#Link-building mistakes that sink SEO plans
volkovprvncezz · 4 years
Small Business Marketing Ideas Tips and Tools
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When you consider marketing you consider advertising blocks on sites and billboards or television. These are the conventional methods because they are effective and you may see results fast. You can also eliminate money fast in the event you make a mistake. 
As a small business you want to get organized and keep track of your successes and failures and set budgets so. Knowing where the holes on your boat are often permits you to plug them. Free forms of advertisements such as getting your website to the top of Google using SEO can be quite lucrative but take a whole lot of time and effort to accomplish, so have to be considered very carefully. 
Obviously your whole plan requires careful attention, but lengthy projects can occasionally meet shipwreck before conclusion and become useless. You can not afford to sink months into a project only to need to pull the budget out of it and transfer it to something else because then it is a sunk cost that you are not likely to see a return. 
Tips and Ideas: Divide test. By testing two distinct copies of a similar site, alternating each hour or day, you can see which one is more successful. There are some people who claim this is the trick to marketing and I concur that it ranks right up there. 
Give people a reason to talk about you. Just having a fantastic product won't suffice . It must be unusual and remarkable to make people speak. Doing work in the area can give people in the community reason to speak and get the papers to take notice. 
Obviously events like this have to be ready and relevant people contacted ahead, so that you may cause a buzz. Write an authoritative source that individuals can download on the topic which will assist with your clients tasks and then inform a site you're giving it away for free if they'll link to it or review it.
If the site is large enough and has enough customers you may cover them to review it. Users on the internet enjoy seeking information. Your source will help build trust. The more you are able to interact with your online visitors the better, you need to discover their problems so that you can help resolve them. 
You will need to make that discussion as easy as possible, because people are in the click mindset you can not expect them to complete lengthy forms. I have seen people who have contact emails in their websites, but 90 percent of people won't bother to figure out exactly what they would like to write let alone actually send the email.
You have got to fill out as much as possible for these people so that it becomes as close to simply clicking on a button as possible. Tools: Like every market marketing was touched by the computing motion. Drawing advertisements can now be accelerated with tools like Adobe Photoshop. 
What does this mean to your small business however. Marketing is a massive topic that also influences product choice and design. It is made of components each of which has tools that permit you to accelerate the procedure. One of the things you will probably find helpful is a subscription to a keyword research tool to permit you to find out what your potential clients are looking for and in what quantity.
Small Business Advertising Ideas - Tips to Advertise Your Small Business For Free
Promotion is one of the important components of any business - large or small. Of course, in case you've got a small business, or you're just starting, it is also possible to adjust your advertising to just how much your business can cater. 
Of course, it's also sensible to begin with free ways to market your business. Really, there are ways to promote your business without price, thus if you're still beginning, you can benefit from these advertising ideas at no cost. 
If you're searching for small business advertising ideas where you can market your business at no cost, here are some suggestions that you may consider. Proceed to the internet. 
Yes, it could be tricky to market for free in newspapers or tv, but you can do lots of things to market your small business online. Really, if you know what to do, then you can market your business online with no price. 
Here are the lists of what you can do:
- Create a free website for your business. You can actually register for a free site online and begin talking about your business, provide information to the audiences and market your product. 
- Exchange links with other sites which are related to your business. For those who have a house staging business, you may want to join and exchange links with sites about real estate or interior decoration. If you are making wedding invitations, swap links with sites with wedding niches. 
- Compose general information articles about the business that you're in. If you're into wedding invitations, you can write articles about wedding preparations or wedding etiquettes. You may then submit these into article submission sites which permit you to set the links of your site. 
- Use social networking websites. Social networking sites are popular nowadays and they also provide a fantastic opportunity to produce a page for your business and make it possible for you to create a group that could be your potential customers. Indeed, this social media wave nowadays can be great sources of small business advertising ideas also. 
- Introduce your business in forums. People online love to see forums because these are often great avenues to talk about anything and everything under the sun. From gadgets to forums, relationships are often a free service where you can register and begin to go over with other online readers. If you can provide other good inputs, it is simple to present to them your business also. 
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moversdevelopment · 5 years
Link-building mistakes that sink SEO plans
Finding the perfect SEO strategy is close to impossible – Google and other search engines make sure of that. With the constant updates and algorithm tweaks, companies that wish to persist in the race for online dominance have to monitor and adapt. The same plan of action goes for moving businesses. The factors that definitely contribute to this process are the foundational steps, such as link-building. Starting from a well-designed system of internal links and expanding on the importance of backlinks and external links. However, even this process demands focus and adjustments. And so, we come to a point where we need to examine common link-building mistakes and learn from them.
11 link-building mistakes that can flush your SEO plans down the drain
Making mistakes is a natural occurrence. However, when it comes to link creation, mistakes can carry a toll. So, whether you are new to SEO for moving companies or a veteran, there are those wrong turns that you can avoid. All it takes is to be open to new knowledge and old experience. That is exactly what I hope to provide here, with the following examples.
1. More is not always better
Most marketers assume that the more content and links you have, the better off you will be. That is not always the truth. People that search for answers online are always looking for the quickest way to get them. If they have to sift through a 3000-word article to get them, you’ve already lost the majority.
You have to consider quality over quantity to avoid link-building mistakes.
Instead, consider what the essential parts of your content that will meet the expectations of both readers and search engines are. You have to find that balance without losing the original point. That can often prove difficult and challenging, but most professional SEO copywriters can be helpful here.
2. Write blogs instead of dissertations
Remember who your target audience is. The digital world of today does not have the time or patience to analyze a 300-word paragraph. Instead, what they want is a user-friendly article that will pour into their minds. How can you achieve this?
Through responsive web design and SEO for starters.
Short paragraphs and semi-expert sentence structures.
Providing realistic examples of more complex processes.
A page layout that is easy to navigate through.
Use of video content and infographics.
3. Third-party metrics such as domain authority are not obsolete
Yes, these metrics are important in avoiding link-building mistakes that often occur. However, you should never follow them to the letter. Instead, you need to absorb them with restraint. Otherwise, you risk missing out on some potentially great linking opportunities.
Pursing strong links is all nice and well, but it’s not your only course of action. Instead, you need to plan long-term, smaller companies with the fewer resource in particular. A good link will always be a good link, and shouldn’t be ignored. However, since your link profile does invite organic visits, you need to plant seeds to help it grow. That means investing resources into links that can grow into something more with time. You need to find a balance between the high DA links and the low-quality ones.
4. Not following current content trends
With so many people looking for links and trying to push their websites to the top, uniqueness is something to strive for. You need to make your content stand out from the rest and surprise the readers. That one distinctive trait of your content in comparison to the rest is something that can define your business. Think of it as something to help you get brand development for your moving company.
Keep up with trends and seasonality to keep your link-building efforts strong.
So, the solution here is to stay creative and test new ideas. Infographics and other visual aids are nice and all, but not as exciting as they used to be. Short videos are currently trending, for example. So, find out what else is trending and use it to your advantage. Who knows, you might be able to start a content marketing trend of your own.
5. Avoid link-building mistakes such as neglecting seasonality
We just went over the importance of trending in your link-building strategy. Timing plays a big part in all that. You need to act on that first impulse and use the current happenings around you. So, take advantage of the seasonality offered through:
Moving industry trends.
Holidays and festivities.
Election year.
Weather conditions.
Sports events and manifestations etc.
6. Failing to personalize your outreach efforts
You really can’t rely on template outreach efforts to win over website owners. It’s already become outdated and has limited juice for expanding your link profile. Site owners have gotten used to the appeal and receive dozens of emails daily. So, you need to mix it up.
Like with the unique content we spoke about; you want your template to have that extra flare. Have it stand out from the other templates, give it something to turn heads.
You need to take the time to investigate stronger websites before reaching out to them. Comprise an email proposal tailored specifically for them. Show them that you took the time to look at their website and what they expect. And then make the pitch on how you can contribute and offer them value for an opportunity to link.
7. Forgetting to segment your outreach list
Just like with moving company marketing efforts, you need to segment your target audiences. The same approach applies to outreach lists. You want to divide them in accordance with:
Industry type;
Type of content etc.
Failing to segment your outreach lists is among link-building mistakes that can cost you a lot of high-quality links.
8. Not using an elevator pitch
Using an elevator pitch is the simplest method to convey your uniquely crafted content. Failing to do that usually results in a massive loss of interest from your peers. The selling points that a good elevator pitch should answer three essential questions:
How does my content help others reach their audiences?
What makes my content unique and different from others?
How are the insights I provide better than the rest out there?
9. Don’t give up too early
The difference between a successful campaign and a failed one is the lack of will power. One of the more challenging link-building mistakes is to give up on your campaign too soon. You just need to follow the natural course of every marketing campaign: idea -> execution -> success/failure -> repeat.
Proper link-building requires devotion.
So, instead of giving up after the first sign of failure, you need to remain persistent. Be stubborn – analyze why your efforts failed and how to change that next time around. And you don’t stop until you have a solid action plan.
10. Copying your competitor usually leads to link-building mistakes
Hunting the same links as your competitors is not a guarantee of success. Chasing after their linking plan, by all means, is a highway to failure. Sure enough, there are certain authoritative industry links that you have to chase after. However, there are also those that can prove more beneficial for your competitors than for you.
Rather than copying them, you might want to use them as an example. Use it to learn what type of links work best for your niche. So, put that plan as your secondary goal, while focusing the main force of your link-building on developing a proper content strategy.
11. Failing to diversify your strategy can often result in link-building mistakes
Link-building is a challenging and exhausting strategy. And the moment you think that you’ve mastered it, something new comes and changes everything. With the dynamic environment that the web presents, you need to have contingency plans instead of blindly relying on a strategy that works currently.
You need to diversify your link-building strategy and have a plan B.
Staying prepared is what keeps you from failing in building an active backlink profile. Work on perfecting your outreach strategies, the content you create, and how you promote it all. Never be satisfied with standing still and waiting for things to happen. Be the mover you are – always in motion.
It’s all about the endgame
The fact is that we all make mistakes in SEO – it’s just a matter of whether you care to admit it or not. It’s all like trying to find a way out of a maze where the walls keep moving. So, the best you can do is follow the bread crumbs, improvise, and hope that you are close to the exit. Hopefully, the link-building mistakes we laid out here will help you along that path. And if you are looking for an ally to help you find a way out, Movers Development is always available.
The post Link-building mistakes that sink SEO plans appeared first on Movers Development.
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How To Make Money with a Blog
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Monetize Your Blogging Efforts With This Highly Actionable Guide So you finally want to join the blogging community. Well by reading this article you’ll have taken the biggest step to start a blog that can create an income for you and your family.
I have been blogging as my main source of income for the past 8 years. It has been a long hard slog ( making money online is hard ) but in the past few years I have managed to launch successful blog after successful blog which have meant that I can quit the 9-5 and spend more time with my family & start building a lifestyle I am happy with.
Don’t get me wrong I have made many mistakes along the way but once I knew what I was doing it became a lot easier and more enjoyable. Many of my friends have emailed me or called me to find out more about “What Jamie Does”, but it can be a little hard to sink in at first as to how you can actually make a real income from running a successful blog(s). Therefore I have decided to create this guide for my buddies, family, email subscribers and anyone else who wants to start doing “What Jamie Does”.
This guide to making money making a blog is completely free. I don’t want anything for it – just for you to take action and do it, so many of my friends would love to do it but give up too soon, often when their big breakthrough might only be a few weeks away.
The guide is quite long and there are lots of links to other pages on this weblog and on other blogs too which will help you – so please make sure to bookmark this page.
I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did writing it.
How Much Can you Earn Blogging? Whether you’re looking to supplement your income with a little extra to pay for a few nice treats or create a blog that will support your lifestyle then you can pretty much make as much money as you like from blogging if you are prepared to put in the hard work.
There are lots of great stories out there of successful bloggers who make money blogging:
For example over the past couple of years, husband and wife team, Bjork and Lindsay at PinchofYum. com, a food and recipe blog, have built up a huge following and some months they have made nearly $25k.
Another blogging couple, Yeison and Samantha, who run mytanfeet. com are making over $5k per month while they travel the world and share their photos and tales on their blog.
I’m not going to lie to you but it can take months even years before you might see a significant return on the time you invest in to starting a blog but that is why I have created this free guide so that you can be confident in taking the right steps to achieving your blogging goals.
So let’s continue…
How to Pick a Profitable Blog Niche This is the most critical step. Seriously.
There is no point in starting a blog that you want to make money from without a plan. There are thousands, even hundreds of niches out there. Some are broad and huge; some are small and virtually unknown. Some niches are easier to make money in than others.
This is why your research is important.
A good place to start when you are picking a niche is to look at your own interests in Google.
For example I really launched a website in the survivalist niche a couple of years ago which I sold for a great profit. The reason I created this blog was that I enjoy being outdoors, hiking and mountain biking etc . I also watch a lot of TV shows about people like Bear Grylls and Ray Mears.
I’m no expert but it’s something I like.
One area I never really got into with my survivalist blog and wanted to was Everyday Carry. Most people will have never heard of this concept but it really is an interesting sub-niche with in this niche. Everyday Carry is basically any items you can’t leave the house with.
For most of us this will be our wallet, phone & keys – and in the summer months hopefully some sunglasses: ).
If you travel a lot for work you may have a laptop or tablet with you.
If you work on the construction site you may have a tool belt.
However for many people who are always prepared everyday carry is about having everything you might need in an emergency or for general use on you at all times. This will often include a light source (torch), a pocket knife, some small tools & rope it’s quite amazing how easy it is to carry all these things with you in your pockets, on your keys or in a small bag.
So What Will You Need to Make Money Blogging Now that you have done your research and worked out what niche you want to enter it is time to start bringing all of the different elements together for starting as well as monetizing a blog.
1 . Get a Blog If you’re planning to make money from blogging then it goes with out saying that you will need to start a blog.: )
When anyone asks me about starting a professional money making blog I always recommend them to use self hosted WordPress as it’s the best platform for bloggers. I always recommend to new bloggers to use BlueHost to host their new blogs. You can get BlueHost’s high quality hosting for $2. 95 per month (36 months sign up) Use this link to get a free domain name with your hosting.
Useful Resources:
How to Start a Blog Guide The Best Blog Name Generators Bluehost Review Examples of Blogs
2 . Create Great Content So now that you have built your blog you are ready to create some blog posts for your readers.
The reason this section is called “Great Content” is because your content really does need to be of a high standard. Everyday millions of blog posts are published on the internet and with so much competition for our limited attention spans you really have to be creating blog posts people are going to want to read and perhaps even share on social media or on their own blogs.
Make sure your posts are:
Well formatted and look good with relevant images Are in-depth and entertaining Offer links to other posts to expand on points I have created a guide to coming up with interesting blog post ideas which may help you here and this post covers some tips to writing great blog posts.
Useful Resources:
Free Stock Image Sites
3. Build Up Your Audience I started my first ever blog by writing on a consistent schedule about myself, my hobbies and interests. People found me via Google, Facebook, social media and my readership gradually grew over time to where it is today.
Once I had built up an audience, making money from blogging became an afterthought.
When you have a large group of fans interested in what you have to say, the money will come. Trust me on that.
The hard part is finding and gathering your fans.
Promote your blog
No matter how great your articles are no one is going to know about them unless you take time to promote your blog.
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I know enough about SEO to probably be wrong about a lot of it. I could probably write a series of articles on SEO tactics I have learned over the years but as I am not an expert I’ll point you in the right direction to some good articles on the subject.
WordPress SEO Guide (Blogging Wizard) The Big List of Link Building Tactics (Point Blank SEO) How to Research competitors with SEMRush Beginners Guide to SEO (Moz. com) The SEO BluePrint(MatthewBarby. com) P. S. SEO is not dead, it’s one of the best traffic sources for people who will buy your products/services or sign up to your email lists. SEO is a lot harder than it once was but don’t ignore it.
Social Media
From my experience, the actual social media sites that send the most traffic to blogs in general are:
Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit The results will vary depending on your target audience.
If your blog is aimed around professional readers and business people you might have more potential traffic through LinkedIn and Google+. If your target reader is more visual it might make more sense to focus exclusively on Facebook, Pinterest and also Instagram for promoting your blog.
A great social media management tool for all this is Sendible. Try it for free for 30 days or check out my review on Sendible.
WordPress also have a variety of plugins that make it easy to put social sharing buttons on your blog posts. Some people like to limit the number of plugins they use on their WordPress blog because it can slow the blog down and it can open your blog up to more attacks, butt a social sharing plugin is one that should have high priority if you do choose to use plugins.
https://wordpress.org/plugins/sharebar/ http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-socializer/ http://wordpress.org/plugins/scrolling-social-sharebar/ http://wordpress.org/plugins/digg-digg/ http://wordpress.org/plugins/flare/ http://wordpress.org/plugins/share-this/ Those are six popular sharing buttons. There are many more. Whichever you choose make sure you limit the number of icons that appear and also make sure the plugin doesn’t slow down your page speed dramatically. If it does you’ll lose readers.
Sharing your site content on social media is an art. There is no right way to do it. People have success sharing blog content in their own unique ways. Some will share only their blog site links on social media. Others will share a high percentage of unique content on social media.
As is with most things in life, sometimes the best approach is somewhere in the middle.
Paid Advertising
Paying for clicks and traffic on social media or in the search engines can be a great option to market your blog. A lot of the information about site marketing covers the organic options. While some of these can turn your blog into a popular destination quickly the more likely scenario is that it will take time for you to build communities to promote your blog content.
With paid methods, you have the opportunity to pay for traffic and clicks right away. And if you do well in targeting your audience on the right channels you can easily build your audience with advertising in order to supplement your organic efforts.
Facebook – Depending on your niche you can expect to pay about $1 per click to your web site, but there are many variables that can influence how much you will pay. Depending on the nature of your business this can provide some excellent ROI in terms of initial sales, but the main focus of this ad campaign is to get people to your blog. Wow them with your content and get them to opt-in to your email list for more updates.
Twitter – has a variety of ad options like Facebook and other social networks. The best one for your blog marketing efforts is the Promoted Tweets option. You can expect about $0. 50 to be able to $0. 75 estimated cost per engagement, which is Twitter’s way of telling you what your cost per click is.
Reddit – ads appear on the top of the various pages. They are obviously ads so users don’t feel tricked into clicking on them. When people choose to select an ad they usually know it. So there is little chance of upsetting customers this way.
LinkedIn – has traditional online advertising that appears in the sidebar, but the Sponsored Updates options is much more advantageous for content producers.
Build Your Email List
You will see lots of bloggers who proclaim that the money is in the list. In my early days I didn’t buy in to this ideology but now it’s one of the most important things I focus on.
Once you’ve developed your fan base, it is essential to retain them as you continue to build your personal brand.
In the case of my blog, about 99% of my early readers would come, read a single article, and then leave forever. So instead of missing out on a potential regular, I started gathering email addresses using a service called Awebber, but these days I prefer GetResponse.
In return for a reader’s email address, I would give away a free 7 day email course via email. About 85% of the time, that reader would stick around after the mini course to check out my new articles and updates.
In fact , I have readers on my blogs that have stuck with me for over 6 years!?!
The key to growing your mailing list would be to keep your existing fans while at the same time as attracting new readers. This way, your audience will increase month on month.
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riichardwilson · 4 years
How to find the perfect WordPress theme
Edwin Toonen
Edwin is a strategic content specialist. Before joining Yoast, he spent years honing his skill at The Netherlands’ leading web design magazine.
We’ve seen it happen so often. You have a great blog, and at some point, you decide to go for a new look and feel. There are a couple of things you’ll look at, usually in the order: layout/look and feel, usability, and optionally, room for advertising. If the theme meets your needs in all two or three of these points, you might download and install it. If that sounds familiar, this post describes how to find the perfect WordPress theme!
New to WordPress? Don’t worry! Our FREE WordPress for beginners training is here to help. Find out how to set up your own site, learn the ins and outs of creating and maintaining it, and more. This training is part of our free training subscription, take a look at all online SEO training subscriptions!
A theme has quite a few things to take care of, and a lot of themes miss out on these. This overview should help to keep you out of trouble when you’re looking for a new theme. If you’re thinking of installing a new theme, please give the following points a thought. Keep in mind; your new theme should be accessible, compatible, customizable, integrable and standards compliant.
Define your needs
Whether you are in the market for a free theme, a premium theme or want to hire a developer to build one especially for you, the first step is always the same: define your needs. Write down what the theme should do, now and in the future. You might not need an eCommerce shop at this time, but what about in a year from now? What should your site look like? Which pages do you need? What types of content are you planning to publish? Once you have a clear picture of the requirements, you have a better chance of finding your dream theme.
Find a trusted reseller or developer. How’s the support?
Should you build a theme yourself? Or will a general free theme do? The discussion on whether a premium theme is better than a free theme continues to rage on. Both sides have their merits. There are loads of crappy free themes, but there are just as many crappy premium themes. What you should do is find a reseller or developer that you trust. Look for social proof; how many reviews does a theme get? Is there an active message board? When did it receive its last update?
In general, every theme on WordPress.org underwent scrutiny, so they are safe to use. But that doesn’t mean they’re awesome. Theme resellers offer loads of premium themes in varying degrees of awesomeness. But just because you pay for them, doesn’t necessarily make them better than free themes. In addition to that, since you only receive the files when you pay for a theme, there’s no way to check the quality upfront. Despite social proof, it’s still a leap in the dark.
How flexible is the theme?
A static theme won’t do you any good when you want to change the page layout in a couple of months. Make sure to choose a theme that is flexible in its appearance as well as its functionality. Don’t choose a design that screams for full-width images when you only need a well-presented place to write your poetry. Check what happens to a theme when you turn off all massive images; does it still function? And is it possible to change colors, fonts and other visual elements? Many themes, like Total, come with a number of demo examples that give you an idea of all the different styles it can handle.
Your WordPress theme should have ample room for widgets, plus it should support featured images and offer multi-language support. Lots of themes have a page builder on board; these help you construct your bespoke layout. But, this is something you should be careful with because these could generate less than stellar code that hinders your SEO Company.
Which post and page templates does the theme support?
Another way to keep things flexible is for a theme to offer multiple posts and page templates. That way, you could start off using a basic template with a main content area and a left sidebar, but have the flexibility to change to a full-width content area or one of the many other options. If a theme has only two choices, that might become problematic in the future. Pick a theme with enough sensible templates.
Does it function as a parent/child theme?
Parent and child themes are a great combo. If you use any of the theme frameworks like heavy hitter Genesis, you know how powerful these are compared to regular themes. A child theme gets its functionality from a parent theme. So if you’re making changes to your child theme, the parent won’t see these. You won’t break the parent theme if you make a mistake. The same goes for updates; if you update your parent theme, which happens often, it won’t wipe the changes you’ve made to your theme because it’s a child and doesn’t contain the functionality.
Whether you need a theme framework depends on your needs. Almost all WordPress projects will benefit from a theme framework, but it might be overkill if you only need a tiny amount of its functionality and you know exactly what kind of theme you need.
Watch out for theme bloat
Many themes are bloated, and this will increase loading time. If the developer of a particular theme included everything but the kitchen sink, you might get a feature-complete product but an insanely complicated one as well. Try to find a theme that offers everything you need, instead of everything there is. Your theme should be lean and mean. See the next point.
Check site speed and mobile-readiness
In this day and age, mobile-friendliness is imperative. In addition to that, your site and its theme should load as fast as possible. Choosing a lean and mean theme will certainly help in this regard. Check the responsiveness of a theme and run a Google mobile-friendliness test. You could also enter the address of the theme’s demo site in Google’s PageSpeed tool to see if there are particular loading issues. However, this is just an indication, since you can only judge the real loading speed of your theme when it’s running on your server.
Is the theme’s SEO in order?
While Yoast SEO fixes a lot of WordPress’ SEO Company issues, a good theme helps a lot. Most WordPress themes will claim SEO Company-friendliness, but make sure to check it. Find out if the theme’s code is nice and clean or an intangible mess. Has it been updated recently? And will it be supported in the future? How many JavaScript libraries does the theme depend on? Does it support Schema.org structured data? If you’re eyeing a free theme, make sure there are no hidden links to the developer’s website, as this can hurt your SEO Company efforts. In general, keep Google’s Webmaster Guidelines in mind when hunting for SEO Company-friendly themes.
Is the theme’s code valid?
Many a theme author is more of a designer than a coder, and thus they sometimes hack around until it finally looks the way they want, without bothering to check whether the code they’ve written is valid HTML. If it’s not, current or future browsers might have issues rendering the content correctly. You can check whether the code is valid by using the W3C’s validator.
Test, test, and test again
Once you’ve chosen your favorite new WordPress theme, it’s time to kick it into gear. Start with a development setup to test your new theme through and through. Run every type of test you can think of. This might be a security check with the Sucuri plugin or a theme check with the Theme Check plugin. Load your site with dummy data from wptest.io to see if every element is represented and functioning. Run pagespeed and mobile-friendliness tests to see if problems arise. Fix the issues, or find a new theme.
Bonus checks
That’s just to get you going. There’s a lot of stuff you can check before you install your brand-new theme. Start with these three checks, if you will:
WordPress plugins use so-called “hooks” to be able to perform their designated tasks. These hooks allow for instance to add extra output, tracking codes, etc. A lot of issues with plugins will arise for you when a theme author forgets to add these hooks. This is how to check for them:
1. In header.php, it should have a small piece of PHP code that looks exactly like this wp_head(); or this do_action('wp_head');, usually just before a piece of HTML that looks like this: </head>.
2. In footer.php, it should have another small piece of PHP like this wp_footer();, or this do_action('wp_footer');
3. In comments.php and/or comments-popup.php, it should have a piece of code like this: <?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?>, just before the </form> HTML tag.
Template files
Another wise thing to do when you’re changing themes is to compare theme files. If for instance, your current theme has an author.php file, which contains the template for your author profiles, and your new one doesn’t have that, that might be an unpleasant surprise when you install the theme. The files you should be checking for in your old and new theme:
home.php: the homepage template.
single.php: the template for single posts.
page.php: the template for pages.
category.php: the template for category indexes.
author.php: the author template, used when someone wants to find all posts by a certain author.
date.php: the date template, used when someone tries to look at for instance a certain month of posts on your blog.
archive.php: this template is used when either category.php, author.php or date.php isn’t there.
search.php: used when someone searches on your blog, a very important template to look at if you’re concerned about usability, and whether people can find posts on your blog.
404.php: used when WordPress can’t find a certain post or page, this is a very important template file to have!
How is your theme handling titles?
You should check how your current theme is handling page titles in the file header.php. You can find it within the <title> HTML tags. If the title tag differs, you might want to check out why and what happens when you enable your new theme. Sometimes it’s for the better (for instance, because it turns around blog description and page / post title), but you have to make sure up front!
It will probably look something like this:
<title><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
If it does, you’ll be a lot better to change it to:
<title> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
Now Yoast SEO Company can take care of all the titles. We have a great article that you can read if want to know more about crafting good titles.
If your theme does all of this correctly, you should be quite ok. Good luck with your new theme, and if you have any tips on other things to check, please share in the comments!
Read more: Why every website needs Yoast SEO »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/how-to-find-the-perfect-wordpress-theme/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/615675366336544768
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
How to find the perfect WordPress theme
Edwin Toonen
Edwin is a strategic content specialist. Before joining Yoast, he spent years honing his skill at The Netherlands’ leading web design magazine.
We’ve seen it happen so often. You have a great blog, and at some point, you decide to go for a new look and feel. There are a couple of things you’ll look at, usually in the order: layout/look and feel, usability, and optionally, room for advertising. If the theme meets your needs in all two or three of these points, you might download and install it. If that sounds familiar, this post describes how to find the perfect WordPress theme!
New to WordPress? Don’t worry! Our FREE WordPress for beginners training is here to help. Find out how to set up your own site, learn the ins and outs of creating and maintaining it, and more. This training is part of our free training subscription, take a look at all online SEO training subscriptions!
A theme has quite a few things to take care of, and a lot of themes miss out on these. This overview should help to keep you out of trouble when you’re looking for a new theme. If you’re thinking of installing a new theme, please give the following points a thought. Keep in mind; your new theme should be accessible, compatible, customizable, integrable and standards compliant.
Define your needs
Whether you are in the market for a free theme, a premium theme or want to hire a developer to build one especially for you, the first step is always the same: define your needs. Write down what the theme should do, now and in the future. You might not need an eCommerce shop at this time, but what about in a year from now? What should your site look like? Which pages do you need? What types of content are you planning to publish? Once you have a clear picture of the requirements, you have a better chance of finding your dream theme.
Find a trusted reseller or developer. How’s the support?
Should you build a theme yourself? Or will a general free theme do? The discussion on whether a premium theme is better than a free theme continues to rage on. Both sides have their merits. There are loads of crappy free themes, but there are just as many crappy premium themes. What you should do is find a reseller or developer that you trust. Look for social proof; how many reviews does a theme get? Is there an active message board? When did it receive its last update?
In general, every theme on WordPress.org underwent scrutiny, so they are safe to use. But that doesn’t mean they’re awesome. Theme resellers offer loads of premium themes in varying degrees of awesomeness. But just because you pay for them, doesn’t necessarily make them better than free themes. In addition to that, since you only receive the files when you pay for a theme, there’s no way to check the quality upfront. Despite social proof, it’s still a leap in the dark.
How flexible is the theme?
A static theme won’t do you any good when you want to change the page layout in a couple of months. Make sure to choose a theme that is flexible in its appearance as well as its functionality. Don’t choose a design that screams for full-width images when you only need a well-presented place to write your poetry. Check what happens to a theme when you turn off all massive images; does it still function? And is it possible to change colors, fonts and other visual elements? Many themes, like Total, come with a number of demo examples that give you an idea of all the different styles it can handle.
Your WordPress theme should have ample room for widgets, plus it should support featured images and offer multi-language support. Lots of themes have a page builder on board; these help you construct your bespoke layout. But, this is something you should be careful with because these could generate less than stellar code that hinders your SEO Company.
Which post and page templates does the theme support?
Another way to keep things flexible is for a theme to offer multiple posts and page templates. That way, you could start off using a basic template with a main content area and a left sidebar, but have the flexibility to change to a full-width content area or one of the many other options. If a theme has only two choices, that might become problematic in the future. Pick a theme with enough sensible templates.
Does it function as a parent/child theme?
Parent and child themes are a great combo. If you use any of the theme frameworks like heavy hitter Genesis, you know how powerful these are compared to regular themes. A child theme gets its functionality from a parent theme. So if you’re making changes to your child theme, the parent won’t see these. You won’t break the parent theme if you make a mistake. The same goes for updates; if you update your parent theme, which happens often, it won’t wipe the changes you’ve made to your theme because it’s a child and doesn’t contain the functionality.
Whether you need a theme framework depends on your needs. Almost all WordPress projects will benefit from a theme framework, but it might be overkill if you only need a tiny amount of its functionality and you know exactly what kind of theme you need.
Watch out for theme bloat
Many themes are bloated, and this will increase loading time. If the developer of a particular theme included everything but the kitchen sink, you might get a feature-complete product but an insanely complicated one as well. Try to find a theme that offers everything you need, instead of everything there is. Your theme should be lean and mean. See the next point.
Check site speed and mobile-readiness
In this day and age, mobile-friendliness is imperative. In addition to that, your site and its theme should load as fast as possible. Choosing a lean and mean theme will certainly help in this regard. Check the responsiveness of a theme and run a Google mobile-friendliness test. You could also enter the address of the theme’s demo site in Google’s PageSpeed tool to see if there are particular loading issues. However, this is just an indication, since you can only judge the real loading speed of your theme when it’s running on your server.
Is the theme’s SEO in order?
While Yoast SEO fixes a lot of WordPress’ SEO Company issues, a good theme helps a lot. Most WordPress themes will claim SEO Company-friendliness, but make sure to check it. Find out if the theme’s code is nice and clean or an intangible mess. Has it been updated recently? And will it be supported in the future? How many JavaScript libraries does the theme depend on? Does it support Schema.org structured data? If you’re eyeing a free theme, make sure there are no hidden links to the developer’s website, as this can hurt your SEO Company efforts. In general, keep Google’s Webmaster Guidelines in mind when hunting for SEO Company-friendly themes.
Is the theme’s code valid?
Many a theme author is more of a designer than a coder, and thus they sometimes hack around until it finally looks the way they want, without bothering to check whether the code they’ve written is valid HTML. If it’s not, current or future browsers might have issues rendering the content correctly. You can check whether the code is valid by using the W3C’s validator.
Test, test, and test again
Once you’ve chosen your favorite new WordPress theme, it’s time to kick it into gear. Start with a development setup to test your new theme through and through. Run every type of test you can think of. This might be a security check with the Sucuri plugin or a theme check with the Theme Check plugin. Load your site with dummy data from wptest.io to see if every element is represented and functioning. Run pagespeed and mobile-friendliness tests to see if problems arise. Fix the issues, or find a new theme.
Bonus checks
That’s just to get you going. There’s a lot of stuff you can check before you install your brand-new theme. Start with these three checks, if you will:
WordPress plugins use so-called “hooks” to be able to perform their designated tasks. These hooks allow for instance to add extra output, tracking codes, etc. A lot of issues with plugins will arise for you when a theme author forgets to add these hooks. This is how to check for them:
1. In header.php, it should have a small piece of PHP code that looks exactly like this wp_head(); or this do_action('wp_head');, usually just before a piece of HTML that looks like this: </head>.
2. In footer.php, it should have another small piece of PHP like this wp_footer();, or this do_action('wp_footer');
3. In comments.php and/or comments-popup.php, it should have a piece of code like this: <?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?>, just before the </form> HTML tag.
Template files
Another wise thing to do when you’re changing themes is to compare theme files. If for instance, your current theme has an author.php file, which contains the template for your author profiles, and your new one doesn’t have that, that might be an unpleasant surprise when you install the theme. The files you should be checking for in your old and new theme:
home.php: the homepage template.
single.php: the template for single posts.
page.php: the template for pages.
category.php: the template for category indexes.
author.php: the author template, used when someone wants to find all posts by a certain author.
date.php: the date template, used when someone tries to look at for instance a certain month of posts on your blog.
archive.php: this template is used when either category.php, author.php or date.php isn’t there.
search.php: used when someone searches on your blog, a very important template to look at if you’re concerned about usability, and whether people can find posts on your blog.
404.php: used when WordPress can’t find a certain post or page, this is a very important template file to have!
How is your theme handling titles?
You should check how your current theme is handling page titles in the file header.php. You can find it within the <title> HTML tags. If the title tag differs, you might want to check out why and what happens when you enable your new theme. Sometimes it’s for the better (for instance, because it turns around blog description and page / post title), but you have to make sure up front!
It will probably look something like this:
<title><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
If it does, you’ll be a lot better to change it to:
<title> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
Now Yoast SEO Company can take care of all the titles. We have a great article that you can read if want to know more about crafting good titles.
If your theme does all of this correctly, you should be quite ok. Good luck with your new theme, and if you have any tips on other things to check, please share in the comments!
Read more: Why every website needs Yoast SEO »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/how-to-find-the-perfect-wordpress-theme/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/04/how-to-find-perfect-wordpress-theme.html
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
How to find the perfect WordPress theme
Edwin Toonen
Edwin is a strategic content specialist. Before joining Yoast, he spent years honing his skill at The Netherlands’ leading web design magazine.
We’ve seen it happen so often. You have a great blog, and at some point, you decide to go for a new look and feel. There are a couple of things you’ll look at, usually in the order: layout/look and feel, usability, and optionally, room for advertising. If the theme meets your needs in all two or three of these points, you might download and install it. If that sounds familiar, this post describes how to find the perfect WordPress theme!
New to WordPress? Don’t worry! Our FREE WordPress for beginners training is here to help. Find out how to set up your own site, learn the ins and outs of creating and maintaining it, and more. This training is part of our free training subscription, take a look at all online SEO training subscriptions!
A theme has quite a few things to take care of, and a lot of themes miss out on these. This overview should help to keep you out of trouble when you’re looking for a new theme. If you’re thinking of installing a new theme, please give the following points a thought. Keep in mind; your new theme should be accessible, compatible, customizable, integrable and standards compliant.
Define your needs
Whether you are in the market for a free theme, a premium theme or want to hire a developer to build one especially for you, the first step is always the same: define your needs. Write down what the theme should do, now and in the future. You might not need an eCommerce shop at this time, but what about in a year from now? What should your site look like? Which pages do you need? What types of content are you planning to publish? Once you have a clear picture of the requirements, you have a better chance of finding your dream theme.
Find a trusted reseller or developer. How’s the support?
Should you build a theme yourself? Or will a general free theme do? The discussion on whether a premium theme is better than a free theme continues to rage on. Both sides have their merits. There are loads of crappy free themes, but there are just as many crappy premium themes. What you should do is find a reseller or developer that you trust. Look for social proof; how many reviews does a theme get? Is there an active message board? When did it receive its last update?
In general, every theme on WordPress.org underwent scrutiny, so they are safe to use. But that doesn’t mean they’re awesome. Theme resellers offer loads of premium themes in varying degrees of awesomeness. But just because you pay for them, doesn’t necessarily make them better than free themes. In addition to that, since you only receive the files when you pay for a theme, there’s no way to check the quality upfront. Despite social proof, it’s still a leap in the dark.
How flexible is the theme?
A static theme won’t do you any good when you want to change the page layout in a couple of months. Make sure to choose a theme that is flexible in its appearance as well as its functionality. Don’t choose a design that screams for full-width images when you only need a well-presented place to write your poetry. Check what happens to a theme when you turn off all massive images; does it still function? And is it possible to change colors, fonts and other visual elements? Many themes, like Total, come with a number of demo examples that give you an idea of all the different styles it can handle.
Your WordPress theme should have ample room for widgets, plus it should support featured images and offer multi-language support. Lots of themes have a page builder on board; these help you construct your bespoke layout. But, this is something you should be careful with because these could generate less than stellar code that hinders your SEO Company.
Which post and page templates does the theme support?
Another way to keep things flexible is for a theme to offer multiple posts and page templates. That way, you could start off using a basic template with a main content area and a left sidebar, but have the flexibility to change to a full-width content area or one of the many other options. If a theme has only two choices, that might become problematic in the future. Pick a theme with enough sensible templates.
Does it function as a parent/child theme?
Parent and child themes are a great combo. If you use any of the theme frameworks like heavy hitter Genesis, you know how powerful these are compared to regular themes. A child theme gets its functionality from a parent theme. So if you’re making changes to your child theme, the parent won’t see these. You won’t break the parent theme if you make a mistake. The same goes for updates; if you update your parent theme, which happens often, it won’t wipe the changes you’ve made to your theme because it’s a child and doesn’t contain the functionality.
Whether you need a theme framework depends on your needs. Almost all WordPress projects will benefit from a theme framework, but it might be overkill if you only need a tiny amount of its functionality and you know exactly what kind of theme you need.
Watch out for theme bloat
Many themes are bloated, and this will increase loading time. If the developer of a particular theme included everything but the kitchen sink, you might get a feature-complete product but an insanely complicated one as well. Try to find a theme that offers everything you need, instead of everything there is. Your theme should be lean and mean. See the next point.
Check site speed and mobile-readiness
In this day and age, mobile-friendliness is imperative. In addition to that, your site and its theme should load as fast as possible. Choosing a lean and mean theme will certainly help in this regard. Check the responsiveness of a theme and run a Google mobile-friendliness test. You could also enter the address of the theme’s demo site in Google’s PageSpeed tool to see if there are particular loading issues. However, this is just an indication, since you can only judge the real loading speed of your theme when it’s running on your server.
Is the theme’s SEO in order?
While Yoast SEO fixes a lot of WordPress’ SEO Company issues, a good theme helps a lot. Most WordPress themes will claim SEO Company-friendliness, but make sure to check it. Find out if the theme’s code is nice and clean or an intangible mess. Has it been updated recently? And will it be supported in the future? How many JavaScript libraries does the theme depend on? Does it support Schema.org structured data? If you’re eyeing a free theme, make sure there are no hidden links to the developer’s website, as this can hurt your SEO Company efforts. In general, keep Google’s Webmaster Guidelines in mind when hunting for SEO Company-friendly themes.
Is the theme’s code valid?
Many a theme author is more of a designer than a coder, and thus they sometimes hack around until it finally looks the way they want, without bothering to check whether the code they’ve written is valid HTML. If it’s not, current or future browsers might have issues rendering the content correctly. You can check whether the code is valid by using the W3C’s validator.
Test, test, and test again
Once you’ve chosen your favorite new WordPress theme, it’s time to kick it into gear. Start with a development setup to test your new theme through and through. Run every type of test you can think of. This might be a security check with the Sucuri plugin or a theme check with the Theme Check plugin. Load your site with dummy data from wptest.io to see if every element is represented and functioning. Run pagespeed and mobile-friendliness tests to see if problems arise. Fix the issues, or find a new theme.
Bonus checks
That’s just to get you going. There’s a lot of stuff you can check before you install your brand-new theme. Start with these three checks, if you will:
WordPress plugins use so-called “hooks” to be able to perform their designated tasks. These hooks allow for instance to add extra output, tracking codes, etc. A lot of issues with plugins will arise for you when a theme author forgets to add these hooks. This is how to check for them:
1. In header.php, it should have a small piece of PHP code that looks exactly like this wp_head(); or this do_action('wp_head');, usually just before a piece of HTML that looks like this: </head>.
2. In footer.php, it should have another small piece of PHP like this wp_footer();, or this do_action('wp_footer');
3. In comments.php and/or comments-popup.php, it should have a piece of code like this: <?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?>, just before the </form> HTML tag.
Template files
Another wise thing to do when you’re changing themes is to compare theme files. If for instance, your current theme has an author.php file, which contains the template for your author profiles, and your new one doesn’t have that, that might be an unpleasant surprise when you install the theme. The files you should be checking for in your old and new theme:
home.php: the homepage template.
single.php: the template for single posts.
page.php: the template for pages.
category.php: the template for category indexes.
author.php: the author template, used when someone wants to find all posts by a certain author.
date.php: the date template, used when someone tries to look at for instance a certain month of posts on your blog.
archive.php: this template is used when either category.php, author.php or date.php isn’t there.
search.php: used when someone searches on your blog, a very important template to look at if you’re concerned about usability, and whether people can find posts on your blog.
404.php: used when WordPress can’t find a certain post or page, this is a very important template file to have!
How is your theme handling titles?
You should check how your current theme is handling page titles in the file header.php. You can find it within the <title> HTML tags. If the title tag differs, you might want to check out why and what happens when you enable your new theme. Sometimes it’s for the better (for instance, because it turns around blog description and page / post title), but you have to make sure up front!
It will probably look something like this:
<title><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
If it does, you’ll be a lot better to change it to:
<title> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
Now Yoast SEO Company can take care of all the titles. We have a great article that you can read if want to know more about crafting good titles.
If your theme does all of this correctly, you should be quite ok. Good luck with your new theme, and if you have any tips on other things to check, please share in the comments!
Read more: Why every website needs Yoast SEO »
SEO Company by DBL07.co
source http://www.scpie.org/how-to-find-the-perfect-wordpress-theme/
0 notes
kristinastorey27 · 6 years
3 WYSIWYG Website Builders to Help You Start Your Online Business
WYSIWYG website builders have been available for years. During this time they have become some of the most popular digital tools when it comes to helping businesses grow, create themselves, and start to expand and nurture their online presence.
What is a WYSIWYG website builder? The acronym stands for “what you see is what you get,” and those who are in the know pronounce it “wiz-ee-wig.”
However you pronounce it, if you need a website, a WYSIWYG website builder is one of the first places you might think to look. With fast creation times and more templates than you can shake a stick at, it’s never been easier to develop and build your own website affordably.
However, you’re probably wondering where to get started, especially since there are seemingly so many website builders to choose from. Today, we’re going to help you out by listing three of the best WYSIWYG website builders, enabling you to quickly discover what’s out there and which platform could be the best one for you.
#1: WordPress
There’s no denying that WordPress is one of the best and most customizable WYSIWYG website builders on the market. Moreover, it offers the perfect balance between a WYSIWYG and giving you full control over the code and inner workings, should you get to that stage later down the line.
What’s more, the WordPress platform powers around 26% of the Internet, which illustrates just how powerful this builder is. You can start for free on their website, and you’ll have access to a range of fully developed, highly functional, and super-optimized templates and themes. All you’ll need to do is fill in the blanks.
#2: Wix
Wix is easily the second most popular WYSIWYG website builder. Additionally, it is one of the most popular builders as well. And it requires minimal setup and practically no effort on your behalf. Simply set up your account, drag and drop what you want onto your website page, and fill in the content. It’s literally that simple.
There are hundreds of templates to choose from to get you started. Plus, you can even add in your own HTML code whenever you want. This could be important if you should you ever want or need some extra functionality in some places. What’s more, there are lots of features to sink your teeth into. For instance, you’ll find integrated photo editing software. Also, you’ll have the ability to link your own analytics provider.
#3: Shopify
If you’re interested in designing and creating your own online store, then the e-commerce WYSIWYG website builder Shopify is definitely your way forward. This platform has a template and builder for practically every single part of your online store, from the store itself and hosting, to creating your business cards and accepting all kinds of global payment methods.
What’s more, you can even integrate the platform into your brick-and-mortar store if you have one, and there are plenty of different payment plans so you can invest in the service that’s right for you.
Build Your Own Website with the Help of a WYSIWYG Website Builder
When it comes to building your own website, there’s no need to fork over a fortune to a developer. Nor must you learn how to code from scratch. There are plenty of WYSIWYG website builders out there to help you out. Now all you need to do is pick the one that gives you the service you’re looking for.
Featured Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash
The post 3 WYSIWYG Website Builders to Help You Start Your Online Business appeared first on Business Opportunities.
from Business Opportunities https://www.business-opportunities.biz/2019/03/25/wysiwyg-website-builders/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wysiwyg-website-builders
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atakportal · 6 years
Social Media Made Easy
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These templates make it quick and easy for you to create updates on Facebook and Twitter – just choose a template, tweak it for your purpose, and upload it to the platform of your choice!
One of the benefits of sharing content on Facebook is flexibility. That means you can share the content directly in its entirety, or you can share a link to drive traffic to a lead page, sales page, blog or other page of your choosing. And inside these pages you’ll find a mix of 101 templates to serve both purposes.
Check out the types of templates you’ll get:
You’re going to love these templates, because there is something for every occasion!
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This is tweeting made easy!
Everyone says variety is the spice of life. It’s true – and introducing variety also adds spice (and profits!) to your social media updates. This means not only varying the topics, but also varying how you present the information in terms of style, length and more.  And inside this swipe file you’ll get 101 different ways to create a social media update.
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Inside this swipe file you’ll get 101 social media marketing ideas that are designed to help you:
So use this swipe file as a springboard to integrating social media into your overall marketing plan, and making it more effective than ever!
One of the best ways to effectively use social media to grow your business is by getting more people to share your content. This gives you massive word-of-mouth marketing to help you generate more leads and sales.
So how do you get more shares? That’s what you’ll find out inside this report, where we’ll cover topics such as how to write a great call to action and how to use psychological triggers to boost shares!
It’s no secret that social media is a great place to launch viral campaign, since the platforms naturally encourage content sharing. And still, not every piece of content you post is going to go viral. Truth is, most of it is going to sink into oblivion.
So how do you create content that people want to share? That’s what you’ll find out in this report, including factors such as:
If you’ve ever wanted to launch a huge viral campaign, then you’ll want to read this swipe file first!
Whenever you want people on social media to take action, you need to tell them exactly what you want them to do next. This is called your CTA (call to action), and posting a good CTA will boost your conversion rates, build your list and generate more sales.
That’s why inside this report you’ll find examples of 50 different types of calls to action across a variety of popular categories, including calls to action for:
And much more! There’s a call to action for every occasion inside this swipe file, so check it out!
Maybe you’re thinking about using social media to grow your business. In that case, you want to be sure you get off on the right foot. Or perhaps you’ve already started using social media, but you’re not getting the results you want.
Either way, this checklist will give you the strategies you need to put social media to work for you!
So you’ve been thinking about marketing your business on social media, which is a very good choice. After all, your prospects and customers are probably already on these platforms.
But here’s the big question: what is going to be your primary goal for your social media strategy? You need to pick just one overall goal, and then design your campaign around achieving this goal. And this checklist shows you the top five most profitable goals and helps you decide which one is right for you!
Once you launch your social media campaign, your first task is to get at least 1000 followers. That’s because 1000 followers makes it easier for you to kick off viral campaigns, get a good discussion going on your page, create a “social proof” effect that will lead to an even bigger following, and more.
So how do you get those critical first 1000 followers? By using this eye-opening checklist!
There are plenty of marketers and business owners who employ a “seat of the pants” scheduling style for their social media campaigns. And, not coincidentally, there are also a lot of marketers and small business owners who are sorely disappointed with their social media results.
Point is, if you want to get good results, then you need to plan and schedule your content.  That’s what this checklist and set of questions will help you do!
It’s pretty easy to spend hours on social media. But who has that kind of time? You need to get in, get out, and make the most of whatever time you devote to your social media strategy on a daily basis.
So how do you do that? By using this social media productivity checklist that covers the three main steps you need to take: 1) Creating, 2) Listening, and 3) Engaging. Download this blueprint today to get all the details!
Working on your social media campaigns can easily suck up a lot of your time each day. OR you can automate them and make them as hands free as possible.
If that second option sounds good to you, then you’re going to want to put this outsourcing and automation checklist to work for you!
Take a look at just about any successful social media page, and you’ll quickly see that most people post a variety of content to keep their audience engaged. What’s more, if you’re posting on multiple platforms, then you’ll naturally need a variety of content. For example, Twitter posts are just 140 characters, whereas Instagram is all about posting photos.
So where do you get all of these content ideas to keep your audience engaged? That’s what this checklist will help you do!
It’s no secret that a good social media strategy relies heavily on you having plenty of awesome content to share. But the problem is, creating all that content yourself takes time! Next thing you know, you’re burning up big chunks of every work day just creating content for your social media campaigns!
Is there a better way? You bet there is. And this checklist will show you how to create content faster and easier than ever!
More than one billion people are already active on Facebook, which makes this platform a superb way to reach your audience. And if you run a business, Facebook offers you the opportunity to set up a business page to directly reach your audience. Let this checklist show you how to get your profitable Page set up quickly and easily!
If you’ve spent any time on Facebook lately, you may have received notifications when your friends and favorite business contacts went live. Maybe you’ve even tried the live videos yourself, but the results didn’t exactly bowl you over.
Would you like to get better results? Of course you would! And that’s exactly what this checklist will help you do. Order Social Ease now, and in moments you’ll discover the secrets for creating engaging live videos that boost your viewership and lead to more subscribers and sales!
If you start tossing up a bunch of direct-response ads on your social media platforms, your audience is going to run you out on a rail. Or at the very least, they’re going to be clicking the “unfollow” button.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t sell on social media. You just need to be sure that the “social” part comes first, followed by the selling part. And inside this mini blueprint you’ll discover three proven methods for selling on social media!
Facebook has a tremendously powerful paid advertising platform, simply because you can target your audience in ways other platforms can’t even begin to offer. Not only can you target by the typical demographics such as gender or location, but you can also target by interest and even visitor behavior.
Ready to tap into this powerful platform for yourself? Then grab this checklist and get started!
One of the problems with a Facebook Page is that it’s difficult to really get into a good discussion. As you post things throughout the day, the older posts drop off. What’s more, your visitors can’t start discussions. Sure, they can post in the “visitor posts” area, but not very many people will see those posts.
So what do you do when you want to create a good discussion? Simple: you start a secret or closed Facebook group. Once yours is up and running, your users will generate most of the content and the group will take on a life of its own. And this mini blueprint is exactly what you need to get that group up and running fast!
There was a time when running a monthly membership site was a complicated affair. You needed tech knowledge to get your group running. And then you needed to convince people to register on your site, bookmark it, and visit regularly.
Today things are a lot easier, because all you have to do is set up a monthly membership site on Facebook. Chances are, your audience is already on Facebook and visiting every day, so running your membership site through this platform is super easy – especially when you use this super-useful checklist!
There are a lot of marketers who eagerly jumped onto social media as an easy way to drive a waiting audience back to their site. All you have to do is just drop links and wait for the traffic to pour into your site, right?
Not quite. Social media is a bit of a different animal compared to your typical advertising venues. Those who recognize the differences are the ones who benefit. Those who don’t know how to use social media the right way just end up wasting a lot of time and money on a strategy that doesn’t work.
If you want to be one of the lucky few to benefit big time, then you need to get your hands on this mini blueprint!
While social media is a great way to reach your audience and start building relationships, ultimately you want to get your prospects on your mailing list so that you can follow up with them at any time.
So how do you grow your list using social media? This checklist is a good place to start!
Heads up – just increasing your number of social media followers isn’t going to get you good results. If you want to make the most out of your social media marketing, you need to make sure those followers are engaged and loyal. And that’s exactly what this “dos and don’ts” checklist will show you how to do!
One of the key goals of your social media page is to get people to like, share and comment on your content. Not only is an engaged audience more likely to join your list or buy from you, this sort of activity also creates viral traffic and a bigger audience for you… effortlessly!
So how do you get more likes, shares, favorites, retweets and comments? By using this checklist!
Have you ever noticed what sort of content tends to get a lot of attention on social media?
If you guessed graphics, you’re right. Whether you’re sharing a graphics-heavy infographic, or you’re just sharing a tip or inspirational quote on a graphical background, you need to have attention-getting graphics to rise above all the social media noise.
And here’s the best news: this checklist will show you how to create or otherwise get your hands on all sorts of attention-getting, polished and high-impact graphics!
Once you get your social media campaigns up and running, you’re going to start looking for tips and hacks to make your social media marketing better, faster and easier. Look no further than this checklist, where you’ll get 10 hacks for creating more successful and bigger networks!
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Company Success Tips - Best Mistakes You Have To Avoid In Your Business
The information here is for those of you last-minute napkin-scribblers, or perhaps nerve-wracked open public speakers. It is even for anybody potentially-too-drunk-to-talk-straight best men, who are just dreading getting up before everyone you know-and many you don't-and delivering the speech you are convinced will be beamed by way of satellite to millions around the world.
Home improvement optimizing search engines (seo) is all the rage for-profit companies. Who want to draw your internet browser to their website. Seo is all about increasing the presence of a website or site in search engines. There is certainly so much web traffic out there. Home improvement how does one ensure that their particular sites are certainly not overlooked? while engines can easily identify your internet site and put these people on the list. In case you are relegated in order to being item number forty-five. The site visitors your site cannot rise much. How do you get a site move up the position scale study in order to get your internet site in your eye? you utilize strategic search engine optimization. Do-it-yourself web design is an important factor for all sites.
Talking about consumers, social media sites like Facebook and Tweets are an ever-growing virtual spot to find your current spectators. Plus blogs allow it to be easier to communicate with them : since for each and every post is made you can twit about or perhaps make a Fb post -- amplifying a whole lot your reach when it comes to telling your audience where to find an individual (and, of course , your product).
Creating a daily plan is simpler if you know what direction to go and how to undertake it. A Daily Program will ensure you need to do the necessary backlink building works everyday so as to get the traffic you require from google. If you do not learn how to create a regular plan, and then take help from us all. Plans are the daily activities you may perform. This specific becomes a directory for your works and helps you to achieve what you would like to achieve inside a short time For almost any help look at the links beneath.
In my opinion this film should be shown to children across America around the first day of school. Permit it's concept sink in before the bullies start beating kids on with their lunch money, or perhaps picking on the smallest child in the class because he likes to play chess. After all, videos have been proven to be influential (you here it around the news just about all them and it's usually associated with violence). So why not use a movie to effect kids within a positive method. High School Music did that and so will its sequel.
These numbers are telling us what we have been preaching almost all along: It's not enough to just be on Facebook. You have to be on there WITH BELLS ON like a Facebook Expert! When these numbers struck the well known media, you may bet it will be an OUTDOORS, WILD WESTERN GOLD RUSH all over again.
The best thing about Tweets is that it is free to try out. Most people obtaining like applying Twitter, yet after a while they could see how helpful it is to acquire updates this moment on certain points. And as pointed out news moves incredibly quickly via facebook. Businesses, mass media outlets while others are finding several uses for it, and so could you.
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timothyakoonce · 7 years
7 Platforms to Spice Up Your Content Marketing Efforts
7 Platforms to Spice Up Your Content Marketing Efforts written by Guest Post read more at Duct Tape Marketing
Modern content marketing is about so much more than mere blogging and self-promotion. It’s about telling stories that engage your audience over time.
Indeed, “content marketing is a long-term strategy, based on building a strong relationship with your target audience,” notes Neil Patel in a step-by-step guide, “by giving them high-quality content that is very relevant to them on a consistent basis.”
Serial entrepreneur John Rampton, meanwhile, suggests that content marketing represents a strategy, laser-focused on specific goals and guided by metrics.
Given the heavy emphasis on content marketing as it relates to SEO performance and social media, there’s no denying the benefits of being able to track your data and performance every step of the way.
Although its definition may vary from business to business, most can agree that the many moving pieces of content marketing can be a major headache. Creating and curating content is time-consuming enough; however, the fact that the modern marketing world is facing a saturation crisis signals a major problem for companies in competitive niches.
For small businesses looking to keep up with bigger players in their industries, tools have emerged to level the playing field, allowing those of us looking to make our voices heard of expanding our reach.
From ideation and promotion to tools that help your content truly stand out from the noise, consider how the following platforms can serve to help you reach your content marketing goals – whatever they may be.
1. Promo By Slide.ly
Although you may be tired of hearing the cliché that “content is king,” perhaps a more apt saying for today’s businesses is “visual content is king.”
Visual content, encompassing anything from imagery and infographics to video content, is proven to drive more clicks, conversions, and engagement than traditional written pieces, according to HubSpot. Considering that approximately 75% of marketers use some form of visual content as part of their marketing strategies, creating visual assets should serve as a priority for modern businesses.
Visual platforms such as Slidely, along and their sister platform Promo, provide businesses with opportunities to create an image and video-based marketing content with ease. Video clips created with Promo help marketers break through the noise with eye-popping imagery, helping to boost brand awareness among your audience.
Content marketing via imagery can accomplish what most written content cannot: that is, instantly grab the attention of your audience and keep them paying attention to your message for longer periods of time.
2. DrumUp
Social media platforms have provided the perfect vehicle for content promotion. That being said, the time, resources and legwork involved with consistent promotion and engagement can certainly be a hassle. For example, the “optimal” number of brand tweets per day is approximately five, but that doesn’t include additional engagement or sharing other relevant content to your audience.
Therein lies a major social faux pas facing a bulk of today’s businesses: they focus solely on themselves and fail to grow their audiences due to their purely self-promotional feeds.
Thankfully, content curation platforms like DrumUp provide a helping hand for businesses who need a steady stream of content for their audiences but don’t have the bandwidth to scramble for it. DrumUp claims to cut Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn management time by up to 90% through its real-time assessment of fresh content for followers.
Boosting relevant content beyond your own not only gives something else for your audience to ponder but also signals that you have your finger on the pulse on your industry.
3. SentiOne
Sometimes social media gets a nasty reputation when it comes to content marketing. As noted, poorly targeted social media campaigns can represent a massive time-sink. Similarly, sometimes the ROI of social media is difficult to measure in terms of profits or traffic, despite the built-in analytics of platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
In response, SentiOne’s robust social listening tool provides businesses with the opportunity to analyze their social reach and clue themselves in on their brand sentiment over time. Analyzing positive and negative interactions, for example, helps users understand which pieces of content perform well and resonate with followers.
Understanding your content marketing strategy by the numbers will ultimately keep you from wasting time and energy on pieces and messages that fall flat. The more data you have on hand to support your marketing decisions, the better.
4. MyBlogU
Many modern content marketers swear by the 80/20 rule of creation and promotion. That is, only 20% of your time should be spent on actual content creation (writing and editing, for example) versus promotion via various channels such as social media or email outreach.
Due to the frustrating yet necessarily nature of cold email or link-building campaigns, the promotional piece of content marketing can be incredibly frustrating. You likely often feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle.
In order to remove some of that stress from creators, MyBlogU emerged as a resource for marketers looking to connect with each other. The platform represents a win-win for creators and marketers looking to expand their reach and build their authority.
By encouraging direct collaborations through citing sources and providing quotes from fellow writers, content creators are able to work together in the pursuit of new readers and the best content possible.
5. Canva
Yet again, the importance of imagery for content marketers simply cannot be overstated. Beyond the aforementioned engagement stats, social posts containing photos are among the most-shared in the content marketing space.
However, you probably don’t have always had a designer on deck to give our pieces the imagery they so desperately need.
The solution? DIY platforms such as Canva allow for the creation of sleek social “cards” and other imagery to accompany any given piece of written content. The platform’s drag-and-drop functionality, combined with its free fonts and themes, make it a breeze to use for absolute newbies to design.
Considering that today’s readers would rather bounce than stare at a wall of text, filling your written pieces with images (think: including personalized quotes and graphics) can help longer pieces seem less monotonous.
6. OptinMonster
As noted earlier, effective content marketing is based on goals. Oftentimes the ultimate goal of content marketers is to nurture their own audience who they can sell to time and time again, usually in the form of an opt-in email list.
Yet creating such as a list is easier said than done for marketers who don’t know how to ask for opt-ins.
Enter OptinMonster, which offers a wide variety of embeddable registration forms, which ultimately encourage your traffic to transform into long-term readers and customers versus just another stat on your analytics report. Noting that over 70% of site visitors who leave your site will never return, email capture mechanisms serve as insurance to make sure you’re getting the most value possible out of your on-site content.
If you feel that such tactics are tasteless or spammy, think again. As long as you’re providing legitimate value to your audience, they’ll be more than happy to exchange their information for quality content. Besides, tracking your ability to build an email list answers an inherently important question: “Does my content build trust?”
7. Evernote
For many content marketers, the elephant in the room is the same: coming up with halfway decent ideas for content.
From brainstorming sessions to pulling inspiration from fellow marketers, applications such as Evernote provide a central hub of planning and ideation. Rather than scramble to take notes for a webinar or save a screenshot of a competing site that caught your eye, Evernote allows to you categorize and keep your marketing materials centralized.
Evernote is especially useful when collaborating with fellow users: sometimes your best ideas arise from bouncing them off of others in your industry.
Effective Content Marketing Requires the Right Tools
Whether you’re a solopreneur or part of a team looking to leverage content marketing, don’t make the mistake of spreading yourself too thin.
There are a wealth of tools out there – why not use them to your advantage? With the right tools on deck, you can keep track of your marketing performance and better understand how to refine your messages regardless of your niche or industry.
About the Author
Itai Elizur is the COO at Inbound Junction, a content marketing agency specializing in helping startups and business increase their online visibility. Prior to joining the Inbound Junction team, Itai worked as a Creative Manager at Wix.com, and as the Director of Marketing at Infolinks, the 3rd largest website network in the world. Itai specializes in helping business develop and optimize large-scale user acquisition strategies through content, brand messaging and marketing automation.
from Duct Tape Marketing https://www.ducttapemarketing.com/content-marketing-platforms/
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