#Liz is at work they can't stop me from writing this XD
setsuntamew · 11 months
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I wanted to make them something different, so I landed on making them a playlist...but as a physical item, not just on some streaming service. I made an actual physical CD of the music, because sometimes you gotta be just that extra to celebrate something this important 🖤
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I picked a song for each year we've been together, wrote a note for each one - that's what the booklet is! - and then put it all together into what y'all see here. Liz was super touched and loved it (even though the only "CD players" in our house are my computer and the PS2), so they took it into work to display on their desk ;w;
tbh the hardest part was keeping this secret from them for the past month, but I pulled it off!!!!!
Also featuring little details such as: the title on the sides of the case and the ever important, extra edgy image behind the transparent bit ;D
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And of course, the obvious part of having Judal and Hakuryuu...because Magi was the first fandom we got into together, rather than something we already like before meeting, and juhaku was the first ship we latched onto together, so...they're important, okay ;w; juhaku for life, just like wife for life 🖤🖤🖤
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daffietjuh · 5 years
Hey! I don't know if you're taking prompts or not (just ignore this ask if you aren't) but since the spoilers I've been feeling a little petty. I had an idea for a fic and since you're my favorite writer I thought I'd ask: After a ons, Forest can't get Alex out of his head, he finds the perfect opportunity to shamelessly flirt with him and ask him out when he spots him at the pony with all of his friends (including Michael). [1]
Everyone keeps asking Alex if he knows him and while the airman says no, Forest’s dirty smile and emphatic yes tell another story. [2]
Omg, Nonnie. Thank you so much. Nonnie, listen, I want you to be my new best friend (sorry @likebadgal-riri XD) I am feeling the pettiest and I had a blast writing this! I’m always up for prompts, especially since I’m not working on anything specific right now!
Ever since stopping in Roswell approximately twelve hours ago, Forest had learned a few absolute truths about the town.
One: The place was just straight up weird. Way weird.
Two: If you wanted good food, you went to The Crashdown.
Three: Alex Manes was way too hot to be living in a shitty town like this one.
You see, Forest knew his type. Smart, sassy and with a story. Alex had looked like he had a story that couldn’t even be told in a night. He’d seen him his first night in Roswell, sitting in The Crashdown after dark, alone with a single vanilla milkshake and an order of fries. He’d looked tired in a bone deep kind of way that didn’t just come from physical exhaustion, but mental and emotional exhaustion too. There had been a crutch leaning against the booth and Forest had been intrigued. Especially when he’d dipped one of his fries in his milkshake before eating it.
‘Is that actually good, or is that just a myth?’ He’d asked and Alex had looked up like he was expecting to get punched in the face. After the look had passed however, he had darted his eyes up and down Forest’s body and yep, that was how he’d ended up with Alex pressing him into the wall of his room in the singular hotel in Roswell.
Normally, he was perfectly good at one night stands, but, well, he had not been able to get Alex out of his head. He was just so… captivating. There was something inside of him that he tried very hard to hide. Something that burned hot and fast. Something that made Forest feel like he could do anything. So, maybe he wanted to see him again. Normally, Forest would have moved on already, it wouldn’t have been an option to go back to Alex, but his damn car hadn’t started that morning and maybe it was a sign?
So, he’d ended up in what seemed to be the singular bar in this town. Seriously? Did they have only one of everything here?
And another handout from Fate, Alex was there. In the bar. The Wild Bronco or something like that. Unlike the other day, Alex wasn’t alone. He was squished in a booth between two dark haired girls that looked like sisters. A guy with a jawline to die for. A beautiful black woman with her hand tangled with a curly haired guy.
Forest had never been shy, exactly, so he only hesitated for a second before heading over to their booth. He wanted to see Alex again, so he’d ask.
‘Well, would you look at that. Twice in two days, I’d call that Fate.’ Forest said with his most winning smile, cutting the curly haired dude off mid-sentence. All eyes snapped towards him. The only eyes he cared about though were those deep, warm, brown ones. Which flashed with recognition and then went carefully blank.
‘Alex, do you know this guy?’ Jawline asked, frowning at Forest like he wasn’t sure if he should be running or throwing punches. Not a very trusting bunch, were they?
‘I- Well, sort of.’
‘Cryptic.’ Curly said smirking, but there was something tight in his voice.
‘We know each other intimately.’ Forest said, he only flinched once he realized he had no idea if this guy was even out to his friends. If he wasn’t, well, he would feel like a giant dick.
Luckily Alex sighed and rolled his eyes.
‘We met yesterday.’ Alex said to Jawline, whose eyebrows had climbed towards his hairline. ‘I thought you’d be leaving town in the morning?’ Curly had tensed, but was trying really, really hard not to show it. They seemed like a strange couple. Curly really was quite scruffy and she seemed way too pretty and put-together to be with him. Like Beauty and the Beast. Belle threw Curly a look like she was trying to figure out what was wrong with him.
‘Car broke down.’ Forest said with a shrug. ‘Again, I’m callin’ it Fate.’
‘That truck brought in this morning is yours?’ Curly asked, sounding offended by the idea alone. ‘The dark blue one?’
‘Yeah, how do you know that?’
‘He works for Sander’s Auto.’ Belle said, smiling at Curly. He didn’t smile back, he was too busy glaring at Forest.
‘Anyways. They said it might take a few days to fix, so I’m sticking around a little longer.’ Forest said with a shrug. ‘So, now that I’m not leaving quite yet, any tips on a place to eat that isn’t the alien themed diner?’ Alex huffed out a laugh as the sisters looked mildly offended.
‘I thought you liked the fries?’ He asked, finally smiling a little.
‘I did, but I can’t keep all of this’ he motioned at himself. ‘in shape if I eat fries for three days straight. Curly rolled his eyes, but Alex looked amused.
‘You do realize how a one night stand works, right? You have sex and then you leave each other alone, maybe see each other in the grocery store once or twice.’ Alex said, leaning back in the booth a little. Forest shrugged.
‘I know, and if you want me to leave, I’ll leave you and your friends be, but if you want to, I could do dinner. I had a good time last night. It’s just some easy fun. Fun is good, right?’ Alex’s eyes darted at Curly, before settling back on Forest.
‘I suppose so.’
‘Plus, you’re by far the hottest guy I’ve seen in months so, I wouldn’t mind getting seconds.’ Forest grinned and Alex rolled his eyes again, but with an amused huff, so he was counting that as a win.
‘Ow, Michael would you be careful. You’re cutting off circulation to my hand.’ Belle snapped at Curly (Michael?). She pulled her hand away from his and Curly wiped any emotion off his face with a snarky smile.
‘Sorry babe, I thought you liked my strong grip.’
‘Ugh.’ Jawline said, rolling his eyes and making a gagging noise. ‘Stop that.’
Alex was watching Curly with narrowed eyes before he turned to Forest, a determined set to his jaw and oh yep, that was pretty hot.
‘Alright, I can do dinner, but there really aren’t many options around here and nothing that’s particularly healthy. I can cook something though, Liz has been teaching me some things.’ Alex said, motioning at Sister One.
‘Am I being invited to your place?’ Forest asked, grin spreading over his face. Alex’s bed couldn’t possibly be more uncomfortable than the bed in the hotel so this was the best possible scenario.
‘Unless you’re scared of coming to my cabin in the woods.’ Alex said with a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.
‘Now, see, why couldn’t you just call it a cottage in the forest? Now I feel like I’m going to get serial killed.’ Forest said, drawing a laugh from Alex and a chuckle from Jawline and the sisters. Sister Two looked incredibly amused. ‘But fine, I’ll come to your cabin in the woods.’
‘Even if I might kill you?’ Alex asked, looking truly amused now. Forest was pretty sure that meant he was joking. Pretty sure.
‘Eh, as long as you promise to kill me after, it’ll be worth it.’ Sister Two grinned even wider and Jawline made a face like he did not want to hear that. Alex huffed out another laugh.
‘Alright, I promise.’ Alex made a shooing motion at Sister Two and Jawline, sliding from the booth after them. ‘If I’m gonna cook, I need to go to the supermarket so, let’s go.’ He motioned at Forest. He waved his friends goodbye as Forest followed him from the bar.
‘So, where to?’ He asked with a grin. Alex turned to look at him, amused smile around his lips. He pointed at a car a few spots down the line.
‘Up for a ride?’
‘Always.’ Forest smirked, practically begging Alex to roll his eyes. He did not disappoint.
I might actually want to write a follow up to this at some point because I love this whole premise!
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