#Ling ๐Ÿค Greed: born with a job
clonerightsagenda ยท 1 year
I wonder if Ling fucks around so much early in the comic (hassling the military's elite evil wizards, bumming food off people, getting arrested) because he has never actually had a chance to be a dumb kid before. He has grown up surrounded either by his clan who are depending on him to be their savior or enemy clans who are trying their best to kill him. People mistake him for older than he is; he has probably had to grow up very quickly. Amestris is a desperate attempt to raise his standing but it is also kind of spring break.
Then he gets possessed by the embodiment of self-interested hedonism but instead of getting to have a good time he spends several months in a creepy basement and then several months roughing it in the woods. When it's spring break and your dad makes you get a job.
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