sprocketsdance · 7 years
Has it been a week?
I forget if it’s been a week or two since I posted that thing about starting on hardcore with my comic stuff. And I’m too lazy to go back and look (the typing window is open, too late now! At least... that’s what I’m telling myeslf). Either way, here’s an update post.
Not much has happened since then. For the past week I slowly started to feel more and more exhausted until I got a health assessment and my blood pressure was 82/50. I’ve always run low, but not hypotension low. Usually it’s more around 100/70.
Granted, I doubt the abilities of this particular healthcare worker. She also told me that blood pressure was nothing to worry about. :-/
So, I went into keeping track of my blood pressure and determined that while it’s low (never getting quite THAT low, but close a few times) it was more likely my symptoms were being caused by some bug I got. 
SO. I haven’t done anything all week except for a few poorly done doodles. XD I suppose that’s what doodlin’ is for. I should post some at some point. Oh, and I think I created my lil signature I’ll put on everything I make now. Just a simple heart with my initials in it. It’s between I can’t think of anything else and it just works in its utter uncreativeness. XD (plus, it’s super easy to do, so points!)
This week I really hope to get more things going. First step is getting my site cleaned up enough to where I feel like showing it off even in its barren state. I have a really cute idea for a gif so we’ll see if that happens!
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sprocketsdance · 5 years
Little Reaper Girl
There once was a little wisp. She never learned her name but never really felt the need to have a name. She was simply okay with being called the Little Reaper Girl - or LRG for short. She did not even know where she came from, but again, that was not so important to her. What was important to her, however, was the wellbeing of the various plushies and toys she would come across. 
There were so many out in the world in all sorts of varieties. There were clowns, platypi, elephants, bears, rabbits, robots… too many to list, but each held a special place in her heart. This was not a special place in her heart just because she found them all to be very cute, rather, she had a duty and a great purpose in her existence to bring comfort to these toys. 
How she brought about this comfort could come about in a few ways, she had learned. One was, once a toy’s purpose was fulfilled, once they had lived out their life, it would be time for them to move on. It is a very jarring thing for a toy, even in the best or worst of circumstances, once they find their current chapter has ended and the page is about to turn it can cause stress and anguish. LRG finds it to be her duty to bring them comfort during this time and to guide them along towards the next stage of their life. 
The other way is to just simply be with the toy during hardships they may come across. One may argue this is not the purpose of a reaper, but LRG would argue that it is the VERY purpose of a reaper. To just bring a soul from one place to another… well… the souls could just about do that themselves! No, LRG feels responsible for their entire experience while in transition. 
If they had a hard life, she will be sympathetic. If they had a joyous one and are sad to see it end, she will still be sympathetic, but will remind them of the wonderful memories they had shared with their loved one and how happy they made the people they had connected to! In both cases she is presently with them, sharing the experience with them, and trying to guide them in the best possible way to be able to move on. Each are thankful by the end and each find their next path - be it straight to the next toy ready to be loved or at a bit of a soul retreat for those who are ready to move on but not exactly ready to be placed into a new toy just yet. 
LRG enjoys how she inadvertently brings so much joy to so many people through helping out all the toys that bring joy to them. To her, there is no greater purpose she would rather have. 
[This was a little thing I wrote, actually the last little thing I wrote, for NaNo this year. It is about the main character of the comic I created (and plan on continuing once I figure out the revamp), https://littlereapergirl.com/ ]
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