#Lol I enjoy MC's POVs so much hahaha
lys-lilac · 1 year
[RMD] Toshiki Kasumi x MC: Her Jealousy (oneshot)
I don’t know how I get such crazy ideas (of course you will get those thanks to the numerous jealousy stories of the boys) so bear with me haha~ Also, I tried writing this in diary format, so let me know if you like it!
[A/N: All the characters belong to Voltage Inc. Only the story plot is a work of mine.]
MC’s Diary
~4 pm~
This was any of the other normal day in the EICU office. This would have been if not for the exchange which was occuring in front of my eyes. 
Sometimes I myself think about how much weird I am when it comes to mangas, Sekai and medical knowledge. But the current emotion I am having can be counted in the general list right?
It had been several days since the new academic year started. Which meant classes for young interns and med students has already resumed in the Seimei University Hospital. Looking at the enthusiasm and excitement about gaining new knowledge in the field of medicine all over the university fills me with a sense of nostalgia. The scene of me running with medical journals, asking various questions to the professors is still fresh in my mind.
But a new academic year means various responsibilities, especially to me since Dr. Kasumi has gotten busier taking lectures in the university along with performing surgeries and attending meetings as well. Our schedules have become so much mismatched that we can’t even clock out together. Kasumi would mostly stay at the hospital, and even at home, we can’t see each other much. The only time we are together is in the operation theatre performing surgeries. I can’t blame the situation though, but yes, it makes me feel lonelier these days.
Kasumi’s office and even the EICU sometimes becomes a center of chaos with the amount of new students barging in to submit assignments or ask questions. Even though Matsunaga set a particular time of the day for these upon Directors’ request, the crowd wouldn’t dissipate that fast. Only Dr. Takado’s scolding and Dr. Kyogoku’s evil stare does the trick. Sensing the direness of the situation, I mostly devote myself to studies in the library or assist Dr. Tsuchiya and others in surgeries. 
Now, coming back to the situation in hand, I went to the lecture hall after completing a surgery to invite Kasumi for lunch, only to see many female students gathered around him. It seemed like he was explaining a particular topic. As I decided to pry in what he was teaching, an uneasy feeling crept to my heart. Even though my craze for understanding the topic was large, the close proximity of the girls with him, his professional gaze radiating through those glasses, and the prominent blushes on those girls’ cheeks made me recede my steps.I know I was the same in my classes as well, but I didn’t know it will make me feel weird. Hoping to at least get a beef bowl from the hospital cafeteria, I returned with subtle pangs in my heart.
Oh common, WHO IN THE WORLD GETS HUNGOVER FROM SUCH A TRIVIAL MATTER?! My idiotic expressions were able to catch the attention of the docs later. I was very glad they tried to cheer me up in their own ways, whether it was Dr. Takado giving me his limited ramen, Dr. Ekuni his sweet treats, Dr. Hosho rewarding me with a latte after surgery or Dr. Kyogoku bickering a little less than usual, it still went in vain. Due to this, I even ruined my conversation with Kasumi when he asked me to grab dinner in the evening. Now that I think about it, the audacity of me to ignore his attempts to talk and even excuse myself saying I already had plans?! JUST UNFORGIVABLE. Dear Sekai, I would have needed your comfort but I think I need something else. My internal monologues with you are not helping at all T-T
I thought maybe ignoring him could let my uneasiness end, but that was not the case. It became even worse. Now thanks to me everyone thinks I have gotten into a fight with him.
~10 pm~
Let’s just admit today was not my day. I had made up my mind to be on call tonight, but got driven away by Dr. Takado UGH. I also talked with Asuka about this, and she said me to figure it out myself with a giggle on her face. Although that reassured me that it’s nothing serious, still my mind working like this is killing my productivity and distracting me. 
Let’s just admit, I think I am a LITTLE jealous of those girls. Wait. Wait wait wait. WHY DO I SOUND LIKE A CREEP NOW?! ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : )
Does this mean I am obsessed with Kasumi or what? To that extent that I am unable to continue my daily activities? Do I... Do I crave physical touch? UGH SOMEONE SLAP ME   ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)
Anyway, I don’t think he will be back home tonight as well? I made some curry just in case, but oh well. If he’s having dinner with his stude- GAHHH STOP!!!
I will just pull an all-nighter and study! I am pretty sure that will help me to distract my mind from having these absurd thoughts. Let’s hope Dr. Kyogoku cools down tomorrow otherwise I.... zzz.
P.S. (the next morning) ~6:00~ 
I just arrived at the hospital with Kasumi (he came home yesterday yayyyyyyy  。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。 ) and more importantly, I am relieved he got some sleep. I am so so glad I made curry yesterday for him! Although he seems to be in a good mood today? I remember falling asleep on the couch writing yesterday’s events but today I found myself on our bed with him. Aside from sleeping like a log, I don’t remember anything else? Was I making a funny face? Drooling? Perhaps was in an Egyptian position while sleeping? He kissed my forehead at the parking lot and even though he changed into his professional outlook, I could still see his shoulders shaking as if he was laughing. Dr. Kyogoku’s worry from yesterday has turned into wrath with twice the intensity.
Haahh, seems like there’s a new mystery to solve now  ┐(︶▽︶)┌
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Nirvana in Fire fic recs
Nirvana in fire fanfiction recommendations in the link below, mostly chinese; descriptions in english.
(full list on notion): https://lycorxian.notion.site/Lyke-NIF-fic-recs-fd3ae22b066040a9993650a744203daf
Some of the favourites below:
鱀歌/狼牙 by 九月将霜🏔️
Jingsu but rather slight. Medium length. Post-war fic where Changsu lives and assists Jingyan in the court. It starts with a few outsider POVs and Changsu is so soft in this and everything is rly sweet haha.
踏雪寻梅 by 十八🌊
A/B/O. Jingsu. Long fic. Aww I'm aware of my tendency to ramble on about the author's writing style, but this author's prose is stunningly intricate. This would be the one I would recommend if one is to read any A/B/O fics. Get ready for a "moderate" truckload canonical of angst and many happy returns in its eventual HE.  I don’t really know, this is just so – good? Lin Shu was initially an Alpha who turned into an Omega after the Chiyan incident, and he subconsciously rejects that part of himself, more or less. It is rare in the world the author built for Omegas to take up huge roles in society, and Changsu hides his status in light of that and appears to other people as a Beta (but then the author spends so much time describing how beautiful he is and those descriptions are beautiful indeed lmao). So here comes Jingyan, who, by accident, discovers Changsu’s status as an Omega and becomes infatuated with his being → and so begins the courting.  But Point is, I really enjoyed the way Changsu’s resilience is depicted – the mental fortitude? determination? Ehh anyway there’s a scene on that and it’s beautiful. Also! there’s an explicit scene halfway that is so. well. written? not in the hot smutty way but it’s exquisite really I’m weirding myself out I’ll stop hahaha don’t know if that plugging worked.
月盈‧有憾 / 此生一诺 by 浅夏Surlinca🌔
月盈之时,尔有憾乎? 相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。 ——《月盈‧有憾》 When the moon grows round again, have you any regrets? Like two fish in a dried lake, instead of giving each other moisture with the little that is left, let us let life be and forget each other in rivers and lakes.    身侧再无知交,国君茕茕而立:画地为牢、许此生一诺。 ——《此生一诺》 The emperor stands, tall and alone, by his side his peers no longer: he carves a circle into the ground and holds himself hostage; he makes a vow and has it as his life’s work. //Okay these aren’t actually quotes lol. Let me have my fun.   Jingsu. Very slight/gen. Oneshot.   How would things end, had MCS not returned to Meiling in his final days? How would it go on, had MCS died after his encounter with Xia Jiang at the Xuan Jing Bureau?    These are two separate oneshots from the same author. While 此生一诺 is very popular, 月盈‧有憾 is instead my favourite oneshot among all. It is so beautifully written and the angst is real in this one. Could be considered a BE perhaps? There’s joy in this nonetheless.
关山契阔 (Ch24) by patient-no-117 仰望🌊
https://patient-no-117.lofter.com/view  https://archiveofourown.org/works/15734247/chapters/36582438
Pre-Sujing uh… slow burn? Long fic. The only WIP that I highlighted in red uwu. It goes without saying that I am totally smitten with this fic. Jingyan is sent to the Yan Kingdom by his father as hostage. Changsu, who is aiding a Yan Prince at their behest, approaches Jingyan in such circumstances and offers him ascension to the throne back at Da Liang. The prose is stunningly beautiful and classical and it’s hard to describe, the “aesthetic 澹泊 and 君子之交淡如水 vibes” this piece gives off – just – I’m very very in love with this fic please give it a go.   The author has kindly uploaded their chapters on ao3, so you can use that for convenient reading! The latest few chapters, however, are only on Lofter so you might have to move over for that.
一时双壁 by 琴煮鹤🏔️
Jingsu and Shuhuang. Long fic. Changsu and Lin Shu are two separate entities in this fic! Story starts with a younger Changsu entering Jinling to bring a warning to the Lin family upon intercepting Li Chongxin’s counterfeit. Changsu then schemes with Prince Qi and Lin Xie among others to preclude Chiyan’s demise and secure Prince Qi’s position as the crown prince. Changsu may not be Lin Shu in this fic, but he is still very proficient as the Chief of the Jiangzuo Alliance and has experienced much upon the passing away of his father, the former chief of the alliance. Jingyan slowly falls in love with him (slowburn I suppose?) and he with him. A very complete tale with flowing prose (the way the dialogue is written in particular is chef’s kiss) and a super sweet ending :D    (I don’t think a completed version of this fic has been circulated about as much? Feel free to hmu for a full version for convenient reading; that said the Lofter version is pretty complete on its own I think.)
书中愿 by 琴煮鹤🏔️
Jingsu very slight/gen. Oneshot, set in a world where Prince Qi has passed away but Lin Shu and the like are still alive. Scholar/teacher MCS (again, not Lin Shu!) stands in for Sir Zhou at the imperial palace and gets acquainted with Jingyan.    Have I mentioned how much I love this author? Yes, same author as above; their prose is elegant in a flowing way and I’m in love. I would say slight BE/angst based on how you interpret it? (Personally I’ve become immune and it is a happy ending ><) Though short, this fic well conveys the core character of MCS in which he contributes in his own way despite not being subject to the Chiyan case in the past. I like how it is written a lot ^^.
Some are lost to the internet but most have been saved in text files and word documents. Enjoy!
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Guardian, eps 1-10 (thoughts so far)
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I kinda love it! I think the biggest reason why I do it has to do with the glorious chemistry between the leads, but hey I’m just a human. What can I do in the face of these gorgeous men that look at each other with their heart in the eyes and flirt (this is mostly Yunlan’s case, the MC) endlessly? 
Nobody could ever convince me this is a bromance, chinese censors.
I have to say, I admire the way in which they managed to adapt this story and have it become a “bromance”. They practically just used the same characters and the connection between the male leads. And it’s impressing despite the low budget and terrible CGI. And God, I love Yilong’s and Bai Yu’s acting.
There was a moment there, for like 3 eps where I was a bit confused and didn’t know exactly where the story was going so I went to read the novel and then I was tricked! Because there are a lot of differences (obviously!) so I didn’t know where to stop and suddenly I started to recognize bits and pieces (like when they assaulted Shen Wei on the streets and Yunlan came to his rescue lol or when Yunlan fell sick) and then I stopped because even though I know the drama isn’t the same as the book, I can’t help but feel wary of spoilers (? I know I make zero sense). Ugh the dilema!! To see the drama first? Or to read the novel first?
Also, I liked that in the drama they decided to show right away Shen’s real identity to the viewer. That sort of thing you can only get away with while it’s on paper but once you see it on the screen it’s like understimating your audience.
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Hahahaha this dude using his bf as a pillow! Love him. And I loved that Shen put the pillow back into place when it moved.
On another topic, I gotta be honest and say that I’m not very attached to the whole team yet and I think the only reason why the only one I like is Guo is because he has a POV in the novel and despite everyone telling him he is basically and idiot and doesn’t know how to do anything, I like that he notices things sometimes (and okay, yes, he’s a cinammon roll). And as an outsider and most recent member to the SIU, he is in the same position as the viewer, discovering and learning things as the story goes on.
But I’m only on ep 10, so I think I will warm up more to the rest of the team. I hope lol
Coming back to the male leads, I cannot decide who I like more lol Yunlan or ShenWei? Both are very different but I really enjoy how they showed  the way their “friendship” developed. And there’s a lot of chemistry and flirtiness that makes me giggle like a silly fangirl. (It always amuses me, tbh, because it’s hilarious the amount of things that can get past censors and the many ways you can show two characters care a lot for each other of are in love without them saying the words “I love you” Their dynamic is a bit different from the book (again, obviously!) but it doesn’t bother me because I see them as different versions of them, you know? They’re kinda telling different stories if we’re being honest.
In the end, the purpose is the same, to get them closer lol Because in the book, Yunlan flirts with ShenWei from day one (literally they’ve just met) but in the drama Yunlan gets suspicious of ShenWei for being so often related to the cases he’s investigating, so he starts to watch him closer and begins to look for excuses to talk to him and see him hahahahaha you see? the end is the same. Yunlan is after Shenwei either way and the latter is trying to resist and put some distance between them. And fails at it lol
Also, thanks for welcoming into the fandom y’all. I love it here. btw I love the drama’s ost! Especially the “Just cared too much” song. It gives me the feels.
P.D.To all my mutuals who always recommend me dramas and shows to watch, I’m sorry hahaha I swear I’m not ignoring you and I actually write down your recs. If it makes you feel any better, I also ignore my own “to-watch” list. I’m like that meme of the guy who’s holding his gf’s hand but checking out another girl (you know the one) lol.
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adonis-koo · 3 years
OMG TEASE 20!! pls im not even prepared HAHAHA i read it and it was so good 🥺
was there someone else other than jk when they were doing the thing? im a bit confused HAHAHA
also i feel bad for mc :< she must have been so scared 😔
and rose HDSHDHSH her exes should leave her alone or else 🔪🔪🔪 lol jk
but can we all talk about the first part of tease 20 🥺 all about mc needing attention then getting shy 🤭 ALSO THE "yes sir" HDHSHDHSHDHS i just remembered eva(?) when tease jk said mc wont even call him sir, she would scream for daddy HDSHDHSH but still 🥵 HAHAHA
and the last part AHHH the comfort 🥺
anyways, i had so much fun reading tease 20!! ty missy, love ya 🥰 looking forward to the next one, even tho it says in the note that things are starting to get messy 🤪
Hahaha so for clarification it was only MC and JK in the attempted smut scene! What had happened in that moment was the blindfold ended up being a slight trigger for MC to past very unpleasant memories of her weekend in Seasonella which freaked her out! Thus Jungkook stopped them both because even though he is unaware of the details of what happened in Seasonella, he knew better then to ask about it or to take her up on her offer to keep going, especially when she was in a semi unstable position afterwards.
not me having to hunt around in tease’s Masterlist because I TOTALLY forgot about Jungkook’s POV during Seasonella’s with that iconic line 😭😭😭
I’m so glad everyone is enjoying the series return 😭😭😭 I’ve missed your guys interactions and thoughts! I just wish I had more time to sit down throughout the week to answer them!!! Let us all embrace the mess to come!
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Their first time having sex from Sevastian's pov! I would requested him a lot sooner if I had known that you started reading him! Please and thank you! 💙
Hahaha, sorry for not letting you know sooner; just didn’t really see an opening lol! Anyway, I’d be happy to do this for you, @fan-girl-2​! Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
“If it’s for you... I’m certain I could.”
I finish my speech softly. In the next moment, MC wraps her arms around my shoulders and synchronously presses our bodies closer. A twinge of anticipation cobwebs my stomach and I can’t ignore the delight I feel for her touch. “When you put it that way...” MC trails away, her green eyes beautiful against the flicker of fire that’s stationed in my room. She has a soft, serene smile that warms me in a way that validates the anticipation within me. “I suppose a bit of celebrating is in order, isn’t it?” Aimlessly, my hands wander to the braid draped over her shoulder. The bundle of fire is cinched by turquoise ribbons and with just a couple tugs, they slide free and release the orange strands. With her hair down, MC loses a facet of her nobility but I don’t mind it all--any less was better than any more. I loved her and I didn’t love the nobles that plagued Altadellys, that was for certain. To set the mood she was implying, I lower my voice to a seductive rumble and smirk. “Just how much... celebration would you like?” I don’t have to elaborate further. At my words, the freckled girl in my arms turns red to the tips of her elfish ears. It was a glorious sight to see--and very cute, I admit.
Her first response isn’t one with words but rather actions--her leg lifting to hook around my hip. Her touch is sensitizing and I find myself remembering our conditions; the different places we touched and how we touched there. Suddenly, my mind is filled with the knowledge of how she feels against me--the subtle heat that pours from her chest against mine, the firm grip her arms retain around my shoulders. How her lips are just mere inches from mine, so close to kiss that it was daunting to not act. “I want everything.” MC finally replies, her breath hot against my lips. I don’t take a moment to think--I don’t have to. If she wanted something, I would give it. Always. “Then you’ll have it.” I grant as I press my mouth to hers, kissing her deep as my fingers twine with her hair. Behind us, my bed awaits and a thought that darts through my mind has me breaking away to lure her onto the bed. She doesn’t resist but relents a disappointed noise, bordering a groan. Though I could do with her body flush against mine, her outburst encourages my antics. Much like her, that pulls my mouth into grin that I can’t stifle. I wanted to eliminate the grievance of having her undress me--and I wanted to give her a view while I do it. 
“Impatient.” I muse aloud. 
Her sun-kissed face contorts as she mirrors my look. “Extremely impatient.” 
Those words are my cue and I hold her eyes as I task my hands with unbuckling my belt, the scrap of leather discarded just moments later. I speak as I move to fulfill my next errand. “I’d best not keep you waiting, then.” But in spite of my words, I don’t hasten. I prolong it just to tease her, which proves to be working when my head reappears from hem of my shirt and I can see the need plastered on her face. The navy cloth snakes across my skin and her eager eyes follow, watching as it plummets to the floor. I enjoyed the weight of her gaze, loved as it attempted to undress me faster. No matter how illustrious her emerald eyes were on my skin, I don’t oblige her silent request. After I was set free, there was no reason to creep around the palace and be unable to spare a second. I was a free man and could do what I wanted--busy myself with whatever I desired. Now that the opportunity was gifted, I wasn’t going to rush through this. I wanted to be slow with her instead of the usual haste we were familiar with. Tonight, I can waste as much time as possible without a single repercussion for it.
MC collects her hair and tosses it over her shoulder, baring her back to me and my impeding eyes. Her eyes pose a challenge before her mouth even opens, and even before she says it, I’m at her command. “Are you going to undress me, too?” MC inquires, her gaze hot against my skin. Wordlessly, I sidle beside her to do as she says, leaning onto the side of the bed to do so effectively. I touch her barren shoulders, my palms trailing her warmed skin. “Whatever my queen wills.” I’ve barely began when she speaks again, this time breathlessly.
Her plea is unneeded as I carefully--but dreadfully for her--remove her fine fabrics, revealing new planes of skin I only dreamed of revealing. Each new extent of sun-kissed skin unleashed is too tempting to ignore so I worship every inch, my mouth caressing the tenderness of her flesh. It was as it the sun itself colored her; I had never seen or felt something as marvelous. Her skin is smooth and warms my lips. Once she’s barren of cloth, together our bodies couple and I interlace our hands reflexively. Both connections are equally nurturing as we move in time with each other. Soon, all that plagues us is the radiance of our pleasure and I lose myself in her ruched paradise. There wasn’t another place I wanted to be besides in her arms.
The night kindles on, a raging, passionate flame, as I take MC with me to euphoria.
And the entire time, without fail, my mind whispers the same phrase over and over until even its lips fall numb by end.
I love you.
Thank you again for your request! I loved writing this for you--it was fun to test first person writing since the last one I did was more third person limited lol.
If you want to request something, here’s the Prompt List, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Okay, so. First of all - Solstice ball? In Hogwarts? Yes please. There's nothing more magical and romantic than a winter ball at Hogwarts, I wish I was her 😔 The setting, the DRESSES, so so amazing and magical.
Then we get Hoseok in full black with hair slicked back 🥵🥵 I'm 100% convinced there's a lot of students with a (not so) sudden crush on prof. Jung and literally everyone else, why are they all so hot lol
Super cute dance, I always find it interesting to see Hogwarts through the teacher's pov, and both the mc and Hoseok seem so dedicated and genuinely concerned about the students, it's great!
I really appreciate the little Easter-eggs and historical context, it makes it feel so much more authentic. Because even though this is not happening in Harry Potter times, those events would probably still have a very big presence in today's wizarding community.
I can feel Hoseok's frustration everytime she mentions their age, or behaves like he's her bf's brother and not just Hoseok. I feel like screaming to my screen like, GIRL YOU LIKE EACH OTHER, STOP BEING SO DENSE (but also I'm probably worse when it comes to those things so yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
And finally, FINALLY, the kiss 🥺 it was so?? Cute??? Girl saw the opportunity and FINALLY went for it, so proud of our mc. Suuper looking forward to the awkwardness of their next encounter hahaha. If they're both spending Christmas at Hogwarts tho, then they'll have plenty of time and space to...be alone...😏😏 But really, a romance in Hogwarts just sounds so 🥺💞 walking by the lake holding hands, butterbeer in Hogsmead, watching the snow 🥺
ANYWAYS, this was kinda long but I really love your writing, you always write Hoseok in the most perfect way, and I really should start leaving reviews more often because you spoil us soo much and it's so high quality and ugh. Anyways. Loving this, very excited for more ✨
:DDDD thank you!! I love getting these kinds of messages :D 
I also really enjoy injecting actual Britishness/culture into this Hogwarts fic because I feel that most people who write these AUs are American/Australian. Nothing wrong with that but we get so Americanised that there’s stuff that immediately leaps out to me as wrong haha. So it’s funny to get into it and go full Brit.
AND YES, WE NEED MORE FANCY HOSEOK. URGH. JUST IMAGINE. He’s hot and he kinda knows it but now MC REALLY knows it.
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mamafishfound · 5 years
Leon: The Rabid Lion and Astrology
Alright finally got to posting this I'm sorry it took so long a lot was going on with the Cornovirus stuff and my husband had issues with his green card and can't find it which we had no luck finding but alas thats a unrelated issue to the post. So here we are for the long awaited Star Crossed Myth and Astrology post
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The Leo Archtype
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Leo is ruled by the sun and rules the 5th house, the house of creative expression, arts, hobbies,children, and ect. Leo energy shines the brightest when it is in your sun sign and many famous Leos tend to pursue theater careers and are stereotyped as dramatic and attention-seeking. In a way when we first met Leon, he instantly was all like " you do what i say woman" and magically took her up in the sky to show her the stars. Logically speaking he was just trying to convince her he and the rest of the gods were for real not just trying to kidnap her XD, but the way he did all that was very dramatic and theatrical hahaha. So right off the bat, Leon was very Leo like ASSHOLE edition. In my experience, Leo placement folks are rather generous expressive and kind and although they appear to be self centered, they are kind to their friends and love to share the spotlight. Leon I guess is the kind of Leo who is sick of all this attention due to his powers (if you consider it a power hehe) and thus he wanted to withdraw himself from others and used his powers to appear dominate and in control. Leo energy is very much all about keeping up their reputation and the bad apples of the signs can come across arrogant and egoistic, which Leon shows right off the bat in his route and other routes. Leon's whole purpose is to erase his sin of rejecting true love. Leo archetype is all sharing and expressing love so Leon is basically an unevolved Leo that need to find love for himself once more. Leon was always hard on himself and due to his guilt of indirectly causing a goddess to fall from grace... I don't blame him.
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Leon hides the very dark and sad feelings he has and its up to the MC to help him rediscover the true beauty and essence of love. Love does correlate with creative expression that the archetype is all about and I don't blame the king of the heavens casted him away. Leon shouldn't just waste away in self doubt and hide it in shield of aggressiveness and arrogance. Fixed signs in general can have a hard time being open to different perspectives in morale and values and when they are fixed in one way to view the world its a bit of a challenge for them to change it up. This isn’t the say all fixed signs are narrow-minded but when they do change its almost like they go through a metamorphosis and they are better then ever.
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Leo is a fire sign and its also fixed, so passion and self expression is strong and upfront. I only met a few introverted Leos and even they have a certain type of stubbornness that is unmatched. Leon takes several chapters to admit his downfalls and give love one more shot. He didn’t believe in true love because all he saw was goddesses lust for his sex and power, so he came to one conclusion that love is not real and he wanted to change the heavens to see through his own image. He even attempted to overthrow the king and take his place. He was someone who thought highly himself and wanted his way only. Its no wonder he is the leader in his department due to his power and charisma that the Leo archetype is all about.
once Leon opened up his cold heart to MC then he is absolved of his sin and he can fully represent the Leo sign. He still is a bit controlling dominate and sadistic (which is why we all secretly love him for hehe) but after he reaches his revelation in love he is more caring generous and kind to the MC. He definitely did a 180 and was more daring and love struck which i can see in Leo placements in general. Leo energy is also known to be wildly sexual and hot and heavy in the bedroom. Leon in some side stories and sequels to his story he definitely is known as an amazing sex god.
The 5th House
This house in astrology is associated with our creative endeavors, hobbies, casual flings, self-expression, and artistic talents. This house is how we standout (or don't standout?) in this world compared to others or audience we are "performing" to. Leo energy is said to be the performers of all the signs so we can imagine that this energy desires to shine through. Leon is the main guy in this story and its no wonder, since he is the route who "outshines" the rest of the guys. Kidding of course LOL, but if you saw the interview of one of the writers of the story, she appeared a bit thirsty for Leon when discussing his storyline. He kept trying to paint the Heroine to be so into him when she got embarrassed over seeing him and Teo having an "orgy" ( like they were just messing around but basically it appeared to be like that LMAO) and even pointed out their bet on the Heroine to be curious and want to "watch their performance". Perhaps she did want to secretly see it but to be accused of such can be humiliating haha. I understand that since I'm a 12th house person ( I'll go over that on Ichthy's analysis if you are unfamiliar with the houses in astrology) I tend to hide my true colors and myself out of shame and insecurity and so seeing Leon being so arrogant and so full of himself rubs me the wrong way and it explains why hes one of my least favorite characters, because he represents everything i shame myself to feeling. Arrogance and cockiness can be seen in the 5th house but remember that is only shown if the said individual is enabled to do so.
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Leon represents the side of this house with casual flings and self-expression. He is the head minister of the Wishes department, and even though he acts like he could care less, he is very passionate of his role. All the gods under his department respect him despite his blatant affairs. The fifth house is all about living life to the fullest and expressing ourselves in a way that makes us feel special and unique. The sun rules this house and its no wonder because the sun is the brightest star in our solar system. Leon knows this and it seems he is tired of this yet he still enjoys having the limelight still. This is very stereotypical of Leo energy in general but I feel Leon is just bored of simply getting attention just because he wants to gain attention being unexpected and challenges the King for it by attempting to take his power. I think side stories or his POV route goes over this more but Leon is tired of playing by the rules and he wants to go extreme in order to feel more "alive". From what i heard from others regarding his second season stuff and other side stories, his route is all about the DRAMA and its no wonder he's pushed to be the front man of the game....we all love a hot and dramatic story line for our daily otome hahaha (and if you don’t well....ajfklajlfjakljflajjaklajlGAJJJ lol jk do you boo).
Children also represent this house and normally its associated with your relation with children or how you are as a child. This house also might cue in about your own children if you chose to have any that is. There is a saying that says " Children brighten our world" which is fitting considering what makes us stand out and "bright" is what this house is all about. Leon is not necessarily a big fan of children (unless side stories of his reveal otherwise) but his dramatic and unfiltered comments to the Heroine can be deemed "childlike". Someone correct me but he and Partheno are the only routes that its confirmed the Heroine get preggers right? If not then what i am about to say is invalid but its no wonder Leon's route gets the married with a baby ending. I wonder how he would be as a father? I bet he will shower his child with love tender and care but would also push his child to be the best version of themselves. People in general with personal planets in the 5th house if they decide to have kids, are very good parents and would be the fun mom or dad that encouraged their kids to reach their dreams.
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Planets in Leo
Okay so we talked about the archetype of Leo and the house placement and a bit of its ruling planet (the sun) of Leo as well. Now for planet placements. I will only be focusing on the 9 planets astrologers study just to keep things simpler. If anyone wants more of my take on other placements such as Chiron, North node, or even Lilith, let me know I will make a separate post for that. In a birth chart the moment you were born its made by the exact placement the planets are at the time. The sun sign is normally what horoscopes go over but did you know that Venus mars and other planets impact you even more? Since the gods rule their own sign, we can assume their birth chart is all in one sign haha. So I will be going over how Leo energy is played in each planet and how its shown in the entire main story for Leon's route.
Sun in Leo
The sun is considered our sole purpose in our life time. It also is the part of us that is our over all theme of our personality and life choices. It also is what we want to become in the future. The sun sign is normally what horoscopes focus us but the sun sign is only like a summary to our life long autobiography. Sun in Leo is Leo's true home planet and its easier to pick out Leo sun folks especially if their sun sign is positioned between the 1st and 5th houses. Leon is very much the staple of Leo with his arrogance, confidence and need to be dramatic. Though at times he tries to act like he could care less, its soooo obvious he does care about being the center of the Heroine's attention even in the begining of his route XD.
Moon in Leo
The moon sign is known as the "dark side" of your personality. The moon is the hidden sense of self that only your close loved ones or significant others experience. The moon is also associated with the mother or women in your life. The moon is how we react and how we internalize our emotions as well. Most astrologers will look at your moon sign and might come up with what kind of mother or mother figure that raised you, since the mother is the parent that teaches and nurtures us and our emotional well being. Since there was no talk about Leon's parents in the main story (maybe in side stories? ) we will talk about how Leon expresses himself emotionally and how his emotions change based on how the Heroine interacts with him as they get to know each other. I really saw his moon shine when he saw how the Heroine was passionate about helping Her best Friend Hyori's romance life. Normally Leon acts like he could care less but he was being inspired by the Heroine's persistence to make Hyori and her bf to get along again after a big fight. Another example was when Leon openly gives respect to the Heroine in teaching him love and its real meaning. Well go over that more in the Venus section. his emotions are volatile and responds when the heavens started to go against him. Leo moon folks normally are vibrant and warm folks and are good at sharing the lime light over Leo sun folks. Leon even thanks and acknowledges the Heroine for being so strong in the forbidden ending which is the epiphany of how Leo moons show their feelings.
Mercury in Leo
The mercury sign is associated with the conscious mind. This planet is all about how we communicate and retain information within. Mercury also is about our learning style and thinking pattern on a daily and mercury normally is closely aligned with our sun sign. Mercury in Leo are folks that can come across as theatrical and dramatic and are good at gassing themselves and others. The spotlight for this placement is vibrant and fun and Leon at the get go of the route is blunt with the Heroine. He is sadistic in his thinking and has fun being dominant an is very open in dialogue over that. Remeber when Leon would always call out the Heroine when she was distracted or doing something that is laughable? I do remeber her talking to Karno and he so calls out her out being a fickle goldfish. Throughtout his route he communicates with sass and always seems to want to start something. Its no wonder Zyglavis and Scorpio can't stand him, he just sooo full of himself but at least he can back it up being the strongest god in the heavens next to the king himself.
Venus in Leo
Venus is major component that Leon seems to lack connection with in the route. Venus is the planet of love, romance, and short term gains. Its also how we show are love to others and how we expect to be loved back as well in romantic relationships especially. Spolier alert, its love that Leon seems to underestimate love , causing the King of the heavens to kick him out to figure what is loveeeee baby dont hurt me (sorry i had too LOL). Leon doesnt realize this and thought since he did not pleasure the goddess that obsessed over him that was the reason he was cast away from the heavens. The 5th house has a tendency to be more about the fun and thrill regarding love and can get confused with lust. That is what Leon seem to have an issue with, he was so used to being the center of attention due to his power to give absolute pleasure but he always felt like he was being used by others. He wanted more when it comes to love and thats what the Heroine teaches him. Love can come in many different ways and I find Venus in Leo folks love to share the spotlight and help others find love within the best kind of trait in Venus in Leo.
Mars in Leo
Mars is considered the planet of action, agression and sex. Its very much the opposite of Venus. Mars is greatly shown in Leon's route, especially when he decided to fight the King of Heavens. Mars in Leo has a powerful force within any individual that has this placement. Leon's abiliies are known to be the most powerful and every god and goddess fear and respect him. Even Zyglavis the other department head fears him. going back to the concept of love, Leon confuses lust and love and he is apologetically thinks he knows better then what the heroine has to say about love and he gets aggressive if questioned or dissed. Leo placement folks tend to easily get offended and might lash out quickly if anyone questions their stance or actions. Leon is no exception and that plays in the role of fear and respect among all the gods in the heavens.
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and good fortune. Its the planet in our chart that gives us the most luck and talent wherever its positioned in the chart. I have this placement in my own birth chart (but in retrograde smh lol) and I think its shown in Leon's route with his natural charisma and excellent leadership skills. He might be feared and sought after the most but everyone relies on him the most when the going gets tough in the heavens. Even though he was cast out of the heavens for his sin, the gods still go to him for help as soon as they realize he can still use his powers. He basically is the ace and brings luck to the heavens when the going gets tough.
Saturn in Leo
Saturn is the planet of restrictions and discipline. Its considered the grandfather of all the planets. Leon is put on restriction for loosing interest in love and not doing his job to the fullest. He also is arrogant and looks down on those who don't have power like him. I see the king of heavens being like Saturn in these circumstances for he wants to teach Leon a lesson for getting too full of himself just becauae he has the most power. The entire route is basically synonymous to his Saturn in Leo that teaches him to not get cocky about himself and realize love's true meaning and to share love to all humans to be able to do his job correct. After all he is the head of the department of wishes and how could he grant wishes if he doesn’t even believe in the power of love?
Uranus in Leo
Uranus is considered one of the generational planets of change and humantarian pursuits. In the sign of Leo change is necessary on how you are viewed in the spotlight whether for a good or bad reasons. I think change occurred when Leon and 5 other gods where cut of their powers and had to figure out what their sin they needed to absolved from. Uranus is not comfortable in Leo since Uranus's original ruler is Aquarius, the opposing sign of Leo. So its no wonder Leon tried to fight the King and rallied up the other gods to go against him.
Neptune in Leo
Neptune is also a generational planet of modern day changes and the overall dreams society might strive for as a whole. Leon does have a wish to rule over the heavens and be the strongest god there ever is (spoiler alert he does in the ending of season 2 LOL) and he grows tired of the King of Heaven's sadistic ways so its no wonder he tries to go against him. I also associate Neptune in his job as head minister in department of wishes. Since dreams and wishes tend to intertwine, when it comes to granting wishes he seems to go for those of hidden desires in human's need to be center of attention. He did grant the boys need to get stronger to help his grandma as an example in his route. Wanting to be the center of attention is not inherently bad especially if its where you shine to help others in need and being the "hero".
Pluto in Leo
Now finally the planet of death is here haha that is not to say literal death but it does have association with the death and rebirth cycle. Pluto is the final generational planet that defines the exact generations itself ( such as boomers or generation z ect) each generation brings something new to the society and transformation on how things are change with changing times. Pluto is also represents what we need to change and evolve in our individual placements. Since the gods probably been around from many millions of years so Pluto's effects probably are more immediate then gradual. it took 12 chapters for Leon to learn about love and its true meaning so Pluto's transformation was more immediate for Leon then any human ever lol.
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So How Accurate is the Game then?
So is the game accurate in representing Leo? Well that’s subjective they do got the negative stereotypes down of Leo's such as arrogance, over dramatic, and sadism but remember just because that is considered the bad traits doesnt mean all Leo's are like this. I have known a lot of great Leo's that are generous, entertaining and kind. In fact in my experience Leo's shine gives me hope for a better future in humanity itself. I think once Leon does realize the value in true love then that’s when more positive traits of Leo are shown. Leon is not overall horrible character he just has flaws that tend to get excused because he is the main guy and we as consumers that play this game are suppose to not care and want some of that shit he does to us because he is soooo hOt...Which is problematic but isn’t that the tea and Leo energy thrive in the drama in general even if they don't mean too. His route is the most dramatic and its only fitting that its because he's a Leo. Now a friend of mine (shouting out to u @bitch-pinnacle 😍) told me that the gods character design are similar to the Ascendant of each sign. The Ascendant is the sign that reflect your outward demeanor and how you are perceived to others. Finding your ascendant is by knowing your exact time of birth and it starts the entire house system in your birth chart. Leo rising are known to have hair like the mane of a lion and are expressive and lavish looking and tend to attract anyone to them. That definitely sounds like Leon. Even in his god form his hair is all big and long like a Leo rising are said to be like. So overall i think the game is pretty accurate its just that in the get go Leon embodies the negative side of Leo and I can see that rubbing you Leos the wrong way haha. After all if people say unpleasant things about you even if not meaning to can offend you. Leo folks in my experience get readily hurt fast if ridiculed or questioned. After all Leo is the performers of the zodiac and shine the most out in the open.
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choicesfansstuff · 5 years
Hi, everyone. While browsing through Tumblr, I saw a request for a Kamilah x MC story that takes place after the Priya diamond scene from today's BloodBound chapter. Afterwards, I got inspired to write this. Hehehe.
P.S: I only saw the Priya scene through screenshots posted on Tumblr. I didn't actually buy the scene because I want my MC to remain faithful to Kamilah and also because I want to save diamonds for future chapters. Lol. Hahaha.
Note: The setting here is that the Council meeting went well and Gauis did not appear at the end.
Click here to go to Part 2.
Amy's POV
"So, it's settled. We will implement the rotational scheme."
After hours of animated and heated arguments and debates, the Council had finally agreed that they would not destroy the vial. Instead, they decided that they will hide and secure it, and that its hiding place will change every week in order to ensure better that Gaius will not be able to locate it.
"As agreed, Jax will choose the first hiding spot. Afterwards, it will be Priya. Then Lester, then the Baron, then me, and finally, Kamilah."
At the mention of her name, you instinctively stiffen - the memory of your literally bloody affair with Priya tugs at your guilt.
"Once the first rotation is completed, we will start a new one with Jax selecting the next hiding spot."
After a few more closing statements, the meeting finally adjourns with everyone present feeling tense and anxious.
The Baron and Lester leave immediately - the uneasiness apparent on their faces.
Adrian then addresses the rest of you. "I better go. I need to consult with some of my Clan members about surveillance and intel gathering."
"I'm going to go start planning." Jax says. "Lily, I think I'm going to need your help with some tech stuff."
"Gotcha. See you around, Amy." Lily goes in for a hug.
"See you."
As the three vampires leave, you turn to Kamilah who seems completely lost in thought.
"Kamilah? You okay?"
Before the Egyptian vampire can respond, a silky voice purrs into your ear.
"Aww. Aren't you going to ask me how I'm doing?"
You jolt as Priya wraps her arms around your waist.
The fashion designer grins predatorily. "Why so jumpy, darling? You seemed to enjoy being in my arms before."
You feel your hands go cold. Kamilah is standing right in front of you and is now staring at you engulfed in Priya's embrace.
"This whole Gauis business has made me tense. Maybe you can help me relax ..." she lightly nips at your ear, not at all bothered by Kamilah's presence.
"Priya, I ---"
"She will do no such thing. Let her go."
You both turn to Kamilah whose eyes are silently blazing with cold fury.
You're frozen by a feeling of dread, but Priya just laughs.
"Oh, but she will. After all, we had so much fun the first time we did it. Right, Amy?"
You are unable to respond as you watch the anger on Kamilah's face turn into shock. For a brief moment, you see a glint of hurt in her eyes before the fury returns to her features.
Kamilah steps over to the two of you and roughly places a hand over Priya's arms which are still around you.
"Priya." You see her grip on the fashion designer's arms tighten. "Let. Amy. Go."
As her grip continues to tighten, you start to hear something crack.
Priya suddenly releases you. You turn to see her nursing her left arm. That's when you realize that the sound you heard was her bones cracking.
In a flash, Kamilah is between you and Priya.
"Leave. Now." Kamilah's eyes were red and her fangs were bared.
Priya answers by bearing her own fangs. However, she doesn't do anything else.
"Fine." She stretches her arm - her cracked bones now completely healed. She turns to you and smiles. "We'll pick up where we left off some other time, gorgeous." She winks and leaves without another word.
Soon, you and Kamilah are left alone in an unbearable silence.
After what felt like an eternity, she speaks with her back still facing you.
End of Part 1
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quincette · 7 years
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Kojuro’s Strange Dream
Spoiler of Kojuro’s sequel in Tenka
So in Tenka, Masamune and Kojuro (and Shigezane) as per history, live to old age. Their stories in Tenka have three endings… well, two technically, but during the second play you get to access a final epilogue short story (which I call the third ending).
The baby bontenmaru sprite you saw going around? Yeah, that was from Masamune sequel’s third ending (where he thinks of his childhood with Kita).
Similarly, Kojuro meets his younger self in his third ending.
So the story ends with Kojuro’s return to Oshu, after serving a period with Hideyoshi, and upon his return, he holds a proper wedding celebration with MC in Shiroishi. HIdeyoshi sends gold and lavish gifts. Happy Ending. (I recapped it here if you wanna spoil yourself)
Next, in the Epilogue’s epilogue (lol). It was from Kojuro’s POV.
Kojuro and MC faced a daunting task: namely unpacking their stuff for Shiroishi. Kita has dropped a massive amount of Stuff from Kojuro’s family shrine to his castle and Kojuro stored them in a room.
A month later they remained untouched so MC insisted they cleaned them up. 
MC: Start with one box and separate them into a pile you want to keep and a pile you don’t, once you start you’ll get it done! (go MC)
Kojuro was reluctant.
Among the stuff found in the pile were the stuff you find in his Castle Gacha.
this flamboyant haori
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which he didn’t want to throw away…
Then a stack of paper that turned out to be songs he wrote.
HE SINGS, or SANG, lol, WOW, in addition of playing flute. 
Then, a dusty old kiseru, his first kiseru.
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He felt nostalgic upon finding this. MC was curious and scooted closer to have a look. Suddenly the world went pitch black and the last thing MC heard was the echo of Kojuro’s voice, saying “Abunai!”
They woke up beneath a tree, on the side of a road shaded by rows of tree. Kojuro recognised that as the Yonezawa from the olden days. Then when he was still figuring out what had just happened, he saw …
(*insert me screaming for a full  minute*)
Tenka billed Kojuro with full name (Katakura Kojuro), and young Kojuro with customary ??? then just Kojuro.
???: Ojisan-!
Kojuro: !
MC: !
???: …. my mistake…
They stared at each other, fascinated but eventually he continued on his way. I think young Kojuro must have mistaken his old self with Kagechika (since it was told Kojuro looks so much like young Kagechika)
Kojuro, being accustomed to weird shit coming from his family treasury in the temple (remember that maneki neko that turned MC into a cat?), concluded that they must have been in a dream, strange dream of olden days Oshu.
MC was fascinated.
MC: Then if this is a dream, why don’t we have fun?
Kojuro: Haha, we might as well, but what do we do?
MC: Is there any place you would like to visit, Kojuro-sama?
So they went to Kojuro’s favourite spot, which turned out to be a dilapidated temple. It had been torn down by the time MC arrived in Oshu at the beginning of his story. Kojuro told her that he used to come there to spend some time alone. MC wondered if young Kojuro was alright.
Then they met young Kojuro again, who just came out the temple.
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MC noticed that young kojuro was carrying that old kiseru they were inspecting just before the dream/timeslip thing.
MC: Is that yours?
Young Kojuro: It has nothing to do with you…!
Kojuro was apologetic of his younger self.
Kojuro: Forgive me, I wasn’t pleasant during this time.
MC: Fufu, it’s okay…
Kojuro: What you have on your hand is yours to enjoy, but do be careful with fire. Dry kindling is easier to catch fire.
Young Kojuro just stared at him and then rudely stalked away.
Kojuro: I was a cheeky brat too.
MC: Hahaha, but that is how teenagers are.
So they went around few more places, sightseeing and then they went to another temple to rest. Kojuro was puzzled because they were still in that dream. He wondered how they can wake up.
MC had Young Kojuro on her mind. She said to Kojuro that she was worried about his younger self, because he looked troubled, sad even. 
Kojuro felt a surge of love for MC’s kindness… when
lo and behold, Young Kojuro is there again. 
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… and he was still sour faced.
Kojuro did remember that it had been a troubled time before he started serving Masamune so he decided to approach and talk to him.
Young Kojuro initially ignored him. But he noticed that he didn’t know how to use his kiseru.
Kojuro: Want me to show you how?
Young Kojuro just stared at him.
Kojuro: Since you clearly don’t know how to use that.
He still stared but Kojuro saw the shift in his face so gently he asked for the kiseru (may I?) then young Kojuro, both reluctant but curious, handed it over.
Kojuro showed him how. Then they had a small talk.
Kojuro: why don’t you ask Ojisan (Kagechika) to teach you?
Young Kojuro didn’t answer.  Kojuro suddenly remembered that this was the period where he had just returned from being fostered to another samurai house as their adopted son but they had decided to return him. Kojuro didn’t gel well with his original Katakura family for a bit and at that time Kita had not known how to be sweet with him. It was difficult period at home.
Kojuro: you didn’t feel comfortable with your family at home?
Young Kojuro didn’t answer.
Kojuro tousled his hair affectionately. 
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Young Kojuro: Don’t do that, I’m not a kid!
Kojuro laughed.
Kojuro: You may not know it but there will a time when someone waits for you to come home.
Young Kojuro: Quit it, I don’t have such a person.
Kojuro: You will, someday.
Then MC approached them, sensing the tension had been diffused.
She noticed Young Kojuro’s messy hair and pointed it out. He fussed over it.
Kojuro: Oh that’s right why don’t you start by combing your hair? When it’s not getting in your eyes, your sight would be clearer.
Young Kojuro was skeptical then he asked MC, why she would be with a guy like this.
MC laughed.
MC: Kojuro-sama can’t clean but he is a remarkably kind person.
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MC made Young Kojuro smile.
Suddenly Kojuro was woken up in his room in Shiroishi. MC was next to them, Apparently Tanaka found then unconscious in the treasury (errr, lack of oxygen???) and brought them there.
Kojuro remarked that he had a strange dream. MC said she did too. And that it was a wonderful dream. Kojuro agreed and smiled, caressing her hair thinking that he’s so happy he’s had MC to face whatever trouble the world sends his way now.
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The end. Tagging @shokundayo here you go dear sisterwife :*
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primadonna161 · 7 years
(PSVita) Hakuouki Shinkai Kaze No Shou Review
Warning, spoiler alert! I know I am totally late to the game, but I just wanted to post my feelings. Here are my thoughts about each individual character (as I have not finished each character, this will be edited over time). The order of the characters’ review will be in the order of which I played. There may be some biasness involved LOL!
Saito Hajime: 
Saito is a seriously a cutie (cuz I’m biased towards him haha). He is normally a serious and seemingly cold person, but he will warm up to you as time goes by. He will actually show himself to be a very thoughtful and passionate person. There were times where Saito had showed hesitance in his own actions and even irritation, which he normally do not show, but it showed he was still a human.   
There aren’t much cute/romantic scenes, because Saito takes time to warm up to people, and do not normally show a lot of affection. But I still spazzed so much at even just him appearing normally LOL. The story plot was also longer than I expected, maybe because I started playing Hana No Shou first. 
I have 2 fave scenes:
The snow rabbit scene. So in this scene, we will know that Saito loves snow, and enjoys admiring the snow. Since he’s normally a serious person, he hasn’t really played in snow before. So the MC offers him a snow rabbit, and he seems to be a little shocked about it. But what’s cute about this scene is not the CG, but what happens after. Saito proceeds to place the snow rabbit gifted to him by the MC at his room window, where everyone can see it. Meaning everyone was confused at why the usually serious Saito would put something totally out of his character at his room. He wasn’t embarrassed about this at all. This was what warmed my heart, as it shows that he really treasured the snow rabbit gifted by the MC. And again, showed his warm heart and how sweet he actually was, which was different from what some people may assume about him.
Saito taking care of the sick MC. There was a period of time where Saito wasn’t in the Shinsengumi because he was going undercover in another group whose head was Itou-san. But of course the MC doesn’t know that he went undercover and thought he left Shinsengumi for good. So one day, when she fell sick, he was taking care of her, but she thought it was an illusion. He took care of her all night, and even stayed with her and held her hand as she went back to sleep. This showed how much he cared for her. I had “aw”ed so much at this scene LOL. 
Harada Sanosuke:
Harada is just a big, cute and warm teddy bear. He is very caring to everyone, so of course he shows a lot of care towards our MC. He’s like the typical caring big brother. My heart kept melting because he was just so caring, kind and thoughtful. I remembered when I first watched the anime, I didn’t have much of an impression of Harada, but after I played the games, it totally changed. He became my second favourite character, after Saito. Throughout the game, you can see that he cares deeply for everyone, and how much he cares for Heisuke too, like an older brother. 
I don’t really have really specific favourite scenes, because just interacting with Harada is heart-warming enough. But for the sake of it, this was the scene that I “aw”ed the most:
“Confession” scene. The reason why I put inverted commas is because Harada didn’t literally confess, but he did so subtly, but of course the MC didn’t get it. This scene was because the MC was feeling bothered by being called a monster by Shiranui (one of her fellow demons), and Harada of course noticed her painful expression and said that he didn’t think of her that way. The MC then went on a mini rant on how she wasn’t a normal girl at all and she didn’t deserve his protection, so Harada pulled her into an embrace and asked if she heard his heartbeat, which is the same as hers. And then he goes on to say that even if it is a demon or human, when you’re embarrassed, your heartbeat will quicken when you are shy, which obviously means he was shy omg! His point was that she wasn’t different from others. Then next comes the “confession”, where he says in a very gentle voice, that anyone would want to protect someone whom he/she likes, which so obviously means Harada wants to protect the MC, whom he likes! But the MC doesn’t get it, so he simply dismisses it and gently patting her head while she was in his embrace. After that, the description (which is from the MC’s POV), says that Harada seems a little relucant to let her go, which again proves my point about him liking her. This whole scene was so cute I squealed LOL. 
Kazama Chikage:
Frankly at this point of the game, I am getting a little bored. There are a lot of repeated scenes, plus Kazama wasn’t in the Shinsengumi so there are not much interaction with him, except when he either comes to take the MC away or just to chill. 
This guy was just a total asshole at the start LOL. He didn’t care about frankly anyone, even the MC, at the start, and insults everyone. The reason why I even started playing him after Harada was because from what I knew of him, he was actually a very caring person to the MC. But at about 3/4 of the game, he started becoming more warm and gentle with his words with the MC. He also protected her at the end of the game, but I think it was just for his own benefit. 
I think I liked him better in Hana No Shou. So his route was kind of a disappointment. And I don’t have a favourite scene, as interactions with him was really little. Or maybe that part where he simply stood with the MC and admired the buildings and infrastructure. It showed how he was like as a character, and he was actually thoughtful and mature in his thinking. 
Hijikata Toshiro:
Moving on to our main character. Again, as many scenes are repeated, I had to keep skipping because I was getting bored with it. 
Hijikata is a clever and mature person. He is strict, but very thoughtful and caring of the people around him. People also rely on him very much, so it shows how he is as a natural leader, which was also the reason behind his role in the Shinsengumi. His decisions are wise and I really like the way he explains things and talks. It is really eloquent.
I don’t really have a favourite scene, but I have a favourite CG and a part that tugged at my heartstrings so much I sobbed. 
My favourite CG was when Hijikata was in his room doing his work. But what I liked about that CG was that Hijikata had his long hair down. He looked hot hahaha! It was rare seeing the demon vice-captain of Shinsengumi with untidy hair, so I thought that was pretty cute.
Now the part where I sobbed. It was at Hijikata’s ending. It wasn’t a CG at all, but I cried so much. So basically, the whole Shinsengumi was on board a ship to Edo, where they would be continuing the war. And before they got on that ship, Yamazaki (in case you are not sure, he’s the ninja), was injured badly by taking a blow from Kazama that was meant for Hijikata. In this part, Yamazaki basically knew he was going to die, so he called for Hijikata and told him his regrets and gave his parting words, and told the MC to take care of Hijikata. I can’t remember Yamazaki’s exact words, but all I knew was that I was sobbing already. Combination of sad BGM and sad moment brought on the waterworks. Yamazaki was one of my favourite characters in Hakuouki, which was why I was even sadder. After he passed on, everyone gathered on the deck, and Kondo addressed everyone regarding Yamazaki. The MC noted that everyone had red-rimmed eyes. Kondo’s words made me tear up again. After Kondo finished, Yamazaki’s body was tossed overboard, letting his body to float away. A few moments later, the scene where Hijikata stood staring out at the sea and he said something regarding Yamazaki and Gen-san that made me tear up again LOL, but I forgot what exactly he said. And that concludes the scene where I cried so bad. 
Yamazaki Susumu
My third fave character! He’s another cutie haha!  There’s frankly not much in his route other than the occasional scene spent with the MC. I am a little disappointed, although not as disappointed when I played his route in Hana No Shou. He is really has very little plot, just like in Hana No Shou, so although I was disappointed, I was kind of prepared. 
Yamazaki is a fairly serious person, and he always describes himself as Shinsengumi’s shadow, so he dedicates his life to it, and is quite unfeeling if he dies. It’s quite saddening too. He is willing to sacrifice his life for Hijikata, and even drank the Ochimizu on behalf of Hijikata to fight against Kazama and almost died doing that. (In Hijikata’s route as mentioned above, he died). 
He is quite a warm character when you get to know him, and is very gentle and kind to MC. He appreciates her and is super cute when he blushes because of her. He would hold her hand gently and talk to her smiling. 
I don’t have a favourite scene because his plot was just too little, but my favourite CGs are where he would smile and hold her hand gently, which clearly displays his warmth as a character, which is somewhat similiar to Saito, which is probably why I like him too. 
Okita Souji
I would be straight and say that I really don’t like Souji’s route. Sorry to those who really liked him, but this is just what I felt while playing his route. In this route, he was quite mean and cold. He always enjoys teasing the MC, but it’s quite hard to determine whether he is joking or not. His coldness is quite different from Saito’s. If I was to compare, not being bias here, Saito is a very calm and collected kind of coldness, while Souji is somewhat the opposite where he can be unfeeling towards the MC and Hijikata as well, and just insults both of them. There were a few instances where the MC was very hurt by Souji’s harsh words, which I didn’t see in the other characters’ routes up till now. I definitely liked him better in Hana No Shou. 
Souji has tuberculosis, which was why he couldn’t fight most of the time, and one of the major reason why he took the Ochimizu. It was quite saddening actually, especially when he was too weak to even lift a sword at one time. He has a strong desire to help Kondo, but couldn’t because of his condition. His condition was kept a secret from the rest of the Shinsengumi till the last part, when it clearly couldn’t be hidden anymore. Which was why he was sent to be taken care of by Dr. Matsumoto. 
Souji has a lot of respect and admiration for Kondo, which he is clearly displayed his hair and actions. He copied his hairstyle and was very emotional when he heard Kondo got shot at. He started blaming Hijikata, even though there was a very reasonable reason for Kondo being shot at, and it was not Hijikata’s fault. He even went out and started killing enemies of Shinsengumi although there was no evidence of them having shot at Kondo. He was simply trying to get revenge for Kondo, as he was super angered at Kondo being shot at, and hence was blind with rage. He was only convinced to stop by the MC. This respect for Kondo was also what made him drink the Ochimizu, because he wanted to be the ‘sword’ of Shinsengumi and help out Kondo and kill Kondo’s enemies from his own hand. 
I don’t have a favourite scene of Souji, probably because I didn’t enjoy his route too much. 
Todou Heisuke 
Heisuke was an unexpected favourite route of mine. He was very friendly to the MC from the start, and always treated her as a friend. I didn’t expect to like him because from what I watched the anime, I didn’t favour him as much, similarly to how I felt with Harada. 
Heisuke is a very bright and cheerful character, and he is always smiling. He is of similar age to the MC, which is probably why he is the one that treats the MC like a friend. Heisuke is also a little childish whom likes to play around (which is expected of his age frankly) but displays his maturity from time to time. He can get quite confused about his path in life (identity crisis like teens his age), but after talking with the MC, he would cheer up significantly. 
He appreciates the MC very much and is grateful for her. He always expresses that, which I thought is very cute. He is very sincere in his feelings, and does not hide behind a mask. This is probably why I liked his route. Playing his route gave a happy feeling. 
I have two favourite scenes:
One is where he was having a snowball fight with the MC, Harada and Shinpachi. He was on the same team with the MC. Since Heisuke is younger and not as strong than the two males on the opposing team, he was targeted at. It was pretty funny to see that, when the other two males kept pelting snowballs at him. The reason I enjoyed this scene was because I really liked the relationship between the three males, and this scene clearly describes their relationship. Heisuke being the one that is always ‘bullied’ and teased by the other two males. At the end of the scene, they threw snowballs to a tree full of snow and that pile of snow landed on Heisuke. Poor him! And obviously, they got scolded by Hijikata after that, because apparently the snowballs they were pelting had broke the doors (i think it was because the doors last time were paper). 
Second one was when he was talking to MC in his ending. It was just after they had a face-off with Kazama. They were holding hands and looking at the sunset (so cute! They actually held hands a few times in his route, which is super cute!). He was declaring to the MC that he would show Kazama next time that the MC was his, LOL. He basically confessed haha! He then proceeded to ask the MC to stay by his side, which clearly shows he likes her. He does not hide it.  
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merigreenleaf · 7 years
10 Questions Tag Game
Wow, I'm *more* than a month behind with these tag games. I'm so sorry! For this one I was tagged by @shrewb - I'm not going to tag anyone just because I'm so far behind with this, but if you want to play, consider yourself tagged! These are really fun questions! 1. What is your main character’s greatest fear? Heights. Adair is terrified even if he's only a foot or so off the ground. His boyfriend's favorite hobby is sitting on roofs and high places. This is going to go well for Adair lol. 2. What is your greatest fear as a writer? Never getting these stories finished. I know it'll eventually happen where I'll get a final draft, but my progress is so *slow*. I mean, I started book 1 in '13 and I'm still not quite done the 2nd draft. Granted I'm bouncing around between the trilogy and short stories in the series, but I'm just rather slow at writing and it makes me afraid that I'll never finish. 3. That was heavy, let’s get lighter. Who do your MCs main in Mario Kart? My MC *is* my main in Mario Kart! I made a Mii of all my dorks and Adair is usually the one I use in Mario Kart. If he was playing, though, he'd probably pick Yoshi. 4. How does reading affect your writing? Do you find you read differently because you’re a writer? Ugh, don't ask about my reading habits. I don't read nearly often enough and when I do I'm always way too critical of what I read to fully enjoy it. It's partly because I'm a writer, I think, but mostly because I have a BA in English that focused on literature so I spent years picking apart stories. 5. What’s the best criticism or writing advice you’ve gotten? I'm not really sure. Basically being told things like to follow my heart with what I'm writing and to tell the story I want to tell, I guess? 6. What’s the worst criticism or writing advice you’ve gotten? I take any writing advice (blog posts or anything) with a huge heaping tablespoon of salt. I'm more of the belief that once you understand the rules, you can say eff them and do your own thing lol. So if it's advice that doesn't work for me, I tend to just ignore it. 7. Do you tend to have more fun writing the heroes or the villains? Why? My villains ALWAYS downgrade into antagonists or antagonistic protagonists lol. As soon as I start to make them rounded characters, they inevitable lose a lot of their badness. So I have a ton of antagonists roaming the place and getting in the way of the protagonists, but no real villains yet. But anyway, I tend to have about equal fun writing these as my protagonists. :) 8. Do you save images that inspire you for your story? (as a pinterest or a desktop folder or a scrapbook etc?) Yup! I have a bunch of different Pinterest boards- one for the series as a whole, one for each of my MCs. It's here if you're interested in seeing/following. I love finding pictures relevant to my dorks! 9. Have you ever gotten a story idea from a dream you had? Hahaha, I just answered this question the other day from Adair's POV and that was entirely based on a dream I had. I haven't yet written this into a story, but I'm sure it'll show up at some point. Adair is very concerned about the pie situation at all times lol. 10. Be honest: Do you have a certain character you particularly love to hurt? Your punching bag? Their suffering is just The Best whether they deserve it or not? I'm laughing so hard at this because I imagine Firedrake glaring daggers at me. (And appropriately, Dray's question this week was about exactly this!) Dray is just constantly asking for their pranks to backfire amusingly and spectacularly and I have so much fun with that! I think part of the fun I have with doing this to Dray, though, is that Dray can handle it. Dray might grumble and claim I'm evil, but in the end they always can face whatever gets thrown at them.
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