lobotomy-man · 5 months
what do you care about the most?
Family and friends!
F00d!!! :3
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lumenouarp · 2 years
Are each of your muses required to be on their own separate blog, or are side blogs fine? Do you allow multimuse blogs?
Hi! We allow multi-muse blogs. A lot of us use those in this roleplay. As for side blogs, we only allow those for additional muses after the first muse with a dedicated blog to the roleplay.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask!
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levinson-mannion · 4 years
Shelagh - A wish
She and Patrick have time off together, lol I want them to have fun, And to be honest, a good storyline would be someone or something to reference or make Shelagh think off Sister Bernadette (imaging her having to tell Angela 😂). But really I want some good storylines but her to always be safe and well.
Really I just want some cute Turnadette moments!
Thank you for the ask! 🥰
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lets-mosey · 7 years
How do you feel about Legend of Zelda series?
I like it! 
Below, I’ll go into the games I’ve played so far. This is long, so I’m including a cut.
One of the games I put many, many hours into as a kid was Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, and I absolutely loved it. I was also very, very bad at it, and never finished the game. It took me a year to figure out how to beat the boss of the 1st or 2nd dungeon I’m pretty sure. A year being on the shorter end of the estimation. I was also like 8 or something, but still. I restarted that game so many times because I just loved it, even though I couldn’t beat it. Eventually I came back to it when I was 13 or so and finally old enough to realize how to beat the boss. I got pretty far, to the 6th dungeon, but stopped playing for some reason. I came back to it a year later and realized I had no idea how to proceed. Oracle of Ages involves time travel, and the dungeon I was in needed stuff to be done in both the past and the present, and I couldn’t remember what I had and hadn’t done so I was pretty lost. I haven’t gone back and finished it yet even though it’s been years, since restarting again and losing the progress is a little demotivating. I will soon though. That game was great. I also played Oracle of Seasons on the virtual console to the end and had a great time.
I’m someone who loves walkthroughs/let’s plays on youtube, so a majority of my Zelda games I’ve gotten through that. Usually I’ll watch a walkthrough and then buy the game to play myself, so I’ve bought a few games because of that. Namely Skyward Sword and Majora’s Mask. And Oracle of Seasons, I think? It’s been a while. I’ve seen part of a playthrough of Ocarina of Time too, but haven’t finished it. Someday. Oh, and the original Legend of Zelda. First watched a playthrough, then bought the game and played through it myself. It’s interesting enough. 
I own Wind Waker HD and am halfway through that, but I haven’t touched it in a year or so so I need to get on that. I’ve never seen a playthrough, so I’m not sure how it ends, but am looking forward to it. I also own Phantom Hour Glass, but I was never able to beat the final boss. I was stuck for months if not longer on that guy, and then finally lost my cartridge. My brother gave me his several years ago, but like with Oracle of Ages starting all over is really demotivating/demoralizing and I haven’t gotten around to it.
I saw a full playthrough of Link’s Awakening, and that game was fantastic. It’s another one I’m looking to buy when I can afford it. 
I own A Link Between Worlds, but I’ve only played up until the first dungeon or so. I didn’t really like it so I haven’t played it since it first came out. It has some good reviews though, and probably gets better as I go along, so I’ll pick it up someday. Probably not until after I play a Link to the Past though. That one tops people’s lists, so I’m going to play it when I have the time. Or watch a walkthrough, in all likelihood.
Breath of the Wild I watched probably 4 or 5 hours of a playthrough of, and wasn’t super impressed. It’s okay so far. It also got amazing ratings and reviews, so I know it has to get better, but it wasn’t super compelling. The idea is sort of interesting though. It just didn’t have as interesting start as some of my favorites, so I haven’t gone to finish it yet.
So overall, I’ve experienced a bunch of Zelda games, and have really liked them. Link’s cool, the adventures are fun, and the plots for the most part have interested me. I’d say Majora’s Mask or Oracle of Ages is my favorite. Even though I haven’t finished the latter. It makes me think of being a kid, and that boosts my love for it a ton.
The Legend of Zelda series isn’t super ultra intense or overly violent, and has enough quirky things here and there to make me smile. I’m someone who loves repeated concepts/characters like the Links, Zeldas, Ganon(dorf)s, cucoos, etc. (like Chocobos for FF), so that’s another thing I like about the series. 
So yeah. LoZ is pretty great.
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eggtartcarton · 8 years
hey bub. its not bad at all to feel that. i'm biracial and alot of ppl assume im white bc my skin isn't dark, and i hate it, bc i honestly identify as black more than i do as white. you don't have to feel bad for not being comfortable with your identity being ignored. it sucks. have a good one homie💖
aw okay thanks!! I seriously thought I might’ve been the only one 💚 probably bc most of my friends look more like one kind of ethnicity while I’m like,,,more in the middle than anything,,,
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lobotomy-man · 5 months
What do you think about the squirrel?
You mean Mew?
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Yeah, no. She sucks.
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lobotomy-man · 5 months
how are you when someones crying?
try to comfort them, probably fail, but I’ll try my best.
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lobotomy-man · 5 months
did thiz azk interupp any thing?? :3
n0p3!!!! N0th!ng 4t 4ll!!
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lobotomy-man · 5 months
do you remember any nicknames you got called as a kid??
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lobotomy-man · 6 months
yes or a cat
yes? I’m not sure what the question is here… all I know is I don’t like cats. They scare me…
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lobotomy-man · 6 months
how much for lobotomy :33
1,000 minecoins for a lobotomy!
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lobotomy-man · 6 months
yes or YES?
Opinions on S!Crow :3
Hi Crow! Thanks for the gifts! Glad to have you on our team!
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//ooc god I hope you were saying this in character (I don’t think you were but I did the drawing already so it’s too late now)
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lobotomy-man · 5 months
hai p0pp3t i h3ard wat happ3n3d i h0p3 y0ur 0kay!!! <3 -Vincent
yeah… I’m fine… the voids gone, but the damage stays :/
the prosthetic works great by the way
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lobotomy-man · 5 months
What do I have to do for you to not hate me
Good question. I donno.
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lobotomy-man · 5 months
Lobotomy tutorial?
ok, so what your gonna do is grab your leucotome
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lobotomy-man · 5 months
remember how you were like as a kid?
Happy. But not really, if you catch my drift.
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