#Local SEO training Bepannah 12th November 2018 Episode Written Update http://cattybilli.blogspo
tellytantra · 6 years
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Harsh and Anjana are fighting. A kid peeks at them. Anjana requests Harsh not to do this to her. You cannot give my right to Kalpana Dadheech. He tells her to lower her volume. There are kids in the house. She does not mind. They should also know how their father is. He pushes her away and simply leaves. Anjana breaks down. The kid cries in the corner. Aditya wakes up with a start. It was a bad dream. Why did I see this dream again after so many days? Zoya enters with a cup of coffee but finds him all worked up. He asks her to leave right away but she suggests that she will leave first. I will tell Victor I am going home. Aditya wonders when this bad dream will leave him. Thank God, it is just a dream now! Rajvir sprinkles water on his Nani’s face to wake her up. She sits up but has a headache. He asks her if she enjoyed. She requests him not to shout. My head is aching badly. He says we would have won long ago if this alcohol wasn’t there. She asks him if anything went wrong. He calls her an alcoholic. I stepped out of the house. You should have been more careful but you started drinking instead. You passed out. He even shouts at her. We lost the chance we waited for since ages! She accepts it is her fault. Please forgive me but don’t say such hurtful words. She is in tears. He holds her hand. Do you realise what it means? It means Zoya will inform police and they will chase me now! Our plan will be foiled for forever then. She is sure they wont fall apart so easily. We have just swayed a little. I promise you I wont look at alcohol till the time we win in our endeavour! I will drink next time when we will finally destroy Hooda family. He makes her promise it. I am sorry for shouting on you Zoya and Aditya are on their way to Pune. He says there is no one to point fingers at us but you are still quiet. She says there is a lot to say but I can only think of some things. Where are we off to? What are we up to? Is it right or wrong? He promises her that everything will be fine because they are together. We will fight everything together. I know that the destination is far but we will reach if we are together. She holds his hand and smiles a little. Noor apologizes to her father. I am sorry. I know I hurt you a lot last night. I share nothing with Arjun. I promise you I wont meet him ever! Nani gives money to servant. Buy new clothes for your kids and sweets for your family. Don’t waste money on fireworks. He nods. She gives him a bed sheet from her cupboard and realises that her drawer is open. How did this happen? Only I have the key to this drawer. Who opened it then? She finds a button there and gets thinking. Rajvir also looks at the button. He realises that it belongs to the landlord. He was wearing a shirt which had the same buttons. Victor calls Nani. Aditya and Zoya aren’t at home. She asks him where he was. She ends the call upset. Rajvir understands what just happened. I knew that they are doing conspiracy. Nani is upset with Zoya. She will bear a worse fate than Hooda house. Love has taught them how to fight. This love will now make them shed tears of blood! Aditya and Zoya reach Rajvir’s house in Pune. Aditya opens the lock. He takes out her mangalsutra and makes her wear it first before going inside. She smiles. They cover their noses because of the dust. Zoya slips a little and her hand brushes off a few family portraits hung on one of the walls. Anjana is telling Victor what all to bring for Diwali puja. Harsh wishes her Happy Diwali with a gift. She accepts it half heartedly. He asks her what happened. She shares that Aditya isn’t home today. So many people are coming. He does this Maha aarti with you every year but there is Zoya in the house this time. I just hope this tradition doesn’t break. Harsh is positive it wont happen. She reminds him how he used to do this even when he dint gel well with Harsh. I am very scared this time. The face of one of the guys is hidden in all the photos. Aditya feels it is done intentionally. Who is it who wants to hide it? She is sure something is up. They pick up one of the photos and decide to head back. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Roshnaq has been calling Noor who enters just then. Roshnaq and Noor promote Vodafone Sakhi. Aditya looks closely at the photo. We will ask Akansha to scan the photo and restore it a little. Zoya decides to go instead and asks him to go home. Harsh asks Anjana to see who is here. Pundit ji asks about Aditya. Anjana tells him to start the puja. He would be coming. Harsh seconds her. Aditya enters just then. Sorry for coming late. He rushes upstairs to change. Anjana smiles finally. Zoya thanks Mona for coming especially on Diwali. Mona nods. She is busy restoring the photo. Zoya paces restlessly. Mona’s eyes widen in shock seeing the face of that man. Zoya too is equally stunned to see him. She requests Mona not to tell anyone else about this. She makes Mona print a copy. Mona does as told. Zoya thinks to speak to Aditya. Precap: Rajvir and Nani come to Hooda House. He tells everyone his truth and calls Harsh his Dad. Zoya tries to interrupt but Nani requests her not to do anything now. You have done a lot already for us. You have done enough to bring us till here. Update Credit to: Pooja
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