#Look at you paying for your insolent defiance. Heedless of my warning.
kafkaoftherubble · 4 months
📷 🌸🙃
Whoa. I didn't expect an ask at all, but an anonymous one? I thought I specifically said I'm too boring to be asked so why are you, O Mysterious Grey Face, acting like a rebel
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
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This is supposed to be my placeholder lock screen. I like these two, I love watercolor art, but most of all, it combines two of my favorite things: "ghosts" and "lotuses." I kinda derived my own meaning from what this picture could be about and resonated with it, which is stupid, because of course you'd resonate with the meaning you yourself derived, you dumbass 😂
It's meant to be a placeholder because I was kinda waiting... for a picture. Maybe it'll be a permanent placeholder—oxymoronic for sure, but that's the way I like it. liMINAlitY!
Oh, it's not part of the question at all, but I do kinda like seeing pictures in my own text, so I'll show you Zelda's (the tablet) lock screen too.
Its lock screen actually changes after a certain period, so right now, it's this:
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It's drawn by Loputyn, from her Aether artbook. To be fair, I found this on Pinterest.
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
The brain is not a perceiving or sensory machine, but a predicting one. Your reality is constructed by your brain from memories, you see.
Your sensory organs are actually used to calibrate the accuracy of your brain's effort, and the brain's job is to quickly correct any error in its prediction whenever your sensory organ perceives one—and it has to do it before you notice it, or before that error costs you.
In other words, reality—to us—is more of a controlled hallucination than an objective observation. There is a real world out here, for sure. That's what you and I try really hard to perceive, as correctly as we can. That's what scientists are trying to capture and record.
But reality is actually quite conventional!
(It's not really a weird fact though, is it? Facts aren't weird. We just didn't expect them to turn out one way, so we think it's weird and have our self-stimulated feelings to back up our thoughts, innit?)
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
Hmm... There's always a new one to succeed a previous Best Compliment though! Hahhahaha!
I tend not to decide what "the best" compliment might be because
that compliment was for that Lyndis, not the version of this person right now. For example, one of my past versions has been praised for being a "tantalizing orator," but the "me" right now is less likely to reach that height of skill instantly. My brain has already been wired differently from back then!
I treat compliments as responses to my actions, so a compliment is the "best" only when coupled with that context in the past. Looking back right now would make the compliment a nice piece of memory, but ultimately a lot less meaningful in the present.
I forgot that compliment ever existed.
... What? You're still waiting for an answer, anon? Seriously?! DIDN'T I JUST PHILOSOPHIZE MY WAY OUT?! COME ON!
Goddamn it. Fine! It's... "Guilt is a fine motivator. However you want to put it, if you weren't kind then I don't think you would feel guilty."
Don't ask me who said that. That's classified information.
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