#Lilly cafe
lillycafe1 · 3 months
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Enjoy the authentic taste of South Asian cuisine with the best Desi breakfast at our Milton Keynes. The Best Desi Breakfast Milton Keynes Served fresh and hot, our breakfast menu covers a variety of traditional dishes that will tantalize your taste buds and transport you to the bustling streets of India and Pakistan.
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jadeazora · 1 month
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Lillie artwork via the Pokemon Masters Twitter. They never did her original attire, it's really just occurring to me now 😅
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The Delivery Quagsire and one-minute cooking event for Clodsire begin today in Cafe Remix!
And in our last bit of mobile news for this morning, a new battle pass has been announced for UNITE, starting Sept5!
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ilovelotsofthings · 1 year
Ollie! (She/Her & He/Him)
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And my other ocs I have dragged into being the parents!
Del: They/Them
Lilly: She/Her
Del and Lilly are in their early 20s
(Which I love Ollie so much that they will always be Ollie's parents or parental figures)
Idk if I ever posted any art of Del and Lilly but I created them for my senior year of high school a couple years ago
Also the last imagine was drawn at the same time as the others
Ollie is a bird-sheep thing
Del is a ghost as they drowned at a college party and now they are soul married to Lilly
Lilly is only half demon
Lilly is the mature adult but that is because Del was traumatized from dying
The island actually helped them... at first
They are great parents and love Ollie
Also bonus Ollie 1.0 (aka the first drawn draft)
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#qsmp#my art#my oc's#my ocs#my oc#yes more egg ocs#and no the twins still do not have a parent yet. haha...#i actually dont want to ramble about them much a no one actually cares (on the internet) and I love them and keep them close ro my chest#it is kinda the same thing with Nora Selene but mostly because she is just a character I play alone on a minecraft world in pocket edition#she is a horse rancher though#these ocs are... Lilly works 2 jobs cafe and tutor. Del doesnt work#theu love each other and have been friemds for years and were planning to marry out of college#just these 2 have a tragedy I dont really touvh on thoroughly#Like Del was human and they died in a accident at 20. Lilly is aging slowly yes but she will be older 1 day#but I do t focus on that :D in the story I wrote for class they got kittens#here they have a child :)#Ollie is pretty good. not really a sort of disobedient explorer like Paprika or adventurous in the sense of the twins being nerds ♥️#Ollie has either parent for her needs if she wants to explore Lilly is ready. wnat to cook Del is here#also when looking at my egg ocs I have indeed killed Paprika One of the twins is down to 1 life and the other has 2. Ollie has 2#I dont know which twin btw I just k ow I want more sadness when 1 twin dies permanently and the other loses their first life :D#(I really should get around to making them a parent that would later (non romantically) pair up with my sad Nora Selene)#(Making Nora Selene more sad losing another child. this is why she has always lived alone haha)#dont worry I do imagine a happy world where non of them died#also it is clear I dont actually imagine them meeting any of the canon characters#I am terrified of making characters ooc
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he13na · 1 year
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me and my bestie! 🎀🫶🏻💕🌸🍰
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kombuuuu · 1 year
hii i really enjoyed ur miles 42 fic, was wondering if u could write something about reader and miles meeting for the first time? who was interested first🤭?
For the Soul (and the Heart)
Miles!42 x Fem!Reader
“I’ll be here. So pretty fun, i’d say”. “Guess you’re right, Chiquita.”
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AHHH meet cute x simpy miles we LOVE
Miles getting comfy w reader and reader getting progressively more combative the more time they spend together bc they luvvvvvvv each other? perfection
please don’t read if you get uncomfy with suggestive content, nothing too bad but still suggestive!
The morning was still. An odd occurrence for a Saturday. The winter chill had settled the night prior and seeped into ever cracked windowsill.
Streets coating in a thin layer of snow and trees dusted with the same. And acknowledging this freezing weather, obviously you decided to go for a walk. Snow crunched under your feet as you followed street signs, the only thing telling you where you were going was which street looked prettier.
Eventually you stopped, hugging your scarf closer to your nose and looking for a stall or shop that caught your eye.
Eventually it did, a quaint cafe stationed between two clothing stores, relatively small and pretty empty. The outside was decorated with white Lilly-of-the-Valley flowers, flower beds filled with the pretty things. Contrasting to the deep Mahogany of the wooden shop. Which looking into the wide window, seemed relatively the same. Deep furniture with white accents and a soft yellow light dancing along shiny hardwood floors.
Swirling cursive words cut into the wooden headboard swinging from a chain outside the door. “Morales Coffee.”
There looked to be seven or eight people in there currently, for how inconspicuous it tried to look, the amount of patrons at such an odd time (10:42 AM, not morning but not afternoon either.), You’d assume that coffee has to be amazing.
The door bell chimed sweetly at your entry, Barista turning to greet you.
The sweet woman gleamed over at you for a moment, turning back to her current customer while he pulled out his wallet. You lined up, looking at the pastries lining the glass displays. The ones catching your eye a Raspberry Danish and a cute baby blue Lunch-Box cake.
The man had moved away, leaving it your turn to order. The woman smiled at you and for once, approaching someone in costumer service didn’t feel as scary as it should’ve.
“Hi, What can I get for you today?” The curly haired woman had a twang of an accent curving her words. And a motherly vibe about her.
“Hey,” You smiled back at her “,Could I get a regular Mocha—.” You paused to let her punch it in. “.—A raspberry Danish and your blue cake.”
You pointed vaguely towards where the blue cake would be to her side of the display. “Yes, of course! That’ll be $18.40, thank you.”
Whilst you pulled out your purse to pay and she began to retrieve the items. She spoke up again. “Someone’s birthday?”
You laughed, not expecting her to speak so suddenly.
“Oh, no!” A chuckle left your lungs “Just want some cake recently. Saw your shop and its cakes. Thought may as well get it while i’m here.”
She laughed along with you, snorting a little as she boxed the small cake in the cardboard lunchbox. “Seems reasonable.”
“Thank you.”
She grabbed your danish and placed it on the counter, putting the cake in a bag and handing it to you.
“Thank you, again.”
“No worries, your mocha will be out shortly!” The bouncy lady turned around, going close to the back of the counter and opened a door you hadn’t realised was there, talking into it.
“Bebé, hay una chica linda ahí afuera que quiere un Mocha. Ve a hacerlo para ella. Y no la riegues.”
"Baby, there's a cute girl out there who wants a Mocha. Go do it for her. And don't mess it up."
Miles glanced up in confusion.
“¿Pero porqué me dices a mi?”
“Why me?”
“Pues es linda, y parece de tu edad.”
“She’s pretty, and around your age.”
“Ma, porfavor.”
“Ma, please.”
“Fine, fine.” He raised his hands in defeat and Rio kissed his cheek on the way out.
You found a seat with a cute view of the street outside and waited patiently for your coffee, people watching to pass time.
There was always a fear of crime in your neighbourhood. The lack of supposed ‘good guys’ coupled with the city being run down by anyone who wanted to escape trouble. Once news broke out of the first robbery in Brooklyn, where no one was caught. It was immediately put on the radar for any criminal looking to live somewhere safe.
The Prowler had been changing that. Little by little the Panther-esc.. Anti-Villain was scraping through the streets of Brooklyn and letting his blood stained claws drag over those in his way.
People feared him, the violence he brought with him.
You thought he was the closest thing to a hero you were getting, so who’s got room to complain?
If he’s not going to do the dirty work, who will?
The chatter of other people in the cafe had gotten slightly louder, four more people walking in while you sat.
“Miles, la chica linda de ahí.”
“Miles, That sweet girl over there.”
“Sí mamá, ya sé.”
“Yeah mama, I know.”
The smooth baritones accent of a boy around your age caught your attention. The way his letters curled giving you a rush of something down your spine. You looked up when you heard feet approaching, seeing probably the most ridiculously handsome man you have ever met bring you your coffee.
The way his jawline sharpened at a point, braids lying on his shoulders just below it. His lips that seemed awfully soft for someone who probably doesn’t even know what chapstick is. Lashes fluttering prettily over his high genes cheekbones, accenting his golden eyes. Jesus christ he’s pretty. His lips curled into a smirk at your face, your doe’d eyes gleaming up at him. He had some sharp canines.
“‘S one’s yours, Miss.” He placed the steaming mug on your table and you smiled. “Thank you!”
“No worries, Hermosa.” He looked at you a moment longer before the sweet lady called him back to make another order.
“Coming, Momma.” He called back to her, turning back to you for a second time and adding.
“I’m Miles, by the way.”
“Miles.. that’s a cute name.”
His lips upturned again at the compliment.
You gave him your name, which he hummed at, repeating it and rolling it around his tongue. His accent was gorgeous.
“Hope to see you ‘round, [Name].”
You choked out a pathetic affirmation, “Mhmma.— Yeah, yep.”
He laughed lightly and dragged his fingers along the table as he left.
Like claws.
Two days later you were back. It was some of the best coffee you’d ever had. And the desserts were the same, most of the cake still sitting boxed in the fridge.
Also there was an added bonus, being the coffee house owner, and her son.
The boy was interesting enough to keep your attention, sweet to you but held a sort of curiosity about him. Like he was hiding something but felt no shame in doing it, that it was righteously excused.
And to be real, you were dying to hear his voice again. Two days and all that had been playing in your head was the way he’d said your name, let the word travel down to his lungs and breathed life into it. A longing into it.
Miles was about the same, probably worse.
You saying his name was cute was probably his new lifeline. The way you had said it so innocently, sweetly to the likes of him. A twisted, wretched man. You had him swooning faster than he deemed safe, his body was going into overdrive. He had watched you while in their cafe, having never met someone so.. untainted by the world. Someone so sweet who carried nothing but a childlike innocence in their curios nature. Nothing done out of bad faith or in vain. You were nothing like him, he adored that.
So when you came wandering back into his Mommas cafe, he hoped to every universe it would be something you didn’t stop doing.
“Ah! Miss, You’re back!” His Ma greeted her, watching as the girl told Rio her name, and his Mom in return.
You guys chatted idly for a moment, your expressions clear as day. He could read you like a grown man could read a picture book, so easy it would be insulting to present him with it, if the content wasn’t you. The brightness and easy nature of you was something refreshing, he would say his Momma was easy-going, but times had been hard lately and his family needed a cheering up. You seemed like the perfect candidate.
Sweet, bubbly and looking at him right now- Oh. He waved at you, shivering at the eye contact and watching as you smiled at him and waved back, hands shaking. He likes how nervous he makes you.
You sniffled a little from the cold, dripping your hand as his Mom room your attention again. She handed you a cinnamon scroll and you paid quickly, dropping twenty bucks in the tip jar and quickly finding your way back to your seat.
“Miles! Un Mocha regular porfavor.”“Miles, regular Mocha please.”
He nodded to his mom, like he hadn’t remembered from last time. Like he hasn’t watched as you enjoyed something he made you.
“Bienvenida de nuevo, Chiquita.”“Welcome back, Chiquita.”
Sitting in the same spot as last time, staring at the idling passer-by’s, the light of a Winter morning danced off the snowy ground and highlighted your face, leaving a soft glow in your eyes.
You turned to him, paying him your whole mind.
“Thank you, Miles.” He placed your coffee in front of you, slightly leaning over you. He raised his eyebrows and hummed. You inhaled quickly, breath caught in your throat. Now realising the proximity between the two of you. Not only that, but there was a sweet smell that followed him around, coffee and cinnamon. How fitting.
His voice had gone deeper, smoother.
“I’m glad to see you back here—,” He leaned back again, hand dragging the same way it had two days prior. Your slow blink and parted lips made a deep rooted part of him begin to blossom once more.
He wanted to protect you the way he knew no one else could, wanted to lay his Soul down for you. Let you trace the veins imbedded in his skin with your teeth and take as much from him as you could. Run him dry, let him owe you his life so he can die protecting yours.
The speed his infatuation was growing probably wasn’t healthy.
“Really?” Your sweet, breathless inquiry silenced that though.
“Of course, Mami.”
“I—,” You paused, picking at you fingernails for a moment “,—I like it here, a lot.”
You leaned a little forward in your seat. Pressing your forearms against the wooden tabletop and leaning on them. He watched your back drop into a small arch, and for his own health, decided to ignore it. “‘S very cozy.” You glanced towards the window again. Watching another lad and her dog pass. He watched you.
“Mm, it is.”
“And you’re here.”
He sucked in a breath, fingers twitching.
Your gaze flickered to him once more and he held it.
He let his hand drift to your shoulder, rubbing it slowly while he peeled himself away from the table.
“I gotta go, Mami, but enjoy your time.”
“You too, Miles.”
“I’ll be working,” He smiled at you, a small thing.
“I’ll be here. So pretty fun, I’d say.”
He hummed.
“Guess you’re right, Chiquita.”
It had been around four Months since Miles had met you. And he was in over his damn head, not that he wasn’t at your first meeting. But progressively, over time, he’d fallen deeper and deeper for you.
Everything you did had him in a chokehold. The way you were so sweet with his Mom, or how even uncle Aaron liked you when he’d stopped by the cafe.
How you offered to help around with no pay, generosity basically leaking from your heart. When you would come over just to see him because you “missed his voice”.
Or would sit in his room and wait for him. If he ever came home late, injured from things you had no business knowing, you wouldn’t ask a thing. You stayed quiet, and patched him up. Let him rest his head on your collarbone while you softly rubbed his shoulders. Trying to lighten the weight of the world off of them.
Every little thing.
He was done pretending like it didn’t affect him. He could barely go a single day without you on his mind constantly, as if.
He knew you felt the same.
Still just as readable as your first meeting. He knew the frequent outings between the two of you were more than just friendly meet-ups to you. To him.
And when your gazes would catch one another, he’d try and tell you. Express without so much as a word how you were the only person he could do this with. The only one he felt comfortable to walk down the street with, and let you chat his ear off about any new movies you’d seen, books you’d have read.
He would let you sleep in his bed, bring little things into his room and give the bland walls life.
You had made a home in him. Cracked chips in his walls on by one until you’d found a single loose stone and happily let everything he’d built up fall just for you.
Miles had texted you around mid-day that he’d wanted to see you, in which you’d giggled at your phone dreamily.
Laying on your bed with your stomach down, kicking your legs like a girl gone stupid.
It hadn’t even been much to fret over, just a simple:
Can you come over later?
He had phrased it rather questioningly, but for no good reason. He’d known full well the moment he even insinuated you being with him, you’d jump at the chance.
And you did, swiftly replying;
okayyyy !!
I’ll pick you up at 7.
7, [Name].
Don’t be childish.
i’m nvr childish, see u at 6 C:
You got up, threw your phone somewhere on the bed and checked your, admittedly already-packed, overnight bag. Making sure nothing was missing before putting it at your door.
Your phone pinged again.
See you at six.
You smiled.
You spent the rest of that afternoon anxiously waiting for him to pick you up.
He showed up at your door five minutes late, greeting you at the door with a soft apology about the tardiness.
“Sorry, Mami. Took a wrong turn.”
“Don’t apologise, Miles.”
You smiled at him, stars in your eyes. He looked away for a second, a bit guilty for lying to you, but he feels it’s worth it.
“Grab your bag, ma. Let’s go.”
You hummed an affirmation, rushing to your room to grab the pink duffel bag.
You grabbed your phone off your night stand and did a double check for everything.
You walked out again, closing the door behind you. Miles was leant up against your doorframe. Forearm pressed on the wood and his torso stretched. A small sliver of his skin had peeked from under the fabric, you thanked the warming weather. Quickly averting your gaze, you noticed him watching your stare in intent, a curious smile playing at the corner of his lips.
“You good, Chiquita?”
“Uhuh—, yep. Fine.”
You huffed out, pouting and pressing your palm to his chest, his very toned chest, and pushed back lightly.
“Get outta my way, lame-o, I gotta lock the door.”
He resisted for a moment longer, gazing down at you in humour. He trailed his hand up your arm slyly and pried your hand off his chest by sliding his thumb up from under your wrist onto your palm. Slowly pulling you off him.
“Maybe ask politely.”
You gave him an unimpressed stare and flipped him off.
“Oh my god.”
“It’s just a ‘please’.”
“..-Please, get the fuck outta my way.”
“Of course, Hermosa.” He snorted as he did.
You turned around, Miles still close to you in the cramped hallway, and locked your door.
You turned around, noticing his eyes glance up from where they were before and shot him a questioning look. He turned around and led you through you hallway, dismissing the look.
He opened the steel door to the cafe. The scenery of a rooftop garden with the same Lilly-of-the-Valley flowers up here as there were out front of the store.
Shrubbery lined the rooftop edge and the string lights hung from the veranda created an atmosphere that seemed almost cinematic.
“Jesus, Miles. This is beautiful.”
“Mm, thought you’d like it.”
“I do, so much.”
You stated in awe at the mural painted on a buildings wall behind the door. A man who stroke a resemblance to Miles painted surrounded by colours of any.
The moonlight basked against the neon colours, accenting the man’s features.
“My dad.”
Your gaze snapped up to him beside you, brows furrowing in a frown.
“I’m sorry.”
“‘S cool. Nothin’ you coulda known, Ma.”
He sighed at the image of his father, wishing him well rest.
Turning to you, he wasn’t surprised to see the greif in your eyes. He was, though, surprised at the lack of pity.
He was so used to having his far family whisper behind his back at how his soul had died with his fathers. How the light in his eyes had gone missing the day his hand had been forced, unable to get to his dad in time.
There was no escaping his death.
So to feel the understanding coming from you—. The confidence in your sorry but knowledge that pity would do no one any good, it was refreshing. Everything about you was.
He turned away from your watchful eyes, the intensity being unusual for him.
“Come sit, vida mía.”
You followed him dutifully, loyally. Like you had since the last Winter. Like you would continue for the next to come.
A set of pillows had been placed in the middle of the veranda. White wood covered in lively vines and the aforementioned string lights.
There was a layout of his pastries (which you had learned he was the baker of) laid out on a cotton blanket.
You sat on one of the pillows, legs crossed. Miles following short after.
“Oooh,” You begun to tease him “,This a romantic dinner date?” The tone of your voice was in jest, but when he had failed to answer— Your heart rate sped up and your face went hot to the touch.
“Miles? Y’know I— I was just jokin’—“ “If you want it to be.”
You stood stupidly for a moment, not quite reeling in his words like any other person would.
It was his turn for unsurity now, eyes dancing nervously between you and the skyline.
“No pressure, though. Just think it’d be nice.”
“It would.”
He refocused on you again, finding you already watching him owlishly. “Yeah?”
“Mm, we could—,”
He anxiously started picking at the blanket. Who knew someone usually so calm could be this nervous asking out the most harmless girl he knew.
“Try. We could try that, together.” You mumbled a bit, seemingly playing it off. “If you want, or something..”
“I do.” He gained some leg to stand on, finding it easier and easier as you spoke, your nerves somehow calming his own.
“I’ve wanted that for a while.”
“Oh good, cause—“ You placed your hand in your lap, cracking your knuckles. “—Me too, so. That’s good.”
He grinned at your awkwardness, knowing your lack of experience in the relationship aspect of life, this mutual agreement, instead of one asking the other out, probably hasn’t been an experience of yours yet. He liked he was the first.
“Don’t get all shy on me now.”
You puffed at him, punching his arm lightly.
“I’m never shy, that’s for dumb stupid lame people. And I am none of those.” “Oh, sure.”
“Wh— Sure?! Which one are you ‘sure’-ing? Dumb, stupid or lame?!”
“Keep saying my name like that, mami.”
“Oh my goodness!”
And when you both finally got into his bed, you’d slept tangled together like you had dozens of times before. But this time, Miles would grab your waist and pull you closer. Settle his face in your neck and trace his nose down the length of your shoulder, peppering a kiss on every inch of skin he could find, and you’d both finally felt sure.
Maybe people were right, maybe Miles’s soul had died with his father.
But meeting you, something new, something rejuvenating—.
It left him with a light he could search for, a new soul. A whisp of a being you’d taken from your own heart and placed in his. It left him breathless with life.
YIPEEE!!!!! another one 🗣️‼️
thank you to my translation helpers (bbgs) @kissmxcheek and @millyswife
(oh, wrong Miles! oops! 🤗⬇️)
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seeingivy · 3 months
water lillies
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's older brother fic
previous part linked here
an: two chapters back to back. also the last one :'(
sukuna realizes that repetitive phrases help him in the year that follows. that no matter how dangerous it feels, the feeling of hope is one that he has to keep in his chest, regardless of his track record of horrendously horrible bad luck. 
he’s not going to die tomorrow. yuuji’s perfectly healthy. he’s going to replace the plastic finger on your ring with a real one someday. you’re all going to live very long lives. 
there’s a nervous anticipation, an excited one simmering in his chest, as picks up the little tray of drinks – two strawberry matchas, an iced coffee, and a scone – as he takes it back to the table, where the group of them are waiting. 
“what took you so long?” sammy asks. 
“you’re so impatient.” sukuna responds, handing the drinks over to the moms and sammy, before splitting his scone in half and handing it over to yuuji. 
“i’m working on that.” sammy grates, giving him an irritated look. 
sukuna smiles. 
sammy was working on that, after he had very graciously given her the number to his therapist after she called him crying asking for it. 
it seemed that sammy had one too many fights with you, hurt mai one too many times, and realized that she was finally ready to let go of lifetime of hurt that she had accrued. anger issues, impatience, and the insurmountable amount of aching that always seemed to take residence in her chest was on its way out. 
with his help. and with yours, even if you didn’t know about it entirely. 
“wait, where’s y/n?” yuuji asks. 
sukuna smiles. 
“she has class.” 
“oh.” yuuji responds. 
sukuna watches as the confusion contorts in his face, albeit, the strange nature of the gathering catching him off guard. both of the moms, sammy, and yuuji were called here for an early morning rendezvous at what might be the only good cafe in their town – play coffee. 
and sukuna would have waited to schedule this for when you were free, if he didn't have something important to ask all of them. a question that you couldn’t necessarily be present for. 
“okay. i’m not treating you all to coffee for no reason.” sukuna states. 
“i fucking told you. he would never be this nice.” sammy whispers over to yuuji, the two of them nodding at one another. 
“you’re so kind, sammy. you have such a way with words.” sukuna deadpans. 
“i live to please.” she resopnds. 
“is everything okay?” mrs. itadori asks. 
sukuna smiles, before reaching over to squeeze her open hand. 
three months prior, his mom was the last person on the very long list of people that he deserved an explanation too. even more than deserved an explanation – but another person who just deserved to know why he left, what he had been through. 
satoru and suguru had taken it really well, satoru offering him one second of seriousness to very earnestly tell him that he was very happy that sukuna had stayed long enough for the two of them to become friends. nanami had shared his own experiences – the two of them being intrinsically closer than before from their shared past – and shoko responded by giving him gummy bears and a hug, which meant more to him than she could really understand. 
it shattered lots of things for yuuji, something that he felt insanely guilty about – for not catching on to all of it sooner. but sukuna could also tell that it had done something for the two of them, to talk about something, whatever it was that they went through together as they were kids, and it only made him love him more. 
and his mom. for the first time, after a very earnest scolding about parenting and responsibility from your mom, was worried about him. he found it a little bit overbearing at times, the way she would call and remind him at night that she loved him very much and that he was her entire world – but the thought was there. and on the days that he found it hard to quiet the voices in his head, it really did make all the difference. 
to hear you remind him. and his mom and yuuji, sammy and everyone else in between. 
“it’s great. i just have to ask for your permission for something, that’s all.” sukuna murmurs. 
sukuna watches their faces drop. he realizes after the fact that it was a bad choice of words – especially for his mom – when they were the exact ones that he used before he left for europe. 
“i’m not moving.” sukuna clarifies. 
“oh thank god.” his mom responds, dramatically pressing her hand to her chest as he rolls her eyes. 
he looks over at the four of them, a simmering warmth in his eyes, as he takes in the looks on their faces. and it seems that in his delay, the most perceptive of the group, has figured out what’s happening all too fast. 
“oh my god. you’re going to do it, aren’t you?” your mom murmurs. 
“what?” sammy asks. 
“you…you’re going to propose?” she asks. 
“what? you’re going to propose? to y/n?” yuuji asks, his voice almost frantic. 
“YOU GUYS ARE GETTING MARRIED?”  his mom squeals, so loud that it earns her a wary look from everyone else in the store. 
sukuna winces as he lifts his hands, beckoning for the group of them to lower their voices, as he reaches into his pocket and places the little green box at the center of the table. sammy’s the first to snatch it, eyes wide and filled with tears as she opens it up, to the little circular cut diamond, set into the golden band that he had picked out almost a year prior – the second you got home from the trip he went on for his birthday.  
he had been holding on to it for a better part of the year. and it was finally time to use it. he was paranoid that he would never get to replace the plastic ring that he gave you, so he figured that he’d buy the real one as soon as he could – just as another solace to himself that he would actually get to do it. 
“wait. you’re really going to propose to her?” sammy whispers. 
“i am. with all of your permission, of course.” sukuna states.  
he watches as they all give him bright smiles, before reaching forward and placing their hands on his. 
“oh, sukuna. of course, you can marry my daughter.” your mom responds, giving him a bright smile 
“holy shit. you’re actually going to be my brother.” sammy states. 
“that’s if y/n says yes.” mrs. itadori states. 
sukuna gives her a glare. 
“what a vote of confidence, mom.” sukuna deadpans. 
“they already wear those plastic rings all the time. they literally think they’re already married in their heads. don’t be annoying, mom.” yuuji responds, huffing an irritated sigh at her as she rolls her eyes back. 
sukuna takes that as a vote for yes. 
“i’m obviously joking. the two of you have no sense of humor.” mrs. itadori responds. 
sukuna turns his head to the side, eyes expectant as he waits for his mom to give a proper response, noting that phenomenon – of getting so emotional that the feelings get crumpled up in your throat is one that he gets from his mom – as she reaches forward, a warm hand on his shoulder as she squeezes. 
“this is all i’ve ever wanted for you. not only because she’s my best friends daughter, but because…well, it’s all you deserve, my sweet boy.” she murmurs. 
he watches as him mom turns her head to the side, shooting an excited smile to your mom, as he notes that the wedding gears are probably turning in both of their heads just from that shared glance. 
“i’ll need a favor from all of you. two from yuuji and sammy.” sukuna states. 
sukuna smiles, before pulling out the little envelope in his pocket, the four of them giving him weary eyes as he opens it up. 
“whatever you need, son.” your mom responds. 
sukuna memorizes that line – the way that she said it – and commits it to memory. 
“you’ll all have to meet us in france first.” 
you and yuuji accompany megumi to the tattoo parlor as he gets his first set of ink. it’s a special design that yuuji drew out for him, a set of constellations that the two of them had charted together on one of their first dates together. 
the tattoo parlor still smells the same as you remember it, bright designs printed on the wall and neon lights, as you take in the little room – the magnets on the fridge and the little frames on toji’s desk. you note that there’s a picture that you took a few months prior, of tsumiki and megumi standing next to him. 
“hi toji.” 
you watch as he looks up from his little work station, his tools and guns meticulously organized, as he taps the seat in the middle, giving megumi a bright smile. 
“right here, kid.” 
after the funeral, you had finally found the time to reconcile with megumi about what happened on your birthday. the two of you got dangerously drunk, talking about deadbeat dads and everything in between, before yuuji and sukuna had to drag you out of there on your ass. 
about how your dad forgot you. about how megumi had never talked to his own. about how when they both left, how your moms spoke so little of them that you almost felt like they were ghosts of nothing. and that on most nights, you were filled with such a deep curiosity – of who they were, of what could have been. 
when yuuji dragged the two of you out of there, he had realized how much he had probably annoyed sukuna on the nights that he asked him to do that. 
but it seems that in the horror stories that you had shared with megumi, he realized that he was left with an agonizing amount of questions about his own father that he couldn't ignore. and one day on a whim – he had marched to the tattoo parlor all on his own and asked all of them, basically till toji was free of every answer that he could possibly give. 
and megumi realizded that there was more to the entire situation that met the eye. that there were things his mom had purposely omitted, for reasons he could understand but not get behind. and weirdly enough, by some twist of fate, was now going to reconcile with his own father. 
you were more than supportive. only because whatever strange fatherly advice of figure toji was trying to be for megumi, he was also trying to do for yuuji as well. it filled you with an almost insane amount of joy, that toji was so approving of yuuji, that he thought the two of them were meant to be together. 
and yuuji deserved that – someone who wanted to be his father. that was proud and happy for him for who he chose to love. that liked him just as he was. 
“you ready, megs?” toji asks. 
“yeah. this is the design.” meugmi responds, handing him over the little half sheet that yuuji had drawn out, as toji nods. 
you take toji’s side as he starts to stencil in the little design at his little workstation, yuuji leaning on the side of the little chair as him and megumi talk in hushed tones. 
“hi toji.” 
he glares at you. 
“do i know you?” he asks. 
you roll your eyes, slightly shoving him in the side, as you lean forward, watching him stencil the little design with his purple marker. 
“you’re hilarious, toji.” 
“i’m a part time comedian. i take tips.” 
you fish into your purse, reaching for one of the coins in there, and throw it onto the little tin working space. 
“you’re so generous!” he deadpans. 
“I live to please.” you joke. 
toji smiles, averting his eyes as you follow his gaze. he’s staring at megumi and yuuji, the two of them with their hands locked into together and laughing under their breaths. and you smile, only for toji to glare at the sweet look you’re giving him. 
while he’s just as much of a sap as sukuna, he hates to be up front about it. especially when it comes o you, because you always feel the need to make a comment about it to him. half because you want him to know that you appreciate what he’s doing for both of them. and because it’s really fun to irritate him. 
you imagine this is how satoru feels when he annoys sukuna. 
“shut up.” 
“i didn’t say anything.” you respond. 
“you were saying it with your face.” 
“you’re projecting!” 
toji glares, sketching the shading on the little constellation, as he heaves a sigh. 
“never did thank you, you know.” 
“dunno. telling him about your shit dad. he never would have come here if he didn’t.” 
“well, i for one, love to tell people about my shit dad. it makes for a funny story.” 
toji smiles. 
“he really didn’t recognize ya?” 
you shake your head. 
“he thought i was sukuna’s girlfriend from europe.” you state. 
“do you want me to kill him?” toji asks. 
you laugh. 
“that’s okay. yuuji punched him for me.” 
“eh? cupcake over there? there’s no way” 
you grin. toji very lovingly calls yuuji cupcake – only because the first time yuuji met him, he decided to bring a box of cupcakes that he consequently dropped on the sidewalk before he could even make it to toji’s apartment. 
“that’s right.” 
“no shit. he doesn’t have it in him. he’s so….sunshine and rainbows. like you.” 
“had a full bruised hand and everything! you’re forgetting that he’s sukuna’s brother.” 
“that’s fair.” toji states. 
there’s a pause. 
“speaking of, how is he?” 
toji nods. 
“he’s okay. doing good, i think. i mean, he definitely has days where he’s…where it’s harder than others. but i’m glad that he trying to work on it now, at least try to be a little bit more open about it.” you state. 
“you know, he came into my shop, a shitty little angry sixteen year old begging me to give him a tattoo.” 
“and you broke the law and gave one to him.” you state. 
“yes. but only because at the time, i could…i could tell that he needed that. and i talked to him about stuff here and there, and i sat there and thought about how if my kid was feeling like this, i’d give them that so they wouldn’t do something more drastic. hurt themselves or something, ya know?” 
you frown. 
“and well, it’s fucking great. the fucking idiot walks in here smiling all the time. tells you all his weird shit even though he fucking hates doing it, or at least at the time, he did. he even seems more lively or younger or some shit compared to then. whatever it was that was wearing him down back then has long left him. so don’t worry about him too much? that one’s a fighter.” toji states. 
you smile, your heart thumping in your chest. 
“yeah. yeah, he is.” you respond. 
toji gives you a smile, tilting his head to the side as he beckons for you to join him at his megumi’s side. 
sukuna’s voice is muffled against your neck, lips warm on your skin, as he whispers. you’re eying the dresses that you have left – a flowery pink pattern and the white silk dress that sammy had picked out with you weeks prior. 
“wear that one.” 
“the white one. the one with the lace shit, that’s long. i want you to wear that one.” sukuna states. 
you frown. 
“i was saving that one.” 
“for?” sukuna grins. 
when sukuna brings you to france, you know that he’s going to propose to you. because on one of the last days of your trip, he’s taking you to the musée de l’orangerie, where monet’s water lilies are. and you know that true to his word, he’s going to propose there, just like he promised you almost a year ago in that dirty tattoo parlor. 
but you can’t say it forthright. that you’re saving the pretty white dress you have for the day that he’s going to propose. because it’s presumptuous to say he's going to propose, and knowing him, the element of surprise is something that he would have wanted maintained. 
but that doesn’t mean that sukuna doesn’t try to goad it out of you. he hints at it all the time – asking you why you save the dress for the end of the trip, why you’re saving some of your better jewelry for the last days, asking why you wanted to get your nails touched up towards the middle of the trip. 
it’s thin ice that the two of you walk on, that neither of you acknowledge. it’s what makes it exciting. 
“wear this one today, okay?” 
you frown, before scaling away to your suitcases, eyeing the dresses that are left in the bag
“wait but…” 
“you’re wearing the white.” sukuna demands. 
“i want to…” 
“wear the white. trust me, you’ll want to wear it today.” sukuna whispers, leaning over the little distance between the two of you, as he offers you a wink. 
you pause, testing the waters. 
“but…we’re going to giverny today.” 
“that’s right.” 
the water lilies are in paris. he can’t be proposing today. 
“you want me to wear this dress…this white dress…to giverny.” 
sukuna grins. 
“yes. the pink one is better for paris. you know i love pink.” 
you sigh, looking down at the fabric. he did have a thing for you in pink. you give in, putting together the outfit – the white dress, the mary jane shoes that sukuna had picked out for you, and a little pearl clip to secure your hair back. 
sukuna’s taking some extreme lengths – pressing his head in between your legs to buckle your shoes, attentively putting the clip in your hair, and pressing soft featherlike kisses to basically any patch of skin that you can find. 
“you’re in a mood today.” 
“i’m just really excited for giverny.” 
you understand the excitement once you get there. giverny’s the smallest little village in the north of france, a little bit of an hour away from where the two of you were staying, and is filled with the brightest, most beautiful flowers that you’ve ever seen in your life. 
you get into town in the early hours of the morning, the two of you giving each other excited smiles as you set out to the little town. the two of you eat breakfast together in the smallest bed and breakfast, sukuna takes an obscene amount of pictures, and you buy a little charm for your bracelet. 
sukuna gets uncharacteristically quiet, a light pink tinge on his cheeks, as he leads you down a winding road, unti you end up at a little house at the end of the way. it’s magnificent – a few people teetering in and out of the doors – as you eye the brick walls and the green window panes. there’s bright pink flowers at the front, muted purples and greens all around, as you look over at him, taken aback by the fact that he’s already looking at you. 
“this is why we’re in giverny.” he murmurs, lightly pulling at your wrist as he takes you in through the middle of the house, offering a spare glance to the people milling around, and taking you through the back. 
his hand is warm in yours as you walk out to the little backyard, a green bridge across the little pools of water, with willowing trees dousing the entire area in the shade of the calm sun. he leads you right to the center of the bridge, the two of you leaning your chins on the tops of your hands as you look down at the water, your little reflections staring back at you. 
“did you notice what’s in the water?” 
you look around, feeling your heart drop in your chest, at the water lilies almost decorating the entire pond – pink flowers with lily pads of green – as you widen your eyes, the wetness glassing over your eyes as you look over at sukuna, who has the softest smile on his face. 
“i know that i’d lost the element of surprise when i told you that i wanted to propose to you at the water lilies in the musée de l’orangerie. i figured the next best thing was taking you to the real water lilies that the painting was based off of.”  
“wait. wait, this is…” 
“claude monet’s house. his garden, more specifically, and the real water lilies from the painting.” 
you pause.
“you’re going to propose.” you state. 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“not exactly.”
you feel your heart drop.
“i’m going to marry you.” 
you feel your throat dry. and your head spin. and your heart pounding in your chest – because surely, he can’t be serious. 
“sukuna?” you whisper. 
he laughs. 
“don’t freak out. but i’m going to marry you.” he repeats, the tenor in his voice so calm that it nearly freaks you out. 
you reach forward, hands on his shoulders as you squeeze hard, the wetness pouring onto your cheeks as you lean forward, smiling. 
“i would love to marry you. i’d do it right now but..but we can’t just..our moms, your outfit and i…” 
sukuna stops you mid sentence. 
“your sister and my brother are here with our moms. they’re actually watching from that bush if you look back.” 
you turn around, following the direction of sukuna’s finger, as he leans forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and his voice like honey in your ear as he continues. you see four sets of eyes – and yuuji giving you an embarrassingly wild wave – as sammy yanks him back down. 
“sammy has a veil. she said it’ll hook into the pearl clip that she gifted you. my mom picked wedding rings for us. your mom got ordained. and yuuji decided that he’s going to be the best man and the man of honor for both of us. your mom also has that weird flower shit for me that’s supposed to go on my jacket.” 
“wait…wait you really…” 
“speaking of, as much as i like this plastic ring…” 
sukuna uses his hands to spin you around, until you’re facing him this time, hands pressed against his chest as you look up at him. 
“i told you that i was going to give you a real one.” 
you watch as he reaches into his pocket, plucking the perfect little ring out of the box, as he reaches forward, slipping the plastic green one off of your hand and replacing it with the sparking diamond. the former goes into the depths of his pocket, but you’re too preoccupied with the one he’s just given you. 
you look down at it, at the way it glints in the sun, before looking back up at him, at the smile on his face as he expectantly waits for a response – to everything he’s just laid out in front of you. 
“you’re really doing this? you’re really going to marry me right here?” 
“if you let me.” sukuna responds. 
he pauses, before taking his hands in yours, eyeing and fiddling with the newly replaced ring on your finger before looking back up at you, and smiling. 
“i can’t wait any longer. i did all of this, flew our parents out and our siblings, and made sammy buy you this perfect, beautiful dress because i have to marry you right now. and it’s not because i’m paranoid or because i’m scared you’re going to die on me, but because you’re the love of my life. i want our love to be forever. i know you’re going to live to tomorrow and i am too – but it’s still not good enough for me that we’re not tied together in all the ways people can be tied together.” 
you smile. 
“i just want you to be my wife. you’ve been my everything since forever and i need everyone to know that. my tax forms, the government – i need it written in paper, i need there to be real living proof.” 
you laugh. 
“me too.” you murmur. 
“yeah. yeah, i need someone to shout it from the rooftops. i want to send it to the fucking newspaper back home just so everyone knows that you married me and i married you. and i really do want to do it right now.” 
and you watch as he grins – at what may be his first confirmation that everything he planned out is going to come to fruition right now, because you’re going to marry him. and he leans forward, pressing a kiss to your cheeks, hands frantic around your neck and pulling you closer as you lean back, glaring at him. 
“save that for the wedding.” 
“i needed one last kiss from you as my girlfriend.” 
“well, i think that was technically my first kiss as your fiancee? your last kiss with me as your girlfriend was the one this morning. it tasted like french toast.” you state.
he shakes his head. 
“okay, go away now. let sammy put your veil on. and walk back down with her and yuuji, okay?” 
you give him a nod, quickly shuffling to the little bush where all four of them are crouched, nervous eyes as you bend down, giving all of them a smile. 
“are we getting married?” your mom asks. 
“we’re getting married.” you confirm. 
the all cheer, yuuji leaning forward to press a kiss to your head, as you feel the warmth bloom under your cheeks, and they all start nervously panting. your mom starts rehearsing the little lines that she has to say, cards pressed in her hands, as sukuna’s mom pulls out the little box that the rings are in. the two of them nurse sukuna’s boutonniere in their hands, messing with the pin at the back and making sure it’s in place. 
“okay, turn around, i’m putting the veil on. mom, go stand out there with sukuna he looks like a fucking idiot standing there alone. yuuji and i will walk her down.” sammy mutters. 
the two of them nod, quickly running out – but not before giving you a warm kiss on the cheek – as you watch both of them give sukuna a long hug, biting so hard on your cheek that you draw blood when sukuna leans forward, wiping a tear away from your mom’s face. 
you hear a little clicking noise, as sammy starts draping the little frilly veil over your shoulders, her eyes in a deep attentiveness as she comes around, fixing the stray hairs on your forehead and the straps of your dress with frantic hands. and you can’t help but lean forward, wet tears in your eyes, as you burrow your chin into the crook of her shoulder, and squeeze hard. 
“you’re going to walk me down the aisle?” you ask. 
you lean back, sammy giving you a sweet smile before reaching up and cupping the side of your face. 
“i helped you take your first steps. s’only fitting, right?” 
“yeah.” you whisper. 
“and we can’t do it without him either, of course. naturally, you’re going to be attached at the hip until the end.” sammy mutters. 
and you turn to your left, where yuuji’s uncharacteristically quiet at your side with wide eyes, hands nervously fidgeting in his pockets at his side as you shoot him a warning glance. 
“you okay?” 
“i was friends with you when you literally had no fucking teeth. and now you’re just getting married. to my brother.” 
you smile. 
“do you have a problem with that?” 
yuuji rolls his eyes. 
“i don’t like to share.” 
and he pauses, before leaning forward, his hands featherlike on your shoulder. 
“i know this is really weird, but i…i feel like i’m giving you away.” yuuji mumbles. 
you laugh. 
“i feel like you’re giving me away too. you…you’ve been the only person around in my life, in the same way, basically forever. you’re really the only person whose approval matters to me.” 
he smiles. 
“we’ve both spent a good amount of our lives just with each other. but i’m glad that you’ve opened up space for a few more. and i have to. and for sukuna of all people, who fucking adores you. i’m half mad i didn’t think of it myself earlier, but you’re perfect for each other.” 
“thank you, yuuji.” 
“and this is the perfect scheme. you’re going to be my sister. we can upgrade the term soulmate to soul sister now.” 
“deal.” you whisper.
you both laugh, as yuuji holds his hand out to you, which you tuck your hand into before pressing a kiss to his cheek. the two of them look to you for confirmation, before you leave your little spot behind the bush, your little heels clicking against the wood of the bridge, as sukuna stands in between your moms, a hand pressed to his chest, and he cries freely.
his mom hands you the rings, two simple golden bands. and your mom seals the words, that tie you together forever.
four days later, you finally do make it to musée de l’orangerie. sukuna drags you towards the back – to the painting from the blue and purple background that’s been on your computer for years – as you both tangle your arms together, fingers adored with your newly minted rings. 
it feels dangerously full circle to sukuna. 
that he had visited years prior, alone with headphones shoved into his ears, and stood there alone thinking about you. about how he wanted to live, about how he was going to move past everything that had happened to him – and at the very least, return to japan someday and see you again. 
and he stood there, wondering what you would be like. if you liked the same music, if you watched the same shows. if you still ate cinnamon raisin french toast and wore ribbons in your hair. 
and at that point, he knew he wasn’t going to return to japan for another few years, but when he did – he was at the very least, going to be determined to find the answers, in the most natural way he could. that somehow, the two of you would end up near each other, at the same restaurant or at the same bar, and he’d get to ask. 
“what are you thinking about?”  you whisper. 
sukuna looks down, at your head resting against his shoulder, and leans forward, pressing an absentminded kiss to your forehead. 
“that this time around, you’re standing here with me.” 
that he got to put a ring on your finger. that he knows you don’t listen to the same type of music as him but you do have the same taste in shows – even if you have different favorite seasons. you like french toast when he makes it and think the ribbons fall better when he places them in your hairband for you. 
you love him. and he loves you back.
an: a very long love letter to this beloved fic. this has been six months of one of the sweetest things i've ever written. this fic is literally so special to me for so many reasons bc it's pushed me so many ways in figuring out how I like to write and express my feelings -- and i've put so much of myself and my real struggles of good old life into it. needless to say that all of the sweet comments and love that i've received on this have every bit worth it. this goofy little one shot took a life of it's own from all the love you've all given me on it and i'm so glad we ended up here together 💌 (and I promise, i'll actually write dream girl actor sukuna now, I just had to finish this one up properly)
and a beloved kiss to my lovely @babiemay who enabled this original brain rot in the first place. you are a star.
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @sugu-love @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreadersthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebuns @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @wishmemel @gyros-cum-sock @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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ukiyowi · 1 year
Channelled Messages 💌
Channelling messages from your: Future Spouse, Closest Friends, Spirit Guides, and Future Self
Note: Please DM me if you want a reading I am going to be putting a discount on all my readings because I am in a rough spot financially and need to pay money for my room which I was not aware of earlier and could be kicked out if I don't at the earliest. Book a reading || Tip me! (Ko-fi)
♡ Future Spouse
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♡ Closest Friends
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♡ Spirit Guides
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♡ Future Self
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Future Spouse
💌 Pile 1
My Love,
I imagine us walking hand in hand through the seasons of life, supporting each other through every victory and challenge. Together, we will create a collage of memories, painting the canvas of our shared life with love, laughter, and endless adventures.
I promise to be your biggest cheerleader, your confidant in times of doubt, and your unwavering support through thick and thin. I vow to cherish and respect you for the unique individual that you are, appreciating both your strengths and your vulnerabilities.
You are scarred right now but theres no reason to be. You are so filled with love and light and everything good, just because someone else cannot see it does not mean it doesnt exist. If I could bring you the moon and the stars I would in an instant. I don't think there has ever been or will ever be someone who is as bright as you.
Please take care of your health, you cannot make excuses for bad habits and keep living life like that, no matter how stressful work or life is please make time for yourself. We still have a while to meet so take care of yourself for both you and I.
Song: It's a Shame - The Spinners
💌 Pile 2
Hey Darling,
Our connection, I believe, will be deeper than words can express. It will be built on trust, respect, and a genuine desire to see each other flourish. While I can't predict the future, I am steadfast in my commitment to cherishing every moment we have together.
We have met before, I don't think you remember me, but I do. your beauty had me stunned and so did your mannerisms. I admire the way you carry yourself, with so much dignity and poise, as if the personification of grace itself were standing in front of me, sweeping me off of my feet.
I will shower you with anything you want, praise, adoration, gifts, love, time, energy, and be there whenever you need. Life is probably fun for you right now, unfortunately for me the road is a little rocky. Enjoy this time with your friends and family, your loved ones truly care about you and want what's best for you even if they can't articulate it well.
Stay strong butterflly and look for me in your dreams, I promise to be a frequent visitor. hope you likfe sunflowers, lillies, and magnolias angel.
Song: Mango bananas - Flyana Boss
💌 Pile 3
Hi sweetheart!!
I have a feeling that when we finally meet, there's going to be a bell that rings making us instantly know like it did in Your Name, also hope you like animation because I love it, I also really like drawing and art, do you? Please say yes!
Life seems to be going too fast for you right now so you need to make sure that you don't lose yourself in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Calm down and do things you enjoy, maybe you'll like pottery!
But beyond the laughter and silliness, I want you to know that I'm dead serious about creating a remarkable life together. We'll support each other's dreams, even if they involve opening a cat cafe or becoming professional trampoline testers (hey, it's a thing, right?). We'll navigate the ups and downs of life hand in hand, and I promise to be your rock when you need it most.
Song: Glue Song - beabadoobee
Closest Friends
💌 Pile 1
Life has been quite the rollercoaster lately, filled with its usual ups and downs. I've had my fair share of challenges, but there have also been some incredible moments that I wish I could have shared with you in person.
I often find myself reminiscing about the good old days when we used to spend hours talking and laughing about anything and everything . Those memories are some of my most cherished, and I truly miss you.
Please know that no matter where life takes us or how much time passes, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Your friendship has been a source of strength, laughter, and endless support, and I'm incredibly grateful for that.
Let's make a promise to catch up soon, whether it's over a cup of coffee or a long, heartfelt phone call. I genuinely look forward to hearing how you've been and sharing all the stories we've missed out on.
With love,
Initials may include: R, P, W, Q, L
Song: Window - Still Woozy
💌 Pile 2
Leaving behind the place we've called home for so long is both exciting and bittersweet. While new opportunities wait and adventures call, it's hard not to feel a tinge of sadness at the thought of being farther away from you.
Although physical distance may separate us, please know that you will always hold a special place in my life. Our bond is not defined by geography but by the strong connection we share.
And the internet exists so we'll be fine right? You promise to not lose touch with me even when we're both busy? I promise I will remember to call you, if not daily then weekly, please don't forget me.
I wish you could join me and we could embark on this together but life has its ways of separating the best people we've met so that we are forced to widen our horizons and social circles lol, hope it's not too much for either you or me.
Will miss you,
Initials pulled: A, J, M, S, K
Song: Missin something - Zach Templar
💌 Pile 3
I love the days we've shared and I wish to share so many more with you in the future, god I am so so so excited for everything thats to come!
Do you remember that time we decided to go on that impromptu road trip? No plans, no GPS, just a car full of snacks, good music, and an unshakable belief that we'd find our way eventually. We got lost more times than I can count, but it was so much fun and truly unforgettable.
And how about those late-night conversations that somehow turned into early-morning confessions? We've solved the world's problems over a cup of lukewarm coffee more times than I can recall. The neighbors must have wondered if we were running a 24-hour café.
As I sit here reminiscing about these and countless other memories, I can't help but smile. Our friendship has been a rollercoaster of laughter, silliness, and genuine connection. And I wouldn't trade a single moment of it for anything in the world.
Sending you a virtual high-five and a whole lot of fond memories, here's to hundreds more, and don't forget about the promise we made about the weddings okay?
Your platonic soulmate,
Initials may include: G, H, B, L, T
Song: Right Here, For Now - Bakar
Spirit Guides
💌 Pile 1
Embrace change with an open heart and a curious mind. Life is a series of shifts and transitions, and it's in these moments of change that growth and self-discovery thrive. Trust in your ability to adapt and evolve, for you possess the resilience needed to navigate uncharted waters.
As you progress in your career, always remember that your passion and purpose are the compass that should guide you. Pursue work that aligns with your values and fulfills your soul. Don't be afraid to explore different paths and take calculated risks. Each experience contributes to your growth and wisdom.
Learning is a lifelong journey, and each lesson learned is a stepping stone to your personal and professional development. Stay committed to your goals, and never underestimate the power of continued learning.
There may be moments of doubt or uncertainty along the way, but listen to your heart's desires and the quiet whispers of your soul, for they will guide you toward your true purpose.
Above all, be patient and compassionate with yourself. Success is not defined by a straight path but by the lessons learned along the way. Embrace each setback as an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser.
Song: Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift
💌 Pile 2
In matters of the heart, we see the longing in your soul for a deep and meaningful connection. First and foremost, we urge you to be patient with yourself. Love is a delicate dance, and it often takes time to find the right partner who truly understands and appreciates you.
As you seek love, remember the importance of self-love. Nurture your own well-being, both physically and emotionally. Don't be insecure about your quirks and imperfections, for they are the qualities that make you beautifully you. When you love yourself wholeheartedly, you become a magnet for the love you desire.
When it comes to romantic relationships, let go of preconceived notions and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised. Love can appear in unexpected places and forms. Stay open to meeting new people and exploring connections that may not fit your usual "type." Sometimes, the greatest love stories are the ones that defy expectations.
Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Be brave in expressing your feelings, needs, and desires. Equally important, listen to your partner with an open heart. True intimacy is born from understanding and genuine connection.
Whoever, you're thinking of, is not the one, set the standards high and do not settle for something that does not align with what you can give as well.
Song: Scared - Jeremy Zucker
💌 Pile 3
Know that you are never alone. We are always by your side, watching over you, and guiding you in subtle ways. We see your potential and your inner light, and we are here to help you recognize and nurture these gifts.
Trust in your intuition, for it is the voice of your soul and the channel through which we communicate with you. In times of uncertainty, turn inward and listen to the whispers of your heart, for they will lead you toward your true path.
Embrace the lessons that life presents, for they are opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Challenges are not obstacles but stepping stones on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.
Surround yourself with positive influences and kindred spirits who uplift and support your journey. Let go of relationships that drain your energy and hinder your growth. Create a circle of love and support that nurtures your soul.
Find joy in the simple pleasures of life. Take time to savor a cup of tea, watch a sunrise, or feel the grass beneath your feet. These moments of presence are where true happiness resides.
Song: July - Noah Cyrus
Future Self
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Darling, I cannot even start to tell you how good life is right now for me, and eventually for you. I know you are currently going through a rough patch, and as cliche as this sounds, I want you to know that every storm you're weathering now is bringing you closer to the sunshine that awaits you.
In my time, I've seen how the challenges you're facing today have shaped you into the resilient, compassionate, and wise person I've become. The setbacks you're experiencing are not roadblocks; they are stepping stones leading you to the life you've always dreamed of.
You may feel lost, uncertain, and at times overwhelmed, but trust me, these moments are your greatest teachers. They are guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself, your purpose, and the incredible strength that lies within you.
One day, you will look back on this period of your life and realize that it was a transformative journey, a cocoon in which you underwent a profound metamorphosis. You'll emerge from it stronger, wiser, and more in tune with your inner self.
The relationships you're nurturing now, the lessons you're learning, and the self-care you're embracing will all become pillars of the beautiful life that awaits you. You'll find yourself surrounded by a supportive and loving community that cherishes you for exactly who you are.
Song: See you Again - Tyler, The Creator
💌 Pile 2
I am sorry, but things are not going the way you would have hoped they would. However, rejection is just redirection, okay? Although things are looking rough for me right now, which, for you, is in the future, I want you to know that this tough phase will lead you to a place of strength and growth.
Life can be incredibly challenging at times, and I wish I could spare you from some of the hardships I'm currently facing. But remember, every setback, every disappointment, is an opportunity for growth and learning. It's through these tough moments that we discover our resilience and develop the wisdom to make better choices in the future.
I want you to hold onto hope, even when it feels like all hope is lost. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome adversity. Surround yourself with supportive friends and loved ones who will help you weather the storm.
Stay patient and kind to yourself. It's easy to be critical during challenging times, but self-compassion is crucial. Treat yourself with the same love and understanding that you offer to others.
I am working on something thats a dream of ours right now, and I am seeing signs that it may end up succeeding soon or at least kick off, and I still love designing and art as much as you do right now, although I barely have time for myself right now.
Song: Not in that way - Sam Smith
💌 Pile 3
Okay, so maybeee we should reel it in a little with how much you are overworking yourself because it is having a bad effect on me, aka future you. Yep, I'm here to tell you that all those late nights, skipped meals, and stress-induced hair-pulling moments are not doing us any favors down the line.
I get it, you're hustling, chasing dreams, and making things happen in the here and now, and that's commendable. But trust me, I've been there, done that, and I can assure you that I'd appreciate a little less burnout and a lot more balance in our past.
You see, life isn't just about reaching goals; it's about enjoying the journey too. So, let's make a pact to take breaks, breathe deeply, and relish the simple pleasures. Remember, it's not all about the destination; the detours and pit stops are just as important.
And don't worry, I'm not trying to cramp your style here; I just want us to have the best possible adventures together, full of energy, laughter, and great stories. So, let's find that sweet spot where hard work meets self-care, and where the future "us" can look back and be happy about the past "you" for making wise choices.
Also please stop pulling all nighters its not doing any wonders for our skin, and even an extensive 10 step skincare routine does not do as much as a good nights sleep can.
Song: While we're yound - Jhene Aiko
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ohtobeleah · 14 days
I like to think the song 'I Love You, I'm Sorry' Specifically the Bridge of the song, is very Logan Howlett x Reader coded. And stick with me for a moment because I'll explain what I mean. It's early days, like truly early days in your relationship. So early that you don't even know if the feelings you feel are real or just lust-coated wishes.
I love you, I'm sorry
You were the best but you were the worst As sick as it sounds, I loved you first I was a dick, it is what it is A habit to kick, the age-old curse I tend to laugh whenever I'm sad Stare at the crash, it actually works Making amends, this shit never ends I'm wrong again, wrong again
I feel like it would be the reader who has this shit on repeat in her little cafe. Just doing the ordering, or enjoying five minutes of peace that comes once in a blood moon when you run a cafe that's a vigilante's wet dream.
"You listen to this song an awful lot," Logan grumbled as he took a sip of his coffee. Black, nothing sweet, no milk, no cream. "It's like an unrelenting Groundhog Day of bad music." Deep down, Logan only says it because he knows your attention is on the books in front of you and not on him.
"If you'd pay attention to the lyrics, you old fart, then maybe you'd understand why I like it so much," You don't even look up from where you're writing down your next order of alternative milk. But smile nevertheless because you know Logan has no intention of admitting he'd ever be into the same music as you. "It's about you."
"Like fuck it's about me," Logan replies with a frown. "How is it about me?"
"Logan," You sigh as you finally look up across the table. You're slightly frustrated because you need to focus, but you can't be mad at the brooding oldie sitting across from you when he gives you that shit-eating grin you love so much. He wanted your attention, he got it. "I sometimes wish you had mind-reading capabilities because then you'd know when I'm tellin' you to piss off." Logan chuckles at your attempt to flirt. He can smell your arousal from here, but would never mention it. The two of you had never crossed that line...Yet. It's not the only thing he can smell. He can smell your perfume. The Black Plum and Vanilla one. He can smell your shampoo. The juniper and white lilly one. He can even smell your annoyance for the way he's tapping his knee against yours under the table. The gentle knocks keep breaking your concentration and it's making you more and more flustered.
"I'd only wanna read your lips anyway," Logan takes yet another sip of the coffee he loves endlessly but would never admit to your face that your coffee doesn't make him want to kill himself. "Come on, enlighten me a little here."
You just stare at Logan for a moment, really just drinking in his entire being. Fuck, you were really falling for his son of a bitch, weren't you?
"You always call yourself the worst Logan there is. The worst version of yourself across all the realities and different timelines," You explain as you pack up your things. "But to me, you're the best, and I loved you before I ever had any chance to see your flaws, for the many that you fucking have," You sit in silence for a moment, just at peace with the fact you'd told Logan that you loved him in a very unconditional, non-traditional way. "Do with that information what you will, I have work to do you."
Later that same evening, when Logan knocks on your front door, you glimpse the song he'd last been listening to on the little iPod you gave him that you found in an old junk drawer. You raise a single brow as you lean against the doorframe and smirk.
"Gracie Abrams, Huh?"
"Go fuck yourself."
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luvyeni · 1 year
MY SHY NEIGHBOR ( profiles )
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— CHAPTER ZERO: meet everyone 🖤 …
— 𖦹 warnings? none
previous chapter - next chapter - my shy neighbor masterlist
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YN YLN ( 22 ) a university student, who does camgirling on the side for extra money, recently broke up with her boyfriend that she lived with, so she had to move thankfully a old friend from her home country helped her find a place. her friends matthew a film student ( 21 ) lilly a music major ( 22 ) and sungchan a dance major ( 22 ) are all university students, who feed into each other’s delusions.
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YANG JEONGIN ( 23 ) is also a university student , a shy person who spends most of his time at school, home or his job at the cafe. his friends hwang hyunjin a artist ( 24 ) han jisung a music producer ( 24 ) lee felix a model ( 24 ) and kim seungmin a music major and his roommate ( 24 ) are his friends who spends most of his time with – these guys and three of his seniors who used to attend his university.
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— ( taglist closes the day of release but i’ll open it up the end when finished )
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jake-s-azaleea · 3 months
I was enchanted to meet you ♡
One shot
pairing: Jake x (fem)/MC
another characters: Jessy, Dan, Lilly, Thomas, Cleo.
warning: Contains spoilers from Episode 10 Duskwood, mentions of blood.
The action takes place during the 10th episode.
As they booked the cabin in the woods to escape the sorrowful town they have lived in, the chaos never seemed to fade away. MC, looking at her phone in disbelief, waiting for Richy's message where he texts her he's okay, is trapped in making a strenuous decision.
He wasn't going back wasn't he? The memories flooded back to her like a relentless storm. The MC's heart raced as she relived the chilling moment when she witnessed her friend Richy being viciously attacked. The sight of him coughing blood, his eyes reflecting a mix of fear and pain, haunted her every thought. She clenched her fists, feeling the anger and helplessness surge within her. The MC's determination to seek justice for Richy burned brighter amidst the darkness of the town she was about to make a decision to go in.
Her mind told them to continue searching for Hannah. That's what she promised to Jake.
Her heart on the other way... It was screaming to her to go there. To be with them. It wasn't fair she was watching from afar how her friends suffered and were constantly exposed to the danger as she was powerless sitting at home.
The clock was ticking.
MC: Save me a bed.
Jessy: Whaaat?
Cleo: Are you coming in duskwood?
MC: You don't really think I would let you guys go alone.
Thomas: You sure?
MC: Of course. I'm packing my bags right now. See you there.
Lilly: Text me when you get in duskwood, I'll pick you up.
MC: Great
Lilly is now offline.
Jessy: See you soon!!
Jessy is now offline.
Thomas, Cleo and Dan are now offline.
She packed her bags taking the most important things she could think of and ran straight to the train station.
She got on the train and sat down looking at the window when her phone buzzed.
Jake is now online.
'You've got to be kidding me' she humbled.
Jake: You're not going anywhere.
MC: too late
Jake: Where are you?
MC: Two stops away from the destination
Jake: You promised.
MC: I don't expect you to understand. It's not your friend who died in the forest.
Jake is now offline.
The train stopped once in Colville when a face so strange yet so familiar walked in. After a few hours the phone rang.
Duskwood groupchat
Jake is now online.
Jake: I will be there too.
Jake is now offline.
Dan is now online .
Dan: Yo what?
Dan: That is something hackerboy.
She looked up from her phone straight at the mystery man. He smirked at her, standing up to get off at the next stop: Duskwood.
After she got off the train she looked around just to realise that the man was nowhere to be seen.
he disappeared.
Just like that.
'Hmm, that was strange" she whispered.
Duskwood groupchat
Lilly: Where are you?
MC: Just got off the train.
Lilly: Pick you up in front of the cafe?
MC: I'll be there in 5.
When she got there Lilly was already out of the car and ran straight to her.
"It's so good to see you!"
"Oh my goodness, same to you"
"We should get going, let's not let the others wait"
"Of course, open the trunk first, please"
After they finished piling MC 's luggage in the back, they left to Roger's Garage, where they would also meet the others.
Her head was full of thoughts. That man. The hut. Jake. Richy. What would the others think of her? The wall of ideas was shattered by Lilly when she broke the silence.
"Have you spoken to Jake in the meantime?"
"No... Not yet." I sighed.
"Well, you will soon" Lilly said with a sweet smile.
"Well, yeah I guess, I know he's mad but we have to continue the investigation."
Lilly looked at her smiling innocently, continuing to drive the roads that seemed so familiar to MC: this is where Jessy was attacked, this is where Dan worked, oh and this is where Jessy's brother Phil works. The town felt like home for a couple of minutes.
When the car arrived at the garage, a strange feeling surrounded her. She got out of the car and looking at the others she ran to hug Jessy.
"I can't believe you're actually here, MC."
"Me neither to be fully honest"
"I thought your hackerboy didn't allow you to be here" Dan said laughing.
"Oh well, I'm here, that's all that matters"
"So am I."
She looked around in the midst of jokes and chatter among her friends, a sudden hush fell over the group as a faint sound caught the MC's attention. With a quick turn of her head, her gaze locked onto the figure of a man, standing at the edge of the clearing. Time seemed to stand still as their eyes met, a mix of surprise and longing reflected in his expression. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, creating a moment suspended in uncertainty and unspoken emotions.
"Hello, MC."
Her cheeks turned pink and her heart was pounding. She felt the eyes of her friends peeling off her skin as they maintained the eye contact.
That's how she met him 🤍
so this is a little oneshot I wrote 2 years ago and left it in drafts. if it's catchy, maybe I'll write an aftermath of it 🤭
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hi jelly it's me again 😊.. Just come up with this idea.. I hope you don't mind seeing me again sending a request.. Levi and his baby goes to a restaurant and wait for his wife to have lunch. Reader is on work and they decided to have a lunch nearby her office. While waiting for reader some girls thought Levi is a Single dad and try to flirt with him but Levi being Levi don't give a damn about them.. When reader arrives at the restaurant Levi shows them how in love and proud he is that reader is the mother of his child...thankyyy.. it's fine if you're not comfortable doing this request just let me know. Thankkyyyy again. 😊
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Hot dad
Levi x Fem!Reader
Modern, dad Levi, romance, couple, Levi being a loving dad, fluff, cute.
Levi sits in a local cafe, waiting for you to come out on your lunch break. He cuddles his daughter Lilly and treats her to a delicious snack. A group of ladies fuss over Levi and Lilly, but Levi is a very lovesick and loyal man to the love of his life. You.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi pushed the pram as he walked down the street as he felt excited to see you for lunch. He looked down at his baby girl and smiled. He felt his heart flutter when she squealed in delight and grabbed the air at him. He reached down and tickled her cheek, then continued to push the pram to the cafe.
He pushed the door open, moved the pram inside and picked the usual spot in the corner, so he had plenty of room for the pram and it was where you and him had many dates. He carefully lifted his daughter out and sat her on his lap. He adjusted the blanket and got out a bottle from the baby bag.
"Levi, good to see you. The usual?"
Levi smiled at the waiter. "Please."
He picked up the bottle. "I'll warm this up for your daughter."
"I appreciate it." He grabbed Lilly's toy and handed it to her. "Here you go, my little flower."
Lilly wiggled her toy for a bit before stopping and playing with it. She hummed and looked up at Levi. "Aboo."
Levi chuckled. "That so? Fascinating."
"Oh my god." A girl gasped as she gazed at Levi. "He's so fucking hot and he's a dad."
Her friend purred. "Maybe he's a single dad. I bet he'd love help from us."
"Yes! We could help him out and look after him."
She giggled. "Perfect. I'll go." She got up, flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder and swayed her hips as she walked. She moved closer and expected Levi to look at her, but he didn't. She always had men staring at her, but it wasn't working. "Damn it."
The waiter moved past the blonde and placed drinks on the table and some snacks. "Here you go, Levi."
Levi smiled. "Thanks." He sipped his tea and hummed. "Wonderful stuff as usual."
"Thank you, Levi." He leaned closer and whispered. "Those two ladies will keep pestering you. Do you want me to handle them?"
Levi offered the bottle to his daughter and shook his head. "We've got this under control. Right Lilly?"
Lilly wiggled her arm. "Mmm! Ba!"
"You heard her." He moved the bottle closer. "Come on, you little terror." He smiled when she started drinking. "Good girl."
The waiter smiled. "Call me if you need me."
"Appreciate it, Will."
The blonde huffed a bit before moving closer to Levi. "Hi."
She gasped at Levi's sudden answer. "I...you...uh..." She cleared her throat. "I'm-."
"Don't care." He smiled at Lilly and cleaned her face. "Think it's time for you to burp, my little angel." He turned Lilly and patted her back. "Oh, big burp. Well done."
The blonde welled up. "Your baby is so cute and beauiful."
"Like her mother, who I love more than life itself." He glared at the woman. "Now, fuck off because I'm having a fun outing with my precious baby and then a date with my wife."
She whimpered and turned away as she felt embarrassed. She hurried over to her friend. "How dare he reject me."
Her friend rubbed her back. "Let me try." She got up and wiggled her bra a little before checking her black hair. She smiled and walked over to Levi. "You're a sexy daddy. How about you be my daddy?"
Levi scooped up some pudding and offered it to Lilly. "Eat up, my little flower."
"Hey, I asked you a question."
"And I thought I made myself clear to your friend." He offered Lilly another spoonful. He flicked a deadly glare at her. "I'm not interested. Piss off." He smiled at Lilly. "Messy girl." He cleaned her face. "There we go." He looked up and felt his heart flutter when you hurried inside. He called your name. "My darling."
You hurried over to him. "Hey, handsome." You leaned over and kissed him. "Hey, my baby girl." You took her from Levi and giggled when she patted your face. "Hi." You kissed her puffy cheek. "I missed you."
Lilly babbled at you. "Ma, ma, ma. Aboo."
You squeezed her. "Love you too." You sat next to Levi and kissed him. "You had a nice day?"
Levi nodded. "I did. Lilly and I have had a fun morning after dropping you off at work."
"I'm glad." You kissed Levi's neck. "I love you."
"Love you too."
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lillycafe1 · 3 months
Best café in Milton Keynes | Lilly Cafe
Lilly Café is the greatest café in Milton Keynes. Where You Enjoy exquisite coffee, delicious Food, Brunch, Tea and a cozy atmosphere perfect for relaxing or catching up with friends. our café provides the ideal setting. Savor our delicious menu, featuring a range of breakfast and lunch options, all made with fresh, high-quality ingredients. Visit Lilly Café in Milton Keynes and experience why we’re considered the best café in town.
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jadeazora · 8 months
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I think I was still just using Will/Skyla/Lyra the last time this reran, or if I had upgraded to Redzard/Skyla/Blaine by then, I didn't have any of their EXs unlocked. First time I got this medal, but I went full overkill here.
Also, still love this scene. One of the best things about Masters is seeing the occasional character growth when we get events that actually matter.
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In other mobile game news, Cafe Remix has begun rerunning the Meowth's Love of Yarn event and the Little Star Mew in Deliveries:
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vintagelasvegas · 1 month
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The Golden Nugget block, Fremont St, 1920s
127 Fremont. E. W. Griffith bldg. Post office, Majestic Theater, office. This building was demolished in the 40s for construction of Golden Nugget.
123 Fremont. Martin-Ferron bldg. Oasis Confectionery, office. Top floor was home to Oakes Vegas Studio in '24-'29. The building was incorporated into the original footprint of Golden Nugget, and was seen during facade remodeling in the 80s.
Not shown: 117 Fremont – F.O.E. Eagles lodge, incorporated into Golden Nugget in the late 40s. 115 Fremont - Lillis building, home to Addock & Ronnow, later home to Frontier Club, Lucky Strike Club, Lucky Casino, and Golden Nugget.
111 Fremont - Vegas Sweet Shop. 109 Fremont - Garehime Music. This was replaced in the 30s with White Spot Cafe, likely a new building. 107 Fremont. W.W. Davis Furniture. This was replaced in '29 with the Morse Building, home to Western Union in the 30s-40s. 111, 109, and 107 Fremont were pieced together as Nevada Club in the 50s-60s, then became part of Golden Nugget in the late 60s.
101 Fremont. Mesquite Bldg. Grocery, offices. Later home to California Club, Golden Nugget, Friendly Club. Demolished in '84.
Photos: (1) Jun. '29. R.B. Griffith Collection (MS-00315), UNLV Special Collections. (2) '24, from Las Vegas, As It Began, As It Grew, by Stanley Paher. (3) circa '28, from the Wilson Collection (PH-00014), UNLV Special Collections.
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honeylations · 1 year
Prompt: Just you and Funa being an adorable uni couple <3
Warnings/Notes: reader is taller than Funa, both reader and Funa are the same age, reader is a sport major, Funa is a business major, soccer captain x popular girl
A/N: did this after fighting my mentality because Funa deserves the world and all my love
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“Are you even listening to me? Hello?! HWANG Y/N!!” Ruka had to rip out your right AirPod.
“Ow, what?” You grumbled at the shorter girl.
She returned the AirPod before sending you a stink eye. “Sometimes when I’m with you, I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall”
“I would’ve noticed your presence if you only grew a couple more inches, midget”
Ruka gasped dramatically and started throwing ‘hard’ punches at your shoulder, in which she had to go on her tip toes because of the height different.
“Quit picking on her, Y/n. You know she can’t fight” Moa came and slung an arm around Ruka who shoved her off.
“You both are unbelievable, and stop touching me!” The shortest hissed, fixing her hair that Moa ruffled.
“By the way Ruka, you’re still coming to me and Y/n’s soccer game tonight right?” Moa asked which sounded more like a plea.
“Yeah duh! I’m there to cheer on Iroha actually so cry about it”
“As long as you’re there” Moa shrugged. “Probably won’t even see you with your 4ft ass-OW!”
“I hate you!”
As the two continued to argue, your eyes drifted off to where your girlfriend was. Funa was sitting with Jiwoo, Moka, Yunah, and Youngseo at a table in front of the Uni’s cafe.
She had her hair down and curled at the ends, wearing a cropped v neck sweater and mini skirt, and paired with the white and pink dunks you gifted on her birthday. Her makeup was light but she still looked as beautiful as ever.
The morning light shone on her face like an angel, and although people don’t see it themselves, you do feel proud of being Takaya Funa’s girlfriend.
You met her last year when you found the poor girl sulking because the vending machine didn’t give her the KitKat bar, let alone return the cash. After admiring her adorable pout, you approached her and gave the vending machine a hard punch, thinking it would give her the beloved chocolate.
You didn’t expect the rest of the snacks to fall down AND the cash to be spat in your face. It was an embarrassing moment, especially in front of a pretty girl, but it was definitely memorable for Funa.
Turns out she was mutual friends with Jiwoo and you two got to see each other more outside of campus when Jiwoo organised outings.
That’s when you realised you fell for Funa and worked up the courage to confess to her after a movie date. To your surprise, Funa admitted she liked you back.
Funa was also super popular on campus, always volunteering in events despite her studies, getting great scores on all her assessments, and even being the leader of a fashion club where she used you as a model for her designs.
You on the other hand, you don’t really scream approachable. You kept this emotionless look on your face that scared a lot of students. Unlike Funa, you were somewhat known by others because of the Uni’s soccer team which you were the captain of and took very seriously.
Sometimes people question how you and Funa even click but that didn’t matter to her. She always told them she loved you no matter what people think. You appreciated her for that.
What you didn’t appreciate though was the guy that stood in front of your girlfriend’s table, holding a bouquet of lillies in one hand while the other scratched his ear shyly.
Your feet immediately started moving faster. Ruka and Moa looked at you confused mid argument. “Hey Y/n where you going?”
“Good morning Funa” The man bowed.
“Good morning Jake” Funa responded sweetly.
“You look so beautiful today and I bought these flowers earlier for you too”
“Oh…thank you!” Funa smiled but made no movement in grabbing the flowers.
“Are you free to go out on a date sometime? You and me?”
Jiwoo snorted. “Um, sorry she’s not interested”
“I wasn’t talking to you” He spat, surprising the group.
Yunah didn’t take that lightly. “What she meant was, Funa is not interested nor available” She fired back with darkness in her eyes.
“Funa can answer for herself”
“Jake seriously, I’d leave if I were you—“ Youngseo started speaking but she cursed under her breath when she saw your figure approaching closer.
“What’s going on here?” You asked in your usual blunt tone.
Jiwoo smirked while crossing her arms.
“U-Uh Jake was just leaving. Bye Jake!” Moka waved but the man did not move a muscle.
He pointed the bouquet at you. “And you are?”
“Sport major and Soccer captain, Hwang Y/n. Also, Funa’s girlfriend. And you are?”
Jake’s smile faltered. “You’re Funa’s girlfriend?”
“Is there a problem?” You tilted your head with a squint.
“I-I was just giving these flowers to her, nothing else I swear”
“She’s allergic to lillies” You deadpanned.
“I-I’m sorry! Goodbye!” Jake ran off while your eyes continued burning the back of his head.
“Must you scare people like that?” Ruka snapped at you.
Funa stood up from her seat and hooked her arms around your neck before pecking your lips. “Good morning baby”
“Good morning indeed” You grumbled and looked away.
“Hey don’t be like that, he’s gone now” she smiled and kissed your lips again.
“Ugh gross. Anyways, you ladies coming to watch our soccer game right?” Moa leaned her elbow on the table.
The girls nodded.
“Of course! I promised Chanelle” Moka smiled.
“Does no one wanna watch me?” Moa feigned hurt and clutched her heart.
“I’ll throw tomatoes at you, how about that?” Ruka teased, earning a hard pull on her cheek by Moa.
“You’re coming right?” You asked your girlfriend.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, babe. I’m your #1 fan”
And just like that, your mood got a little better.
The first match hasn’t started yet but you and your team stood by your bench, waiting for your coach to discuss formations. You took the time to look at the crowd and saw your girlfriend at the front waving a huge cardboard sign that read ‘NUMBER 1 IS MINE <3’
She referred to the number on your shirt which you specifically chose because Funa always claimed you were her number 1. It was extremely cheesy but if it kept Funa smiling crazy like that, you wouldn’t change it for anyone else.
You gave her a small wave but she returned it with a blow kiss, making you go red.
“Why are you red? We haven’t even started playing” Moa frowned.
“Whatever. Be right back!” You said and jogged to where your girlfriend was.
Unfortunately the bleacher’s fence was in between you two so you could only hold onto it when finally standing in front of her. “Hi, Princess”
“Hey cutie” She winked. “Did I ever tell you how hot you look in your soccer uniform?”
“All the time actually”
Funa smirked and bit her lip.
“D-Don’t look at me like that. I’m gonna get distracted” you looked away, going red again.
“It’s so funny how people are scared of you yet you’re all soft for me”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s because you’re my girl, baby”
Funa smiled at your words but noticed a group of girls within the crowd staring at you, being all giggly while whispering things to each other. Funa could see one of them mouth ‘number 1 is so hot’ to her friends, erupting a sudden feeling of jealousy within the business major.
Putting down her sign, she placed a hand on your nape and the other held onto your shoulder.
Your thoughts went out the window when you girlfriend pulled you in for a kiss. It wasn’t just the usual soft kiss she always gave you, but this one was sloppy, hot, and aggressive.
“Oh for god’s sakes, can you two not make out like your life depends on it?!” Ruka yelled, trying to cover Youngseo and Moka’s eyes.
Jiwoo cringed and screwed the cap of her water bottle. “You two make my water taste bad”
Hearing your friends’ complaints, Funa pulled away but kept her eyes on yours.
“What was that for?” You whispered, letting Funa cup your face.
“Sorry, these girls were just looking at what’s mine”
“Who are you and what did you do to my soft business major girlfriend?” You chuckled, placing your bigger hands on her’s that held your cheeks.
“Let me mark you just in case more girls look”
Your eyes widened while looking around to see if anyone heard. “Babe, we’re literally in public”
Funa slapped your shoulder. “I meant a lipstick mark you idiot!”
You nodded and released her hands so she could apply a thicker amount of lipstick before leaning in to place one on your neck and then on your cheek.
“Good?” You questioned.
“Hmm, not quite. Come here” she smirked and attacked the rest of your face with lipstick marks, surprising you and your friends.
“Alright, enough!” Jiwoo scolded, having to grab Funa’s shoulders.
You felt a bit dizzy, not used to your girlfriend’s possessive side but it’s something you definitely wanted to see later.
“If you win this game, I’ll give you a reward” Funa whispered in your ear.
Yeah there was no way you were letting that opportunity slide. “I’ve never lost a game, Princess”
“Looking forward to tonight then”
“Hwang get in here!” Coach called out.
You sighed and looked at your girlfriend once more. “See you in a bit, babe”
Funa pecked your lips. “That’s for good luck. Break a leg, baby. Not literally though”
“Oh wait!” You exclaimed and took off your necklace before putting it on Funa. “Wear this. Bye bye!”
Funa fiddled with the necklace and smiled like an idiot.
“I still question how you and Y/n managed to get together, considering she has a stick up her ass all the time, but I can really see she loves you” Ruka wiggled her eyebrows.
“People just don’t see how she really is with me” Funa giggled, reaching for her sign to wave around.
“You look stupid” Chanelle commented on the lipstick marks all over your face and neck.
“You’re just jealous” You chuckled
“Jealous of looking stupid? Not really”
“I hate you”
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
For the flower prompts...
Calla Lily (it's my favourite flower) - Something at first sight.
I leave it to you to do any Sandman pairing you have an itch to write. 💜😊
Ooooooo this one is so appropriate for me as one of my fave fics I’ve written (not for this fandom) is called Calla Lillies 💖💖 I also added a little personalized twist on this, just for you 😘
Flower Prompt Game!
(Also, for anyone still wondering, I am in fact still accepting prompts! Gonna be a bit slow and answer one or two a day, but I’m so glad this has been such a hit!)
When Morpheus Endless (and isn’t that the name of the century?) enters the coffee shop in a whirlwind of taut anxiety and indignant rage, Simon Snow does not even say hello, he merely takes up residence at the espresso machine to start preparing the most absurdly complex drink known to man.  
“Your man is here,” Penelope deadpans, and Simon rolls his eyes. Morpheus is not his man. He’s very nice to look at, yes, and he may or may not bear a striking resemblance to Simon’s hopelessly secret crush arch nemesis, but they’re too alike in temperament to be anything more than friends. But he can see where the confusion comes from. 
When he finishes making Morpheus’s regular order, he calls for his break and walks over, drink in hand, to the corner Morpheus and his terribly bad mood have taken up residence. 
“Bad day?” Simon asks, placing the absurdly sweet concoction down on the table where Morpheus has sprawled all his notebooks and laptop. He’s not looking at any of it though, more preoccupied with whatever social media scandal is happening on his phone.
“Cory left me,” Morpheus growls, tapping angrily at the screen. “For Alex Burgess. Who, as you recall, is currently still in a relationship with Paul Mcguire, the unfaithful bastard.” 
Simon has no idea who these people are besides Cory, who has come into the shop with Morpheus once. He doesn’t pay attention to the campus gossip. More specifically, the rich people campus gossip. Because Simon is here at the university on scholarship, working part time at the local coffee shop for a little extra spending money, and Morpheus is part of the very small, elite group of legacy family admissions. 
No one, not even Penelope, Simon’s best friend since childhood, understands why he and Morpheus get along so well. Simon knows it’s partially because he’s the only one willing to make Morpheus’s stupidly complicated order, and partially because they’re both grumpy bisexuals who fall in love too easily with the wrong people. 
“You were too good for him anyways,” Simon replies, plopping down into the chair next to Morpheus.
“Damn right I am,” Morpheus answers, picking up his coffee that is actually more syrup, sugar and milk than anything resembling coffee. And that was after Simon added four shots of espresso. He groans happily as he takes his first sip. “He was awful in bed anyways.”
Simon snorts. “Maybe you should try not dating rich assholes,” he offers.
“No? I should only pine for them hopelessly from across the rugby pitch?” Morpheus answers pointedly. 
“Wow, you’re lucky I’m on shift or I’d tip that sad excuse for coffee into your lap,” Simon bites back, feeling the familiar heat of anger rise up in him. Because of course Morpheus knew about Simon’s complicated feelings towards Baz. But he didn’t have to be an asshole about it just because he got dumped.
Morpheus sniffles. “These jeans are Gucci,” is all he says back, before taking another sip of his coffee and letting the subject drop. 
Simon’s break is over before he knows it, and not a moment too soon. He and Penelope are swamped by the late-afternoon rush. Simon doesn’t know how so many people could be craving coffee this late in the day, but to each their own. Morpheus had ordered a second cup of his ungodly drink right before the rush hit, and it’s when he’s finishing up that drink and getting ready to leave that half the rugby team decides to walk into the cafe and ruin Simon’s day. 
“Snow,” Baz Pitch sneers at him when he gets to the counter to order. Simon rolls his eyes.
“Let me guess, black tea for the blackness in your soul?” he retorts, smirking when Baz’s face goes tight with annoyance.
“Ooooh, this guy’s got you down to a T,” a brunette answers, coming up from behind Baz and draping an arm over his shoulders.
“Shut up Hob,” Baz replies, rolling his eyes and shrugging his friend off before turning back to Simon. “And yes, black tea, but do try not to over-steep it this time Snow.”
“I’ll have a caramel latte,” the man called Hob adds, “with extra caramel syrup since Bazzy’s paying.”
“Hob I swear if you call me Bazzy one more time—”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll sue me for defamation somehow, hey, can I get a couple of cake pops too?” Hob answers all in one breath. Simon gets the impression the man is something like a golden retriever in human form. 
“Sure, anything for a friend of Bazzy's,” Simon chuckles before he turns to work on their order. He can practically feel Baz seething from behind him as he prepares their order. 
As he’s getting ready to prepare Hob’s latte, Simon catches Morpheus out of the corner of his eye approaching the counter, and he instinctively starts preparing a drink for him as well. Seriously, how the hell could Morpheus stomach one of these, let alone three in a single sitting?
“The line is behind me, Endless,” Simon hears Baz say. 
“Ah, that’s where you’re mistaken, Basil,” Morpheus replies smoothly. “There is no line when you’re the favorite.”
“Who the hell says you’re the favorite?” Baz snaps 
“I do,” Simon cuts in, bringing over the order, and making sure to hand Morpheus’s drink over first. He can just tell Baz is irrationally mad about the whole thing. “Unlike some other customers, Morpheus is a sweetheart.”
“Thank you, dear heart,” Morpheus practically coos at him before turning back to Baz and Hob and smirking. “The cake pops are quite good, by the way.”
“Good to know!” Hob answers cheerily. “Did you want one, by the way? Didn’t realize how large they were,” he adds holding one out. 
Morpheus looks taken aback, but accepts the cake pop with a meek thank you and then with their order complete, the rugby team starts making their way towards the exit. Morpheus stares after them as they leave, cake pop still in hand. 
“I think I’m in love,” Morpheus says once the cafe has totally emptied out.
“You’re what now?” Simon exclaims, then groans. “Please tell me this isn’t about the cake pop.”
“He has nice eyes,” Morpheus argues. “And if he tolerates Basil’s awful attitude, I’m practically a ray of sunshine in comparison.”
“You're not wrong,” Penelope cuts in, leaning her elbows down on the counter next to Simon. “And if Morpheus can get Hob, maybe he can help you get Baz, Si.”
“That is a terrible plan,” Simon says. “And anyways, Baz hates me.”
“It’s an excellent plan,” Morpheus replies. “And also, you’re an idiot. Basil was ready to stab me with my own fountain pen for touching you so casually.”
“He was not!” Simon squeaks.
“No, he definitely was, I’m with Morpheus here,” Penelope says. “Maybe you two should pretend to date and see how long it takes for Baz to crack.”
“Absolutely not,” Simon says at the same time Morpheus answers “That’s an excellent idea.”
Simon groans. 
“I don’t have a choice in the matter do I?” he asks.
“Not at all,” Morpheus replies, biting into the cake pop.
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