#Liposuction for Men New York
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Aesthetic Refinement: Calf Implants in New York
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Elevate your physique with Calf Implants in New York. Explore a transformative procedure designed for balanced proportions and boosted confidence. Discover the possibilities of aesthetic refinement.
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cuzikan · 9 months ago
"Rules Of The Blues"😉😎😎
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1. Most Blues begin, "Woke up this morning..."
2. "I got a good woman" is a bad way to begin the Blues, unless you stick something nasty in the next line like, "I got a good woman, with the meanest face in town."
3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes... sort of: "Got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Yes, I got a good woman with the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher, and she weigh 500 pound."
4. The Blues is not about choice. You stuck in a ditch, you stuck in a ditch--ain't no way out.
5. Blues cars: Chevys, Fords, Cadillacs and broken-down trucks. Blues don't travel in Volvos, BMWs, or Sport Utility Vehicles. Most Blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound train. Jet aircraft and company motor pools ain't even in the running. Walkin' plays a major part in the blues lifestyle. So does fixin' to die.
6. Teenagers can't sing the Blues. They ain't fixin' to die yet. Adults sing the Blues. In Blues, "adulthood" means being old enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis.
7. Blues can take place in New York City but not in Hawaii or any place in Canada. Hard times in Minneapolis or Seattle is probably just clinical depression. Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City are still the best places to have the Blues. You cannot have the blues in any place that don't get rain.
8. A man with male pattern baldness ain't the blues. A woman with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg cause you were skiing is not the blues. Breaking your leg 'cause a alligator be chompin' on it is.
9. You can't have no Blues in a office or a shopping mall. The lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the dumpster.
10. Good places for the Blues:
a. Highway
b. Jailhouse
c. An empty bed
d. Bottom of a whiskey glass
11. Bad places for the Blues:
a. Nordstrom's
b. Gallery openings
c. Ivy league institutions
d. Golf courses
12. No one will believe it's the Blues if you wear a suit, 'less you happen to be a old ethnic person, and you slept in it.
13. You have the right to sing the Blues if:
a. You older than dirt
b. You blind
c. You shot a man in Memphis
d. You can't be satisfied
14. You don't have the right to sing the Blues if:
a. You have all your teeth
b. You were once blind but now can see
c. The man in Memphis lived
d. You have a pension fund
15. Blues is not a matter of color. It's a matter of bad luck. Tiger Woods cannot sing the blues. Sonny Liston could. Ugly white people also got a leg up on the blues.
16. If you ask for water and your darlin' give you gasoline, it's the Blues
17. Other acceptable Blues beverages are:
a. Cheap wine
b. Whiskey or bourbon
c. Muddy water
d. Nasty black coffee
18. The following are NOT Blues beverages:
a. Perrier
b. Chardonnay
c. Snapple
d. Slim Fast
19. If death occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it's a Blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is another Blues way to die. So is the electric chair, substance abuse and dying lonely on a broke-down cot. You can't have a Blues death if you die during a tennis match or while getting liposuction.
20. Some Blues names for women:
a. Sadie
b. Big Mama
c. Bessie
d. Fat River Dumpling
21. Some Blues names for men:
a. Joe
b. Willie
c. Little Willie
d. Big Willie
22. Persons with names like Michelle, Amber, Debbie, and Heather can't sing the Blues no matter how many men they shoot in Memphis.
23. Make your own Blues name Starter Kit: a. name of physical infirmity (Blind, Cripple, Lame, etc.) b. first name (see above) plus name of fruit (Lemon, Lime, Melon, Kiwi, etc.) c. last name of President (Jefferson, Johnson, Fillmore, etc.) For example: Blind Lime Jefferson, Jackleg Lemon Johnson or Cripple Kiwi Fillmore, etc. (Well, maybe not "Kiwi.")
24. I don't care how tragic your life: if you own even one computer, you cannot sing the blues.
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hoursofreading · 3 months ago
Let me give you an on-the-ground example. In 2011, The New York Times published an article about liposuction. It seems that women who have liposuction on their hips and thighs do grow back some of their fat, but they grow it back in different places. Basically, your thighs may stay thinner, but your upper arms will soon be fatter than they were before. It was a cute article. A bit of fluff, really. But unlike the majority of plastic surgeons, I’d guess, I’d just been reading the latest research on the evolution of adipose tissue—specifically female adipose tissue. As it turns out, women’s fat isn’t the same as men’s. Each fat deposit on our body is a little bit different,[*6] but women’s hip, buttock, and upper thigh fat, or “gluteofemoral” fat, is chock-full of unusual lipids: long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, or LC-PUFAs. (Think omega-3. Think fish oil.) Our livers are bad at making these kinds of fats from scratch, so we need to get most of them from our diet. And bodies that can become pregnant need them so they can make baby brains and retinas.
Cat Bohannon_ - Eve _ How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution-Penguin Random House LLC (2023)
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paslnyc · 4 months ago
Male Upper Arm Liposuction
Men usually opt for liposuction of the arms when their workout programs fail to remove excess fat that accumulates in the upper arm region and creates a flabby appearance.
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steelbluehome · 9 months ago
The Guardian
The Apprentice review – cartoon version of chump-in-chief Donald Trump’s early years (click for article)
2 out of 5 stars
Cannes film festival
Ali Abbasi’s film presents young Donald as an amoral narcissist, wastes the talent of Jeremy Strong and includes a grisly rape scene that is quickly glossed over
Peter Bradshaw
Mon 20 May 2024 13.22 EDT
Donald Trump will not be the smallest bit worried by this genially ironic, lenient TV movie-style treatment of his early adventures in 70s landlordism, property and tabloid celebrity – and his own apprentice relationship with dark legal sorcerer and Nixon intimate Roy Cohn, the bully whose connections added to Donald’s wealth and who taught him to lie to others and himself and never admit defeat. There had been many rumours here in Cannes before this film screened about its rape scene, of which, more in a moment.
Director Ali Abbasi has given us fascinating monsters in the past with Holy Spider and Border but the monstrosity here is almost sentimental, a cartoon Xeroxed from many other satirical Trump takes and knowing prophetic echoes of his political future. It’s basically a far less original picture, its ambience borrowed from Scorsese and Coppola – with Donald’s deadbeat elder brother Fred even getting a “Fredo” scene where he gets embarrassingly, tearfully drunk at a big event, like the loser he is. And like so many film-makers these days, Abbasi will keep swooning over the picturesque sleaze of 70s New York.
There’s a moderate hair-and-makeup performance by Sebastian Stan as the young Donald himself, preening himself on his supposed resemblance to Robert Redford (the surgical liposuction and scalp-reduction scenes are gruesome). Jeremy Strong is much more interesting and effectively threatening as Cohn, with his strange physical stillness and lizardly stare, catching the young Trump’s flinching glance in an elite members club and staring at him in the men’s room. The voltage goes up when Strong is onscreen – which is not enough – especially when he admits Donald to his hideous townhouse party for all the other disreputable movers and shakers: “If you’re indicted, you’re invited!”
The Cohn angle and rather wasted asset of Strong’s casting are what makes this story original – but so much of the time he’s absent and we just get the story of Donald’s rise to the top with first wife Ivana (Maria Bakalova) at his side, doing the mega-marble interior decor in Trump Tower. The other great influence in Donald’s life, his glowering and finally envious dad Fred (Martin Donovan) is shrewdly represented.
There is something very pathetic about Roy’s final illness and his humiliation at the hands of the ungrateful Donald, but again the film comes close to a mood of glum yet knowing resignation in the face of this ugly and banal callousness, which has had to be rather obviously pointed up with a dialogue scene between Roy and Ivana.
The rumour of a rape scene in the film, along with the disclaimer at the beginning about fictionalisation and the theme of Donald submitting to Roy’s ethos of power worship, had many here beforehand expecting a moment like the one in Howard Brenton’s The Romans in Britain, a secret chapter of violence and shame and power. But it’s not like that, or not exactly. In the film, Donald rapes Ivana, who had been taunting him about his hair and weight – and this moment is every bit as hateful and misogynistic and shocking as you would expect. (In reality, Ivana later retracted her allegation of rape; Trump always denied it and said his former wife’s interpretation of events was false.) But then the film returns to its usual breezy pastiche-montage of amoral narcissism and conceit. So often, Donald comes across as nothing much more than a rascally and tiresome chump.
In sketching out his pre-White-House career, The Apprentice worryingly moves us back to the old Donald, the joke Donald who had a cameo in Home Alone 2 and of course his own hit TV show, the joke that is now beyond unfunny. It feels obtuse and irrelevant.
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frankkorzo · 10 months ago
Rules for the Blues
(with thanks to Sue McGrath) 1. Most Blues begin, "Woke up this morning."
2. "I got a good woman," is a bad way to begin the Blues, 'less you stick something nasty in the next line, like "I got a good woman with the meanest face in town."
3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes ... sort of: "Got a good woman - with the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher - and she weigh 500 pound."
4. The Blues are not about choice. You stuck in a ditch: You stuck in a ditch, ain't no way out.
5. Blues cars: Chevys and Cadillacs and broken down trucks. Blues don't travel in Volvos, BMWs, or Sport Utility Vehicles. Most Blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound train. Jet aircraft and state-sponsored motor pools ain't even in the running. Walkin' plays a major part in the blues lifestyle. So does fixin' to die.
6. Teenagers can't sing the Blues. They ain't fixin to die yet. Adults sing the Blues. In Blues, adulthood means being old enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis.
7. Blues can take place in New York City, but not in Hawaii or any place in Canada. Hard times in St. Paul or Tucson is just depression. Chicago, St.Louis, and Kansas City still the best places to have the Blues. You cannot have the blues in any place that don't get rain.
8. A man with male pattern baldness ain't the blues. A woman with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg cuz you skiing is not the blues.
9. Breaking your leg cuz a' alligator be chomping on it is.
10. You can't have no Blues in an office or a shopping mall. The lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the dumpster.
11. Good places for the Blues: a) highway b) jailhouse c) empty bed Bad places:  a) Ashrams b) gallery openings c) Ivy League institutions d) golf  courses
12. No one will believe it's the Blues if you wear a suit, 'less you happen to be a' old black man, and you slept in it.
13. Do you have the right to sing the Blues? Yes, if: a) you're older  than dirt b) you're blind c) you shot a man in Memphis d) you can't be satisfied. No, if: a) you have all your teeth b) you were once blind but now can see c) the man in Memphis lived. d) you have a retirement plan or trust fund.
14. Blues is not a matter of color. It's a matter of bad luck. Tiger Woods cannot sing the blues. Gary Coleman could. Ugly white people also got a leg up on the blues.
15. If you ask for water and Baby give you gasoline, it's the Blues. Other acceptable Blues beverages are: a) bad wine b) bad whiskey or bad bourbon c) muddy water d) black coffee. The following are NOT Blues beverages: a) mixed drinks b) kosher wine c) Snapple d) sparkling water
16. If it occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it's a Blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is another Blues way to die. So is the  electric chair, substance abuse, and dying lonely on a broken down cot. You can't have a Blues death if you die during a tennis match or getting liposuction.
17. Some Blues names for women: a) Sadie b) Big Mama c) Bessie d) Fat River Dumpling Some Blues names for men: a) Joe b) Willie c) Little Willie d) Big Willie Persons with names like Sierra, Sequoia, and Rainbow can't sing the Blues no matter how many men they shoot in Memphis.
18. Make yer own Blues name (starter kit): name of physical infirmity (Blind, Cripple, Lame, etc.)  first name (see above) plus name of fruit (Lemon, Lime, Kiwi, etc.)  last name of President (Jefferson, Johnson, Fillmore, etc.) For example, Blind Lime Jefferson, or Cripple Kiwi Fillmore, etc.
19. I don't care how tragic your life: you own a computer, you cannot  sing the blues. You best destroy it - with fire, a spilled bottle of Mad Dog, or get out a shotgun. Maybe your big woman just done sat on it. I don't  care.
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liposuctionformennewyork · 1 year ago
Insight About The Trend And Pros Of Liposuction For Men New York
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The Liposuction for men New York has been one of the most noticeable cosmetic surgeries so far. Initially, it was the term that was strongly associated with women. Still, with the passing days, men too are seen getting inclined to the surgery because of its positive result. So, let’s get into more details and find out about the trends and pros of having the surgery done.
The trend to be seen in regards to the liposuction surgery
 Usually, men were not much up to accepting cosmetic surgeries. But yes, a shift can be seen in their mental disposition over the last couple of years. So, in that regard, Liposuction for men New York is also gaining acceptance.
It reflects a cultural and emotional shift towards self-care and body positivity among men. With advanced technology and techniques, Liposuction has become one of the safest and most effective. Thus, this treatment aims to make men look more confident and enhance their physical appearance.
Pros of Liposuction for men New York treatment
Liposuction for men New York is known for several pros. Now, one of the most important is that men need to follow a particular diet as surgeons prescribe. Besides that they need to exercise daily to keep up the fitness level. Through exercise, they need to focus on specific body parts like the chest, abdomen, etc. Liposuction removes the excess disposition of fat from the body and makes it more masculine and defined. Thus, create a silhouette that will speak about the boosted self-esteem and confidence.
Facts to consider for the safety of the individual
Enhancing the body contour is the ultimate goal of Liposuction for men. Indeed, it aims to help you meet your realistic expectations. Thus, enjoy a healthy lifestyle after an improved body.
Final say
Thus, these are some of the best information regarding the Liposuction for Men New York. So, get the male Liposuction done by a certified surgeon.
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nycplasticsurgery · 1 year ago
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men-plastic-surgery-new-york · 11 months ago
Discover Male Plastic Surgery New York: The Ultimate Guide
Discover Male Plastic Surgery New York, specializing in cosmetic enhancements tailored for men. Services include facelifts, pec augmentation, neck lifts, and liposuction, aimed at achieving a refreshed appearance. Click here for more information.
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meta-squash · 5 years ago
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Journal For Plague Lovers part 6
Me And Stephen Hawking
“I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We have created life in our own image.” – stephen hawking –
1/ Underground car park born at Stonehenge Rivers Wyle, Bourne, [blacked out] destroying Queen mother stuffed for exhibition Three strikes yr out – execution – pizza 2/ Dante III, spider robot, Mount Spurrr Increased plastic surgery for pubic hair Sanitation police, crime of proportion. [blacked out] 3/ Paisleyism and ecumenism and cenotaph bombers [blacked out] wearing policing Soviet labour medals sold for Coca Cola [blacked out] 4/ [blacked out] 82 million watch Gorilla Meets Whale [blacked out] [blacked out]
Herman the bull and Tracy the sheep Transgenic milk containing human protein Their bacteria cheaper than lab baby food Attention, today it’s a cow, tomorrow it’s you
African Punch and Judy shows only rice price 100,000 watch Giant Haystacks Bombay fight Oh the joy, me and Stephen Hawking we laugh Missed the sex revolution when we failed the physical
hahahaha (joke)
[The image on the facing page is a marble sculpture titled St. Teresa in Ecstasy, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, finished in 1652. It is in the Roman church of Santa Maria della Vittoria. It features Theresa in a state of ecstasy as an angel descends to plunge his hands into her heart.]
Reference explanations:
Most of these references are based off of news articles Richey read in 1994, either general summary-like references or nearly direct quotes from articles, mostly from The Indepedent.*
The Stephen Hawking quote is from a speech he gave at Boston's Macworld Expo quoted in the 4th August 1994 issue of the Daily News. A similar quote is in his 1996 lecture Life In The Universe.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric ring of standing stones. It’s managed by English Heritage and owned by the Crown. It is associated with death and burial, and bodies have been excavated in the area around the site. It is aligned to the sunset of the winter solstice and the opposing sunrise of the summer solstice. The “underground car park” line is a reference to proposal made in 1994 to close the A303 and turn the road into an underground tunnel that will pass directly under the site of Stonehenge itself. (Apparently said proposal was approved November 2020.)
I think “Wyle” is a misspelling of “Wylye”, which is a river in south west England. River Bourne is nearby; both go through Wiltshire county. Said county contains the Salisbury Plain, which also contains Stonehenge. The Rivers Wylye and Bourne are both part of the Hampshire Avon catchment. In August ‘94 the county was granted a multi-million pound package to protect the catchment from pollution and monitor buildings developments and water flow rates.
The “queen mother” line may refer to the Queen Mother’s 90th birthday parade in 1990. The Queen mother celebrated her 94th birthday in 1994, and a few informal photos of her were released in The Mirror in an article about it.
“Three strikes yr out – execution – pizza” is a reference to the “three strikes rule” proposed in California. A rule was proposed 1994 and passed in 1995 that allowed someone to be sentenced to life in prison if it was their third repeat offense, and if they had a previous conviction for a violent offense. A man named Jerry Dewayne Williams was arrested July 30 1994 for stealing a slice of pizza and due to this law was later sentenced to 25 years to life.
Mount Spurr is an Alaskan mountain. Its last volcanic eruption was 1992. Dante II was a spider-like robot from NASA that explored Mt Spurr’s volcanic crater in order to gather information and entered the crater in July 1994. It managed to gather information but on the way out of the crater, got stuck in the mud and fell back into the crater. Not sure if “Dante III” is a mis-type.
Dante’s Inferno is about the main eponymous character entering Hell and traversing its rings in order to reach purgatory and then paradise to find his lover Beatrice.
“Increased plastic surgery for pubic hair” is a reference to an article in the The Independent on 27 August 1994 which talked about men getting plastic surgery and liposuction. (The article is titled “Men who want a perfect body,” which certainly hits upon one of Richey’s preoccupations.) It mentions that there are “more and more images for men to look at, in much the same way female images have been pushed for years.” In a paragraph about penis enlargement surgery, it mentions that a complication from said surgery can be ingrown pubic hairs.
“Sanitation police, crime of proportion.” is likely a reference to an article by Zoe Heller called “How I fell foul of New York’s sanitation police.” The Sanitation Police in NY are responsible for dealing with things like theft of recyclables, littering, illegal dumping, improper disposal of solid waste, etc. They can issue summonses for citizens who mix recyclable and non-recyclable materials (which, from what I can gather, is what the Heller article is about).
Ian Paisley was a loyalist politician and Protestant religious leader in Northern Ireland. He promoted a form of Biblical literalism and anti-Catholicism, which he described as “Bible Protestantism” In the mid-late 1960s, he led and instigated loyalist opposition to the Catholic civil rights movement in Northern Ireland. Throughout the Troubles, Paisley was seen as a firebrand and the face of hardline unionism. He opposed all attempts to resolve the conflict through power-sharing between unionists and Irish nationalists/republicans, and all attempts to involve the Republic of Ireland in Northern affairs. A retrospective article about him was published in The Independent in September 1994.
Ecumenism is any effort aimed at the unity of Christians throughout the world. Most often, it specifically means the visible unity of Christian churches in some form.
“Cenotaph bombers” is a reference to the Remembrance Day Bombing that took place 8 November 1987 in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. An IRA bomb was detonated near a war memorial during a Remembrance Sunday ceremony. 11 people were killed and 63 injured. The IRA’s target had been soldiers parading to the memorial, not civilians. In August 1994, a ceasefire was announced by the Provisional IRA. In reaction to the ceasefire, Ian Paisley claimed that Northern Ireland would plummet into civil war.
“Soviet labour medals sold for Coca Cola.” The Soviet Union had medals for labour to honor workers for many years of hard work in the national economy, sciences, culture, education, manufacturing, healthcare, government agencies and public organizations. It was established in 1974 and stopped being awarded in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. There was an article in The Independent on 5 April 1994 about a new British embassy being built in Berlin. It mentioned that the Russian embassy was next door, and that Russian traders would sit across the street from the embassy and sell post-war bric-a-brac like Lenin flags and Hero Of Socialist Labour medals.
“82 million watch Gorilla Meets Whale” is a reference to Godzilla, because the original Japanese name “Gojira” is a portmanteau of the words “gorira” (gorilla) and “kojira” (whale). By 1994, over 82 million people had seen the first 20 Godzilla films. Richey got that figure from an article  in The Independent about the cultural history of the films and their critique of environmental and economic problems. The other thing I could find was a reference to the fact that Godzilla represented Japanese fear of nuclear testing etc: On March 1, 1954, the U.S. conducted a hydrogen bomb test called Bravo shot at Rongelap Atoll in the Marshall Islands. As a result of this nuclear test radioactive dust fell not only on many Marshall Islanders but famously on a Japanese tuna fishing boat called the 5th Lucky Dragon, irradiating all twenty-three fishermen. The effect of these nuclear tests on Japanese, a who had previously experienced the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the heels of the destruction by bombing of virtually all other major cities, was to strengthen anti-nuclear sentiments, giving rising to a powerful anti-nuclear movement that spread across Japan in the form of a citizens’ petition initiated by women opposing nuclear tests. The petition, the largest of its kind ever, was signed by 32 million Japanese. That August, the first Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs was held in Hiroshima. The 5th Lucky Dragon became the model for the boat called “Eiko Maru” attacked by Godzilla.
Herman the bull was the first genetically modified bovine in the world. Scientists injected the embryo with human gene coding for lactoferrin. Eight calves were born from Herman in 1994. All calves inherited the lactoferrin production gene.
Tracy the sheep was a transgenically modified sheep in Scotland, made to produce alpha 1-antitrypsin, which is a substance that was regarded in the 1990s as a potential pharmaceutical for the treatments of emphysema and cystic fibrosis. Alpha 1-antitrypsin comprised 50% of the total protein in Tracy’s milk.
“Attention, today it’s a cow, tomorrow it’s you” is an almost direct copy of an anti-genetic modification poster from the Dutch society for prevention of cruelty of animals, which portrays a topless woman with udders in place of breasts over the caption: 'Today a cow, tomorrow you.”
Punch and Judy was a traditional puppet show. It was usually very violent, with the characters of Punch and Judy (or Punch and another character) fighting and hitting each other. It is handled by a single puppeteer, and audiences are encourage to participate a la panto. It comes from commedia dell’arte.
“Only rice price” may be a reference to a 1976 film called Network. I may be making connections where there aren’t any, though. “What’s that got to do with the price of [blank]?” is a well known phrase (usually it’s “the price of tea in China”). In Network, “the price of rice” is the phrase used. The main character is a new broadcaster whose channel is failing, and he threatens to commit suicide on air. This causes the channel viewing to go up, so the heads of the channel decide to exploit this and allow the character to say whatever he wants and generally spew angry tirades. Eventually he is killed. But the “rice price” line comes from a monologue in which the character berates those watching the show, and tells them that they never read books or newspapers and that television is not news, it’s entertainment and amusement parks. Television is described as being able to make or break people, and as “indifferent to suffering, insensitive to joy. All of life is reduced to the common rubble of banality.”
Giant Haystacks was a wrestler in the 70s. He was 6′11″ and weigh 638 pounds. There’s no info about him ever being in a fight in Bombay. The “Bombay fight” line could be a reference to the Bombay Riots that occurred in 92/93, but again there doesn’t seem to be any connection to Giant Haystacks.
Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist and cosmologist. He suffered from ALS or motor neuron disease, which left him paralyzed and necessitated the use of a speech-generating communication device. He worked with theories on relativity and black holes (which I do not understand and could not explain because I am not a scientist.) In 1988 he wrote A Brief History Of Time. He died in 2018.
The sexual revolution was a social movement started in the 60s and continued through 80s which challenged certain sexual and relationship norms/conventions. It argued for freedom to sex before marriage, right to abortions and the pill or other forms of contraception, normalization of pornography, homosexuality, other forms of sexuality, and public nudity.
*Many, many thanks to a reddit user who messaged me with all of this new information!  They did a ton of research and found all these references in old newspaper archives and 80s/90s BBC documentaries, which I never would have thought to check.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years ago
Globe, March 23
Cover: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shunned 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Tyra Banks outside Stephen Colbert’s show, Maria Bello kisses fiancee Dominique Crenn at an LA fundraiser, Neil Sedaka 
Page 3: James Caan in a wheelchair with son Jacob, Hugh Bonneville and Paddington Bear 
Page 4: Tim McGraw dumps wife Faith Hill to snatch solo tour deal, Miranda Lambert’s husband has quit the New York Police Department for a cushy job on her security team
Page 5: Lisa Marie Presley is locked in a raging war over men and money and Elvis’ legacy with mom Priscilla Presley who she blames for her disastrous life 
Page 6: Cover Story -- Having worn out their welcome in England and been banished across the Atlantic spoiled Harry and greedy Meghan Markle have now enraged their hosts in Canada and Hollywood -- Canadian officials and taxpayers have balked at the couple’s demand for an army of security guards with costs topping a staggering $25 million a year -- Meghan’s stirring resentment in Hollywood by scheming to become the highest-paid actress in the world by using her Duchess of Sussex celebrity to land her a plum superhero gig in a Wonder Woman-like smash 
Page 8: Harry Styles has revealed a terrifying brush with death at the hands of a knife-wielding mugger 
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Page 9: After being cruelly dumped by Jamie Foxx and with her acting career in the tank Katie Holmes has sworn off men and she’s quitting Hollywood to become a full-time model, Michael Jackson’s youngest son born Prince Michael and a.k.a. Blanket and now called Bigi just turned 18 and he’s plunked down a cool $2.6 million for a starter home in California 
Page 10: After a decade of staying on the wagon Keith Urban is still in a frenzied battle to keep off booze and drugs and save his marriage to Nicole Kidman 
Page 11: Party-crasher Tom Cruise climbed an intimidating gate to bust into a wild bash thrown by Kate Hudson and her brother Oliver Hudson while their famous folks were out of town, Paris Hilton’s hotel-heir parents Kathy and Rick Hilton are being sued by their former live-in housekeeper who says the cheapskates didn’t pay her overtime and now the Hiltons claim the woman cleaned up by ripping them off 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Grimes has chosen a name for her baby with Elon Musk that everyone hates, Jenna Bush Hager uses a blow-dry to fix her underarm sweating, Helen Mirren who suffers from horrible anxiety and self-doubt says gardening really helps calm crippling negative thoughts, Megan Fox is set to play Aurora on the big screen -- a female astronaut stationed in outer space who discovers shock waves are bending time
Page 13: Joan Collins on her way to dinner, Lil’ Kim, Leonardo DiCaprio gives a tourist directions in NYC, Marie Osmond says a fan went to extreme measures to meet her brother Donny Osmond when he was a teen idol -- she mailed herself in a box to the hotel 
Page 14: Sean “Diddy” Combs is so clumsy he’s had 4 surgeries in 2 years, The Bachelor’s spin-off is looking for seniors over 65, Fashion Verdict -- Shailene Woodley 3/10, Katie Holmes 2/10, Cate Blanchett 6/10, Kate Bosworth 2/10, Elle Fanning 8/10 
Page 16: Desperate to move with her kids to London Angelina Jolie is begging ex Brad Pitt to set them free but miffed Brad is determined to keep her and the kids in LA 
Page 17: Crooner Sam Smith says he was ashamed to take off his shirt as a youth because he had boy boobs and kids make fun of him and he underwent liposuction at age 12 to reduce them and now posting shirtless pics on social media has helped him come to term with his earlier torment, Mandy Moore is sizzling with her hit TV show This Is Us and new album Silver Landings but in 2016 she was ready to walk away from showbiz with a crumbling marriage and four failed TV pilots 
Page 18: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Liu Yifei, Mark Wahlberg’s 10-year-old daughter Grace refused to dance with him at a father-and-daughter dance, Rolling Stones legend Bill Wyman -- an original band member who played bass guitar for the band from 1962 to 1993 -- is auctioning off his $3 million collection of rock memorabilia
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 23: Starsky and Hutch heartthrob David Soul has gone from crooning No. 1 hits to a recluse who’s lost his voice 
Page 24: Shocking Fear: Pope Francis dying of coronavirus -- coughing fits strike terror as Rome reels from killer plague 
Page 26: Health Report -- milk linked to greater risk of breast cancer
Page 38: Real Life 
Page 44: Straight Talk -- get this, athletes -- doping’s for dunces -- swimmer Sun Yang, baseball players Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Alex Rodriguez, Lance Armstrong 
Page 45: Worried Billy Ray Cyrus thinks daughter Miley Cyrus’ new boyfriend Cody Simpson is a dud and is pleading with her to kick the Aussie singer to the curb, David Backham is one romantic dude -- after two decades of marriage to Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and four children he still treasures a train ticket on which she wrote her phone number 
Page 47: Hollywood Flashback -- Three Men and a Baby, Bizarre But True 
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greentikes · 6 years ago
Aesthetic Surgery Practices For Cosmetic Concerns
Cosmetic Surgery in Santa Barbara To Get Facial Rejuvenation
Cosmetic surgery is Now popular that with reality TV shows like extreme makeover raising public consciousness regarding cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures. Although in the past aesthetic operation was only available to the rich and famous, it is currently becoming popular among the general public.
This guide to cosmetic surgery aims to provide a comprehensive non-biased overview of Cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, the advantages, the risks involved and what you could expect from the cosmetic surgery procedure that you're interested in.
What's Cosmetic Surgery?
Cosmetic surgery Involves using a surgical procedure performed with a plastic/cosmetic physician to enhance the"look" of a particular part of the physique. Cosmetic surgery can't just enhance physical look but it can also have psychological and mental effects. Procedures such as breast augmentation or even a facelift could have a wonderful influence on a person's self esteem and confidence levels.
Cosmetic Surgery has its risks
Just like any surgical Procedures there are risks involved and it is important that before undergoing some cosmetic surgery procedures that you are fully aware of all the possible risks and potential side effects and discuss with your surgeon.
Your Questions answered at our Cosmetic Surgery Guide
During this Guide to Cosmetic surgery we've tried to cover all of your questions and the links below provide an overview of the most common cosmetic surgery questions asked by individuals that are thinking of going under the knife. If you would like to find out more indepth details about different cosmetic surgery procedures then take a look at the links to the left.
Popular Cosmetic Surgery treatments
Cosmetic surgeons are Able to offer many life-changing treatments to enhance a individual's appearance.
· Breast implants
Breast implants are a Well-known cosmetic operation, experienced by women who want larger breasts. Also called"breast augmentation", implants filled with silicone gel are placed either over the primary torso muscle or beneath to vastly enhance the look of the breasts. Breast implant surgery is a good type of cosmetic surgery to improve your confidence. For more information on breast implants.
Breast reduction
Breast reduction is Often done for physical reasons as opposed to cosmetic ones. Girls who have larger breasts discover that they are too heavy and this can cause physical problems like severe backache and psychological issues concerning low self-esteem. The process is also known as a'mammaplasty', also involves some of fat and skin being removed from the breasts to make them look younger. For more information on Breast reduction.
· Eyelid lift
Eyelid lift operation, Also called blepharoplasty, entails the elimination of'bags under the eyes'. These puffy bags seem very unattractive for people who possess them, but by getting them removed you may be forced to look younger and the encompassing eye warmer and fresher. Eye bags may happen for several reasons like: ageing, genetic reasons or ecological elements such as too much sunlight exposure. An elimination of excess skin from above and below the eyelid is performed from the surgical procedure, reducing the'bag' effect. To find out more on Eyelid lift surgery.
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· Facelift
The well-known Facelift is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments on earth. This process is also called'rhytidectomy'and includes the elimination of excess skin from around the lips and neck. The general intention of the procedure is to present the patient having a younger and fresher appearance, which is why the surgeons tighten skin. There's also something known as a mini facelift, including the reduction of incisions made. For more information on Facelift.
· Cosmetic Dentistry
Nose reshaping is Now the number one cosmetic procedure undergone by men. The nose job operation involves the elimination of any big bumps and can make the nose appear straighter and more powerful. Many men and women undergo this surgery for reasons such as: an accident might have abandoned the nose misshapen; many medical issues related to the nose might have abandoned it looking gruesome; along with other cosmetic factors. A easy re-shape of the nose could give someone a huge increase in confidence. For more information on Nose reshaping.
· Chin enhancement
Chin augmentation Includes the putting of cosmetic implants inside the chin to give it a much greater proportion in regards to the remaining part of the face. Generally the incisions are made inside the mouth, so there aren't any apparent scars left outside the chin for everybody to see. Other folks that have very notable features may want to undergo this operation also; this is just to create the remaining part of the face look natural in proportion. For more information on Chin augmentation.
· Brow lift
A brow lift, often Referred to as a"forehead lift", is a cosmetic procedure that is highly popular especially among the elderly population. The brow lift includes a process that lifts the skin on the forehead and eliminates some of the tissue to give a younger appearance to the patients entire appearance. Wrinkles on the forehead and loose skin may easily be tightened to recover a more fresh and younger looking face.
· Liposuction
Liposuction can also be One of the most popular cosmetic treatments around today and is used to eliminate any excess fat, and also the patient would love to dispose of. Liposuction is a common procedure for those who have lost a vast amount of weight fast and also have a great deal of extra skin, which has to be removed for cosmetic reasons. The surgical procedure is generally a straightforward one, allowing the patient to go home after a day approximately. Many regions of the body is able to be"liposuctioned" at once as well as the common areas comprise: the thighs, stomach, and buttocks.
· Tummy tuck
Tummy tuck surgery Also known as"abdominoplasty" identifies the removal of fat from around the waist region for both cosmetic reasons and health danger motives. Frequently, routine exercise, exercise cannot eliminate stubborn fat, so that the tummy tuck is ideal for people who struggle with the extra fats round their waists. Other types of tummy tuck operation, includes a"Mini tummy tuck" that can be a less risky procedure and does not involve the repositioning of their navel and the"Cosmetic Dentistry" which doesn't entail the repositioning of the navel. All three tummy tuck processes are intended to give the patient a smaller, firmer looking midsection.
SB Aesthetics is thought by many people to be Santa Barbara's top cosmetic and plastic surgery practice. Our state-of-the-art medical Facility provides the comfort, convenience and care for each and every patient with a health support team ensuring the continuity of the care on a personal basis, not as a name on a chart. Licensed from the AAAASF (American Association of Accredited Ambulatory Surgical Facilities), Cosmetic Surgery of New York's cutting back surgical facility meets 100 percent of AAAASF's set of rigorous criteria.
• Outpatient and office-based centers are held to hospital criteria. • Surgeons have to be board certified and have hospital privileges for any procedure that is performed at a surgical centre. • Adherence into a safe surgical environment, equipment and drugs through rigorous criteria in surgical facilities is required. • Medical case data have to be tracked within HIPAA privacy regulations through peer review.
Accreditation experts ensure strict adherence to the certification process and patient security.
*About a hasty decision, if deemed required, particular important surgeries or individuals with medical problems might be performed in the clinic as an outpatient or require an overnight stay.
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Over time, continuous sun exposure, gravity, and even life's everyday Stresses begin to take their toll and become more visible on the face than in the past. Deep creases start to form on either side of the mouth, forehead lines no more permit particular facial expressions to become observable, and crows feet around the sides of the eyes become much more defined than previously. Together with our faces being the focal point of our overall appearance, deeper wrinkles may restrict our overall confidence and appearance. Even a facelift helps erase these symptoms of aging by tightening muscle, removing fat, and eliminating excess skin to rejuvenate your face back to its former radiance. Technically known as rhytidectomy (the"elimination of wrinkles"), facelifts rejuvenate the mid- to-lower face to be able to counteract visible signs of aging and also dramatically improve the patient's appearance and general confidence. FACELIFT PROCEDURE:
Facelift surgeries are outpatient procedures and are performed Within our fully licensed office-based surgical facility, generally while the individual is totally asleep under general anesthesia. Patients have a choice of local anesthesia, in which you're alert, IV sedation or general anesthesia - all administered with a board-certified physician's anesthesiologist. Most improvement surgeries are performed within an average of 1-2 hours.
· Jowls Which Occur on the jawline
· Naked neck skin
· Nasolabial folds (also known as marionette lines) involving the nose and mouth
· Midface drooping
Neck lifts and mini facelifts serve as alternative choices for Patients who desire a less-dramatic and young look through a more straightforward, less-invasive process.
Normally performed in half an hour of a traditional facelift without bruising and faster recovery period, these options allow for a more concentrated surgical procedure for patients wishing to remove and improve a smaller, more specific area of their face and neck. This operation starts with an S-shaped incision to the front part of the ear, usually by the hairline and normal creases of the face. The skin of their jowls and neck are then lifted up and hauled back, then followed by the elimination of any remaining fat and skin.
Though miniature facelifts and throat lifts involve similar steps as conventional facelifts, the main difference is that these processes target only the decreased two-thirds of their face. This area is often the first and most likely to be affected by signs of aging.
Because of these particular restricting factors, patients getting a neck lift or mini facelift frequently opt for operation to be performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures, for example laser skincare or an eye lift. RHINOPLASTY (NOSE RESHAPING)
Cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty) is among the very Frequently performed plastic surgery procedures to reshape the nose to get a better size and shape. Along with enhancing your physical appearance, rhinoplasty can further improve the total profile of your own face, in addition to help improve your breathing.
The very best rhinoplasty results are attained when moving through a full cosmetic nose surgery test and consultation with your plastic surgeon to fully inform yourself of this procedure and know exactly what to anticipate.
When meeting with your surgeon prior to the process, the Doctor will analyze the structure of your nose, both externally and internally, to properly evaluate nose functioning and shape before proceeding with specific recommendations that will suit you best. Pictures will be obtained, and via state-of-the-art imaging technology, preoperative planning will be done with the patient to ensure optimal outcomes.
Skin thickness, bone construction, breathing problems and Ethnic background are important factors to take into account to go over with your surgeon before treatment. Due to the interrelated nature of the nose and face, many individuals with weak chins also choose to get a chin augmentation in conjunction with rhinoplasty to be able to create a greater balance of facial attributes. BROW LIFT
Browplasty, also Known as a forehead lift or forehead lift, eliminates Excess sagging skin around the forehead and repositions the underlying muscles and tissues. A brow lift may fix a thick, sagging forehead and restore a smoother, more youthful contour to the upper-third of their face. It also provides rejuvenation into the skin over the eyes to revive a more refreshed look.
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· Has flat wrinkle lines Throughout the brow
· Wants to Boost their sagging eyebrows into a more alert place EYELID SURGERY Corrects tired looking, sagging and drooping eyelids. Since the skin around the eyelid is significantly thinner, it's frequently one of the first facial regions to show signs of aging. This procedure become necessary when various factors such as sun damage, smoking and obesity trigger the tissue and muscles that support the eyelids to weaken.
For decorative purposes, a blepharoplasty can be performed on Either the top eyelid, lower back, or both. If a lower pillow needs fat in place of skin removed, then a transconjunctival blepharoplasty can be done.
It is essential for individuals to have realistic expectations prior to undergoing cosmetic blepharoplasty. Even though the process can improve appearance and enhance self-confidence, it does not and won't radically change the face.
When the eyelids begin to sag and influence the field of vision, then a Functional blepharoplasty process might be required. When it is decided that the process is medically required, a functional blepharoplasty could be covered by health insurance.
· Has loose or sagging skin over the upper eyelid
· Has fatty deposits which appear as swelling on the uterus
Otoplasty (ear surgery) is a cosmetic procedure used to Improve the appearance of the ears. Most frequently, otoplasty is done to fix and reshape ears that are significantly protruding outward from the edge of their face. While otoplasty doesn't influence internal hearing quality or enhance related sound difficulties, it does provide important benefits to anybody who may be self-conscious of their ears and seeks to correct the dimensions and shape.
People of any age that feel self-conscious or ashamed of Their ears are great candidates for otoplasty, though the surgery is usually performed on children between the ages of 5 and 14.
Otoplasty generally takes approximately one hour and can be done Under either general anesthesia, IV sedation or anesthesia.
Otoplasty begins with a tiny incision left behind the ear, Within the natural crease of where the ear meets the mind. The ear's cartilage is subsequently reworked, sculpted and shaped to achieve the individual's desired appearance. Results are instantaneous and permanent.
· Is at least five years old therefore the cartilage is stable enough for surgery
· Has too large ears (macrotia)
· Has ears that stick out on one or either side CHIN AUGMENTATION
Chin enhancement is an augmentation surgery to the chin Which can be achieved through cosmetic implants or injections to expand and define the region. As a result of injectable fillers, patients can attain instantaneous chin enhancement effects. Although not permanent, they have the benefit of being corrected if need be. For someone who wants a more permanent correction, then a surgical augmentation can be utilized.
A chin reduction reduces the dimensions of the chin by reshaping the bone and structural tissue to make a bigger, natural appearing chin.
· Wants to achieve more proportional looking features
Nowadays, most cheek augmentation procedures are done together with injectable fillers. Because they are not permanent, they may be adjusted in the event the patient isn't pleased with the results. To get a more permanent correction, a penile enhancement utilizing surgical cheek implants is an alternative.
The Perfect candidate for cheek enhancement is anybody who desires to Restore fullness to your own lips. THREADLIFT
Threadlift facial processes raise the skin back to its Original place, providing a true age-reversing effect. Although technology has made enormous advancements in cosmetic operation, the missing treatment needed by most was known as a non-surgical solution for raising the deeper layers of skin. Though skin tightening treatments like Thermage company and tighten the skin, patients still need an additional boost to raise their skin, plus re-contour their face and neck area.
Silhouette Instalift (Silhouette) and also Novathread. Both Procedures are secure and effective with hardly any downtime - ideal for those who want to attain immediate lifting of their face without surgery. Both processes deliver exceptional results for women and men between the ages of 35 and 70.
While lotions are used to plump up the epidermis, in certain instances patients wanted a lift without the added volume from fillers. Plus, one thread therapy instantly lifts sagging skin and keeps working past the first treatment with a double-action effect that restores smoother and slimmer skin as time passes.
Cosmetic Dentistry of CA accepts all Significant credit cards Visa, Personal checks are also accepted when submitted fourteen days before the scheduled operation date.
Payment for processes involving insurance policy, or predetermination of policy, are handled individually for patients allowed to go from their insurance policy network.
We offer our patients a better choice of financing options using American Healthcare Lending or CareCredit®.
American HealthCare Lending is your premier financing company in The cosmetic surgery market. With more than $5 billion funded and over 300,000 loan queries serviced by using their creditors, this is a name and also a software you can trust.
Here are a Few of the benefits you will receive with financing from American HealthCare Lending:
· Immediate decisions for loans under $35,000
· No collateral required
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· Term options up to 84 months (affordable monthly payments)
  Interested in know about your plastic surgery options?  Whether you are thinking about having cosmetic surgery, a non-surgical procedure or have had prior surgery and are seeking additional touch-ups, it is critical to work with a skilled plastic surgeon that specializes in facial procedures. Dr. Robert Sheffield is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon at SB Aesthetics offering services to those in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Oxnard and Ventura, CA, and the surrounding communities.  Dr. Sheffield offers patients a customized treatment plan and is available to answer your questions. To schedule a consultation, call 805.318.3280 today.
  SB Aesthetics
2320 BATH ST #203
P: (805) 318-3280
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xtruss · 3 years ago
MY TURN: 'I'm a Plastic Surgeon, Men Are Asking Me For These Treatments'
— Dr. Richard Westreich | Saturday April 23, 2022 | Newsweek
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Stock image. Getty/IStock
I've been in practice as a plastic surgeon in New York for 17 years. Plastic surgery appealed to me because of the artistic, sculptural element. I like to say that I'd rather be a chef than a line cook. I like creating and not following recipes. Most surgery is a recipe, there's not a lot of variance. With plastic surgery, there's a lot of nuance. And, I really like problem solving; every plastic surgery faces a unique problem set.
I remember when I was in training 20 years ago, there were a lot of lectures in plastic surgery about problem patients and red flags to be aware of. At the time, simply being a male was considered a red flag. They were seen as potentially difficult patients, there was uncertainty about what their motivation was or whether we would be able to make them happy.
Men having plastic surgery was not as accepted and there was a thought that men were maybe doing it for what we call "external factors", which is always a big concern. If you're seeking plastic surgery because you think it's going to get you more acting roles, a promotion at work or to get your wife to love you more, those are external factors that are red flags. We can do great surgery and if that promotion doesn't come to pass the patient is potentially going to blame the surgery. That was the thinking at the time.
The Increase of Men Having Plastic Surgery
I'm predominantly a facial surgeon, so I've always had male patients because I do a lot of rhinoplasty work. Those patients tended to be men coming in for nasal procedures after traumatic injuries. Men still do come in for that, but there are more men now coming in for cosmetic surgery. While men used to represent 5 percent of my patients, now they're perhaps 20 to 30 percent. In the non-surgical realm—botox and fillers—men are still in a minority, but I have seen that increase as well.
The concept of the "metrosexual" male gained attention in the '90s and I think that was the beginning of more social acceptance for men being interested in improving their appearance. Now, I think plastic surgery for men is fully accepted. I don't think that men feel there is a stigma anymore, which is the biggest change. More recently, there was a "Zoom boom" that brought more male patients in, because people were seeing themselves on camera a lot.
Now more men are coming in for eyelid lifting procedures (blepharoplasty), neck lift procedures (platysmaplasty) and for facial liposuction and facial tightening. There aren't many men asking for lip augmentation, though there are some exceptions. And more men are coming in for botox and fillers.
Men typically do not want brow lifts or heavy forehead botox; they are more accepting of line retention. Generally, I will err on the side of conservatism with forehead botox for men, because they are not going to be upset if there are still some lines. Though I do cheek fillers for men, it's likely to be to support the under eye area. Men I see are not typically looking for a high cheekbone, though there are always exceptions.
It's very rare for men to show me a photo of another man that they want to look like. Fortunately, for rhinoplasty and chin augmentation there is imaging software we can now use, so you can show them how they are going to look on an image of themselves.
The Most Popular Plastic Surgeries For Men, and Who Has Them
Rhinoplasty is still by far the most popular surgery I perform on men. The second would be chin implants, which is also commonly done with what's called the submentoplasty; a surgical tightening of the jawline that creates more definition. And, the third most popular procedure would be lower eyelid surgery.
But the age demographic of men I see is pretty broad. Rhinoplasties I perform are typically on men in their late teens to early 30s. But as we age, sometimes the nose ages and the tip drops, and that accounts for the second, much smaller spike I see of men in their 60s and 70s. While I see women in their 30s have eyelid surgeries, it's typically men over 50 coming in for eyelid surgery or neck lifts. Then men that are getting botox and fillers tend to be 40s and above, which again is an older demographic than women I see.
I don't think there's any particular reason why men tend to be a little older for certain procedures than women. It may have to do with societal pressures but I also think that men tend to be less concerned with these issues, for example their upper eyelids, until they get more extreme. I would say that with men I see, there are less external motivators now than in women. Maybe that's related to social media. I hate generalizing but I find that social media is generally dominated by female influencers, and there tends to be a lot of photographs posted of the influencer themselves.
But I don't think the motivations of men coming to me for plastic surgery are very different to those of women, mostly it's an internal motivation; wanting to feel good about themselves, to feel confident, to feel like they are the best they can be for what they are, but not trying to be the person that they were 20 years ago. I'm no different. I look at a photo of myself from 20 years ago and think it would be great if I still looked like that! Usually you can't look exactly like that, but, maybe you can look a little more like that.
But if the motivation for plastic surgery is about caring how other people treat them or thinking that other people are going to respond to them differently by having this procedure, that's a dangerous road because we can't control other people.
I've seen a lot of men that felt like they were more successful in dating after surgery; finding people that they like and who like them back. I think that comes from the change in them due to an improvement in self-confidence. I typically see that in men who have had rhinoplasties, or chin and jawline procedures. Those are the areas I think men I see are particularly self conscious about.
I've probably performed several thousand rhinoplasties on men and hundreds of eye and face lifts and chin augmentations, and I don't think there's really any difference in treating a man and a woman. All surgery is about being able to have a dialogue and figure out exactly what it is the individual wants and getting a result that looks balanced and appropriate.
But for some surgical procedures, men in general are much worse candidates than women. For lifting procedures, for example, men's tissues are typically heavier, it's harder to get the lift, it tends to feminize the face a little bit, and result in scars that are visible.
I do think a man getting a face lift is still not as accepted in society. And, without hair to cover it up, a facelift scar is going to have some visibility, which men often do not like. As a result, for brow lifts and facelifts, my standards for whether or not a man is a good candidate and going to get a good result, and whether it's worth the downsides of these other factors that may cause problems, are much higher.
The Future of Male Plastic Surgery
Future trends in plastic surgery probably depend on whether the "dad bod" falls out of favor! If there's a push back from society on the "dad bod", then I think there probably will be more men seeking body contouring. As non-invasive machines—electro-magnetic muscle building, fat reducing machines—get better, I think there will be more and more men seeking those types of treatments because they are non-surgical. However, I have seen that the jawline is very important to men I treat, so I think jawline procedures will continue to increase. And, to a lesser extent, eyelid procedures as well.
I'm really curious to see in 20 years from now what the aging population looks like and if, with an increase in non-surgical procedures, there will be less surgery.
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Dr. Richard Westreich is a plastic surgeon based in New York. While men previously made up 5 percent of his client base, now they account for 20 to 30 percent. Dr. Richard Westreich
Personally, I don't think there is really any difference between going to the salon or getting a suit tailored to fit you perfectly and having non-surgical body contouring. Obviously you can go to the gym or get a personal trainer, but we're all different in our capacities and what we can accomplish and I don't see any problem with doing something to help move that further along if it makes you feel good about yourself. Once you get into the realm of surgery it gets a little difficult to take that same perspective, because the risks go up a little bit.
But my role as a plastic surgeon is never to say whether someone should or shouldn't have a procedure, because it's not my decision. My role is to say if it's possible and if the risk associated with it is reasonable for the result someone is trying to achieve.
Going on this journey with people is very rewarding. There is a sense of kinship. My patients have this dream of something they want to accomplish, you get there and they are so relieved and happy. You can tell when they come into the office afterwards that the way they carry themselves is different; the way they interact with people is different. I see so many patients come out of their shell and feel good about themselves.
Dr. Richard Westreich is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon and founder of private practice New Face NY. Dr. Westreich is assistant professor at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and is on staff at Lenox Hill and Mount Sinai Hospitals.
All views expressed in this article are the author's own. As told to Jenny Haward. This article has been updated with additional details from Dr. Westreich.
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hashglam · 3 years ago
Top 10 Trends Plastic Surgery:
While multitudinous studies have been done on plastic surgery trends and unborn outlook, following are my forecast1. Gastric Bypass Surgery Cases With increase in gastric bypass surgeries, liposuction surgery may come relatively mainstream and a standard post op measure.2. While Rhinoplasty is still the number one face surgery option, chin implants are fast catching up, especially for men.3. With time, more and more fat baby boomers will have to take expedient to plastic surgery. Los Angeles plastic surgery trends show a large number of baby boomers seeking the services.4. Further injectables – continuing an instigative trend which began with Botox .Desire to remain youthful ever as strong as ever, more so in requests like New York and Los Angeles ornamental surgery will be in vogue for a long time. 5. Stage Band is getting a popular surgery option. Other variations include Gastric Band or Realize Band.6. Los Angeles Bone Addition and Tummy Tuck Los Angeles are still the most popular plastic surgery related quests.7. The smirch of plastic surgery is now nearly absent Conservative societies like Asians and Hispanics are joining Caucasians and African Americans in embracing plastic surgery. 8. With huge increase in Medical Insurance costs, the fact that Plastic Surgery isn't covered by insurance and has to be paid outspoken (or via backing) is actually being ate by several consumers.9. With all the hoopla about stem cell exploration, perhaps harvesting cells from liposuction fat can be an option.10. As all good effects inescapably, it's a matter of time when politicians will start trying optional ornamental surgery a lot, and also we will have coastal plastic surgery outsourcing. Till also, happy ornamental surgery folks.
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essaycomposing · 3 years ago
What is smart liposuction?
What is SmartLipo™? It's a non-surgical treatment that can be performed on both men and women for the reduction of fat. How does it work? By inserting a cannula (a thin tube) into the skin, we can remove fat from areas such as your love handles or abdomen. This procedure has no downtime and can be done with local anesthesia.
What is SmartLipo™? It's a non-surgical treatment that can be performed on both men and women for the reduction of fat in areas such as your love handles or abdomen. How does it work? By inserting a cannula (a thin tube) into the skin, we can remove fat from areas such as your love handles or abdomen. This procedure has no downtime and can be done with local anesthesia.
Cost of Smart Liposuction: The average cost can range from $3,000 to $10,000. The price will depend on the size and location of the area you want treated and factors such as your overall health and medical history.
Tips for Smart Liposuction: 
Please drink plenty of water after your procedure to help flush out any toxins that may have built up in the body during the SmartLipo™ treatments.
What Can I Expect During Recovery? You can expect some bruising and swelling for several days after New york Liposuction, but it will subside soon thereafter. The treated areas should feel numb for a few weeks after the procedure.
Recovery time of Smart Liposuction: 
You will need to keep the treated areas covered for a few days and massage them regularly to reduce any swelling. This is usually done using arnica products- available at your pharmacist.
It takes about ten days for swelling and bruising to subside before you can return back to work or school, or other daily activities of living. Certainly its best to avoid any strenuous activity after your procedure for at least three weeks.
What are the side effects of Smart Liposuction? Bruising, swelling, numbness or tingling are all common side effects that are mild and subside quickly. Some people experience soreness due to the use of laser liposuction which can be relieved with pain medication. Some patients experience a fluid buildup called a seroma which can be treated with massage and draining of the area. At times a blood clot may form in some cases this is known as hematoma, it is rare but if you notice swelling along with redness or tenderness around the site of injection you should contact your doctor immediately.
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Liposuction Side Effects: Bruising, swelling, numbness or tingling, soreness and fluid buildup (seroma) are all common side effects that are mild and subside quickly after the procedure. Some people experience pain due to the use of laser liposuction which can be relieved with pain medication. Occasionally a blood clot may form which is known as hematoma, but this is rare. If you notice swelling along with redness or tenderness around the site of injection contact your doctor immediately.
What are the different types of SmartLipo™? There are two main forms of Smartlipo: The conventional method and a newer laser type called PicoSure™. The conventional method works by suctioning fat out of the body, while the laser technology emits high-energy shock waves that shatter the fat cells and create microscopic passages which are then removed naturally by your kidneys.
Liposuction Types: There are two main forms of Smartlipo: The conventional method and a newer laser type called PicoSure™. The conventional method works by suctioning fat out of the body, while the laser technology emits high-energy shock waves that shatter the fat cells and create microscopic passages which are then removed naturally by your kidneys.
What Can I Expect After Smart Liposuction? For around three to six months after SmartLiposuction, you will notice that the fat cells are actually dying. It is only after the fat cells die that your body can properly metabolize them and expel them from your system.
Fat Dissolve After Smart Lipo: For around three to six months after SmartLiposuction, you will notice that the fat cells are actually dying. It is only after the fat cells die that your body can properly metabolize them and expel them from your system.
What Can I Expect During Recovery? You can expect some bruising and swelling for several days after SmartLiposuction, but it will subside soon thereafter. Your treated areas should feel numb for a few weeks.
Numbness After Smart Lipo: You can expect some bruising and swelling for several days after your procedure, but it will subside soon thereafter. Your treated areas should feel numb for a few weeks.
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amazingfacelift · 3 years ago
Myths and Facts About Face Lift Surgery
Face lift surgery continues to be one of the most well-known cosmetic plastic surgery operations in New York City for rejuvenating the aging face. The following are some of the most typical misunderstandings about face lifts:
Myth: I'll have to put off getting a facelift till I'm older:
The truth is that you do not need to wait until you are 50 years old to have surgery. Despite the fact that many people believe that facelifts are only for the elderly, you can get various types of facelifts and neck lifts as early as your 30s and 40s. It is now possible to have a younger-looking neck and jaw line by having a smaller or more limited operation rather than waiting until later in life to have a larger one.
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Myth: My sagging neck bothers me, but I don't need a facelift:
A face lift is a procedure that not everyone considers. It does not entirely transform you from the top of your head to the bottom of your neck. It is a collection of procedures that target the jowls, neck, and other areas of the face. It could be something as straightforward as neck liposuction or neck muscle tightening. It can also include various levels of skin tightening and lifting around the neck, cheeks, and jowls.
Myth: If I get a facelift now, I'll need one more when I'm older:
It cannot be denied that a face lift does not endure indefinitely; aging issues will resurface over time, but they will be less severe. As a result, a small tuck-up treatment for cheek and jowl would be required years later. This procedure is non-invasive and has no resemblance to a full facelift.
Myth: People who have had a face lift appear very tight and unnatural:
This is not the case, as face lift surgery produces a natural appearance rather than an operated one. The tight appearance is maintained by tightening the tissues beneath the skin but not the exterior skin. In other words, the lifting is done on the interior rather than the exterior skin.
Myth: I'd like a facelift, but I'm afraid of the scars that will appear:
It should be noted that well-placed face lift incisions are supposed to be concealed, and they are no longer made in front of the ear. Rather, they are inserted into the ear canal. The incisions around the hairline are made in such a way that the position of the hairline is not changed. Even men and women with short hair can have a facelift without danger of scarring if they use this method.
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