#Logan is girldad anyway
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starrenati · 7 months ago
So I did some more. Again. I don't know how but sure did. Also wanted to share that this ff doesn't have a name for now and the doc I write in is just called "LFG ff". Thank you for your attention.
Chapter II
"Fate likes cruel jokes"
“What are you doing, bub?”
She almost fell, hearing a familiar voice. her grip on the bars loosening a little. She had to swat the air a few times and test her leg strength to get back into a sitting position. Alice glared at Logan, who was just standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. Of course he was close enough to catch her, in case she wouldn’t manage to save herself in time. 
“Are you fucking crazy? I could’ve fallen!”
“Language, young lady. And I’d catch you in time if you didn’t do that in time.” 
She rolled her eyes, getting off of the railing and now standing on the ground, still eyeing Logan with feigned anger. She couldn’t really stay mad at him for too long in that case. Somehow, he had a better grasp of her struggles than for example Wade. Why? Hard to tell. Logan wasn’t exactly the type of person to just open up and talk about his feelings or even just thoughts. 
“ So? Care to answer my question or you’ll continue on with the silent treatment?” 
He asked, raising his eyebrow. He had his guesses about what was happening yet again. 
“ Thinking. I was just thinking. And you interrupted me. Which is rude and very annoying. You should apologize and move on. How did you even know I was there? Who told you? Wade?”
Yeah, that was definitely it. Judging by how much she was speaking, the speed of her speech and amount of unnecessary words, everything fit right in place. 
“ Yes, Wade told me that you left the flat, high out of your mind, not telling anyone where you’re going. And I know you always come here when this”  he lightly tapped her forehead “ happens.” 
She only grumbled in reply, taking a half step back. Of course she didn’t want to talk about it. It was like a never healing wound. Bothering her in every possible way, hurting and bleeding from time to time, for years now. A curse. That much she could agree on. Anyone who was a telepath, ever, was cursed with a gift that takes more than it can actually give. Alice turned her eyes away, looking at the very few cars that passed the bridge. It must’ve been getting late then. Only now she felt the cold wind sink deep into her skin, reach her bones and send a chill through them. Making this whole experience even more unpleasant. Suddenly the world was real and she hated it for it. 
“ C’mon, “ he placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a slight push in one of the directions “ let’s get inside the car. We can talk there.” 
This time she didn’t protest. Just followed his lead to a car, the cheap car that will soon probably fall apart. Was this fate meant for all of them in different ways? Each and everyone of them was a mix of pieces that were falling all over the place, held by some cheap tape. Even the dog. Maybe she would’ve found this hilarious if she would’ve still been high, but it was passing, making everything around worse and worse with each passing moment. She would’ve handled it a lot better, if the voices would finally shut up, but she was already greeted by the shriek of her mind, piercing right through her, yet she didn’t show any signs. Already used to that torture.
 She followed Logan into the car, sitting in the passenger seat and buckling her seatbelt. It was a habit by now, to make sure that if she falls out, it’d be at least with this damn seat. Nothing like a concept of comfy death. He also got in and started the car again, the soft hum of the engine filling her ears, slightly soothing the chaos in her mind. The scenery outside, so well known, yet now even more important. Each lamp, every rusty piece of railing, every painted line and the black asphalt. Simple things that looked so much different from this perspective, much less real and much more blurred. 
“ You promised you won’t smoke again.”
His voice echoed somewhere in the back of her mind, when he finally spoke up. Instead of answering she just reached out to turn on the radio. Random station and everything. Just something noisy enough to let her surface from the mess of thoughts in her mind. He sighed but didn’t push. They had time. She can talk later. 
Soon they passed the bridge, now being outside the city. The scenery filled with more and more trees, away from civilization. Now, all that was left was to go to their spot. Where many important talks already took place, many heart to heart shares of memories and troubles. The trees there already know their stories, at least the most important bits of them. After all it’s been years from that simple “Hi” that passed his and Wade’s mind one day and started all that. All this mess of yet another broken person to share their life with. However, Logan would never complain about it… Well, he maybe did but never really meant it. 
Car was filled with well known sounds of the song “Somewhere only we know”. Alice smiled a bit at the irony of the world and fate once again. Nothing happens without a reason, right? So maybe it was meant to play all along? Maybe it was supposed to be like this? Maybe the scolding was written in the stars for her long ago and there wasn’t really a way to escape all that? Why was it still heavy on her mind? The way this world works and the cruelty of fate, that definitely likes to play with people. To show them happiness just to forever tear it out of their hands and leave them hopeful but miserable. All you have left is hope, but what happens when you lose it? 
Her mind got pulled away from those thoughts, when the car came to a stop again. The clearing on a cliff. Not that far away from the city, yet far enough to feel free and sort of alone. 
“ So, again, you promised something.”
“ I know. But I had to. It got too loud, I didn’t know how to stop this anymore. I think it’s the loudest it's ever been… It’s painfull. And I have to go to work on Monday so I can’t be a walking zombie.”
“ So you decided to get high? Very reasonable. Really.”
“ Okay, sarcasm king, I know it makes no sense actually.” 
She muttered, her eyes focused on the outside still. Making out shapes of bushes and flowers in the darkness. Alice was feeling lost. It wasn’t only about the pain. It was also about how unfair it was, feeling cornered by her own mind, with no sensible way out. Like her fate was to be destroyed or destroy herself on her own. 
“ I’m jealous of normal people, you know, Logan?” She whispered, her voice barely coming over the songs from the radio. “ I wish I could just go one day with a silent mind. Without hearing thousands of things in it constantly, without having to pretend I’m all fine…”
Something was about that spot, about how it was making her so vulnerable without an issue. Just like that pushing her over that emotional edge. Tugging at her heart in all the right ways to make her believe that saying all that, out loud, would fix anything and everything. Somehow.. 
“ You remind me of someone…”
“ Charles? You used to tell me many stories about him, the great telepath and such, but how are we similar? You’ve never said about his struggles. I mean with the school and such, yes, but not with… With the thing.”
She looked at him, and he could sense that silent begging for any reassurance. For any way to prove that she wasn’t the only victim of her mind. That it wasn’t only her that suffers so much everyday. 
“ It was backfiring at him as well, something about his meds so he could walk, but wasn’t able to use his telepathy anymore…”
And that hope was gone. It was different for her again. She couldn’t stop this or trigger it. It was part of her. That pain was an inseparable part of her being it seemed. 
“ So it’s way different… If I could do anything to make it stop, I would, but I can’t. That’s the problem Logan. I can’t. I just can’t. It’s all the time under my skull, like I have a hive of pissed off bees in there, few of them even. Rushing all the time, buzzing, making it insufferable. And I have to act. I have to be fine. I can’t just pop a pill and call it a day. I tried. I was taking antidepressants, I was taking meds like a crazy person, it probably destroyed my body beyond repair with how much of them I took and it only got worse.. I… I can’t fix this.”
The vulnerability of her voice stung him deeply. The way she was nervously pulling at locks of her hair from time to time, looking somewhere ahead while her reddish eyes filled with tears, how that tone of her voice changed due to a stuffed nose. The shaking of her hands. He could only imagine how it must’ve felt. To be seen as crazy while all you’re trying to do is to survive. 
“I don’t want to suffer like that. “ More of a squeal than actual words. “ I don’t deserve this, Logan. I don’t. I didn’t do anything wrong. At least not to that point. I didn’t.. I really didn’t. I did a lot of bad things but nothing to be like that. To be cursed and damned when I just want to live.”
She was breaking in front of his very eyes. Her voice failed her more and more. Giving out more with each passing word. He reached out to her, offering her his arm to lean on. 
“ Come ‘ere…”
He didn’t know what to say. How to soothe her for now, so that was all he could do. Let the words fall and offer some support. She leaned on him immediately. Her body was shaking as she clenched her fingers around his arm, holding onto him as if he was about to disappear. 
“ I’m not a bad person… I’m just human, I’m allowed to make mistakes, so why am I punished like this? Why do I have to be a telepath? Why was I cursed? For what? So I can lose everything and everyone? Why…?”
He gently patted her hair this time. Cruel reality of being a mutant wasn’t leaving anyone, huh? It took her a bit more to regain her breath and just lean on him without a word. She knew he didn’t have the answer she wanted. Alice was never mad at him, it wasn’t his fault. It was never his fault. She glanced at the clock. They should be going back, but at the same time… Staying here was better. 
“ Can we stay for a bit longer..?”
“Sure. As long as you want.”
He saw it helped. A lot. So now he just keeps his arm around her shoulder in hopes that it helps a bit, distracts her mind enough to at least not hurt her anymore. Because, what we are without hope, right?
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captainkingsley · 7 months ago
anyway poolvernessa family that incorporates Ellie and Gabby into it too
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cryptid-paint · 6 months ago
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Logan, the step dad that stepped up! Anyway here's the Poolverine girldads au!
Here's some lore I've managed to come up with for this au:
-in this au Ellie's mom, Carmelita passed away when Ellie was two, at the hands of The Butler, however Wolverine and Deadpool went on to rescue Carmelita and Ellie. They found Carmelita had passed and Ellie crying hidden nearby, Logan was the one who noticed managing to catch her scent saying something smelled like Carmelita, but smaller, and scared and with a hint of Wade. When Logan found the infant, he held her in his arms and went back to Wade who couldn't believe his daughter was still alive. Wolverine suggested for Wade to take care of The Butler while he took Ellie home making sure she was safe and slashing every opponent he found in the way. Agreeing to meet back up at home at Al's apparent. Logan arrived first with Ellie being safe and explained the situation to Althea, with Wade coming back a couple days later, exhausted but relieved that the butler is now gone. After that for the sake of Ellie both Logan and Wade decided to "quit" the hero business and find regular jobs, settling in to start a more domestic life and raise Ellie together, only helping the Xmen on smaller, low risk missions if they're truly needed.
-after a year Laura was born, in this au she's Logan's biological daughter, as to how she was born, my version of Logan is trans, so you piece together the rest. Ellie was excited to have a little sister but Wade and Logan quickly realized that Al's apartment was starting to get too small for their growing family, so they chose to move out with both girls and Mary puppins to a place that wasn't too far from Al's apparent due to sentimental issues (a.k.a the boys being too attached to Al to completely move out of her life, they visit her every weekend ;3)
-when Laura was born her hair was white, this was because wolverine kits are born with white fur, and by now I think you all know I love giving Logan more animalistic features and traits, so it'll be the same for Laura, as she starts to grow up, the white hair/fur started to shed and turned into dark brown hair.
-Laura inherited Logan's mutation because I'm throwing that "only the (cis) father can pass the mutant gene stuff" through the window. My wolverine is afab/transmasc and still able to pass on his mutation to his child.
That's all the lore I've got so far. If anyone has any questions my ask box is open so feel free to ask anything from this au and I'll be happy to answer, who knows, maybe that'll help me develop it even further 💖
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guiltyasdave · 7 months ago
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…maybe i’ll just move the weekly roundup to monday, since i’m somehow never able to do them on sundays? i feel like we need the escapism more on mondays anyway.
i'm still very much consumed by the logan brainrot. if that bothers you, i... can't help you.
as always, please show the writers some love 🫶🏻
-> all my recs ever
dividers by @/enchanthings <3
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i'm organizing the fics by character and adding emojis to indicate the contents a little. still, please look at the tags/ warnings and decide for yourself if something might not be for you.
💘= fluff • ❤️‍🔥= smut • 🤍= angst • 🖤= dark
📖= oneshot • 📚= series
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dave york
take the heat away, make the girl stay by @noceurous 💘❤️‍🔥📖
isn’t she a doll? by @proxima-writes ❤️‍🔥🖤📖
i’ll protect you by @wardenparker 🤍📖
melt by @sizzlingcloudmentality 💘❤️‍🔥📖
dieter bravo
consent by @fuckyeahdindjarin 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
frankie morales
on call by @luxurychristmaspudding 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
javier peña
girldad!javier by @javierpena-inatacvest 📖
weave by @5oh5 ❤️‍🔥🤍📖
an end to drought by @almostfoxglove 💘❤️‍🔥📖
joel miller
girldad!joel by @whocaresstillthelouvre 📖
woman by @dancingtotuyo 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📚
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bonus non-pedro boy #1 billy butcher (the boys)
fucking diabolical by @macfrog ❤️‍🔥🤍📖
& old man of the hour <3 logan howlett/wolverine
keep quiet by @sinsofsummers ❤️‍🔥📖
petrichor by @missredherring 💘📖
fridays by @superhoeva ❤️‍🔥📖
on his six by @superhoeva 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📖
morning ride by @wannab-urs 💘❤️‍🔥📖
make it hurt by @wannab-urs ❤️‍🔥📖
room for rent by @proxima-writes 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📖
nasty dog by @not-neverland06 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📖
secondhand smoke by @ovaryacted 💘❤️‍🔥📖
guard dog by @ovaryacted 💘❤️‍🔥📖
any other way by @teamred 💘❤️‍🔥📚
poker face by @imaginedisish 💘❤️‍🔥📖
come on and show me by @eupheme (featuring wade wilson) 💘❤️‍🔥📚
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my own writing
help me hold onto you — logan howlett x f!reader 💘❤️‍🔥🤍📖
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watmalik · 6 months ago
It's truly inevitable to not think about them lmao...
also this is unhinged from me aaaaaaand totally going on a different direction here bc again: Hi! I may be possessed by a demon or something too, who knows…. but like oh my god,
what if Ajax and Angel were working under Zander Rice? they take the weird white substance that mysteriously has both Wade's and Logan's DNA and use it for the creation of project X-23, creating Laura (which instead of just Logan's DNA, also has Wade's)and perhaps maybe one other clone assassin with said DNA combo…? Instead of what they told Wade…they were actually thinking of creating a weapon of their own…from "scratch" rather than using orphan kids only.
This is how they make Laura and Ellie (as in Ellie Camacho she's wade's real daughter in the comics. She's sort of unhinged like wade and adorable!).
Anyways, Laura and Ellie are birthed and quickly grow into this kid clones programmed to be soldiers/assassins, both have specific instructions to kill the Wolverine and Wade (Ajax had enough of his bullshit already) aka their "parents".
Wade's whole takeaway is that Ajax is a piece of shit and an awful shitter for treating kids like weapons…but, on the other hand, the wolverine is technically his baby daddy.
“Child support for life, baby! You hear that, my dear Wolvie? And don’t think I’m not gonna milk those professor wages for all they’re worth. We also better be getting that sweet, sweet family discount when our little stabby queens go to college." and then something, something about them being so girldad coded.
I'm so sorry, this might have come to mind bc of a convo I had with my coworkers about what we like to call "papi wolverine" but you didnt hear this from me.
More Professor Logan x Student Wade Thoughts
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Variation of the prior post, young Wade's actually doing freelance shady shit for Francis (or Ajax as he insists) and Angel as branch of the Weapon X program, and he's supposed to get DNA from Logan for a new batch of some serum they're injecting orphan kids with. Little Canadian psycho's confident he can get close to the Wolverine (who's retired now and teaching at the Xavier School) and obtain Logan's DNA.
Fails to factor in how hot the old man is in real life. Wade's read all of his old comics growing up in his broken abusive household. Logan's low-key his favorite X-Man, but the first thing he asks when he meets Logan is if he's banged Storm like the comics suggested and it pisses Logan off. Wade's becomes obsessed with him even after delivering the blood samples he promised Frances and Angel. He's like, I can do better, guys, give me some time.
And cut to a few weeks later, he comes back with a weird thing of white stuff in a test tube. Frances tests the contents out of morbid curiosity and it is, indeed as they feared, downstairs juice from the Wolverine mixed with Wade's DNA. He's like, what the fuck did you do? Why's your saliva and some of your cheek cells in here?
Wade's like, told you I could do better. 🤷‍♀️
Meanwhile Logan's freaking out about blowing his load in a student's mouth and breaking into the liquor cabinet after being sober for ten years. (Yes, Wade sows chaos into old man's life just for shits and giggles. Poor Logan, but not really.)
I was literally thinking about them just now 😮‍💨 @watmalik idk, Wolverine Origins Wade just hits differently. He gives off weird obsessive little pyscho/toxic bf vibes. No wonder his girlfriends are all exes now.
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