allibby · 2 months
🖍️ Little me:
•Loves learning new things.
•Doesn’t understand how to use the phone.
•Will non stop say „mamamamamama” until cg tickle attacks me to shush or something.
•Doesn’t understand when others swear.
•Likes rain - rain boots/ coat and has a rain stuffie.
•Will randomly leave you drawings, little craft things, animals or stones to show how much I love you.
•Doesn’t over think but questions with curiosity.
•Gets distracted easily and will probs run off in Minecraft or to the stuffie isle.
•If loud voice volume - will probs cry and get my stuffie to tell you nono.
•Loves animals and stories - will always ask for bedtime story.
•You might wake up to a messy kitchen because I wanted to make you a dirt strawberry breakfast. Oops
•Will randomly say references to shows.
•Speaks through stuffies sometimes to be brave.
•Takes stuffie everywhere.
•Loves to play pretend (like in Bluey) and will randomly make games.
•Plays hopscotch randomly in the street.
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ursulawhosoever · 2 years
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Little me with braids x me now with braids 🤭🥰🙏🏽
P.S.: Be kind😇🙏🏽🌸
Grande interesse em: Tipologia( Carl Jung, MBTI, Socionics, Eneagrama, etc), Teologia, música, anime, arte/ beleza(fotografia, pintura, cosméticos, maquiagem,etc), etc. / Big interest in: Typology (Carl Jung, MBTI, Socionics, Enneagram, etc.), Theology, music, anime, art/beauty (photography, painting, cosmetics, makeup, etc), etc.
NENHUM INTERESSE em: Conteúdo +18 e etc. Eu simplesmente vou bloquear você!/ NO INTEREST in: +18 content (photos, conversarions and etc). I'll just block you!
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chiariama · 2 years
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Mi piace tornare bambina, mi piace sognare e meravigliarmi delle cose mai viste.
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who-knows-who-i-am · 1 year
I always wanted to be that girl that you look up to. The girl in her mid-twenties that you see sitting in the train/ in a park (wherever) and just think that she's cool. The girl that's somehow an idol to little girls and teens cause she has her own style and her opinion and knows what she wants (at least from the outside).
And I need to say that I think that I am gonna become that girl. I just saw myself in the reflection of the window in the train I'm in. And I need to say: I feel like that girl.
Idk if I am that girl. But I feel like I am. And I guess the biggest luck is that I know that I would find myself pretty cool. If my teenager self would have seen her in the train - she would be amazed. A little bit imtimidated cause she would think of how cool the girl is I am today and she would have loved to be friends with her and be as cool as she seems to be.
I'm not in my midtwenties yet but I'm looking forward to explore those years and see who I'm gonna become.
Hopefully still someone little me would think is super cool. Hopefully someone she would think couldn't be me - in a good way ofc.
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bruvahnate · 1 year
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me when the shark hyper fixation hit at one and a half (it’s back)
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littldoctor · 1 year
The Girl in the Fireplace was especially sad if you think about it from the standpoint of the TenRose arc.
In School Reunion, Rose saw a future where she just gets left behind, like everyone else, and the Doctor finally has to tell her that either he gets left behind or his companion does. But somebody always gets left behind. But she’s still not happy about it, and can’t really understand it.
And then they meet Reinette, and over the course of one single day she sees exactly what he was talking about. Her life is as much of a flash in time to the Doctor as Reinette’s was to her. The Doctor was left behind, and she doesn’t even know what to say. But I think part of her suddenly understands why he even leaves behind people like Sarah… because as long as there is no final goodbye, then they can stay with him forever as a bright and shining memory. There is no end, just the joy of being together.
As soon as a goodbye is said, it means either he or his companion really have been left behind. And being left behind hurts… so he has to leave them behind first or go mad from the pain of it
This actually broke me, like this is so unfair to everyone involved, gosh
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gaming-ravens · 1 month
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Should this be my "little me", my "goober"??
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milkandpoetry · 2 months
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Little Me
I'm sorry to your heart
for letting other people and the world break it too many times.
I'm sorry to your spirit
for not allowing it to experience
what true joy is for a kid.
I'm sorry to your innocence
for nearly taking it away from you by listening to society's shitty stereotypes.
I'm sorry to your smile
that was taken away from you for enjoying things that are too girly
for a boy like you.
I'm sorry to your confidence.
It was shattered too many times that's why anxiety started to develop.
I'm sorry to your body
for not letting it freely move or act the way it really wanted.
I hope it's not too late to give you the best experience of life.
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thehiddenheart · 1 year
Little me is here.
although i am getting older, i see little me staring back at my blonde hair and blue eyes in the mirror and we wonder where all the time went. she’s asking “who’s SHE?”. she’s me. little me will always be there to watch over me and my gentle heart.
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ragilarumi · 2 years
The Real Me
Siapa yang tidak mengenalku, gadis kecil yang tidak pernah ikut upacara. Tak hanya itu tubuhku yang pendek, kulit kusam, rambut tipis berwarna merah dan tidak pintar. Begitulah aku saat duduk dibangku sekolah dasar. Teman, tentu aku punya tapi hanya beberapa.
Tumbuh dari keluarga yang cukup, membuat diriku tidak banyak memiliki apa yang temanku miliki. Selalu teringat dalam benakku, dulu aku adalah anak yang rajin menabung, karena jika aku ingin beli sesuatu aku harus menabung karena tak cukup uang jika orang tuaku harus memenuhi kebutuhanku. Terlebih di 4 tahun pertama sekolahku, kedua kakakku sedang menempuh pendidikan SMA, tentu mereka sangat membutuhkan banyak biaya.
Hari itu entah hari apa tapi aku memakai pakaian putih merah. Duduk sendiri didepan kelas tanpa teman satupun. Tiba-tiba aku terjatuh ketika akan turun. Sakit tentu, tapi tak ada satupun temanku yang tau. Aku selalu bertanya, kenapa aku tidak memiliki teman, apakah karena aku hanyalah seorang anak dari supir angkot yang tidak memiliki uang lebih, atau karena aku kucel dan tidak cantik? Pertanyaan yang selalu aku tanyakan sepanjang hidupku, namun tak pernah aku menemukan jawaban.
Disaat aku duduk dibangku kelas dua, aku selalu tidak mendapatkan buku LKS. Sedih, tentu, apa salahku sampai aku tidak mendapatkannya? Apa karena aku telat beli? Mungkin, tapi pertanyaanku adalah kenapa bisa sekolah tidak menyediakan buku yang cukup untuk semua muridnya? Kenapa bisa ada satu murid saja yang tidak kebagian buku itu? Ya.. Aku adalah anak orang miskin yang tidak bisa membeli buku.
Segala kekurangan ku dapatkan selama aku duduk di bangku kelas satu sampai kelas lima. Cukup lama bukan untukku bertahan di lingkungan yang sama sekali tidak nyaman untukku. Entah apa yang ada dibenak sang kepala sekolahku, yang pasti aku merasa tidak mendapatkan fasilitas yang layak. Aku pun selalu menduduki peringkat 20-30 dari 40 siswa.
Waktupun berlalu, kini aku sudah duduk dibangku kelas enam, kepala sekolahku sudah berganti, begitupun wali kelasku. Dikelas enam ini aku mulai fokus untuk ujian kelulusan, dan aku sendiri sedikit mendapatkan dorongan dari walikelasku. Aku sempat mengikuti PMDK tapi tidak lolos karena nilaiku kecil. Meskipun demikian kesempatanku untuk masuk SMP itu masih sangat mungkin karena SD ku adalah SD favorit di desaku.
Hingga akhirnya hari kelulusan pun tiba. Aku lulus dengan NEM 21,xx dan menduduki peringkat 11 dari 37 siswa. Sedangkan peringkat 1 mendapatkan NEM 24,xx. Meskipun tidak masuk 10 besar tapi aku cukup bangga dengan hasil itu. Karena masih banyak anak-anak yang mendapatkan nilai dibawahku. Dan masa sekolah dasarku pun berakhir.
Satu hal yang selalu ada didalam benakku saat itu adalah "Aku adalah anak dari orang yang tidak punya (hanya berkecukupan), bapakku supir angkot dan mamakku seorang buruh tani, tapi aku tidak akan malu dengan itu, dan sampai nanti aku dewasa, aku akan terus berpenampilan seperti ini, berpakaian sederhana, karena aku selalu mengingat asal usulku dan agar aku tidak lupa bagaimana dan darimana aku dibesarkan"
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anotthatblkraven · 2 years
If I can’t be childish around you, I don’t want you. My little me is first 🧸.
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azeene · 2 years
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Just my little face to bless your feeds 🤓😇✨ - - - - - #payhomage #homagetees #blessingyourfeed #littleme #streetfighter #chunli #chunlistreetfighter #roundonefight #mymakeupisnice #azeene #discoverunder5k #discoverunder10k #microblog #soznotsoz #justbeingcute (at Newcastle City Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9klDprANA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paddy0 · 2 years
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“And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills, ‘til the landslide brought me down.” 🎶 #bewhoyouneededwhenyouwereyounger #rescueyourinnerchild #learntoaskquestionsagain #leteverythingelsego #itsnottoolate #justfeltlikepostingsomething #littleme #theresastormacomin #winteriscoming #doubleexposure https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJxJJuPl-Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littldoctor · 1 year
did you see season 1?
Hi! Yes of course! I was even talking about how I was surprised the ninth doctor was only around for one season, I wouldn't have understood much of season 2 without seeing the first :]
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jessemmckeown · 2 years
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Oh god. Another #flashbackfriday is here, and I found another old photo of me with the JVC camcorder I was obsessed with for a good chunk of time. So wild seeing those tapes again 😅. Do you remember camcorders with tapes?? . . . #flashback #fbf #childhoodphoto #littleme #me #glasses #brunette #browneyes #preteenager #jvc #camcorder #oldschool #femalephotographer https://www.instagram.com/p/ClHGe8fp3Sf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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