zarya-zaryanitsa · 1 year
In terms of the Czech historical tradition, Libuše was the most important of the three sisters, since she became the founding mother of the Přemyslid dynasty, through her marriage with Přemysl. She is also the only one of the three who was known outside of Bohemia and had a clear pan-Slavic background. It is evident from a Jewish gravestone found in Wrocław that the name Libuše came into use in Silesia as early as the beginning of the fourteenth century:
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This gravestone which was erected on head of Mrs. Libusha wife of rabbi [. . .], who has passed to her destiny on the 20th day of Marcheshvan in the year 65 on account [of the sixth millennium] (October 20, 1304). May her soul be [bound] in the bond of eternal life.
Libuše was also probably an eponymous heroine of the Slavic land of Lubusz (German Lebus) in the mid-Oder on both sides of the current-day Polish–German border.
Libuše’s connection with the East Slavic Lybed’, sister of Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv, legendary founders of Kiev, as well as the Croatian Lobelos, brother of Kloukas, and the Hungarian legendary prince Lebedias is central to recon- structing this figure’s pan-Slavic background.
- Slavic Gods and Heroes by Judith Kalik and Alexander Uchitel
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ouicestbien · 13 days
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Juan Jose Teijeira Lobelos
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thatmusicalsparrow · 5 months
I tried writing something in a conlang I'm working on, translation under the cut if anyone's curious
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In Latin Alphabet: Lobelo Lunoc'he. Kalasvan, Di' nelevan akenavi'. Di' nolbi'ato ptomtoalu lema panilos'ho. --- Pakora! Neli'bo divana lok gqalovi' loben. ... Di' nutako zemoyon palekani'. Kral!
Rough English translation: Day 43. Greetings, I am writing again. I am potentially going to need some food. --- Pain! It is the night now … I ate 17 breads. Shit!
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fearsmagazine · 11 months
EVERYONE WILL BURN | Official Trailer and Poster
Plagued with a darkness of the heart, María José is prepared to face the end of her life when she is visited by a strange girl.
As residents in her village begin to suffer horrific deaths, María José is accused of summoning an evil that has been whispered as local legend for generations and must confront her own past or risk fulfilling a prophecy that would bring about the end of the world.
Directed and written by David Hebrero, co-written by Javier Kirán and starring Macarena Gómez, Rodolfo Sancho, Ana Milán, Rubén Ochandiano, Germán Torres, Ella Kweku, Raquel Lobelos, with Fernando Cayo and Saturnino García, and introducing Sofía García.
EVERYONE WILL BURN in theaters starting December 1st (NYC, LA, Austin) and on digital platforms December 5th, 2023, from Drafthouse Films.
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helpotatos · 5 years
My plan for the day:
Breakfast: black coffee (10)
Lunch: some fricking awesome water, and lobelo(5..?)
Dinner: i guess an apple or a bit of salad, or... Simply nothing, but i rather do eat something. So probably (100)
Exercise: walking whenever i can when my teacher doesn't see (I'm gonna be on a trip of two days) i guess It will add up to one hour: (-140)
Consumed: 115(150 to make sure)
Burned: 140(100 to be sure)
Overall: 50
Cw: 56kg
Gw: 52
Ugw: 45
Height: 167 cm
Wish me luck, I'll update tomorrow!!
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mentalnahigijena · 3 years
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Kako je u svom djelu »De Administrando Imperio«, to jest »O upravljanju carstvom« zabilježio bizantski car i pisac Konstantin VII. Porfirogenit, kad Hrvati u prvoj polovici sedmoga stoljeća dolaze u prostore na kojima i danas obitavaju, predvode ih sedmero braće i sestara: Klukas, Lobelos, Kosentzes, Muhlo, Hrvat, Tuga i Buga. Premda je car svoju knjigu pisao u X stoljeću, općenito je prihvaćeno da su mu potrebne podatke za ovo, kao i poglavlja o drugim narodima i krajevima Carstva donosili ili slali informatori s terena. Zanimljivo je da i jedan još kasniji povijesni izvor, splitski Toma Arhiđakon, također navodi da je 7-8 plemenskih rodova došlo u Dalmaciju iz poljskih krajeva. O ovih sedmero ljudi ili onoga što njihova imena predstavljaju, pisalo se ili raspravljalo, relativno umjereno, odnosno manje nego što bi se očekivalo obzirom na važnost tematike i vrijednosti koju bi tako stara sačuvana pa makar vremenom i redundancijom iskrivljena imena mogla imati u istraživanju još uvijek prilično otvorenog pitanja hrvatske etnogeneze. No, ne nože se također niti reći da radova nema niti da nisu zanimljivi. Priča iz zavičaja Arbanasa Svakako je vrijedno primijetiti da i takav autor kao što je Petar Skok, kojega se ni u kom slučaju ne može optužiti za protuslavenske stavove, naprotiv, u svome radu »Kako bizantinski pisci pišu slovenska mjesna i lična imena«, piše da su navedena imena braće i sestara »već na prvi pogled neslavenska«. Drugi ih autori poput Oštira drže za predslavenska, odnosno »iliro-tračka«, a finski filolog Mikkola za »avarsko-turska«. Branimir Gušić u uvodu svome radu »Prilog etnogenezi nekih slavenskih rodova« postavlja kao polazišne točke da su sva ta imena prvotno neslavenskog postanja i da prema etnogenezi nisu jedinstvena, »nego nam označavaju etnogenetski veoma šaroliko postanje njihovih nosilaca, koji su ipak u vrijeme seobe već sačinjavali jedinstvo, pripadajući ‘jednoj generaciji’, tj. Bijelim Hrvatima.« Kao zanimljivu digresiju Gušić navodi i primjer s crnogorsko-albanske granice, tog zanimljivog područja iz kojeg potječu i zadarski Arbanasi. »Tako sam još i ja slušao u sjevernoalbanskom plemenu Krasnići u Valboni kako je njihov rodonačelnik Keć Ponta doselio iz Bosne sa svoja četiri sina u dolinu Donje Cijevne. To su bili Pipo, od kojega da su današnji Piperi u Brdima; Ozra ili Ozda, praotac današnjih Ozrinića; Vaso od kojega da su potekli Vasojevići i Krasi ili Krasa, rodonačelnik današnjih Krasnića. Keć Ponta se u Cijevni ponovno oženio iz Grude i ova mu je druga žena rodila još dva sina: Bani i Lazvi. Od prvoga da su potekli Trijepši, a od drugoga Hoti. Ja sam još tamo sretao starce koji su s lakoćom znali nabrojiti svih dvadeset i devet predaka do Keć Ponte. Za nas je poučno da tradicija navodi zajedničkog pretka za plemena od kojih se Piperi, Ozrinići i Vasojevići danas smatraju Crnogorcima, a Krasnići, Trijepši i Hoti, Škiptarima. Osim toga jedni su danas pravoslavni, drugi muslimani, a treći katolici«, navodi Gušić koji zaključuje da su se slični procesi mogli događati i tijekom drugih plemenskih seoba pa tako i one hrvatske. Katolici, muslimani i pravoslavni Osim povijesnih izvora koji govore o dolasku Hrvata, dobar izvor informacija za ovu problematiku pruža i trogirski Qualiter, bez obzira je li njegov državno-pravni sadržaj ispravan ili ne. Svakako rodovska imena zabilježena u njemu predstavljaju činjenicu, jer bi u suprotnom i krivotvorenje u koje sumnjaju neki autori, ne bi imalo nikakve svrhe, jer kako piše i sama Nada Klaić - falsifikati se ne sastavljaju na ime izmišljenih vladara. Tih 12 rodonačelnika hrvatskih plemena svakako su u vrijeme nastanka ovog dokumenta, bilo to XII ili XIV stoljeće, predstavljali »veri, primi et naturales nobiles regni Croatiae« tj. prave, prve i prirodne plemiće kraljevine Hrvatske, prave didiće, one koji su plemstvo stekli prirodnim pravom ratnika, a ne ga dobili od nekog vladara. U Obrovcu i Kašiću Gušić je u navedenom radu obradio podatke o rodovima Kasega, Čudomirića i Mogorovića. Kasege se u srednjem vijeku nalazi na nekoliko mjesta od kojih su najvažnija: ličko područje uzduž rijeka Novčice i Like u blizini Gospića sa središtem u nekadašnjem mjestu Sutpetar, na čijem se mjestu i danas nalazi toponim Stari Grad. U ispravama su sačuvani spomen na to mjesto koje je vjerojatno nastalo uz ranokršćansku baziliku sv. Petra, gdje bilo sijelo ličkoga arhiđakona i gdje je svoj dvor imao i ninski biskup te gdje su se održavali tjedni sajmovi. Naziv Sutpetar ukazuje da su u vrijeme doselidbe Kasega tu još živjeli ljudi koji su govorili latinski. Kasegi su se, međutim, naselili i negdje u okolici Obrovca gdje se u XV stoljeću spominje selo »Cassezi«, »Casassi«, »Chasassi« i »Chasegi« te na području današnjeg Kašića iz kojeg se spominju »plemeniti ljudi Kašićane«, kao Raduslaus Kasig 1264. i Priboyo Kasig 1347. Gušić ne spominje naselje Kašić kod Stankovaca, no ime mjesta upućuje da bi možda i na tom području trebalo potražiti tragove ovoga plemena, pogotovo u svijetlu najnovijih i iznimno vrijednih arheoloških otkrića u ovom području. Najveći dio Kasega naselio se ipak u Karantaniji gdje su važni čimbenici pri ustoličenju vojvode na Gosposvetskom polju, gdje je u uporabi prijestolje slično onima iz Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Zakavkazja. Gušić također drži da pradomovinu Kasega valja tražiti u Zakavkazju gdje se još u X stoljeću spominje narod Kasega, susjeda Alana u dolini rijeke Kuban. Anonimni iranski geograf navodi također Kasogiju kao vazalnu alansku pokrajinu, a Kasoge spominju i narodne pjesme iz Osetije, poput čuvene »Iry Dade«. Mnogi autori upućuju na vezu između plemena Kasega i eponima Kosentzes iz doselidbe, a također se iz imena Koseg izvodi i ruska riječ Kozak koja je s vremenom iz nacionalne postala klasno profesionalna oznaka, jednako kao i u Sloveniji gdje su se s razvojem feudalizma svi sitni plemići počeli nazivati Kosezima. Između Raštana i Lišana Tinjskih Čudomiriće spominje još isprava iz XI stoljeća iz Kartulara samostana sv. Petra u Selu gdje ih se ubraja u banove, a spominje ih i trogirski Qualiter. Zavičaj Čudomirića također se nalazi podjednako u sjevernoj Dalmaciji i na ličkom prostoru, odnosno oko Bilaja gdje se po njima nazivao čitav predio te oko crkve sv. Petra u Bubnjanima, prostoru između Raštana i Lišana Tinjskih. Neki Milota Cidomirig, obrađivao je vinograde samostana sv. Krševana u Dragi. Jedan dio plemena naselio se i u Gornjoj Dalmaciji u zaleđu Bara. Postanak imena Čudomirića, Gušić dovodi u vezu s čestim gotskim imenom Thiudomer te ističe: »Otac velikoga Teodorika zvao se Thiudomer i blizu je pomisao da se neki odred Ostrogota mogao prozvati po heroju eponimu ovoga glasovitog imena. Ovakav zaostali gotski odred mogao se lako u Panoniji pridružiti Hrvatima u njihovoj seobi na jug. Gotski toponimi u našim sjevernim krajevima nisu nikakva rijetkost, a M. Gušić je dokazala da su Slaveni ovdje još zatekli stanovništvo koje je govorilo gotski, jer se samo tako može razumjeti da je gotsko ime potoka Skarnik u današnjem Hrvatskom Zagorju u našem jeziku prozvano Kumrovec, što je prosti prijevod gotskog imena. U Samoboru u Gornjem kraju ima brdo Čudomerišćak, što znači imanje nekog Čudomira.« O Čudomirićima u barskom kraju ima još više spomena, kako u povijesnim izvorima, tako i u narodnoj tradiciji i pjesništvu, a gotska tradicija je kod njih zabilježena još u XIII stoljeću. Nakon dolaska Osmanlija su većinom primili Islam. Pleme Mogorovića se u ispravama prvi put spominje još 1060. godine kad kralj Petar Krešimir IV dariva samostanu benediktinki sv. Tome u Biogradu, zemlju Rasohaticu te »Mogorouici« navodi u međašima. Smatra se da se rod Mogorovića naselio u prostroru od Tinja pa sve do mora, odnosno Turnja, gdje se u Tukljači nalazi crkva bl. Gospe, njihova zadužbina. Podrijetlo Mogora Mogorovići su također naseljavali i Liku, područje ličkog polja duž rječice Jadove, od Vrepca na sjeveru do Ploče na jugu, a spomen na ta vremena čuva selo Mogorić te ostatci tvrđave iznad Basarskih Kuća. Svojedobno su lički Mogorovići bili veoma brojni i moćni pa ih u svome pismu kao »nobili viri Magor, comiti de Licha« spominje i papa Grgur XI u pismu od 14. svibnja 1373. S ličkih strana su u XIV stoljeću naselili i podgorske župe uz Podvelebitski kanal. Premda su ime Mogorovića Šišić i Skok izvodili iz imena akvilejskog svetca Hermagorasa, Gušić pak osporava takvo mišljenje uz argumentaciju da je malo vjerojatno da bi tako veliko i odlično pleme prihvatilo neko strano svetačko ime i to tik po doselidbi i izgubilo ikakav spomen na dotadašnju plemesnku tradiciju. Također, Hermagor se, osim u zadarskom samostanu sv. Marije, nigdje ne javlja ni kao patronimij crkve, niti kao toponim. Stoga Gušić zaključuje da su Mogorovići »svoje plemensko ime Mogor donijeli iz svoje stare pradomovine iz Zakavkazja kao i Hrvati. Samo što su Hrvati, kako se čini, proizišli iz velike grupe Alana, dok nas porijeklo Mogorovića vodi do nekog nama danas bliže nepoznatog ugrofinskog plemena.« Nadalje se navodi da je u Mađarskoj još živa tradicija o dva legendarna brata Hunoru i Mogoru, koji su herojski eponimi protougarskog plemena Mađar koje je postalo opći naziv tek kad su se oni negdje iza Urala oslobodili prevlasti turskih plemena, između kojih su do tada živjeli. U tim borbama se kao vodeće nametnulo pleme Mađara. Humor i Mogor u legendi love losa i progoneći ga se nađu u zemlji alanskoj, gdje otimaju dvije kćeri alanskoga vojvode Dula i žene se njima. Rod Dula i danas postoji kod Oseta, posljednjih ostataka Alana i smatra se za veoma ugledan. Namjerno uništeni spomenici »Vrlo je vjerojatno da su se naši Mogori još negdje na donjem Donjecu odijelili od madžarskih rodova prije njihova doseljenja u današnju Ugarsku. Tamo su se u slovenskom mediju poslovenili i tako se pridružili Hrvatima pri njihovoj seobi. Za nas nije bez interesa da se pleme Mogor spominje još u 13. st. među jobagionima Šopronja«, zaključio je Branimir Gušić Ono što se u njegovom radu također višestruko navodi je međutim i nedovoljna briga za spomeničku baštinu pri čemu je nekoliko bitnih epigrafičkih spomenika za utvrđivanje podrijetla ovih rodova bilo ili toliko zapušteno da je propalo uslijed atmosferilija ili čak i namjerno uništavano osobito tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata na ličkom području. Istraživanje podrijetla najodličnijih rodova u srednjem vijeku svakako je dobar put za utvrđivanja činjenica hrvatske etnogeneze, pogotovo ako sui ti rodovi povezani i s izvornih, makar bili legendarni, sedmero braće i sestara. Znakovito je pritom, da od tri obrađena odlična roda, nijedan nije slavenskoga podrijetla.
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justmarsh619 · 3 years
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Come BRUNCH with us Today at 18Bin and enjoy a great menu of food and drinks while listening to some of the best House Music DJs in Las Vegas!!! DJ Lineup for August 22nd: 10a - Tony Comfort Jones 11a - Lobelo 12p - F3R 1p - Just Marsh 2p - Dangerhouse X Rizkee 3:30p - Garrett J 4:30p - Bruno Browning 6:30p - Dangerhouse X Rizkee (at 18bin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4sHGEJBnM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mhealthyliving · 4 years
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AHA News: Pandemic Brings Another Threat to Forefront for African Americans and Latinos MONDAY, April 27, 2020 (American Heart Association News) -- Dr. Felipe Lobelo is sad but not surprised the…
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健康只要每天多走3分鐘 增加運動能降低死亡風險
進日,劍橋大學的Alexander Mok和Soren Brage等,分析近1萬5千名中老年的數據表明,無論之前是怎樣的運動量,現在開始運動都與全因死亡率降低有關。平均每年每增加1kJ/kg/天的運動量,約相當於增加3~4分鐘的快走,與全因死亡風險降低22%相關。該研究發表在BMJ上[1]。
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雖說運動能強心[2]益腦,降低死亡率[3],甚至對一些癌症也有預防效果[4],但對於日常不運動的人,乃至已經患了心血管疾病或者癌症的人,再開始運動會不會晚了呢?而對於那些本來就經常鍛煉身體的人,進一步加大運動量能不能更加健康? Mok和Brage等展開了研究。
最終,共有14599人的數據納入了分析。他們平均年齡58.0±8.8歲,女性佔比56.6%,患心髒病、糖尿病、中風、癌症分別有2.3%、1.7%、0.9%和4.9%。 15.8%的參與者認為自己的健康狀況較差。
隨著時間的推移,從基線到最後一次隨訪時,糖尿病、心血管疾病、癌症和呼吸系統疾病的患病率略有增加,參與者的評價BMI從26.1增加到了26.7,平均身體活動能量消耗( PAEE)也從5.9kJ/kg/天下降到了4.9kJ/kg/天,減少了17%。
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1。 MOK A, KHAW K T, LUBEN R, et al。 Physical activity trajectories and mortality: population based cohort study[J], 2019, 365: l2323。
2。 Mora S, Cook N, Buring J E, et al。 Physical activity and reduced risk of cardiovascular events: potential mediating mechanisms[J]。 Circulation, 2007, 116(19): 2110。
3。 Lee I M, Shiroma E J, Lobelo F, et al。 Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy[J]。 The lancet, 2012, 380(9838): 219-229。
4。 Moore S C, Lee I M, Weiderpass E, et al。 Association of leisure-time physical activity with risk of 26 types of cancer in 1.44 million adults[J]。 JAMA internal medicine, 2016, 176(6): 816-825。
5。 Day N, Oakes S, Luben R, et al。 EPIC-Norfolk: study design and characteristics of the cohort。 European Prospective Investigation of Cancer[J]。 British journal of cancer, 1999, 80: 95。
本文作者 | 孔劭凡
from 健康只要每天多走3分鐘 增加運動能降低死亡風險 via KKNEWS
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sportsbotswana-blog · 8 years
Riders to clash in National Motocross Championship
Riders to clash in National Motocross Championship
Tomorrow (March 25) motocross lovers in Francistown and surrounding areas will see the awaited battle of the great and popular local riders in the first round of the 2017 Motor Holdings, Botswana Motor Sport National Motocross Championship. Lobelo Racing Club Francistown (LRCF) is hosting the championship. The race is set to kick off in the morning at the Dumela Circuit, out on the road to…
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nevamwitti · 4 years
AHA News: Pandemic Brings Another Threat to Forefront for African Americans and Latinos
MONDAY, April 27, 2020 (American Heart Association News) — Dr. Felipe Lobelo is sad but not surprised the coronavirus pandemic appears to be taking a greater toll on African Americans…
The post AHA News: Pandemic Brings Another Threat to Forefront for African Americans and Latinos appeared first on Be Healthy News.
AHA News: Pandemic Brings Another Threat to Forefront for African Americans and Latinos posted first on https://www.behealthynews.com
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Bowel Cancer
Bowel cancer is the development of cancer from the bowel or colon. A cancer is the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Signs and symptoms may include blood in the stool, a change in bowel movements, weight loss, and feeling tired all the time. Most diagnosis are due to old age and lifestyle factors with only a small number of cases due genetic disorders.
Most cases are caused by no link to genetic risk. Risk factors include older age, being male, high intake of fat, alcohol, red meat, processed meats, obesity, smoking, and a lack of physical exercise.
People with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are at increased risk the risk increases the longer a person has the disease, and the worse the severity of inflammation.
Genetic syndromes are also associated with higher rates of colorectal cancer such as: hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC or Lynch syndrome), Gardner syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).
PET, MRI and CT scans are usually used which then it used in partner with the TNM system which produces staging results using T stages:
Or Duke’s stages:
If the cancer is found at a very early stage, small and localised it may be removed during a colonoscopy. , with the attempt of achieving a cure. This can either be done by an open laparotomy or sometimes laparoscopically. The colon may then be reconnected or a person may have a colostomy. Sometimes chemotherapy is used before surgery to shrink the cancer before attempting to remove it. The two most common sites of recurrence of colorectal cancer are the liver and lungs.
In both cancer of the colon, chemotherapy may be used in addition to surgery in certain cases. In Stage I colon cancer, no chemotherapy is offered, and surgery is the treatment. In Stage II colon cancer is and is usually not offered. For stage III and Stage IV colon cancer, chemotherapy is an integral part of treatment. If cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or distant organs, which is the case with stage III and stage IV colon cancer respectively, adding chemotherapy agents increases life expectancy. If the lymph nodes do not contain cancer, the benefits of chemotherapy are debatable. If the cancer is widely metastatic or unresectable, treatment is then palliative.
Cancer Research UK “http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0”
“Colon Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)”. NCI. 2014-05-12. Retrieved 29 June 2014.
“Defining Cancer”. National Cancer Institute.
“General Information About Colon Cancer”. NCI. 2014-05-12.
World Cancer Report 2014. World Health Organization. 2014. pp. Chapter 5.5.
“Colorectal Cancer Prevention (PDQ®)”. National Cancer Institute. 2014-02-27.
Bibbins-Domingo, Kirsten; Grossman, David C.; Curry, Susan J.; Davidson, Karina W.; Epling, John W.; García, Francisco A. R.; Gillman, Matthew W.; Harper, Diane M.; Kemper, Alex R.; Krist, Alex H.; Kurth, Ann E.; Landefeld, C. Seth; Mangione, Carol M.; Owens, Douglas K.; Phillips, William R.; Phipps, Maureen G.; Pignone, Michael P.; Siu, Albert L. (21 June 2016). “Screening for Colorectal Cancer”. JAMA. 315 (23): 2564–75.
Thorat, MA; Cuzick, J (Dec 2013). “Role of aspirin in cancer prevention.”. Current Oncology Reports. 15 (6): 533–40.
“Routine aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the primary prevention of colorectal cancer: recommendation statement.”. American Family Physician. 76 (1): 109–13.
“SEER Stat Fact Sheets: Colon and Rectum Cancer”. NCI.
World Cancer Report 2014. World Health Organization. 2014. pp. Chapter 1.1.
Alpers, David H.; Kalloo, Anthony N.; Kaplowitz, Neil; Owyang, Chung; Powell, Don W. (2008). Yamada, Tadataka, ed. Principles of clinical gastroenterology. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. p. 381.
Astin M, Griffin, T, Neal, RD, Rose, P, Hamilton, W (May 2011). “The diagnostic value of symptoms for colorectal cancer in primary care: a systematic review”. The British Journal of General Practice. 61 (586): 231–43.
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reisfilho · 8 years
Embora já batido, volto a reforçar. Prática de exercícios físicos apenas com acompanhamento de profissional de educação física, de preferência com bom senso e que se atualiza constantemente. Episódios esporádicos podem ocorrer mesmo tomando os devidos cuidados, pois é possível que a pessoa acometida pela fatalidade seja assintomática e apresente um aparente bom estado de saúde. Repost @profsergiogregorio Com a notícia da morte súbita de uma pessoa durante o treino em uma academia no Paraná (https://estilo.uol.com.br/vida-saudavel/noticias/redacao/2017/01/19/aos-32-mulher-morre-em-academia-e-abre-debate-sobre-riscos-de-exercicios.htm) , a discussão sobre risco da prática de exercícios volta à tona. Acredito que seja interessante apresentar alguns argumentos sobre o assunto. Referências: Corrado D, Basso C, Rizzoli G, Schiavon M, Thiene G. Does sports activity enhance the risk of sudden death in adolescents and young adults? J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003 Dec 3;42(11):1959-63. (fator de impacto: 17,059) Lee IM, Shiroma EJ, Lobelo F, Puska P, Blair SN, Katzmarzyk PT; Lancet Physical Activity Series Working Group. Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy. Lancet. 2012 Jul 21;380(9838):219-29. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61031-9. (fator de impacto: 44,002) Thompson PD, Arena R, Riebe D, Pescatello LS; American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's new preparticipation health screening recommendations from ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and prescription, ninth edition. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2013 Jul-Aug;12(4):215-7. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0b013e31829a68cf. (fator de impacto: 1,336)
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juanladoblog-blog · 9 years
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Capela de San Pedro Martir - Cée por Juan Manuel Lado Castro
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sportsbotswana-blog · 8 years
On January 02, 2016, Vincent Crosbie completed his first Dakar 2017 Stage 01 39km Race in 34m51s, coming in +6m29s at position 64 out of 142 riders behind race Leader Pedrero Garcia who closed it in 28m48s. Meanwhile, back home in Botswana, like a spark that bursts forth into a mighty flame, Batswana’s support for Vincent Crosbie has begun to soar. Our market intelligence indicates that as at 2300hrs last night, the number of people talking about Vincent Crosbie online grew from 63,000 to 104,000 as at 0600 this morning.
We recall, that on December 09, 2016, Sports Botswana published an article titled “Rally behind Vince: first Motswana to Dakar“. Batswana have responded! The following is a selection of some of the comments we have gathered online
“Le fa o ka goroga ko pheleletsong ya lobelo lo kana o sa kgona, mo go nna o gorogile. Gore fela o be o le koo, pelo yame e tshweu! Pula!!” – Morebodi Badisa, Jan 02,2016, 10:52pm
“I trust you have formed up after todays race, well done! Tomorrow you’ll be pushing 50 positions forward! Stay safe, keep your visor clean on 20/20 vision and make them eat your dust!” – Victor Bushe, Jan 02, 2016 11:15pm
“Go Vince go, you`ll beat`em all!” – Florian Stieböck, January 02, 2016 6:20pm
“God bless brother. its interesting how u keep ur family,fans,updated on each nd every thing happening there. thts what i call being close to u,even thou we are thousands kilometers from you.we ar part of every event by heart.Thank You.u ar in our prayers my brother” – Catz Ntee, Jan 02, 2016
“So proud vin and you should be too. Just enjoy the journey now.” �� Chantal Stadler, Jan 02, 2016
“Good luck Vince this is your time” – Samuel Mwiyah Nkomba , Jan 02, 2016
“Goodluck dude! Be the1st motswana this year to raise the flag high.i know the Sibandas and Nijels will do that too at a later time during the cause of the year” – Nick Lesedi, Jan 01, 2016
“Good evening Vinc.. I saw you on the news the other day and i nearly forgot to wish you the best on the Dakar Raly.. Please do your best., i wish you the best ma man.. Theo from Gaborone” – Theo Binda, Jan 01, 2016, 10:04pm
“you are gonna make it. i know nd trust u r capable nd talented. all da best buddie.” – Edwin Molefhi Odiseng, Jan 01, 2016
“we are already proud of you,do your best” – Merapelo Abeeng, Jan 01, 2016, 10:56pm
“ALL THE BEST MOSHIMANE Haaah!!!! “GOD” LUCK PAPIE!!!” – Spencer Masedi, Jan 02, 2016
This is just to mention a few that we have already come across. Sports Botswana thanks you for supporting Vincent Crosbie! #SupportLocal, it has never been this great!
Vincent Crosbie Dakar 2017
Vincents photos from facebook.
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DAKAR 2017 – Batswana Support Vincent Crosbie On January 02, 2016, Vincent Crosbie completed his first Dakar 2017 Stage 01 39km Race in 34m51s, coming in +6m29s at position 64 out of 142 riders behind race Leader Pedrero Garcia who closed it in 28m48s.
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