#Little Trunks is his own person so he doesn't count
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ichilemonwritruoo · 4 months ago
if you are a Future Trunks fan but have the dispute about his hair color and how he was watered down in Super then get off my blog. I will go feral. I love every hair color, version, and form of Future Trunks.
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amysteryspot · 2 months ago
A Woman's Worth - Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
Summary: Anthony tries to salvage what's left of his marriage and discovers what his wife is truly worth. (Part one)
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV Show)
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Female Reader
Warnings: mentions of miscarriage, cheating and lots of angst. English is not my first language and this wasn’t proofread.
Word Count: 4648
A/N: After so long, this piece is finally here. Thanks for patiently waiting and thanks @cevansgoodgirl for the help.
There is a mix of a scene with Laurie and Amy in Little Women and another one with Benedict and Tessa (the model/painter in 02x05), just so you know.
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He remembers the first time he saw her—really saw her.
The (Y/L/N)s were guests in Aubrey House, and (Y/N) was in the balcony with Benedict while both their mothers and most of their siblings were in the lawn.
Anthony is not even sure what drew his attention when he was passing by, he did not have a habit of eavesdropping, but he got himself held back when his brother commented on (Y/N)’s painting.
"I declare that's rather good." Benedict said making (Y/N) huff.
“We both know that good is not enough, Ben.” She said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
Anthony could understand what his brother was talking about. The painting was a rendition of the scene unfolding before them—their siblings playing around while their mothers watched over them. It was rather good, indeed.
"It doesn’t matter, there's no place for me to do art."
Benedict frowned. "That's quite the statement to make at twenty. If you don't think you're good enough you have plenty of time to try some more, do better." He pauses, poking her. "You say that to me all the time."
"Then perhaps inform the academy.” She says, sarcasm dripping in every word. “Although two of the founding members are women, we are still not allowed to enter the classroom. It doesn't matter how much money we do or do not have."
"At least not while clothed." He comments, making (Y/N) throw the rag she was holding at him, which Benedict swiftly catches, changing the subject. "Well, now that you’ve given up all your artistic hopes, what are you going to do with your life?”
“Polish up my other talents and be an ornament to society.”
It was as if Anthony was seeing his sister speak.
“You sound like Eloise.” Benedict took the words out of Anthony’s mouth.
“Maybe she has been rubbing up on me.” (Y/N) smiled.
“You are searching for a husband, then?” Benedict asks, helping her pack her things.
“Yes.” She replies sheepishly.
“That's where Mr Scott comes in, I suppose.”
Anthony had noticed how Mr Scott had taken an interest in (Y/N), he never thought she felt the same.
Benedict continued. “You’ll accept him if he comes down properly on one knee?”
“Most likely, yes.” She said, pausing to look ahead for a moment. “He’s rich, respectable.”
When Benedict stifles a laugh, she lightly slaps his arm and Anthony has to fight back a smile. “Don’t make fun.” (Y/N) reprimands him.
"I’m not, I’m not, I promise.” He pauses. “It does sound odd coming from you.”
"I've always known that I would marry rich. Why should I be ashamed of that?"
"There is nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you love him." Benedict answers in a more serious tone.
Once upon a time Anthony would have easily seen himself at his brother's place, talking about love, but not anymore.
"Well, I believe we have some power over who we love, it isn't something that just happens to a person." (Y/N) says, closing the trunk with her paints, pencils and brushes inside.
"I think the poets might disagree." Benedict offers softly.
"Well, I'm not a poet, I'm just a woman.” She reminds him. “And as a woman I have no way to make money, not enough to earn a living and support my family. Even if I had my own money, which I don't, it would belong to my husband the minute we were married. If we had children they would belong to him not me. They would be his property. So don't stand there and tell me that marriage isn't an economic proposition, because it is. It may not be for you but it certainly is for me."
For the first time since he stopped to hear the conversation, hiding himself between the curtains, Anthony felt like he had overstepped a boundary, so he made quick work of fleeing the scene, her words echoing inside his head.
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Anthony remembers Benedict joking about how him and (Y/N) would make a good match. He listens as his brother tells him about the conversation he had with her and Anthony feigns ignorance to the subject, despite having heard the entire interaction. Benedict’s voice turns into white noise in the background as Anthony is transported back to a conversation he had with Daphne last season.
At the time he didn’t understand his sister’s words—perhaps, he never would. Daphne and (Y/N) shared the same struggles, but his sister had been set in marrying for love, (Y/N), on the other hand, had already resigned herself about having to marry for convenience.
It was then that Anthony recognized that the both of them were, indeed, a good match. (Y/N) was beautiful, well mannered, educated and very good at charming people. She came from a not very rich but respectable family. Anthony knew he was one of the most eligible bachelors of the season, despite his fame as a rake. It wouldn’t be a sacrifice to marry (Y/N), which made making the decision so much easier.
Anthony visited her the next day, explaining his proposal to her.
“You listened to us?” She blinked a couple of times, trying to digest the information.
“Yes,” he confessed, “and I’m terribly sorry for it, but we have to recognize that this might have been for the best.”
He observed as she took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling, a little frown on her face. She was beautiful this way. Even more than when she was charming half of the ton in the many social events he had seen her.
“If you don’t mind me asking, my lord, why marry now?”
Anthony sighed. “My mom has been forcing my hand since Daphne married. Even before that, if I’m being honest. It’s time to find a good wife, settle down, and fulfill my duties.”
“Don’t take my question as an offense, but why me?”
She seemed unable to quite grasp his words. Anthony wondered if she still hoped, deep down, to marry for love and that her conversation with his brother had been only a fickle attempt to protect herself.
“You’re intelligent, (Y/N),” He kneeled in front of her. “You are beautiful and your family is respectable. If you are serious about your words to my brother, we both want the same thing from such a union.” He paused. “Would it be so bad to be married to me?”
(Y/N) bit her lip and Anthony caught himself observing the action with a little more intent than he should.
“No, my lord, I believe it wouldn’t,” she said.
“Then why not make the best we can from a predicament we can’t escape?”
She averted his gaze, looking out to the balcony where her maid was sitting and reading a book, while watching over them.
Anthony took the opportunity to look at her—hair carefully brushed and pinned up, the way the light contrasted with her silhouette, making it easier to see her nose, her lips, the  curve of her neck…
“If I were to accept your proposition, would you be committed to this relationship?”
He frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“I know that for our society standards maybe that’s too much to ask, but if I can’t be loved I’d wish to at least be respected.” She looked straight into his eyes and then Anthony understood what she was asking of him.
“You have my word that once we are engaged the only woman in my life will be you.”
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Anthony asked her father for permission to court her in the same day, then he got properly down on one knee a second time to ask for her hand in marriage, the two of them married within months. Benedict had been shocked by the whole ordeal, but all he cared about was seeing his brother and his friend at least a little bit happy.
The process of knowing each other had been smooth, a lot easier than what Anthony first anticipated. (Y/N) took her duties as the lady of the house seriously, making a point of listening to Violet quite often. His siblings seemed to adore her even more than they liked him, and although inexperienced, as he knew she was, (Y/N) had proved herself to be a good lover. For all of those reasons, Anthony thought that keeping his promise wouldn’t be such an impossible task.
Then he discovered that Sienna had never left town and Anthony, who always prided himself in being a man of his word, proved himself to be as bad as the rest of the men he was surrounded by.
He fell back into the sheets with Sienna, and not long after that his relationship with (Y/N) became purely a show. At first, Anthony thought his wife was oblivious to his escapades, but he had clearly underestimated (Y/N)’s intelligence.
They never shared a bedroom, but there was no disguising how his visits to her chambers happened less and less, as there was no denying the gossip of the house staff that could only lead her to his broken promises.
Anthony expected a fight, things being thrown at him, screams and hits, but they never came, and that was somewhat worse.
One night when he got home after meeting Sienna, (Y/N) was sitting in the dressing room between their chambers, knitting. She lifted her eyes from her work to bid him good night. It didn’t go unnoticed to him how her smile fell from her face as she took in his disheveled state. Anthony felt ashamed for the first time in years.
(Y/N) didn’t give him time to explain himself for being so late—maybe it was for the best because he honestly didn’t know if he could find a suitable excuse for that—she just got up, leaving her unfinished work resting in the loveseat, and marched to her room.
Anthony sighed, throwing his coat away carelessly. The force knocked out (Y/N)’s knitting to the ground and Anthony groaned before bending down to take it. He furrowed his brow when he recognized the pattern—an onesie.
Maybe Daphne was pregnant again? She would’ve told him, right? Simon would, for sure. Then it hit him. Holding the unfinished piece between his fingers, Anthony realized that that was the reason why (Y/N) had stayed awake waiting for him until that hour—she was pregnant and wanted to tell him the news. Instead of the happiness she must have expected, she only received the sight of an unfaithful husband and a broken marriage.
(Y/N) never mentioned it to him and Anthony pretended as if he didn’t know, waiting for her to make the first move, tell him at her own time. (Y/N) never said it though, but he couldn’t ignore the knowledge, and the more time he passed observing her, the more evident it became to him that his wife was, in fact, expecting their first child.
In no time she distanced herself from him and all came to the point of no return in the night where she had gone through the loss of their child alone while he was rolling in the sheets with Sienna.
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Anthony tried to reach out to her, succeeding only one time, a week after that fateful night, but in the following weeks, there hadn’t been much talking between them. (Y/N) would barely answer his greetings or the occasional question he threw her way trying to start a conversation. They had a few events to attend and these were the only occasions where she would grant him more than a couple of words. Anthony knew that that was all pretend for the sake of their reputation.
She refused every attempt he made to apologize or explain himself—not that there was much to explain. He couldn’t blame her, even if he wanted her forgiveness. It was her right to hate him and not want him around after he broke his promise to her.
They had never talked about it. Not until today.
(Y/N) was holding Augie, smiling down at the baby that smiled back at her, barely blinking with a look of pure adoration in his eyes.
“This one seems really enchanted by you,” Daphne comments, caressing her son’s little fingers.
“He’s just getting used to me,” (Y/N) answered,  smiling at his sister.
“Well, it’s good training, since I guess you and Anthony will probably have one of your own soon.”
Is as if Anthony’s blood turns to ice. He looks at his wife whose expression turns into shock and then sadness in the blink of an eye. He recognizes the tears pooling in her eyes as she gives the baby back to Daphne and excuses herself, leaving the drawing room too quick not to draw attention.
He hurries back after her. Simon gives him an apologetic look to which Anthony answers with an equally sad smile. It doesn’t take him long to find her, bend down in the windowsill of one of the windows of the library, one hand covering her mouth to muffle her sobbing while the other rested on her belly.
(Y/N) doesn’t hear his approach, but when he touches her as if she was expecting him too. She jumps as far away from him as she can get as if his touch burned her.
“Don’t touch me! Don’t…” she doesn’t finish the sentence but Anthony could hear it loud and clear in his head.
Don’t touch me with the same hands you’ve touched her just a week ago.
“Okay, it’s okay,” Anthony reassures her, raising his hands so she can see them. “I won’t touch you if you don’t want me too, but I want to help you.”
“Nobody can help me,” she sobs, hands clutching tightly at her dress.
The sight breaks his heart. Anthony wants nothing more than to take her pain away and make it his, even though he is mourning the loss of their child with her. He knew her pain was fairly worse than his, she did not only lose a child but she had been losing her husband too.
“Why, Anthony? Why us? There are so many couples that don’t love each other and still have children, why can’t we?”
Anthony takes a step forward, then two, and then he’s bringing her into his arms, wrapping her tightly against his chest, his chin resting at the top of her head. She struggles against his touch a little, but she’s so worn out that it doesn’t take much for her to relax into him.
(Y/N) fists the lapels of his waistcoat, resting her forehead against his chest, letting herself cry.
“I wanted them so bad, Anthony,” she whispers between sobs, “so bad.”
Me too, he wants to answer. Me too.
They stay in the library, in silence, for a while. When (Y/N) finally stops crying, exhausted, Anthony takes her home without even saying goodbye to his family, sending a maid to let them know his wife was not feeling well.
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Their relationship shifts after that day. (Y/N) appears so exhausted by the recent events that slowly, she starts to let her guard down again. Anthony is careful when dealing with her, his wife is fragile and the sadness in her runs so deep that he is always afraid to say or do something that will put her through more pain.
“You don’t have to worry so much, you know.” She says, making him look up from his papers to see her already staring back at him.
“I always worry.”
“I won’t break if we talk about it,” she guarantees. “We have to talk about it.”
Anthony is not sure if she’s talking about their baby or Sienna. Either way it wasn’t exactly a conversation he was eager to have.
“How are you?” He asks before he can contain himself. Anthony wanted to ask that for a while but never found the opportunity.
“Healing,” she answers, “or trying to.”
He nods, nervously picking at his nails.
“When did you discover?” She asks.
“The onesie.” He looks up at her.
“The onesie,” she scoffs.
“You were… waiting for me?” His question is almost inaudible, full of regret and shame, but Anthony knows that she heard him.
“Yes,” she answers, “I was.” There’s a pause, and then the blow to his face. “Obviously you were occupied with more important matters, my lord.”
“I know about her,” she confesses. “I’ve always known, just didn’t want to acknowledge it and have to face the fact that my husband, the one that promised to respect me, at least, had so quickly forgotten his own word.”
“It’s not your fault.” He tries to explain but it seems like (Y/N) has had enough of silence.
“Oh, I know, my lord. This is entirely your fault.” She paused. “And hers. Not that it will matter for anyone, I’ll be the one to blame, after all.”
Her words cut through him the same way they did the week after her miscarriage: it’s always the woman’s fault. Hers or Sienna’s, it didn’t matter. Anthony would never understand the full extent of the pain it was to be a woman in their society, he would never fully understand how much he put her through and yet, would never be blamed for it.
There’s no answer to her words, no explanation for his behavior or broken promises. All he can do is watch her swallow the tears that were threatening to fall and take a deep breath. Anthony opens his mouth to speak but she beats him to it.
“That night,” she says, “the night I… lost our child. You were with her.”
It wasn’t a question, but Anthony felt the need to answer it anyway, his voice low with shame.
“I see,” she hums.
“If I could go back—”
“The outcome would have been the same.” She says.
“It doesn’t change the fact that I should have been there for you.”
“Yes, you should have.”
Anthony always knew that, since the moment he put foot inside their house and heard her screams, but hearing her say it had another weight.
“Are you still seeing her?” She asks, looking at him.
“No, it won’t happen again.”
(Y/N) scoffs. “Forgive me if I have trouble believing in it, my lord.”
“I know I haven’t been a good husband. God, I have been barely a good man since we married, but I promise you, I’ll learn from my mistakes and I’ll do better by you. I’ll be a better man, a better husband, one that you deserve and maybe, just maybe, I’ll get close to deserve you.”
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The following days, they start to talk more during meals, and the silence that falls between them when they’re both at the drawing room—Anthony working and (Y/N) reading—is not uncomfortable anymore. Each day that passes makes Anthony believe that they can fall back into the friendship they had right after they married.
He doesn’t see Sienna again. Anthony sends her a letter telling her that they should stop seeing each other because he doesn’t want to hurt his wife anymore. Which is the truth. Every time he thinks about the last time he met Sienna, his wife’s cries of pain and sorrow plague his mind and he just can’t see himself hurting her even more than he already had without even realizing it.
Anthony watches her playing with Gregory and Hyacinth in the garden. His younger siblings are fighting for her attention but she doesn’t seem to mind, going back and forth in between the two of them with ease. Then she looks at him, a huge smile on her face that made him smile too. Her attention was quickly snatched from him to his siblings again and Anthony felt a pang of jealousy in his chest—he didn’t want to share her attention.
In the past few weeks, Anthony discovered that his wife was more than the character of the perfect wife that she played for the ton. She was very much real and very much a woman with desires and ambitions. Everything that happened between then made her more bold, she didn’t take his poor excuses anymore, she talked openly about all sorts of things and Anthony caught himself wanting to listen.
“Hum, did you finally realize that you got a diamond in your hands, then?”
Anthony turned his head to look at Benedict, who had a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
His relationship with Benedict was stranded since his brother discovered about Sienna. Anthony didn’t blame Benedict, he was friend’s with his wife since they were kids. He only had himself to blame for being so foolish.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Anthony answered, not bothering to pretend he wasn’t observing their siblings with (Y/N).
“Keep lying to yourself then,” Benedict smirked, turning away to leave.
Anthony called after him. “Will you ever forgive me?”
Benedict sighed. “I’m not the one who has to forgive you. I just expected more from my brother.”
“I know,” he agrees. Benedict makes a move to go out the door, and then comes back, pulling Anthony into a hug.
“Look, I could say a thousand things to you, but nothing will undo what’s done.” Benedict says when they part, a hand resting on Anthony’s shoulder. “Just… learn from your mistakes and do better. You’re my brother and I love you, but trust me when I say that you don't deserve (Y/N). Can you imagine what mother would have done to our father if they ever found themselves in the same situation?”
“They loved each other,” Anthony protested to prevent his mind from wandering.
“You are truly oblivious, brother of mine.” Benedict scoffed.
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His brother’s word haunted him for the rest of the day and all the way back to their home. Always perceptive, his change in behavior didn’t go unnoticed by (Y/N).
“What happened,” she asked when they were alone in the dressing room.
Anthony hummed, turning around to look at her and trying not to get distracted by her beauty as she braided her own hair after taking off the jewelry.
Her reflection raises a brow at him.
“Do better,” she warns, getting up and walking up to him, face softening as she stands in front of him. “You know you can tell me anything, don’t you?”
He nods, taking one of her hands and bringing it to his face. Anthony’s eyes close.
“Is it about her?”
The question gets him off guard. His eyes open instantly to look at her and he drops (Y/N)’ hand instantly.
“No,” he answers, “no,” he adds firmly, cradling her face in between his hands. “There is no one else in my life but you. There won’t be no one else in my life but you.”
“Anthony…” She breaths, closing her eyes as her delicate hands take hold of his wrists.
He wants nothing more than to kiss her, but refrains. It’s not the time for that. They’re both healing and he doesn’t want to taint whatever it is they’re creating by getting ahead of himself. Instead, Anthony presses his lips to her hair, inhaling her scent.
“Stay with me tonight,” he pleads, not sure where the urge to stay close to her came from. Anthony expects her to put up a fight, but (Y/N) only nods, murmuring an okay, before guiding him to her room.
It’s the first time since that fateful night that the both of them sleep through it, getting up later than usual the other day.
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Their first kiss after everything that threatened to push them apart for good, happens so suddenly that none of them expects it.
(Y/N) had received the news that one of her younger sisters was going to marry the man she loves, her happiness made her throw herself at him and before either of them could realize, they were kissing each other.
It was just a chaste peck on the lips at the beginning. When they realized what had just happened they parted, his wife didn’t bother to step away from him to escape his embrace. They just stared at each other, eyes flicking between their eyes and their lips and then she placed a hand at the back of his neck, bringing him close to seal their lips again.
Anthony responded in kind, his hands on her waist, traveling up her back as he tasted her. It was like he was kissing her for the first time. They were discovering each other again, learning what each other felt like.
Desperately, Anthony wanted to discover what the strange feeling at the pit of his stomach was. Since before they married (Y/N) made him feel different, something he couldn’t put a finger on. He pushed it down to the depths of his mind—the last thing he needed was feeling something other than respect and partnership for his wife.
He protested when (Y/N) parted her lips from his and it took him a second to notice Benedict standing at the door, a smirk on his lips.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to let you know that our mother is waiting for (Y/N) downstairs. Something about the charity?”
“Oh,” his wife exclaimed, “I had forgotten about it,” she said, wriggling herself away from his arms, making Anthony growl in frustration.
If she noticed, (Y/N) made a good job at ignoring it. The same couldn’t be said about his brother.
“I figured,” Benedict smirked.
“Not a word,” (Y/N) warned as she passed him by, slapping his arm playfully.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Anthony watched as she turned around, stealing one last glance at him before disappearing and taking his breath away with her.
“Huh,” Benedict hummed, “I see.”
Rolling his eyes, Anthony asked, “And what do you see, dear brother?”
“You love her.”
“Nonsense,” he protested, “we’re just good partners.”
“Good partners don’t kiss like that.”
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The ride home was silent, but Anthony’s heart fluttered in his chest when (Y/N) searched for his hand. Could Benedict be right? Did he really fall in love with his wife? He frowned while looking out of the window of the carriage and (Y/N) might have noticed it, because she made a move to take her hand away from him. Anthony didn’t let her.
“What’s going on in your mind?”
“Something Benedict said to me.”
“If it is about the kiss, don’t mind him. It won’t happen again.”
Anthony looked at her exasperated.
“I surely hope you’re not serious about that.”
“How can I live without your kisses again is unknown to me.”
“You lived quite well without them all your life,” she smiles, shyly.
“But now that I know them, I can’t anymore.”
Painfully slowly, she moves closer, giving him the chance to meet her halfway and bring their lips together again.
It’s like a breath of fresh air on a hot summer day and Anthony can’t seem to get enough of her. They get so distracted that they don’t even realise the carriage has stopped in front of the house until the door is open.
Recomposing themselves, he observes as (Y/N) giggles at the situation and feels his heart flutter at the image.
As they prepare to retire for the night, Anthony stops for a minute before following her into her room—he has been doing that for quite a few nights.
When she notices that he hasn’t entered the bedroom, (Y/N) looks back at him with a frown.
“Anything’s wrong?”
Anthony smiles, “No, nothing’s wrong,” he answers, as she extends her hand for him to take, and they retire for the night.
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fictionalslvr · 1 year ago
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SYNOPSIS: The farmer who's growing head over heels for you.
PAIRING: Farmer¡Simon Riley x F¡Reader
WORD COUNT: 1.128k
WARNINGS: NSFW/SMUT, literally porn written down. Simon is a pervert man. Older¡Simon. Stealing panties. Cumming in your stealed panties. Dacryphilia.Kinda creepy man, ect. Not proofreaded!
NOTES: I'm just OBSESSED with Farmer¡Simon and might explore him better in a most detailed work.•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
RUMINATE: (v.) To think deeply about something.
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Farmer¡Simon, who's renting a ranch for a good old fashioned family, who is sweet and gentle to everyone quickly as they get there.
Farmer¡Simon, who's informed that the family has a daughter, the only daughter of the couple and who's their pride. Once she got there, he could see the reason behind it.
Farmer¡Simon, with his body flaming under the sun, a lot of drops of sweat coming down from his forehead and doing a path in between his hairy chest. He can't bear the heat anymore, and grunts under his breath, pulling his shirt to the top of his head, letting it rest on his shoulders.
Farmer¡Simon, who feels a dedicated pair of fingertips touching his back on that scorching sun and turns to see a perfect young lady, asking for information and immediately making the corners of his lips turn into a smirk. The sun was not a problem, not when he has an eye drop as you are.
Farmer¡Simon, after finding out you're the new couple's daughter, is way more willing to show you around than every other person around.
Farmer¡Simon, who never thought that such an elegant lady could catch his attention so quickly. He's a mess of sweat and not elegant at the minimum of his persona, why would you even listen to him?
Farmer¡Simon, who's always bragging about being hot, but that suddenly becomes more insecure about his dad body. That's all because you're younger than him, you wouldn't want a man with a body like his.
Farmer¡Simon, that has a good pair of strong arms that carried trunks, metals and any other heavy materials you could think of.
Farmer¡Simon, who has hair all over his body, not even caring about shaving them because he thinks he's too "masculine" to do so. Nor he wants to shave them.
Farmer¡Simon, who's hair is greasy at the end of the day, after so much work he does all day at the ranch. The last thing he does is sprays his legs at the little table and reads the newspaper, eventually falling asleep on the couch that way.
Farmer¡Simon, who finds out you're staying for one month to visit your parents and is smiling from the inside out. The usually grumpy man is more receptive than he wants to admit it next to you.
Farmer¡Simon, that sees you riding on a horse from the window of his house and can't help but stop everything he's doing to watch closely. He leans his forearms on the window frame and just licks his own lips, making them moist as his eyes are glued on you, like you're his prey and he's ready to attack.
Farmer¡Simon, who's growing more and more pervert as he sees you often. The bare sight of you makes his mind run per miles and he can't really stop those thoughts.
Farmer¡Simon that can't help but be worried about the slight things he never worried about before. Like his usual masculine smell, all covered in sweat and stinking like a drunken leaving a saloon. But when he sees you, he immediately runs to a cold quick bath, even worrying more about perfume too, that he used to think it was "bullshit" if he's "going to get dirty anyways at the end of the day."
Farmer¡Simon, that is not the most clean man ever, but that will try to be unconsciously because you're the most graceful and sophisticated woman he ever saw and deep inside, wants to impress you.
Farmer¡Simon, who was once told by you, that you liked his natural scent. Since you're a clever lady, you noticed he's been using more perfume than when you met him.
Farmer¡Simon, who doesn't care about using perfumes anymore after what you said. And he's thankful for that, because he can't bear that strong scent on his nostrils.
Farmer¡Simon, that is getting bolder and bolder each moment you two share. He got a new habit that he's not proud of, but that helps him a lot.
Farmer¡Simon, who's been stealing your cute little rosy laced panties to have material to jerk off with. Visiting your parents way more to "discuss with your father", when he sneaks into your room and his hands "unconsciously" find his way to your panties drawer.
Farmer¡Simon, that in the deep pit of the night, with the company of himself and the longitude sounds of the crickets and the water of the lake closer, that is hard because of you.
Farmer¡Simon, who's hands traveled down to his crotch and without noticing, was already touching himself with your underwear on his hands.
Farmer¡Simon, who's with a problem, a big one. His hips are jerking forward as he holds your panties on his calloused hands, those same panties who's already with a white stain from his previous uses, but he can't stop himself.
Farmer¡Simon, who imagines you pinned down under him, seeing your face ruined with all that makeup you wear in tears, tears of the pleasure he would give you. He would love to see your petite body squirming on his hands, a slobbering mess, you would be so easy to mess with, it would be easy-peasy to make you reach your climax with only his fingers.
Farmer¡Simon, who keeps fucking his hands, sweating hard as ever, but this time not because of the sun or his hard work, no. It's because of you, because you're so beautiful he can't stop himself from being delusional, fantasizing about your body in every position ever created, just the way he imagines you to be in bed.
Farmer¡Simon, that's been pounding on your panties for what seems like hours, but it's only his mind. In reality, he just cums too fast with only thinking of you and fucking your tiny virgin holes on his mind.
Farmer¡Simon, that feels like a virgin college boy because of you, you turned him on the worst version of him. You messed up with his mind and turned him into that perverted huge man.
Farmer¡Simon, who's panting and biting his lower lip to hold some groans as he watches his pitiful state. His pants are lowered to his knees, he has your underwear on the palm of his fists, seeing how much he cummed on that delicate piece of cloth, already ruined.
Farmer¡Simon, that can only imagine you walking around with your laced rosy underwear on, all stained with his cum and so ready to finally take him inside you, the first man of his life. And with only that thought, he's shaking on the couch…hard again.
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chosokamosbf · 10 months ago
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☆ 18+ only/no minors. | jason todd x male! reader.
SUMMARY: a nsft fic where jason puts his boyfriend into a chokehold. WARNINGs: 18+, established relationship, choking, m! sub! reader, dom! jason, (reader receiving) light degradation, overstimulation. WORD COUNT 700+ NOTEs: second person & no plot. insert/reader is a woozy in this one sooo they act a bit "silly." ["Stupid/pretty boy," and no pronouns used to refer to the insert/reader.]
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Your pants are caught around your knees; everything else is pushed aside to the barest amount so the desperation leaking in between an otherwise gentle make-out wouldn't have been left unattended. His boxers are ruined—stripped right to his thighs after a near hour or so of caged between them and the man sitting on his lap.
His head was resting in the crook of your neck the whole time, so every hitch in it was caught straight away whenever you had to adjust your sitting.
Whatever movie was playing ended long ago, and now some senseless drama is playing on mute.
You don't know how long you've been doing this.
He hasn't let you move much to even see the clock sitting by on the nightstand. Your only sense of passing time other than the building ache is how the sun is now descending over the city and, in turn, your two's little slice of paradise of a mediocre apartment. It cascades on one side of the room in a dark orange glow after hours of singing in a brighter tone through a small opening in the curtains.
It's all fun and games with someone with a trunk load of stamina until your endless pleas have gotten your eyes rolled back to the very edge, a hazy mind overwhelmed with every single sensation. It's almost painful, even.
Your stomach convulses as you come over and over on his cock while you're stuck being pulled back on it by the hip. His breaths are coming out in heated pants as he bottoms out in you again, pressed against your back like he's using you for support.
Words almost don't process through the fog. "You like this, huh? Fuckin' nasty." 
"Yeaa—yeah. Love it so much—love you. It feels so... so good."
Jason doesn't want to hold it in, so he doesn't—and so a snort carries through before he's mimicking how your voice slurs. He barely gets through his sentence before laughter bubbles up, and his chest is softly trembling against your back from the restraint.
"Awh, you looove me? Stupid boy's drunk on some dick."
An arm braces itself right next to yours, and then a hand toys and intertwines the tips of both your fingers.
The other hand wraps around your jaw to turn your face to the side, and he doesn't bother containing the smile that comes with watching the way you have to crane your head to meet his gaze. The few tears streaming down your face catch what little light is still in the room.
He presses a kiss against your own lips, and it ends right after so he can dry your face with his sleeve. That arm wraps around your neck to keep you against him—make you feel how fast the pace of his heart is through the fabric.
The thrusts of his hips into yours stutter, and he uses those few moments of peace to round his arm further off, bit by bit, so his hand can squeeze nicely around you. His teeth catch on his bottom lip, almost slipping through an old cut on it as he tries to muffle some groans.
Your head falls back onto his shoulder as most thoughts fade into the background with the fleeting air.
Jason presses down on the evident bulge in your lower stomach where his cock shows through, and he rubs it gently, knowing how overstimulated you have to be by now. Your body retracts back into his, moving away from the assaulting hand, and he just laughs despite his sore throat.
And he tries to make sure you share the feeling by tightening the grip around your throat.
Slowly, he settles you on your stomach.
He keeps your bottom half propped up by the knees, your legs pressed together so he can push in deep still. The arm holding the two of you up only seconds ago traces your back to rub rough calluses at the tense muscles building up around the top. He keeps your face from getting buried in the sheets and listens close to every sound that comes from the drooling mouth.
"C'mon." His voice trails out into a rough drawl, making sure you take every inch. "Be a good boy and cum f'me again, okay?"
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changisworld · 5 months ago
Blindfolding with Felix.
->Sexual Blindfolding: Sexual Blindfolding is when one or more partners have something purposely covering their eyes while engaging in sex, used to enhance other senses &/or used for an element of surprise.
Word count:2,231
->Smut warnings: Blindfolding, slightly public sex, PIV, squirting, nipple play & pinching, 3 pussy slaps, pussy eating & fingering (brief), creampie, unprotected sex, voice kink.
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post, 18+ MDNI!!
Kinkober masterlist here
main masterlist here
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You've always been a bit of an exhibitionist & you can't deny that, so when you & felix started mixing your kinks together, being blindfolding & risky sex, it's music to your ears.
It first started with Felix blindfolding you & taking you to random areas of the house to change the surroundings for a bit of an extra thrill for you, but that isn't enough for you both anymore, but luckily Felix has the best idea to help this.
That's how you've ended up in the forest.. well actually no, you both actually originally went on a walk since it was a warm day down a common walk trail, mostly used for old people walking their dogs so Felix especially likes it mostly for that reason, never failing to pet all the animals, but little does he know that today, you've came prepared & you're more than excited to see his reaction.
You've both walked slightly off trail into a more dense part of the woods to pick some wild berries but you're a bit more than distracted by this point, not caring about the stupid raspberries, the way his long, shoulder length blonde hair sitting so prettily & his slim fingers decorated with rings grabbing each piece of fruit he is finding, placing it in the clear tub where the sandwiches you both ate originally were & you're too excited with your little plan to keep letting him do this when he could be doing you instead.
You play with Felix's hair in your fingers as you both sit on a fallen tree trunk together & he just yaps away about random things he has learned from tiktok & the new cookie recipe that he hasn't got completely correct yet, but your mind is elsewhere, & Felix catches the hint when you dramatically sigh & your hand rests itself on his thigh.
"Lixieee, you look so pretty right now, y'know that?" you say, smiling t him as your thumb caresses his thigh & you can feel it tense beneath you which makes you giggle.
"Is this just you giving me a compliment or are you after something else?" he replies, his freckled cheeks blushing back at you, his ears showing the same colour.
"It is a compliment don't get me wrong! But i mean since you're suggesting something else, I brought something, but i've hidden it." you tease, getting a bit embarrassed at your own words as you giggle before hiding your face in his shoulder, but he makes you look back at him, a devilish look in his eyes.
"N where's what you've hidden n where is it?" he asks, his hand resting on your very inner thigh & you part your legs on instinct & he smirks.
"It's in my bra." you whisper & he giggles this time before quickly looking around to make sure nobody is around, but obviously there isn't, you're both at least fifteen minutes away from the path & no elderly person is gonna be down a steep hill surrounded by thick trees, but he can never be too sure, he wouldn't care if he was seen but if you were seen by anyone he would probably die of jealousy, which is another perk of him that you love.
Felix reaches onto your shirt & starts to slide his hand under the fabric, but you swat his hand away. "The only way to get it is if you take off my shirt." you double down, your cheeks turning red from not only being flustered but also just embarrassment & he chuckles at your reaction.
Felix doesn't say anything but he doesn't waste any time in doing what you pretty much told him to do & you take off your denim jacket & he tugs at your shirt & puts it beside you on the tree trunk & he doesn't look away from your eyes as he dips his hand into your bra & pulls out a black eye mask & his jaw visibly drops before he bites his bottom lip in anticipation.
"You're insane, y'know that? so hot." he purrs, his voice an octave or two lower as he fiddles with the black satin blindfold, smirking at you cheekily.
"Well show me how hot you think it is, pretty please?" you chirp, sweeping the hair out of his face that was being messed up by the small breezes of the wind.
Felix chuckles before pretending to think about the question before he obviously agrees.
He leans over you & takes the jacket that you had placed beside you & places it on the mucky land with some green leaves decorating it before setting his knees on it as he gets on his knees in front of you, his face looking far too innocent for what you're both about to do, but you love it so much.
You spread your legs more so he can fit himself between them as comfortably as he can, trying his best to ignore the uneven ground digging into his knees, quickly reaching under the jacket to sweep away a stick that was poking him.
"You look so pretty from down here, you know that?" you chuckle as you pretty much just admire him & he gets a bit flustered at your words, giggling like a child who just got the christmas present they'd been begging for.
"Well take it all in because you brought this, remember?" he replies, trying to sound less unbothered than he actually is as he leans up & then secures it on your face, taking away your vision & your excitement doubles.
You hold on tighter to the tree you're sitting on, the flowy black skirt you're wearing giving Felix not much left to imagine as your already wet core is prominent through the thin fabric which is sticking to it & you feel like you're about to die with anticipation as Felix's dainty fingers are dragging painfully slowly along your inner thighs & then over your pubic bone, avoiding the one place where you're literally leaking for him completely.
You're about to beg him to do anything, but your words are cut off as he swiftly pushes your panties to the side & his fingers drag up your soaked folds, before he moves the very same fingers up to his lips, tasting you & he hums in a low voice which makes you clench around nothing.
He doesn’t wanna waste anymore of his own time though, however, as he can see the goosebumps covering all of your skin & he can’t help but feel the tiniest bit bad at the fact you’re cold, so he decides that he will just have to take your mind off it.
He doesn’t waste much more time as he shoves the pudge of your clit into his mouth, suckling on it & humming at the raw taste of you, which obviously shoots the vibration through you & you let out a hiss of pleasure.
“taste good, you’re so wet & i’ve barely done anything.” he murmurs, his voice deep & kinda animalistic & you whimper at the sound before a harsh smack lands on your clit & you let out a squeal that was a bit louder than expected & you have to try shut yourself up, it getting a bit harder to balance on the log but luckily felix holds onto your thighs with a firm grip.
“Lixie!! don’t be a meanie, just fuck me.” you demand & Felix can tell you’re furrowing your eyebrows under the eye mask & he chuckles.
“You’re too desperate, nobody’s gonna find us don’t worry, or is that what you want? i wanna play with you for a bit” he purrs, his voice ringing through your ears as he resumes what he was doing, his lips dragging themselves through your folds, your wetness completely soaking them before they wrap back around your clit & you whimper as you sink into the feeling as he also decides to add two fingers into you & to say you love the feeling of him filling you with anything is an understatement.
“Lixie, so good, lemme cum” you moan, your legs opening that tiny bit extra as a way of trying to convince him but he doesn’t listen, instead he pulls away, smacking your pussy again not once but twice, watching the way you clench & the mixture of his spit & also your slick sticking to his fingers which makes his already hard cock ache.
Felix doesn’t say anything as he stands up off his knees, completely forgetting the jacket that just saved his own pants getting dirty with mud on the knee caps as he grabs you by the hand & walks you just a couple of steps to hold onto a tree & you stick your ass out for him the second you find your balance on the tree now in front of you & felix smirks before giving your ass a spank as he flips your skirt up & you can hear him undoing his belt before pulling them down & guessing by the hiss he lets out, you can guess the cold air just hit his sensitive cock like a train & you’re dying with excitement.
You can feel him aligning himself up with your dripping hole & you could cry from desperation & Felix knows this & laughs at you, which makes you pout.
Felix pulls your bra straps down just enough so he can wiggle the annoying piece of clothing down enough to expose your tits for him & despite him not being able to see it & he cups the left one in his left hand as he slowly enters into you, both of you letting out a groan in unison at the stretch & tightness.
Felix cups your other tit as you then start trying to fuck back into him when you’re ready & he pinches your nipples as a warning. “Stop being so needy, i’m gonna give you what you want, you’re too spoiled by me, always acting out so much” he growls in your ear as his clothed chest is connected with your naked back & you chuckle at his words, butterflies in your stomach.
“You love it so much, it’s why i do it, Lixie please just fuck me, want it so much” you say as you turn your head to the side to speak despite you can’t even see him & you purposely clench around him to let him feel your words along with hear it & his knees buckle slightly behind you at the feeling, so warm & soft.
“i hate how well you speak t’me it’s too much to take, y’know that?” he asks but it’s mostly a rhetorical question as he starts fucking into you at a decent pace, the position working in both his & your favour as the tip of his cock pokes & teases your G-spot meanly & you need to make a conscious effort to hold onto the tree that’s the only real thing holding you up.
Felix keeps pinching your tits meanly but in the way he knows you love, twisting them at the same time & you squeak at the pain & you can feel your orgasm bubbling up & you can also feel that it’s not just gonna be a ‘boring’ in your own words orgasm, but something different & your mind is going numb, your arms shaking.
“Lix-fuck, gonna cum, so g-good” you stammer, your voice raising at the end & your breath heavy & felix lets a low groan in your ear, making you gush & clench around him.
“C-can feel it, cum f’me & i’ll cum f-for you too” he stutters, his own release pending & getting stronger in his stomach & he starts kissing & licking on your neck, making sure to let groans escape his lips just to push you over the edge that tiny bit more & it works.
Your orgasm makes your brain melt as your release squirts out of you & you let out a dragged out squeal & Felix feels it plap against his hard & full balls & the second he feels you cumming, his own orgasm spurts out into you, which just even further boosts your own feeling.
Felix & you share whines & cries as his cum paints your walls white & he pulls out once he starts to soften & he doesn’t waste time in helping you move back to the log where you were both originally sat before taking off the blindfold & you scrunch your eyes to try adjust to the sudden brightness.
“You okay? I didn’t expect you to squirt from a quickly that’s a new thing.” he asks in a soft voice, chuckling as he uses your hair tie to put his hair in a low bun to try get the now damp under part of his hair away from his neck as he fixes your bra for you.
“yeah, was amazing, i’m freezing though but my jacket is now muddy so let’s go home, still horny” you reply, giving him a cheeky smile as you throw your shirt back on & make sure to pick up the tub of berries that you were both picking, your legs shaky & both of your breath still staggered.
->Taglist & anon list are open!
@ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @missystay @jisungml @mikaelless @kissesmellow21 @lixies-favorite-cookie @minniesverse @keshet2k
(if your user is NOT in grey, it’s because i couldn’t tag you :( )
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kopykunoichi · 25 days ago
The Righteousness of Saiyans
(according to two Namekians)
Can we talk about this dialogue? So, after watching both the Super episodes and the Battle of Gods movie, I have to say that I much prefer the movie version. The pacing is better, the dialogue is better, and this little bit about how "righteousness" is defined is really interesting to me.
Each character seems to have different standards for what constitutes righteousness. Piccolo, apparently, has the highest standards. Whether this is a result of the influence that Kami has had on him, or just his perspective as a character who is fully aware that he was once evil, it's really telling about his character. It does fit with his personality type that he'd be overly critical of the others.
In the DBS episodes, he only points out that Vegeta is not righteous based on his past actions. That dialogue always struck me as out of character, since Piccolo himself has a history of being evil and the two of them have a parallel redemption arc. Piccolo fully understands that Vegeta is no longer an evil person, and he was the first to acknowledge that while he mourned him after his sacrifice in the Buu arc. But that doesn't mean that Piccolo thinks Vegeta is righteous either; he told the prince plainly that he was going to hell for his past deeds.
In the movie, Piccolo doesn't think that Vegeta, Trunks, or Goku meet the bar for righteousness. In their exchange, Bulma doesn't even contend that Vegeta is worthy of the term, but she does defend Trunks. Their discussion after that is both hilarious and also rather interesting, given who's talking.
Piccolo, looking a bit smug, argues that "Any boy that young who already has a serious girlfriend does not have a righteous heart."
Now, despite his small size, Trunks is 12 years old at this point. He might not have hit puberty thanks to his Saiyan genes, but by human standards, that's about the age when it's not unusual for boys to be thinking of girls. It seems that Piccolo is implying that Trunks is already having carnal thoughts about females, kicking him out of the righteous running. But this is coming from someone who is not supposed to even be capable of having carnal thoughts, so why would he judge the boy on that?
Bulma replies, "Oh shut up, you mean old prude. I bet you're kind of jealous of him."
Now this is very interesting to me. Bulma is pretty much the smartest person in the group and she is fully aware of his Namekian biology. Piccolo is a warrior type, so he lacks the ability to procreate on his own since he can't produce eggs. Bulma accusing him of being jealous that Trunks has a girlfriend at 12 years old suggests that she thinks he's not only capable of those feelings, but might also covet a companion for himself. Despite Bulma calling him an "old prude", Piccolo is only 25 (26 if you count the time in the HTC), so he's two decades younger than her. Piccolo's expression shifts from self-assured to a scowl, and he adjusts his posture to give her a sidelong glare, but he doesn't argue with her or point out how ridiculous that statement is. Could it be that she was not entirely off the mark? Piccolo does put thought into human romantic relationships. He doesn't always get the dynamics, but he tries to understand...which makes me wonder if he could be open to it for himself. Bulma seems to think so.
Chi-Chi, of all people, agrees with Bulma's comment, "Yeah, Piccolo." Then adds, "and are you suggesting that Goku's impure too?"
Piccolo winces at this while Goku facepalms, but Piccolo is saved from having to point out how his friend falls short thanks to Roshi harping on the fact that Goku is an idiot. Now, I am quite certain that Piccolo doesn't think Goku lacks pure-heartedness due to his lack of two braincells to rub together...but rather the fact that Goku is inherently self-centered. Goku isn't the worst parent, but he's definitely not the most attentive of husbands or fathers, either. Piccolo has spent years standing in the gap, mentoring and looking after Goku's kids and even helping out Chi-Chi when she needs it while Goku was dead, training, or simply not around to help. Piccolo loves Goku and he knows he's a good man, but he also has a pretty fair handle on his friend's faults, too. Goku's boys are the only Saiyans in the group of five that Piccolo actually considers pure-hearted.
Then Dende comes in to smooth everything over. It seems the young guardian has less strict standards than his Namekian friend as to what constitutes righteousness. He points out that righteousness doesn't mean perfection. All of them have risked their lives to save earth. He even adds that Vegeta may have been evil years ago, but he's changed since then. Seeing as how Vegeta killed an entire village of his brothers and Dende once refused to heal him because of it, this shows remarkable forgiveness on Dende's part.
It seems that, to Dende, as long as your *current* actions show that you're willing to risk your life for others, that's enough for him. He doesn't weigh the balance of good deeds vs. bad deeds. It's about where your heart is right now, and what you did in your past - no matter how bad - doesn't negate what your current choices are. To him, redemption means your past sins are forgiven and forgotten.
Everyone jumps on board with cheering for Vegeta's reformation, except Piccolo. Now, that may have also come from a place a jealousy. After all, Piccolo reformed himself first and has come a LOT farther than Vegeta in terms of being gentle, good-hearted, and selfless toward others. Where are his cheerleaders?
But I think that Piccolo's judgment of others is harsher because he has a harder time forgiving and forgetting than Dende does. I believe his attitude isn't just because he's critical of others, but also because there are parts of himself that he can't entirely let go of. Piccolo has put in more work than any other character to reform himself. His personality has remained the same, but he has a lot of outside influence with Nail and Kami. But the old King's memories are in there too, and I think he's very aware of the man he was. He's squared with it, but he'll never forget.
He constantly strives to be the opposite of what he was. He loves and protects his found family, he lays his life down for them repeatedly, and he invests the bulk of his time training, mentoring, babysitting, and even eating with them. He sees his own shortcomings, and the shortcomings of those around him, but he continually tries to do better. Even with all that effort, I'm not convinced he even considers himself worthy of the term righteous.
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intrepidacious · 4 days ago
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melting snow
summary: Andy finally meets his upstairs neighbor
pairing: andy barber x f!reader
word count: 992
warnings: divorced andy's pov; florist!reader; snow if that counts as a warning lmao; first meetings fluff 🫶🏼 please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
a/n: i'm literally on my way out of the house but i wanted to post this little ficlet while we're still firmly in february because it feels so wintery to me hahah 😌 also @writing-for-marvel you sent this gif to me one and a half years ago so shout-out to you being the most patient person on the planet ily
masterlist | read on ao3
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Here's what Andy knows about his new neighbor:
She lives in the apartment right above his, and even though he barely heard her moving in, just a couple of weeks after he signed his own lease, she seems to love rearranging her furniture in the middle of the night. The music she listens to is loud and annoying and keeps getting stuck in his head when he's supposed to focus on paperwork.
And right now, she's struggling to get her groceries out of her car.
It's way too early for a day off, but he's not been sleeping well on the new mattress. He’s missing the perfectly broken in softness of his old bed, and combined with the incessant noise of the cars and the sirens outside, he can count the hours of sleep he’s been getting with one hand.
There’s been a lot of change in his life after years in the suburbs, and he's frankly too old for all of this. But he needed the fresh start.
So he's on his third cup of coffee as he looks out of the window, watching the new neighbor in her bright winter jacket as she tries to balance another plastic bag on top of the stack of boxes she's compiled in the trunk.
She's pretty, his brain supplies, but he swallows the thought down with his coffee. The divorce has only just gone through. It's way too early for anything like that. Besides; there's such a thing as too much baggage.
One of the bags rips open and the neighbor curses so loud Andy can hear it through the closed window. He waits for a beat, takes in the scene unfolding on the parking lot outside, and then his mug clanks against the metal of the sink and he's grabbing his keys and his coat and pulling the door closed behind him.
"D'you need help?"
Her head swivels around, her eyes widening slightly as she sees him coming towards her, groceries still spilled all over the car and the melting snow. Like a breadcrumb trail of canned beans and tofu.
"That's alright," she says with a huff of air that forms a steam cloud in front of her face. "I don't have far."
"I know," he says, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I’m 3B."
"Oh. Hi. Sorry, I meant to introduce myself properly once I'm all moved in, but then …" She trails off, but he gets it. He's only introduced herself to Mrs Hernández down the hall because he kept bumping into her at the elevator and it got awkward.
"That's alright. I'm Andy."
She says her name with a smile and he has to remind himself that he still has a tan line on his ring finger; even though it's starting to blur in the cool winter sun, blending into his skin quicker than he'd thought possible.
"Let me get that," he offers again, and this time she doesn't protest. Two pairs of hands and eyes are far quicker than one, after all. "Are you having a party or something?" he asks once everything is packed up in plastic bags again and they each carry two inside.
"Uhm, no. I have a dog, though, and some friends coming over on Saturday. But we'll try to keep it down!"
"Don't worry about it. It's good you're christening the place. I mean—" He coughs uncomfortably. "I'll be out of town anyway. Work conference."
"Oh, really. What do you do?" Bright, keen eyes study him like he’s being flayed layer by layer, a particularly interesting specimen.
He swallows and holds the elevator door open. "I'm a lawyer."
It's not that he particularly misses the stress of being district attorney; still, it'd been everything he'd worked for for most of his professional life. And then, just like that, within a single year both his job and his family were ancient history.
Anyway. A couple of weeks of retraining courses and now it's back to low-stakes cases of insurance fraud and tax evasion. It's better this way.
That’s what he tells himself in those long hours when he’s supposed to be sleeping.
"Very fancy," she says, and he supposes it sounds that way if you leave out all the important bits of backstory. "I could never. Not smart enough for that kind of stuff."
"I highly doubt that," he says without really knowing why. It earns him a smile. "What do you do?"
"I'm a florist. My best friend and I own Letters and Leaves on—"
"Arlington Street."
That gets him another, brighter smile. "You know it?"
He does. He's often wondered about it actually, a small shop selling books and flowers that's nestled between a chain restaurant and a pharmacy. There's always fresh bouquets out on the window sills, and a handwritten sign promoting new releases and book talks.
"It's on my way to the office."
"Well, you should come by sometime. I'll give you a neighbor discount."
"How much's that?"
A moment’s hesitation as her eyes flit down his body and meet his gaze again. "Depends on what you buy."
The elevator dings for his stop, and he wants to curse it.
"Thanks for your help, Andy," she says and suddenly the bags are out of his hands and he’s been dismissed.
He clears his throat. "My pleasure."
With a nod, he steps out of the elevator and she gives him a small, friendly wink as the doors close. There's something odd happening to the inside of his chest as he returns to his still-too-empty apartment and picks up his cup of coffee again.
It's gone cold.
He looks out the window again, at the two trails of footprints in the snow outside. The sun’s come out now, and they’re already beginning to melt together until it’s impossible to tell them apart at all.
A couple of minutes later, the music is turned on upstairs. He can't help it: It makes him smile.
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thank you so much for reading!! see, i will save every ask i get, i'm just very, very slow when it comes to actually writing them lmao
if you want to see more of my writing, check out my masterlist or follow @intrepidacious-fics for update notifications 🫶🏼
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elfven-blog · 1 year ago
Maybe it’s just the holiday season and I’m a sucker for it, but what about Leon and some Christmas themed? Running late coming home, weaving through the airport to make it home to you in time for your first Christmas together. Or even tenth. So much snow but everything lit up from the holiday lights! A trip to a cabin to get away from it all! Anything just seasonal 🎄☃️
AN: I hope you enjoy!! Sorry it's after christmas 😭
The Cabin
Leon Kennedy x Reader Word count: 1k
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You watched the snow falling, your finger lifting to trace where the snow turned to water as it hit the car and in the reflection of the night you could see Leon’s hand move to shift the car's gear as he focused so intently on getting you both safely to your destination. His brow furrowed ever so slightly as a frustrated groan left his mouth, and he shook his head. “Why in the damn?” he didn’t even finish his sentence as he let out a grunt, his eyes closing for a moment. 
With his little sighs and frustrated noises had caught your attention as you shifted to look at him, one of your brows arching. It was easy to know why he was getting worked up, after all you had meant to be at the cabin nearly 2 hours ago but for unknown reasons it seemed like every other person had also decided to travel for Christmas on that very day.
Your hand reached for his knee, squeezing it lightly as you gave him a gentle smile, and it was like all that frustration melted away from just that. And he sighs, bumping his knee up as a way of acknowledging you and he turns his eyes back to the road. It takes another hour before you reach the cabin.
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The sky is darker than he would have liked it to be, but at least he got you there in one piece he thinks, and he ushers you into the warmth while he gets your backs. Not missing the way your eyes linger on his arms, just imagining the way they flex under his jacket. He smiles as he closes the trunk of the car but it’s wiped off his face when something cold and hard hits the blonde strands, immediately breaking on impact.
Leon turns towards you slowly, a look of betrayal on his face “Oh so that’s how it’s gonna be huh, princess?” and he drops your bags to the snow floor, before swooping down to get his own snowball. You have only minutes to back away and find somewhere safe before the ice cold hits your back, and you tense up from the feeling.
The agent hides behind the car, watching you with predator eyes, waiting for your next move. Eyes narrowed as you move behind the wall that covers the cabin’s garden. Both of you make a few snowballs, but Leon seems to be faster at it, putting his training to use by making snowballs. You can’t help the laugh that snorts out of you at the very sight. “I’m not sorry! It’s payback for keeping me in that car for so long!” Your voice rings out like honey to him, and you watch as his jacket moves in a shrug. 
“You could have walked” He responds before pelting one of those white balls of death at you, but you watch his brow furrow as he misses and his mouth falls open in surprise. You have to bite your lip to stop the laugh, so as not to embarrass your partner, but a small snort still manages to escape and Leon turns to glare at you, shaking his head.
For a while none of you move, both assessing the other’s cover and wondering how you’d strike the other. That is until you carefully craft a plan. Leon swears he saw the mischief glint in your eyes before it was gone, but you’ll end up never believing him. He watches your arm move, and prepares to move out of the way of your attack but it doesn't come. No, instead what feels like a ton of snow lands on top of him.
He looks up in confusion to see the tree above where he parked is now bare of snow. Mostly because it has landed on his hair and jacket, quickly turning to water as it drips below his clothes so fast that he’s shivering before you know it. You start to feel bad as he stands up from his crouched position and slowly starts walking towards the cabin.
Clearly uncomfortable at the amount of snow and water now covering him. “That was an unfair move, sweetheart” His eyes move to look at you, but there’s a slight hint of pride in them. You stand up to try and help get some of the snow off him, awkwardly smiling at the man as you  brush the snow off his shoulders. And then you grin at you before he shakes his head like a dog. Quickly covering you in snow too.
“Leon!” comes the cry from your mouth as snow ends up down your top and against your trousers, but it only draws a deep chuckle from the man as he picks your bags up again. Heading towards the cabin again.
“Call it payback” he retorts your own words at you, and with a roll of your eyes you open the cabin door for him. Both of you sighing in relief as you're hit with the warmth of being inside. Shutting the door as soon as you can, as if blocking out the outside so that you’re in your own world of warmth and safety.
Once everything is packed away, and you’ve managed to light a fire, you both settle onto the sofa. The thickest blanket you’ve ever seen covers you both and Leon’s put some christmas film on, but you’re not paying attention instead your eyes are starting to flutter shut. Your hand clenches his shirt before you jerk again, eyes shooting open and you lift a hand to rub across your face. Leon notices quickly the way sleep seems to be quickly weighing heavy on your eyes.
“C’mon princess, let’s go to bed” He whispers from somewhere close, but you’re far too tired to know where, his hot breath fanning over your skin as his hand comes up to caress your cheek. You're vaguely aware of nodding at him, of the tv being shut off and of the shift your body takes. Leon carries you in his arms to your rented bedroom, soft mattress below you that you quickly nuzzle into. It’s a few moments later that you feel arms pull you into a warm chest, and a hand runs through your hair “Goodnight, sweetheart”.
169 notes · View notes
zhimaqiu · 8 months ago
“This God damned wind”
Word count: 900-1000
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57341785
Paring: You & Javier Escuella, no established feelings - could be read however your heart desires
Reader info: Gender neutral reader, 2nd person, past tense
Summary: Reverse comfort, but with a dosage of restraint.
You notice Javier passing time at the edge of the camp and he doesn't seem entirely okay to you.
It was that song again. The sad song one could only heard late at night if a certain someone couldn't sleep.
"Angel de amor, tu pasion no la comprendo..."
You raised your head from a book you tried to read at the camp table when Javier's quiet voice reached your ears.
He was sitting alone, at the edge of the camp in Horseshoe Overlook, leaning on a trunk that was usually occupied by John. But scar-face was asleep, so Javier could enjoy the solitude; or maybe he simply felt like singing, wanting to distance himself enough so he doesn't wake the others. Whatever it was, that night Javier's voice... broke a couple of times. It wasn't a challenging or a new song for him – didn't make sense that Javier's angelic voice could falter.
Keeping the book in your hands, you made your way to him, not caring much about making noise. Bill, Sean and Reverend were dead asleep, either snoring or buried under covers. The cold of Heartland's nights wasn't as bad as the one in the mountains, but Miss Grimshaw kept reminding everyone this still ain't a tropical island. You had a thick coat on you arms, Javier however lacked anything on his.
"You alright, Javier?" You stopping next to him when he finished the lyrics.
"I'll be fine. No need to worry," he answered without looking at you.
His fingers still worked on the guitar's strings elongating the melody until he finally letting it die when you knelt next to him.
"You shouldn't sit on the ground." A pat on the grass let you know how chill and wet it was. "Might catch a cold from that and we don't have the greatest doctor in the camp."
"Are you sure Miss Grimshaw's spirit hasn't possessed you? Who knows, maybe it travels between us when she's asleep."
You laughed at his joke and patted his arm. "Come on, let's get back to the camp fire. No one will mind if you sing there."
"I ain't exactly concerned with that." He looked at you, his eyes reflecting the moonlight and fire. "It's the only time Marston doesn't occupy my favorite spot."
"You can always tell him to get. He doesn't own the place," you grumbled, looking back at his tent. It was time to get the rest of the tents to look like that. Wind could get into Javier's way too easily. It barely protected him from rain.
"Yea..." His voice was more raspy when he drifted away for a moment, straining his answer. "But I want to let him enjoy himself a bit more after that mountain business."
"Do that too much and he will be even more spoiled than he already is."
"Can't get much worse."
You both laughed, Javier leaning back and looking up the stars as he calmed down. The leaves, shaking on the wind, covered the most of the bear constellations, but the view to the west was free as the west itself. No wonder so many members of the gang subconsciously looked in that direction when enjoying the view. What a coincidence.
"You... might be right about that cold." Javier shivered a little standing up and offering you a hand to stand up. "The campfire doesn't sound so bad after all. Maldito viento..."
"I think Charles made some... cherry juice. Not sure what that exactly is, but he got some cinnamon in it. Expressive stuff. Real good and sweet when you warm it. Sounds good?"
"For sure," he responded with a smile.
Once you were back at the fire, he leaned on his guitar as he watched you take out the jug with the juice and warmed it on the open fire. His gaze hazy as he began drifting away from the warmth and the delicious scent. Sweet aroma of cherries mixed with faint spiciness of cinnamon melting his previous worries away.
You poured the drink from the metal cup you warmed it up in into a glass and passed it to him, warning him that you weren’t sure how hot it is. He thanked with a nod and smelled it, a cat-like smile making his face relax. It only widened further when he tasted it.
“You know, amigo," you began trying your best in his language, "you deserve some good, warm rest." You reaches for a blanket and threw it over his shoulders. “You did great on that last job.”
In fact, he simply looked sick and didn’t act nor smelled like typical drunk Javier. You didn’t have a good excuse to check his temperature, so you figured the best way is to just prevent it the best you could, without making him think you worry that much.
He swayed from side to side, melting away. Fever must have taking him over when he leaned on your shoulder, his forehead brushing against your neck. You sighed and patted his shoulder, feeling how hot it was.
“Come on, time for bed,” you encouraged him and pulled him towards his tent.
No complain left his mouth when he lied down setting the glass down. You tugged him in and took of his hat and loosened his jet black hair. Javier yawned and sniffed again reaching for your arm.
“Thanks,” he murmured and smiled when you put your hand on his, squeezing reassuringly.
“As Dutch would say," you made fun on his voice, "We. Need you strong.”
You barely heard his little chuckle before he quickly fell asleep and felt his hand slip away. He didn't need much. Just a friend to get him there without pushing it.
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mrsstan21 · 7 months ago
The Heart Knows What It Wants
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GIF credit: @johnnydeppg1fs
Summary: your relationship with Tom takes a turn when someone else shows interest in you
Tom Hanson x Reader 
A/N:  Who doesn't love a jealous trope
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 4.7k (it's a long one :))
Tom’s P.O.V.
Doug, Ayoki, and I got to the chapel earlier than the girls. 
I was grabbing a cup of coffee while the other two played football. 
“I got a delivery here” a man with a large bouquet of roses came in. 
“I’ll take them” Penhall rushes over and signs for them. 
“Who they for?” Ayoki asks. 
“Don’t know but there’s a card…” he grabs it. 
“Officer y/l/n, thank you so much for your help on my brother's case I hope this won’t be the last time we see each other sincerely Derek Spencer”.
I was now intrigued. 
“Looks like someone’s got the hots for our y/n” Penhall places the roses on her desk.
I walk over, and examine this extravagant arrangements of flowers. 
Flowers I know she doesn’t like. 
“I find it a little strange that this guy is sending her this stuff” I spoke. 
Penhall and Ayoki exchange smirks before looking back at me. 
“Hanson do I hear a bit of jealously in your voice” Penhall crosses his arms. 
“Doug please I am not jealous just…find it strange is all…”.
“Uh-huh” Ayoki rolls his eyes.
I am not jealous. 
Y/n P.O.V.
Me and Hobbs walked into the chapel the guys were goofing off as usual. 
When I was walking towards my desk I saw a huge vase with long red roses. 
“whoah who’s this for?” I place my jacket on my chair. 
“There for you” Penhall smirks. 
I grab the card and began to read it. 
“Derek Spencer…huh” I place the card down and go to grab a cup of coffee. 
“So who’s this Derek Spencer” Hobbs says holding up the card. 
“Um it was a case I did last week. Kid was selling drugs out of the trunk of his brother's car while he was away.And well his older brother found out he helped me close the case” I took a sip from my mug. 
“So this guy busts his own brother?” Hanson questions. 
“Afraid so…and after I closed that case I assumed that would be the end but…”
“He seems to want to start a new case with Officer y/l/n” Penhall jokes. 
I roll my eyes. 
“You should go for it y/n I mean when was the last time you went out on a date” Hobbs asks. 
“Guys in case you have forgotten I like to keep my personal life and work life very separately so let’s get some work done huh”. 
I sat down at my desk moving the flowers over.
They were a nice jester but once I close a case I like to leave it that way. 
I glanced over at Hanson who had a bothered expression.
As the day went on things at the chapel went by kind of slow. 
Hobbs and I stayed back doing some paper work while the guys focused on a case. 
“I got a delivery for a y/n, y/l/n!”.
My head shot up to see another arrangement of flower. 
As I walked over to take them the guys walked in. 
“Ah I see Romeo sent you another bouquet of flowers” Penhall commented. 
I placed the vase on my desk when Ayoki grabbed the card and handed it over to Doug. 
Before I could say anything he began to read it. 
“I can’t stop thinking about you please let me take you out to dinner”.
They all whistled and poked fun at me. 
Everyone but Hanson who walked passed me.  
“Aw man this guy really likes you” Penhall speaks. 
“Yeah I guess he does” I sit down and finish up the rest of my reports. 
“y/n you have to call him” Hobbs says. 
I tilt my head up. 
“I don’t know guys…”
“Hanson, Penhall, Ayoki I need you to go to the station and grab the testimonies for your case” Jenko shouts at the boys. 
I didn’t want to think about any of this right now. 
I went back to doing work. 
Hanson’s P.O.V.
We were coming back from the station. 
I drove while Penhall and Ayoki kept bringing up the discussion of y/n and that Dave guy or whatever his name is. 
“I think she should go out with him don’t you Hanson” He asks. 
I stayed quite not wanting to answer that ridiculous question. 
“I think there’s something up with this Dave guy” I spoke. 
“I thought his name was Derek” Ayoki said. 
“Whatever his name is I have a bad feeling about this guy”.
Which was true.
 This morning I went through the case y/n did last week and something wasn’t adding up. 
“You sure that’s everything Hanson?” Penhall smirks.
“What do you mean by that?”.
“Well you got a little upset when she got the roses this morning. And now you’re getting all defensive” he says. 
“I’m not getting defensive” I spoke through my teeth. 
“Really because aside from you getting defensive right now you also sound a little jealous”. 
I grip my steering wheel.  
“I am not jealous Ok! I’m sorry that I know she likes white lilies instead of roses because they are a clique. What I’m not sorry is this guy is hiding something and I’m going to find out what it is”.
There was a moment of silence. 
“I didn’t know she likes lilies” Penhall smiles. 
“Neither did I” Ayoki says. 
I huffed. 
“She mentioned it to us before” I tried to cover my annoyance with this topic. 
“Hanson I know a lot about y/n, but to tell you I know her favorite flower would be a lie”. 
Doug was trying to tell me something but I fought very hard to ignore them both. 
So what if I know her favorite flower. Or how she drinks her coffee every morning. 
Two sugars, no cream. She likes it strong. 
Or how she crunches her nose when she laughs.
My point being I am not jealous. 
When we got back to the chapel I noticed a red Ferrari parked in my spot. 
I had to park a block away from the chapel. 
“Man that is a nice car” Penhall admires the thing. 
“Yeah nice enough for me to tow it” I roll my eyes as we enter. 
The three of us were thrown back to see a guy wearing a long fancy tench coat and expensive jewelry. 
“Now we known who the car belongs to” Ayoki spoke. 
“Hey can we help you” Penhall asks the guy. 
“Yes I’m looking for officer y/n, y/l/n” he takes off his shades. 
Then it hit me. 
This rich boy was the one trying to get with y/n.
“It’s her lunch break but she should be back soon” Ayoki answered for him. 
“Oh it’s ok then I’ll wait” he smiles. 
I was right something was very off about this guy.
Examining him closer I noticed he wore almost everything designer. Would estimate there was a quarter thousand on him alone. 
“That your car out front? it’s a beauty” Penhall stroke up a conversation with this guy. 
“Yes it is”. 
“Would be ashamed if it got towed” I smirked. 
“Oh I don’t think so that car alone cost $10,000 so if it get’s towed I could always buy another one” he laughs. 
“So Dave what kind of work you in” I ask crossing my arms. 
He stays quiet for a second.
“It’s Derek and I do Stocks and investments”. 
I don’t buy it. There was something up with this guy and I’m going to figure it out. 
Your P.O.V.
Me and Hobbs were coming back from lunch when I notice an all too familiar red Ferrari. 
“y/n!” Derek’s eyes lit up as we walked in. 
“Mr. Spencer…um what are you doing here?” I asked surprised to see him.
“Well I wanted to stop by and again personally thank you for helping with my brothers case”.
I awkwardly smile looking around seeing the others so in-tuned to our conversation. 
“Let’s talk by my desk”. 
I sit down and he stands looking at me. 
“Mr. Spencer…”
“I see you got my arrangements” he spoke proudly of the roses. 
“Um…yes and I...”.
“y/n let me take you out to dinner”.
He got awfully close so I backed away a little. 
I didn’t know what to say at this point. 
“Mr. Spencer…”
“Please call me Derek” he interrupted. 
“Derek I am very flattered by all this but I don’t mix my work and personal life”. 
I tried to make him understand that I really wasn’t interested but he wasn’t taking no for an answer. 
“y/n from the moment I saw you your beauty has intrigued me. I can’t get you out of my mind. So please accept my offer to dinner”. 
He was smooth and could tell he was desperate for a date. 
I glanced over at Hobbs who was nodding her head telling me to accept the offer. 
I chuckle. 
“Alright we can go out for drinks” I spoke. 
His smile grew bigger. 
“Great! so tomorrow I’ll go pick you up at your place say eight?”.
“Umm you can pick me up here”.
“Alright I look forward seeing you tomorrow…until then”.
He grabs my hand and kisses it. 
I gave him a small smile before he left. 
What have I gotten myself into?
Hanson’s P.O.V.
The entire time this Dave guy was here I couldn’t focus on any of the work I was doing.  
Glancing over at her desk I can tell y/n was trying to shake him off nicely but he was desperate as one can be. 
I was listening in on their conversation. My heart drop when she accepted his offer to drinks tomorrow. 
After he left I got up to go talk to her. 
“You really going out with that guy tomorrow” I sat next to her. 
“Uh-huh’” she kept her eyes on a report she was doing. 
“y/n…I got a bad feeling about this guy” I spoke quietly so the guys wouldn’t hear me. 
Her eyes then locked with mine. 
“Hanson what are you talking about” she breaks into a smile. 
“I went over the case you did last week. It didn’t add up how Dave was on a “business trip” while his brother was being trailed for selling illegal narcotics”. 
Her smile began to slowly fade. 
“Hanson what are you trying to say?”.
“I think he is the big boss transporting the drugs and then giving it to kids to sell and bring back the money they made to him”.
She broke out into laughter. 
When she noticed I wasn’t laughing her face struck. 
“Hanson are you serious you think Derek is a narcotic king?”.
“It would explain the fancy car, the expensive jewelry, cloths…”
“Oh my god you’re actually serious” her smile completely fades. 
“y/n I’m just trying to look out for you.”
“Hanson I’m not some defenseless little kid I can take care of myself. So I would appreciate it if you stay out of my personal life”.
She gets up and ignores me for the rest of the day. 
I need to show her that this guy was trouble and I knew exactly how. 
Your P.O.V.
I couldn’t believe Hason yesterday he went completely out of line. 
We went the whole day without speaking to one another. On occasion I would catch him look up from his desk towards my direction. Our desks were only a couple feet away from each other. 
The whole day I went in and out of the chapel with Hobbs. Jenko sent us down to the station to pick up files on a possible case for next week. 
Hobbs was driving while I sat in the passenger seat. 
“So tonight’s your date with Derek! you excited”.
I smile. 
“It’s not a date it’s just two adults going out for drinks is all”. 
“Girl please this guy likes you and believe me I think his plans are more than just drinks if you know what I mean”. 
I stayed quiet. 
“y/nit’s your first date in years and you don’t even seem excited”. 
“If I’m honest I’m not looking at tonight as a date. I only said yes because he seems really desperate.” 
“So after tonight you don’t plan on seeing him again?”
“Not really”.
There was a moment of silence. 
“What if you end up having a good time though?”.
“I doubt it” I laugh. 
“y/n come on who else is going to come into your life and show you a good time?” She smirks. 
One person immediately crossed my mind. 
He makes me coffee every morning before we have our daily debate on the stupidest things. 
He makes me laugh every time I get frustrated with a case. And I really enjoy being in his company simply because it’s where I feel the most comfortable. 
He happens to also sit across from me. 
“No…there’s not”. 
Hanson’s P.O.V.
y/n still wasn’t talking to me and I didn’t blame her. But it still didn’t stop me from trying to prove Derek was a drug lord. 
I went down to the juvenile center to speak with Derek’s brother Steven Spencer. 
I sat down at a table in a private room waiting. 
The door buzzed and in came the 15 year old boy in chains and jumpsuit. 
He sat down facing me. 
“Who the hell are you?”.
“My name is officer Tom Hanson I have some questions to ask you” I show him my badge. 
“What more do you Morans want from me I answered all you’re damn questions already, I’m serving my time.” 
“I’m not here to talk about the case you were in” I stated. 
I exhaled. 
“I need you to tell me everything about your brother Derek Spencer”. 
There was a moment of silence. 
His facial expressions changed. 
“I don’t want to know anything about that trader” he spoke through his teeth.  
“Steven your brother claims to have been out of town on business when you were being trailed. The only person who seemed to be responsible for you at the time was a family friend.”
He laughs causing me to stop.
“You mean Adam Johnson…he’s not a family friend”.
“Then who is he?” I ask.
He went silent again. 
“Steven I know your brother isn’t who he says…”.
“You don’t know him!” He shouts. 
“Your right I don’t know him but what I do know is no brother lets his younger brother take the rat for him! That’s what I call a cowered.”
“Shut up! You don’t know what it’s like he’s the only family I got left. So what if he did me wrong I can’t lose him!”
He cried not with sympathy but with pain. 
“Steven I do know what it’s like to have only one family member. And I know you care about your brother but he did hurt you didn’t he?”
He simply nods. 
“And I’m sorry that your brother hurt you…but your brother will continue to hurt others unless I stop him so please tell me the truth.”
There was another moment of silence. 
He eventually looks up at me and nods. 
I find out the truth about Derek and Steven Spencer. 
After their parents died in a car accident and with no other family Derek took legal custody of Steven.
The only form of survival for them were through selling drugs. 
Adam Coleman gave them the job at only eighteen and twelve years old. 
For eight years Derek and Steven have been dealing and throughout those years Derek built his credit.
He started his own side hustle of importing and distributing and eventually became a drug king himself. 
When y/n was sent to work on this case Derek was in Colombia handing business. 
Word spread that his brother was caught he told Steven to take the rat for him acting as if Steven didn’t know who the supplier was. 
When y/n contacted him about her case Derek acted surprised as if he wasn’t aware. 
He helped her get his brother behind bars so they wouldn’t suspect him. 
The real reason why he came back a week after Steven was sentenced. 
Derek gave Steven false hopes of getting him out but instead left him to rot while he gazed with y/n”
“Thank you Steven” I gave him a small smile. 
“Just promise me nothing bad will happen to him…I know he did me wrong but he’s still family…the only family”.
“I won’t hurt him but he is going away for a long time”. 
He didn’t say anything else. 
I got ready to leave when he stopped me. 
“Officer Hanson can I ask you something?”
“Why do you want to bust my brother so badly?”
“I’m a cop Steven it’s my job to stop bad people like him from hurting others.”
“You sound very determined…almost like you’re protecting someone.”
I stayed quiet looking down at the floor. 
“It’s officer y/l/n isn’t it?”
I look up at him.
“I don’t want him hurting someone I deeply care about and I’m wiling to do whatever it takes to protect that person”.
Your P.O.V.
It was getting late and drinks with Derek was approaching.
The whole day I haven’t seen Hason.
 When I asked Penhall he told me that he had gone home early. 
I hate that we were fighting.
 I missed him…I missed us.
“y/n!” I heard an all too familiar voice. 
I look up to see Derek smiling bigger than ever. 
I grab my jacket and we head out. 
Hanson’s P.O.V. 
After re-opening the case I hurried back to the chapel to inform y/n and the others. 
I basically ran inside hoping to stop her before she left on that date. 
“y/n!” I yelled.
“She left for her date a while ago” Ayoki answered from behind his desk.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Penhall, Hobbs, Jenks get in here!”.
I was starting to panic he knows y/n a cop and I was afraid this date would turn out to be a set up to hurt her. I needed to act fast. 
Your P.O.V.
The drive was a little awkward. We didn’t speak until we got to the restaurant. 
As we sat at the bar I ordered a scotch. Derek went on and on about how much money he has and all the things he buys with it. So far I was right I’m not having any sort of fun. 
“So y/n tell me about yourself”. 
That question caught me off guard since he stopped talking about himself. 
“Not much about me really how about you?” 
“You know busy with investments…oh did I tell you about the new Rolex I bought in Dubai.”
“No please tell me.” I spoke sarcastically.
I was going to need another drink.
Hanson’s P.O.V.
The police was already working on busting all his businesses. Chief of police granted us permission to bust Derek tonight. 
“Looks like you were right on this one Hanson” Penhall spoke from the passenger side. 
We were on our way to the restaurant where Derek and her were at. 
“Doesn’t matter whether I was right or not we need to get y/n out of there.”
I was practically speeding at this point. 
“Jesus Hanson will you relax y/n can take care of herself.” Ayoki held on the back seats. 
He was right she could take care of herself but I won’t know what I’d do if something happened to here. 
Your P.O.V.
This has to be one of the boring dates I’ve been on. For the two hours we have been here Derek has spoke but nothing of himself and his money. 
I couldn’t handle it anymore. 
“Derek it’s getting late and I have work tomorrow so I think I should get going” I cut him off. 
“Your right time flies when you’re having fun” he winks at me. 
I felt my skin crawl. 
As I was getting up and placing my jacket on my worst fear was realized. 
“Why don’t I take you home”.
“Oh no…it’s fine I’ll call a cab…”
“Nonsense come on” he spoke with a smirk grabbing my hand. 
The one night I’m not carrying. 
We walked towards the parking lot. As I was about to open the door he shuts it causing me to look up at him.
“You look beautiful…” he places a strain of hair behind my ear. 
There was no way of escaping him. I was leaning against the car and he was only inches away from me. 
Before I could say anything he began to lean in. 
Hanson’s P.O.V.
We were minutes away from the restaurant before we left I had Hobbs call the place to make sure they haven’t left yet. 
“There she is!” Penhall shouted. 
Only a couple feet away was Derek trying to plant a kiss on her. 
My blood boiled in my veins. 
I turned on my siren and pulled up right in front of them. 
Jenko and Hobbs arrived right behind us. 
“Derek Spencer you’re under arrest” Penhall cuffs him. 
“What the hell are you guys doing here?” she asked surprised. 
“Are you ok?” I ran up to her cupping her cheek. 
“I’m fine but will someone explain to me why you guys are here!” She began to raise her voice.
“What the hell are you arresting me for!” Derek shouted. 
“For possession of illegal narcotics and transportation” I spoke holding her waist. 
“Are you kidding my Hanson!” she backed away looking at me with disappointment.  
“Ayoki open the trunk” I spoke. 
“Hey you better have a warrant!” Derek hissed as Penhall held him back. 
“We do now shut up” Hobbs spoke. 
Ayoki opened the trunk revealing many packages filled with a white substance. 
Your P.O.V.
Suddenly a loud siren caught us off guard. 
Pulling up next to us was Hanson and Jenko’s car. 
The entire chapel had shown up to arrest Derek on the cause of illegal possession of narcotics and handling.
I couldn’t believe Hanson actually went through with this entire idea of him being a drug lord. 
Ayoki opened the trunk of Derek’s car and I couldn’t believe my eyes. 
“Some drug lord only an idiot would drive around with thirteen pounds of coke in his trunk” Penhall spoke. 
I looked at Derek to see him smiling at me. 
“Well looks like my plan to enchant you didn’t work tonight hope to see you again” he smirks before Penhall took him away. 
I was left feeling like a complete idiot. 
“y/n I…” Hanson began.
“y/n chief of police wants me to bring you down to the station to give a statement” Jenko walks over to me. 
I nod. 
I looked back at Hanson before giving him a weak smile and leaving. 
I was at the station for a while giving my statement. They basically told me Derek would be going away for a long time and all his business would be shut down through the police. But at the same time I was getting a long lecture on how irresponsible I was throughout my case. 
After I was done Jenko gave me a ride back home. 
The entire car ride I felt a heavy feeling in my chest. I can’t believe I was dumb enough to over look him as a suspect while I worked on his brothers case. 
As I walked up the steps I heard a familiar voice from behind. 
“y/n….can we talk please” Hanson spoke causing me to turn around. 
he must have been waiting for me to get home.
I nodded. 
We walked upstairs to my apartment. 
“You want anything to drink” I asked him taking off my jacket. 
“No I’m fine thank you” he spoke nervously. 
For a moment there was nothing but silence. I crossed my arms as I stood only a foot away from him. 
We spoke at the same time. 
We both let out a small laugh. 
“You go first” he spoke. 
I let out a sigh. 
“You can go a head and tell me I told you so I deserve it….”
I sat down at my kitchen table. 
Hanson sat next to me.
“What kind of a cop am I…I should have done a complete background check on him. I should have suspected something right from the beginning. I should have listen to you…”
I placed my hands on my head. 
“Your a cop who made a mistake…you’re human, we all make mistakes…”
“A mistake that could cost me my job…I’m such an idiot”
“Hey! I’m not going to sit here and let you talk bad about yourself. Y/n you are the best cop on this force and I know we have only known each other for a couple months but I can say you’re the best when it comes to this job.” 
He got up to face me. 
His words spoke with much passion as he looked into my eyes.
“I didn’t come her tonight to tell you I told you so. I didn’t do all this to prove I was right. I did it because I care. And it hurts me to hear you say those things about yourself…”
He sits back down not breaking our eye contact. 
“Aside from you being an amazing cop you’re also one of the most important people in my life and…I wouldn’t know what I’d do if something happened to you…” 
He places his hands on the table looking away from me. 
There was a moment of silence between us. 
My mind began to wonder on tonights events. 
“Hanson why did you obsess so much on my case? Is there something you’re not telling me?” I spoke. 
He didn’t say anything in the beginning. 
I watched as he began fettling with his thumbs.
He did that when ever he got extremely nervous. 
“I did it because…” he began.
I felt my heart pound against my chest. 
“Because I just wanted to make sure you were safe…” he lightly smiles looking back at me. 
That’s was a bit of a let down…
I gave a blank expression before giving him a small smile. 
“Thanks for looking out for me” I place my hand on top of his. 
He takes my hand in his holding it. 
We looked into each others eyes once more. 
Only this time it felt like there was so much more that needed to be said. 
“I should go and let you get some rest” he lets go.
I nod walking him out. 
“So I’ll see you at work tomorrow?” He asks standing out in the hall. 
“Yeah” I spoke softly. 
There was that moment of silence again.
We looked at each other for the last time.  
“Goodnight” he begins to walk down the hall. 
He turns around.
“Thanks again”.
He gives me a smile before walking away. 
I close my door leaning my back against it. 
Why does part of me had hoped he would have told me something completely different. 
Hanson’s P.O.V.
It broke my heart to hear her speak so poorly about herself. And I couldn’t help but also feel guilty because I basically put her in this situation.  
“Aside from you being an amazing cop you’re also one of the most important people in my life and…I wouldn’t know what I’d do if something happened to you…” 
Just the thought of me losing her drives me insane. 
I hated thinking it…
When she asked me why I was so involved in her case I froze. 
Aside from me making sure nothing bad would happen to her it was also because…I was jealous. 
Jealous that another man was trying to win over her heart. 
“I did it because…” I began but stopped myself. 
Part of me wants to tell her everything. But the other part of me is holding back. 
I gave her half the truth. And that was to make sure she was safe. 
She grabs my hand, I instantly get butterflies in my stomach. 
Her touch is the most warm hearting thing. 
I grab her hand holding it in mine while looking into those beautiful brown eyes of hers. 
There was so much I want to tell her but  couldn’t find the courage in myself to say all I wanted. 
She was tired and tonight wasn’t the night to overwhelm her with any of my illusions. So I decided the best thing was for me to let her rest. 
As I walked out of her building I stopped and looked up into the night sky. 
After everything that had occurred in the passed two days. And along with the strong connection me and her have formed I came to a realization tonight. 
I can’t live without her in my life. 
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queeenpersephone · 8 months ago
Feeling very ironwidow starved, feel free to ignore but would you write a drabble on maybe Tony and Nat waking up to each other in the morning? Domestic, Fluff, I will take anything 😩🤞🏻
dude i feel you i've been in my feels about them today too! okay, super short, but have a small extended/alternate scene from endgame the morning of the day natasha figures out there were 3 stones in nyc in 2012.
Tony wakes with the irritating feeling of a textbook digging into his spleen.
His eyes blink open slowly, not a little surprised that he even fell asleep. He's always been a light sleeper, even in a king bed with six-hundred thread count sheets, but his brain has been overactive the past few days as they've attempted to make a plan to time travel. Or maybe he's just gone soft, used to hanging with Morgan in the cabin on alternating weeks with frequent visits from his fiance.
Speaking of his fiance...
With a groan, he shifts from his side to his back, tilting his head until he sees Natasha's stomach, gently rising with each inhale and exhale. They're laying head to foot, necessitated by the stacks of books and hardware and assorted snacks. Beyond her, he sees Bruce on the floor, snoring loudly. Wow. Really surprising he was able to sleep.
He props himself up on his elbow, always soothed by the familiar sight of Natasha's sleeping face. But when he gets high enough to look at her closed eyes, he realizes that they're open.
"Honey?" He tries. She merely blinks; he knows that she knows that he's awake. "Nat, our relationship's at least thirty years from your hearing going," he teases, trying to hide his underlying worry.
She sighs, turning her bright green eyes on him. They curve awkwardly toward each other, almost in a lopsided huddle. "Are we doing the right thing?" She murmurs, her voice laden with doubt that she will never show the others. "What if the consequences are worse than the world we're living in? What if we lose Morgan?"
Despite Tony's own corresponding fears, his heart warms at her personal acknowledgement of Morgan. His little girl loves her so much; the divorce could have been catastrophic, but Pepper and he are in a good place, and now Morgan has three parents. He never planned for his daughter to be able to escape handcuffs, trunks, and pilot a helicopter, but he can't deny that it eases his mind every time Natasha teaches Morgan another life skill when Pepper's and his first instinct had been to shield her from the world. Pepper even frequently takes part in lessons after Natasha had stressed the world's instability.
He snaps back to attention when Natasha tucks her messy hair behind her ear. He studies her watery eyes and deep, dark circles and well-bitten lips. She looks exhausted. He bets he looks the same.
"I remember when Barton came to stay with us," he says instead of answering. Natasha doesn't seem to mind. She just watches him, hanging on his every word like they'll damn or absolve her. He truly believes that if he told her they had to leave now, she would go. It's terrifying, the power they have over each other. "He said that when you talked after Loki escaped, all those years ago, he didn't think you sounded like you."
Natasha mouth twitches into a smile, reminiscing. "He told me I wasn't a soldier," she remembers. "That we weren't the kind of people to wade into a war."
"But then, with hindsight, he changed his mind," Tony replies. "And you were right to wade into that war. It was hard, harder than anything, and though you know I'd be the first to fight with our teammates about goals and ethics, you were still right to fight." He takes a deep breath. "You were right then, and you are right now."
Natasha isn't crying or carrying on, but he can tell from the struck look in her eyes that what he's said has touched something deep inside her. "I love you," she says, the emotion and history between them clear in every word.
"You mean everything to me," he says, low and earnest. Shockingly, he feels no desire to reach around the space between them, to hold her kiss her. Instead, they just look at each other across their curled bodies, keeping the bubble of air between them just for them. The sun rises in the window behind Tony's back. He feels the heat on his skin, but he's truly kept warm by the light in Natasha's eyes.
They lay there until Bruce wakes up with a hiccuped snore. They lay there until they're ready to take on any threat that comes their way, even if that threat is time itself.
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blueper-saiyan · 11 months ago
#i could go into horrifying details about this and write a long boring essay that no one would read#but from a professional point of view it really is a fascinating subject#ofc toriyama never considered any of these things so i would just be analyzing something that wasn't meant to be
I'd definitely read that essay at least! I agree that we're not supposed to be thinking about this that much but that doesn't necessarily make it less fun to analyze. Viewing all of this in any actually realistic terms does become really horrifying almost immediately though, so I mostly ignore the implications.
I think you're right that Saiyans don't respond to social/emotional neglect in the same way as humans. They seem to either develop much faster or more instinctively than a human would, with less need for contact. But we do still see some occasional glimpses of more normal child behavior if you count smaller instances, like Broly trying to play with Baa or that little panel where Raditz is playing with a beetle. I also think that the half human kids are an interesting in-between, because Gohan clearly likes playing and seems pretty normal before being kidnapped. Goten and Trunks seems like pretty normal human kids too. Despite this, Gohan doesn't seem to suffer the consequences of being left alone for six months as strongly as a real child would. Again, that's because we're not supposed to think about that, but it's another data point about Saiyan psychology. (Or just evidence that no one in this world is affected by traumatic events in a reasonable way, but that's not fun to analyze.) Unfortunately, we don't really have that many examples to look at for how a "normal" Saiyan would be, given that Vegeta, Raditz, and Broly did not grow up under normal circumstances, and we don't have any completely clear cut examples of how they'd be growing up on Earth either, since Goku's head injury confuses things. I'd be very curious if we ever got any more information on Tarble. Even with as little actual examples to go off of as we have though, I do suspect that Saiyans were choosing the least healthy way of raising their kids, even if they can cope with it far better than a human could. They certainly don't seem very emotionally healthy in general.
I was sort of aware that Vegeta's upbringing would be irreversible, but I also choose to not think super strongly about it unless I'm in an overly analytical mood, like now. My personal opinion has always been that he genuinely doesn't really care about other people except his few loved ones, (and even that was an ordeal to realize) but he's able to consciously choose to mirror the others actions. I'm not sure whether it's just because he knows he'd disappoint everyone else (mostly Bulma, Goku, and Trunks) if he didn't, which is pretty cynical. I like to hope that he came to his own conclusion that the philosophy of preserving life and extending mercy has some value to it, even if it's not his instinct and won't ever be. I honestly appreciate it a lot if it's all a personal choice he's consistently making because he reasoned through it intellectually rather than ever feeling it emotionally. Although his actions in Buu do imply he feels some form of guilt about killing the spectators, so make of that what you will. Maybe Saiyans being more physically and emotionally resilient in general gives them more of a second chance on emotional development.
Now that I have posted screenshot evidence I can say it is so fucking funny and also tragic that basically every time we see Vegeta as a kid, he is being an asshole, almost no exception. He was not going to be a decent person even if there was no Freeza, that's for sure. Was there ever any period when he was young where he was not in favor of murder and oppression? idk but we certainly haven't seen it.
Like, it makes sense that he's mirroring the adults around him. They've been modeling violence for him as long as he's been conscious. They've also been teaching him that he's better than everyone else and the only thing that matters is strength. But I've always thought it's an interesting decision to not take any opportunity to show him as legitimately child-like in any way. Is it just, not thinking about the fact that he should be about 5 and that is not how a normal 5 year old acts or is it intentional? He even usually sounds like he's already an adult. The closest we ever get to Vegeta acting like a normal child is when he's upset that Beerus is threatening his dad. And even that is him experiencing distress. I'm sure someone with a better grasp on child psychology and child abuse could write up a much better set of thoughts on it.
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arvensimp · 2 years ago
You writing is amazing, you capture the character personality so well.
I found an secret beach while playing pokemon scarlet and I was wonder what will a beach date with arven look like? What swimsuit will he wear? Reaction to our swimsuit? What activity will arven and reader do?
Thank you! Also, ooh! Where is it? I found a secret lil cave by the ocean just between the glacedo mountain and the orange foresty area north of the lake that I thought was pretty cool. Is the secret beach the one north of the lighthouse on the west coast? Also forgive me for not replying to a comment if you leave one! I check all my posts for tags and comments constantly, but since this is a side blog, I'm not able to reply from here. Just know that I love everything y'all say!! If you ever want to chat my inbox is open. :)
Beach Episode
Arven x reader, no gendered pronouns
When you excitedly tell Arven about the secret beach you've discovered and offer it up as a potential date destination, he is delighted. You can count on him to take care of all the planning. Truth be told he's happier that way. "Too many cooks in the kitchen," as it were. You just need to worry about driving the lizard in the right direction and picking a nice bathing suit.
When you arrive, before you even start unpacking together, he examines the area and whistles, fists on his hips.
"This is pretty nice! Not that I doubted you, of course, but usually an untouched beach is way less sandy and much more rocky and uneven than this, I'd think. Good going!"
From there, the two of you set out a massive beach blanket, big enough for both of you and a few pokemon to lounge about on. Next come the umbrellas to provide a bit of shade, as well as the folding table to house the snacks and coolers.
Arven really goes all out when he has time to prep.
Once all the set up is done in terms of the "picnic site," Arven goes ahead and changes into his swimwear. He wears just basic trunks, nothing terribly fancy, but they do have a floette print similar to that of his phone case.
He doesn't outwardly make a huge deal out of anything you wear, not thinking it's appropriate, but he's really happy to see you in your swimsuit.
Before you rush into the water, he does get a little blushy. "We need to make sure we get some sunscreen on before we get into the water, okay? I-I can help you, if you like? Not to be weird or anything."
You, of course, happily accept his help, and squirm and giggle at the cold sensation of the cream before he rubs it into your back and shoulders.
You also help him apply his own sunscreen. He pulls his hair out of the way for you, and you get to basically give him a little mini back massage as you rub him down. Arven sighs and relaxes against you as you work...
Once you're all SPF'd up, you release your pokemon from their balls, and it's basically a free for all! You spend as much time playing in the sand and surf as you like.
Arven basically plays along with whatever games you're down for. He didn't really get to play much in the water as a kid, so he's happy to learn how you did it when you were little.
You also build a couple of sandcastles together with your pokemon, being careful to respectfully knock them down before you abandon them, just in case they turn into sandyghasts.
As with any date with Arven, the main event is the food.
Your man has packed all the best for your little group of Pokemon, and then for the two of you he has fresh squeezed fruit juices, along with some pastries, sandwiches, and a surprisingly delicious pasta salad that kept super well in his new cooler that he has been really eager to try out!
The date does eventually end around the time it gets dark, but you're able to spend a nice amount of quality time snuggled up on the blankets, cuddling and exchanging soft kisses before you go.
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dimepdf · 3 years ago
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? summary. the none sexual things you do that happen to turn them on. author's note. request more of what prompts or scenarios you want to see involve the bat gang characters!
[ ❥ ] pairing. riddler x reader, batman x reader, joker x reader
[ ❥ ] word count. 1.1k
[ ❥ ] genre. 18+
[ ❥ ] warnings. language, mature theme, violence, incel edward, sadist joker, emo bruce, unhealthy relationship, kidnap, blood, slight size kink, body worship
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You being assertive, your touch, wearing his clothes
When Bruce sees you holding your own with a smirk placed on his lips, he stands a few feet away from where you stood. Having left you alone during the party to go fetch you both drinks, he watched from afar as you were making small talk with tall-built businessmen in suits, whose names you had instantly forgotten the moment they introduced themselves to you.
You were quick to shut them down the moment you realized their intentions of chatting with you. As you glanced around the room, your eyes latched onto Bruce's sly smirk. As you rolled your eyes and just simply walked away from the conversation. Just in the middle of one of the men asking you something, Bruce swore he felt his suit pants get a little tighter seeing you stride your way over to him. 
When you visit him in the neighborhood, you have to literally drag him out of the basement to spend time with you. Bruce valued the time you two spent together. So when he heard the clacking of your heels approaching him in the Batcave, he knew he had to drop whatever he was working on and give you his undivided attention. Of course, there would be times when you were just curious about whatever he was working on and shooed him to continue working as you lingered in his presence.
Bruce isn't a sensitive person. When it came to the romantic side of your relationship, you were always the one to take the lead. It's also because he takes it personally when other people enter his personal space. He could only take so many phony coy douchebags shaking his hand and patting his back, but not with you. You have a more caring and soft touch as you would often drag your hands down his arms as he worked on something in his office before ducking your head into the crease of his neck and pecking a kiss on his collarbone. Being close to him alone will instantly make him squirm in his chair as his mind becomes clouded with arousal because of your presence.
You're hardly anything compared to Bruce's height. He has the build of a tree trunk. Bruce wished he could wake up to the sight of you wearing his clothes more often after seeing you shuffle around his bedroom after spending the night together, as he lays in bed watching as you hurried to tug on your clothes that were scattered around the room in just your underwear and one of his plain black shirts with your cleavage peeking from the collar of the shirt and your laced underwear exposed.
Taking care of him, your body, being nice to him
You'd frequently have to patch him up after he'd battered himself or gotten cuts and scrapes from making actual bombs or other weapons. You were like Edward's personal nurse, wiping the blood from his wounds and even learning to stitch him after he cut his hand open by accident.
As you stood in front of him, cradling his hand and stitching the wound shut, Edward couldn't take a glance up at you as if you were the most important thing in his life. You were, to be sure, but still.
Edward is a gold loser virgin, having literally never in his life touched a woman. A gold star because he doesn't have a mother... Anyways, he can't express how beautiful he finds you when you're just existing in his presence. Sometimes he'd stop whatever he was doing and just stare at you, his gaze tracing every curve of your body. You could be sitting down watching TV and turning your head to see Edward staring at your thighs with the most obvious tent in his pants.
Edward honestly lost interest in trying to understand the plot whenever you two were lounging together. Cuddling on his couch as you both watched a film you swore was the pinnacle of media. His attention was more focused on your hands than the scene you were laughing at. You'd been rubbing your fingers along his leg for a while. Your touch had turned into a flame as you squeezed his leg whenever you laughed or rubbed harder. He couldn't take his gaze away from you because the bend of your fingers had him in a trance.
So back to that no mother thing. He comes from some rough beginnings. You being all lovey-dovey with him, hugging him, cradling his face, praising him. Edward grew up with no one ever treating him with the amount of love you did. He was becoming love-drunk off of your compliments at this point.
crying, seeing you covered in blood, you being mad at him
The Joker is a very mentally "strange" individual. You being able to make him lose his composure in any situation was a chance slim to none. he would instantly shut down any display of affection if he wasn't in the mood or just didn't feel like it, to the point where you learned to just not let your emotions get the best of you. Being coldly rejected by him one moment and then a second later having his hands fisted in your hair as you're choking down on his cock.
I'm just saying it's hard to turn the guy on. He’s just so specific with everything that he likes and hates anything that he doesn't have control over, but seeing you all teared up as he shoves his length down your throat until you gag instantly has his eyes rolling.
He loves making you cry, not in the physically abusive but just the mentally abusive way! Something about the way your eyes glistened and how your cheeks puffed, or how hot he found the way your voice would shake and crack. 
Seeing you covered in will leave him drooling. Not like soaked in it, just seeing you splattered by the blood of the guy whose arm he just cut off because you were standing too close behind. It'll make him want to do you right there on the floor. He doesn't care if his mobsters are in the room. He’ll tilt his head and use his thumb to smear the blood more into your face with a loud laugh. Something about seeing your innocent face so tainted is the funniest thing ever to him. 
Again, the Joker is either very affectionate or wants nothing to do with you. Sometimes the power trip can get to your head as his smart ass comments make you hot. You weren't afraid to stand up for yourself as you would commonly bicker with him, even over the smallest things.
You thought your arguments would always be one-sided as one of the reasons you hated arguing with him was because he was everything and condescending. The Joker would smirk as you raised your voice in volume, just stare at you and bite his lip, chuckling. Anything condescending really. You would quickly realize that he didn't really care what your opinion was as soon as he unzipped his pants and palmed himself in front of you. 
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[ ❥ ] taglist. @lluvin @lovemedaddy-666 @dreamscape-basement @zombiew1fe​ @jud-is-the-name ​ @phantomofthecathedral @toy-cars-and-grape-juice
tap here to be added to taglist.
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romanstheory · 3 years ago
Protector a Drew Mcintyre One Shot
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Warnings : Arguing, Smut, Language, Fighting, Oral Sex (male receiving)
Word Count : 715
18 +
I had broken things off with my boyfriend Humberto Carillo recently, the relationship quickly grew toxic with him wanting to control me and my every move. He would get jealous when I talked to the male superstars. I am lead on the style team, my entire job revolves around speaking to everyone. When someone needs attire fixed or altered last minute, they come to me. I have my own little room tucked off in a corner to do my work in and a fitting room area for the superstars to try things on and make sure they fit right.
I hear a knock at my door "Come in" I yell as I put the final stitches on some trunks for Sheamus. "Babe we just need to talk" I hear a familiar voice say. I look up, and of course it's my ex ready to try and jump back into my life. "Get out Humberto!" I yell. "Ouch, we're on a first name basis again?" He says coming in, leaving the door open behind him. "Yes we are, now get the fuck out of my room before I call security" I demand. Humberto slowly walks towards me "What are you hiding someone in here or something?" He says getting visibly angry.
"No! And even if I was, it's none of your damn business. Now leave!" I demand again this time louder. "What's going on in here?" I Drew Mcintyre say as he quickly enters the room. "Mind your fucking business man!" Humberto barks at Drew. "It doesn't sound like she wants ye in here" Drew says approaching Humberto. "I don't!" I yell. "So get out!" Drew demands. "Fuck you! Mind your business, she's MY girl" Humberto yells.
"Im not your girl you fucking crazy person!" I scream again. Drew lets out a long loud sigh before grabbing Humberto by the neck and tossing him away from me, like a rag doll. Humberto jumps up, swinging at Drew and missing wildly. Drew throw a punch, landing right on Humberto's jaw and pushes him out of the room, slamming the door in his face. "Thank you... So much. I'm not sure how to even repay you. I was scared shitless" I say with wide eyes. "Don't worry about it, but ye should really be more careful with dating these superstars. Some are just angry meat heads" Drew says with a chuckle.
"No, let me repay you" I say getting closer to Drew. He says nothing, just curiously lets me get close and closer. I rub his member through his trunks, waking it up. "You really don't have to Y/N" Drew continues "But if you want to I won't stop you". Drew sits on a nearby chair, and I pull his trunks down, his member bounces up nearly hitting me in the face. I smile and look at him, licking and teasing his tip with my lips and tongue. I was enjoying watching him squirm and throw his head back. I ease his length into my mouth, taking it all in.
He lets out a lustful sigh while holding up my hair out of my face. I bob my head back and fourth, sucking and playing with his balls as I go. I am driving him crazy and I know it. I take his member out of my mouth and lick his length back and fourth, causing him to breath out heavily. "Shit Y/N! I understand why he didn't want to leave you alone" Drew says lustfully. I insert his length back into my mouth, bobing and sucking faster this time. I stroke his swollen member as I continue to suck and move my tongue around.
I can feel his member start to pulsing, he's close. I keep my speed up, and he grabs my hair harder, driving me crazy. I had him right where I wanted him. "I'm close! Shit I'm close!" Drew struggles to get his words out. "Let me taste it" I say pausing what I was doing. I resume and Drew fills my mouth with his warm juices. I take a big gulp and swallow every drop of it, never breaking eye contact with him. "Shit, you're welcome. Remind me to be your prince in shining armor more" Drew says with a wink.
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parchmentedpetrichor · 3 years ago
➳all the king's men ♡ ☾
in which all the king's men couldn't put the pieces of y/n l/n together. we all have the days where we're insecure and broken, this is one of hers.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±1.8k
tw: insecurity, bullying
please if you are having overly harmful thoughts about yourself, talk to a friend or a professional. you are perfect the way you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
my masterlist:D
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it's so sad that the best people tend to think the worst of themselves
all the king's men
y/n, for lack of a better description, was feeling like humpty dumpty. she had seen herself in the mirror last night, and felt positively traumatised. she had come back from a quidditch practice session, and the results were quite terrifying.
she didn't understand. quidditch made the guys more toned and even a few of her teammates had abs. what did it do to her? well, it made her shoulders broad, which she thought was highly unattractive to anyone, and not at all slim! sure, it was fun and kept her fit, but terribly horrible, in her opinion, in trying to fit in to the beautiful girls that went to hogwarts.
she admired angie johnson and cho chang and ginny. she really did. y/n knew how hard it was to be beautiful, and she liked when other people were so beautifully beautiful. it just made her feel terrible, because what was the chance of her keeping her boyfriend in fred weasley when fiercely pretty girls were dancing elegantly around her?
there wasn't any time to be mopey and sad, so she gathered all her books and immediately went to breakfast. she didn't even bother going over to fred and greeting him. she saw how happy he was laughing with george and lee. surely she wouldn't bother him. instead she plopped down next to alicia.
"you ok?" alicia spinnet asked her.
she nodded, "fine."
"you sure?"
"wanna talk about it?"
"do you think it's too early to get plastic surgery?" y/n joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"what the fuck, no. what's up?" alicia's eyes were lit with concern.
"i don't feel pretty," her voice was but a whisper.
alicia caught it.
"why? you're literally adorable."
"you're my best friend, you're supposed to tell me that."
"hmm, nah, i truly believe it."
"well i don't," y/n said miserably.
"oi, l/n, your hair down today?" adrian pucey snarled, "it's gonna give me aids."
a few students snorted.
"you can get aids then. shut your mouth," y/n retorted back.
the whole school look startled. was this the same, prefect, goody-two-shoes y/n l/n?
adrian pucey opened his mouth.
"i said shut. your. mouth."
fred weasley watched in a mixture of furiousness and pride. he knew that pucey had a crush on y/n too. he was just terrible in expressing it. fred didn't like the way y/n's eyes sadly flitted to alicia afterwards. and she hadn't come up to him and given him a kiss today. maybe she just wanted a bit of space??
"see?" y/n sighed, "not even my hair is pretty." she tied it up.
alicia laughed, "adrian just wants your attention."
that made y/n laugh. "why? why?" it was a rhetorical question. she got up, and smiled at adrian in the most menacing way that he shrunk.
"miss l/n, your outburst was quite rude-" snape began.
"my apologies professor, of course, i was in the wrong. adrian pucey brought the topic surrounding my hair up, called it ugly. now what would you do if a student called your hair ugly?" y/n said, eyes burning with fury but conscience too good to lose her temper.
"i-i would give them a scolding."
"likewise. good day, professor."
"fucking hell, he is such a sh-" alicia muttered as she got up and followed y/n out to class.
"ali, that's enough," their retreating voices could be heard.
fred kept his eye on y/n through the day, giving her the space he thought she needed.
she looked very like her normal self, until she encountered pucey again.
"l/n, nice squinty eyes," pucey laughed.
y/n's shoulders sagged. her eyes dimmed and she let her ponytail fall in front of her face.
"ponytail won't fix them," he laughed meanly, "can they fix your dumpling body?"
fred frowned deeply, "fuck off, adrian," he angrily said, "that's my girlfriend you're talking to."
"oh, you have someone like weasley to save you? i don't even think you deserve him as a boyfriend."
y/n didn't answer, fearing that tears would spill out of her eyes. she had just been feeling worse and worse about herself. instead, when the bell signalled the end of classes, she hurried quickly off to wherever, trying to pull herself together.
she felt like she was at the bottom of the earth. her eyes finally let go of the tears that needed to be spilt. she leant sobbing against a stout tree in the forbidden forest, head slumped gloomily against the trunk, eyes trying to find anything, anything, that could be remotely comforting and hands fiddling nervously with the flowers that bloomed happily around her. her whole body shook in anxiety. she wished she had her mum or dad here to help her. but they were back at home.
how did fred love her?
she wished she didn't have stupid hair or squinty eyes or a dumpling body. but she couldn't ignore the mean, yet so true, remarks about her body adrian made. they were morally wrong and he deserved to be stabbed, but they were factual. she used to just laugh and joke about him too, but now she realised that maybe she should pay more attention to the way she eats and works and the way she talks and looks and presents herself and put more makeup on and-
fred found her crying there, by the little pond, shrinking away from the mere sight of her own appearance. he didn't get it.
well, he did, but he didn't know why such a beautiful girl like his girlfriend was crying.
she flinched and stopped crying.
"sorry, i'll leave. i don't think you want a dumpling of a girlfriend sharing this nice space," she attempted to joke, but it fell short. she wasn't joking anymore. her tone was serious and genuine. the unexpected good nature pucey's remarks were received in usually was gone, and for good reason. it had broken her into the tiniest little pieces.
fred felt it. he felt his heart stop.
"is this about what pucey said to you, lovely?" he asked gently, cupping her cheek, and pulling her close to him.
she nodded, feeling immensely better already. the smell of him made her calm down insanely.
"so you don't want space?"
"n-no, i was just..." she trailed off uncertainly.
"mhm?" he looked at her and waited.
"it's silly."
"well, it's got you crying, i don't think so."
"the stuff a-adrian says is true," her voice was quiet and small.
fred frowned.
"i'm not cute or elegant or even hot," she continued, "i-i'm not as pretty as anyone here."
"well, my little love, if my opinion even matters, you are stunning. i think you're the prettiest person in the world, both on skin and in here," he patted his own heart, "do you know how long i pined after you?"
"i'm still pining after you, gorgeous."
"d-do you mean it when you say gorgeous?" her eyes were broken and teary.
"of course. it hurts me when you are upset. because you are gorgeous and much more because you are so nice and good to me and to everyone else too. pucey's a complete shithead and when i next see him i will bash his head in. i'm so sorry i didn't notice, love, i thought you were mad at me."
"no it's fine, i just don't understand. you're fred weasley. so many girl's want you and you-you choose...me?," a sad frown was etched on her face, her tone confused.
"y/n, you're my only choice. i don't want the other girls. i can see the appeal of you. i-i know i'm not the best with words like you, but i really care about you. i love you, i adore you, you're the bestest person i've ever met."
and he knows he's brought the happiness back in her. she giggled. he felt relieved, because he knew he wasn't good at all at comforting people and y/n was so special to him- why didn't he say that earlier to her?
"bestest isn't a word, freddie."
"well you get what i mean, right? you're really special to me," there it was.
she nodded slowly, a small smile forming on her lips as she kissed him on the lips, before snuggling closer to him.
"darling, wouldn't you rather go back to the castle to cuddle?"
hesitantly, she shook her head.
"'drian's there."
"adrian cannot hurt you, okay? whatever he tells you is wrong. he's wrong," he gently says, pulling her close to him, "besides, if he does, i'm here, and you're strong."
"i just cried about it, i can't be strong."
"crying doesn't mean you're weak, darling, sometimes we all cry and that's okay."
y/n nodded.
"here, i brought this for you, maybe it's a comfort??" he blushed as he handed her his quidditch hoodie.
she grinned and put it on.
he couldn't stop blushing at the sight of her, so he tilted his face away to save himself the embarrassment.
noticing and mistaking his turned away head for disgust, y/n took the hoodie off, downcastedly handing it back to him.
"sorry," she gave a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as fred looked at her in confusion.
"y-you can have it back, yeah, there's no need to hide your shame, here, s-sorry," she stuttered out.
"shame?" he asked, looking worriedly down at her.
"mhm," she fiddled with the hem of her shirt, "sorry."
he finally understood.
"angel, look at me."
she reluctantly looked up at him.
"i wasn't feeling disgusted at all. i-i was actually embarrassed because i was blushing," his cheeks heated up again, "like i probably am right now. you're too beautiful. i was blushing too much."
"yeah. now put it back on," he demanded, as he cheekily tugged the jumper over her head, blushing again as he saw her standing there in his jumper.
"c'mon!" he said, carrying y/n's school bag as they made their way to the castle, his arm wrapped protectively around his waist and the bright gold letters on the back of his sweater shining for anyone and everyone to see.
they didn't see pucey, thank goodness and they ended up talking with george and katie bell and angie and alicia by the fire.
as y/n smiled and giggled with katie over something highly scandalous, fred had his eyes on her, not so much monitoring her, but he couldn't keep them off of her.
when he had noticed her words start to become short and slightly slurred by tiredness, he lead her back to her dormitory.
"feeling better princess?"
she nodded, "you're so good to me, freddie. i love you."
it made his heart swell with happiness.
"i'd go to the moon and back for you, y/n."
she smiled drowsily, "and i, you."
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