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kingdubman · 1 year ago
I like how Low is described as hopeful, and he's basically the most experienced one, staying years in the Nowhere. You know how Six lost her innocence and morality after going through so much? We don't know how long she has been in the Nowhere, but Low has been there for YEARS and never lost hope. He's must have seen a lot and went through a lot, but he's still trusting of other's, seeing how he's best friends with Alone.
Plus, he shows childlike innocence in the clothes he wears. Do you know how most children think about being some type of superhero? Well, Low looks like he's trying to look like one, and I also think the braclet he wears on his leg is something to remind of him of his home, playing into the hopeful, optimistic personality.
Also, I've noticed how when Low and Alone come out of the mirror, Alone is the one to break it, and seeing how Low is the only one with powers, he doesn't care and still brings her along, knowing once they go through, they can never go back, really selling it as they're in it together.
The trailer music and the description of facing your childhood fears makes me feel like Low might be meant for something special, seeing how his powers are related to mirrors and mirrors seem to be raleted to the main antagonist, or character we haven't seen yet.
Low is definitely my favorite so far, and I hope he doesn't leave his friend behind to find an exit, but I also hope he doesn't sacrifice himself for his friend if it comes down to it, but knowing little nightmares, it could be something much worse. ( God, I hate repeated bad endings, it tugs on my heartstrings. Can't have shit in the Nowhere.)
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mad-doctor-raven · 2 months ago
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"Too perfect." Characters from the official Little Nightmares podcast, The Sounds of Nightmares: The Lonely Way.
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d4ria0 · 2 years ago
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I want a happy ending this time pls
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missicyy · 2 years ago
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Little Nightmares 3 ~ 2024
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ryntrinity · 1 year ago
[EN] As a lover of everything crepy-cute, I couldn't resist and celebrate one more Little Nightmares coming up! I opted for a more "Don't Starve Together-esque" style and let it sketchy, and I think the swirl background really ties it up together! The spooky month didn't even start, but the October spirit is already in me! I can’t wait!
[BR] Como amante de tudo que é crepy-fofo, não resisti e comemorei mais um Little Nightmares que está por vir! Optei por um estilo mais "Don't Starve Together" e deixei-o rascunhado, e acho que o fundo em espiral realmente une tudo! O Spooky-month nem começou, mas o espírito de outubro já está em mim! Mal posso esperar!
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movt1999 · 2 years ago
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Our new heroes, ready to take on nowhere!
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arielskylanddefender · 1 year ago
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I’m want to do another low as a werewolf, he’s so t have much role since he’s went missing along side with Alone, but he’s been found as a beast by Andreus just to catch him then kill him, but also mono have be cage as a monster with Low who he’s the first that found him but his memories was haze for so long how he’s end up here. But he’s the one had bitten mono when free him in the place of circus that’s was abandon so long. But he’s remembered he was tired before his transformation and didn’t remember he’s bitten mono at the time when he’s wants him to be release. His beast form can be a bit taller then mono he’s the first child that turn in to a werewolf but the one whose bit him is much deadly and stronger then most werewolves
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
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flibbleynova · 2 years ago
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gplayr · 2 months ago
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30 Most Wanted Games of 2025 and Beyond Hundreds of highly anticipated games are now behind us but there are even more to come. If 2024 felt like a bit of a lull, then good news – there are big-name sequels, blockbusters, brand-new IPs, an... https://blog.gplayr.com/30-most-wanted-games-of-2025-and-beyond/ #Assassin’sCreedShadows #Atomfall #borderlands4 #CrimsonDesert #DeathStranding2OntheBeach #DOOMTheDarkAges #DyingLightTheBeast #EldenRingNightreign #fable #FatalFuryCityoftheWolves #GhostofYotei #GrandTheftAuto6 #HELLisUS #KillingFloor3 #LikeaDragonPirateYakuzainHawaii #LittleNightmares3 #MafiaTheOldCountry #Marvel1943RiseofHydra #MetalGearSolidDeltaSnakeEater #MonsterHunterWilds #PhantomBlade0 #SouthofMidnight #SplitFiction #TheFirstBerserkerKhazan #TheLegendofHeroesTrailsthroughDaybreak2 #TheWitcher4 #WhereWindsMeet
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total-cards · 1 year ago
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In Little Nightmares III, you follow the journey of Low & Alone, as they search for a path that could lead them out of the Nowhere. Pre-order now for £41.95! #LittleNightmares3...
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mad-doctor-raven · 7 months ago
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The Dentist <<I can hear him. Slithering on the ceiling and in the vents. He likes to play with his prey. Hiding between tubes and cables...but his smell and his laughter betrays him everytime. And the worst thing is... when he is near I cannot stop laughing myself. HAHA >>
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d4ria0 · 1 year ago
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Bye i hate school
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axemantv · 2 years ago
Little Nightmares 3 | Reveal Trailer | Gamescom 2023
Schauen Sie sich den Enthüllungstrailer zu #LittleNightmares3 an, einem weiteren gruseligen, aber seltsam niedlichen Teil der beliebten Indie-Serie. Kommt im Jahr 2024!
#Axeman #AxemanTV #AxemanMovies #AxeProductions #TheLastDivision
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meek-shall-inherit · 2 years ago
LOVE how people are already drawing low and alone littlenightmares3 like YES they are so drawable
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usagirotten · 2 years ago
Little Nightmares 3 Announced For 2024 Release
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The darkness returns... 🕯️ Brace yourselves for the next chapter of eerie excellence! #LittleNightmares3 is creeping its way into 2024, bringing more nightmares, puzzles, and thrills. Sweet dreams, everyone... or not. When Little Nightmares II launched in 2021, we praised its haunting atmosphere and clever puzzles. Now, two and a half years following the release of the last mainline entry, fans of the first two critically acclaimed games have something new to be excited about. Bandai Namco has announced that Until Dawn developer Supermassive Games is developing a new entry in the Little Nightmares universe. Not only that, but we got our first look at Little Nightmares III. Little Nightmares III gives players the story of Low and Alone, two children trapped within The Spiral, which is a cluster of disturbing places, and they need to work together to escape from a threat that is lurking in the shadows. Little Nightmares III is still playable as a single-player with a CPU-controlled partner, but you can also play with a friend in online co-op. The gameplay demo takes place in the Necropolis, a desolate desert biome with limited visibility. According to producer Coralie Feniello, it is described as "a city of eternal energy and certain death." The lack of music and foreboding soundscapes paints this as a place devoid of hope or vibrant life. As Low and Hope come to a tall structure, they scale a long ladder to enter into what appears to be a tomb of sorts. Each character holds a distinct weapon with unique uses; Alone has a wrench, while Low possesses a bow. Both of these weapons can be used to open new paths in very different ways.  With cooperative play serving as a core gameplay function, Low and Alone must work together to solve various puzzles. In one instance, Alone must rotate a mechanism to extend a bridge while Low runs across and shoots the counterweight with his bow to lock the bridge in place. The two characters can call out and gesture to one another, which seems to circumvent the need for voice chat in such a cooperative title. As the two continue scaling, they find a crow that holds a key. Using his bow, Low shoots the key out of the crow's mouth, and the two carry it forward to reach the next part of the Necropolis. As they continue, a giant hand sprawls across one of the rooms. While it at first appears to be a statue, it springs to life and reveals itself to be attached to a massive creature. This creature is named Monster Baby, one of the Residents of Little Nightmares III. The two characters continue progressing, narrowly dodging Monster Baby until they come into a room where the giant is peering through a hole in the wall. Monster Baby seems to have a stone gaze, so the two children would be wise not to get caught in the awful view of the creature. The gameplay demo then skips ahead to Necropolis' dimly lit catacombs. Monster Baby is still wreaking havoc and punching through walls. After solving puzzles involving large scarabs and wading through waist-high sand, Low and Alone emerge back out into the city. The two continue doing their best to dodge Monster Baby through the above-ground portions of the city, but at the end of the demo, it appears as though they fail, as the giant hand gets ready to grab them just as the gameplay cuts. Read the full article
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