#Local SEO Moving Company
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quellsoft · 1 year ago
Discover QuellSoft - Your Trusted Moving Digital Marketing Agency
Discover the ultimate solution for your business's transition – QuellSoft Moving Digital Marketing Agency services. Seamlessly relocate your online presence while leveraging our top-notch Digital Marketing Services. More details about contact us now!
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
You can’t shop your way out of a monopoly
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then SAN FRANCISCO (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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If you're running a business, you can either invest at being good at your business, or good at Google SEO. Choose the former and your customers will love you – but they won't be able to find you, thanks to the people who choose the latter. And if you're going to invest in top-notch SEO, why bother investing in quality at all?
For more than a decade, Google has promised that it would do something about "lead gens" – services that spoof Google into thinking that they are local businesses, pushing down legit firms on both regular search and Google Maps (these downranked businesses invested in quality, not SEO, remember). Search for a roofer, a plumber, an electrician, or a locksmith (especially a locksmith), and most or all of the results will be lead-gens. They'll take your call, pretend to be a local business, and then call up some half-qualified bozo to come out and charge you four times the going rate for substandard work:
Some of them just take your money and they "go back to the shop for a tool" and never return:
Google has been promising to fix this since the late aughts, and to be fair, it's a little better. There was once a time when a map of Manhattan showed more locksmiths than taxis:
But GMaps is trapped in the enshittification squeeze. On the one hand, the company wants to provide a good and reliable map. On the other hand, the company makes money selling "ads" that are actually payola, where a business can pay to get to the top of the listings or get displayed on the map itself. Zoom out of Google's map of central London and the highlighted landmarks are a hilarious mix of "organic" and paid listings: the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, the Barbican, the London Eye…and a random oral and maxillofacial clinic in the financial district:
Hell of a job "organizing the world's information and making it universally accessible and useful," Big G. Doubtless the average Londoner finds the presence of this clinic super helpful in orienting themselves relative to the map on their phone screens, and it's a real service to tourists hoping to hit all the major landmarks.
It's not just Maps users who'd noticed the rampant enshittification. Even the original design team is so horrified they're moved to speak out about the moral injury they experience seeing the product they worked so hard on turned into a giant pile of shit:
Now, when it comes to locksmiths, I'm lucky. My neighborhood in Burbank includes the wonderful Golden State Lock and Safe, which has been in business since 1942:
But you wouldn't know it from searching GMaps for a locksmith near me. That search turns up a long list of scams:
It also turns up plenty of Keyme machines – these are private-equity backed, self-serve key-cutting machines placed in grocery stores. Despite Keyme calling itself a "locksmith," it's just a badly secured, overcaptilized, enshittification-bound system for collecting and retaining shapefiles for the keys to millions of homes, cross-referenced with billing information that will make it easy for the eventual hackers to mass-produce keys for all those poor suckers' houses.
(Hilariously, Keyme claims to be an "AI" company):
But despite the fact that you can literally see the Golden State storefront from Google Streetview, Google Maps claims to have no knowledge of it. Instead, Streetview labels Golden State "Keyme" – and displays a preview showing a locksmith using a tool to break into a jeep (I'd dearly love to know how the gadget next to the Slurpee machine at the 7-Eleven will drive itself to your jeep and unlock the door for you when you lose your keys):
It's pretty clear to me what's going on here. Keyme has hired some SEO creeps and/or paid off Google, flooding the zone with listings for its machines. Meanwhile, Golden State, being merely good at locksmithing, has lost the SEO wars. Perhaps Golden State could shift some of its emphasis from being good at locksmithing in order to get better at SEO, but this is a race that will always be won by the firm that puts the most into SEO, which will always be the firm that puts the least into quality.
Whenever I write about this stuff, people inevitably ask me which search engine they should use, if not Google?
And there's the rub.
Google used predatory pricing and anticompetitive mergers to acquire a 90% search market-share. The company spends more than $26b/year buying default position in every place where you might possibly encounter a new search engine. This created the "kill zone" – the VC's term of art for businesses that no one will invest in, because Google makes sure that no one will ever find out it exists:
That's why the only serious competitor to Google is Bing, another Big Tech company (Bing is also the primary source of results on Duckduckgo, which is why DDG sometimes makes exceptions for Microsoft's privacy-invading tracking):
Google tells us that the quid-pro-quo of search monopolization is search excellence. The hundreds of billions it makes every year through monopoly control gives it the resources it needs to fight spammers and maintain search result quality. Anyone who's paid attention recently knows that this is bullshit: Google search quality is in free-fall, across all its products:
But Google doesn't seem to think it has a problem. Rather than devoting all its available resources to fighting botshit, spam and scams, the company set $80 billion dollars alight last year with a stock buyback that was swiftly followed with 12,000 layoffs, followed by multiple subsequent rounds of layoffs:
The scams that slip through Google's cracks are sometimes nefarious, but just as often they're decidedly amateurish, the kind of thing that Google could fix by throwing money at the problem, say, to validate that new ads for confirmed Google merchants come from the merchant's registered email addresses and go to the merchant's registered website:
Search is a capital intensive business, and there are real returns to scale, as the UK Competition and Market Authority's excellent 2020 study describes:
But Google doesn't seem to think that its search needs that $80 billion to fight the spamwars. That's the thing about monopolists, they get complacent. As Lily Tomlin's "Ernestine the AT&T operator" used to say, "We don't care, we don't have to, we're the phone company."
That's why I'm so excited about the DOJ Antitrust Division monopolization case against Google. Trusting one company to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," was a failure:
I understand why people want to know which search engine they should use instead of Google, and I get why, "There aren't any good search engines" is such an unsatisfactory answer. I understand why each fresh round of printer-company fuckery prompts people to ask "which printer should I get?" and I understand why "There are only six major printer companies and they're all suffering from end-stage enshittification" isn't what anyone wants to hear.
We want to be able to vote with our wallets, because it's so much faster and more convenient than voting with our ballots. But the vote-with-your-wallet election is rigged for the people with the thickest wallets. Try as hard as you'd like, you just can't shop your way out of a monopoly – that's like trying to recycle your way out of the climate emergency. Systemic problems need systemic solutions – not individual ones.
That's why the new antitrust matters so much. The answer to monopolies is to break up companies, block and unwind mergers, ban deceptive and unfair conduct. "Caveat emptor" is the scammer's motto. You shouldn't have to be an expert on lead gen scams to hire a locksmith without getting ripped off.
There are good products and services out there. Earlier this year, we decided to install a (non-networked) programmable pushbutton lock. I asked Deviant Ollam – whom I know from Defcon's Lockpicking Village – for a recommendation and he suggested the Schlage FE595:
I liked it so much I bought another one for my office door. Eric from Golden State Lock and Safe installed it while I wrote this blog-post. It's great. I recommend both of 'em – 10/10, would do business again.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: alicia rae (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kehole_Red.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
Budhiargomiko (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wasteland.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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voidmountain · 8 months ago
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@piratedllama I can but you’re not going to like it!
Void’s guide to getting a job in conservation
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My story
My educational credentials: BAs in philosophy and creative writing from a big cheap state school, and a PhD in English literature with a specialization in environmental humanities from a small private R1. Couple years as an adjunct professor.
I trained my entire life to be a literature professor. It’s all I ever wanted. By the time I was finishing my doctorate, I had a very limiting belief that I was either over- or underqualified for any job outside academia. I was wrong.
By the time I made the decision to leave academia, I had published 2.5 peer reviewed academic articles and several magazine pieces. I also had about 5ish years of part-time communications consulting under my belt from helping run the writing center at my institution. I got a part-time social media/SEO management gig, and then used a grant to fund a comms internship at a local environmental nonprofit. Then I straight up just applied to jobs at conservation orgs on LinkedIn at a rate or 5 per week for about 6 months. I was looking for jobs in communications and education. Landed a couple interviews then got a position as a comms manager. My islander heritage ended up being relevant too bc I have a cultural insight into the regions where the org works. I’ve worked here for about a year, mostly wfh desk stuff, but I like to tag along to projects so I can take pics/do interviews/help with fieldwork/coordinate community meetings & info sessions. I still have a publishing career on the side, with 2 new articles out and a book manuscript in the works.
I do not recommend doing it this way lol.
What I would do instead
Conservation orgs have room for people with all kinds of backgrounds and expertise. If your goal is to have a job similar to mine, get lots of writing and science communication experience. Be able to show that you’ve built impactful campaigns and learn your way around SEO and communications terminology. Start with internships/social media, try and get some experience working with journalists, and have a nice portfolio of campaigns (easy way to start is an awareness campaign for a particular policy or science issue). Other creative experience is a plus (photography/graphic design/web design/UI).
Fieldwork is not that hard to get into. You can get field experience as an undergrad by working in research labs or volunteering. From there, lots of conservation orgs in your area are probably looking for volunteers or part-time workers to do field monitoring. TBH you don’t really need a degree to get into fieldwork, but the ceiling is kind of low without one. With a BS you can work your way up through an org probably to a manager level position where you could lead a field team but not direct a program. Generally, without a MS or PhD, you won’t be designing programs—just carrying them out, which can be really rewarding. You can also make lateral moves towards things like project management—coordinating supplies, transportation, methods, and problem-solving stuff.
Other ways to get into the field: orgs often contract out conservation tech companies to carry out specialized operations, like aerial monitoring and bait distribution. Getting a license for like a heavy-lift drone, an ROV, or boat stuff can also get you in the thick of it.
If you want to design and direct conservation programs, unfortunately you probably need to go to grad school. I can write up a separate post about how to decide whether to pursue an advanced degree if people are interested, but my general advice is Never Enroll In A Masters Program. Either do it as a 4+1 with your undergrad or go straight for the PhD. That’s where you’ll get experience designing your own experiments and contributing to the sum of conservation knowledge.
Extremely important caveat
You do not have to do any of these things in any particular order. It’s totally cool to work in the field for a couple years before going back for the PhD. You also do not need to link your education to your job (god knows I didn’t). My side hobbies of wildlife photography and scuba diving made me a great candidate for the job I eventually got, and they didn’t have anything to do with my degree or original career path. There’s also a million other jobs that conservation orgs have that don’t involve having a science background at all—HR, finance, admin, philanthropy, consulting, & policy analysis are huge parts of this. So are other jobs that aren’t *within* conservation at all, like journalism & social organizing.
A lot of folks I meet out here in the conservation world are on their third or fourth careers. It’s very, very normal to switch it up, try many things, land somewhere, leave, and pick up somewhere else.
All this to say: the world is really, really big. Don’t feel pressured to take the shortest most linear possible path. There are a million ways to have a good life.
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websitesabqnm · 3 months ago
It’s pointless to have a website that no one ever sees. That’s why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is so important. SEO can put you in front of potential customers in searches done on Google and Bing. Beyond website design, Websites ABQ is also a local Albuquerque SEO company. I can help you grow your business with affordable SEO services in Albuquerque. I offer SEO services whose aim is to move you up the ranks on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
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eglogicstech-blog · 1 year ago
EGlogics Softech Launches Innovative Plumbing SEO Services to Transform Digital Presence for Plumbing Businesses
Noida, India – EGlogics Softech, a leading IT company renowned for its expertise in web design, development, and SEO, is proud to announce the expansion of its service portfolio with the introduction of specialized Plumbing SEO Services. This strategic move is designed to cater to the unique digital marketing needs of plumbing businesses, aiming to boost their online visibility, attract more customers, and ultimately drive growth.
Since its establishment in 2013, EGlogics Softech has been at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge IT solutions and services. With a rich history of over 950 successful projects, the company has proven its ability to create exceptional user experiences that not only meet but exceed client expectations. The introduction of Plumbing SEO Services is a testament to EGlogics Softech's commitment to innovation and its dedication to addressing the evolving needs of its diverse clientele, which ranges from startups to Fortune 500 enterprises.
The new Plumbing SEO Services are meticulously crafted to address the specific challenges faced by plumbing businesses in the digital landscape. From optimizing website content for relevant keywords to improving local search visibility, these services are designed to ensure that plumbing companies stand out in a crowded online space. By leveraging EGlogics Softech's deep understanding of SEO best practices and the latest digital marketing trends, plumbing businesses can expect a significant improvement in their search engine rankings, leading to increased website traffic and more service inquiries.
"Understanding the unique digital marketing challenges faced by plumbing businesses has been key to developing our Plumbing SEO Services," said a spokesperson for EGlogics Softech. "We are excited to offer a solution that not only enhances online visibility but also drives tangible results, helping our clients to thrive in a competitive market."
EGlogics Softech's commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction is evident in its impressive track record and the trust placed in it by over 500 clients worldwide. With its team of skilled professionals, proven methodologies, and deep domain knowledge, EGlogics Softech is well-positioned to deliver high-quality, results-driven SEO solutions to plumbing businesses looking to elevate their digital presence.
About EGlogics Softech:
EGlogics Softech is a trusted IT company that has been delivering a wide range of software development and IT services since 2013. Specializing in eCommerce, custom web applications, and SEO, EGlogics Softech combines proven methodologies, business domain knowledge, and technology expertise to deliver solutions that drive success. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, EGlogics Softech has become a preferred partner for over 500 clients worldwide, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.
For more information about EGlogics Softech and its Plumbing SEO Services, please visit https://www.eglogics.com/ or contact:
India Office: D-23, 2nd Floor, Sector-63, Noida, 201301 India Ph. No. +91 - 7065572572
UK Office: 2 Maning Way, Lancaster Business Park, Caton Road, Lancashire, LA1 3SU Ph. No. +44 208 0895502
US Office: Ph. No. +1 917 728 1217
Website: https://www.eglogics.com/
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varunshrimediasolutions · 1 year ago
20 SEO Mistakes To Avoid In 2024
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 Introduction In the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing, search engine optimization, or SEO, continues to be essential for success online. Nonetheless, the field of SEO is always evolving due to changes in user behaviour and algorithmic changes. It's critical to keep up with the newest trends and steer clear of typical traps if you want to guarantee that your website stays visible and competitive.
In this post, we'll look at 20 SEO blunders to avoid in 2024 to help you move deftly through the always-shifting digital landscape.
20 Mistakes You Should Avoid In SEO For Best Results
Ignoring Mobile Optimization: 
In 2024, mobile optimization will no longer be a luxury; it will be essential. Since mobile devices are used by the majority of internet users to access content, not optimizing your website for mobile devices might result in lower visibility and lower user engagement. 
Ignoring Page Speed:
Slow-loading pages can have a big effect on your site's SEO success in a world where speed is everything. Consumers demand immediate satisfaction, and search engines give preference to websites that load quickly. To improve page speed, make sure to minimize HTTP queries, take advantage of browser caching, and optimize images. 
Ignoring Voice Search Optimization:
It is now mandatory to optimize your content for voice search due to the popularity of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. Take into account long-tail keywords and natural language searches to match user speech patterns when conducting voice searches.
Ignoring HTTPS Migration:
​In today's digital world, security is crucial, and Google favours secure websites. Making the switch to HTTPS improves your site's trustworthiness and security in the eyes of search engines and users alike. 
Ignoring Local SEO:
Ignoring local SEO can be an expensive error for companies that cater to local customers. To increase exposure in local search results, make sure your business listings are correct and consistent across online directories and make use of local keywords. 
Failing to Optimize for Featured Snippets: 
Search engine results pages (SERPs) now prominently display featured snippets, which give users instant answers to their questions. To increase your chances of getting included in snippets, organize your material to provide succinct answers to frequently asked questions.
Excessive Anchor Text Optimization:
Although anchor text optimization is crucial for search engine optimization, excessive optimization may raise red flags with search engines. To avoid fines, keep the diversity of your anchor text in a natural balance by using synonyms and variations.
Ignoring User Experience (UX):
UX affects metrics like click-through rate, dwell duration, and bounce rate, and it is a major factor in SEO. To increase UX and SEO performance, give priority to responsive design, appealing content, and easy-to-navigate pages. 
Underestimating the Power of Internal Linking:
Internal linking improves search engine optimization by dispersing link equity throughout your pages and assisting users in navigating your website. Include pertinent internal links in your text to improve crawlability and create a logical hierarchy.
Ignore Structured Data Markup:
Rich snippets and improved SERP displays are made possible by structured data markup, which gives search engines context about your material. Use structured data markup to increase search engine visibility and click-through rate.
Ignoring Image Optimization: 
Images are more than simply decorative components; alt text, file names, and image sitemaps all help with SEO. To increase accessibility and SEO, optimize photos for size and relevancy and provide a description to the alt text. 
Neglecting Content Quality:
​In an era of abundant content, quality is paramount. The SEO performance of your website may be harmed by thin, pointless, or duplicate content. Concentrate on producing valuable, high-quality content that speaks to and meets the demands of your target audience.
Ignoring Social Signals:
Social media can affect search visibility indirectly by raising brand awareness, engagement, and traffic, even though its direct impact on SEO is up for discussion. Sustain a consistent presence on pertinent social media channels to increase the visibility of your material.
Ignoring technical SEO:
​Technical SEO, which includes aspects like crawlability, indexing, and site structure, lays the groundwork for your site's overall performance. Perform routine audits to find and fix technical problems that could limit the SEO potential of your website.
Keyword Stuffing:
The overuse of keywords, often known as keyword stuffing, is a holdover from antiquated search engine optimization techniques and can now lead to search engine penalties. To keep your content relevant and readable, instead concentrate on naturally occurring keyword integration.
Ignoring Video Optimization: 
​Videos are taking over search results and provide a captivating way for users to consume material. To increase your videos' exposure in standard and video search results, make sure they have clear names, descriptions, and transcripts. 
Ignoring Backlink Quality:
In today's SEO environment, quality is more important than quantity even if backlinks are still a crucial ranking component. Make getting backlinks from reputable, relevant sources your top priority, and avoid deceptive link-building strategies that can damage the reputation of your website. 
Ignoring Local Citations:
In local search engine optimization, local citations—that is, references to your company's name, address, and phone number (NAP)—are quite important. Make sure that your NAP information is the same on all websites, social media pages, and review sites.
Ignoring SEO Analytics:
An effective SEO strategy requires data-driven decision-making. Track your progress and find optimization possibilities by keeping an eye on key performance indicators (KPIs), including organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates, on a regular basis.  
Failing to Adjust to Algorithm Changes:
Algorithms used by search engines are always changing, so what works now might not work tomorrow. Keep up with algorithm changes and modify your SEO plan as necessary to keep your website visible and relevant in search results.
Success in the ever-changing world of SEO depends on avoiding frequent errors and keeping up with current trends. You can position your website for increased visibility, traffic, and eventually business growth by avoiding these 20 SEO blunders in 2024. 
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digitaldevendratilak · 1 year ago
The Future of Digital Advertising
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for businesses striving to remain competitive and relevant. As technology continues to advance and consumer behaviors evolve, new trends emerge, reshaping the digital marketing landscape. In this article, we'll explore some of the most prominent emerging trends in digital marketing and speculate on what the future holds for this dynamic industry.
1.Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning:
AI and machine learning have already made significant strides in revolutionizing digital marketing, and their influence is only expected to grow. AI-powered chatbots, personalized recommendation engines, and predictive analytics are just a few examples of how AI is transforming marketing strategies. In the future, we can anticipate even more sophisticated AI applications, such as predictive content creation, advanced customer segmentation, and dynamic pricing optimization.
2.Voice Search Optimization (VSO):
With the rising popularity of voice-activated devices and virtual assistants, voice search is poised to become a dominant force in digital marketing. Businesses will need to adapt their SEO strategies to accommodate natural language queries and conversational search patterns. Optimizing content for voice search, leveraging schema markup, and focusing on local SEO will be key tactics for brands looking to capitalize on this emerging trend.
3.Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):
AR and VR technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way consumers interact with brands and products. From immersive shopping experiences to virtual try-on features, AR and VR offer exciting opportunities for marketers to engage audiences in new and innovative ways. As these technologies become more accessible and mainstream, we can expect to see widespread adoption across various industries, including retail, entertainment, and tourism.
4.Interactive Content Experiences:
As consumers increasingly seek out interactive and engaging content, marketers are embracing interactive content formats such as quizzes, polls, calculators, and 360-degree videos. These interactive experiences not only capture users' attention but also provide valuable insights into their preferences and behaviors. Moving forward, we can anticipate the continued growth of interactive content as brands look for creative ways to stand out in a crowded digital landscape.
5.Privacy and Data Protection:
In light of increasing concerns about data privacy and security, consumers are becoming more cautious about sharing their personal information online. As a result, there is a growing emphasis on transparency, consent, and data protection in digital marketing practices. Brands that prioritize privacy and build trust with their audience will have a competitive advantage in the future, while those that neglect these considerations may face backlash and reputational damage.
6.Purpose-Driven Marketing:
Today's consumers expect more from brands than just products and services—they want to support companies that align with their values and beliefs. Purpose-driven marketing, which focuses on social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical business practices, is gaining traction as consumers seek out brands that make a positive impact on society and the environment. In the future, we can expect to see more brands integrating purpose-driven messaging into their marketing campaigns and corporate branding efforts.
In conclusion, the future of digital marketing is filled with exciting possibilities and opportunities for innovation. By embracing emerging trends such as AI, voice search optimization, AR/VR, interactive content, privacy protection, and purpose-driven marketing, businesses can position themselves for success in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. However, staying ahead of the curve requires continuous adaptation, experimentation, and a willingness to embrace change. As we look to the future, one thing is certain: the only constant in digital marketing is change.
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m4k4yl4 · 2 years ago
||TILL DEATH DO US PART|| Y/N and three dumbasses
Masterlist | Jeongin's Coven
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Y/N L/N: Human - 22, Majors in English Literature, works at the local library her grandma owns, doesn't really know what she wants to do after college, lives in the apartment above the library.
Han Jisung: Human - 22, Majors in Music industry, he's an inter at a record label company, hates his boss, so he wants to open his own record label just to stick it to him, roommates with changbin.
Lee Felix: Human - 22, Majors in culinary arts, he's a waiter at a nearby restaurant, wants to move back to Australia and open a bakery with his sisters, new roommates with hyunjin.
Seo Changbin: Human - 23, Majors in Music Production, he changes jobs basically every month he always finds something wrong with the place and leaves, roommates with Han
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A/N: Updates for this will probably be slow cause making these text and Twitter posts take long for no goddamm reason, anyways-
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digirankguide · 1 year ago
Tips to Supercharge Your Business via Leading Digital Marketing Services
Staying digitally applicable is now a have to-have eligibility for each business as digital space has notably transformed the way purchasers have interaction with a logo. Capturing customers’ attention and understanding their pulse, is one of the essential demanding situations for corporations to continue to exist through the steep market competition. When survival and revenue technology are the middle schedules of your online commercial enterprise, consulting the main digital advertising and marketing offerings in Bradford is the best move. Craft your digital destiny with our expert guidance – Bradford's powerhouse for navigating the online realm Search Engine Optimisation Bradford.
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Benefits of Strong Digital Presence: Tested
Extensive Reach: Whether you're a local florist or own a worthwhile brick-and-mortar store, going online makes you easily discoverable through your target audience. With strategic attempt in digital advertising, you may attain an target market beyond limitations and create a potential market for your services and products.
Gaining Market Authority: With easy get right of entry to to special alternatives for agencies presenting similar products and services, customers now can make convenient picks with a single click. Modern customers prefer learning before investing; which incorporates assessing on line opinions and scores to make informed decisions. A loss of online presence could make you lose your potential target market to competition. According to a record through Statista, 2.14+ billion worldwide consumers keep on-line.
Effective Customer Engagement: With powerful virtual advertising techniques, you no longer only benefit an impressive audience base however with time can foster a more potent network to force higher engagement.
Why hiring a virtual advertising service is vital?
Digital Marketing isn't a Click-Trick recipe for in a single day effects. The big spectrum of digital advertising includes diverse channels that require clever implementations to gain perfect outcomes. Remember, you are not the most effective one to be debuting into the visitors-choked digital highway. Without a stable virtual marketing plan and strategic packages, be prepared to come upon lengthy-time period challenges. So, in case you are eager to release your on-line business, consult the specialists to futureproof your dreams with ROI-driven digital advertising and marketing offerings.
Benefits of Hiring the Best Digital Marketing Service in Bradford
Expertise in Local search engine marketing
Digital advertising and marketing groups in Bradford possess in-intensity know-how of the local market and client behavior. We apprehend the precise demanding situations and possibilities within the dynamic market and offer you the great strategy tailor-made in your enterprise. With our know-how in neighborhood search engine optimization, we are able to optimize your on-line presence to make sure that your enterprise ranks prominently in neighborhood seek consequences.
Targeted Social Media Campaigns
Social media is a effective tool for reaching capability customers. Qualified virtual advertising companies realize the way to create and manipulate targeted social media campaigns that interact your audience and pressure traffic for your website. By harnessing the power of systems like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn we strive to supply a good sized enhance on your brand visibility and revenue. Drive your digital aspirations with our expert touch – Bradford's go-to partner for online growth and success SEO Company Bradford.
Content Marketing Strategies
Compelling content material is on the heart of a success virtual advertising and marketing. Reputed groups in Bradford like can increase curated content material advertising strategies one-of-a-kind to your commercial enterprise. From weblog posts and infographics to movies and podcasts, we supply content that resonates together with your audience in using natural visitors and changing leads into customers.
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Useful Tips To Increase Website Traffic
Responsive Web Design Mistakes for & How To Avoid Them
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quellsoft · 8 months ago
SEO for Moving Companies: All There Is To Know
Boost your moving company's online visibility with QuellSoft comprehensive SEO guide. Learn effective strategies to improve your search engine rankings, attract more customers, and grow your business. From keyword research to local SEO tactics, our guide provides all the insights you need to succeed in the digital landscape. Read now to enhance your SEO efforts!
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Increase Organic Web Traffic — The Role of an SEO Specialist in Italy
Competitive landscape of digital marketing, the need for an SEO specialist has become more pronounced than ever. As businesses effort to increase their online visibility and effectively reach their target audience, the role of an SEO specialist in Italy has gained significant importance. In this article, we will explore key aspects related to SEO specialists, their costs, global recognition, demand, and the best SEO expert in Italy — Mollik Sazzadur Rahman.
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Increase Your Brand Name — Boost Up Your Local Business Doing Local SEO for local business alone will not get the right results. At present you need to increase your Brand Value. SEO is not everything to get traffic. Yes it is true SEO is good for getting organic traffic. It’s better that you grow your brand name (by social media marketing or physically marketing) and I handle your SEO part.
How much does an SEO specialist cost?
Investing in the services of an SEO specialist is a strategic move for businesses aiming to thrive in the online sphere. The cost of hiring an SEO specialist can vary based on several factors, including the scope of work, the complexity of the project, and the level of expertise required. On average, businesses in Italy can expect to pay anywhere from €500 to €3000 per month for professional SEO services. It’s crucial to view this as an investment rather than an expense, considering the long-term benefits and increased visibility an SEO specialist can bring to your business.
Who is The World’s No. 1 SEO Expert?
Identifying the world’s No. 1 SEO expert is a subjective matter, as the field is vast and constantly evolving. However, there are several renowned figures who have made significant contributions to the SEO industry. Recognized names include Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, and Brian Dean. These experts have demonstrated their prowess through innovative strategies and a deep understanding of search engine algorithms. While ranking the world’s №1 SEO expert may be challenging, it’s essential to acknowledge and learn from the thought leaders shaping the industry.
And among them, the name of Mollik Sazzadur Rahman has to be mentioned as an SEO expert. Even if he is not the world number one, but he can improve any local business by SEO services.
Mollik’s SEO Skills As an Optimizer for Website As Website SEO expert Mollik can do everything. But social media marketing is not his job. So,
Profitable Keyword Research
Content Analysis
On Page SEO
Used LSI Keywords into H2-H6 Tag
Image Optimization
Yoast SEO, Rank Math specialist
URL, SEO Title & Meta Description Utilize
Schema and Canonical Tag Generate
Technical SEO
Sitemap, Robots.txt Setup
Redirection, and 404 error solved
Page Speed Optimization
Off-Page SEO
Guest Post, Web 2.0
Social Bookmarking
WordPress, Shopify and Wix Management
Google Analytics specialist
Google Search Console Analysis
SEO Audit Services
Competitors Analysis & Information Spy
Weekly & Monthly Report
Are SEO experts in demand?
The demand for SEO specialists continues to surge as businesses recognize the pivotal role search engine optimization plays in their online success. In Italy, as elsewhere, companies are seeking skilled professionals to optimize their websites, improve search engine rankings, and drive organic traffic. With the digital landscape becoming increasingly competitive, businesses are realizing the need for specialized expertise to navigate the complexities of SEO. This growing demand presents a promising opportunity for individuals looking to pursue a career as an SEO specialist in Italy.
In conclusion, the role of an SEO specialist in Italy is pivotal in the digital age, and the demand for skilled professionals in this field is on the rise. Businesses seeking to stay competitive and enhance their online visibility can benefit significantly from the expertise of an SEO specialist. Mollik Sazzadur Rahman, with his experienced skilled record and commitment to excellence, stands as a leading SEO expert in Italy, ready to guide businesses towards online success.
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websitesabqnm · 3 months ago
It’s pointless to have a website that no one ever sees. That’s why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is so important. SEO can put you in front of potential customers in searches done on Google and Bing. Beyond website design, Websites ABQ is also a local Albuquerque SEO company. I can help you grow your business with affordable SEO services in Albuquerque. I offer SEO services whose aim is to move you up the ranks on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
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ideaunlimited · 28 minutes ago
Why Mumbai Brands Are Investing Big in Content: The Rise of High-Quality Storytelling
Introduction: The Content Revolution in Mumbai
In today’s fast-paced digital world, content is no longer just an option—it’s a necessity. Businesses across Mumbai are realizing the power of content marketing to build brand awareness, engage audiences, and drive conversions. But not just any content will do. The demand for high-quality storytelling is on the rise, and brands are turning to expert agencies like Icontent, a leading content writing agency in Mumbai, to craft compelling narratives that set them apart.
If you’re wondering why content marketing is becoming the backbone of digital success in Mumbai, keep reading. This article dives deep into the growing trend, the impact of high-quality storytelling, and how Mumbai-based businesses can leverage content to stay ahead.
The Power of High-Quality Storytelling in Digital Marketing
Gone are the days when keyword-stuffed blog posts and robotic website copy could attract customers. Today, people crave stories that resonate with them. Mumbai, being a diverse and dynamic city, thrives on connection, culture, and communication—making storytelling an essential tool for brands looking to stand out.
1. Building Emotional Connections
Consumers no longer just buy products; they invest in experiences. Whether it’s a homegrown startup or a multinational company, brands in Mumbai are leveraging authentic storytelling to create an emotional bond with their audience. A well-crafted narrative not only makes content more engaging but also builds long-term customer loyalty.
2. Enhancing Brand Credibility
In an era where trust is everything, a well-researched, value-driven content strategy can position a brand as an industry leader. Businesses collaborating with an expert content writing agency in Mumbai, like Icontent, gain credibility through blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and other high-value content formats.
3. Boosting SEO and Online Visibility
Mumbai businesses are fiercely competing in the digital space. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in staying ahead. High-quality content, optimized for relevant keywords, helps brands rank higher on Google, driving organic traffic to their websites.
Why Mumbai Businesses Are Investing More in Content Marketing
So, what’s driving this major shift towards content-driven marketing in Mumbai? Let’s explore some key factors:
1. The Digital Transformation Wave
With more businesses moving online, the demand for engaging and informative content has skyrocketed. Websites, social media, and digital ads all rely on compelling copy to capture attention and drive action.
2. Rise of Localized and Personalized Content
Mumbai is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and preferences. Brands are focusing on localized content strategies to connect better with their diverse audience. Personalized content—tailored to customer demographics and behaviors—has become a game-changer.
3. Content as a Cost-Effective Marketing Tool
Compared to traditional advertising, content marketing provides a higher return on investment (ROI). A single high-quality blog post, video, or case study can continue generating traffic and leads for months or even years.
How Icontent is Leading the Content Revolution in Mumbai
If you’re a business looking for an edge in content marketing, partnering with a professional agency like Icontent can make all the difference. Here’s how they’re setting new benchmarks:
1. Expertise in Various Content Formats
Whether it’s website content, blogs, social media copy, or email marketing, Icontent delivers tailored, audience-focused content that drives engagement and conversions.
2. SEO-Optimized Writing for Maximum Reach
With expertise in keyword research, Icontent ensures your content is not just compelling but also ranks high on search engines—bringing in more organic traffic.
3. Storytelling That Resonates
Unlike generic content mills, Icontent focuses on crafting impactful narratives that align with brand identity and customer expectations.
4. Proven Results with Happy Clients
Businesses across industries—real estate, finance, healthcare, and e-commerce—have benefited from Icontent’s strategic content solutions.
The Future of Content Marketing in Mumbai
As digital marketing continues to evolve, content will remain the cornerstone of brand success. The brands that invest in high-quality, storytelling-driven content today will dominate their industries tomorrow.
If you’re ready to elevate your brand’s digital presence, it’s time to invest in expert content marketing. Whether you need engaging blogs, persuasive website copy, or a complete content strategy, partnering with Icontent—the top content writing agency in Mumbai—can be the game-changer your brand needs.Are you ready to harness the power of high-quality content? Reach out to Icontent today and start your journey towards impactful digital storytelling!
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armadillo-new-media · 2 hours ago
Why Local SEO Matters More Than Ever in 2025
In the dynamic world of digital marketing, there is one thing that never changes: local SEO is essential for companies that want to increase their online presence. Entering 2025, the importance of local SEO has grown even more for digital marketing agencies and business owners alike. In this article, we explore the importance of local SEO, how it contributes to business development, and the main strategies you must adopt to remain competitive.
The Growing Importance of Local SEO
Local SEO is all about optimizing your online presence to enhance local search rankings. It allows businesses to reach out to prospective customers who are actively looking for local products or services. Google actually states that almost 46% of all searches contain local intent, and therefore, local SEO is a must-have tactic for gaining local customers.
Moving into 2025, local SEO is more crucial than ever with changing search engine algorithms, the prevalence of mobile-first indexing, and shifting consumer trends. With increasingly smartphone-reliant users looking for local businesses, ranking in local search results is more essential to long-term success than ever before.
The Impact of Mobile and Voice Search on Local SEO
As the mobile usage increased, voice search and mobile became pivotal elements of local SEO success. According to a BrightEdge study, 61% of mobile searches resulted in an online transaction or in-store visit. Furthermore, with the increasing popularity of voice assistants such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa, voice search has become the most prominent tool for discovering local businesses.
In order to remain competitive, companies need their custom websites to be voice search and mobile optimised. Typically used in local searches, queries such as “near me” or “open now” are often searched for, so it is imperative to optimise content in accordance with these search patterns to maximise visibility and engagement.
How Local SEO Benefits Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs), local SEO provides an affordable means of competing with big brands. In contrast to conventional advertising, which typically requires a big budget, local SEO enables SMBs to connect potential customers around them who are actively searching for their products or services.
We all know big brands have been shelling out money to execute their online advertisements, reaching people across the country. But you’re a small business and you have to stretch every dollar. Local SEO is the key for you — it’s how you get seen by people who live in your neighborhood, the ones who are most likely to be your customers. Did you know that 46% of all Google searches are for local businesses? That’s a huge opportunity! Having a website just isn’t good enough anymore. You need to be found locally to attract new customers.
Read More:- https://armadillo.uk.com/news/why-local-seo-matters-more-than-ever-in-2025/
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kporganisation · 3 hours ago
Effective Marketing Strategies to Get Quality Tenants
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Quality tenants are very important to acquire for real estate managers and property owners who desire long-term profitability and stability. As a property manager, a real estate investor, or even a property dealer in Gurgaon, effective marketing strategies can assist you in getting loyal tenants who pay rent on time and take adequate care of your property. Here we will discuss effective marketing strategies to get good tenants for best property in Gurgaon, i.e., best apartments in Gurgaon,, and best office space in Gurgaon.
1. Know Your Target Group
The initial step towards getting quality tenants is that you should know your target group. Various types of tenants have different requirements. For instance:
Young professionals would like trendy best office spaces in Gurgaon near business centers.
Families would search for spacious best residential apartment in Gurgaon near schools and parks.
Investors looking for best property investment in Gurgaon would be interested in high-demand locations.
Knowing your target audience will enable you to market accordingly.
2. Optimize Online Listings with High-Quality Content
In the modern digital age, most tenants search for properties online. Your online advertisement needs to have:
Good-quality images highlighting the property's best features.
A good property description highlighting amenities, nearby facilities, and vital features.
Keywords such as best property dealer in Gurgaon, top property dealer in Gurgaon, and property contractors in Gurgaon to ensure maximum SEO visibility.
3. Use Social Media for Maximum Exposure
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are powerful tools for fetching high-quality tenants. Strategies are:
Posting high-quality photos and videos of the properties.
Publishing targeted ad campaigns to reach potential tenants.
Engaging the followers by responding to queries promptly.
Sharing tenant testimonials to build trustworthiness.
4. Make Use of Local SEO to Enhance Search Rankings
To get your properties listed in local searches, implement local SEO strategies like:
Having Google My Business listing for optimum visibility.
With geo-specific keywords such as property dealer in Gurgaon, best apartments in Gurgaon, and best farmhouse in Gurgaon.
Requesting online reviews from existing tenants for building credibility.
5. Provide Virtual Tours and 3D Walkthroughs
Virtual property visits are favored by most quality tenants prior to making an offer. A 3D walkthrough or video tour benefits:
Attracting distant or out-of-town tenants.
Time saving for both tenants and property managers.
Emphasize the property more.
6. Build Relationships with Corporate Clients
Most companies search for best residential apartment in Gurgaon or best office space in Gurgaon for its employees. Building relationships with corporate clients guarantees a consistent flow of quality tenants. Think about:
Collaborating with HR departments to provide exclusive rental opportunities.
Advertising properties on corporate housing platforms.
Offering furnished rental opportunities for business executives.
7. Emphasize Unique Selling Points of the Property
To get your property noticed among the rest, highlight special selling points like:
Energy-efficient properties (solar panels, smart thermostats, LED lights).
Pet policies.
Nearness to transport hubs and central business districts.
Luxury amenities like gyms, pools, and concierge.
8. Give Great Customer Service
Great customer service attracts and keeps good tenants. This entails:
Immediate replies to questions.
Transparent and clear leasing procedures.
Providing move-in services and welcome packs.
9. Leverage Paid Ads and Retargeting
Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and retargeting ads bring your property into the spotlight where it will be visible to potential renters. best apartment in Gurgaon, Targeted ads lead your listing to the forefront of the suitable persons, so procuring a leaseholder in no time becomes easy.
10. Negotiate with Real Estate Agents and Property Brokers
Handling Gurgaon top property dealer and property contractors exposes you to a big pool of prospective tenants. Handling local agents benefits:
To sell the property to their clients.
To receive expert advice on rent levels.
To fulfill law in lease agreements.
11. Provide Incentives for Long-Term Tenants
To attract and retain good tenants, you can offer incentives like:
Reduced rent for long-term occupation.
Referral incentives to tenants who bring in new renters.
Flexible lease terms to suit the tenant.
12. Maintain the Property in High Condition
Quality tenants demand a well-maintained property. Maintenance and upgrading on a regular basis enhances the satisfaction and retention of the tenants. best property investment in Gurgaon, Essential maintenance aspects are:
Exterior and landscaping maintenance.
High-end appliances and fixtures.
Security devices such as smart locks and CCTV cameras.
13. Foster Word-of-Mouth Publicity
Satisfied tenants are your most effective marketing strategists. Encourage them to refer others by:
Offering referral discounts.
Organizing tenant appreciation events.
Establishing an online forum where the tenants can exchange experiences.
Requisitioning quality tenants is a blend of online advertisement, good customer care, and partnerships. Whenever you are promoting best farmhouse in Gurgaon, best apartment in Gurgaon, or best property investment in Gurgaon, embracing such strategies will make you win stable tenants that allow the long-term growth of your real estate business. Increased online visibility, use of social media, and upkeep of your property will guarantee enhanced occupancy as well as improved rental income.
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folksdigital · 16 hours ago
Messy Website, Missed Opportunities: How Cluttered Design Drives Visitors Away
Imagine walking into a store where products are piled on top of each other, signs are flashing in every direction, and you can’t even find the checkout counter. Would you stay and shop, or would you turn around and walk out? Now, apply that same logic to your website. If visitors land on a cluttered, disorganized page, they won’t stick around to figure it out. They’ll leave—fast.
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In today’s digital age, your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business. A well-designed, user-friendly site can boost engagement and conversions, while a messy, chaotic one can drive visitors away. Folks Digital, a trusted website design company in Vancouver, knows the importance of clean, effective website design. Let’s dive into why cluttered websites confuse visitors and how you can fix yours to keep engagement high.
First Impressions Matter: The 5-Second Rule
The internet is full of distractions, and users make snap judgments about websites. If they can’t understand what your site is about within five seconds, they’ll leave. Cluttered visuals, overwhelming text, and scattered elements make it difficult for users to focus and navigate.
What Makes a Website Look Cluttered?
Too many images, fonts, or colours competing for attention.
Text-heavy pages without clear headings or white space.
Multiple CTAs (Call-to-Action) buttons with no clear hierarchy.
Victoria-based businesses can benefit from working with a local expert like Folks Digital to streamline their web optimization and improve user experience. The goal is to make the first five seconds count by ensuring clarity and simplicity.
Navigation Nightmares: When Users Can’t Find What They Need
Think about your favourite coffee shop in Victoria. You know exactly where to order, grab your drink, and sit down. Your website should work the same way—users should easily find what they need without frustration.
Common Navigation Issues:
Overloaded menus with too many options.
Hidden or hard-to-find essential pages (e.g., Contact, Services).
Links that don’t lead where users expect.
When navigation is confusing, visitors get frustrated and leave, reducing your engagement and conversions. A well-structured menu and intuitive design can drastically improve user experience.
Information Overload: Why Less Is More
More isn’t always better, especially when it comes to website content. Bombarding visitors with excessive text, multiple font styles, and flashy visuals creates cognitive overload. When users have to work too hard to process information, they disengage.
Tips to Simplify Your Website Content:
Break up text with clear headings and bullet points.
Use concise, direct language to communicate your message.
Maintain consistent fonts and colours to avoid visual chaos.
Folks Digital helps Victoria businesses streamline their messaging, ensuring that visitors stay engaged rather than feeling overwhelmed. If you're looking for expert website development in Vancouver, a well-structured approach can make all the difference in user experience and conversion rates.
The Mobile Experience: How Clutter Kills Responsiveness
With over half of website traffic coming from mobile devices, a cluttered design that doesn’t adapt to smaller screens is a huge problem. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, potential customers in Victoria will move on to a competitor’s site that is.
How Clutter Affects Mobile Users:
Tiny, unreadable text due to too much content crammed onto a small screen.
Difficult-to-click buttons that are too close together.
Slow load times caused by excessive elements.
A responsive, mobile-optimized design improves user experience, keeps visitors engaged, and enhances SEO rankings.
Pop-Ups, Ads, and Distractions: Are You Pushing Visitors Away?
Imagine trying to read a blog post, but every few seconds, a pop-up blocks your view. Annoying, right? While pop-ups and ads can be effective, overusing them can drive visitors away.
Avoid These Common Mistakes:
Too many pop-ups appearing before a user can engage with content.
Autoplay videos that start without warning.
Distracting animations that disrupt reading flow.
If you need pop-ups, use them strategically—such as exit-intent pop-ups that appear only when a user is about to leave.
How to Fix a Cluttered Website: Practical Steps
If your website feels chaotic, don’t worry—it’s fixable. Here’s how a website design company can declutter your site and improve engagement:
1. Audit Your Website
Identify cluttered pages and elements that confuse users.
Use heatmaps to track where visitors drop off.
2. Prioritize Simplicity
Use plenty of white space to create a clean look.
Stick to a simple, cohesive colour scheme.
3. Optimize Navigation
Keep menus simple and intuitive.
Ensure key pages (About, Services, Contact) are easy to find.
4. Test and Improve
Conduct A/B testing to see what layout works best.
Ask real users for feedback on website usability.
Conclusion: A Cleaner Website = Better Engagement
A cluttered website is like a messy store—if visitors can’t find what they need quickly, they’ll leave. Simplifying your design, optimizing navigation, and focusing on user experience will keep people engaged and encourage conversions.
If you need expert help in decluttering your website, Folks Digital, a leading web design company in Canada, specializes in creating clean, user-friendly designs that drive results. A well-structured website isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about keeping visitors engaged and turning them into loyal customers.
Ready to clean up your website? Let’s make it happen, contact us on (250) 580 3532 or talk to our expert by clicking here!!
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