#Locking Variable Angle Plate
siora-surgicals · 4 months
Variable Angle Locking Plate – Improving Fracture Surgery
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A variable angle locking plate as the name suggests is an orthopedic implant that can be applied at different angles depending on the fracture pattern. These plates can accommodate different fracture patterns. Hence, they give surgeons the liberty to fix screws at different angles to hold fractured bone fragments in the correct anatomy. Their locking structure helps provide a rigid fixation while preventing the displacement of bone fragments. Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a trusted name when it comes to manufacturing orthopedic devices including variable angle plates. They have an in-house production facility and each implant is tested to meet set international standards.
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siorasurgical-post · 4 months
Variable Angle Plate – Get an International Standard Range
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Variable angle plates are game-changers in fracture repair. These medical implants offer surgeons more control by allowing screws to be inserted at various angles. This versatility is crucial for complex bone breaks, especially in the wrist. Variable angle plates provide: Improved fixation: Precise screw angulation for better bone fragment alignment. Minimally invasive: Smaller incisions compared to traditional plates. Faster healing: Stable fixation promotes quicker bone healing. You can get a CE-certified range of locking variable angle plates from Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., a renowned manufacturer of a huge range of trauma implants and instruments.
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Locking Variable Angle Proximal Lateral Tibia Plate 3.5/4.0mm
Locking Variable Angle Proximal Lateral Tibia Plate is intended to be used for the surgical fixation of proximal tibia fractures like comminuted, simple, and depression in adults & adolescents. Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. manufactures these plates in medical-grade stainless steel and titanium. They can also be availed in left & right directional configurations.
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olet-lucernam · 7 months
A Hollow Promise [22] chapter v, part iii
main tags : loki x original character, post-avengers 2012, canon divergence - post-thor: the dark world, canon-typical violence, mentions of torture
summary: In the aftermath of the Battle of New York, the Avengers need a few days to build a transport device for the Tesseract. With the Helicarrier damaged and surveillance offline, SHIELD sends an asset to guard Loki in the interim: a young woman who sees the truth in all things, and cannot lie.
Even long presumed dead, her memories lost to her, Loki would know her anywhere.
And this changes things.
Some things last beyond infinity. And the universe is in love with chaos.
(Loki was never looking for redemption. It came as an unexpected side-effect.)
chapter summary : despite his chains, loki begins gathering his pieces on the board. astrid works on escaping her own confines, and mitigating the damage of disasters to come.
recommended listening : venus in gemini, dezi
“So. What do you think?”
The question rang slightly in the room, ricocheting against metal plates and graphite-grey walls.
Arms folded, facing out into the open floor, Fury allowed the slight turn of his head and expectant silence to serve as invitation.
After a moment, Alethia- sleekly attired for the autumn chill like a native Manhattanite, in black skinny jeans, mid-heeled ankle boots, and fine-knit turtleneck sweater of berry wool- pushed herself off the wall, stepping forward.
She and Romanoff had been on the roof before Fury called them into the VERITAS testing area, drinking coffee in the cold and soundscape of noise above the city. Alethia had stripped the long wool coat she had been wearing when she arrived inside, draping it over one of the chairs, but Romanoff was still wearing her camel leather jacket, curls soft and mouth faintly pursed, eyes fixed on Alethia’s back.
Glancing over the two of them, Fury could easily understand why Romanoff had identified with her. The resemblance between their circumstances was self-evident, but the subtler physical similarities were in the details; it was written small, in the simple facts of their heights, their builds, the way they moved- a confident ease with a slight tension underneath, like a dancer waiting to fall into the right steps.
They matched nicely against each other. Fury could envisage sending them out into the field together, on intelligence retrieval and social reconnaissance- Romanoff’s ability to assess and assimilate, and Alethia’s eye for truth and steel nerves, would make for an invaluable combination.
Fury’s eye flicked back to Romanoff where she remained in place, exuding a faint anxiety like the vapours from paint thinner.
He knew that Romanoff wasn’t unaware of her bias. But neither did that awareness make her immune to it.
Rather than letting it become a liability, Fury had warped it into an advantage; if Alethia saw the truth in all things, it was better to offer her a favourable truth, in the form of a handler who wanted her recruitment to be successful for reasons beyond fulfilment of mission parameters.
Alethia halted- coffee cup still in hand, its heat-sleeve stamped with SHIELD’s eagle insignia- before the centrepiece of the room, head tilted consideringly, the sheen of her curls shifting across her shoulders.
The wide chair was set on a high swivel, aggressively angular, constructed from darkly brushed titanium, strict right-angles, and heat-sensitive fabric. A biometric plate was affixed into the centre spine, metal cuffs locking at the armrests, leashed with black electrical cables; a unit reminiscent of a cranial halo capped the structure, winged forward to encase the temples of its occupant. Immediately behind where Alethia stood was a large, simple control centre, inset with a touchscreen display.
“The fruits of your labour.” Fury announced with a wry twist of aplomb. “Thought you might like to see it. Ninety-six variables in total, monitored and analysed by a unique algorithm, based on and verified in efficacy by your contributions. Say hello to the alpha version of VERITAS- the Verification Enhancement for Response Input Technological Analysis System.”
“Stars. If that acronym were any more tortured, the Geneva Conventions would have something to say about it,” Alethia quipped, almost more to herself than the room.
“It was the initial code name for the project,” Fury replied with the intonation of a shrug, unfolding his arms and stepping forwards, the leather drape of his overcoat shifting with the motion. “We’ve got a few like that. But, if you feel that strongly about it- give it a new name. The DNA of it is mostly yours.”
People tended to be more reluctant to destroy or abandon that which they felt personally invested in, Fury found.
Alethia gave a quiet hum from the back of her throat, and lifted a free hand to skim the closest cuff of the chair.
“You think so.”
“It wouldn’t have been possible without your input,” Fury admitted, “not on this time scale. Maybe not even in this generation-”
“It was your design, Nicholas. So- congratulations,” she lifted her voice to call out. “It is a highly sophisticated piece of scrap.”
She rapped a fingertip against the cuff, two neat taps.
“I hope that you’re satisfied.”
Fury took a long moment to study her.
In most cases, he would avoid rising to the bait. Not unlike another troublesome asset that came to mind, Alethia had an element of narcissism to her character- and worse, just cause for it; like Stark, she acted like she knew more than anyone else in the room because, most often than not, she did. Fury’s general policy was that they did not feed egos, particularly those attached to individuals that liked to provoke. Indulging it was a short-term solution that would result in long-term headaches.
Alethia was an exception. Unlike other consultants, they had little information to use as leverage, her available history alarmingly sparse- something that happened approximately never, given SHIELD’s not inconsiderable reach and resources. And as Alethia had deduced with irritating accuracy during their negotiations, the threat that had brokered her cooperation- to flag her with every agency that SHIELD had backchannels with, threatening her meticulously cultivated anonymity- was a card that could only be played once.
Romanoff’s evaluation had found that the most effective strategy was to play her game. Alethia would speak in circuitous riddles and rhetoric, but the more you paid attention to her words, the more you engaged, the more threads she would cast out to watch you follow, chasing towards the truth that she was hinting at.
It was a power play- but one that Fury could tolerate. The rules were consistent, for the most part, and Alethia played fair.
“That the most advanced lie detector system in the world,” he answered patiently.
“Nicholas, you couldn’t even use me properly.” Smoothly, she pivoted to face Fury, unimpressed and unusually direct. “This machine can’t talk back when you’re asking the wrong questions. If not scrap- it is a monument to irony.”
“With regards to what?”
Alethia pushed off the chair, shoulder set, a strange pressure gathering in the air.
“SHIELD is a monster. You might be the hand feeding it, but you are not the one holding the leash.”
She flicked her head back towards the gleaming chair.
“Call it Cassandra.”
With that parting shot, Alethia cut a path out of the door.
Romanoff shifted her weight, as though moving to follow her- but Fury halted her with an open palm and quelling look.
Six minutes later, Fury emerged onto the rooftop.
The Base- codenamed in recognition of its legacy as the original headquarters of SHIELD, after it was established on the foundations laid by the SSR- would have been an imposing building in any other city. Within the cloistered, oversaturated streets of Midtown, however, the broad tower block of dark stone and glass panes blended in amongst the billboard-plated skyscrapers and storefronts that lined the avenues, glossed over like any other corporate office building on the island. At over a dozen storeys tall, the roof was far enough above street level that the coordinated chaos melded together into a rush of tires on asphalt and idling engines and a miasma of passing chatter, punctuated by the distant blare of car horns, sirens, and rattle of construction work- a cocktail of sensory overload, diluted down to a half-ratio. The rubble of the Incident had been cleared, its smoking wounds cleaned and under repair, returning the great aortic chambers of the city to full capacity.
Alethia stood near the edge of the roof, gazing down at the traffic below, vanilla hair and underdressed torso caught in a cross-breeze. As the wind twisted around her, Fury thought he caught a snatch of a high-contrast melody- something that rang of Rodgers and Hammerstein, and the golden age of Broadway showtunes and classic jazz standards.
“For someone who was so determined to keep her mouth shut when you got here, you’ve sure got a lot to say,” Fury interrupted, projecting his voice above the rush of traffic and whip of the winds, strolling up behind her.
“For someone who demands answers at every opportunity, you’re not very willing to listen,” Alethia retorted swiftly, knocking back the dregs in her cup and setting it on the raised edge of the roof. From the drop of liquid left on the plastic rim, it seemed that Romanoff was continuing to keep her sweet with a supply of matcha lattes.
“I’m listening now.”
“Ah, right. Like you were with the Tesseract?”
Fury’s visible eye narrowed.
“What did you mean by that jab? About monsters and leashes.”
Alethia drew her bottom lip between her teeth, glowering, eyes burning like a golden-hour sun behind storm clouds.
Eventually, she filtered out a shallow sigh, her expression cooling.
“There is a principle,” she began slowly, dark lashes lowered as she watched the traffic below, “in regards to statecraft, that you cannot design a seat of power solely with regards to what will allow one individual to do good- but must also consider what will prevent another from accomplishing evil, if they were to acquire the same position.”
Alethia looked directly at him, sombre in a way that she only was once she had given up any attempt to fight or undermine.
“I would strongly urge you to consider what evil could accomplish in your position, Nicholas.”
“Implying that you don’t think I’m evil,” Fury observed, with some intrigue.
It was an unexpected, and interesting concession; Alethia had made no secret that she held SHIELD wholly in contempt, and Fury by extension as the one at its helm.
“I think that you’re a manipulative, opportunistic bastard with few scruples and broadly altruistic intentions, which makes you very good at your job,” Alethia answered, glancing away with a dismissive air. “I also think that you’re arrogant enough to think that you’re paranoid enough, and about the right things, rather than what fits your worldview and skillset.”
Fury absorbed on her appraisal. He had received less scathing evaluations, but he found himself oddly unoffended by it.
“So what should I be paranoid about?”
She looked to him with a slow blink, her expression hard, more resolute than angry. Her irises seemed deeper than the usual hazel, verging upon amber, despite the flat light of the overcast midday skies.
“I told you. You are not holding the leash.”
The meaning clicked.
Fury’s initial, instinctive reaction was outright scepticism.
SHIELD was strictly compartmentalised for a reason. Trust was a commodity both coveted and scorned in the industry, and any system worth its salt in resilience did not merely trust in the integrity of its participants, but enforced it. SHIELD was no different. Its structure split its various branches and operations in such a way that its design could trap and isolate the first hairline-fracture roots of subversion, before they could sink deep enough to alter the fabric of the organisation, or its directives.
The structure of the organisation was not of Fury’s making, but it was one that he had maintained and improved upon since he had been appointed as director, and it worked. A certain level of grime was to be tolerated- in an organisation like SHIELD, entrenched as its operations were within the global network espionage, geopolitics, and commerce, both legal and black market, there was no such thing as clean hands, and even less so of a clean house. It would be the height of naivety and idealism to believe otherwise. But Fury would have detected the swells of a schism forming, of acceptable margins for disagreement becoming an unacceptable division. The sharks may circle, and there would always be blood in the water, but they would never get close enough for a bite.
SHIELD’s identity, and its purpose, was as secure as they had been when Peggy Carter and Howard Stark had founded it.
Common sense dictated that he should verbalise none of this to Alethia.
“So what do you recommend? Tell me what I should be looking at.” Fury began consciously convincing himself into a counter position that he could justify- that there was more to gain than to lose in hearing her, that it was eminently for Alethia to have noticed a risk that they had failed to assess.
Truth was the only shield that held against Alethia. If he didn’t believe it, then neither would she.
The irked tightening of her eyebrow was not encouraging.
“I know you’re humouring me, Nicholas, but let’s ignore the subpar charade otherwise for now.” Alethia shifted into resigned slant, arms folding against the brisk air. “Alright. First. You need a stricter delineation between personnel files, and dossiers on civilians and associates. Especially in regards to storage and access permissions. The keys to unlock one door should not work on another. It’s a security risk, and more than a little alarming that I have to bring it up. Second- stop kidnapping people. Human rights and due process aside, it’s a good way to build up ill will with the very people you may need help from in the near future. Less vinegar, more honey.”
“They are people of interest-”
“Stop kidnapping them.”
“So you’re telling us to ignore the risks-”
“I am telling you that the secret is out,” Alethia interrupted sharply, “and that the bell can’t be unrung. So- exploit it. Instead of trying to wrench the curve backwards, stay ahead of it. Advise the appropriate legislative bodies. Drive the drafting of fair laws to cover the hypotheticals that have become realities- just like with every other advancement in history. Provide evidence for public trials. Give people due process if and when they violate the law, and stop kidnapping people on the basis that they might, possibly, at some point, become a threat. Offer them the resources to help them control their abilities, instead of the choice between constant intrusive surveillance, working for you, or getting disappeared to a facility that doesn’t legally exist.” She paused, with all the ominous inertness of an active hotplate. “And get some actual oversight.”
“This may be hard for you to believe, but we have oversight.” Fury replied, wondering exactly how inept she was under the impression SHIELD was.
“Your oversight is faceless, tried to nuke Manhattan, and has yet to face any questions in regards to it.” She said flatly, staring at Fury with a particularly blank contempt. “Get better oversight.”
Regrettably, she had a point.
Although, Fury was slightly more concerned with where and how, exactly, Alethia had acquired that information.
“I am well aware of their shortcomings,” Fury answered evenly, “and, frankly, I’m a little insulted by the implication to the contrary.”
“Nicholas,” Alethia sighed, part impatience and part resignation, seething, “I don’t like you. But that does not make me intellectually dishonest. There is a reason why I am talking, despite the fact that you are proving incapable of listening. I know that you know. And I am aware that you are not unreasonable. Or- entirely incompetent.”
Fury ignored the qualifier. It was impressive that she had held out this long without a thinly veiled insult.
“But you don’t trust me.”
Alethia smiled slightly, in a way that declared I would have to be an idiot.
She wasn’t entirely wrong.
“You and yours are not answerable to the public,” she said simply, combing her hair out of her eyes as the wind picked up and tossed it into disarray. “And the Avengers have to be, if the project is going to be sustainable. You had a good idea, but- SHIELD is not the right organisation to execute it. It is not what you’re good at, or suited for.”
“Protecting the world from threats that it’s not ready for?”
“By sealing truth in the well. Yours is a war of cloak and dagger- a necessary one,” Alethia added with a pointed glance in Fury’s direction, as though daring him to accuse her of being unfair, “and you’re good at it. But you cannot protect the public by keeping them ignorant ad infinitum. And treating people as though they’re helpless children won’t help them develop critical thinking skills. It will just keep them- reactive, and uninformed, when the situation forces their awareness. This is not a terrorist cell with a glowing cube that defies the established laws of thermodynamics. This is an entire world that has been emerging for decades, and is past being kept a secret.”
Fury felt his chest expand with a deep, slow breath, his gun holster tightening briefly, leashing in his thoughts.
“So. Stronger protections for our data, more outreach to enhanced individuals, focus on laws, improvement of oversight.” Fury concluded. “Those are your recommendations?”
“It’s not a panacea,” Alethia said, lifting one shoulder, “it’s a safety net.”
“It’s a pretty reasonable report.”
“I’ve learned to lower my expectations.” She lifted her face to the open air, soaking in a sudden break of sunshine from between the clouds, warming her colours and sharpening the contrast between her golden complexion and fair hair. “Nothing that I mentioned should offend your sensibilities overmuch. Although, I notice that you omitted the no kidnapping clause.”
Not for the first time, Fury resented that Alethia was so determined to distrust SHIELD. In some respects, she reminded him of Maria Hill, driven and intelligent and unapologetically argumentative, first to point to flaws that no one else would mention due to adherence to chain of command.
The crucial difference was that Hill was capable of doing what she was told.
“I never thanked you,” Fury decided to say, eventually. “For guarding Loki."
It seemed gracious to acknowledge it, as they neared the end of Project VERITAS.
“It’s unnecessary to,” Alethia stated tonelessly. “You would have forced the issue if I had refused, and I had my reasons to say yes.”
“Such as?”
Alethia lowered her gaze, to cast it out over the city, serenely blank.
“Some that you wouldn’t understand. Others that- you probably wouldn’t credit.”
“Well, I might surprise you,” Fury murmured, before shrugging. “That was a pretty good pitch, by the way.”
“Oh- thank you,” Alethia said, the lightness of her cadence surprisingly devoid of sarcasm. “I spent a considerable amount of time refining it. Including editing out a point about SHIELD’s double standards, hypocrisy, and lack of self-awareness over the concept of unbridled, unknown power in the hands of obscure organisations with dubious motives. I thought it might be- unproductive?”
“Smart call,” Fury replied dryly.
Alethia’s mouth flicked into a smirk, before fading into something more solemn.
“But this doesn’t guarantee that you will take my advice, does it?”
Damn right. A good argument makes you a good orator, not a good strategist.
“You knew it probably wouldn’t. So why make the case?”
This time, Alethia laughed outright, sudden and disorientating as a sun-shower.
“Sometimes,” she said through a luminous smile, “I really just want to walk away, and let all of you die.”
But she wouldn’t.
That much had been proven, by the warnings she issued about the Tesseract, by the fact that she had taken up watch over Loki despite the considerable personal risk, by the arrogance-clad counsel that she offered an organisation that she openly abhorred.
Fury let his mouth quirk.
This, he could be satisfied with. Even if SHIELD had not acquired Alethia’s loyalty, her cooperation was no longer a complete impossibility.
And Fury was reluctant to slam any door shut forever. So long as it was left ajar, he could allow the matter to rest as success enough.
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narangmedical · 2 days
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2.7/3.5mm Variable Angle Safety Lock Medial Distal Tibia Plate https://www.orthopaedic-implants.com/small-fragment-locking/safety-locking-implants/plates/variable-angle-ankle-system.php
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siiorasurgicals · 2 months
Football-Related Shoulder Injuries You Must Know
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We are living in a fast-paced world and sports played here are also fast. We are talking about football; it is a sport that requires quick movement, direction changes, splints, and even sudden awkward movements. In this process, players become prone to getting orthopedic injuries, and sometimes they are so serious that surgery is required to fix the injury. Surgeries often require implants like Variable angle plate, locking plate, or others depending on the condition to correct the anatomical position of fractured bone fragments.
In this article, we will discuss some of the common shoulder injuries faced by footballers along with the basic treatment that is given. But remember, the treatment will depend upon the individual.
Shoulder Injuries Seen in Footballers
Tendonitis in Shoulder
Football not only requires frequent leg movements and direction changes but also requires strong shoulders to throw the ball to the right player and in the right direction. This is why shoulder tendonitis is considered to be one of the common injuries occurring in footballers. This injury is characterized by the inflammation of tendons present in the shoulder causing pain. Players suffering from this injury tend to have a limited range of movement in the shoulder. Rest is the best possible non-operative treatment for this injury. While application of an ice pack will help too.
Dislocation of Shoulder
As the name suggests, this injury involves the shoulder joint. One of the most common causes of this injury in footballers is a high-impact collision with other players. Besides this, overly strenuous arm movement could also result in shoulder dislocation. It is very painful and may require surgical intervention for the treatment. In certain cases, rest or application of a splint or cast may fix the situation.
Separation of Shoulder
This is another injury that is commonly seen in footballers and it occurs when a high-impact blow is seen on the shoulder during the game. This injury is characterized by the tearing of ligaments from the shoulder blade that stabilize the collarbone. A separated shoulder condition is painful and may require surgery for treatment. However, the doctor always tries to fix the injury without surgery. Surgical intervention is only preferred in serious cases.
Instability of Anterior Shoulder
In this condition, the humeral head slips in and out from the shoulder socket. In footballers, this injury occurs due to repetitive throws to a far distance. This is a painful condition that limits the ability of the shoulder to work properly. It requires proper rest and assessment by an expert to prevent being converted into a serious complication.
Orthopedic injuries while playing football are not uncommon and one of the most common locations for such injuries is the shoulder. In this post, we have discussed some common shoulder injuries faced by footballers. These injuries could be serious requiring trauma implants for surgical fixation. Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a leader in the orthopedic implant manufacturing industry and is also looking for distributors of Orthopedic implants in Ukraine. The company is more than 30 years old and in this period; Siora has established a good reputation in the global market.
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djoglobalsblog · 3 months
Arsenal Foot Plating System™
The Arsenal Foot Plating System arms surgeons with variable angle locking technology and dual lead screws, a powerful combination of patented and innovative technologies, to address all types of fusions, fractures, and osteotomies in the forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot. This titanium alloy plating system offers a full “arsenal” for an extensive range of applications.
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siiorasurgicalspvtltd · 9 months
Locking Variable Angle Plate Manufacturer
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Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of Locking Variable Angle Plate and other orthopedic implants in India. These plates are used for open reduction and internal fixation of fractures.
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healthjoymedical · 1 year
First MTP Fusion for halluxvalgus 2.7/3.5 Variable Angled Locking Plate with Cannulated screw fixation after Concave and Convex reaming.
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alleopo · 2 years
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viriyanon · 3 years
'tired' ? for your challenge :P
a.n. anon u... u reel me into a very dangerous thought okay. for the first 3 minutes, congratulation. but not after that. not toDAY SATAN!!1!1!1!!1
also. this is unexpectedly LONG. SO. LONG.
jiang yuelou sighs in annoyance after hanging up zhan junbai's phone call, telling him that his men failed to track down hong kong's emerging opium dealer that currently supplies jing city with an unidentified type of poppy. the whole police bureau is on fire due to this discovery.
"all i could confirm is that they indeed sell a new type of opium, presumably from india. but we failed to extract any information about the leader, let alone catching them. they were enforced by british authorities and my men suddenly were outnumbered," says junbai dimly from the other side of the line, clearly not liking the unpredicted variable in their perfectly planned undercover.
the executive offers an apology, which yuelou dismisses in a second 'cause executive zhan, regardless this one very failure, is still the best external alliance ever. the most reliable source, partner, and friend. yuelou can't ask for a better connection than zhan junbai.
but that doesn't change the current result. coming with that are mayor cai's aggravation and bai jinbo's wrath. song rong and sun yongren can only dip their head down watching the commissioner throw those paper in their boss' face, saying how incompetent yuelou is.
("well, let's see if commissioner bai can capture them by himself!" sun yongren says quietly, aggressively biting a baozi in his head 'cause it's pass dinner already.)
so, having a bad day is an understatement. it's beyond bad, it's bad bad. jiang yuelou is not someone who accepts defeat easily, he never wants to be one step behind. when he's one step behind, he must be in the chasing mode—he must be the one controlling the lane, the illusion of safety margin that manipulates the target's decision, the pace of their game. but today, someone else's successfully taking over him without his permission, dragging him around like a lifeless ragdoll.
thinking about him getting controlled by an unknown party burns him, anger boils in his vein—violence at the tip of his fingers, ready to transfer his rage to anything and anyone without mercy. upon seeing jiang yuelou disappear into his room, song rong and sun yongren immediately rush to every corridor that yuelou will have to walk through to exit the building, telling everyone not to initiate any conversation if their boss pass them by to avoid making the bureau a blood painted crime scene.
"don't- don't talk to chief jiang when he walks out, understand?!" sun yongren repeats the same information to some rookies coming in for their night shift before running to other corridor. the young officers, still with their idealism and lack of experience, take it with a grain of salt.
next thing they know is they freeze under the wall-mounted lamp as jiang yuelou grimly walks down the corridor. noone says anything to him, not even looking up from the carpeted tiles after they nod to salute him. his subordinates immediately clear out of his way, bumping their shoulders into the wall to avoid bumping into the walking wrath instead.
the said chief passes by the rookies too, giving them a side-eye, and they feel like they just get caressed by death. the yellow lights from the filament lamp falls on his pale white face, clenched jawline, and riled expression every two meter, making his appearance more hair-rising due to scanty lighting and blank spots. in addition, winter wind is particularly strong this week, easily slipping inside from the gap between the window frame and the stone surface. the corridor, dimly lit and gravely chilling, feels like a gate to the underworld and yán wáng is coming to take them personally, for a good minute.
the chief keeps striding without diverting his attention anymore, eyes fixed forward to shove everyone aside. he only has one destination set in his mind now and before he gets to it, his revolver will aim towards whoever gets in his way and extricate them his way, which usually is... freestyle.
when yuelou arrives in front of yuzhi’s front gate, he can’t help the bubbling anger overflowing his already small pot. the wooden doors are closed, tight, locked, yelling at him “no chen yuzhi today.” noone in this world would understand the immense effect this sentence can do to jiang yuelou who has grown a co-dependency with the doctor. today is marked as yuelou’s worst setback in life.
the chief exhales loudly, admitting his defeat to the universe, and makes his way towards his house with heavy shoulders. the rage and anger he wanted to lash out recklessly towards chen yuzhi douses entirely by the fact that the doctor’s not home to listen to him vent. thank goodness the snowfall is not heavy today unless he’d bury himself under the thick snow in one of jing city’s darkest alley. it’s sad that he is alone in this big, big world today. dramatic, but valid.
just when he’s about to open the gate to his house, he sees they are already unlocked. jiang yuelou never forgets unlocking his own house. facing unforeseen danger on daily basis, yuelou immediately slips his hand into his jacket and pulls out the revolver from its holster. he opens the wooden gate slowly, trying not to make even a creak from the rusty hinge and accidentally announce his appearance instead.
slowly but steadily, the gap widens and he steps inside with his arms are stretched out, his revolver is ready for some quick shooting. but he is welcomed with his brightly lit house in lieu of a group of opium dealers whose lives he ruined in the past. his eyes widen in disbelief upon seeing steam rising from freshly cooked foods on his dining table. yuelou freezes from his place, his arms gradually lowering themselves as well as his self defense.
soon, a man dressed in a warm ivory white knitted turtleneck appears with two plates of dish in his hand coming out from his kitchen and setting them on the table with other dishes. his hair, as usual, combed neatly—unlike yuelou’s hasty finger-combing technique. he is wearing yuelou’s slipper, the one he left behind in his living room when he was off to work. the moment the said man looks up and meets him in the eyes, a smile blossoms on his face, so beautiful yuelou can feel his heart wrenches from the mere sight.
"yuelou? you're home."
this is the view he's always dreaming of for God knows how long but never dares to tell. to come home to chen yuzhi dressed in a warm clothes, smiling under the bright light of jiang residence and welcoming him with a tight hug. and if he tells him he misses him into his ear, yuelou will pepper him with kisses all over his face, free of charge for undeterminable time, until yuzhi is tired from giggling and trying to escape from his iron grip. until he puts his palm over yuelou's lips as the last attempt to prevent him from attacking his face again and smile playfully at yuelou's temporary defeat. until the glint in his gleaming doe eyes changes into something like want, something that sounds like a request to kiss him properly if yuelou has some energy left to be wasted.
and jiang yuelou will not ask twice if he catches yuzhi's eyes flicker to his lips just once and goes back to meet his eyes. because yuzhi will see him doing the same thing too and he will understand that both of them want it.
jiang yuelou slams the wooden gate close, storming towards chen yuzhi whose eyes widen at his explosive reaction. impulsivity has neither been a best friend nor a rival, in yuelou’s case, but he learns to run for what his heart longs the most. and this is the first time his body really runs for what his heart wants. his heart wants comfort.
the chief throws away his revolver once he is inside his house and immediately reaches out for the doctor. one of his arm pulls yuzhi closer to his body as tight as he could while the other one is fixated on yuzhi's jawline, gently tilting it to a better angle ‘cause,
fuck this.
chen yuzhi never finishes his name as yuelou closes their gap and captures his upper lip, his teeth painfully clashing against yuelou as the latter miscalculates his strength. but yuelou doesn’t stop to apologize like every time he accidentally hurt him, instead crowding him against the dining table and kissing the light out of him as if the last time he had a meal was a thousand years ago.
yuzhi is confused, very confused. this is not their first kiss, but this is the first kiss that yuelou does so overly rough, messy, and raw, like a mass mayhem in a week long blackout. he knows yuelou tends to be stormy when his trauma is triggered or his mission falls by the wayside but he never lets this kind of weather affects his behavior and treatment towards chen yuzhi. after the doctor treats him routinely and he gradually gets better at controlling his emotion.
understanding and patiently waiting are yuzhi’s best weapons to pacify yuelou, returning him back to the ground until both of his feet firmly embed to the soil. he only needs to mold it into a form of physical affection without trying to change his pace. something that jiang yuelou will perceive as an act of submission. only this way, yuelou can and will melt. he is not a man who can be persuaded by asserting one’s power on him, and coercion is never chen yuzhi’s forte anyways.
the doctor gently squeezes yuelou’s shoulder once where he places his hands before and moves to hook them around his neck. he buries his right hand in his black hair, his fingers are warm and heavy against the skin of yuelou’s head. his thumb is rubbing a small circle on his back head tenderly, like a mantra he does it over and over again until jiang yuelou comes back to his sense.
that’s when yuelou’s grip on his waist loosens little by little, his turbulent kissing reduces to a slower and intimate one—the one that always trips chen yuzhi and makes him fall deeper for the other man and his enigma. soft moan slips out of his lips only to get muffled by yuelou’s inadvertent growl. 
they gasp for air eventually but never leaving their hands from each other’s body, not quite ready to let go. in between their huff and puff, yuelou steals a soft kiss on yuzhi’s cheekbone.
“i’m sorry, love. i was–” yuelou hesitantly looks up, straight into yuzhi’s eyes. the decision is a bad move, probably the only bad move that yuelou has ever made ‘cause the emotion in yuzhi’s eyes, they remain calm and considerate, far from judgmental nor do they spiteful. his lips are bruised as hell but his eyes, they never stop glistening with benevolence and never-ending patience towards his lover.
jiang yuelou can’t stand the guilt rising in the depth of his heart after seeing them. they are together, chen yuzhi chooses to be with him not to be his outlet of rage. the image of his defenseless late mother flashes in yuzhi’s face and he instantly regrets whatever he forced yuzhi into earlier. even if it’s just a kiss, something he did daily, routinely, sneakily, wholeheartedly, nothing really abusive and malignant about it but yuzhi might be hurt today. and if yuelou hurts him, he is breaking his own rule written on the very top of the list.
“yuzhi, i’m sorry i–” chen yuzhi slides his hands, cupping the older man’s face that looks like a 13 year old boy now under the weight of his guilt. smiling ever so fondly, he says, “you are tired, love.”
words stuck in yuelou’s throat for the third time upon seeing yuzhi’s eyes that have perfectly sensed his weary and withheld agitation. it’s his red light, then. it’s time for him to let yuzhi take control of the situation and do his part of the day. to do what he is the best at that yuelou is the worst at. any other matters can wait until yuzhi deems him to be fully loaded with ammo and health again.
jiang yuelou leans forward into chen yuzhi’s body, resting his feverish forehead on the crook of his lover’s neck, seeking comfort and humanly touch. yuzhi can’t help smiling at yuelou’s clinginess—he never says it but he absolutely loves it. love the idea to take care of the most troublesome chief officer in the whole jing city. love the way his toned muscles and tensed neck relax under his lithe fingers as he bathes him in a bathtub.
“let me prepare hot water for your bath.”
“will you wash my hair too?”
“what else will you wash?”
chen yuzhi presses a kiss on yuelou’s cheek, whispering “make a wish” before walking towards the kitchen, and disappear behind the white wall.
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narangmedical · 2 months
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Variable Angle Radius & Dorsal Plates Implant Set - https://www.orthopaedic-implants.com/small-fragment-locking/safety-locking-implants/implant-set.php
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twelvemonkeyswere · 3 years
very intrigued by hermione/jaime crack 😳😳
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thank you both @halfagod​ and @forbiddenfantasies1​ for asking about this! and sorry it's so long okay so - right off the bat, this isn’t anything romantic or anything, but it is crack.
you’ll likely remember there was some fanfic grrm was writing about his own characters fighting other characters. one of the first ones was Jaime Lannister vs Hermione Granger, and since he hates JK Rownling his descriptions of what a showdown between them would be were very uncharitable to the characters to say the fucking least, especially Hermione.
the whole thing is quite a bad read and it sent me thinking that there were a LOT of variables that would play into it if taken seriously, starting with their personalities, ages at the time of the match, reason why they’re fighting in the first place, etc.
and since I like world building and whatnot, I began thinking how to make their showdown realistic and feasable obeying the laws of their respective narratives, and then I decided it would be even more fun (hah) to make as many scenarios with those variables as possible, because that’s the sort of person i am. and then I realized... well. asoiaf began to be published in the 90s.... 1996, to be precise, when hermione was 17, and facing a war against a madman. and the parallels were right there, and thus I made a timeline to see how things would fit, and then some other ideas sprang up from that.
so now the main idea is that it all starts the year after the war, when Hermione comes back to Hogwarts to finish her studies while everyone else goes on with their lives. she’s alone, she has to deal with everything she saw and everything she had to do, and with everyone else in Hogwarts being traumatized too... so she’s depressed, and trying to get better. and in my idea, one of the things she tries is to get back to the things that made her happy before it all went wrong, reading among them.
particularly, reading muggle books. because since she knows real magic now, well, regular fantasy books must lose some of their charm, right? but what if that was what she loved as a kid, and she’s desperate enough to get away from what reality is now, in real-magic world? so maybe she tries new stories, see what she’s missed in the last couple of years.
and maybe she is afraid of being judged for having some of those books or she just wants some peace and quiet, so she sneaks into the room of requirements and foolishly and naively asks for a room where she can “immerse” herself in the book she’s trying to read that night.
and that’s how she meets Jaime, by going into the world of the book. and the idea was then that she would periodically travel into the books and see Jaime at different ages, and as she gets older and processes what happened during the war, her perspective of the events and her life shifts and changes, not unlike Jaime’s story changes through the books.
anyways i wrote some 2k words about grief and healing and it’s been sitting there, looking at me and threatening to become too long.
here’s the bit where she first meets Jaime in case you’re interested
(be warned, I never read HP in English and I haven’t consumed any media about it in YEARS. also i suck at actions scenes)
come ask stuff about my WIPs if you want!
“Who are you?” The white knight demanded.
Hermione frowned and ignored the question, inspecting the trees behind the man, the grass of the meadow under her feet. She had clearly been portkeyed somewhere, where was the artifact? 
“Answer me!” the man demanded. He shifted on his feet, his armor creaking and clinking. “Who sent you?” 
“He said,” a second voice drawled behind her. “Where did you come from?” 
Jumping to one side, Hermione noticed another knight, much closer to her, but also much younger. He was tall, but had a leaner frame even with the white armor, same as his companion. He didn’t have his helm on either, and she spotted it on the ground, likely dropped so the boy could hold his sword with both hands, the point of which was angled at her throat, even at a distance. His curly hair, golden and sticky with sweat, enveloped two emerald green eyes that moved with the murderous intent of a cat. 
Hermione swallowed.
If velas were male, she blinked in confusion, this is what they would look like.
It was stupid to realize that at a moment like this, given the fact her life was being threatened, but no human being was ever that beautiful. It had to be magic. 
She looked around, trying to remember what had been next to her in the Room of Requirements. Where’s the bloody thing?
“Accio portkey,” she swished her wand in a circle above her head, but nothing happened.
“Get her!” the man ordered the boy, and both stepped forward, closing in. Their swords drew up, the man holding it above his head, the boy raising the pommel to his cheek.
“Whoa!” Hermione reached instinctively into her robes and got her wand out. Her mind raced, trying to recall everything she knew about metal charming, but when the knights were upon her, she disapparated with a faint pop. 
She apparated a couple of meters away, shaking her head off the unpleasant feeling of being vaccumed through space. As she opened her eyes, there was a loud clank from the swords that met where she should have been. The boy trembled below the man’s strength, holding his ground with some difficulty.
“Oi, please!” she called to them, holding a hand out in a placating gesture. “Where am I? Who are you?”
As one, the man turned with fury towards her, and the boy frowned in angry confusion. She had a second to recall Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, and, not without failing to see the irony, felt grateful she had learned forgetfulness spells from the best.
“Witchcraft,” the older knight muttered, and the boy only glanced at him for a moment, returning his eyes to her. “Cut her throat!” 
The boy hesitated a second, but when the older man charged towards her, so did he. 
“Wingardium leviosa!” she yelled at the armors, to no effect. “Shit.” She disapparated again, just before they reached her. She apparated by a tree this time, to their right. She aimed at the clothes they hopefully had below their armors and forced herself to speak through the haze. “Wingardium leviosa!” 
Both knights lifted into the air like they weighed less than feathers. 
“Seven hells!” the older knight screamed, anger and fear mixing as he balanced unceremoniously on his spot. 
Iron, Hermione breathed with relief to herself. It was the iron.
She didn’t know what to expect, she had never tried to charm uncharmed metalwork before. Unless you counted locks. Then again maybe that charmed the air around the metal, or maybe there was more magic in this particular iron, she didn’t have the time to--
“What is this?” the young man demanded, as he waved his sword around, testing if he was being held on the spot like a puppet.
Hermione walked towards them with caution. 
“Gentlemen, please!” she called to them through their grunts and curses. “Where am I? Who are you?” 
“Silence, witch!” the older man ordered, trying to stick his sword to the ground in an attempt to descend.
“I’ll let you down as soon as you answer my questions,” she swallowed, reminding herself of the many times she had fought against enemies bigger than her. “I just want to get home.” 
The boy bore his eyes into hers. “Where is that?” 
“None of your bloody business,” she replied instinctively. 
“She’s not from here, ser,” the boy said to the older knight. “She wears odd clothes, speaks strange words.” 
“Shut up, Ser Jaime, get to--”
But Hermione didn’t get to hear what the man wanted the boy to do.
“Ser Jaime?” the name was out of her mouth before she knew it. She squinted at the boy’s armor, saw the seven swords engraved on the plate, and realization hit her. She looked at the boy, then at the man. I’ll be fucking damned. 
“Jaime.” she repeated, bringing the boy’s attention back to her. “Jaime… Lannister?”
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siiorasurgicals · 3 months
What Are Compound Fractures? What You Should Know About?
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We all have experienced fractures and in most, they heal with little attention and care. But sometimes, a break can be more serious. A compound fracture, also known as an open fracture, is a bone break where the broken ends of the bone pierce the skin, creating an open wound. This adds an extra layer of complexity to the healing process. These fractures need stabilization using implants like Variable Angle Locking Plates and others. Well, this post will highlight what compound fractures are and how they can be managed
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djoglobalsblog · 5 months
Arsenal Foot Plating System™
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The Arsenal Foot Plating System arms surgeons with variable angle locking technology and dual lead screws, a powerful combination of patented and innovative technologies, to address all types of fusions, fractures, and osteotomies in the forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot. This titanium alloy plating system offers a full “arsenal” for an extensive range of applications.
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