voidpsyche · 5 years
Long Lost Servant part 3
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voidpsyche · 5 years
Long Lost Servant part 4
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voidpsyche · 5 years
Long Lost Servant
In 1850s, at the night a hundred of Moldovan Servants who been sent out Moldova area came back home discovered that the castle where they lived for the last 300 years burn down, leave a lot of spot with vampire ashes inside.
The kingdom has fallen, they have no place and master to serve. But the connection between servants hasn't broken. Strange. This mean the spell is still working. A spell that made them put their loyalty and serve Moldovan Coven for the rest of their life as promised.
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After having a heated discussion, they made a choice to starting over. Even Darius doesn't like the idea, he has no choice than follow the leader.
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voidpsyche · 5 years
The Long Lost Servant
After more than 150 years separate from each other, the 8th servant found survived. Darius found by Matheus who helped his masters to collected some stuff from Bulgaria. The thing is, unlike how the other 7 servants previous life before back to serve Moldovan family, Darius spent rest of 150 years to become an anchor for some covenless witches. His power has been used as a source for the witches to survive and remain practicing magic without the authorization from the ancestors. He look nothing but weak ancient vampire.
Under Harley's order, the Moldovan servants are currently looking for a solution to break 'the deal' covenless witches made with Darius.
Could they bring the long lost servant back? How hard it could be? What it will cost?
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voidpsyche · 5 years
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voidpsyche · 5 years
Long Lost Servant part 2
Sofia, Bulgaria. November 2019.
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