether or lead to uneven performance.
Signs You Need HVAC Repair
Recognizing when your HVAC system needs attention can prevent bigger, los angeles hvac contractor costlier problems. Here are some key signs that it’s time to call a professional HVAC repair service in Los Angeles:
Inconsistent Temperatures: If certain rooms in your home are too cold or too hot, it may signal an issue with your HVAC system’s airflow.
Unusual Noises: Grinding, banging, or squealing noises coming from the HVAC unit usually indicate mechanical issues or loose components.
Poor Airflow: Weak airflow from your vents may be a sign of a blocked duct or a failing blower motor.
High Energy Bills: A sudden spike in your energy bill can signal that your HVAC system is working harder than necessary due to inefficiency.
Foul Odors: Musty or burning smells coming from the vents could point to mold or electrical problems.
Why Choose Professional HVAC Repair Services
While DIY solutions might seem tempting, professional HVAC repair is the best way to ensure long-lasting and efficient results. Experienced technicians can diagnose problems accurately, make necessary repairs, and provide routine maintenance to prevent future issues. Licensed HVAC repair services in Los Angeles come equipped with the expertise and tools needed to fix a wide range of issues.
Professional repair services not only save you time and effort but also prevent safety hazards. Electrical components, refrigerants, and gas lines should only be handled by certified technicians who know how to manage these elements safely.
Finding the Right HVAC Repair Service in Los Angeles
When choosing an HVAC repair company in Los Angeles, look for experienced, licensed, and insured professionals. Ask for referrals, read online reviews, and choose a service with a reputation for reliability and excellent customer service. Additionally, many HVAC companies offer maintenance plans, which can help you stay ahead of potential problems and keep your system in top shape all year round.
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laccarservice · 10 days
The Ultimate Guide to Corporate Black Car Service in Los Angeles
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Los Angeles, a city synonymous with glitz, glamour, and relentless hustle, demands efficiency and style, especially when it comes to corporate travel. Navigating LA’s sprawling landscape can be a daunting task, but not when you have a reliable corporate black car service at your disposal. Whether you’re heading to a high-stakes business meeting, entertaining clients, or simply trying to make it through the city’s infamous traffic with some sanity intact, a black car service offers a blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience that’s hard to beat.
Why Choose a Corporate Black Car Service?
Professionalism and Punctuality: For business travelers, time is of the essence. Corporate black car services prioritize punctuality, ensuring that you or your guests arrive at your destination on time, every time. The chauffeurs are not just drivers; they are seasoned professionals trained to provide top-tier service, handle your luggage, and ensure a smooth, stress-free journey.
Comfort and Luxury: After a long flight or a day full of meetings, the last thing you want is to deal with cramped taxis or confusing ride-share apps. Black car services offer high-end vehicles equipped with plush seating, climate control, and Wi-Fi, allowing you to relax or catch up on work while en route.
Impress Clients and Partners: First impressions matter, especially in business. Arriving in a sleek black car sends a message of success and professionalism. It’s an excellent way to make clients and partners feel valued and ensure that your business stands out.
Reliable and Safe: Safety is a top priority for black car services. The vehicles are meticulously maintained and frequently inspected to meet the highest standards. Plus, with professional chauffeurs who are familiar with LA’s roads and traffic patterns, you’re in safe hands.
Seamless Experience: From easy online booking and 24/7 customer support to real-time updates and flexible cancellation policies, corporate black car services are designed to offer a seamless experience tailored to the busy executive’s needs.
Key Features of Corporate Black Car Services in Los Angeles
Diverse Fleet Options: Choose from a wide range of luxury vehicles, including sedans, SUVs, and even larger vehicles for group travel. Whether you need a discreet sedan for a solo trip or an SUV for your team, there’s a vehicle to suit every need.
Airport Transfers: Avoid the chaos of LAX or any other Los Angeles airport with prompt and professional airport transfer services. Your chauffeur will monitor your flight status to ensure timely pickups and drop-offs, even if your flight is early or delayed.
Hourly and Point-to-Point Services: Whether you need a vehicle for the entire day or just for a single trip, corporate black car services offer flexible options to accommodate your schedule. Hourly rates allow you to keep a car on standby, while point-to-point services provide a direct route to your destination.
Confidentiality and Privacy: In business, privacy is paramount. Corporate black car services understand the need for discretion, providing a private environment where you can make calls, discuss confidential matters, or simply enjoy a moment of quiet without interruptions.
Dedicated Account Management: For companies that require regular transportation services, many black car providers offer dedicated account management. This includes customized billing, detailed ride reports, and personalized service to ensure all your corporate travel needs are met efficiently.
How to Choose the Right Corporate Black Car Service in Los Angeles
Reputation and Reviews: Look for services with positive feedback and a solid reputation for reliability and professionalism. Online reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations can provide valuable insights into a company’s performance.
Fleet Quality: Ensure that the service offers a modern and well-maintained fleet. The age, condition, and variety of vehicles can significantly impact your experience.
Chauffeur Expertise: The chauffeurs should be licensed, experienced, and knowledgeable about Los Angeles. Their ability to navigate traffic, suggest the best routes, and provide a professional demeanor is crucial.
Technology and Convenience: A user-friendly booking process, real-time tracking, and easy communication options are all hallmarks of a good black car service. Check if the service offers a mobile app or an online booking platform for added convenience.
Pricing Transparency: Ensure there are no hidden fees and that the service offers clear pricing structures. While corporate black car services are a premium option, transparency in pricing helps avoid unexpected costs.
For corporate travelers in Los Angeles, a black car service is not just a mode of transportation — it’s a strategic tool that enhances productivity, ensures reliability, and leaves a lasting impression. By choosing the right service, you can turn every journey into a seamless, stress-free experience, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: your business. Whether you’re in town for a conference, meeting clients, or managing a busy schedule of events, a corporate black car service is your ticket to navigating Los Angeles with style, comfort, and efficiency.
Ready to elevate your corporate travel experience in LA? Choose a black car service and travel like a VIP.
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jscleanum · 27 days
Maximize Productivity with Premium Commercial Cleaning Services in Los Angeles
In the bustling environment of Los Angeles, where businesses strive for excellence, maintaining a clean and organized workspace is vital. The link between a clean environment and enhanced productivity is well-established, making premium commercial cleaning services in los angeles an essential investment for any organization. This article explores how these services can maximize productivity, the benefits they offer, and the factors to consider when choosing a service provider.
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The Impact of Cleanliness on Productivity
A clean workplace is not just about aesthetics; it significantly affects employee morale, health, and productivity. Studies consistently show that a clean environment leads to higher job satisfaction and improved focus. Employees are less likely to be distracted by clutter or dust, allowing them to concentrate on their tasks.
In Los Angeles, where the competitive landscape is fierce, companies must leverage every advantage. A clean workspace reduces the risk of illness, as germs and allergens are minimized. This leads to fewer sick days and a more engaged workforce. Furthermore, a tidy environment fosters creativity and collaboration, encouraging employees to share ideas and work together effectively.
Benefits of Premium Commercial Cleaning Services
Investing in premium commercial cleaning services offers numerous advantages that go beyond mere cleanliness. Here are some key benefits:
Expertise and Experience: Professional cleaning services employ trained staff who understand the best practices for maintaining various types of workspaces. They use specialized techniques and equipment to ensure a thorough clean that might be overlooked by in-house teams.
Customized Cleaning Plans: Premium services often provide tailored cleaning schedules that fit the specific needs of a business. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning, these plans can adapt to the unique requirements of different industries.
Enhanced Health and Safety: A professional cleaning service uses high-quality products and methods that effectively eliminate germs and allergens. This is especially important in high-traffic areas where the spread of illness can significantly impact productivity.
Time and Cost Efficiency: By outsourcing cleaning tasks, businesses can free up their staff to focus on core activities. This not only boosts productivity but also saves on the costs associated with managing an in-house cleaning team.
Impression on Clients and Visitors: A clean office creates a positive first impression. For businesses that host clients or visitors, a tidy environment reflects professionalism and attention to detail, which can enhance reputation and foster trust.
Sustainability Practices: Many premium cleaning services are committed to environmentally friendly practices. They use green cleaning products and techniques that minimize environmental impact, appealing to businesses that prioritize sustainability.
Choosing the Right Commercial Cleaning Service
Selecting a commercial cleaning service in Los Angeles requires careful consideration. Here are some factors to evaluate:
Reputation and Reviews: Look for companies with a strong reputation and positive customer testimonials. Online reviews can provide insight into the reliability and quality of a service.
Range of Services: Ensure that the company offers a comprehensive range of cleaning services, including deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, window washing, and specialized services for unique environments.
Certification and Insurance: Verify that the cleaning service is certified and insured. This protects your business in case of accidents or damage during the cleaning process.
Flexibility and Availability: Choose a service that can accommodate your schedule. Some businesses may require cleaning outside of regular hours to avoid disruption.
Employee Training and Safety Protocols: Inquire about the training provided to cleaning staff. A reputable company will prioritize safety and ensure that employees are well-trained in the use of equipment and cleaning products.
The Long-Term Benefits of Professional Cleaning
Investing in premium commercial cleaning services is not just a short-term solution; it can lead to long-term benefits for a business. A clean environment contributes to employee retention, as workers are more likely to stay in a workplace where they feel comfortable and valued. Additionally, maintaining a pristine office can extend the lifespan of furniture and equipment, reducing replacement costs over time.
Moreover, businesses that prioritize cleanliness often see an uptick in employee performance. When staff members are not distracted by dirt or disorganization, they can better focus on their tasks. This enhanced focus can lead to increased output, innovation, and overall workplace harmony.
In the vibrant and competitive landscape of Los Angeles, maximizing productivity is essential for any business aiming for success. Premium commercial cleaning services play a crucial role in achieving this goal. By creating a clean, safe, and organized workspace, these services not only enhance employee well-being but also contribute to a positive work culture.
The benefits of investing in professional cleaning extend far beyond cleanliness—they encompass employee satisfaction, health, and ultimately, productivity. As businesses in Los Angeles continue to evolve and compete, partnering with a reliable commercial cleaning service can provide a significant advantage. By prioritizing cleanliness, companies can create an environment that fosters productivity, innovation, and success.
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webscarlet · 2 months
Wrecking Yards Los Angeles: Where to Recycle Your Old Car Parts
Welcome to the bustling world of wrecking yards in Los Angeles, a haven for automotive enthusiasts and eco-conscious individuals alike. In a city where cars are more than just a mode of transportation, disposing of old car parts can be quite the task. But fear not, as Los Angeles offers a myriad of wrecking yards ready to help you recycle your car parts — efficiently and sustainably. At the forefront of this industry is Atlas Iron & Metal Co., known for its dedication to turning recyclables into resources while providing excellent customer service. If you have questions or need assistance, feel free to call us at 800-540-5184.
Understanding Wrecking Yards in Los Angeles
Wrecking yards, also known as salvage or junkyards, play a pivotal role in the automotive ecosystem. They serve as the final resting place for vehicles that have seen better days and as treasure troves for those hunting for rare parts. In Los Angeles, the importance of these yards cannot be overstated. With an abundance of cars on the road, there comes a need for sustainable recycling.
Los Angeles junkyards like Atlas Iron & Metal Co. provide an essential service by recycling metal and other materials from vehicles, reducing the environmental impact. By doing so, they help cut down on the need for new raw materials, which in turn conserves energy and reduces pollution. It's a win-win for both consumers and the environment.
Why Choose Los Angeles for Car Part Recycling?
Wondering why you should consider Los Angeles wrecking yards for your car parts? Let's dive into a few reasons:
1. Environmental Impact
Recycling car parts significantly reduces the environmental footprint. According to the Automotive Recyclers Association, recycling one ton of steel saves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal, and 120 pounds of limestone. Imagine the impact when applied to millions of cars!
2. Cost-Effective Solutions
Wrecking yards offer an affordable alternative to new parts. Whether you're restoring a classic car or just need a replacement part, you'll often find what you need at a fraction of the cost.
3. Supporting the Local Economy
By choosing to recycle with local businesses like Atlas Iron & Metal Co., you're contributing to the local economy. These businesses provide jobs and support community initiatives, ensuring that money spent stays within your community.
How Wrecking Yards Work
Understanding the process of how wrecking yards operate can demystify the experience and make it more approachable for newcomers. Here's a quick overview:
Receiving and Assessing Vehicles
When a vehicle arrives at a wrecking yard, it's thoroughly assessed. Parts that are in good condition are extracted, cataloged, and stored for resale. The remaining materials are separated for recycling. This meticulous process ensures that nothing goes to waste.
Cataloging and Inventory
Advanced inventory systems keep track of every part available, making it easier for customers to find what they need. This also allows yards like Atlas Iron & Metal Co. to efficiently manage their stock and provide timely updates to clients on available parts.
Finding the Right Wrecking Yard in Los Angeles
With numerous options available, finding the right wrecking yard can feel overwhelming. Here are some tips to make your search easier:
Reputation and Reviews
Start by checking online reviews and ratings. A well-regarded yard like Atlas Iron & Metal Co. is likely to have numerous positive testimonials from satisfied customers. Word-of-mouth recommendations can also be invaluable.
Range of Services
Consider the range of services a yard offers. Beyond buying and selling parts, do they offer additional services like towing or vehicle pickup? Atlas Iron & Metal Co. is known for its comprehensive service offerings, making it a convenient one-stop shop.
Customer Service
A yard that prioritizes customer service will make the process smooth and stress-free. Look for yards that have knowledgeable staff ready to assist you with any questions or concerns.
The Benefits of Recycling Car Parts
Recycling car parts isn't just an environmentally friendly choice; it offers a host of other benefits as well:
Economic Savings
There are significant savings associated with recycled car parts. For consumers, purchasing used parts can lead to substantial cost reductions compared to buying new ones.
Preserving Resources
By recycling, we preserve finite resources. The production of new car parts requires large amounts of energy and raw materials. Recycling helps conserve these resources for future generations.
Creating Opportunities
The recycling industry creates jobs and stimulates economic growth. According to the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, the recycling industry supports more than 1.1 million U.S. jobs and generates $117 billion annually.
The Role of Atlas Iron & Metal Co.
Atlas Iron & Metal Co. stands out as a leader in the Los Angeles wrecking yard scene. With a commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction, they have garnered a reputation for excellence. Their state-of-the-art facilities and experienced staff ensure that every transaction is handled with care and precision.
Beyond recycling, Atlas Iron & Metal Co. offers educational resources to help customers understand the importance of recycling and the processes involved. Their commitment to transparency and community engagement sets them apart from the competition.
How to Get Started with Recycling Your Car Parts
Ready to recycle your car parts but not sure where to start? Here's a step-by-step guide to get you going:
Step 1: Evaluate Your Parts
Start by assessing which parts you want to recycle. Make a list and decide if there are specific parts you wish to sell or if you're looking to recycle the entire vehicle.
Step 2: Contact a Wrecking Yard
Reach out to a reputable local wrecking yard like Atlas Iron & Metal Co. You can call them directly at 800-540-5184 to discuss your needs and get advice on the best way to proceed.
Step 3: Deliver Your Vehicle or Parts
Arrange for the delivery of your vehicle or parts to the yard. Some yards offer towing services if needed. Be sure to ask about any documentation required for the process.
Step 4: Review the Offer
The wrecking yard will assess your vehicle or parts and provide an offer. Consider this offer and decide if you're satisfied with the terms.
The Future of Wrecking Yards in Los Angeles
The future of wrecking yards looks promising as more people recognize the importance of recycling. The industry is evolving, with advancements in technology improving efficiency and accessibility. In Los Angeles, yards like Atlas Iron & Metal Co. continue to innovate and adapt, ensuring they remain at the forefront of this vital industry.
Final Thoughts
Recycling car parts is not only a responsible environmental choice but also a smart economic decision. In a city as dynamic and diverse as Los Angeles, wrecking yards provide an invaluable service to both car enthusiasts and the wider community. Whether you're looking to recycle parts from your old vehicle or seeking components for your next project, Atlas Iron & Metal Co. has you covered! Ready to make a difference? Reach out to us at 800-540-5184 and join the movement towards sustainable automotive solutions.
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amymedbiller · 2 months
Top Medical Billing Schools in Los Angeles: Your Path to a Successful Healthcare Career
**Title: Top Medical Billing Schools in Los Angeles: Your Path to a Successful Healthcare Career**
In the ‍thriving healthcare industry,⁤ medical billing professionals⁤ play a crucial role in ensuring that healthcare ⁤providers receive proper reimbursement for⁢ their services. If you​ are considering a career​ in medical ‌billing, attending a reputable school is essential to gaining‍ the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this field. Los ‌Angeles, with its vibrant healthcare ⁣sector, offers a variety of​ top-notch medical ‌billing schools that can pave ‌the way for a successful career in healthcare administration.
**Why Choose Los Angeles for Medical Billing Education**
Los Angeles is home ⁣to ⁤a diverse healthcare landscape,⁤ with numerous hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities that provide ample opportunities for hands-on training and⁣ real-world experience. ‍By attending a medical billing school in Los Angeles, you can benefit from:
– Access to industry experts and experienced faculty who can provide valuable insights and guidance. – Networking opportunities with healthcare professionals and potential employers. – Exposure to cutting-edge technology and software used in medical billing and coding. – Internship and job placement assistance to ‌help jumpstart your career in healthcare ⁢administration.
**Top Medical Billing Schools in Los Angeles**
1. **UCLA Extension** – With a reputation for excellence in healthcare education, UCLA Extension offers a Medical Billing and Coding⁣ Certificate Program that covers all aspects of medical billing, coding, and insurance claims processing. Students can benefit from flexible class‍ schedules and online learning⁣ options.
2. **American Career College** – American Career College offers ‌a Medical Billing⁤ and Coding program that prepares students for entry-level⁣ positions ‌in medical billing and coding. The school​ provides hands-on training and externship opportunities to help students gain practical experience.
3. **CBD College** – ⁢CBD College offers a comprehensive ⁤Medical Billing ‍and Coding ​Specialist Program that covers medical terminology, healthcare ‌laws, and insurance billing procedures. The school ​also⁤ provides career services to help students prepare for job interviews and secure employment in the healthcare industry.
**Benefits of Attending⁤ a Top Medical Billing School in Los Angeles**
– Specialized training in medical billing and coding procedures. – Hands-on experience with industry-standard software and technology. -⁤ Certification and credentials that⁣ enhance your employability. – ⁢Networking opportunities with healthcare professionals and⁢ potential employers. – Job placement assistance to help you kickstart your career in healthcare administration.
**Practical Tips for Success in Medical Billing School**
– Stay​ organized and‍ manage your time effectively to keep up with coursework. – ‌Seek out internships ‌or externship opportunities to gain practical experience. – Stay current with industry trends and regulations by attending workshops and seminars. – Network with healthcare professionals and alumni ⁢to ​expand your career opportunities. – Obtain certification from‌ reputable organizations such as the AAPC or AHIMA to enhance ⁤your credentials.
Attending ⁣a top medical billing school in ⁢Los Angeles can ‌set you⁢ on ⁢the path to a ‌successful career in healthcare administration. By gaining the necessary knowledge and⁣ skills in medical billing and coding, ‍you can embark ‍on a rewarding journey in the thriving healthcare industry. Take‌ advantage of the opportunities offered by reputable medical⁢ billing schools in Los Angeles to⁢ build a solid ⁤foundation for your future career.
Whether you are a ⁣seasoned healthcare professional looking ‍to advance your skills or a newcomer to the field of medical billing, Los⁢ Angeles provides a wealth of educational resources and networking⁣ opportunities to support your‌ career aspirations.‍ Choose a reputable‌ medical billing school in Los Angeles and pave the way for a fulfilling and successful career in healthcare administration.
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Choosing the Best Commercial Movers in Los Angeles: A Comprehensive Guide
Los Angeles, the bustling hub of creativity and commerce, is home to countless businesses. From tech startups in Silicon Beach to film studios in Hollywood, the city's dynamic economy is always on the move—sometimes literally. When businesses relocate, the importance of choosing reliable commercial movers cannot be overstated. This guide will explore the essential factors to consider when selecting Commercial Movers Los Angeles, highlight the benefits of professional moving services, and provide tips for a smooth relocation process.
Understanding the Importance of Professional Commercial Movers
Relocating a business involves much more than just transporting furniture and equipment. It requires careful planning, coordination, and execution to ensure minimal disruption to operations. Here are a few reasons why hiring professional commercial movers is crucial:
Efficiency and Expertise: Professional movers have the experience and skills needed to handle complex relocation tasks efficiently. They understand how to disassemble and reassemble office furniture, handle sensitive equipment, and manage logistics.
Time-Saving: Time is money, especially in business. Commercial movers work on tight schedules and can complete moves faster than in-house teams. This allows businesses to resume operations with minimal downtime.
Safety: Moving heavy office equipment and furniture can pose risks. Professional movers are trained to handle these items safely, reducing the risk of damage to property and injury to employees.
Insurance and Liability: Reputable moving companies offer insurance to cover any potential damages during the move. This provides peace of mind knowing that your assets are protected.
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Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Commercial Movers in Los Angeles
Selecting the right moving company is crucial for a successful relocation. Here are some factors to consider:
Experience and Reputation: Look for movers with a proven track record in commercial relocations. Check online reviews, testimonials, and ask for references to gauge their reputation.
Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the moving company is licensed and insured. This protects you from liability in case of accidents or damages during the move.
Services Offered: Different businesses have different moving needs. Choose a company that offers a range of services, including packing, storage, and specialised equipment handling.
Transparent Pricing: Obtain detailed quotes from multiple companies and compare their pricing structures. Be wary of hidden fees and ensure you understand what is included in the estimate.
Availability and Flexibility: Choose a mover that can accommodate your schedule and is flexible enough to handle any last-minute changes or unexpected challenges.
Customer Support: Good communication is vital. Ensure the moving company has responsive customer support to address any concerns or questions you may have during the process.
Benefits of Hiring Local Commercial Movers in Los Angeles
Opting for local movers in Los Angeles offers several advantages:
Familiarity with the Area: Local movers know the city well, including traffic patterns and the best routes to take. This can help avoid delays and ensure timely completion of the move.
Personalised Service: Local companies often provide more personalised service compared to national chains. They understand the unique needs of businesses in the area and can offer tailored solutions.
Supporting the Local Economy: Hiring local businesses contributes to the local economy and helps support jobs within the community.
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Steps for a Successful Commercial Move
To ensure a smooth and successful move, follow these steps:
Plan Early: Start planning your move as early as possible. Create a timeline and checklist to keep track of tasks and deadlines.
Inventory and Labelling: Make a detailed inventory of all items to be moved and label them clearly. This helps with organisation and ensures nothing is lost or misplaced.
Notify Stakeholders: Inform employees, clients, and vendors about the move well in advance. This allows them to prepare and adjust their schedules accordingly.
Assign a Move Coordinator: Designate a move coordinator within your company to oversee the relocation process and act as a point of contact with the moving company.
Prepare the New Location: Ensure the new office space is ready for occupancy. This includes setting up utilities, internet, and any necessary renovations.
Pack Efficiently: Use professional packing services if possible. If packing in-house, ensure items are packed securely and labelled correctly.
Coordinate with IT: Work closely with your IT department to ensure all technology and equipment are properly disconnected, transported, and set up at the new location.
Conduct a Final Walkthrough: Before leaving the old location, conduct a final walkthrough to ensure nothing is left behind and the space is clean.
Relocating a business is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and execution. By choosing the right commercial movers in Los Angeles, you can ensure a smooth and efficient transition to your new location. Consider the factors outlined in this guide, and take the necessary steps to prepare for your move. With the help of professional movers, your business can continue to thrive and grow in its new environment.
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Understanding Hormone Therapy In Los Angeles: A Path To Balanced Health
Hormone therapy is a critical component in modern healthcare, especially for individuals experiencing hormonal imbalances. Hormone therapy Los Angeles, a city renowned for its advanced medical facilities and innovative treatments, offers numerous options for those seeking hormone therapy. Whether you're dealing with menopause, andropause, or other hormonal disorders, understanding the benefits and types of hormone therapy can help you make informed decisions about your health.
What is Hormone Therapy?
Hormone therapy involves the use of hormones in medical treatment to correct imbalances and alleviate symptoms associated with hormonal deficiencies or excesses. This therapy is often used to treat conditions like menopause, andropause (male menopause), thyroid disorders, and other endocrine-related issues. By restoring hormonal balance, hormone therapy can significantly improve quality of life and overall health.
Benefits of Hormone Therapy
Symptom Relief: Hormonal imbalances can cause a wide range of symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, weight gain, and fatigue. Hormone therapy helps alleviate these symptoms, providing relief and improving daily functioning.
Improved Quality of Life: By addressing the root cause of hormonal imbalances, hormone therapy can enhance energy levels, mental clarity, and emotional stability, leading to a better overall quality of life.
Bone Health: Hormone therapy, particularly estrogen replacement therapy, can help prevent osteoporosis by maintaining bone density and reducing the risk of fractures.
Heart Health: Balanced hormones play a crucial role in cardiovascular health. Hormone therapy can help reduce the risk of heart disease by managing factors like cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Sexual Health: Hormonal imbalances often affect sexual function and libido. Hormone therapy can restore sexual health and improve intimacy and relationships.
Types of Hormone Therapy Available in Los Angeles
Los Angeles offers a variety of hormone therapy options tailored to individual needs. Some common types include:
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT): BHRT uses hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the human body. This therapy is often used for menopause and andropause, providing a natural and effective way to balance hormones.
Thyroid Hormone Therapy: For individuals with thyroid disorders, thyroid hormone therapy can help regulate metabolism, energy levels, and overall health.
Estrogen Therapy: Primarily used for women experiencing menopause, estrogen therapy helps alleviate symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.
Progesterone Therapy: Often combined with estrogen therapy, progesterone therapy helps balance hormones and protect against endometrial cancer in women undergoing menopause.
Testosterone Therapy: For men experiencing andropause or low testosterone levels, testosterone therapy can improve energy, mood, muscle mass, and sexual function.
Choosing a Hormone Therapy Provider in Los Angeles
When considering hormone therapy in Los Angeles, it's essential to choose a reputable and experienced provider. Here are some tips to help you find the right practitioner:
Check Credentials: Ensure the practitioner is licensed and certified in hormone therapy. Look for board-certified endocrinologists or healthcare providers specializing in hormone therapy.
Read Reviews: Online reviews and testimonials can provide insights into the practitioner's expertise and patient satisfaction.
Ask for Recommendations: Seek referrals from friends, family, or your primary healthcare provider. Personal experiences can help guide your decision.
Schedule a Consultation: Meet with the practitioner to discuss your symptoms, treatment goals, and concerns. This consultation can help you determine if the provider is a good fit for you.
Hormone therapy in Los Angeles offers a powerful solution for those struggling with hormonal imbalances. By understanding the benefits and types of hormone therapy available, you can make informed decisions to improve your health and well-being. Whether you're dealing with menopause, andropause, or other hormonal disorders, hormone therapy can provide relief, enhance your quality of life, and support overall health.
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labusinessmanagement · 3 months
Finding the Best Bookkeeper in Los Angeles
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For businesses and individuals alike, managing finances can be a daunting task. In a vibrant city like Los Angeles, the need for a reliable bookkeeper is crucial. If you’re seeking the best bookkeeper in Los Angeles, this guide will provide you with the insights needed to make a well-informed decision.
Why You Need a Bookkeeper in Los Angeles
1. Accurate Financial Management
A bookkeeper ensures that every financial transaction is accurately recorded and organized. This helps in maintaining an up-to-date record of your financial standing, which is essential for both daily operations and long-term planning.
2. Time Efficiency
Outsourcing bookkeeping tasks allows you to focus on core business activities. Instead of spending hours on financial records, you can invest your time in growing your business or managing other critical aspects of your life.
3. Financial Transparency
Regular and detailed financial statements from a bookkeeper provide clear insights into your financial health. This transparency is invaluable in making informed decisions and strategic plans.
4. Compliance and Risk Management
A competent bookkeeper ensures compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. This reduces the risk of errors and penalties associated with non-compliance.
Essential Qualities to Look for in a Bookkeeper
When searching for a bookkeeper in Los Angeles, it is important to consider several key qualities:
1. Experience and Expertise
Choose a bookkeeper who has substantial experience, particularly in your industry. Specialized knowledge can significantly enhance the efficiency and relevance of financial management.
2. Professional Certifications
Credentials such as Certified Bookkeeper (CB) from the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB) or similar certifications add credibility to the bookkeeper’s qualifications.
3. Technological Proficiency
In today’s digital age, proficiency with accounting software like QuickBooks, Xero, or FreshBooks is essential. A tech-savvy bookkeeper can streamline financial processes and enhance accuracy.
4. Strong Communication Skills
A reliable bookkeeper should be able to convey complex financial information in an easy-to-understand manner. Clear communication ensures you are always informed about your financial status.
5. Attention to Detail
Accuracy is critical in bookkeeping. A meticulous bookkeeper ensures that all financial entries are precise and up-to-date, which minimizes the risk of errors.
How to Find the Best Bookkeeper in Los Angeles
Finding a dependable bookkeeper in Los Angeles can be simplified by using various resources:
1. Personal Referrals
Ask for recommendations from business associates, colleagues, or friends. Personal referrals offer firsthand insights into a bookkeeper’s reliability and effectiveness.
2. Professional Associations
Organizations like the AIPB or the National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB) maintain directories of certified professionals. These can be valuable resources for finding qualified bookkeepers.
3. Online Platforms
Websites like LinkedIn, Thumbtack, and freelance platforms provide profiles and reviews of bookkeepers. Client feedback and ratings can help you assess their credibility and expertise.
4. Accounting Firms
Many accounting firms in Los Angeles offer comprehensive bookkeeping services. Partnering with a reputable firm can provide specialized financial management solutions tailored to your needs.
Why Choose LA Bookkeeping & Business Management Services
LA Bookkeeping & Business Management Services excels in providing top-notch bookkeeping solutions that cater to your unique financial requirements:
1. Customized Financial Solutions
We recognize that each client has unique needs. Our services are tailored to meet your specific financial requirements, ensuring individualized attention and care.
2. Experienced Professionals
Our team comprises certified, seasoned bookkeepers with extensive experience across various industries, ensuring reliable and proficient financial management.
3. Advanced Technology
We deploy cutting-edge accounting software to guarantee accuracy and streamline financial processes, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
4. Comprehensive Services
From transaction recording and payroll management to thorough financial reporting and tax preparation, we offer a complete range of services to keep your finances in order.
5. Client-Centric Approach
At LA Bookkeeping & Business Management Services, we prioritize transparent and open communication, ensuring you are always up-to-date with your financial status.
Securing a skilled bookkeeper in Los Angeles is crucial for maintaining financial stability and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. When selecting a bookkeeper, emphasize qualities such as experience, professional credentials, technological proficiency, strong communication, and meticulous attention to detail.
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cbtherapyla · 4 months
Top Therapists in Los Angeles: Finding the Right Anxiety Specialist for You
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Los Angeles, a city known for its fast-paced lifestyle and vibrant culture, can also be a source of significant stress and anxiety. Thankfully, the city boasts some of the top therapists specializing in anxiety therapy, providing much-needed relief and support for residents. This article explores how to find the best anxiety therapist in Los Angeles and what to expect from anxiety therapy.
Top Therapists in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is home to numerous highly qualified and experienced therapists. These professionals are dedicated to helping individuals manage and overcome their anxiety, using a variety of therapeutic approaches tailored to each person's needs. When searching for the top therapists in Los Angeles, consider the following factors:
1. Qualifications and Experience: Look for therapists with relevant qualifications, such as a master's or doctoral degree in psychology or counseling. Additionally, check their experience in treating anxiety disorders specifically.
2. Specializations: Some therapists might specialize in treating specific types of anxiety, such as social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, or panic disorders. Identifying a therapist who specializes in your particular type of anxiety can be beneficial.
3. Therapeutic Approach: Different therapists use different approaches, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based therapy, or psychodynamic therapy. Research these approaches to find one that resonates with you.
4. Reputation and Reviews: Online reviews and testimonials can provide insight into a therapist's effectiveness and patient satisfaction. Personal recommendations from friends or family can also be valuable.
 Anxiety Therapist Los Angeles
ding the right anxiety therapist in Los Angeles involves more than just credentials. It’s about finding someone with whom you feel comfortable and understood. Here are some steps to help you choose the right professional
1. Initial Consultation: Many therapists offer a free initial consultation. Use this opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask about their approach to anxiety therapy, and gauge your comfort level with them.
2. Therapist-Client Fit: A good therapist-client relationship is crucial for effective therapy. Ensure that you feel heard and respected, and that the therapist's style matches your preferences.
3. Accessibility: Consider practical aspects such as location, availability, and whether they offer in-person or online sessions.
Anxiety Therapy Los Angeles
Anxiety therapy in Los Angeles typically involves a structured approach to help individuals understand and manage their anxiety. Here’s what you can expect:
1. Assessment and Goal Setting: The therapist will start with an assessment to understand the nature and severity of your anxiety. Together, you will set goals for your therapy sessions.
2. Therapeutic Techniques: Depending on the therapist’s approach, you might engage in various techniques such as cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, relaxation exercises, or mindfulness practices.
3. Progress Monitoring: Regular sessions will include reviewing your progress and adjusting techniques as needed. The therapist will work with you to ensure that you are moving towards your goals.
4. Coping Strategies: You will learn practical coping strategies to manage anxiety in daily life, empowering you to handle stress more effectively.
 Anxiety Specialist Los Angeles
Anxiety specialists in Los Angeles are therapists with extensive experience and training in treating anxiety disorders. These specialists often:
1. Stay Updated: They stay abreast of the latest research and developments in anxiety treatment to provide the most effective therapies.
2. Offer Comprehensive Care: They might collaborate with other healthcare providers to address any underlying medical conditions contributing to anxiety.
3. Provide Tailored Therapy: Specialists are adept at customizing therapy to suit individual needs, ensuring the most effective treatment.
In conclusion, finding the right therapist in Los Angeles is a critical step towards managing anxiety. Whether you are looking for the top therapists, an anxiety therapist, or an anxiety specialist, Los Angeles offers a wealth of resources. With the right professional support, you can embark on a journey towards better mental health and well-being.
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cattutorialsblogs · 4 months
Why MBA from Top B-School?
MBA is surely the nice grasp’s diploma one could get in their lifetime. It has remained the prestigious education area that gives unprecedented profession growth, specifically in the fast-paced corporate world. If you are aiming to climb the very best ladder of your expert graph, then MBA is your call. Take Online CAT Coaching to boost your CAT Preparation and prepare for India's Top B-school.
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There are a variety of schools in India that offer an MBA as a specialization in India however having just a master’s in management isn't always enough. There are a whole lot of other factors that have an impact on your career graph in the long run. Sheer difficult paintings and perseverance are required to be successful, however the position of an awesome university can't be nullified.
Having a Top B school to your CV not simplest gives an side for your profession however also facilitates you widen your angle approximately your surroundings. But nowadays, almost each college and college gives an MBA too with much less money. Why do human beings pick out an high-priced but aggressive way to complete a degree? Well, we're with some precious factors that assist you to decide. 
Reasons to do MBA from Top B-faculty
International Recognition All the pinnacle B-faculties of India have an internationally recognized curriculum that equips you with the ultra-modern fashion and ongoing know-how. Top commercial enterprise faculties of India like IIM, A, B, C, and ISB Hyderabad fall below the list of top 100 B-Schools of the sector. Now you may consider the prestige and recognition associated with these colleges. After globalization, all the MNC’s need global managers and group leaders that constitute their corporations on an worldwide platform.  
The Community 
When you get admission in any of the diagnosed institutes of any curriculum or any discipline, then you additionally get the possibility to observe with the crème de los angeles crème, i.E., the best brains of the nation. You research with doctors, engineers, and experts of various streams and advantage new experience and reminiscences. Your perspective will trade, your information will widen, you emerge as greater realistic with better abilties and fairly stepped forward persona. 
High Placements
This might be the most sizeable gain of getting an MBA diploma from a top B-School. Whatever diploma you pick for yourself, the cause at the back of that is the excessive salaries with reputed companies. Although a hundred% is a marketing gimmick for maximum faculties, this isn't always the case with top-tier control establishments. And because of their strict code of behavior, these colleges are the top selections for all of the MNCs, monetary or consulting companies, and the authorities. Due to this purpose, most beneficial control colleges can be the high-quality preference. Now if you decided to Join India's top b-school, let's start your preparation Best CAT Online Coaching.
Extensive Learning 
Studying in MBA schools isn't in any respect a rosy activity. From getting admissions to studying to placements, the whole lot runs at a high tempo. In a college like IIM or MDI, or S.P. Jain, your day-to-day routine will be hectic, and you have to control loads of factors simultaneously. Assignments, initiatives, seminars, meetings, discussions becomes your breakfast and dinner. The approach for whatever here is extra sensible primarily based on case studies and actual-time data. 
No other profession in this world can give you the possibility to meet and connect with humans as an awful lot as an MBA presents. Along with one of the many blessings of analyzing in a control university, networking is a large perk that includes an alumni network. Because of the prestige and rigorous system, you will become a part of a few excellent agencies. Connecting is a important part of the company world, and because of this reason, all the faculties have an alumni gadget with which you emerge as part of their legacy upon getting admission into it. 
We don’t recognise what you watched after seeing a prestigious college call on one’s CV. But agree with us, it has turn out to be an critical part of society. Most of the time, you may be judged for your teachers, and when you have a most desirable name on your returned, you'll really get a bonus over others. The reputation and appreciate you get after getting a degree from these faculties are giant. Also Read :
CAT 2024 Exam Study Plan - Know the CAT Syllabus, Strategy & Tips The Best Time to Start CAT Preparation 2024
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usban3206 · 4 months
Best Lap Dancer Jobs: Finding the Perfect Venue for Your Talent
Lap dancing, a form of exotic dance, offers performers the opportunity to earn a significant income while showcasing their dance skills and engaging with an audience. For those looking to pursue a career in this field, finding the Best Lap Dancer Jobs can make a significant difference in terms of earnings, work environment, and career growth. Here’s a guide to identifying and securing the best lap dancer jobs.
Understanding Lap Dancing
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Lap dancing involves a performer dancing provocatively in close proximity to a seated client, often involving brief physical contact. This type of performance is typically found in gentlemen's clubs, strip clubs, and private events. Successful lap dancers combine physical fitness, rhythm, confidence, and excellent interpersonal skills to engage and entertain their audience.
Key Factors in Finding the Best Lap Dancer Jobs
1. Reputation of the Venue: Working at a reputable club can have a major impact on your career. Renowned establishments not only attract high-paying clients but also offer a safe and professional work environment. Research online reviews, ask for recommendations from fellow dancers, and visit clubs in person to assess their reputation.
2. Earnings Potential: Earnings can vary widely depending on the venue, location, and clientele. Top clubs in major cities often offer higher earning potential due to a steady flow of affluent clients. Look for venues that offer a good base pay along with opportunities for tips, private dances, and VIP services.
3. Work Environment: A supportive and respectful work environment is crucial for any lap dancer. Consider clubs that prioritize dancer safety, provide proper security, and maintain a professional atmosphere. A positive work environment enhances job satisfaction and performance.
4. Flexibility and Scheduling: Many lap dancers appreciate the flexibility of their work schedules. The best venues offer flexible shifts that can accommodate other commitments. Look for clubs that provide options for full-time, part-time, and freelance work, allowing you to balance your career with personal life.
5. Opportunities for Growth: Some venues offer additional opportunities such as stage performances, feature dancing, and appearances at special events. These opportunities can help you build your brand, increase your earnings, and expand your career prospects within the entertainment industry.
Top Cities for Lap Dancer Jobs
1. Las Vegas, Nevada: Known as the entertainment capital of the world, Las Vegas offers numerous high-end gentlemen's clubs that attract wealthy tourists and high rollers. Clubs like Spearmint Rhino and Sapphire are famous for their lucrative lap dancing opportunities.
2. Miami, Florida: Miami’s vibrant nightlife and affluent clientele make it a prime location for lap dancers. Clubs like E11EVEN and Tootsie’s Cabaret are renowned for their high earnings potential and celebrity clientele.
3. New York City, New York: With its diverse and bustling nightlife, New York City offers a variety of clubs where lap dancers can thrive. Venues like Scores and Hustler Club provide excellent earning opportunities and exposure.
4. Los Angeles, California: Los Angeles, with its mix of celebrities and high-income residents, is home to several top-tier clubs. The city offers great opportunities for dancers looking to work in an exciting and lucrative environment.
Tips for Securing the Best Lap Dancer Jobs
1. Build a Strong Portfolio: Create a professional portfolio that highlights your experience, skills, and any special talents. Include high-quality photos and videos that showcase your dancing abilities.
2. Network with Industry Professionals: Networking is key in the entertainment industry. Attend industry events, join online forums, and connect with other dancers and club managers to learn about job openings and gain referrals.
3. Audition and Trial Shifts: Many clubs require auditions or trial shifts to assess your fit for the venue. Prepare well for these auditions by practicing your routines and presenting yourself confidently.
4. Stay Fit and Healthy: Physical fitness is essential for lap dancers. Maintain a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and a balanced diet to ensure you can perform at your best.
5. Develop Strong Interpersonal Skills: Building a rapport with clients is crucial for success in lap dancing. Work on your communication and interpersonal skills to engage and entertain your audience effectively.
In conclusion, finding the best lap dancer jobs involves researching reputable venues, understanding the earning potential, and ensuring a positive work environment. By focusing on these factors and continually improving your skills, you can build a successful and rewarding career in lap dancing.
For more info. Visit us:
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digitalblacksmiths · 4 months
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