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bonsaikabooty · 11 years ago
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Technically, I wasn't, but! How could I pass this up? I really like these two~!
Hikky had decided one day, whilst looking at himself in the mirror, taking in his average face and his average form that he wanted more out of life.
That's why he took pleasure in his special talent- being a sketch artist brought out a creative streak in him that he could use to express the feelings and passions he kept under the surface on most days. The need for an exciting, and fast paced life. The yearning to live it to it's fullest... that's what he wanted.
On the opposite end of the spectrum was a certain student that lived quite the startlingly different life from Hikky.
Docky, smug, calm, collected Docky could gain the attention of an entire room just by waltzing in, looked suave no matter what he did. He was quite the daredevil, too. One of Hikky's earliest memories was taking part in a race down the largest staircase in the school! And Docky could be seen whizzing down that very same banister rail to class every day, trying to break his record... he had such a different sense of danger.
The skeleton kid lived life on the edge, not seeming to care about the consequences. And to a bland, average pencil kid like him, that was... admirable. Even if Liddy would tut and roll her eyes and call him a show off... (No matter how she tried to hide it, his behaviour could be forgiven when a wink was flashed her way).
There was just...something about him. You could call him reckless, join in with Liddy at chiding him for almost breaking every bone in his body with pulling off a silly stunt, but there was just SOMETHING about him that made you forgive the guy.
Hikky found he drew best when he was sketching what inspired him. So... he'd taken to filling one or two pages with drawings of Docky, these days. He kept them hidden away, of course, because he knew that that sort of thing would raise a few eyebrows if they were ever found.
But every now and then, he flick through, give the drawings a glance and be filled with... something. A powerful emotion that would inspire him, make him feel less of a nobody. But, at the same point, Hikky felt somewhat shameful, and embarrassed... He didn't doodle any of his other friends this much so... why...?
He shut the book and pushed it back into a bag he'd been carrying around when he heard footsteps approaching him.
“Gosh! See, I knew it'd happen eventually!” Hikky recognized that to be Liddy's voice, echoing down a corridor. She obviously wasn't alone. “It's a good thing I was here to take you to get that fixed up!”
“Mm... yeah, I'm grateful, Liddy, but I get the picture.” A much lower voice, that of a boy's, answered back. “Could you help me find Quicky? I want to tell him I'm patched up now...I almost feel bad I made the kid cry like that.”
Docky and Liddy rounded the corner, and Hikky, who'd been attempting to sneak away and not look like he was eavesdropping, was caught out.
“Oh, hey Hikky!” Liddy called, making him stop in his tracks and turn back around.
“Hey guys...!” He tried to look casual, giving the two a wave- his eyes widened when he saw that Docky had bandages wrapped around his head. “Docky! What happened?” He winced. “Had a little... accident.”
The keyboard headed girl huffed. “Docky got a great big crack in that skull from trying to break his record again! Shot right off the rail and crashed into a wall!”
“But I beat it! That's the important part... I got Quicky to tell me my time even though he was bawling like that.”
Liddy just glared at the boy, not quite believing his words.
“Uh...” Hikky let out a nervous chuckle. “That's... great. Just don't do anything that'll get you in trouble for a while, yeah?” “Yeah, yeah, pigtails here told me that enough times.” Docky folded his arms, and continued walking, grinning somewhat when the girl in question let out another loud huff.
“I really don't think you're taking this seriously! You could have really gotten hurt!” Liddy followed after Docky, hands on her hips.
Hikky couldn't help a small smile cross his face at the two, turning to pick up his bag and follow. Unfortunately for him, though, the sketch book he'd hastily tried to hide away before fell to the ground, and slid across the smooth, shiny floor tile, past the pair ahead and stopped just a few feet away from Docky.
They both looked back, and Hikky let out a yelp. “Oh no!”
He caught Docky's eye, and to his horror, he turned away and went to pick it up. “Oh, is this one of your sketchbooks, Hikky?”.
In a flash, the pencil kid rushed forward, but even as he ran to grab it, Docky opened the book and leafed through to have a look.
“Hikky? What's the matter?” Liddy looked somewhat shocked as her friend barrelled past.
“Gimme that back!” Finally, he made it to the other boy, snatching it out of his hand and gripping it in his arms.
“Woah, easy!” Docky leapt back a bit, stunned at how he reacted. “Didn't realize you were so private about that stuff...” Hikky didn't say anything, turning away, face rather red... Had he... had he seen...? “Yeah, what's with you? You don't mind showing off your stuff usually, Hikky!” Liddy made her way to him, patting him on the shoulder in concern.
“Whatever.” Docky shrugged, turning away and placing his hands on the back of his head, similarly as to how someone would if they were lying down and relaxing somewhere. “What I saw though, I liked.” He turned, smirked, and winked at Hikky. “Got good taste in your models there, Hikky.”
Liddy confusedly look between the two, unable to discern exactly why Hikky was now hiding behind his sketch book, redder than a tomato.
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bonsaikabooty · 11 years ago
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It had never bothered Quicky in the past just how many of the other guys in school liked Liddy.
A few of his classmates could be seen on a normal day, eyeing her from a distance, with flushed faces, fascinated gazes, fumbling over themselves in attempts to impress her... Well, she was pretty and talented, Quicky reasoned. It was a simple fact that a lot of people in school had a thing for the girl...
However... it became a problem when Quicky began to notice just how often, when hanging out with Docky that his attention would drift away from him when Liddy walked past, or how the two would catch eyes and shyly look away...
Sure, in their younger days, girls hadn't been something that had been at all important to him.. It wasn't something that was important to Quicky, either. And, yet of the guys in school were starting to take notice of the opposite sex now they were growing up. (Save Amp and Watt, for some reason...)
The only really important person in the clock boy's life was and always had been his Aniki... Quicky sometimes felt left out because, he'd never felt anything as strongly for the pretty girls in his school like the others had. Never had the eagerness to impress Liddy, that Yumyum would get, or been able to relate to how Tubey would never be able to take his eyes off the monitor in the lunch hall when Noisy would appear...Wanting to write love letters, or give gifts, just to make them smile... Quicky had never felt that! Not for anyone!
… Well.... no one except...
“Hey, Quicky?”
He gave a start when he was shocked out of his thoughts by a familiar voice, blushing furiously at where his mind had been going. “Oh! Aniki! H-hi! What... what's going on?” Giving a somewhat frustrated click of the tongue, Docky shook his head. “Weren't you paying attention? You were supposed to time me, remember?”
Oh, that was right! The old time challenge of racing down the banister of the stairs! He had been trying to beat his record! What if he had? And Quicky had missed it? So lost in thought that he'd disappointed his Aniki! “Oh...! Man, I'm sorry! So, so sorry! I was just...”
“You looked pretty zoned out.” He rolled his eyes, but smirked- he couldn't stay mad at the guy. “A lot on your mind?”
“Pretty much...” He let out a defeated sigh, and Docky couldn't help but notice how uncharacteristically blue he looked. It worried him.
“Hey, c'mon. What's happened?” Docky reached and put a hand on his shoulder, tilting his head to the side. “You look kinda down. Did somebody upset you?” If it was Yumyum and his two cronies, he'd give those three a piece of his mind!
But Quicky shook his head. “No... well, not on purpose...” He looked down at the floor, feeling his cheeks redden. “... Aniki, can I ask you something?”
“Fire away.”
Searching for the right words to use, he paused (actually paused. The motormouthed Quicky couldn't think of what to say!), finding it easier to say what was on his mind when he wasn't looking directly at Docky. “... Aniki... When you like somebody... what's the best way to tell them?”
Docky drew his hand away, tapping his chin. “You mean... romantically?” A nod from the other, which got the skull headed boy to chuckle. “I see how it is! No wonder you were so out of it! You got a crush on somebody?”
Quicky covered his face, refusing to answer.
“Hmm...” His Aniki hummed thoughtfully. “Well, apart from telling them outright? I guess the easiest way would just... kiss them, I suppose.” Docky had never been the type to beat around the bush... in theory, anyway. Crushes and dating were something he liked to stay far away from if he could help it. Mushy gushy romance wasn't his style.
That blunt response made the clock kid whimper. “Just... kiss them?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “Kiss them. If they kiss back, then great. If not, then, well, now you can be sure they don't like you back and get over it. Right?”
Something told Quicky that it wasn't that simple. The fear of rejection didn't seem to be a factor that his Aniki was actually taking into account. Taking a deep breath, he nodded.
“Great! Feel better?” Another nod. Docky was satisfied with that. He turned, placing one foot on the first stair, planning on making his way up again. “Alright, so how about we try this one more time, before class starts?” “Sounds good... Wait, though!” Docky felt his hand suddenly grabbed, and turned to face the other. There was a moment of hesitation where the two looked into each others eyes, before the gap was bridged, and he realized that was because Quicky had leant forward and pressed a kiss to his mouth.
It was fleeting, and so sudden that he hadn't even been given a chance to react. Docky stood frozen, eyes wide, feeling blood rush to his face as the other turned away, grinning. “Okay! That's all!”
Having to lean against the stair-rail for support, Docky stared. Despite being completely and utterly caught off guard, he couldn't exactly blame him...
Quicky had only taken his advice after all...
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bonsaikabooty · 11 years ago
Emotions can run rampant when you're in a strange place with strange folk and no idea how you got there or if there was any chance of escape.
And... Sarah had felt lonely, scared, timidly trying to work out the rules of this place, trying to make friends without stepping her bounds. It had taken time, at least at first, trying to make sense of what made each resident of this spooky hotel tick.
A knock had come at her room's door a few days into her arrival. Curious as to her guest, but also a little apprehensive, Sarah had opened up, and was greeted with a pair of red eyes.
There he stood, with a confident stance, flashing her a soft and reassuring smile, eyes twinkling just slightly in the dim candles that ran along the hall walls. The first look she'd received that seemingly had no malice, or anything to be feared behind it.
It caused the young girl's heart to flutter. But then he greeted her, a heavy hispanic accent weighing on his every word, and that had been enough.
Sarah had fallen head over heels.
“You must be the new girl! Very pleased to meet you. My name...” He reached forward, taking a hand in both of his and giving it a gentle kiss. “It is Cactus Gunman...” Those piercing red eyes drifted so that he was looking up at her, still with that grin.
The feel of the kiss was prickly, but the girl didn't pay the sensation any mind. She stood gazing at him, her cheeks flushing before she realized that the silence had stretched out uncomfortably long. “Sarah!” She blurted out. Clearing her throat, she adjusted her voice to a more appropriate volume. “My name's Sarah... It's nice to meet you too...”
“Certainly, this place should become a lot more interesting with another pretty senorita to add to the mix, si?” He chuckled, and Sarah found herself giggling rather girlishly as he turned and beckoned for her to follow. “Come! You should meet my dear seester if you are not busy! I'm sure you two will get along!”
Sarah followed in tow, twirling a piece of her red hair and not taking her eyes off the man who'd stolen her heart in mere seconds. “Lead the way...”
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bonsaikabooty · 12 years ago
It's nearly 1am. Sue me.
Today wasn't Lizzy's lucky day at all. Graham, bless his soul, had gotten so excited and bounded over with such anticipation that the golden beetle that had been resting against a tree had buzzed off, leaving a disgruntled look on the young girl's face.
All that tip-toeing for naught...
“Liz!” The hamster called from his place at the human's waist. “I have news, indeed!”
Holding her net over a shoulder and trying hard not to get frustrated at her best friend in Folktown, she sighed and feigned a smile, grief the loss of her precious scarab in the forefront of her mind. “Yeah? Suggesting another work project? We're collecting for a modern clock at the moment so it might be a whi--”
He was on the shoreline again, or so she had been told. With her hamster friend having errands to run, Mayor Lizzy had to take a trip down to the shore alone, but Graham had made his feelings known about the situation.
“He mentioned something about you, I'll have you know!”
“Wait, he did...? ...Nothing good, by the look you have on your face, right?”
Graham pouted up at her. “It's not that! You should have told me you had past involvements with that seagull, indeed! I thought I was your best friend and you withheld this information from me?!”
With no idea what Graham was talking about, Lizzy scoured the sand until she recognized the familiar mix of white and blue, a frown on her face. She tip-toed over, eyeing down at the soaked form of the sailor and folded her arms, an eyebrow raised.
This had practically become a weekly arrangement. And the only thing was, each time that Gulliver washed up on the shore, he had no recollection of ever meeting the girl.
So when Graham said he had muttered something about her, she had been rather intrigued.
“Gulliver...?” Lizzy said, crouching down and nudging his shoulder.
“Mmm... Nnooo... my beak isn't a can opener...”
More of his usual babble. Lizzy kept up calling his name, only getting back nonsensical responses.
“Nnn... Cinnamon buns are not currency... Not yet, anyway.”
The girl couldn't help covering her mouth to stifle a snort. At that sound, the seagull stirred once again and mumbled.
“But Lizzy... you were my lobster.”
“Lobster?” Lizzy repeated, bewildered. She said this loudly enough that the sleeping form at her feet finally lifted up his head.
Sleepy eyes stared back at her, beak close enough to her face that it was almost touching the tip of her nose. For a few seconds, the pair stayed like this, until Gulliver got to his senses and leapt back, alarmed.
With a splash, the gull fell back into the sea, flailing and spluttering at this sudden awakening that he'd had to endure. All the while, Lizzy couldn't contain her laughter, finding the sight of the poor sailor splashing around too hilarious.
Eventually, Gulliver got to his feet, posing and trying to act like he hadn't just made a complete fool out of himself.
“Well, I'll be! Am I in the Overthere?” He questioned animatedly, a hand over his eyes and searching around the shoreline as if looking for an indication as to whether he might be right. “In that case... you must be an angel, right?”
Was that... a very cheesy pick-up line? In any case, Lizzy felt her face burn. She'd never been called an angel before...
“Hmm... guess not!” Gulliver started to laugh, and the human girl tried not to get too offended that the compliment had been taken back as soon as it was given. Puffing out his chest, the seagull smiled nice and big. “Forgive this simple sailor, young miss! I'm rather befuddled to wash up on this new and foreign land when I was sure that this wasn't the place I was heading to.”
“A sailor?” Lizzy tilted her head to the side, an amused grin on her face. “You don't look much like a sailor.”
Looking somewhat affronted by her comment, Gulliver bristled. “I'll have you know that my life has always been about sailing through heck and high water! Crossing the seven seas in search of an eighth! Why, can't you tell by my uniform? My hat?”
“What hat?”
The bird tapped the top of his head, and realized that the hat he had been indicating was, in fact, not where it was supposed to be. Looking around wildly, he saw the white cap floating it's way off. “My hat!” The bird waded over as quickly as he could, but, unfortunately, this ended in him once again losing his footing and falling into the water.
Another fit of giggles erupted from the girl at the shore, and the soaked gull grabbed his cap and swam back, white cheeks flushed bright pink.
“Darn it... Alright, so maybe I haven't quite got my land legs yet.” He sat, arms crossed, waist deep in the salty sea, looking like he might sulk.
“You haven't even set foot on land!” Lizzy reached a hand out, taking pity on him. Despite him being quite the clown, she'd grown rather fond of the guy from their frequent meetings and the souvenirs and letters he'd always sent. Even if he recalled none of the sort of strange friendship they'd built up, she did. She valued his generosity when it came to buying her gifts, and wouldn't forget it. “Look, it seems you've had quite the trip here. You should dry off before setting out again. My house isn't too far. It's warm inside! And you look like you could use a good cup of tea.”
He hesitated, taking her hand and steadily getting to his feet. His feathers were oddly soft to the touch... and the gull couldn't help thinking that about her hand, as well, small and dainty as it was.“That's very kind of you... but I wouldn't want to stay for too long! I have places I must be, you see! Can you help me find--?”
“Yeah, yeah, I'll get to that in a minute!” Suddenly losing her patient demeanour, the girl decided to change tact, her tone telling him that she thought he was being silly waiting around like this. “C'mon, Gulliver, you can choose to sit and freeze, or you can come this way.” Lizzy turned off and started to march up the cliff slope. “Your choice, dude! But I really think you should go with the latter!”
Gulliver stared at the back of her, stuck where he stood.
How... had she known his name?
His curiosity piqued, the bird decided to follow after the young girl, wanting to know just what this connection to her was. How did she know his name when he didn't even know hers yet?
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bonsaikabooty · 12 years ago
"Company For Tonight." - Gunman x Guest Girl.
The dimly lit halls of Gregory House were eerily silent at this time of night- most of the residents were tucked away in their respective rooms, and with no one up and about, you might think it would be peaceful.
The lack of noise was actually rather nerve wracking
One could almost say that the silence was deafening.
The newest resident at the hotel, Sarah, had been wide awake for hours, hugging her pillow to her chest, sat upright in her bunk, staring at the door as if worried that one of these rather strange fellow guests coming to scare her silly, like had happened so frequently in the past.
Paranoia had rooted into the back of her mind and she couldn’t shake it off. It had to be said, the residents in this place were all sorts of strange and, frankly, frightening.   
She wouldn’t get any sleep at this rate. Some nights, Sarah could get over it- the young girl had been here long enough that she felt that she should be braver and get used to the existence she was now stuck with. But sometimes, insomnia was the aftereffect of staying up too long, deep in thought.
So, out of her room she had snuck, careful to tiptoe along the old wooden floor, cringing whenever a floorboard creaked under her feet, and eyeing around, shakily. Gregory himself had the habit of appearing out of nowhere, some nights. But maybe tonight she’d be lucky.
Sarah shuddered at the very idea.
“Come on, Sarah.” She whispered to herself, trying for some self-encouragement. She wrapped both arms around herself, rubbing her arms, goose pimples coating them. “You’ve braved through much worse than this. You’re acting like a kid…”
Suddenly, the door she was just passing was flung open, and a short, green, mustached man leapt in front of her.
“Who goes there?!” Cactus Gunman called out. His voice sounded groggy, but alert, the barrel of his gun staring Sarah in the face.
Attempting not to shriek in surprise, the young girl covered her mouth and tried to calmly let the man know that she wasn't an enemy. “G-Gunman, it’s me…!”
“Sarah?” The gun was lowered at once, and Sarah could see that the hatless gunman looked extremely apologetic. “Oh, dear senorita! Please forgive me! Had I known it was you, I would not have been so hasty…” The angry edge to his voice had vanished completely, to be replaced with that fond tone he only seemed to use on her.
“It’s alright…” No reason to be all that upset, in hindsight- even if the trigger happy marksman had fired at her, knowing him as well as she did, he would have probably missed and hit some other poor soul, despite the fact no one was actually up and about. “I’m sorry for waking you…”
Cactus Gunman stretched and let out a yawn. “No worries, dear Sarah, I was already up… Besides, it is a pleasant surprise to see you… What are you doing up so late, though? A young girl might get into trouble if she wanders around alone at night…!”
She had to silently agree with that. “I just… couldn’t sleep. I thought going for a walk might clear my head a bit… Can we go into your room to talk? I don’t wanna risk waking anybody else…”
The gunman looked pleased at her request, sidestepping and motioning with a flourish to his open door, which Sarah walked through. Sarah slowly approached Gunman’s bed and sat on the end of it, fiddling with strands of her hair.
Gunman shut the door, quietly as he could, before making his way over and sitting next to her. “So, can’t sleep, ah? I suppose we are in the same boat, senorita.”
She raised an eyebrow at him, curiously, but then, a thought hit her. From what she knew about Gunman, he’d lived life on the run for a majority of his days, and realized that his outburst earlier when he’d heard Sarah passing by was an indication that HE was suffering a similar bout of paranoia.
They truly were in the same boat, weren’t they? She suddenly felt a lot calmer in this man’s presence- they were in relatable circumstances, and Gunman had nearly always been the nicest to her (even if it probably was due to wanting to get in her pants... ).
“I guess you’re right.” She nodded. “I guess… sometimes I feel a little… anxious in this place… It’s spooky, you know? And I don’t really know anybody that well… so when I feel like this, it’s hard to know who to talk to…”
The sad expression on her face sent a rush of sympathy through the marksman. “My poor Sarah! You should have come by a lot sooner…!” He held up a hand, as if she’d gone to say something, when she hadn’t. “I know, I know what you are thinking, senorita… a super macho hombre like me might not look it, but, trust when, Cactus Gunman says, he might be all man, but he has the sensitive side, no?” He gently patted her thigh. “If you are needing the talk or wiping away of the maiden tears, I will be here.”
And when she had just started to think he wasn’t such a bad guy… Sarah rolled her eyes at his words, feeling a little patronized. “No, that’s… fine. Thanks. I’m not a little kid, you know… I was just feeling somewhat…lonesome, I guess.”
“Lonesome, ah?~" He chuckled, and almost purred out his next words "Well, I know how to fix this…”
There was a flirtatious tone in his voice now that made Sarah realize how this must look- a young girl coming into the room of a man at this hour? At least, to someone like Cactus Gunman, there were all SORTS of implications that could be taken from this. Sarah flicked him between the eyes (she’d learnt better from past experiences than to slap his prickled cheek) and huffed, debating whether she should just march on out back to her room if he’d continue being like this. “Not lonesome in the way YOU think I mean!”
He let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the place she had hit with a wince. “I-it was just a joke! Hmm…” He pondered. “But… truly, I do want to make sure you are okay, Sarah. You… are free to stay here with me tonight, if you want to…” He held up his hands slightly defensively when Sarah gave the revolutionary a suspicious look. “I will not try any of the funny business, I swear!”
Sarah pondered for a few moments. “… Well… alright. I’ll stay… just for a little while though… Not all night…” She leant forward and muttered. “People will talk if I do…”
Cactus Gunman waggled his eyebrows in a way that Sarah knew without him saying he was okay with letting them. The girl rolled her eyes and backed up a bit, positioning her back against the headboard.  “And if you try even ONE little thing… I’m outta here.”
“You have my word. Not one thing.” His tone was serious, placing a hand over his heart and bowing his head, solemnly, to add to the effect. He moved to clamber under the covers, staying in a sitting position and patting the space next to him.
Sarah blushed against her will- if he didn’t have those lidded bedroom eyes it wouldn’t have looked so wrong. She joined him, but didn’t climb under the covers, instead sitting on top of them and pressing her back against the headboard.
“You will not get cold like this?”
She shook her head. “No, I’m… fine.”
“Well, alright.” Cactus Gunman shrugged and sank down a bit, trying to get comfortable.
Sarah, meanwhile, hugged her knees and rested her chin upon them, gazing at the door to the other’s room. She let out a gentle sigh.
Gunman took this moment to watch Sarah for a little while out of the corner of his eye. He’d been handed a miracle- the girl he’d been admiring for so long was now in his room with him, and it was taking so much of his self-control not to “try anything”. But he didn’t want to put her off, or ruin this chance he’d been given to spend some time alone with her…
Slowly, he tilted his head until he was looking right at her, admiring Sarah’s appearance. It was one of the rare occasions he’d seen the girl with her hair down, and the man had to admit, the look suited her very well. He let out a sigh of his own, one of longing, which caught her attention.
Gunman’s eyes widened and he quickly looked away, his face a red tinge. “S-something the matter?”
“…No, I’m okay… are you okay?”
Gunman nodded, curtly, clearing his throat. He always had mixed feelings about these rather out of character bouts of shyness that Sarah caused him to have. But, dwelling on stuff like this too much wasn’t helping him keep a clear head, so he tried to focus on getting some sleep.
But her presence was preventing that. Gunman was just too eager to stay up with her, spend more time with her, since she did say that she wouldn’t be staying the entire night, after all. “Are you still having trouble sleeping, my Sarah?”
She nodded. “A little… but… I guess I feel a little more at ease with somebody here…”
A flicker of pride made Gunman smirk underneath that black mustache. “I will protect you from anything that might come, senorita…!” He sat back up again, far too energetic to even think about resting. What if someone DID come and try something? Sarah couldn’t be put into any danger on his watch.
“That’s nice of you…” She mumbled. Sarah moved so her legs were stretched in front of her now, slumping slightly. A small yawn also escaped, which made Gunman have to cover his mouth and look away when she rubbed at her eyes.
She was so cute! Was he allowed to point that out? Would she get embarrassed? The image was even MORE cute! She seemed the type that would deny it, didn’t she? Surely just a little bit of subtle flirting wouldn’t hurt?
He turned to her, mouth open, but the image before him made him stop in his tracks. She was curled up on her side, facing him, eyes closed.
Was she asleep already?
The girl gave a non-committal hum in response.
Gunman slowly reached and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Senorita, I think you are starting to get sleepy…”
“No, I’m not…” Sarah softly argued, lying down and curling up a bit. “Just wanna…rest my eyes for a little…”
Gunman felt a rush of fondness, and drew back his hand. The girl needed her rest, and the marksman didn’t really think to care at the moment if she woke up and got mad at him letting her stay for the whole night.
Slowly, he reached and brushed some of that red hair out of her sleeping face, and smiled. “Buenas noches, Sarah…”
Hours later, there was a sound, like rapping at a door, and the familiar voice of the owner of the hotel could be heard from the other side of it, rousing Sarah from her sleepy state. “You haven’t seen our newest guest anywhere, have you?”
There was a scuffling sound of feet against the floor. “Shh! Quieten your voice, senor!”
“Why should I? Oh, never mind… I’m looking for Sarah, you see, she’s not in her room. Ooh, she better not have tried to run away ...”
The girl’s eyes widened.
Now she realized what must have happened.
“You sure you checked all of her room? Aha… perhaps she is trying to hide from you? You are not exactly a sight one wants to see when they first wake up--!”
“Wait a second, who’s that on your bed?”
“Ahh! Wait--!”
Sarah slowly sat up, face to face with the cock-eyed stare of Gregory. “My dear! What are you doing in here, of all places? Unless…” The rat tilted his head, looking from one to the other, and gave that menacing chuckle of his. “Gracious me, I didn’t realize you two were already THAT close…~”
“W-we’re not! I…” Sarah felt herself turning beet red, realizing how this must have looked. The shifty revolutionary at the door was fully dressed, obviously having gotten up before her, letting her sleep. Sarah would have been flattered if she wasn’t so humiliated. “I just--!”
“Brother?!” Cactus Girl leaned in, her eyes wide as dinner plates, shouting loudly enough for all the residents in the building to hear her. “Brother, why do you have a lady in your bed?!”
“Seester! No, it isn’t like that--! Sarah! Wait!”
Sarah felt it best to make her way to her room as quickly as possible, avoiding eye contact with everyone as she pushed past.
“You have some explaining to do, brother!” Was the last thing Sarah heard before she quickly shut her door.
The young girl knew as she slowly slid down her door, face burning, knowing that gossip would spread around the place quickly… and she wondered, once he’d gotten over the initial embarrassment, just how much Gunman would do to fuel the fire…
It seemed very like him, after all... It was sad, really, because she was starting to think maybe that he wasn't as much of a bad guy as he sometimes came off as.
Maybe she was being a little too harsh. Cactus Gunman wouldn't necessarily do that, right? She slowly opened her door. Maybe if she explained the situation... "Hey... wait, guys...?"
"What?~" Gunman had his back to her door, posing against the wall, and chuckling, speaking to his sister, the landlord and a few other people who'd rushed to see what all the fuss was about. "You all seem so surprised! It was only a matter of time, no? My Sarah cannot resist my charms for so long! So she came to my room last night, and--!"
She slammed the door shut, causing the marksman to let out a squeak of surprise and turn to where she'd just left. Whoops.
"Hm. Seems she's not having much trouble with that right now..." Gregory noted, smirking. "You should know better than to incur the wrath of a young lady, Gunman...!"
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bonsaikabooty · 12 years ago
“You are free to stay here with me tonight…” He held up his hands slightly defensively when Sarah gave the revolutionary a suspicious look. “I will not try any of the funny business, I swear!”
Sarah pondered for a few moments. “… Well… alright. I’ll stay… just for a little while though… Not all night…” She leant forward and muttered. “People will talk if I do…”
Cactus Gunman waggled his eyebrows in a way that Sarah knew without him saying he was okay with letting them. The girl rolled her eyes and backed up a bit, positioning her back against the headboard. 
help I'm writing fics for these two
this is all your fault Tori 8''''I
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bonsaikabooty · 12 years ago
Animal Crossing- Journey To Somewhere.
Summary: The introduction to my character, Mimi, moving into her new town. This is an Animal Crossing fic, with an OC as the centre of the plot. A little oneshot, just to get things started off!
Mimi had never really liked to travel by train, as a child. Although she’d suffered from a rather sensitive stomach from the bumpy and swerving car rides through the countryside in her younger years, it wasn’t that which caused her discomfort.  It was probably due to the fact that a train could get so crowded, and she’d always hated having to sit next to total strangers, or have to hear loud conversation two seats over when she was trying to relax. Her mother and father would be able to reassure her, though, most of the time, tell her that even though people she didn’t know were stuffed with them in the crowded compartment, that they were here and the trip would be short.
But they weren’t here with her, now. Mimi was all grown-up, with a train ticket to a little village in the country, attempting to make a new, independent life for herself. A mix of emotions and thoughts were buzzing in her head, anticipation, anxiety, fear of the unknown… But maybe this was best. Maybe this is what she would need- it was high time she was getting out and seeing the world and what it had to offer....
The red eyes that the creature had were gazing over a seat, barely blinking. It was as if he was looking for an excuse to make eye contact with Mimi so they could start a conversation.
Not wanting to give him that satisfaction, Mimi started pointedly out of the window. But with that piercing gaze boring into her, it was hard to keep her attention off that cat. Despite not being a human, this didn’t surprise her. No, she’d met animal folk before… Some lived in towns with fellow humans, others, in their own villages, where humans were scarcely seen.
The sound of padding footsteps caught her attention, and, in spite of herself, Mimi glanced away from the window and finally found herself looking right at the strange creature who’d been eyeing her since the trip began.
“Hi!” He said, grinning. Small pointed teeth poked out from his upper lip. His tone was friendly. “I’m Rover!” After a moment or two, he continued with. “Sorry to ask this if you, but, do you have the time? I don’t trust this watch of mine. Gets thrown off really easily sometimes.”
Mimi looked at him for a couple of seconds, and then reached into a pocket in her bag, pulling out her cell phone. The screen flashed the digits, which she read off to him. “… 11:30.”
“Ah. Thanks!” Rover hesitated, and looked at the empty seat opposite Mimi, (who felt her stomach drop: he’s going to want to sit and chat, isn’t he?). “I’m just gonna plop down in the seat in front of you, if you don’t mind of course.” Which he did, technically not asking her permission, nor waiting for an answer.
She couldn’t help but wonder what the heck this guy wanted with her: was he just overly friendly? Was he going to hit on her? Mimi thought she might actually get up and walk out of the compartment if he tried that. She softly breathed in through her nose and exhaled, trying to overcome her slight shyness and not panic.
“So, what’s your name?”
“Mimi, huh? Suits a cute girl like yourself!”
The urge to lift out of her seat rose, as did the blood to her cheeks. She never know how to feel when people called her “cute”.  Mimi blinked hard and muttered out a quick, awkward. “Uh…Thank you?” And continued to pointedly stare at the train’s floor.
Rover chuckled a bit, and took his eyes off the human girl opposite him to look out of the window. “Where you headed off to, then? To be honest, I don’t actually see that many humans take this railway line! All of these places lead to villages in the Animal District. You get your large array of different critters, but humans? You’re certainly a rarity this side of the country!”
“… I’m headed to Wishington.”
The cat’s eyes tilted back to look at Mimi, as if a little surprised by that. “THAT little village, huh? You know, it’s funny. What I said about humans not being seen much around these parts… Now I think about it, Wishington DID have a human living there at one point. Somebody I know used to be a bus driver, and he said a girl had moved in some time ago. Wonder what became of them… maybe you two will meet up?”
Mimi didn’t meet his eye. She didn’t want to get into her life story with this guy. “…Maybe. Who knows?”
“Are you visiting? Or… maybe you’re moving in too, hm?”
“… You… ask a lot of questions.”
To Mimi’s surprise, that got Rover to laugh. “Mya ha ha! I do, don’t I? Sorry, I don’t mean to be intrusive! I’m just curious! Possibly too curious.”
 Curiosity killed the cat. Mimi thought, coldly, but years of self-discipline had taught her that not everything that crossed her mind HAD to be spoken aloud.  “Why do you ask?”
“It’s just, that one way ticket poking out of the pocket in your bag is pretty telling.” He gave Mimi that toothy grin. “Starting over a new leaf somewhere is always exciting, wouldn’t you agree? I sure hope you create a good life for yourself over in Wishington!”
“Well… thanks, Rover.” Despite her initial worry, and despite his… rather invasive behaviour, this Rover seemed harmless, a nice guy, in fact. It wasn’t often total strangers would approach Mimi, at least, when she’d lived in the city. People kept to themselves, and that ideology had rubbed off on Mimi herself. Perhaps this would be something she’d have to get used to?
The train ride continued for a while, with Rover going into detail about how Wishington had changed over the years. Stores had been added and gone in and out of business, villagers had moved in and out. There were only a select few people living there at this point.
“Honestly, I was kinda shocked you said you were moving there.”
Mimi gave him a curious look, and Rover elaborated “It’s ever since the mayor retired, you know?  Tortimer sure loved his post but he was getting old... And since then, nobody’s signed up for the job!” The kitty shook his head, frowning a bit. “Last I heard he’d moved to some tropical island and was having the time of his life up there… but see, with nobody to manage Wishington, it’s fallen to pieces! They’re pretty much desperate at this point…”
The apprehension that Mimi had been feeling before worsened- where the heck was she heading to? Was it really as bad as Rover was making it out to be?
“But something tells me it’s fixable. Lovely little place- just needs a little bit more TLC and it’ll be up to standard, and thriving! Like it once was!”
A small tinkling tune over the intercom startled Mimi a bit. “Now arriving in Wishington Station! Wishington Station!”
“Oh, looks like this is your stop, eh?” The train began to slow as the sight out of the window changed from that of cloudless skies, fields and trees to the interior of a station platform. “Thanks for the chat, Mimi. It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a train ride this much!”
They came to a halt, and the girl took the opportunity to lift two of her suitcases off the overhead compartment. Rover offered assistance, but she declined- she was stronger than she looked after all.
“Well… if you’re sure. I suppose this is goodbye, huh?”
“Yeah… I suppose…. See you around, Rover.” This had been a rather surreal meeting. She wandered off, out the door, giving one last glance back at the window and seeing Rover giving a cheerful wave.
Something told Mimi this wouldn’t be the last time she’d see the guy.
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bonsaikabooty · 12 years ago
Fergy and Langston's First Meeting.
(Since I didn't have a better title for it, here's a little write up of how I think this situation would have gone down!)
It’d been a day like any other- Langston at his post, manning the controls as piñatas lined up outside to be wheeled in, and, strangely enough, there appeared on his records to be someone who hadn’t shown up for their Candiosity  Reading. The Lickatoad had a long list, arranged in a fashion that he liked to stick with- he’d always feel stressed out if this order was tampered with.
Sure, it wasn’t unusual for there to sometimes be days where not everyone could show up for duty, but normally, Langston would be alerted to it. If it was due to illness or matters that they just couldn’t get out of, it was understandable.
But he hadn’t received any forewarning, so would have to look into this himself.
Hm- a Fudgehog in the garden?
Strange- if there had been a Fudgehog by that name on record, surely he would have met with him before- due to his job, there wasn’t anyone on the island that Langston hadn’t at least met once.  
Putting this thought aside, he decided that he’d get to the bottom of this when he next had free time.
Research into it found that Fergy was a newcomer, a recent resident. That made sense, actually- if he was new here, then Langston could only guess that it was due to being busy from moving in that distracted him from turning up to Pinata Central today.
Lowering the clipboard from his eyes that had all the recorded details about Fergy Fudgehog, Langston looked up to see if he’d followed the map and directions that the main computer had printed out for him correctly- he perked up when he saw the all too recognizable pile of leaves that served as housing for any Fudgehog and quickly made his way over.
The response he got from three polite raps on Fergy’s door was the sound of a muffled yelp, a thud and the noise of something like a vase smashing to pieces on the floor inside. Langston flinched, looking somewhat worried, but straightened up, attempting to look professional and friendly once there was an answer.
The door creaked, barely opening at all, in fact, as a very nervous looking Fudgehog peeked outside. “U-uh… hello?”
“Hi, there! You must be Fergy Fudgehog!” Langston said, brightly, the smile not drifting from his face despite the other’s obvious shyness. “My name is Langston Lickatoad, Pinata Central’s representative. Welcome to the garden!” The Lickatoad extended an arm to shake Fergy’s paw.
“Oh… it’s nice to meet you…” Fergy’s eyes drifted to the orange helmet, watching the hypnotic spinning of the small logo on the top of his hat. “…I think.”
“You’re probably quite well aware of what goes on down at Pinata Central, so I won’t go into too much detail. However- it didn’t escape my notice that you didn’t show up for your Candiosity Reading today. Obviously it was unlikely you WOULD show up.” Langston motioned to the mess of boxes and the broken shards of vase. “I understand, of course! Moving is always a busy time!”
“Eheh…yeah…you can say that again…” Fergy still barely opened the door, clinging to it, timidly- this one didn’t seem to be much of a talker.
“Yes, indeedy! I’ve always found packing and unpacking kind of fun though, I must admit! But, as much as I would love to stay and help, I’m afraid that I have other matters to which I must attend to back in office!” Langston reached and tugged a card off of the list of other papers that were attached to the clipboard and handed it to Fergy, who inspected it with a raised eyebrow. “Here’s my card- you’re free to call this number or email me here if there’s any reason as to why you’re unable to turn up for service. Know that you’re off the hook for now, don’t you worry!” Langston let out a chuckle. “But, just until you get settled in, of course. After that, just turn on up and I will gladly walk you through each step of the way!”
The Fudgehog’s blue eyes tilted up from the card to stare at Langston as if he was out of his mind- for the first time, Langston’s smile faltered. “S-show up for… a party, you mean?”
“Well…yes! Every piñata has to attend a party at some point, right?” Langston’s tone made it clear that he was pretty sure this was common knowledge.
The response he got was unexpected. Fergy thrust the card back at him, a rather shaky smile on his face. “Thank you but…uh… I won’t be doing the whole…party thing.” He backed up into his house, and made an attempt to close the door.
Which Langston quickly denied- he reached and pushed against the wood, brows furrowed and looking fully concerned now. “Wait, wait, hey! Is there something wrong with parties?”
“Something wrong?!” Fergy yelped, still staring at Langston with wide eyes. “What’s so great about being shot through the sky through a cannon, or with being bashed to bits by hyperactive, sugar crazed kids?! With bats?! BATS.” The Fudgehog waved both of his arms, dramatically, which caused him to let go of the door Langston had been leaning on. “Bats HURT! A LOT.”
Stumbling, Langston stood up again, straightening his helmet. “F-forgive me, but… are you saying you… are scared of parties, Mr. Fudgehog?”
“Well…yeah.” Calming down, Fergy leant against the door frame. “Pretty much. So…we’re cool on the whole me not showing up thing, right? Great.” Another attempt to close the door was made.
Which Langston, again, blocked. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that Piñata Central policy dictates that EVERY piñata that resides on the island must make it his, or her, duty to turn up for Candiosity Readings to make sure they’re fit for--!” “Liiiisten, listen! Surely Piñata Central won’t miss just one itty bitty piñata not making it to their duty, right?”
Langston frowned. “I’m cannot allow you, or any piñata to get away with repeated offenses of going AWOL! I’m sorry, that’s just how it is.” The frog then heaved a sigh. “Look…you’ve just moved in; you probably don’t need this stress on top of everything else.” The Lickatoad hopped backwards, trying to brush off the flare of irritation he had felt on Fergy’s attitude toward this whole thing. “How about I leave you to your packing?”
“That’d be great! Thanks… um…Langston, right?”
He nodded. “I’ll be sure to try again tomorrow, if that’s alright with--!” BANG! The door quickly slammed shut, and the click of a lock was heard.
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