#Lord Lakadimos
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sithhoplite · 2 years ago
A relaxing night
Leaning back in her chair Lak opened the latest book she had gotten from her parents library. It never ceased to amaze her how expansive it was and how she could always find something to read. The amount of books and knowledge there was massive and she always found something to read each time she would cycle books in and out of there and she never just took one home, it was always at least four. Her parents were used to her raiding the library and didn’t even say anything anymore.
Taking a drink of her tea she began a history of the ancient Sith, a detailed one that covered only PB history from before the Rakata to the  arrival of the exiled Jedi. She enjoyed history books and always had, if she could be in any sphere she would have chosen Ancient Knowledge but that had been out of her hands at the Academy. Settling down she dove into the book relaxing in front of the fire. 
Her husband Andriy walked in and smiled, he enjoyed seeing his wife engrossed in a book that obviously had her full attention. He knew her love for reading came from not being able to for the first 8 years of her life then learning and falling in love with it. Walking up slowly he tapped her foot so he didn’t scare her and get talked too sternly for doing that. Looking up she smiled at the man she loved more than anything.
“It’s getting late Lak, come to bed.” 
Looking at him suspiciously then looking at her watch she saw it was indeed getting late and if she didn’t get to bed now she would be up half the night and be very cranky the next day. Closing the book she held out her hand for him to help her up. Standing up she kissed him gently and ran her fingers through the side of his hair.
Taking his hand she followed him up the stairs to the bedroom, a place of refuge for her when her moods took a turn in either direction thanks to her bi-polar. Tonight though was a calm night, one she was able to relax into her husband’s arms as they settled into bed and felt him calm her mind. Feeling the kiss on her cheek she smiled burrowing deeper into his arms for a good night’s sleep. 
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sithhoplite · 7 years ago
Lak would wear the second and third black suit and dress. 
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Paolo Sebastian “The Nutcracker” Fall 2018 Haute Couture Collection
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ireallyamthebest · 7 years ago
*Anon Sith* I was wondering what the Empress thought of Darth Morits newest apprentice Lord Lakadimos. I am undecided.
She certainly is intent on making a mark on the Empire. 
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inquisitorhotpants · 8 years ago
Dark Lord, We have found a few Sith artifacts while doing excavations on Leritor. How would you like those sent to your Sphere? -Lord Lakadimos
Oh, you dear, sweet, little apprentice,
You shall hand deliver those artifacts to my office, so we may speak personally - and at great length, so do clear out your schedule - about your threat to slap my apprentice in a slave collar.
If you choose not to do so, I will take it up with your master.  He thinks his flaunting of walking the absolute line of the edict has gone unnoticed; it has not.  It will be far more noticed if your abominable behavior continues.
If you ever wish me to use your title and/or proper name, I would suggest you make a visit, and be on your absolute best behavior.
Darth NoxCouncilor, Sphere of Ancient Knowledge
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sithhoplite · 2 years ago
Academy Scandal
As head of the Advanced Warfare Academy Lak has to deal with a cheating scandal.
Marching into the hall she turned and looked at the cadets who sat in front of her, some looking worried and nervous. Keeping her anger in check she looked around the room steadying herself for what was the ending of a stressful week. 
“You are all here because it became apparent that many of you cheated on your midterm exam. There has been a thorough investigation showing wide scale cheating and it will not be tolerated. I don’t care if your parents are Moffs or Ensigns. I will not have cheaters in this academy. You will split into two groups, one will be expelled and the other safe. You will receive an envelope with a card, if it is red go to the lecture hall next door, if it is blue stay here.”
Watching the envelopes being handed out she could tell a few who knew they were about to be expelled and others unsure what was happening.
“Open your envelopes and go!”
The cadets quickly got up and left if they had a red card and only a handful stayed as they had received a blue one.
“You who have a blue card I am pleased to say you are safe. After the investigation it was shown you did not participate in the cheating. You are welcome to go to back to your quarters but don’t be surprised when roll call tomorrow is much shorter then normal. Dismissed.”
Walking out of the classroom Lak walked into to the adjacent lecture hall she surveyed the remaining 20 soon to be ex students. “I will make this short and quick. Everyone in this room is to be expelled for cheating. I am holding in my anger that all of you would disrespect this institution by this flagrant and arrogant cheating. You made almost no attempt to cover it up thinking I would look away. Do not think your parents can save you, they can not. You seem to forget that you are Imperials and I am Sith.” she could feel the anger in the room but no one dared to challenge her. “ You have one hour to pack your things and get off my post. This will be a black mark on your record saying dismissed for academic dishonesty. Your career will start with this. Now get out of my sight.”
Watching the soon to be ex cadets scurry out of the room Lak felt better as this had been a stressful week but it was over. Hopefully some of these kids would learn from this but she knew some wouldn’t and she would be hearing from some parents in the future. 
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
How about 5 headcanons/facts about Lak to complete the sibling set?
For those who don't know in @lordviridis au Lak is the adopted daughter of Darth Mortis and his wife Indran.
1.) She learned to play the piano after being adopted knowing something like that was required but she enjoys playing it on her own time.
2.) Lak is the youngest dueling champion in the Empire, won it at the tender age of 21.
3.) She is the patron of an orphanage on the mid-rim planet Leritor and where she adopted her youngest son and daughter
4.) Is a rabid Kaas City FC fan and goes to their games taking her two younger son's with her who enjoy it.
5.) Lak is the only one of her siblings to call Mortis 'papa' and get away with it.
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sithhoplite · 2 years ago
Lak is still dealing with the fallout from being excluded from the family after her brothers death
Lak sat quietly in the garden enjoying the silence from the business inside the house. She had gotten away from the family because she felt out of place with them. Ever since they pushed her away after Killian's death she hadn't really known where she stood when it came to her parents. 
She could feel her mom coming towards her, something she didn't want but now would have to deal with.
"Everything ok Lak? You disappeared on us." 
"Yeah, she wanted some alone time is all mother."
Lak calling her "mother" sent off alarm bells. This formality always occurred when Lak was trying to keep her or her father at arms length. "You seem to be doing that quite a bit lately, what's wrong?"
"Nothing much, just not sure where I fit in with the family anymore is all." 
"You're our child, do you doubt that?"
She could hear the defensive tone Indran was taking and didn't really want to deal with this but it seemed perhaps it was time. " Honestly at times yes I do. I remember the family pushing me away after Killian simply because I don't share your blood, I remember how long it took for father and Markus to want me back for dinner, I remember the only people being there for me as I grieved we're my husband and his parents." 
"Mistakes were made after your brothers death I admit."
"Mistakes? Mistakes? That's what you call shoving me away was, a mistake?"
Indrans tone turned a bit colder than Lak had anticipated, "I'll not apologize again Lak."
"I'm not asking for an apology mother just stating my feelings. "
"If that's how you feel then so be it Lak. You are our child even if you don't feel as if you are." Getting up Indran walked away displeased with the conversation she just had.
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
What scares them about entering a relationship? for Ty They have to apologize to their partner. Is this difficult for them? How do they approach it? for Andriy and Lak and Under what circumstances would they feel protective? for any pairing you want
What scares them about entering a relationship?
Ty is scared of being used for his parents position. He isn't sure if the other person actually likes him or is pretending to while using his family status to rise themselves. One of the many reasons he loves Caitlin, he never had any reason to think she was using him.
They have to apologize to their partner. Is this difficult for them? How do they approach it?
Lak would pull Andriy aside when the kids go to bed and apologize to him with no interruptions while Andriy would stew on it for a day and then apologize right before they went to bed. It is less difficult for Lak but Andriy finds it rather hard, he had to deal with his ego which is quite massive Lak will say
Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
Andriy is very protective of Lak when her ptsd strikes and she is recovering from an episode. He tends to keep the kids busy so they don't bother mom and certainly keeps her parents away so she has time to breath and relax. He knows the signs and knows what to do to make sure it doesn't cripple her with the memories.
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sithhoplite · 2 years ago
Force Potential
Lak had not yet reached her potential in the Force much to the annoyance of her parents. After multiple meditation sessions she finally takes the plunge and reaches out.
Closing her eyes Lak sank into meditation with her mother right by her side. She delved deeper into the dark side slowly and carefully until she saw it, a pool of water that represented the untapped potential in the Force she had. Walking around it she dipped her hand in the water tentatively unsure of what would happen if she put it all in. 
Watching her, Indran was frustrated Lak wouldn’t go all in and walk into the pond. She watched her walk around it but not in it. If this was anyone else she would have pushed her in to make her reach her potential but this was Lak and it would not have gone well if she did that. 
Looking at the water she was amazed she had not tapped into her true force potential yet, she thought she had gone as far as she could but that was not the case. Meditating with her father had shown her that. She was also scared, scared of what would happen if she embraced the power and reached said potential. Part of her wanted to walk right in but another part of her, the scared part resisted. 
Reaching out to her mother through the bond she could feel her mothers frustration at the lack of progress by her. “Mom, I know you are frustrated but I want you to do me a favor.”
“What is it dear?”
“Push me in. The only way I am going to go in there is if you push me in, which I have a feeling will give you a bit of satisfaction.”
“Are you sure Lak?”
“Yes, do it.”
A moment later Lak felt herself propelled into the water by strong push and landed in the middle of the pond. She could feel her mothers satisfaction at doing that and chuckled to herself. Closing her eyes she pulled in the “water” that began to fill her with what she couldn’t exactly describe other than power, more power than she was used to. Wanting to leave she forced herself to stay and soak in the new power. Opening her eyes the pond was dry, not a drop was left and she felt different. 
Nudging her mom to break the connection Lak opened her eyes and took a deep breath to let out the one she had been holding for a long time. She could see her mother looking at her with a curious look. “Do I look different mom? Have I sprouted horns or something?”
“No dear, no horns. Your eyes are different, instead of just gold they are ringed with red and I can feel the difference in you already. Your force signature is stronger, more powerful. How do you feel?”
“ It’s hard to describe. I guess the best way to put it is the Force isn’t out of reach anymore or at least a lot of it isn’t. It used to be I could get a tentative grasp on it but now it’s a solid hold on it. There is still some of it just out of reach but not as much as before. It’s hard to explain really, it just feels different.”
“You’ve tapped into your full potential now and are more powerful. I’m proud of you taking the plunge even if you had to be pushed.” 
“I know you enjoyed that mom, I could feel it.”
Unable to hide her smile, “I will admit Lak I did rather enjoy it but I would have never done it without you telling me to.”
Getting up and feeling her knees stiff from her meditation pose she hugged her mom and smiled. She felt different and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it but in the coming days she would process what had happened and smile that she had truly reached her potential in the Force even if had taken a long while to get there.
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
Lak has told her family that one of their own was killed in combat and for that she has been pushed away from the only family she has ever known.
The glass shattered against the wall sending the amber liquid splashing onto the floor. Glass shards were scattered on the floor and she was seething. No she wasn’t seething, she wasn’t even mad she was hurt. They had cast her out showing her this talk of her being family wasn’t true. When it came down to it she was an outcast from the people she loved through no fault of her own, only blood truly mattered. 
Sitting down on the coach her head dropped as the emotions started to really hit her. The looks they gave her, the unwelcome tone, the dismissive turning of their backs to her began to sink in. She knew they were taking the loss of Killian hard, especially mom and dad, no Darth Mortis and Darth Kalma, but the anger towards her caught her off guard. Lak had thought that her giving the family the news of Killian’s death would have made it a tiny bit easier to hear but they seemed to hold her responsible for it, as if she killed him herself. They didn’t care she held him as he died, that her hands were covered in his blood, that she exacted as much revenge against the Republic as she could. Nope, she was the bearer of the news and thus somehow responsible. 
Walking in Andriy saw the mess on the floor and Lak dejected on the couch. He could feel her sorrow, anger and myriad of other feelings through their bond and was worried. “Hey sweetie, what happened?”
Looking up and barely keeping her tears at bay, “ Nothing, I threw a glass of scotch at the wall in anger. Sorry about the mess, the slaves will clean it up.”
Quickly sitting next to her he took her hands. He was worried, for her to lose her temper like that meant something bad had happened. He had no idea what it could be but was going to find out but gently as not to set her off again. “ Do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you? You know you can tell me anything, I’m here to listen.”
“It seems the family that always told me they didn’t see me any differently than their other kids has been lying to me from day one. Killian’s death has shown me they do see me differently and I am currently unwelcome in their presence. I’ve never seen Darth Mortis so cold towards me, even when they first adopted me but I’m not sure he, he didn’t think of killing me today. You and the boys are the only family I have now.” The tears began to fall as she put her face in her hands and cried. She felt his arm pull her towards him and she collapsed into his arms finally able to cry about everything that had happened.
“I’m here for you and so are our boys. If they want to ostracize you then you have a safe haven with me and always will no matter what. It is their loss.” 
Keeping his anger in check to not upset Lak more he was angry at the Marwil’s. How dare they push her away when she was grieving too, how dare they treat her as a stranger and not their child, how dare they. He wouldn’t say this as it would upset his wife more but he thought it but hid it from her. Holding her close he rubbed her back as she cried, his shirt getting wet from her tears. 
Lifting her head she sniffled and wiped away the tears, looking at him she knew he was her rock, her safe spot in this ruthless galaxy and would never be able to thank him enough. Her adopted family may have shoved her aside like she was nothing but this man stood by her no matter what. Maybe he was right, her family wasn’t all it said it was and she had defended them for too long. She didn’t know at this moment but she did know she was safe in his arms for tonight and that is what mattered.
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
A, J, and P for Lak and Andriy
A - Alone time
Lak- She tends to use toys and watch porn once in a while
Andriy- He uses his hand and imagination when he needs to pleasure himself
J - Jelly - They don't use lube alot but when they do it is flavored and yes they have tasted it out of sheer curiosity
P - Photography - As much as Lak takes her holo camera everywhere the bedroom is not the place it goes. For all her bravado she would never record a sex tape nor take nudes, Andriy has no issues with nudes and has sent Lak a few at work.
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
Lak’s first meeting with Darth Mortis and his wife to get a sense of what would happen to her after Darth Gravus got himself assassinated. Kneeling in front of Darth Mortis and his wife Darth Kalma she focused on the gleam of her polished shoes awaiting the command to rise. Not daring to move a millimeter she tried to keep her breathing even and deep but in reality it was shallow and short as she stayed kneeling for what seemed an eternity. He was imposing, he knew it and what mattered more is she knew it. This had to be a test, one of many she thought, wondering how many she would face this night and what failure of any of them might bring.
Cutting through the silence, “Rise” the voice of one Darth Mortis commanded and she obeyed. Keeping her eyes nailed to the nicely polished floor she stood there saying nothing awaiting her next command. The way he ordered her made her feel small and insignificant again, like she had felt at the Academy. It was a feeling she hadn’t felt in a very long time and hoped not to feel again after this meeting. 
A more pleasant voice, the one of his wife Darth Kalma who Darth Gravus had praised as a brilliant diplomat, pierced the silence. “Please sit Lord Spart.”
“As you command Dark Lord’s.” sitting down she took in a quick survey of the library, a skill she had mastered when in an unfamiliar situation. Seeing all the books that lined the shelves she was in awe at the amount of knowledge in one room, she could gladly stay here for weeks simply reading and would enjoy every moment.
“Since the death of Darth Gravus we have had to decide what to do with you. You have potential, your academy records show that as does your dueling victory and victories on the field of battle.” Darth Mortis pointed out as matter of factly as one could
“My academy records, why do you need those?” she blurted out before she could stop. Seeing the look on the faces of both SIth she quickly realized she had made a major error. “Apologies my Lord’s, I overstepped.” One test failed and it had been less than 5 minutes.
“As I was saying before you decided to interject, your academy records piqued our interest, especially the reports of visions. I will admit I am surprised that someone of your background would have this ability but it seems to be corroborated by various people. Do you think you have this ability?” The tone of Darth Mortis was cold and detached yet had a hint of curiosity to it
Taking her time to reply and trying to form her words she looked up. “Darth Gravus felt  there was no way someone of my bloodline could have this gift but a few instructors and Lord Vago felt otherwise. I know I have had visions but I am not sure if it is the ability people say it is.” Fiddling with her cuff she noticed the wrinkles start to form and became annoyed with herself since she had taken care to press all her clothes to look as proper as possible. “ I know there were two times at the Academy when meditating I had I suppose visions of danger if I stayed in my bunk or going to another place in the Academy that later I found out if I had indeed gone to these places I wouldn’t be here speaking to you.”
“Interesting, tell us more.” she couldn’t tell if the tone from Darth Kalma as genuine curiosity or just one she had mastered as a diplomat to appease those across the table from her  
“As you wish. One was down the hall to the library where I was confronted multiple times for being a filthy half breed, I saw blood and could see a rival of mine standing over what was my body. I retreated to the roof of the Academy for a time and I heard later that they found the individual waiting in that hall for me but I never came.”
She could see them processing the information and wondered what her ability to have Force visions meant to them. They seemed interested in her for solely that singular ability. She also wondered what exactly Gravus had told them about her other than she could tell it was nothing good.
“And the other?”  The tone left no doubt to the fact an answer was expected.
“While meditating I saw an assassin come to my bunk and stab me, I could almost feel the blade pierce my back but I could not see a face. Just like before I retreated to the roof with my blanket and stayed there until the sun rose. An intruder was detected in the quarters I lived in but no one was harmed, a knife was found by the door. A knife meant for my back.”
“How many of your visions have come to pass?” Darth Kalma asked in a distant yet oddly warm tone. 
“Three so far my Lord’s, two on Korriban and one on Taris. I don’t have them all that often, I have to really connect with the dark side in a deep way and that is rather difficult for me to do for a variety of reasons.”
“Such as?”  Mortis interjected and his tone was demanding
Trying to weather the barrage of questions no doubt meant to keep her off balance she struggled but knew failure was not an option, she wanted to live. “Things like not being given time to meditate, not being credited with the ability to do that by other Sith,” careful to not call out Gravus, she did not want to face the wrath of their best friend, “my lack of general connection to the Force. I have no delusions that my connection with the Force is weak due to me being of mixed blood.”
“Yes your background is an interesting one, one such as yourself born a slave should not possess the gift of force visions but it seems you do. Do you understand how rare this gift is, Lord Spart?”
Fiddling with the other sleeve as the inquisition continued, “No my Lord’s I do not but from everything I have gleaned it is rather rare.”
“Very good, it is rare which is why you possessing it is intriguing. It’s odd that Gravus never mentioned it.”
“My former Master felt I was skilled in the art of war but that was basically it. I don’t know what he told you or did not tell you and would not wager to guess Dark Lords.” she closed her eyes for a second hoping that she had not crossed a line in saying that
Mortis could see and feel how nervous and scared she was and was only mildly amused at how she attempted to be diplomatic about her feelings towards Gravus but it was clear she disliked her former master. 
“That is all we wished to know as of right now Lord Spart, you may leave. We will call you when our decision about your future is made.”
Rising from the chair quickly, “Thank you Dark Lords.” Turning to leave she could feel both of their gazes on her and she retreated quickly out of the library. 
“So what do you think dear?” Indran asked her husband
“She’s impulsive, knows her place, potential is obvious but untapped and I think she does have the gift of Force visions. She would be very rough around the edges and I don’t know if she would be able to adapt to what we would require of her if we offer adoption. Your thoughts?”
“Those are my thoughts for the most part as well. I think her desire to belong could be used to bring her into line, it was very obvious she wanted to say the right things to impress us.” 
Pouring a glass for himself he turned and looked at his wife, “ Very true, that desire to belong could be used to keep her in line. We would have to find a tutor for her force visions, that won’t be easy to find. Do you think we should offer her the option for adoption or simply keep her under our protection?”
“She would be more use to us as an adopted child that is certain,” Indran sat back taking a drink of the wine glass she had just poured herself, “I would have to ensure she was dressed properly because what she was wearing was not good enough for this family but she is young and eager. She is what, 24 years old?”
“I believe so.”
“I would call her back tomorrow and offer her the option of either adoption, remaining under our protection but with the cavet that it won’t last forever or she could be my apprentice. Let her choose but don’t give her too long for that, only 50 hours at most or all the offers will be off the table.”
“Your apprentice?” Mortis head was cocked in confusion as he looked at her trying to process her last statement,” Why in the force would you take someone like her as an apprentice?”
“You said it yourself, she had potential and is not too far gone down the war path to change. Besides, someone with her background in war would have a different view of negotiations that others might. I doubt she will take it but it could be offered.” 
“I will summon her here tomorrow and give her the options then, it will be interesting to see which she chooses and why.”
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
OK Lak & Vago for 1 2 26 and 27?
1  How did the relationship end? Did the couple break up?
They broke up because Vago was still in the mid rim and Lak was transferred to Dromund Kaas. It was too much distance for the to make it work so they broke it off.
2 How close were they before the relationship ended? How serious was the relationship?
They were involved in every way, he was her first love, the first man that didn't mind her slave background. They slept in the same quarters and he was really the first one she felt safe enough to try new things in bed with.
26 What were their happiest memories while together?
Strolling long the beaches on Leritor hand in hand while the sun set.
27 What is their worst memory of their time together?
Him getting hurt in the invasion of Leritor and her visiting him in a Kolto tank not knowing for a couple of days if he was going to live or not.
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
🌸 - Do they have an aftercare routine? 💦 - Any traits or physical attributes that really turn them on? 🍆 - Do they prefer rough or gentle sex? for Lak
🌸 - Do they have an aftercare routine? Yeah usually a nice long bath with chocolates and a massage in said bath by Andriy with cuddles after the bath.
💦 - Any traits or physical attributes that really turn them on? Intelligence, wittyness, an ability have a conversation, usually older but her husband is actually younger than her and clean cut, she isn't big on long hair on a guy
🍆 - Do they prefer rough or gentle sex? It really depends on her mood, there are times she wants gentle and other times to be slammed against a wall and taken hard, it depends on what kind of day she is having. No preference one way or another really
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
🗡️ for Lak and Ty
Raw Power ★★★★
Being from a Pureblood family going back generations Ty is very strong in the Force and has been since a young age. His force sensitivity came to be when he was just 2 and grew from there.
Formal Training ★★★★★
He has had the best training money can buy since he was born, specialized schools, tutors, private pureblood only school simply the best. Nothing was too expensive for his family to get him if he needed it to learn.
Combat Experience ★★★★
Since he graduated from the Academy he has seen combat and various fronts, much to the chagrin of his wife, and excelled at every battle. He likes to be in the thick of things and finds a break in fighting dull. With his mom being the Wrath he was primed for combat since a young age
Willingness to Kill ★★★★★
He has done plenty of killing at war and one person in the Academy who tried to kill him. If it is a Jedi or Republic trooper he has no issues killing them and will not hesitate to skewer them with his lightsaber.
Previous Victims ★★★★
This goes hand in hand with his combat experience. He has plenty of victims that have fell at the end of his blade or the blaster bolts of the troops he commands.
Raw Power ★★
Lak is fairly weak in the Force, born of a slave and Sith she didn't have the greatest lineage force wise. She isn't weak but compared to her adopted siblings there is a huge gap between them and her.
Formal Training ★★★
Other than the Sith Academy and some time in the Prep Academy she didn't have that much training. It was all very basic, to prepare he to go to war and die for the Empire. The only thing she did get extra training for was lightsaber combat because she showed a great deal of talent for that.
Combat Experience ★★★★★
She has been in combat since she was 18 years old and survived it all. Lak commanded her own Legion and eventually her own Regiment as the war dragged on. She has plenty of victories under her belt and at her young age.
Willingness to Kill ★★★★
She has no issues killing and has since she came to the prep academy to survive. She used to not like it but then became numb to it and does it. In combat she is usually ruthless but at times will show mercy. However when it comes to killing she really doesn't have an issue with it.
Previous Victims ★★★★
With her combat experience she has plenty of victims on the battlefield and a few off of it. Having to kill to survive her body count is fairly high for someone not even 50 yet.
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sithhoplite · 3 years ago
First Date
They had danced around each other for the past couple of months, enjoying lunch and acting as the feelings for one another were not growing but tonight Lak was going to go on her first date with Andriy. He had asked her as they got off work yesterday if she would accompany him on a dinner date and she agreed, a little too quickly she realized.
Putting in her ear rings the doorbell rang which would be her date arriving. Opening the door she was stunned at how handsome he looked. He was dressed in a suit with a vest, tie and coat. Suddenly she felt under dressed for the evening.
“Come in, I was just getting my sandals on. Looking at you, and you look good, do you I need to change into something more formal?”
“No, you look fantastic Lak. If you enjoy dancing you might want to wear shoes that will not irritate your feet. You like to dance do you not?” Andriy asked suddenly realizing while he knew some about Lak he didn’t actually know a whole lot
“Yes, I rather enjoy dancing but rarely find a good partner. There seemed to be a shortage in the Rim and I haven’t gone out much since coming to Kaas City.”
“Have no fear then, I have been dancing since I was 9 and am pretty damn good.”
Offering his arm they made their way to the Nexus. Being seated they ordered their meal and relaxed. Lak looked at him and smiled, he was a handsome man no doubts about that. His green eyes were the color of emeralds with a gold ring around them. The growing smirk on his face told her he knew good and well she was looking at him and he was enjoying it.
“So tell me Lak, what is it like to be adopted into one of the most powerful families in the Empire?”
“It’s different to say the least from where I come from and a little intimidating as well. Learning all the do and don’ts is a pain. My sister hates me, my younger brothers are at the Academy so I’m not sure their take on me. Let’s just say the first year was rough for us all as I acclimated to high society, some of which still hate me and always will due to the circumstances of my birth.”
“You were born a slave correct?”
“I was, is that a problem?” she asked wanting to know if the date was going to end abruptly or not
“Not at all, my family may be high up but they are not as into “blood purity” as others. If it was I would never have asked you out. Care to dance?”
Tilting her head she smiled, “I would love too.”
He offered her his hand and she gladly took it. Putting her hand in his she ignored the fluttering of her stomach but it came roaring back when she felt his hand on the small of her back. Looking up at him she grinned.
They moved gracefully on the floor, him leading with her in his arms. She enjoyed his arms around her and the way he led her on the floor, she wondered if he was this confident in bed. Quickly pushing that thought aside he spun her then dipped her at the end of the dance.
“You make a good partner Lak and fit perfectly into my arms.” looking over and seeing their food had been brought out, “Shall we eat…dinner.”
Small talk was made inquiring about their respective jobs as the plates emptied and the wine glasses refilled more than once. The room began to empty as the night changed into the early morning and Andriy knew as much as he didn’t wish for this to be over it was time to walk her home. Helping her into her jacket he proffered her arm which she gladly took and they began the walk back to her apartment. Stopping at her front door he looked down slightly shy and unsure of himself.
“I greatly enjoyed tonight and I hope you did as well. You are wonderful company. I was hoping, well will you accompany me to the opening show this weekend for Opera season. I have two tickets and would like you on my arm if you wish.”
“I also enjoyed the night, talking to you is fun and I want to know more. I would love to go with you this weekend. What time should I be ready?”
“I will be here at 1900.” he answered a large smile crossing his face
“I’ll be ready. Don’t worry I will be suitable dressed to be presentable on your arm. Thank you for tonight, it was lovely.”
Leaning down he gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek then a less chaste on on her lips. It too all her will power to not deepen it.
“Good night Lak, sleep well tonight.”
“Good night Andriy, you as well. I look forward to lunch tomorrow.”
Reluctantly turning Andriy walked to the elevator and back home. Lak put her head against the door once inside and smiled. It had been a long while since she had these feelings for another man and it was exciting. She didn’t know if this would turn into something more serious but was eager to find out.  
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