#Listen she's so hot for both him and Karlach and so am I
teamdilf · 9 months
Tagged by @outpost51 - thank you!
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Tagging @westernlarch, @nicolasadrabbles and @kaos-kappa
Putting my snippet under the cut because things get a little saucy. 🌶️
Astarion is sitting atop a royal blue duvet, eyeing her suggestively; no indication of any lingering anger from their argument yesterday. “Would you care to feed on me tonight?” she asks him, and he raises an eyebrow. 
“A peace offering. How generous of you. Gladly.”
She sits down beside him, and he does not stop her, and she hugs her knees to her chest. “Have I ever told you about my family?” 
“It hardly seems something that would come up.” 
“I was the disappointment,” she says, glancing at him and giving him a sad smile. “I wonder if they think I’m dead, or if I’m simply maintaining a particularly long tantrum by hiding away in Rivington. I’d messed up and forgot that I was supposed to babysit my brother’s kids. Not… for the first time, and he was pissed. And maybe he was right to be pissed, but I just got so sick of him looking at me as if I were a child in need of a scolding, instead of his sister, who happens to be ten minutes younger than he is. I snapped, and… left. And now I’m a big fucking hero. Imagine that: the stage performer and occasional stripper is now what stands between peace and whatever the mindflayers want with us.”
“Have you ever considered… not being a hero?” Astarion says, as if that’s an easy solution to her problem. 
“My family lives in Baldur’s Gate. Yes, that’s a ways away, but I can’t risk them. My grandfather is a dragon - a silver one, which means by nature he’s always been more curious about the lives of us mere humanoids, and he’s lived in an elven community for centuries now. The village is under his protection, and he’s always said that it’s our duty to take care of our people. Father is no warrior but took that to heart, and when he was chewing me out for failing to meet my obligations, he reminded me of that. So - that’s what I’m doing. I’m taking care of my people, and you’re here helping out, even if you’re a whiny little pain in the ass while you are, so that makes you my people. Which means I’m going to take care of you, and you don’t need to mainline tadpoles in order to obtain protection.”
“Cute, how you think you know what I need. If only you knew,” Astarion says bitterly, but fails to open up further. He then shifts, turning flirtatious and gives her a coy smile. “Lie back; I promise I’ll be gentle.” 
She lies back, offering her neck. “You’re eating me; this is hardly gentle.” 
“Oh, but I’m not. Yet.” His fangs puncture her neck and she winces; her belly stirring with desire and her cheeks growing hot as she realizes the precise meaning of his flirtatious words. 
“I could later if you like,” he says, pausing long enough to lap at the tiny wound he’s made on her neck.
2. bg3 fic quotes
3. Shepard & Castis
4. Adrien & Aurelia Final Year
5. Cazador
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blackwell-ninja · 2 months
I absolutely promise I am working on this regency fic. It is just not up to standards for a full AO3 tumblr post.
I ran into a brain roadblock because I've never written this slow of a slow burn before. SO!! As a reconciliation. Have the part I'm ready to post....
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Gale/Female Tav, given a first name. Side Wyll/Karlach.
Slow Burn Pining. Gonna be multiple chapters. No beta on this bit not edited We die like men.
Gale Dekarios was a respectable gentleman. 
He was a gentleman and he was not one to just decide to go on feelings alone. 
He was a gentleman and he would not be wooed simply by looks. 
He was a gentleman who could not take his eyes off the young lady standing by her family laughing. A fan to her mouth as the building was hot. 
He bit his lip and looked away as Astarion grabbed his arm and pulled him close. 
“You’re staring.” His friend warned. “Just go talk to her.” 
“I am not staring” Gale responded pulling away from the Viscount. He adjusted his sleeves and went back to surveying the rest of the men and women at the ball. Hosted by their dear friend Duke Ravenguard it was easy to see how this season would play out already. 
Astarion would probably flirt with some of the more available women, never landing on a wedding himself, but Gale had his own plan. As a Baron, he needed to marry this season but he knew that it would need to be something that both parties agreed too, regardless of what Astarion, Wyll, or even Halsin had to say about it. 
That's when his eyes landed back on the young woman, who’s wrist was outstretched to one of the other men as he signed her dance card. She looked…
Bored? That couldn’t be right, if he didn’t know any better he would say that was Lord Gortash, one of the more available men of the ton. Astarion nudged him again. 
“What’s got you so taken with Lady Taveris?” His friend was curious as he followed his gaze. 
“What? What was her name?” Gale mumbled half listening to Astarion. 
“Lady Venus Taveris, of the Taveris family. They just moved here this season.” Astarion grabbed a drink off a tray and took a sip. “I’d get her a drink, definitely get your hands on her before Lord Gortash does…” But by the time Astarion had looked up Gale was gone. 
Gale had figured the girl had recently come here, every season he found the group of available ladies less appealing. His standards were too high according to the Duke. His assessment of the ladies is too low according to Astarion. 
Soon enough Gale had crossed the ballroom and was standing mere feet away from the mysterious Taveris family, and Venus Taveris, an apt name for this beautiful woman. Her eyes locked onto his quickly and she curtsied as he bowed.
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paganwitchisis · 2 months
Unawanted Advances
Rated: E (Explicit)
Word Count: 4,763
Pairing AFAB Female Tav X Spawn! Astarion
Warning - non-consensual groping, groping, smut, a quarter of this piece is smut, murder of an npc, PiV smut, female oral sex, Breeding kink (no kids).
Summary-Set after Cazador was defeated in Act 3. Astarion was in the party walking the streets of Baldur’s Gate when he was groped and propositioned by a stranger. This leads to expected reactions from himself and the group. What becomes of him and the situation? Read and find out! There is smut towards the end. AFAB female Tav x Spawn! Astarion. Tav is not specified for race but is a fighter, so you can imagine your Tav in the place.
AO3 link is Here
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It was supposed to be an easy day, but Tav had decided as they ventured the city that they would fight a hag who was suspected of being behind the disappearance of a little girl. Astarion knew as soon as Tav heard a child was in danger, she would spring to action. Since his confession and declaration of love just a tenday ago, he had been in the party consistently so he knew he would be dragged with. Of course, Astarion secretly agreed with Tav on the importance of the mission. Since his renewal and the events at the graveyard, the couple couldn’t get enough of each other. Their escapades were a bane to their companions and friends, so when a room opened up near by to the companion room, they all agreed Astarion and Tav would get it. Of course, Astarion didn’t mind since the room was large, had a tub, and afforded them privacy.
The battle with the hag was difficult, to say the least, but Astarion and Tav worked wonderfully as a team like they always did. Tav was used to her vampire lover being in her party, as well as Karlach, however their fourth party member was always changing. Depending on who they needed at the time, it could be Wyll, Jaheira or even Shadowheart, but today it was Gale. Tav knew she would need an offensive magic user, so Gale was the obvious pick. The battle took longer than they anticipated as they took out the mushrooms around the room keeping the hag alive. This spent Gale’s spell slots, while Karlach was taking the hag’s blows and distracting her. Tav and Astarion worked on destroying the mushrooms, and Karlach got hit pretty good and was knocked off her feet. Tav and Astarion had only just finished when this happened and their full out assault took place. Thankfully, Tav and Astarion were spared from getting hurt, although they were tired by the time the hag was defeated. Karlach had a broken rib, but Tav had a regular potion of healing she gave to the red tiefling. It didn’t heal much, but it was enough for the rib to mend itself. Gale clung to his staff like a cane and the group finished the mission by mid day. As they meandered through the city to return to camp, covered in blood and completely exhausted, Tav next to Astarion, Gale and Karlach bringing up the rear, 
The group made their way through the park-like area where they fought cultists previously and were actively engaging in conversation.
“...What I am trying to say is Netherese should be shared, taught and accepted as…” Gale mused but was swiftly cut off by the pale elf.
“As if the bomb in your chest wasn’t dangerous enough. Let’s just let others have access to that kind of power…” Astarion commented dryly.
“I’ll have you know…” Gale began to reply when Tav interrupted them both. Tav turned to them both as they drew near the gates and replied.
“Boys. I get it, it is hot and we’re exhausted from the fight, but let’s not bicker, please.”
As they exited the gate, Astarion noted a scantly clad woman making their way towards them. Assuming she would pass by, Astarion moved to the side so he was closer to Tav. He didn’t think anything of her clothing choice as it was a hot day, but as she drew near, Astarion had a bad feeling.
He should probably start listening to his body, because he soon found he was right.
“Hey, handsome.” The woman addressed Astarion as she brought her hand to the crux of his legs and grabbed him possessively in his most private of places. “Why not ditch the broad, and see what else I can do with my hands…or other body parts.”
A cold sweat and chill surged through the elf, as he felt like he was reliving his two hundred years of torment. The subtle glances, the forced intimacy and the little discard for him as a person came back to him. He felt the need to run, to fight, to do something. If he had a heart beat, surely it would be beating loud enough a human could hear it, just like if he could throw up, he would.
Astarion was going through a whirlwind of different feelings and emotions as his mind was trapped in the past. It was like he felt every unwanted touch, every kiss and so much more. Astarion began to shake slightly, but before anything more could occur, Tav had grabbed the woman’s wrist, and summoning all her strength, Tav used her other hand to pommel strike the woman in the head.
“He said NO!”
He did? When did he say no?
Astarion was able to think again, albeit he was not okay once her hand was removed. Frozen in place, Astarion watched as Tav barked out orders to Karlach to help her put the woman in the empty house next to them, and for them both to keep watch and not enter. Astarion noticed the house in question was the house with the blue door that Dribbles was found in not long ago. Finally feeling he could move, Astarion felt he had to get off the streets, but they were still far from the Elfsong. Going on his own with the amount of enemies they had would be a fairly bad idea, so Astarion followed Tav inside the house, closing the door behind him.
“Fucking bitch.” Tav cursed as she made her way to the unconscious woman on the floor. Tav knelt down, and ran her arms over the woman’s so she could not fight back before turning her head to expose her throat.
“What…?” Astarion began to say, although it was obvious what Tav was trying to do. Tav was going to let him feed on her.
“The choice is yours, Star, it always is. You have the right to say yes or no whenever you wish, but know that she may have done this to others. She isn't some damn innocent we need to protect. She just sexually assaulted you and kept touching you after you said no. If you want me to ignore her, I will. Otherwise, I am all for you getting your fill. Like you would with bandits.”
Dumbstruck, Astarion had to ask.
“Wait….you’re the most lawful good like person I know. Hells, if a rabbit was in a burning house, you’d jump in to save it, but this you’re okay with?”
“What can I say? You influence me sometimes. Plus, there is nothing good about her. No good person randomly gropes and propositions someone like that.”
Astarion looked at the woman who began to stir to consciousness again. With a groan, she tried to move her arms and found she couldn’t. She was being held down by something strong, it would appear, so imagine her surprise when she looked to the side and saw the woman she made fun of earlier.
The woman looked in front of her and saw the same man she encouraged for a night of fun and began to speak out to the two.
“You’re doing what this bitch wants you to do, I get it. Get her off me and I won’t breathe a word. You still get your fun and you can escape this monster!”
“Monster?” Astarion began to laugh. He wasn’t sure why she was pleading for his help, when from what he gathered, he had somehow told her no already. Of course Astarion didn’t remember doing it, but he also wasn’t in the best state of mind.
“He is doing only what he wants to do, you fucker.” Tav was using very colorful language, something Astarion rarely heard from her mouth outside of intimacy.
“Really? He is just like me. A whore. You think I couldn’t tell? You probably do the same thing I do, fuck em, steal from them and move on to the next mark. I’m guessing you own him since it is too early for most of our profession to work yet” The woman threw out one vile misunderstanding after the next and professed them to be true. Tav was seething as she tightened her hold and yanked the woman’s head to the side.
“He is no whore, you cunt! He is…” Tav spoke but stopped when she felt his gentle touch grace her shoulder. Astarion smiled and then he finally spoke directly to the woman.
“You keep insulting the woman I love, call me a whore and think you’re going to get away with it?” Astarion laughed once more and shook his head. “She taught me I am not a whore. She taught me I can say no and helped me move on from the past, but you? I think I’ll make one of your comments correct. There is a monster in here.”
Tav was going to protest, that he was not a monster but Astarion held his finger up to ask her to wait.
“As she likes to tell me, I am no monster, but right now? I feel like being one.” and with that, Astarion opened his mouth, showed his fangs and before the woman could scream, Astarion sank his teeth into her neck. Tav had clamped a hand over the woman’s mouth in case she cried for help as her lover fed from her. Astarion took everything that was offered and scoffed when Tav released the body of the woman who collapsed lifelessly on the floor.
“I….I need to get out of here.”
“Of course. Here, though.” Tav said and offered him a rag from her pack. It was then that Astarion saw how much blood was still on his mouth.
“Thanks. I guess I am a bit wasteful with blood that isn't your own. Hells, her blood may as well been rat blood judging by the taste” Astarion gave a grimace at the thought, remembering the taste of the blood on his lips as he cleaned himself up to walk the streets once more. Astarion was doing his best to calm himself, but he felt wrong, dirty even. He just knew he needed to go back to the Elfsong.
He felt he needed a bath.
Tav led him back to the Elfsong and told the others to give them some time as Astarion bee-lined for their shared room. Astarion started himself a bath and had stripped his shirt when Tav walked in and placed a bottle of red wine on his side of the bed’s nightstand. Tav was going to give him some privacy and leave when Astarion called out.
“Wait…don’t leave.”
Tav stopped what she was doing and re-locked the door before she turned herself to face him.
“Is everything okay? I was going to let you bathe in peace…I mean, after today, and all…”
“No. Don’t go. I…I honestly want you here. I feel vulnerable, and I know you won't let anything happen“ Astarion mentioned before adding on. “I mean…if you want to help, that is. I…that bitch has me flustered.” Astarion brought one of his hands up to the back of his head and scratched at his scalp nervously.
“If you would have me here or prefer me present, I’ll always stay by your side, Star.” Tav stepped forward and took Astarion’s hand into her own so he would stop plucking at his scalp. “I’ll let you get a bath, I’ll fold our laundry not far away if that is fine. If you want anything else, just let me know.”
Astarion brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles as he acknowledged her comment with a shake of the head. Tav set up on the bed and began to fold both her and his clothing. After about ten minutes, Tav was folding the last piece of clothing when she heard a muffled whimper from the tub. Glancing to her lover, she noticed he was vigorously scrubbing himself. Tav got up and off the bed, and as she approached the tub, she noted how red and raw his skin looked, especially to his genitals, as he continued to roughly handle himself. Astarion looked upset, so Tav tenderly placed her hands over his and took the soap and rough sponge from him.
“You’re hurting yourself, honey.”
“I….I feel tainted. I feel like I need to get her touch off me. I’m…I’m just….” Astarion dropped his head further so he would look down at soapy water before Tav used two fingers to tilt his head up towards her.
“She will never touch you again. You’re safe and here with me. Just me.  Why don’t we get you out of there and get you a glass of wine?” Tav asked lovingly, but Astarion shook his head no.
“I didn’t wash my hair.”
“Is it okay if I wash your hair for you? I promise not to make weird hairstyles again” Tav said partly because she was worried he would hurt himself further, and partly because she was hoping her joke would crack a smile, which it did, even if it was a small one.
Astarion shifted forward so he could dunk his head under the water briefly. When he came back up, Astarion felt Tav’s fingers thread through his hair and it made him flinch a moment. He felt her retract her hands when Astarion reached out to stop her from pulling away.
“Please, don’t. I can’t stand that someone else touched me without my consent, but it would bother me more to push you away from touching me when you wished. You’re the only person I will share my body with and I find your touch comforting.”  Astarion explained to Tav who reached forward once again.
“Can I continue touching your scalp?”
“Darling, you don’t have to ask. I appreciate you did so, but I want nothing to change between us because of her…” Tav smiled lovingly to Astarion’s wish and she began to message his scalp with shampoo. Tav grinned when Astarion moaned under her ministrations. It didn’t take long for her to help him with washing his hair and managing his curls.
Tav took to draining the tub as Astarion slid his underwear on. The summer heat made adding anything else sweltering even with cooling magic in the establishment. Tav removed her clothing, her armor long since been removed previous to washing Astarion’s hair. Tav sauntered to the bed in her underwear only, her breasts exposed since Astarion requested that nothing change between the two. Tav didn’t miss how Astarion’s eye’s tracked her movement as she went to her side of the bed. Tav was going to search for a glass in her pack when Astarion uncorked the bottle and drank from it directly. Astarion offered the bottle to Tav who took a swig in kind before returning it to Astarion.
Astarion corked the wine and although he would have wished to drink more, he felt being drunk on top of his current emotional state would be a bad idea.
Kissing her forehead, the two laid down to get some rest. What transpired over the day left Tav without an appetite but she still forced herself to eat a provisioning staple from her pack while folding the laundry earlier that day. It wasn’t much, but it was substance. Astarion went to pull Tav against his chest when she smiled and spun her finger to tell him to turn around. Astarion turned and faced the other way only to feel Tav’s arms encircle him. It made him feel safe, loved and listened to. He felt like he was home.
Astarion wasn’t sure when he fell into his trance, but he remembered the nightmare vividly. He was being preyed upon and Cazador’s haunting voice echoed beyond his grave. He was chanting out sayings he told him in the past. You are nothing! You’re worthless and will never amount to anything! You are mine. You will never leave me, I am inside of you. The last one especially bothered him,  because aside from the obvious context it could mean, it also bothered him because Astarion was concerned just how much of Cazador would be tied to his soul. He remembered telling Tav before killing the vile man that a part of him would always be part of Astarion but Astarion had always wondered how much. During the nightmare, the overlay of comments weren't just enough. Instead there were brief flashes of faces he took to bed, positions he was forced to endure and the damn putrid rat he gave up more often than not in favor of flaying.
Astarion wasn’t aware he was screaming nor woken Tav up until he saw her beautiful face and heard her voice gently begging him to wake up. He felt the warmth of her as she held him, his consciousness coming back to him as he noticed the tears down his face. Astarion reached his hands around her waist and held her tight, sobbing into her breast as his head was cushioned on it. He didn’t care, it was her. He was safe with her, they loved each other, and gods, did he need something to ground him out.
Her. He needed her.
Astarion shimmied north before he kissed and licked his favorite pulse point just below her ear.
“May I?”
He didn’t need to hear an answer when Tav positioned her neck in just the way he preferred so he could suckle from her vein. After one last kiss, Astarion tenderly sank his teeth into her sensitive flesh. His hearing caught the muffled moan and he grinned as he partook of her life essence. Astarion began to drink and moaned at the taste of her. No one would have blood as sweet as her, nor taste like a fine vintage of wine like the woman in his arms. Astarion stopped shortly after he began, knowing how precious the blood was and whom it kept alive. Astarion licked the wounds and sealed them before kissing the bruised flesh once more.
It was then that he smelled it. Her arousal was strong, and after having ingested her blood, Astarion was hard and wanting. Only problem was, he was in pain from his bath earlier and his attempt to rid himself of the taint from the other woman. His cock throbbed in pain as it was engorged with Tav’s crimson life. Flinching, Astarion pulled away to pull his underwear down and off. It was then that Tav saw the problem. He looked to be in pain, so Tav hopped off the bed and retrieved some Balsam ointment and a potion of healing.
As Astarion drank the potion of healing, Tav liberally applied to the ointment to his aching cock. Although it hurt, the cooling gel and her hand motions felt good to his mast. Astarion couldn’t help the drop of natural lubrication on the tip of his length. Astarion saw Tav hungerly look at his manhood, but she made no motion to act on it. Astarion was frustrated. A night or two ago, this wouldn’t have happened. They were attuned to one another. They knew each other's bodies and souls, so why now was she hesitant?
“Can this ointment be used internally?” Astarion asked innocently, although what was swimming in his brain was anything but innocent.
“I believe so. Why?” Tav asked while Astarion gently guided her head to his mast where she licked the liquid eagerly, earning a moan from the vampire before she pulled back confused.
“Because I need you, and I’m tired of my life being ruled by others. I said I am going to live my life the way I want to and I meant it. Fuck everyone else who thinks they can take my autonomy away. I only need you. You make me safe, wanted, but not sexually…well…most times,” Astarion said with a smirk. “But, most of all, I am loved by you and I love you as well. Now, I want to feast on your succulent cunt and make love to you like no other man can.“ Astarion pulled her head tenderly to his face and kissed her fervently and with passion. Astarion easily slipped his tongue inside her mouth and they danced the familiar song that only they knew. Astarion began to pull at her underwear, asking to slip them off. Tav  responded by moving her arms to shimmy the material down her legs and she flung the black underwear off to the side. Both were bare to each other at last as Astarion fondled Tav’s breasts. Tav gave a sigh of relief to his actions and laid her head back on the bed. Astarion had a masterful tongue and fingers, something that was used on Tav often, but was it right to be making love to him when he was still compromised?
Astarion picked up on her worry, the tadpoles broadcasting directly to him as her concerns were on the surface level.
“I want to share my body with you. Only you.” Astarion muttered against her flesh as he took her nipple into his mouth.
“Hells, I don’t know if I’ll be able to pull out.” Astarion murmured as he switched to the other nipple.
Tav moaned at the feel of her lover. “Then don’t. Come in me.”
Astarion groaned as his cock grew harder and more rigid. He wasn’t aware that he could get harder but his lover never failed to illicit such reactions from him.
“But…Gale just told us about Dhampirs last week when we….well….pissed them off with our activities. What if you…” Astarion worriedly said.
“I have teas if we decide not to chance having your child but know that if you decide this is what you want, then I am onboard as well.”
“I…It’s embarrassing.” Astarion admitted as he finally kissed his way down to her delicious peach. Astarion began giving small licks to her slit before he used his two fingers to spread her labia apart. “I don’t know about wanting a child, but the thought of you swollen with our progeny, the thought of…for lack of a better term….breeding you. It makes me need you.”
Tav merely smiled and brushed her hands through his soft curls. “I’ll take the teas since we need to think this through but for the time being, imagine you wanted to do that. Breed me and enjoy.”
Astarion smiled and thought to himself a moment. ‘how did I find her?’ before he claimed her lips again.
“Then I’ll breed you. You’re mine.” Astarion growled as he dropped his head between the legs he sat between and took a long lick up the slit with the flat of his tongue. Tav moaned and murmured “I’m yours,” above him as he spread her labia with his fingers and dove in as if his head always belonged there. To Astarion, he loved giving oral to his lover. She tasted almost as good as her blood and after having laid with a thousand souls, saying he was addicted to her taste and that she was the best tasting woman he ever laid with was saying something. To Astarion, he felt he belonged there, nestled between her thighs, as the woman he loved began getting louder the more he suckled and tenderly cared for her bundle of nerves. Astarion would occasionally dip his tongue deep inside her to taste her essence, and it was so delectable that he wrapped his arms around her hips and held her to him. When he delved into her innermost area, his nose would hit her clit, and as engorged as it was, she was panting, gasping and whining above him. Astarion began to include his finger, easily sliding two inside her and grinning at how wet she was. Two became three fingers as he gently stretched her and hit that rough patch just inches inside her, the spot that had her seeing stars.
He knew she was close.  
Astarion moved up to her clitoris and went as fast and loving as he could with the tip and flat of his tongue. He pumped his finger inside her, making sure to hit the erogenous areas every pass through. It took mere moments for her world to shatter, the inside of her spasming and contracting with the throb of her clit. Astarion helped her ride it out as he slowed but never stopped until Tav began begging for his hard-on.
“Please, Star, please give me your cock! Make love to me! Fill me!”
“Oh, I plan to, darling. I’m going to coat that pretty cunt of yours. I want to fill you, make you round with my seed.” Astarion knew in the back of his mind that Tav would take teas and so she would not get pregnant, but that didn’t stop him from fantasizing. He would imagine those teas didn’t exist and imagine he was trying to impregnate his lover. Did they need more stability and a few other decisions before thinking of kids? Yeah, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the fantasy.
“Please, fill me with your child!”
Astarion smirked as he stroked himself a few times before he lined himself up with her entrance.
“I’m going to fuck a baby into you.” Astarion huskily said before he took her lips to his own and thrust his length deep inside her. He bottomed out in one thrust since she was so wet and ready for him. Astarion groaned into a growl as he felt those tight, warm walls surround him. This was home to him. Being buried inside of her was home.
“Only you. Only you can share my body. Gods, I love you, darling.”  Astarion almost whimpered against her lips as he set a brutal pace. Astarion knew he wouldn’t last inside of her and began to find his rhythm as he rolled his hips against her own.
“You feel so good.”
“I’m going to make you feel even better.” Astarion encouraged. He took Tav’s right leg and held it by the crook of her knee, holding it up as he slammed into her at an angle. This hit an erogenous zone that made her throw her head back in ecstasy. The only sound, save for panting, moaning and gasping, were the sounds of skin slapping and wet noises. Astarion knew he was nearing his end as he felt the familiar coil low in his belly but he needed Tav to finish too. Astarion took the hand not holding her leg up and began to rub her clit in fast paced circles. Tav began to almost scream in pleasure, and Astarion was sure their friends heard them by now. He didn’t care.
“You’re so good to me.” Astarion grunted in an attempt to hold in a moan.
He felt home, he felt safe, and as soon as Tav hit her precipice, clamping around his engorged cock and spasming against him, it pulled him down with her. Astarion slammed into her to the hilt as thick ropes of his sperm coated her insides just like he promised. There was so much of it that it began to seep out the sides and dribble down the edges where his cock met her entrance. Astarion kissed her again but this time it was slow and sensual. Astarion drank her in and kissed her with everything his heart had to offer.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better,” Astarion replied as he pulled out and began to help her clean up. “Thank you.”
Tav placed her hand on his face so that he would look at her for her next sentence.
“I love you, and you’ll never have to go back to how things were. Nothing will take me away from you, and I’ll make sure you stay free. You’re safe.”
Astarion kissed her briefly again and held her for a moment. He was safe, nestled in the arms of the only one he truly called his family.
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serregon · 1 month
What are Nita's interactions w the other companions like? Like who jokes with her vs is afraid for her vs afraid of her?
Halsin is the partner Nita needs. he’s gentle with her, taking his time to listen to her and understand what’s going on. he lets her vent out all her durgey thoughts without judgement and helps her find a healthier outlet for her urges. there’s a bit of a hero worship element on Halsin’s end—how could he judge the woman who helped him save the shadow cursed lands? and like, a dark urge and a werebear who accidentally turns during sex are both pretty weird, so they can both relate to being outcasts to others and finding solidarity there
Jaheira is also a key player in helping Nita defeat the urge. she can be cold, but it’s the cold type of pragmatism that Nita needs. Jaheira isn’t necessarily scared, but she knows exactly what a Bhaalspawn is capable of. but she’s confident enough in her ability to help Nita resist Bhaal. same for Minsc. also Nita just Gets all of Minsc’s odd low-int-high-wis comments
Nita had a fling with Lae’zel early on in their adventure. Lae’zel being Lae’zel thought the whole murder impulses thing was hot. but overall the two couldn’t bring out the best in each other. Nita wanted to get better, and act 1 Lae’zel is too crechepilled vlaakithmaxxer to be the helpful partner Nita really needs
Wyll fears for Nita’s safety more than she fears what she could do to him. same goes for Karlach, she’s just concerned for Nita. also I think Wyll could figure out that Nita is a Bhaalspawn rather early on, being familiar with Gorion’s Ward. he knows how a Bhaalspawn saved the world once before, so he’s the biggest advocate for durge redemption. Shadowheart’s much the same way, plus she’s sympathetic to a fellow amnesiac
Nita has a sibling like relationship with Astarion. they kinda bully each other. but like Astarion can also be a good confidante since he also knows what it’s like to be a thrall to violent hungers. but also Astarion is too chill with her violent impulses, ie his reaction to durge killing Alfira
Gale’s scared of her though. you know how durge can kill him by cutting off his hand? I have an idea where Nita did cut off his hand and he survives and uses a mage hand as a prosthetic. Gale thinks he’s the only sane man in the group. he’s like? hello?? am I the only one who’s concerned that our leader tried to kill me???
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