#Lita Bomb
1skittler1 · 9 months
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Hello, Daddy, hello, Mom I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch, cherry bomb (x)
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animalb0y · 1 year
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70's The Runaways.
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marvelobsessed134 · 7 months
I just watched the runaways movie and omg I’m so gay
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Live Laugh Love Joan Jett
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meikerrdehan75 · 2 years
Lita Ford, Cherie Currie and Slash, Cherry Bomb (2013)
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cupcakeslushie · 9 months
Lita’s so cute! I’ve heard of lita from the idw comics, where did thw may part of her name come from? Or is that also from the idw comics? I haven’t gotten very far in them lol
The May part is 100% an homage to @star-sparkler and her baby girl August. But also the in-world reason is, it’s an apology to April. Donnie was so antagonistic towards her when they first met, and now she’s like one of his best friends. Also I love double names. Her full name is Lita May Draxum-Hamato and Donnie USES it when he’s mad. When he’s teasing her, and just being Dad™️, he calls her May-day!
I just figured (as far as I’m caught up, cause I am a little behind) but Lita in the comics does not have much backstory, and was just a random, unknown, homeless child who got caught in the mutagen bomb and then adopted by the Hamato Clan, so I figured I had a ton of room to play with the character!
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portableleo · 1 year
Hii question whos Lita and her origin??
Lita is a character from the IDW comics!
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If you are wondering about her origin in my comic, I will reveal that later down the line, but as for IDW (spoilers ahead)
She was an abandoned child that got mutated by the mutagen bomb, and she gets taken in by Jennika. The turtles all eventually kind of adopt her so she’s like their kid lol
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Hi babes!!! I have another Jeff request for you. You have free reign to go crazy.
Swanton bomb meet cute
Pairing: Jeff Hardy x Fem reader
Description: While in a tag team match against the Hardy boys and Lita, you get swanton bombed by Jeff and it leads to an interesting moment in and out of the ring
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You cheer on Christian who was in the ring with Matt during your tag team match with Edge and christian against Lita and The Hardy brothers. You get tagged in by a dazed and slightly injured edge, first putting up a big fight against lita before she tags Jeff in after knocking you down with the help of matt, you groan as you look up to see jeff on the ropes and diving on top of you as you try to move away folding in a ball as he sees your face out of the corner of his eye leaning towards you acting like he was going to pick you up or roll you over "You hurt or out of breath?" you cough roughly as you nod getting up with his help groaning in pain making him worried and guilty that he harmed you along with the concerned angry stares of christian and edge and the stunned looks on matt and lita until suddenly the most unexpected thing happens. While matt yells at him thinking he had seriously injured a woman you hold your aching side right before tangling your legs in his rolling down on the ground holding him tightly until the bell rings leaving him stunned on the mat while edge and christian hop in the ring yelling in joy as they lift you up being announced the winners while matt and lita stare in pure shock, luckily you only had a bad bruise and a momentary loss of air from your body, wincing and yelping when edge sticks an ice pack on the bruise as you lay on the couch exhausted from the match as the boys left going and talking to Jacqueline down the hall dozing on and out until you see someone walking to you before stopping and inch away, you move your hand looking to see jeff who sees the bruise on your side from the now barely cold ice pack slipped down near your hip crouching down and looking at it leaving you confused and a bit nervous by the action "Sorry about that I try to land on people with my torso" you laugh at the weird statement but smile sweetly noticing the southern accent in his voice. The two of you end up going into an hours long flow of conversations leading to an agreed plan of drinks and dinner later that week and a gentle forehead kiss leaving you a smiling rosy mess on the couch by the time edge and christian come back walking past jeff a few minutes earlier while matt and lita are left curious when jeff comes back to their shared locker room smiling and unknown by them at the time with your hairband for your bob length hair wrapped and holding his longer hair in a bun.
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graylinesspam · 2 months
Donnie wasn't the most emotionally in-tuned person. The people around him tried to explain, the best they could, why they had certain emotional reactions. At least afterward. But a lot of the finer details were just not something that could be explained in an upfront manner.
Sometimes they just reacted in confusing and nonsensical ways.
He remembers once, seeing April in the kitchen, sipping on something alcoholic, the flush in her cheeks and the exuberance in her expression indicating that she was already somewhat inebriated. "You just used to be so little," she pouted as Mikey laughed in her face.
"I could hold you in the palm of my hand" she said holding her small hand out for them to see, one finger tracing a circle in the middle to illustrate her point.
"And you miss that?" Mike asks.
"sometimes." She pouts.
He didn't understand exactly what the appeal was. He's seen small animals before. They were cute. But he didn't really understand the appeal that they had for some people.
The way their bodies would seize up and they would squeal in delight at seeing something small. It all seemed a bit dramatic to him. He shrugged it off as something primal in the mammalian brain. Some spawn rearing instinct that got confused sometimes.
Turtles had no such instincts. They didn't raise their own young. Their babies were born more or less full formed. Independent. Nature wasn't always as soft and cuddly as the humans like to pretend their world was.
He didn't need to understand more that a surface level about all of those complicated overwhelming emotions.
Until...until they find her.
She's such a little thing. a little round shell. Four little limbs all tucked up underneath it. head ducked, not used to being able to retreat into her shell, but none the less hunched between her shoulders. He kneels low and taps a finger against the curve of her little foot and it flinches, tucking further beneath.
She's terrified right now, and in all logical reality, Donnie should be doing damage control. Calming her down, getting her to safety. But he's just...to stunned.
Too fascinated.
Her tiny little limbs are completely white, an almost shine to the smooth calloused scales. soft and pliable under the tip of his finger. Unimaginably small bones strung together under equally as small and delicate muscles. Formed so similarly to his own.
He can't spend so much time marveling over her, not in this rubble, he has to pull her away from the danger. The aftermath of the bomb is already inciting violence all over the city, he needs to bring her to a secure location.
He convinces her, though how much that is through words and how much is just taking advantage of her shock is to be seen. Her little body is so tiny in his arms as he carries her back though. Her head tucked low against his chest, her legs dangling over his arm. Little beak scrunched and rubbing over his plastron.
He has to put his head back on. The other guys are dealing with disasters and new mutants all over the city. They need him. So he passes his tiny little passenger off to April's waiting arms. The little turtle girl looking somehow bigger in April's spindly holds.
It's a long time before he makes it back to the lair. There are more new mutants than they can deal with. Chaos and horror and wreckage everywhere. They do their best to direct them. Designating safe ares and herding them together. There will be more work for them in the foreseeable future than there has ever been in their lives.
So many questions they have to confront now.
But That's for tomorrow. Today he has to introduce his brothers to the girl. Lita.
April had messaged him a couple updates over the last few days. The first one had been her name. Four letters. small like her. Cute. Feminine.
When they drag their tired and busted shells back through the lair they see that the living room has been somewhat rearranged. The three couches and recliner all pulled tighter together in somewhat of a square shape, Pillows and blankets piled down in the middle. The Tv is turned low, but the bright light flashes through the otherwise dark room.
They see red hair first between flashing commercial frames. They lean over the back of the couches to peer down at April. Who has apparently curled herself into a tight ring. In the space between her curled arms and tucked legs there is a pale beige shell, only the size of April's own chest. Perfectly round. 13 scutes, 28 ridges. Like their shells just....small.
Words are failing him in the strangest way. All he can think about is how small she is. Every little part of her from one of the fingers curled around April's wrist to the curve of the back of her head. She just so small.
None of them speak, not risking startling the girls, or maybe they're just too exhausted. But they don't move either. Standing around observing the little scene. April curled protectively around the child. Whatever buried maternal instincts kicking on in service of her charge.
Head even tucked around Lita's, hiding her in the vulnerable space against her neck. Soft even breathing from both of them at remarkably different paces.
Sometimes when they were little, Mike would wonder what it would be like to have a mom. Donnie would always remind him that female turtles didn't rear their young. They were built smart, capable enough to survive.
Now he thinks back to all the things April has taught them. From facts about how to navigate the outside world to complex discussions about society and emotions and psychology. Trying her damnedest to equip them with everything she could pass on. Everything they might need.
Her hand lays lovingly over the curve of Lita's shell and Donnie wishes he could reach out to. To hold her.
Splinter clears his throat quietly catching all four of the boys attention. His worn and aged appearance brightening more than they've seen since reconnecting with April. He has a permanent smile hiding under his whiskers. He motions with one hand for them to disperse.
They need to clean up, catch up on some sleep. The next day will only bring more chaos. More challenges.
Almost in unison they all glance back at the girls, something completely indescribable in their eyes.
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kdo-three · 7 months
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The Runaways - Cherry Bomb (1976) Joan Jett / Kim Fowley from: “Cherry Bomb” / “Blackmail” (Single) “The Runaways” (LP)
Garage | Proto-Punk
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Cherie Currie: Lead Vocals Lita Ford: Lead Guitar / Backing Vocals Joan Jett: Rhythm Guitar / Backing Vocals Nigel Harrison: Bass Sandy West: Drums / Backing Vocals
Produced by Kim Fowley
Album Recorded: @ Fidelity Recorders in Studio City (Los Angeles), California USA and @ The Criterion Studios Hollywood, California USA 1975
Album Released: on June 1, 1976
Single Released: in June of 1976
Mercury Records
Cherry Red Records (2003 CD Reissue)
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breesays · 11 months
My son, my sun
Where did my little boo learn to talk to plants? We take plant babies from Gramma Lita's massive yard, recently started propagating them in water. Nothing for the first couple of weeks. Then Des said, "Mama, let me hold them" - and he took the bulb in his hand, looked lovingly at that little would-be-could-be plant and spoke to it in a way that astonished me. "You are so beautiful" he said. "You are doing such a good job. I am so happy to see you." I died, they thrived.
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Four nights ago we unwrapped a fragrant bath bomb and I said, "Mmm, rose" and he started serenading me, from the "wonderful roses" part of "Til There Was You" and who can even do that? I feel like if I want to sing something, even casually, I have to start from the top. He vocalizes the percussion part of songs. Chh chh chh. Probably not revolutionary, but something new for my brain.
Some of the moms who got a spot in TK are reporting back that one of their kids "goals" for the year is to count to 20. Oh. Des can count to 100, and in Spanish. The other day he taught me how to say "knees" in Spanish, which is when I found out he can sing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" in a second language. He remembers numbers really well, and has a good grasp of time. He can math way more at 4 years old than I could at like, 7 years old - and that's just because it's interesting to him, measurements and doubling things and how old was his friend Felix when he turned 2? Sometimes I just have to say, "That is a calculation I can't do on the fly, buddy."
He's growing his hair out long so he can make it curly, like his friend Vienna and his cousin Emerson. I wish he liked to read books together more, but maybe that will come later. It's OK if that's an interest we don't share. We make up new words until we're too tired, me channeling the IKEA catalog. Sometimes he says, "I have an idea - let's count to the highest number we know" to which I reply, "That does not sound like fun to mama, can we play a word game instead?" He also loves blowing up and popping balloons. Actually, he loves doing a lot of things with balloons - keepy uppy, birdy-flying, inflating then deflating, using them as stamps, talking about them on his imaginary YouTube channel...
He likes to eat seaweed snacks and will basically try any food at least once. He loves tomatoes, so much so that he will eat them like an apple. He steals my sushi and told me the pumpkin seeds needed "more paprika."
He makes funny observations. I took him to my work party recently and I told him Erica was in charge. When we looked back at photos from that night he asked, "Does Erica ever go home?" I said "Yes, of course, she has two kiddos of her own - why do you think that she doesn't?" He said, "Well, she's in charge."
My therapist is retiring at the end of the year, and then I won't have anyone to tell me what's healthy or adjusted anymore. I told her that sometimes Desmond says, "You know, Mama, I love Dada more than you." I respond: "That's OK, my love for you doesn't change." It doesn't hurt me, it makes me curious - what is he trying to accomplish? That non-judgemental curiosity they tried to summon from the depth of my cold being during the "can we save this marriage?" time - there it is! Therapist said: It's remarkable that he even vocalized this. It's called secure attachment.
For awhile I also wondered - does Des need therapy during this transition? He has asked why we don't live together anymore and I said, "not all families live together" - but all the families he knew of, did. So we got a couple books. Representation. Therapist said: Unless he is acting out, or it's disrupting, he is ok. Again, the fact that he's even asking these questions is GREAT. I do a value a good question-asker.
I'm still writing my book of essays and I've recently hit 38K words. I've considered publishing under a pseudonym, because I don't want to FIGHT about asexuality. I just want some previously unlearned people to know that it EXISTS. I publish most of my revelations and feelings about being Ace on my Medium. The blog that upset him was titled "Ace Week 2023" - and posted on Medium. I didn't have the time or mental capacity to react at the time. I just chose not to. Spiral, if you must - I will not add any fuel. But I did feel mad, when I unboxed that compartmentalization --
Sometimes I want to be kind and gentle and empathic because, wow we didn’t know anything, did we? There wasn’t the vocabulary for what I was experiencing. There were no alternate storylines to draw inspiration from. But sometimes I am furious, violated, underestimated. 
If you just light the path, everyone will find their own way there, right? I’m the deer in headlights, then I run towards the inevitable crash. Scampering off into the unlit wild was somehow more intimidating. So, blind yourself. Numb yourself. Anything to get to the other side.
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mooncalfe-art · 4 days
Kind of a part 2 to my last Questions on the What If TMNT stories
1. In the Mutagen Bomb activated during Splinters leadership of the Foot Clan do you think in it Splinter would give sanctuary to the mutated citizens of New York?(Maybe even the Mutanimals?)
2. I finished typing the Pepperoni one early yesterday so to reiterate, what would happen in the Mutant Town Arc if Pepperoni was mutated by the Mutagen Bomb?
3. Would anything change if Koya, Bludgeon,Bebop,Rocksteady and N'shovi were forced to stay in Mutant Town?
4. Not quite your story but if it was in Krisa's first appearance what would happen if she did leave with Raph and Alopex(with Zodi entangled in her tail as their prisoner)
5. In the 'What if Slash lived' scenario what would Mona think of Slash?(Especially if he was in that support group in 112)
6. How old would the Next Gen Splinter Clan members be if they were introduced with Lita and the Weasels(Personally I think Wendy O,Doro and Bruce would be the oldest with Jinx and Artemisia being a year younger than Lita, Mushroom,Zanna and Zink)
7. If Mona decided to still be flirty with Donatello after 112(and eventually start dating)how might the story change if at all?(Sorry I keep asking but it was a cute ship plus I miss their interactions)
If these questions are annoying you just let me know and I'll tone them down
Probably not, Splinter was a hard-ass during that time.
Pepperoni's Night Out
You think the EPF or the perimeter wall could keep Bebop, Rocksteady, or Koya contained?!
Krisa's Night Out
Slash wouldn't be in the support group, that was a group for humans-turned-mutants!
Mona probably would have tagged along on Don's adventure through time in issues 145-150.
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rageprufrock · 2 years
If you are still taking asks: What are your thoughts on Prapai?
P.s. I have been following you since your Inception days I believe. I just love the way you write. Your turn of phrase staggers me! Keep it up!
Prapai makes zero sense as a human being and I'm obsessed with him. If we take his behavior at face value, then he is actually a golden retriever of a human being, but that also ignores the reality of the implicit behavior prior to the beginning of our deeper narrative association of him? By the time we get into shit in episode 8 of LITA, we see Pai has a hot shit racer who sleeps around but then gets his world rocked by Sky and undergoes a total personal transformation. He's so cute and devoted! He delivers food! He loves Sky completely! It's all so tender and romantic!
Pai is also a 25 year old fuckboy whose leisure activity is to engage in one of the most deadly sports in the world in an illegal racing circuit run by the fucking Thai mafia, and he knows Sky's abusive shitbag of an ex socially!! He might not LIKE them, but he's not shunning them socially, either. Like imagine if you're dating someone, and you go to a party with them and you find out your partner hangs out socially with Ben Shapiro. Does that not say 1 million things about your partner, even if they aren't besties with Ben Shapiro? Wouldn't you be gearing up for a deep night of soulful introspection about this person? A pro and con list that has to take into account if that dick is bomb enough to negotiate on whether or not he continues to hang out with the type of people who hangs out with fucking Ben Shapiro?
One of the most interesting elements of the series for me was when Sky was shutting Pai down hard post party in episode 12, when we saw Pai really, really angry. He's actually fucking scary when he's pissed! His entire house is tiptoeing around him, and he's just staring at his cell phone like a whole psycho and then he busts out THREE DIFFERENT MOBILE PHONES to call Sky--are those his phones?? When he was stalking Sky pre-dating, he was just changing his sim cards. Where did these fucking mobiles come from? Did he just steal them from other people in his house? What the fuck!
Also the fact that I have to clarify about the pre-dating stalking, not the post-dating stalking, is a problem! It's fiction so whatever, but were anyone in reality to engage in his behavior in the early days of his and Sky's interaction--that includes everything from the night they fucking met to the pervert rough breathing phone calls when he's probably doing bumps of coke and lifting in his gym at home--it would be like a fucking fire sale at the red flag outlet store.
So this is a guy whose anger is cold and calculated and terrifying, has no qualms with engaging in recreational or less recreational stalking behavior, used to and comfortable wielding power, clearly has a very elastic sense of morality, and no normal human calibration for fear of death. He also has the relentless confidence of both social privilege and generational wealth, and it is heavily implied in the series that he gets the Thai mafia to kill his boyfriend's ex. This guy is 100 percent a sophisticated sociopath whose upbringing and socialization has taught him how to mask flawlessly, and who has identified Sky as one of the 10 people he gives a fuck about on the whole planet.
I want to be super clear: all of this makes Prapai impossibly attractive to me and I'm obsessed with him. Pai triggers in me the same instinctive yearning that I feel when I spot a pack of Marlboro Reds or see a tumbler of bourbon. To leverage terminology the tumblr youth have taught me, Prapai is blorbo-shaped, to me, and has never done anything wrong, ever, in his entire life.
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rainchyna · 2 years
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‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎♡ ❝RATED : SWEETHEARTS!❞ ♡
‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎EPIS♡DE : EIGHT (VII)
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a/n ‎♡ i just wanted to say thank you, to everyone for showing love and support towards this series. i want you guys to know that all your lovely comments and hilarious memes meant the absolute universe to me. but alas, everything has an end (apart from ric flair’s career) and this series has come to an end, with this being the final episode. y/n and edge are finally happy together 🥹. thank you, truly, for your support and love towards r:s and me. i love you 🫶🏼
warnings! [ cussing, fluff, christian being christian per usual, apparently idk how matches work, violence, smut LMAO, pwlp, praise, oral (f), multiple orgasms (f), squirting, a lot more vanilla than you think, overstimulation??]
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on the entre trip to the arena, three things were going on. christian kept complaining about how it was adam's turn to drive and that he was already tired of having him back, adam was babbling about how concerned he was about getting chewed out by vince when getting back for not being at the hotel or rehersals for the show, and you were giddy and bubbling on the inside because even though you were sitting the back seat while adam sat in the front passenger seat, he still held your hand through the gap between his and christian's seat.
"why'd you text matt from my phone?"
christian could've swerved right there, "how did you know it was me?" this genius asked. "i didn't, i just got you to admit to it. still though, why?" you ask. "well, i wanted to talk to matt to understand what the hell was going on with you and him. to be fair though, i could've just asked him in real life" he answered.
"or you could've just texted him from your phone" you point out. christian just eyed you through the rear view mirror. "that. that too" he remarked.
"wait, who texted who from ... where?" adam asked
"long story" you and christian replied in union.
6:15 pm, later that day.
“baby, wake up"
"did she drool in my fucking car seat-"
"wake the fuck up, bozo. we're here! and we're late! and stop drooling in the seat bro!” christian almost yelled.
everything was a little hazy, until chrisitian's last sentence went through your right ear, into your brain, and out your left ear. "were here?!" you cry as you jump out of your seat, "and we're late?!" you were grabbing onto too many things at once, almost dropping your bags and phone in the process. "woah, chill there, tiny" adam teased. "you're like two inches off of the floor anyways, don't fall on your face now"
“i will power power bomb you, right here. right now” you glare at adam while he just giggles.
“you two are the reason i can’t have nice things” christian mumbled.
as you three power walked your way through the building, everything felt like tonal whiplash. staff running around making sure everything was perfect, talent filming segments for their own storylines, some just walking around chatting, and per usual, there was yelling from somewhere. you were met with confused looks from those around. where were you three for the past days? why didn’t you arrive with the rest of the roster? how dare you miss rehearsals? were y’all aware that the show begins in like two hours?
“i’ll see you two at catering?” you asked before entering the women’s locker room. “yeah definitely, and bring lita with you. least we can do is be briefed about the match” christian said. “wait, give me a kiss” adam pulled you in. one kiss became two, and two became three.
“kill me” christian said walking away.
“c’mon! go, we’re already late” you pushed adam away. “one more!” he demanded, stomping his foot like a little child.
“go!” you laughed.
as you walked in, you were immediately tackled down to the floor by someone you assumed was lita. “ i was so worried about you! where were you?” her familiar, sweet voice asked. “long story, but i’ll tell you if you do my hair! and quickly explain what we’re supposed to do later” you squeak under her.
6:49 pm, that same evening.
“he thought you were dating matt?!” the red haired girl asked. “i know! bitch, i was as confused as a hot dead dog on a swing” you reply. “girls, does anyone have red lipstick?” you ask, “i do!” trish answered, “wait, so you drove all the way back home to get him?” lita asked, “personally, you won’t catch me driving 18 fucking hours to see a man. but, hey, as long as he loves you” trish said handing you the dior lipstick.
“we’ll, i do love him” you smiled, as you applied the glossy shade on your lips. “love the new gear by the way” trish added.
your new gear consisted of cargo black pants, a tight leather mandarin collar vest and bright red sneakers. “you’re actually my favourite person” you told trish.
“i’m right here!” lita said
you and lita step out hand in hand, towards catering. “where are the hardys?” you asked. “at the men’s locker room i think?” lita said. “i don’t know. last time i checked, they were at catering” she added. “check the locker room, i’ll check catering” she says letting go of your hand.
as you headed towards the men’s locker room, all you could hear was loudness, unidentifiable loudness. you knock on the door, and wait. no one shows up, you knock again louder, still no one. you knock one last time, before pushing the door, and what a sight it was.
the blue meanie was on top of jbl, both on the floor. the blue meanie was landing punches on jbl’s already bruised face. on that side of the room were the undertaker, kane, ken shamrock, and very agitated taz pulling them away from each other, and on the other side of the room were edge brushing his hair and christian lacing up his boots, jericho was reading a book, and a crash holly and shawn michaels who were very calmly chatting, clearly unmoved by whatever was going on across from them.
“oh, hey y/n/n” shawn greeted you, “you need anything?”
and everyone seemed to stop dead in their tracks, all eyes were on you now. all the wrestlers involved in the fight were glaring at you as you just stopped some type of main event. “i swear i knocked” you quickly defend yourself, “you two come here, now” you whisper-yelled at adam and christian. you immediately step back as the door closes in your face.
“why does it smell like that it there?” you ask yourself, face scrunching up. it smelled like a wet socks and cheddar cheese.
“what?” christian asked, dragging adam behind him who was still brushing his hair. “where are the hardys?” you ask. “they just went catering” adam answered, tucking the brush into his tights’ waist band. you were so used to his dumb shit you didn’t even notice it at first.
“well move it, we really need to go” you say. “hey!” lita came back, “ i found them… what the fuck is going on in there?” she asking hearing all the ruckus.
“don’t even ask” you answer.
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7:15 pm, tag team match.
edge and christian were defending their tag team championships against matt and jeff, while lita was defending her women’s championship against you. it was a winners take all match.
the match itself was fast paced, mainly the boys went for a a more high flyer wrestling style, while you lita resorted to more high flying as well, you resorted to a more technical style. rarely where you able to showcase your talent and any chance you got you took.
jeff and christian were on the outside, exchanging punches, kicks and throwing each other on the announce tables. matt and edge were both crawling on the mat, taking their sweet time to reach and tag you and lita in. as soon as you saw matt reach lita, you turned your hand upwards signaling for adam to tag you in. as soon as you were both in, you began landing blows in each other. a moonsault from her to you, a leg drop, at one point she even attempted and shooting star press but you moved out of the way. you reversed it into a sharp shooter. the crowd loudly chanted your name as you paid tribute to the hit man in his land.
at this point, all four men where surrounding the ring. edge and christian cheering for you along with crowd, matt and jeff reaching out for lita to tap in. lita began moving her arms, trying to get them out from under her. your boys immediately ran and attacked the hardys, as they knew that if lita doesn’t tag them, one of they will break up the hold.
you tightened your hold, then lita tapped out. the referee immediately signaled for the bell to be rang. edge and christian have successfully defended their championships and you were the new women’s champion.
all three of you got in the ring, on one side of the referee was edge holding up his belt, and on the other side were you and christian holding up yours. team extreme were slowly walking up the ring, glaring at you with anger in their eyes, and holding onto random body parts as they sold their injuries.
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you and edge walk hand in hand to the bar where everyone was. apparently, jbl was taken to wrestlers’ court for picking on the blue meanie, and his punishment was to pay for the roster’s dinner and drinks at the hotel’s bar and restaurant. all of you decided to celebrate your win by hanging out there.
the bar was jam packed with big, buff men and women as far as the eye can see. your outfit consisted of a tight fitting, little, black silk dress. black platform heeled boots and adam’s leather jacket was draped over your shoulders, your wore small to medium golden hoops and sported a white and gold dior hand bag. your make up was soft and glowly, and your lips adorned the same lipstick trish gave you, you looked gorgeous per usual.
“i would say ‘look at my wife everyone!’ but wow i don’t want anyone looking at you!” lita leaned in for a hug. “imagine how i feel” adam sarcastically remarked.
“sorry about your title, babe” you hugged your friend, “don’t even worry about it, there’s no one i would’ve wanted to drop it to other than you” she smiled.
“can y’all move?” christian pushed past you, “i heard bradshaw is paying for everyone, so i must order every possible drink there is” he added.
the hardy brothers soon joined you, bringing with them a bottle of champagne in celebration of your win. you all huddled in a quieter corner of the restaurant’s end of the bar, as the older veterans - who were join by vince for some reason - were most definitely going sit around and bitch about taxes, or whatever old people talk about.
jeff popped the champagne bottle open, “to our new women’s champion!” he cheered, raising a toast and everyone following suit. soon, christian came to your corner with tequila shots. “no, guys, c’mon. let the texan pablo escobar wannabe pay, don’t bring anything yourself. let the bastard pay!”
after a while of playing a drunken truth or dare, retellings of embarrassing stories and christian giving the expected drunk friend ‘i love you guys’ speech, adam poked at your side. “come with me for a second” he whispered.
you both step outside to the porch that opened up to the garden of the restaurant. there were fairy lights everywhere and quite hum of the chilly night breeze made the place feel a more magical than it should be. at one of the tables you spotted an old couple, mid-late 80s, having a candle lit dinner.
“do you think we’ll grow to be like them?” you ask, voice quite. “someday” adam says. “y’know, we haven’t had a moment to ourself for a while now” he says. “hm” you hum an answer. you stood there, taking in each other’s presence.
“oh yeah, i wanted to give you this” adam pulled away from you. he dug into his pants’ pocket, pulling out a little red velvet bag. he handed it to you, you looked at him for a split second before taking it. a small gasp fell from your lips, it was a silver and diamond necklace. he chuckled. “real diamonds. i was planning on giving it to you on your birthday, but i thought today was better” he smiled.
“don’t make me feel bad now, i got you a keychain for your birthday” you stated. “and i love it?? ‘happy birthday you sexy whore’? that’s literally me” adam laughs. “can you put it on me?” you ask. “of course” he takes the necklace from your hand.
you move your hair away, the cold metal is wrapped around your neck beautifully. adam kisses your shoulders before turning you around to face him. “i love you, i really do” he says, holding your face in his large hands. “i love you, more” you say. your eyes sparkled under the fairy lights, adam bringing you closer to him to kiss you.
your hands rest on his chest, as you deepen the kiss. he wraps his arms around your waist and yours hang around his neck. his tongue snakes into your mouth, clashing against yours. unconsciously you back him up against the porch wall, as you kisses get heated more and more by the second. you pull away from him, needing air. you look down at his lips, and you giggle a little. “what?” he laughs along. “you look like penny wise”. your lipstick was printed on and around his lips. “do you wanna go back to our room?” he asks. “please” you whisper.
“wait, let me wipe my lipstick off of you” you said tugging on his arm, as he was already heading inside.
“are you serious?” he almost sounded offended.
“uh, yeah?” you answer.
“leave it there baby, i want everyone to know i’m yours”
and your heart did a little something.
as you walk back inside, hand in hand, you quickly peep at your corner. christian was passed out on a couch, jeff had the ‘contemplating my life decisions’ drunk look and matt and lita weren’t even there.
unlocking the door to your room, adam immediately latched himself onto you. “i missed you, so fucking much” he muttered against your lips. you kick the door shut as you kiss him.
“jump” he orders and you immediately do, he held you against him, remembering to enter the room no one used incasr christian came back later. he gently laid you on the bed, then began taking off his clothes. you pulled of your boots, jacket and dress, revealing a gorgeous lace set.
adam stripped down to his boxers and got on his knees between your legs. “what are you doing?” you ask. “i put you through hell, let me please you”.
he lips traced up your thighs with kisses, to your stomach, past your ribs and chest to your neck. he left gentle love bites around your collarbones and jawline. you grabbed his face and kissed him, you’ve waited too long for this. he kissed back down your neck, grinding on you as he goes.
he began gently sucking and nibbling at your neck leaving small, red markings on it. you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second, adam’s hand slid down and pulled your legs over his waist, his hand then moved towards your clothed pussy. his fingers moved along the lace. “i can feel how wet you are through your panties, baby” he whispered. “then do something about it” you whimper.
it was all fun and games, until you dared him to do something about it. do something about it? sure.
he moved away from you, completely getting off of the bed. he pulled out the little chair that was at the vanity, positioning it at the end of the bed. as he sat down, he pulled you down towards him by your ankles. you’re in for it.
he pulled off your panties, and with his thumb, he rubbed slow, gentle circles against your clit. you close your eyes and your legs push against each other wanting to close. “keep your legs open, my love” he said, voice low. he pulled you closer to him, as he leaned down towards your pussy, one clean lick against your clit and slit, and you whimpered loudly. “if you want me to do something about it, then be louder for me”
his warm tongue moved gently on you, as your back slightly arched up. his tongue took a quick dip into your pussy, quickly coming back out. “p-please” you let out a broken moan. adam uses his right hand to keep your legs open and left hand to pry you open. his middle finger slowly sliding into you, softly thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace. but it wasn’t enough, “more, please, please” you moan. he uses both his middle and ring finger on you, working them gently against you. his mouth moves back to your clit, lightly nibbling and sucking on it. “oh fuck, fuck just like that” you moan. “there she is” his voice raspy as he pulls away from you.
his fingers begin moving faster, and faster. occasionally slowing down just to tease you. his pointer was now added and his lips were harsher against your clit. you’re almost grinding against his face, desperately chasing an orgasm that’s building inside you. “faster, please, f-faster!” you cry. his fingers push and pull, curling inside you as his tongue laps at your wetness. he sucks on your clit even harder, making you grab the pillows above you as your orgasm bubbles inside you. he pulled away and used his other hand to rub your clit, “you like that, baby? hm?” he teased. “am i making you feel good?” “y-yes! yes, s-so good. d-don’t stop, please don’t stop” you beg. “aw” he coos, “if that’s what my baby wants” he says.
he moves his fingers away, and used his lips against you clit again. he could tell you loved it, your grinding against his face never ceased. until you started trembling. “a-adam, i’m g-gonna, i-, i…”.
“it’s okay, baby. cum for me”
and with one loud moan, you come undone around his fingers. but he doesn’t stop, continues licking and sucking on you like there’s no tomorrow. his large hands hold you down in place as you body shakes under him. “a-adam!” you cry, “adam, please!” your words were cut off by the three of his fingers pushing into you at once. “oh f-fuck!” you cry out loud, you were still sensitive from your orgasm. yet, you could still feel the heat of another building up. “i’m gonna c-cum again, baby, i-i’m really c-close” you moan, “ i know” he groaned. “i want you to cum on my face”. just idea was enough to make you moan out loud. your grip on the pillows go tighter and vision got hazier.
“‘m cumming!” you cry, as your orgasm ripples through your body. adam pulls away from you, licking his lips. your heart was beating fast and your breathing was heavy. a thin layer of sweat covered your forehead, adam got up, entering the bathroom. you could see his boner through his boxers. when he came back he had a towel in his hands. “legs up, baby” he whispered. you raise your legs that felt like jello up, and he slid the towel under you. next thing you know, he was tying his hair up.
“one more, can you take one more?” he asked, you nod weakly, already addicted to the euphoria he brought you. he slid his fingers inside in more time, only two this time and his tongue reached for you clit again. his free hand laying on your lower abdomen, you quickly fell for overstimulation, your clit was throbbing and your pussy was aching for him, you still couldn’t help but grind on his face. his light stubble tickling your sensitive inner thighs. his work on your clit was harsher his time, sucking, and licking everywhere he could, his hand slowly applying pressure on your abdomen it made you feel this way, it just did.
everything was so much faster this time, his fingers kept poking at the one spot that made your knees give out. you saw little black and white dots, and you felt dizzy. his hand kept applying pressure on your lower abdomen and you began clenching around his fingers hard. it felt different this time, it felt like you needed to use the bathroom.
“baby” your voice was panicked.
adam knew this tone, he got what he wanted. “a-adam, n-no, no more, i can’t-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as you felt like you were on cloud nine, you couldn’t think. you just felt him on you. until it was too late.
“i’m gonna-!”
and you squirted all over his face and on the towel. “good girl” he praised. “good girl, you did so well for me”. you were barely able to see him. your pleasure mattered most to him, he would’ve forgotten about his boner, had it not painfully throbbing against the fabric of his boxers. he stood up, yanking off his boxers, his cock slapped against his abs. pre-cum slowly oozing from his slit. he held his cock in his hand stroking it for a second before asking, “can you take me, my love?”
your mouth wasn’t responding as quick as your body, as you found yourself nodding yes before verbally saying it. “speak up, honey” he encouraged. “y-yes, i can” you answer.
he held onto your hips, slowly pushing himself in. his let out a low moan because of how wet you were. despite trying to loosen you up a bit, you still felt tight around him. but it felt so good, you wrapped so deliciously well around him, he couldn’t think for a moment. your hot, velvety walls felt like the type of poison he’d be willing inject himself with. his thrusts were slow and steady, gently trying not to hurt you. he was big, and he knew he was big. he didn’t want to hurt his angel, not one bit.
he was building up and pace, sound of skin slapping against skin getting louder and louder. your moans getting louder as well, he wanted to take it slow with you, he really did. until you began begging “please be rough with me” and to “fuck me, please i want to you fuck me”, and fuck you he will.
he threw your legs over his shoulders and thrusted deeper into, nothing of you moaning each other’s names like it’s the only words you knew. you felt so good around him, so tight.
you gripped the sheets beneath you, almost unable to speak as you felt your next orgasm approaching, you tried to hold on for him, as much as you can, clenching around him hard, almost harder than he can take. “i-if you keep doing t-that i’ll cum” he warns you. “c-can’t help it” you moan. his thrusts get harder, so hard the bed frame was banging against the wall and creaking. you were moaning and whimpering so much it sounded like you were crying, your face was flushed pink, eyebrows furrowed and lips reddened and agape.
adam looked down at your stomach for a split second and he could’ve sworn he’d seen his cock moving inside you. “hurry! i can’t hold on for any longer” but he was mesmerized but what he’d seen to hear you, he thrusted deeper into you which made him miss out loud. “adam” you cry, “that’s it, t-that’s it baby. almost there” he groaned. you couldn’t get any tighter, or at least he thought, you tightened around him one last time before orgasming around him, which triggered his own orgasm.
you both laid there for a moment, it almost felt surreal. if this was a dream then you’d gladly stay asleep.
“did you like it?” adam mumbled, “l-like it?” you stuttered, “i literally can’t breathe” you exclaimed. you both laughed, you were both happy and it didn’t matter were this train was leading - for now you were happy with what you had.
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Surprised by my way I do it to it?
(I'm whose bad things itty bitty vixen?)
Ef out
I count as WCW lead
And sor•®©✓™saved yet Jeff
Various types of fans
A q&&a "and then" 'going in topless' 13&&13
VASA ic k ah π SZ
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Happy meal space. The ORGASM OF MAKING SOUND. this is an attempt to be in the rap game for good on a phone for keeping it updated and pornoslutpower bottom collection live #seconds #sary #UglyThemed #shelbyInSarasRoom
Ditz stick says **I win 🍓in more ways than one🍅 history plain yet citrus 🍊🍊 46 the MOVIE IS FASHION, debate my script: a girl also plays me working at a lingerie store ready for love #Porkchop and Squanto xoxo Houston Johnson code for silent Lita Bomb 💣 or was it a Sable Bomb? #angelnumbers wanted a late night tip into ripping off a layer like an OU loser team that certain locals call FISH DADDY 🍼 the spiritual alignments leading into the hula hoop orgasm letter noises but what's happening? With me; a corner w/u BALDYA.E.TYBBIES...RYAN.HU.ge🍾🥥🤫🛶🧭👕make me look gay 7th before 911, you're name is Dick in BeeWitched essential oils and the actual sexy fun idea for crystals inside 💠 QT k, thnx, bye. ii con e 👁️📍
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Rewatching LITA as one does and I forgot the Mame wrote it until she had Rain be homophobic and then I remembered! Can't be Mame unless someone "turns gay by the power of good di**" 🙄
literally don't remind me of that mess fjdkhg the rainpayu story was so bad lmao rip. the chemistry was bomb but the writing made me question everyone's sanity including my own jkdfhg
shows once again that people will suck up anything as long as there's enough heat lol.
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