cedar-glade · 9 months
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Along the Little Miami Inbetween hamilton and clermont co is a section that maintains conglomerate mudstone layer and a lot of mud banks close enough to mudflats that you still get some classic mudflat species and riparian gravel bar species.
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The first is the winged monkey flower(Mimulus alatus) , known for winged squared of stems, though since Ohio gets both, if you need to collect seeds for bioswale forbes and want to differentiate them when the stem is brown, the peduncle, aka main stem that holds/bares a flower or a fruit attached to the stem, is almost sessile or near sessile, aka still there but close to not existing where as Allegheny is elongate.
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a gravel bar species requiring full sun is Hibiscus moscheutos or the swamp rose mallow, it's about as common as our other native Hibiscus laevis or the halberd leafed mallow; this species pictured has more common smaller colonies with pink flowers on average with what most assume as a non deeply lobed leaf differing from a halberd lobed white flower with taller plants on average and larger colonies.
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Wouldn't be a good gravel bar without falls redest sedum, Ditch stone crop! or is it a sedum really???, while we used to assume based on morphological features it is no longer placed in the genera Sedum and is Penthorum sedoides a non succulent water loving species that actually has found it's self as a member of the saxifrage order. It is one of two species that I know of in the genera, and is associated with it's own family as of now. It is also the only member of the genus within the United States. Side note: As a member or the saxifrage order I don't even know if this species utilizes CAM to be honest and it wouldnt benefit it if you think about it.
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Lindernia dubia
false pimpernel
Associated with the mudflats, it's funny because people call this and many others the mudflat ephemerals because they are brief and seasonal inbetween flood stages. These always look like a monkey flower at first glance before you know the species.
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Eclipta prostrata
Mudflat false daisy, a riparian and swale species but also very common on mudflats.
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Persicaria pensylvanica or pensylvania smart weed, is a robust flowering species that forms semi erect inflorescence that are peppered pink and white. and easy to differentiate when you look at a non frimbrate connected ocrea that sheathes both stem and petiole. you can see invasive Persicaria longiseta or oriental bristled ladies thumb with frimbrate ocrea in background :( spicy flowers on our natives less spicy on the non natives.
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crudlynaturephotos · 5 years
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#VandelliaAnagallis * കാട്ടുബീജംഗപുഷ്പം (Kaattubeejangapushpam) Pimpernel Lindernia bloomed near #ReserveForestChathamattomKerala shot on LGK10201713mp flower diameter:4mm herb creeping annual non fragrant 07MAR2021 *plant name identified by https://efloraofindia.com/vandellia-anagallis
#flowersofindia #keralaplants #medicinalplantsindia #wikipedia
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wecappafc · 7 years
Rare Lindernia India Live Aquarium Aquatic Plant Plants
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Familia: Scrophulariaceae
Especie: Lindernia crustacea (Linn.) F. Muell.
Descripción:  Hierba pequeña, decumbente, rastrera, perenne, glabra, o puberulosa, tallos delgados, cuadrangulares, hojas opuestas, verdes a púrpura, opuestas, ovadas, oblongas, ápice obtuso, base redondeada, margenes enteros o serrados, 0.5-2.5 x 0.5-1.5 cm; inflorescencia axilares, formando cimas, pedicelos 1-3 cm largo. Cáliz verde, 4-6 mm largo. Corola azul-violeta, 5-8 mm largo, 2-lobada, pétalo inferior 3-lobulado, tubo de la corola 4-7 mm largo.
Origen: Asia Tropical
Cultivos que invade: arroz, cacao, maíz
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Weed flower കാട്ടുബീജംഗപുഷ്പം (Kaattubeejangapushpam) False Pimpernel #LinderniaViscosa* blooming near #ReserveForestChathamattom captured in LGK10201713mp Diameter:4mm herb creeping annual non fragrant 05102020
*plant name identified by https://efloraofindia.com/lindernia-viscosa
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Weed flower കാട്ടുബീജംഗപുഷ്പം (Kaattubeejangapushpam) False Pimpernel #LinderniaViscosa* blooming near #ReserveForestChathamattom captured in LGK10201713mp flora diameter:5mm herb creeping annual nonfragrant 10102020
*plant name identified by https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/lindernia-viscosa
#weed #weedflora #weedfloras #weedflorals #weedflower #weedflowers #weedflowering #weedflowerings #weedlife #wild #wildflora #wildflorals #wildflower #wildflowers #wildflowering #wildflowerings #wildfloweringshrub #wildfloweringshrubs
#flowers #shrubs #herbs
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