#Look out for my new movie: Sprains Strains & Autoimmune Disease
thegreenfaery · 2 years
The Stupid Things We Do
Really, this should be “The Stupid Things I Do”, but sometimes I like to pretend that I am not a total moron who is completely alone in ridiculous misadventures that should never have happened.
First of all, several weeks ago, I fractured a metatarsal in my left foot. I say I fractured it. Mr GF  fractured it by derping about and jumping on the bed, landing directly on my foot when I was resting my left ankle because I’d already sprained it due to my dodgy hypermobile-but-also-arthritic joints. (Namely, my foot forgot how to foot when it was supposed to be a foot. Mr GF thought I’d fallen down an invisible hole when we were at Ely Market.) 
Have I forgiven him? Absolutely. Will I ever let him forget this? He should be so lucky.
Anyway, in my “ignore it and it will go away” quest, about three weeks ago I did something to the tendons in my right knee as I tried to overcompensate my dodgy left footing, and this has only gotten worse since.
And so of course Mr GF and I went on a 3 mile walk down Brancaster beach today. And now both my knee and ankle are swollen and bruisy. Almost like I probably shouldn’t have done that. (I don’t think falling down a sand dune helped.)
On the plus side, we did get to see two pugs, one very eager sausage, one big Old English Sheepdog with a Very Orange Ball, George the Unbelievably Hype BorkBork with his friend (we didn’t see them up close, but OHBOY could we hear them and I love George and his zest for life), one giant staffy doing rollies in the sea, two giant floofy boys, one longboye, one miniature longboye, one droopy hound...
Oh, and Mr GF learned that I can identify dog breeds from a remarkable distance, even without my glasses, and he now owes me a lot of money and refuses to acknowledge the bets that he wagered and lost were even made in the first place.
The other stupid thing I did today doesn’t really count as a stupid thing, but both ticks one thing off of the ol’ bucket list and counts as fanfic research (Byakuya, the things I do for you). Unfortunately, when posed as ‘fanfic research’ does strike one as somewhat... silly. 
Anyway, I have now tried oysters. I’m glad I did because they were not what I was expecting (much meatier and more substantial for a start), and anything I would have otherwise written would have been wrong. I’d definitely have them again, but would strongly advise against trying them if you don’t like shellfish. Oh, and chewing is the right thing to do. I am not a total heathen, thank you very much, Mr GF.
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