#Lizardinthegarden ask
Hey. How are you today?
I mean honestly? not good. I had to get a job to make money to help my fam and I've been pulling 8-9 hour shifts on my feet all day and it's utterly draining. that's why I haven't been super active here, I've really been doing nothing but working cause they have been putting me on full time hours when I thought I was being put on part time... I've been applying to other places just cause I really can't keep working there. I get so anxious and so exhausted everyday, I just really need a new job...
thanks for checking in, and I'm sorry I don't have happier stuff to say. I guess to end on a happier note, I have been reading the twilight series for the first time, and I've been having a ton of fun with it!!
how have you been doing? I'd love to hear what you're up to!!
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delusional-cryptid · 4 years
33, for that ask game
33. 3 favorite candle scents
Hmmm, I’d say Coffee, that “Ocean Wave” smell that’s basically a really refreshing fruity smell, and that crisp fall/dying plants smell! Thanks for the ask!
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oh don't worry, I'll stick around.
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Oh. This is fine, actually. -(formerly)-Lent.
ahhh, well it's nice to (re)meet you!!
I hope you still pop by now and again, I always love your hc's and everything else you offer!!
have a great day 😁
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