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DPF Cleaning Longton
Hardings Garage provides you with high-quality service and value. Visit us for car servicing, MOT, and repairs, as well as a complimentary tyre check and screen wash top-up.
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Community-based organisations to benefit from £2.1 million of Shared Prosperity Fund

11 Stoke-on-Trent community-based organisations will benefit from a total of £2.1 million from Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Stoke-on-Trent City Council has been awarded £9,477,820 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to deliver projects which support local businesses, improve local spaces and assist residents with employment and skills. The 11 beneficiaries fall under the Community and Place category; one of the three investment priorities identified for the funding. Successful organisations for UKSPF funding for Community and Place include: - The Portland Inn Project- £496,290 to complete the co-designed renovation of the Portland Inn and deliver a creative educational programme. - Spode Museum- £282,000 to create The Spode Museum Mixing Bowl which will consist of a refurbished tearoom/café, outdoor green space, art gallery, community meeting room and two smaller studio/workshop spaces, all housed within the Spode Museum. - Middleport Matters- £233,546 to create a digital space that celebrates the area and allows improvements within the area to be made. - Trent Rivers Trust- £189,993 to run the “Rediscovering the Trent Valley Way in Stoke” project which will develop and deliver a variety of initiatives through Stoke-on-Trent along existing rights of way. - Citizen’s Advice Bureau- £175,000 to pilot a largescale benefit and tax credit take up campaign in selected areas of the city. - Urban Wilderness- £150,000 investment to bring a programme of large-scale, high impact events to Longton Town Centre. - B-Arts- £140,000 to create Animate:72 an Arts Hub for Stoke Town, co-created by teams of experienced and emergent artists working with diverse local communities. - British Ceramics Biennial- £135,000 to create Clay & Communities: activity enabling hands-on engagement with clay and opportunities for people in Stoke-on-Trent to enhance their skills and to access new opportunities. - Canal and Rivers Trust- £109,633 to deliver a community-led placemaking project which will reach out to work across two waterside communities on the Trent & Mersey and Caldon Canals. - Stoke Creates- £99,250 to deliver the Cascade programme to reanimate spaces through creative concepts, amination and digital technologies as part of a Cultural Action Zones programme. - Claybody Theatre- £98,484 to engage communities in cultural activity culminating in two live-streamed events on New Year’s Eve 2023 and 2024, featuring local emerging music talent and storytelling. Councillor Jane Ashworth, leader of Stoke-on-Trent City Council, said: “We are delighted to be offering over £2 million in funding for a wide range of community-focused organisations as part of the Shared Prosperity Fund. “The funding allocated to the Citizens Advice Bureau will form part of our cost of living support, giving all residents the opportunity for a financial MOT, to ensure they are getting the benefits and tax credits they are entitled to. “The other exciting projects include waterside activities in the city’s canal network plus schemes across the city that will improve our heritage offer and drive footfall to places such as the Spode Museum and create cultural action zones across Stoke-on-Trent.” Recipients of the People and Skills and Supporting Local Business categories will be announced in the coming weeks. Read the full article
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This is the reason why brake repair is so important.While maintaining the car engine is important to keep the car moving, brakes maintenance will protect you from road accidents. How do you find out when your vehicle needs a transmission service? It’s simple. Your vehicle’s transmission failing to engage is an indication that it is low on fluid. You may also experience slipping gears when the transmission is low. This happens when there is a lack of maintenance, wear, and tear or water intrusion on the internal parts of your transmission. The heart of your car, the engine, should be given extra attention. Servicing can increase your engine’s life span, lower down fuel consumption, and give you a better resale value. Proper care and maintenance of your engine will save you from other minor defects. we would advise you to get your car’s oil changed every 10’000 miles or every 12 months whichever comes first. However, some cars are different and you should always refer to your vehicles hand book Engine Services in Longton.
#Longton Mot#mot check Longton#car servicing repairs in Longton#car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent#engine services in Longton#Longton wheel alignment#Garage in Longton#Car diagnostics Longton
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Matthews takket også Pelé: Sir Stanley, du var vår fotballlærer
Høyre dør lo haug med Real Madrid, eller millionær di Stefano Gent Puskas, ved siden av dem globetrotter Kubala Barcelona. Masopust, Pluskal og Popluhár, ydmyke ambassadører fra Tsjekkoslovakia, holdt seg unna, men den sovjetiske keeper magiker Yashin er nå tillatt, hvis du kan tenne en sigarett: "Jeg trenger å rozdýchat, det er min ritual."
Nei, det var ikke en vanlig dag. Han kunne ikke være, fordi farvel Sir Stanley Matthews. Det var 28. april 1965 og fotball ridder, fortsatt frisk og i perfekt form, hans femti.
I midten av hytta Matthews hadde i henhold til tilpasset massasje, hadde på seg stripete jersey med en syv på ryggen, gjorde noen raske knebøy og løp på høyre fløy til siste kamp. Jeg elsket å spille for Stoke City mot valget av verden.Hva med at laget hans tapte 4: 6.
Carnival: Det har vært en ære, Sir
Matthews, hardy og streng ascetic, hadde lenge vært i stand til å gjemme følelsene. Det var først da Jašin og Puskás kastet ham på skuldrene og bar ham ut av lekeplassen da han slo ham. "Vi var alle beæret over å ha Matthews invitere oss til en splittelse. Et slikt samfunn kunne møtes en gang i livet ", sier Josef Masopust.
stadion i Victoria Ground Stoke kom svevende stjerner fra hele Europa, og var i endring i en hytte. Matthews bød alt, fansen sang til ham: Good bye
Farvel Match lyttet til radio 112 millioner mennesker. "Matthews var et konsept for hele fotballverdenen. Vi så alle sammen på ham.Til at dens elastisitet ", sier Carnival.
Nå er det nøyaktig 100 år siden Sir Stanley Matthews ble født. Ingen andre har det, og det gjør absolutt ingen rolle. Som en førti fem mål til Skottland et år senere fikk Golden Ball for beste fotballspiller i Europa. Han har klart 33 år i profesjonell fotball. "Han lærte oss hvordan fotball skal spilles," bukket til kongen Pele.
Matthews ikke samle trofeer som andre, og for å vinne den engelske ligaen bare kunne drømme om. Den eneste store triumfen ble scoret i 1953 da han ledet Blackpool til den engelske cupen. Han var 38 og hadde et tredje endelige forsøk. Han gjorde hele sin kunst med Bolton og bidro med å snu poengsummen fra 1: 3 til 4: 3.Selv om det ikke gitt et mål, med tre assists og alltid vil det derfor Matthews Endelig
. Som Messi. Bare i 60-årene
Hvem vet hvordan livet ville se ut hvis fjorten adlød min far Jack, en vellykket bokser, og gikk for å melde deg på Longton Cricket Club. Stan sjenert, den tredje av fire gutter, var en lovende batsman 1xbet norske bettingsider som berømt løp, så det sannsynligvis tok til cricket. Men han så på trening rett bak gjerdet og gikk ikke lenger fordi han skrek. I fotball Stoke grep slik sytten hadde gravd i ligaen og tjueto, som forberedelse mot Tsjekkoslovakia, Abraham plantet en hattrick Plánička.
"En dag min herre fortalt Matthews at han fikk tjue pounds en uke.I dag var var verdt alt gull i sentralbanken i England, "sa den berømte italienske spissen Gianfranco Zola.
Matthews spilte for pengene, elsket fotball og tilbød ham alt. Han rørte ikke alkoholen enda en stund, han var en voldelig abstinent. Heller ikke spist kjøtt, men hver morgen over en kopp te fylt og satt til å riste fem km går langs stranden.
"Jeg lærte hva kroppen min trenger å føle seg bra," sa han. Han spiste ikke hver mandag, bare drikke vann. Senete karakter uten en unse av fett forble nesten evig
. Den andre kona til State Security patruljert
England elsket ham fordi han var ærlig, rask, og han banket som ingen andre.To eller tre ganger stakk kroppen over ballen, etterlot han en forsvarer og smurt fremover. Vitner ham i overdrivelse sammenligne med Lionel Messie. Det ble sagt at Matthews kamper gikk ca 10 000 fans mer enn andre.
Kjent trener Brian Clough på det fortalte: "Jeg var heldig at jeg vokste opp i en tid da Matthews Gud for de som ønsket å spille fotball." Likevel kan vi legge til at han dømmer en eneste gang i karrieren nenapomínali.
veiviseren het. Eller Mr. Fotbal. Var det ikke for det faktum at krigen kom, der han tjenestegjorde i Royal Air Force, kunne ha gjort mer. Damene var ekstatiske herrer i hatter ivrig applauderte raids og da de alle dirigerte hvite lommetørklær.I 1957 mottok han ordren til det britiske imperiet og dronningen Elizabeth II. Han til slutt ga ham tittelen Sir. Han ble den første fotball ridder.
Klubben har forandret bare to ganger, Stoke pensjonert etter 15 år i Blackpool, og etter ytterligere 14 år å komme tilbake. Han var gift to ganger, skilt med Betty fordi den blonde skjønnheten sin, som han møtte i 1967 under en tur i Tsjekkoslovakia. Forelsket i Mila Winter tolk som jobbet for den amerikanske ambassaden og bevoktet hennes hemmelige politiet.
Når Mila igjen, Matthews begynte slående visne. Mr. Football døde 23. februar 2000. Han var 85 år.
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We offer comprehensive car repair and maintenance services that include diagnostics, tyre repair, engine repair, transmission, and replacement of damaged and dead batteries.If your vehicle fails the testing inspection, you will be provided with a quotation for the necessary repairs or should you choose to repair the vehicle yourself. The retest is free within 14 days whether you choose to have the repairs done at Longton Test Centre or elsewhere.
#Garage in Longton#Longton wheel alignment#car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent#mot check Longton#Longton Mot
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Get your car serviced by Certified Technicians
If you are on a long drive and your car breaks down in the middle of the road, it becomes so embarrassing and it also blocks the road which leads to traffic. Longton Test service center provides affordable and reliable services to serve you and offer you the best car repair and maintenance services in town. We have well-trained technicians to complete the repair of equipment and technology to check the overall health of your vehicle.
When you take your car for servicing or any vehicle and when your car is open small work comes on like changing of engine oil, oil filter, air filter, fuel filter, replacing cabin filter or a/c filter, replacing the spark plugs, and checking the level and refill brake fluid/ clutch. Car service is important to avoid sudden breakdowns or road accidents while driving.
Car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent, on the best area, to be in, with a great road network right on your doorstep, car manufacturing being almost non-excitant in this modern age, stoke is still home to some big companies which supply parts of the cars of stoke.
Car servicing includes basic service such as visual inspection and oil, filter change, the critical fluids in the engine such as anti-freeze, brake fluids, washer Fluids, and steering fluids are topped up. to ensure the car is in the best condition possible, a check of up to 35 key components is carried out.
Our service includes,
· MOT check the basic safety required by Law for your vehicle
· Brake repair & service out over time requiring services
· Transmission Service and repair one of the most complicated and vital components of your car
· Engine Service the heart of your vehicle, the engine is the most important aspect of y our car
· Tyres and Wheel the only part which makes contact with the road
· Exhaust System the best way to minimize breakdown is doing maintenance.
We also do service for you Longton Wheel Alignment which is referred to as breaking or tracking is part of standard automobiles maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles of your wheel to the car manufacturing. The purpose of this adjustment is to reduce tire wear and to ensure that vehicle travel is straight and true.
Longton Test Centre provides a wide range of services which you can expect from us, our certified technicians with thoroughly inspect your vehicle and offer you same day service.
#car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent#Car diagnostics Longton#Longton wheel alignment#mot check Longton#Longton Mot
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Longton Test: We offer comprehensive car repair and maintenance services that include diagnostics, tyre repair, engine repair, transmission, and replacement of damaged and dead batteries.
#Longton Mot#Longton Test service#mot check Longton#car servicing repairs in Longton#car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent#engine services in Longton#Longton engine services#Longton wheel alignment#tyres & wheels Longton#Car diagnostics Longton
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Get your car serviced by Certified Technicians
If you are on a long drive and your car breaks down in the middle of the road, it becomes so embarrassing and it also blocks the road which leads to traffic. Longton Test service center provides affordable and reliable services to serve you and offer you the best car repair and maintenance services in town. We have well-trained technicians to complete the repair of equipment and technology to check the overall health of your vehicle.
When you take your car for servicing or any vehicle and when your car is open small work comes on like changing of engine oil, oil filter, air filter, fuel filter, replacing cabin filter or a/c filter, replacing the spark plugs, and checking the level and refill brake fluid/ clutch. Car service is important to avoid sudden breakdowns or road accidents while driving.
Car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent, on the best area, to be in, with a great road network right on your doorstep, car manufacturing being almost non-excitant in this modern age, stoke is still home to some big companies which supply parts of the cars of stoke.
Car servicing includes basic service such as visual inspection and oil, filter change, the critical fluids in the engine such as anti-freeze, brake fluids, washer Fluids, and steering fluids are topped up. to ensure the car is in the best condition possible, a check of up to 35 key components is carried out.
Our service includes,
· MOT check the basic safety required by Law for your vehicle
· Brake repair & service out over time requiring services
· Transmission Service and repair one of the most complicated and vital components of your car
· Engine Service the heart of your vehicle, the engine is the most important aspect of y our car
· Tyres and Wheel the only part which makes contact with the road
· Exhaust System the best way to minimize breakdown is doing maintenance.
We also do service for you Longton Wheel Alignment which is referred to as breaking or tracking is part of standard automobiles maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles of your wheel to the car manufacturing. The purpose of this adjustment is to reduce tire wear and to ensure that vehicle travel is straight and true.
Longton Test Centre provides a wide range of services which you can expect from us, our certified technicians with thoroughly inspect your vehicle and offer you same day service.
#Longton wheel alignment#tyres & wheels Longton#car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent#mot check Longton#Longton Mot
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Hire a professional for your Car Repair & Servicing
Everyone wants to buy a Car so, that they can enjoy their rides happily without any problem and hassle-free. But when you own a car you have to check for maintenance and service of it properly otherwise you will face problem in an emergency by the breakout of cars and many more.
Servicing of Engine is more important than any other things, basic service of the engine are,
· Changing Engine oil
· Checking all other fluids levels
· Screen wash
· Brake fluid,
· Engine coolant and power steering fluid level
If any of the above look low, then fill them up and also check your anti-freeze connection also. As humans for us heart is important the same way for cars Engine is important so, you should always change your engine oil regularly.
When it comes to servicing and repairing engine Longton it means that an auto mechanic takes out an entire engineer and disassembles it, inspects it, and cleans it, and then replaces any parts that are not working or damaged with new or refurbished parts.
Longton offer Engine services by different package our services are,
MOT Check- it is the annual test of vehicle safety, roadworthiness aspects, exhaust emission required in most of the country for most vehicles over three years old.
Brake Repair and Services- when your car brake is not proper, the ability to stop your car whenever is not possible. While maintaining your car engine the same way car brake is important.
Transmission Service and Repair- Transmission service is flushing out the old fluid and replacing it with new fluid.
Tires and Wheel- there are many of repairing punctured tires in numerous ways such as external repair using string, internal repair using the patch, and combination repair patch and plug.
Exhaust System- it is used to guide reaction exhaust gases away from a controlled combustion inside an engine or stove.
Wheel alignment corrects the angles of the tires so that they come into contact with the road in just the right way. It helps to promote a smoother ride for you and longer life for your tires. When there is not proper alignment or poor alignment it may lead your vehicle pulls to one side and uneven or rapid tire wear.
Longton test center offers a complete range of car repair and maintenance services for all types of vehicles. We are here to help you make your driving experience hassle-free as possible and you just have to drop your car keys with us and take it when it is once ready. Visit our websites https://longtonmot.com/
#tyres & wheels Longton#car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent#Longton Mot#Longton Test service#mot check Longton#car servicing repairs in Longton#engine services in Longton#Longton engine services#Longton wheel alignment#Car diagnostics Longton
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Longton Test: We offer comprehensive car repair and maintenance services that include diagnostics, tyre repair, engine repair, transmission, and replacement of damaged and dead batteries.
#car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent#tyres & wheels Longton#mot check Longton#Longton wheel alignment#Longton Mot
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This is the reason why brake repair is so important .While maintaining the car engine is important to keep the car moving, brakes maintenance will protect you from road accidents. How do you find out when your vehicle needs a transmission service? It’s simple. Your vehicle’s transmission failing to engage is an indication that it is low on fluid. You may also experience slipping gears when the transmission is low. This happens when there is a lack of maintenance, wear, and tear or water intrusion on the internal parts of your transmission. https://longtonmot.com/
#mot stoke on trent#mot in stoke on trent#garages in longton#car servicing repairs in stoke-on-trent
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We offer comprehensive car repair and maintenance services that include diagnostics, tyre repair, engine repair, transmission, and replacement of damaged and dead batteries.We also offer fleet servicing. For further details, you can leave us a message or call our customer service representatives. Prices are negotiable based on the vehicle's quantity.
#Longton Test service#mot check Longton#car servicing repairs in Longton#engine services in Longton#Longton engine services
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car servicing repairs in Stoke-on-Trent
Longton Test: We offer comprehensive car repair and maintenance services that include diagnostics, tyre repair, engine repair, transmission, and replacement of damaged and dead batteries."
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