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wishmaker-astra · 21 hours ago
Eh, the time off now is buying down even more time off later if there is something. I almost burned out hard on my academic work before the incident leaving me a jirachi forced downtime for example. I'd do a delta check just to be sure if it's been a while, but then again, my parents are medical workers and was getting annual physicals no matter what before I was a jirachi, so I'm biased.
And yeah, I can teleport... but don't know how to do it at will currently. It's just happened in a panic in extreme fight or flight incidents so far. That said, first time in Alola.
Also, eh, sizes of polities vary wildly, both legal subdivisions and full countries here. World's pretty thoroughly mapped, so you really need something like cave systems or deep jungle that has bad satellite capacity to map for truly new areas. Or. Like. Deep ocean stuff.
Also, what's up today for everyone?
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ozziesjester · 1 year ago
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screenshot edit with my self insert ^-^
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deoxysacid · 3 months ago
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proud to present what i just spent way too long on
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struggle-bugg · 7 months ago
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stargazing in alola 💫
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wishmaker-astra · 16 days ago
Damn, would be great if I was, but my girlfriend is elsewhere right now
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Don't talk to me, I'm in the zone right now
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ozziesjester · 1 year ago
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couriwayz · 2 months ago
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sillay winter outfits
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lightning-chicken · 6 months ago
do you ever think about how close the previous generation of elemental masters were with each other. how they probably went camping together, showed up at restaurants asking for a table of 14 together, took group photos together where there’s always one person who blinks. do you ever think about how the only one left to teach the next generation was wu. how did they lose each other so quickly? do you ever think about the gut punch garmadon felt showing up at the tournament to find the children nieces cousins grandchildren of his friends and not the friends themselves. the life of an elemental master is fleeting. he knows this. and yet losing another generation - another new family - is just as painful as it was the first time.
do you ever think about lloyd thumbing through the pages of his uncle’s journals, cole blowing the dust off photos from the box marked “lilly” in his father’s attic, zane running his fingers over the space where his power core used to be, kai and nya having their bi-monthly dinner with their parents where maya laughs as ray tells stories about people they haven’t seen in decades. do you ever think about how jay’s friends know more about his birth mother than he does. and none of them ever realise. do you ever think about the merge and how the way things used to be is ending. powers fade and new generations rise to take up the mantle. the life of an elemental master is fleeting, yes. but the lives of a group of friends who have fought for each other through thick and thin are not.
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lillyloon · 7 months ago
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Food time!
The Amazing Animal Circus Masterpost here!
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swirlingyouintomypoems · 6 months ago
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I’m sure half of these have been made already but oh well. I did it too now.
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wishmaker-astra · 4 months ago
Fucking... I guess?
Lils says need to get more out there sometimes so... yeah
Dragon-type ask game
It's been a while since my last ask game, I'm sure you were all just as eager for the next one as I am. As always, please feel free to ask me any of these questions.
Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite - What's the rarest Pokemon you've ever seen?
Kingdra - In what ways do you feel you are superior to others? (Be honest!)
Vibrava/Flygon - Do you consider yourself to have a good singing voice? Or at least a decent one?
Altaria - Do you enjoy cloud-gazing?
Bagon/Shelgon/Salamence - Name one key event in your life that helped you "come out of your shell", so to speak, and shaped you as a person.
Latias/Latios - Do you ever wish you could move somewhere where you could be well and truly alone, or does the very idea unsettle you?
Rayquaza - How often do you go flying?
Gible/Gabite/Garchomp - If people find you intimidating, how warranted is that? If people find you otherwise, are they right to?
Dialga/Palkia/Giratina - Any myths/legends that particularly captivate you?
Axew/Fraxure/Haxorus - Are you naturally an irritable sort of person?
Druddigon - What is your worst bad habit?
Deino/Zweilous/Hydreigon - Do you ever get mistaken to be another person's sibling? If so, who is it?
Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem - What are your thoughts on the idea of Pokemon fusion? Is it ethical or not?
Dragalge - Do you like the ocean?
Tyrunt/Tyrantrum - Would anyone ever dare refer to you as "spoiled?"
Goomy/Sliggoo/Goodra - Are you more of a lover than a fighter?
Noibat/Noivern - How interested are you in music?
Zygarde - How far would you go for the sake of protecting the planet?
Turtonator/Drampa - When you get angry, are you prone to destroying/damaging things?
Jangmo-o/Hakamo-o/Kommo-o - Do you consider honor to be a major factor in your life?
Guzzlord - Are you a big eater?
Poipole/Naganedel - Have you ever considered medicine as a career choice?
Applin/Flapple/Appletun - What's your favorite dessert?
Dracozolt/Dracovish - Worst mistake you've ever mad? (As bad as you're comfortable sharing.)
Dreepy/Drakloak/Dragapult - Are you at all interested in archaeology?
Eternatus - What does the idea of "eternity" mean to you?
Regidrago - One project, idea, goal, or other passion you left unfinished, for whatever reason.
Cyclizar - Favorite mode of transporation?
Tatsugiri - Would your friends call you a sneaky sort of person?
Frigibax/Arctibax/Baxcalibur - When were you the most underwhelmed?
Roaring Moon - Most violent wild Pokemon you've ever encountered?
Koraidon/Miraidon - What's something in your past you look back on fondly/something coming up in your future that you anticipate?
Walking Wake - If you had the ability to walk on water, what would you do with it?
Archaludon - Ever helped to build something with your own two hands? How did it make you feel?
Dipplin/Hydrapple - Are you good at working within a team?
Gouging Fire - Is defense or offense more important to you?
Raging Bolt - Have you ever been made fun of your height, or lack thereof?
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wishmaker-astra · 24 days ago
Fucking stupid that seemingly having no multiversal equivalents makes you a useful "navigation marker". Especially if you have other unique features too.
Thinking about how someone like Lils or Moon is actually pretty damn trash for determining universe stuff, there's a ton of references on here to equivalents, but even after checking a couple places, I seem to be only one can spot of me. And I'm a jirachi.
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negativespace06 · 8 months ago
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summer and the beach,,, makes me think of them,,,
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wishmaker-astra · 24 days ago
Does anyone have any pokemon grooming stories that are amusing or interesting? I am currently watching Snowy look suspiciously at Astra as it tries to groom her with telekinetic abilities. It obviously has the needed skill, in theory, but it does not make a regular practice of grooming with said abilities and knots may be hard to detect.
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wishmaker-astra · 13 days ago
Realizing I loved being a gal and jirachi. The scariest and this are tied interestingly enough. Got through the rough bits, loved results. Seriously, I get a low level buzz about being happy with what I am basically all the time, and spikes up when more actively reminded of it. Shit is awesome.
I WOULD say experiences with my SO, but like... the realizing loved those things lead to that. She's a lesbian after all.
After that previous post had some WORRYING responses, here’s another question! What was your HAPPIEST life experience? ✨
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bathroomtrapped · 1 year ago
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peak romance is having someone to keep you company as you rot
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