#Lilith lilitu lilit X reader
romantichoneypie · 2 months
Headcanons for Lilith!
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Author's notes:Just making headcanons for one of my favorite girls from nightmare mode, both sfw and nsfw!
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Historic moment: She was born in the Victorian era, when she hears a great growth of vampires, and in the midst of this context she was born.
Sister: She is Anazareth's half-sister, Anazareth being the eldest sister while she is slightly younger,Anazareth is close to Lilith and the two became friends quickly, in addition to always getting along.
Mother: Lilith's mother was a witch and creator of curses and potions related to a vampire In the year 1790, she was one of the few witches who survived To the Salem witch trials Because of her husband, She had had a relationship before with a normal human and had a daughter who was Anazareth, she loved her husband but he died for ensuring her and their daughter's safety, and then had Lilith from a relationship with a vampire.
Father: Lilith's father was a vampire who lived at the same time as her mother,He was a thirsty vampire who ended up dying, his attacks were famous and many people were converted to vampirism because of him, he did not kill, he fed and turned his prey into vampires,In addition, she was successful with women, there is no doubt that Lilith may have many half-siblings. (if you look closely, Lilith is similar to yog and only the two have fangs and Lilith's token doesn't say anything if she's also a vampire)
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About 234 years.
Lilith has dark brown hair with purple tips, they are not dyed but natural the slightly purple ends of the hair.
She wears the blindfold because she has visual impairment underneath, she was not born with this disability, she ended up being attacked by hunters and well they ended up throwing a kind of poison on her while she hunted, her face had scars but they were healed over time without leaving marks, but the young vampire lost her sight.
She uses the blindfold to compensate for her lost vision, this increases her other senses and in addition makes her see both through the blindfold and through the tattoos.
Even after years she still loves Victorian fashion for her it was the best thing she had at that time,because the sanitary conditions were terrible, many people died due to the terrible living conditions, the children, many do not exceed 5 years old.
Their favorite colors are the darkest ones, such as black, dark blue, dark green, purple, burgundy and red.
She loves gothic fashion and especially black color such as flats, black boots and dresses and dark jewelry.
She loves piercings, like the ones she has in her ear and maybe she has a bat between her breasts, with open wings and a moon.
She loves her earrings but sometimes forgets why she takes them off to sleep, they are a little heavier than normal, I think maybe she has a perforation in her navel like a small crystal.
Her veins are marked on her skin, in a dark blue tone because her blood is a dark tone almost black.
Sometimes she makes light cuts on her hand because it is necessary to use in some potions but she does not usually use hers because she is a vampire.
Her body is definitely cold, and for her it doesn't make the slightest difference, she doesn't feel cold or hot.
Her fangs show up in her smile when she talks or laughs, she doesn't like it very much but it's still cute.
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Lilith is the affectionate type but in a more reserved way, she likes soft touches and kisses on the neck
She daily enjoys drinking her partner's blood as the meal of the day, although she does not consume other people's blood
She likes to teach her things like making potions, and especially when you help her do those things.
She doesn't consume many things like food, even though flesh and blood from animals, even so she keeps sweets and other things in the fridge for when you're there with her.
She is definitely attracted even by the smell of your blood, and that's why she loves to bite your skin.
She likes to walk with you holding your hand and showing you your favorite places in the city, such as a remote park with no one to watch the stars
She's definitely kind to you, but during sex, not exactly.
While you're both having sex, she loves to really mark you as hers, filling her body with hickeys and bite marks, her body is slightly sore the next day.
She really needs to control herself when she's with you so she doesn't bite you and transform you at that moment.
I think she really couldn't live without you after years of relationship, at some point she would turn you into a vampire, either because she doesn't want you to die or because you have some disease.
She's kind to you but only to you, and when you first met you were surprised why she wasn't as rude as the others
Her favorite body part is her thighs and neck
She loves to suck you, in every way
She enjoys having sex during your period, the taste of her blood is perfect and she feels happy to satisfy you and also to relieve your pain.
She likes to wake you up in the middle of the night with kisses on the neck and massaging your breasts
She is jealous but not exactly because of you but if someone flirts with you she would get very angry with the person and ask Anazareth to put a curse on the person
She doesn't really like affection in public
She can use potions to increase your horniness level
She loves back scratches
Bites and marks will always be on your body in the morning after you sleep together
She is slightly dominant and loves accessories such as ropes and also collars
She loves to pour scented candles down her body to give it a slight feeling of warmth
You will like to overstimulate you
She prefers to give than receive pleasure, she loves to be between your thighs and also when she is up your face and you suck her
She loves aftercare for you
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What does she like?:
She definitely loves reading books about macabre tales and horror stories
She likes to do piercings because she likes the slight sensation of pain at the moment and also finds it beautiful
She loves dresses and dressing as she did in the Victorian era
She loves affection especially kisses on the forehead
She loves to eat animal flesh
She likes cats and has one that sometimes enters her apartment with anazareth but he is free to come and go and only spends the nights
I think she would also like tarot a lot,and when he was bored he would read whatever the tarot cards said
She loves to sleep with you wrapping her arms around your waist and leaning her head on your shoulder
Definitely likes it when you say you like her real eyes because it was an insecurity.
She loves what sweet you are with her and worried
She loves that you want to learn how to make magic and potions
I think she likes history in general
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notmyneighbor · 2 months
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r&d | yog sothoth x female reader
rating | explicit
part 4/?
words | 3.2k
cw | witchcraft, minor blood/injury
ao3 link
taglist | @jazminetoad @kaislashes @lakeside-paradise @paxispax @luvvsxn @barbatoss-bitch @moody-mod
You’re never quite sure where to look when you see Lilith.
The tattooed series of eyes repeat down her face in patterns that are fairly obvious as being false, but behind that veil covering the upper part of the first floor resident’s face, you know the real ones hide. You wonder what color the irises might be; if the entire orb is not milky, clouded and seemingly blind while some magical ability helps her see much further than your own ordinary ones ever could.
Yog certainly seems to think so, anyway. The narrowed, snakelike pupils peeking between his own golden variety spare you a quick glance as you stand outside the sisters’ apartment door, one that might have meant to be reassuring or dubious or cautious. Perhaps all three.
“She might not be able to help us,” he reminds you, hesitating before knocking. “And even if she is willing and able, she definitely won’t do it for free.”
“I know. But I don’t see that we have any other choice. We need help.” You can’t believe you’d fallen for Afton’s trap for a fourth time, yet there you had been, mind still fuzzy, unable to cling to your memories of this alternate realm, only to find yourself tricked into returning once more under the false guise of a psychological health trial. The surge of memories had been staggering this time, making you stumble and nearly collapse in the guard booth. It had taken you long moments to recover, and encountering your first doppelganger version of your vampire companion hadn’t made you feel any more secure. Their appearance was identical, but of course there was none of the familiar affection in his greeting. You’d known instantly it wasn’t him, all the while hoping the real one would appear sooner rather than later.
And then he was there. Barely waiting for the door to unlock before shoving his way through and taking you in his arms, only to urge you to follow him, to see about striking a deal with the resident witch. She might be able to transport both of you at will, giving you a surprise advantage over Afton. What would happen after that still wasn’t clear. But you had to try. You don’t think it’s good for your health to keep being injected with that mysterious glowing substance; don’t like the deception and the evil trades between the doctor and his counterpart in this other plane of reality. They had to be stopped.
At the last moment Yog’s hand diverts from the wooden door to touch your cheek. “I hate having to give up time with you that might be spent more pleasantly,” he murmurs.
“I know. I do, too.”
His lips press against yours, and you can feel the fingers on your skin start to tremble with the effort of restraining himself, keeping the kiss brief and chaste. Then he swiftly turns his attention back to the barrier marked 1-04 and knocks on it, firmly and rapidly.
It does not take long for the door to shift, the features of Anazareth Anazarel greeting the pair of you. She has the same full, plush lips as her sibling, but there the similarities starkly end. Her eyes are dusted in glittery cotton candy pink, the hue of her skin a much healthier shade than her sister’s pallor. Her toffee hair is nearly coiffed into a tidy wave and the color of her horns compliments the makeup she’s painted her face with and the gauzy, shimmery gown clutching her curvaceous form.
Her eyes slide open to regard you and the vampire, each look careful and considering. “Yes?”
“We’re here to see Lilith.”
“We’re not expecting visitors today.”
“Let them in, Ana.”
Lilith’s voice drifts into the hallway, but you still can’t view the witch from the narrow gap the curse maker has created.
Anazareth frowns, but relents, pulling the door open further to allow you to enter. The bloodsucker enters first, his eyes sweeping the room for any possible danger before gesturing for you to follow with a quick flick of his fingers.
The scent of incense greets you strongly as you cross the threshold. The interior of the apartment is as different from Yog’s as night and day. The living room is furnished in plush pouf chairs. An artificial hearth decorated with lit candles lines the opposite wall, the source of the heavy fragrance wedged between two of them, the ceramic jar holding several smoking reeds. There are a pair of tables piled high with books, crystals and a mortar and pestle and many jars filled with powders and liquids. A pentacle that looks permanently burnt into the floorboards draws the eye to the room’s center, and a beaded curtain draped across the opening of the hallway obscures what other things might lie beyond.
“You may go, Ana. I wish to speak to these guests alone.”
Anazareth’s lips press into a thin line of disapproval but she follows her sister’s wishes, disappearing behind the curtain.
The witch occupies one of the soft looking chairs, a long chain with a many faceted stone dangling from one hand. It moves in a steady circle, as if driven by some unseen force. She hums thoughtfully and it immediately stills. “The vampire I know. You, I do not.” Her face turns in your direction. “You don’t belong here. To this realm. Yet here you are. Can you explain?”
You shuffle your feet nervously. Her voice is so melodic, so captivating. You wonder if there is magic being laid over those utterances; a kind of spell being cast, compelling you to answer. “I come from another plane of reality. A man called William Afton keeps injecting me with something from this astral realm, something that he was given by Orcus Dis Pater in exchange for the doppelganger technology.” You pause to take a breath, grateful for the warmth of the hand Yog rests along your spine. “We’re trying to stop them, to protect both our realities. We were wondering if you would be able to send me back at will. And transport Yog as well. I was able to take back something with me, once; some jewelry that I carried. But touching him does not allow me to bring him back. So we need your help,” you finish a little breathlessly.
“Come closer,” the witch beckons.
You hesitate, looking to the vampire for guidance. He nods, but you can see the tension in his shoulders as they stiffen.
You move until you’re standing beside the seated woman. She tips her head up, but you still can see nothing beneath the tight clutch of the fabric over her eyes. “Give me your hand.”
You obey, holding it out to her as if you were to shake hers in greeting. She immediately grasps it, turning it over before her thumb slides over the inside of your wrist, stroking over the thin blue branching veins visible beneath the skin. Her fingernails are painted a deep shade of garnet that is so dark it is nearly black, the varnished laquer catching the lights of the candelabra above. “There is something in your blood that should not be there.”
You nod. “That’s it. The glowing stuff that Orcus gives to Afton. We don’t really know where the source is.”
“And you, vampire. Come here.” She releases her grip on you and it seems as if you can still feel the touch lingering, a strange, tingling kind of heat flaring along the joint.
The second floor resident does not look best pleased to be ordered around; he’s been scowling ever since Lilith had touched you. Yet still he acquiesces, closing the distance with a confident, brisk stride. He doesn’t wait for the request to offer his hand, instead shoving back his shirt sleeve and thrusting his upper extremity in her direction. She repeats the same process she had used on you, then nods and he withdraws his arm.
“There is some of that substance in you as well. Faint traces. Like an echo. But you are not a source.”
“I’ve not been able to find it in anyone else. I would have tasted it for certain. I’ve never sampled it in any species of victim, until I fed from…” He lets his voice trail off, looking a little embarrassed.
“So we truly don’t know the origins of that elixir. You would need to follow the skinner. Trail his hunt. Dangerous, even for you, bloodsucker,” she cautions. “Perhaps too risky. But there might be another way yet to achieve what you seek.”
“I’m listening.” Yog folds his arms across his chest.
“The substance in this traveler. If we could extract the otherworlder’s blood, I might be able to create a spell to open a portal.”
“Extract it how, precisely?” The vampire’s fangs seat on his bottom lip, his other teeth gritted.
Lilith’s own pair, hers much more like sewing needles, the eye teeth sharp and slender, flash brightly against her darkly painted lips. “A simple cut will suffice. Perhaps at the wrist would be best.” She taps a fingernail along the sleeve of her black gown thoughtfully. “The substance is clearly what brings her here, its eventual depletion pulling her back. We need a similar method for you, vampire. Something from this realm that will draw you back to it, after a time.”
“Can’t he just feed from me? Or you could inject him with some of my blood?”
Lilith shakes her head at your suggestions, the earrings dripping near her cheeks jingling softly. “It would not work, I can assure you. The proper concentration required is unknown. It is not a pure ingredient any longer, now that it is in your bloodstream; the potency and efficacy has undoubtedly been affected. We must resort to other means. I’ll need something from you, Yog.”
His features darken with wariness. “Like what?”
The witch’s lips twitch in a brief smirk. “Nothing that will tax you to donate. I can create a binding spell with some of your hair. With the proper flame it will eventually be consumed, becoming ash. When it has all transformed, you will be drawn back here. It will not last long, so you will need to use your time there wisely.”
“Then what? What happens next?” He presses.
“Then, if I am successful, the pair of you will be able to travel through the newly created portal together. I cannot vouch for how long that gap between worlds will last. Mere minutes, most likely. I would need much more of the substance in its purest form to make something longer lasting.”
Your russett haired companion frowns, then nods. “An experiment, then. A trial run.”
“But you will lose your advantage over Afton if you are seen. You will need to be very cautious, evening walker.”
“How do we determine where we end up on the other side?”
“You can’t, precisely; not yet, anyway. The door guardian will naturally be recalled back to her body, and you along beside her, given the proximity of the spell I’m creating. There must be an enchantment of some sort that pulls her here to this specific location. We’ll need to establish what that is and recreate its counterpart on the other side. Now that I know of its existence, I can aid in that endeavor.”
The vampire makes a low growl. “I do not like all these what ifs and maybes. There are too many unknowns.”
Lilith laughs, a sound that is like wind chimes striking together. “You sought my help, as I recall.”
“I’m doing this to help all of us,” Yog spits back at her. “You might think your magic keeps you safe, but it doesn’t. The doppels are growing stronger. And if Afton and Orcus manage to move armies of them across the borders of our worlds…”
The amusement instantly fades from the witch’s lips. “Alright, bloodsucker. You’ve made your point. Now let me make mine. Namely, payment. What are you offering for this service? As you can imagine, the cost will be very steep.”
“What do you want?” This time you decide to speak.
“Oh, young mortal. What a dangerous query that is.”
“Careful,” Yog hisses under his breath.
“You’re protective of this one, aren’t you? A fierce wolf guarding a pup.”
“What of it?”
She shakes her head, the maroon tinted tresses swaying back and forth. “It might be an advantage. Or it may prove fatal. Only time will tell.”
“So what is your price?”
The seated woman runs the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip. “What indeed. I think I shall present it like this: Since there is no guarantee of the success of this venture, you may use my services without cost this time. But if it is successful, and you seek my help again, you must give me whatever I name.”
Yog scoffs. “Absolutely not. No deal.”
Lilith’s ebony lace adorned shoulders lift and fall in a shrug. “It matters not to me. Again, I am not the one so desperate.”
“Yog,” you whisper.
“Give us a moment.” His fingers curl around your upper arm and he brings you closer to the door. You’re willing to bet the witch can hear every word spoken. It’s not that far from her, and she does have supernatural powers, after all.
“I don’t like this. She’s up to something. No one gives anything away for free. That condition of payment later leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”
“What choice do we have, though?”
Yog sighs heavily. “I don’t know. I’ve wracked my brain trying to come up with another, but this is all I could conjure.”
You inhale deeply, trying to gather your courage. “Then we do it.”
“Are you sure?” His fingers tuck under your chin, lifting it slightly.
“I trust you.”
“I trust you, too. Lilith, not so much.” He heaves another sigh, letting his hand drop. “Alright. We’ll do it.”
He leads you back to the seated resident.
“Have you decided?”
“We have. We accept your terms.”
Lilith grins, revealing the full set of razor sharp looking teeth. “Excellent. Then let’s begin, before the source you’re carrying dwindles any further.”
The witch stands, somehow rising gracefully from that low position, and begins rearranging things on one of the tables. A wicked looking knife with a jeweled handle appears and you feel your pulse race. Yog’s fingers thread through yours and he squeezes gently.
Lilith reaches for one of the locks curling near the nape of the vampire’s neck, sawing it off with the blade and quickly winding a thread around it. She places it inside a glass dish and sets it aside.
“I’ll cast the spell to ignite the flame after this. Let me see your wrist again.”
You swallow thickly, offering it to her.
The knife moves quickly, a serpent’s silver tongue flicking out and slicing neatly along your fragile skin. Your blood immediately spills forth, the crimson flow tainted by the obvious syrup of Afton’s mysterious substance. It’s caught inside a shallow bowl pressed beneath your forearm, the fluid collecting until she nods in satisfaction and she speaks to the vampire. “Your turn to lend services again, bloodsucker. Reseal the flesh.”
Yog’s nostrils have flared at the scent of your lifeforce, his bruised eyes hollowed with hunger and desire. He’s still gentle when he manipulates your limb, his tongue sliding along the blood trail and his mouth sucking at the laceration. A fire instantly builds in your core, mirroring his desire. The sooty lashes flutter in rapture, a soft moan of regret escaping when he releases you, the cut now a dry red line marking your skin.
“Good. The flame is lit and the circle is prepared.” Lilith finishes murmuring her spell near the bound clump of Yog’s hair and a purple flame appears, scentless and smokeless as it begins to gnaw away at the rust colored strands. She gestures to the pentacle that is now outlined in your blood and Orcus’ stolen gift. The smell of brimstone overpowers the incense and you can feel heat being generated at the symbol’s center. “What are you waiting for? Go, before it dissipates. I’ll keep watch over your corporeal form,” she directs at the vampire.
Yog’s fingers grip yours tightly now. He leans to brush a rough kiss against your mouth. “Ready?”
You don’t think you truly are, but you nod.
“Remember your promise,” Lilith’s voice calls as the vampire escorts you inside of the circle. “Remember our deal.”
The heat intensifies. Your hair lifts in an invisible breeze. Your eyes meet Yog’s.
Then the world goes dark.
You awaken to find yourself strapped to a chair.
For a moment, the disorientation overwhelms you, preventing you from trying to struggle against your bonds. How had you gotten here? Where even is here?
Then a face appears above yours; one that should be frightening, but isn’t. The golden eyes are kind, frantically searching to see if you’re harmed, the fingers moving over your restrained limbs gentle.
“Yog,” you whisper.
“You remember me?” He freezes, the hope thick in his voice. “You remember it all?”
“My mind feels fuzzy, like it’s stuffed with cotton, but…yes. Yes, I remember you.”
“I’ll get you out. Maybe I can…” The vampire’s face lifts, his eyes focusing on the camera mounted on the wall. A sudden dark cloud wafts across the room, obscuring the lens. “Lilith’s not the only one with supernatural abilities,” he murmurs, sounding a little smug. “Hopefully I haven’t been spotted yet.”
He again reaches for one of the metal bands encircling your wrist but you halt him quickly.
“You can’t. Afton will know, if I’m freed. I have to keep playing along. So I can go back again. See you,” your voice softens with affection.
The vampire hesitates. “I don’t like seeing you bound like this. Because of that monster—”
“—It worked, Yog. We did it. We got you here. And I remember now.”
“Yeah, we did it,” he agrees, his voice husky. “I’m just worried about what comes next. What compensation Lilith will demand. We need to find that anchor she spoke of. I need to figure out the source. And we need to determine how we’re going to stop Afton and Orcus.”
“We’ll do it. Together.” You pause, swallowing, trying to work moisture into your mouth. “I’m so dizzy,” you murmur. “Throat feels like sandpaper.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he apologizes, brushing back some of the hair that’s fallen across your face. “It’s that damn stuff he injects you with.” He rubs his thumb over your bottom lip. “I don’t want him hurting you anymore. I’ll do whatever it takes to stop him. Whatever it takes,” he repeats vehemently.
“Yog, you should hide, in case they come in once they notice the camera feed is dead while you’re waiting for Lilith’s spell to wear off.”
“They won’t see me,” he assures you. “I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.” He bends to kiss your mouth, tongue tapping gently against yours, and then he moves away, sighing and brooding beside you one moment, gone the next.
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
I know how hex you
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Emparelhamento: Lilith Lilitu Lilit X fem!leitor
Author's notes:I had written a good part of this before,Made for the Anon Who Asked for Lilith
Warnings:18+ MDNI!,smut,Fluff,(headcanons: Blindness and vampirism),this happens in a future well after normal mode, the monsters are a result of DDD and are not exactly accepted, but they still exist, the lookalikes still exist and are just perfected, unusual relationship, reader is human.
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The world was divided into two large populations: humans and monsters. Besides, there were doppelgangers everywhere. In this environment, you were just a human trying to stay alive and work. The concept of security became elitist because the only people who were safe were the rich people in residential buildings. Even monsters were like that. Now you worked as a concierge in a building for monsters, and it was incredibly legalized by D.D.D.
They weren't bad, just a little... rude is definitely a good word. You didn't do anything other than ask questions and most of them already said they were going to threaten to kill you. But that's a positive point. You started dating her, Lilith. She's a witch and also a vampire. She wasn't exactly rude like the others, just in her own way. It was at least interesting when she asked you out. She was clearly afraid that you would say no to going out with her, but well, everything went the way she wanted. You realized that she's quite kind.
It was hard to tell for sure which of the monsters were anomalies and which were real, but you did it well. You had been working there for over four months and you had been dating Lilith for two months. Today was just another routine day and you had already let everyone on the list in and you could finally go see your girlfriend at her apartment. Of course, a monster and a human weren't exactly appropriate, but no one really needed to know that. Besides, it wasn't like you were useful in that society. You were a lesbian and D.D.D.'s idea was to increase the human population. Well, you weren't going to procreate, nor did you want to get pregnant at your age. You were still young. Arriving at your girlfriend's apartment, she opened the door for you and quickly pulled you inside and locked the door. Only Anazareth, Lilith's sister, knew about the relationship between the two of you. Lilith wasn't the most talkative person in particular, but she liked being with you, talking to you. "Did your shift end, beautiful? I was just waiting for you, you know?" Lilith speaks calmly, you usually help her with the potions business she has.
"Hmm, I was waiting for the time to come, my love. Is there much to do?" You speak calmly and Lilith simply pulls you to her and gives you a kiss on the lips. Her sharp teeth pierce your lower lip and she feels the soft taste of your blood. She bites and licks your blood as she kisses you. The kiss is delicious but it tastes like blood. For her it was wonderful, for you it tasted like iron.
"We have a lot to do today, beautiful. How about we start with the love potions?" Lilith speaks calmly and then holds your hand, pulling you further inside. The apartment was really big, enough to have a cauldron in the kitchen. Everything was arranged in black and red colors. There are candle lights around the place and it looks just beautiful. You can see that everything is already made and you just need to stir it. That's usually how you help Lilith while she separates the bottles and other ingredients.
"Okay, well, let's get started then, shall we?" You speak calmly. You already have a list of ingredients and the cauldron in front of you. Lilith prepares the mixture for you and leaves you to stir the cauldron. Lilith just watches you. The smell is good, like fresh cinnamon, and you know that most of them smell bad, but this one smells like cinnamon and roses.
"You look cute doing these things. In fact, it's a great help, you know?" Lilith speaks calmly and then smiles at you, showing you her smile with fangs. She approaches you and wraps her arms around your waist, gently squeezing your waist and giving soft kisses on your neck. Her fangs scrape your skin as she showers you with provocative kisses. Her hands are around your waist, squeezing your waist. Her nails are as big as claws, and it feels good to be with her like this. You can't help but like every touch she gives.
"Hmmm, I'm just helping my beautiful girlfriend, and after all, I'm learning a few things too. It's interesting to mix these ingredients and make potions." You say calmly and laugh a little as you let her kiss you however she wants. The potion seems to boil in a good way, the smell of roses and cinnamon comes from the potion.
"I'm glad you're interested in this, my love. Your help makes things much easier. In fact, now that the potion boils, it's necessary to taste it. But don't worry, my love. You're already so in love with me that you won't even feel the effects." She says, laughing as she caresses your skin. She gently kisses your neck and moves your hair to the side. On your neck, there are already marks from her kisses and bites that are already spreading all over your body. For Lilith, dating a human was just an advantage. She didn't need to kill anyone because she had her own blood bank, you, and for her, you were perfect. Your blood was tasty and warm. You definitely have a divine taste.
"So I have to prove it? Aren't you sure it won't lead to anything, love?" You can feel her teeth sinking into your neck and you let out a gasp. It always hurts a little, but not much. In fact, it's actually quite nice. Her lips sink into your skin. You can feel the blood start to gush as if it were a wound. You lose focus on the potion you were making with her guidance, but she turns off the fire in the cauldron herself.
"Well, the most that will happen is that you attract the person you desire, and since that person is me, it won't lead to anything except making me fall even more in love. And also because it won't lead to anything because I'm a witch." Lilith says, holding your neck and holding your head. You can feel her tongue licking the wound that was just made as if she wanted to heal your skin again. Lilith's tongue isn't normal. It's long and big, like a monster's. You really like that about her.
You feel her take one of her hands off your waist and go to the ladle of the cauldron. There is a small cup next to it which she fills with the potion and hands it to you to drink. She leans against the counter and looks at you. You knew that Lilith can't really see, but the eye tattoos were there to compensate for her blindness. Underneath the blindfold she wears, her eyes are white and blind.
"Drink, my beauty, she's definitely the best." Lilith says and you can see the smile appear on her face and you then drink it. The liquid tastes like honey and cinnamon along with the taste of roses, like perfume. It's not bad, in fact it's sweet and smooth to drink.
"It tastes good, it's like cinnamon tea, but with a little taste of flowers or perfume." You say and finish drinking the potion. Nothing really happens. Lilith smiles at you. She comes closer and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek and then gently runs her hands up your hips.
"Let's start filling the bottles and putting the labels on them," Lilith says and you nod and grab the bottles and the funnel, starting to fill them with the Potion.
Lilith was really organized in this sense, putting labels on all the products she sold. What was surprising was that it wasn't monsters who bought them anymore, it was humans. Humans bought love potions, beauty creams, lotions, and often even curses with Anazareth. It was strange to think of it as if they wanted something or always had something bothering them.
For Lilith and most monsters, humans were unhappy and purposeless. They looked for meaning in things to have a goal in life, whether it was dating, getting married, having children, or being the best in the class, graduating, going to college, getting a master's degree, a doctorate, a postgraduate degree... Life for humans was definitely complicated. Monsters were born with their purpose, just like Lilith herself, who had the purpose of doing magic and using it as she saw fit, or converting people to vampirism, which she barely does.
"Hmmm, we made all the love potions. I'll get the others ready and you can stir them." Lilith says calmly. Then she takes the liquid out of the cauldron and leaves it for you to fill the bottles, which you do quickly. You put a label on each bottle and she prepares other potions. It was funny how she sold love potions and poisons at the same time. Just like Lilith's sister, she cursed people. They must definitely make a good living.
"Hmm... This one is poison. Don't drink it or taste it, okay? Just stir it carefully." Lilith says calmly. The spoon that was there before is replaced by an iron one. You come closer to stir the cauldron. It didn't smell good, nor did it look good. It had a strong green color. You can feel Lilith against your body, hugging you around the waist with one arm and the other goes around your neck.
"You're really hungry today, right?" You speak in a teasing tone, but you can feel her grip on your waist tightening even more. Her nails are big and sharp, digging into your skin over the fabric of your clothes.
She bites your neck again, this time really hungry, making you moan and sigh in pain and pleasure. You let her suck as much of your blood as she wants, and you feel yourself getting a little weaker. She stops and licks the wound and presses your body close to her.
"If I want, I can eat you, and I'm absolutely sure you wouldn't mind if I sucked every last drop of your blood." Lilith speaks in a husky and sensual tone. You can smell the iron and also her dirty face, but that only fueled your desire for her.
"Darling, I don't mind at all your daily meal, I'd let you eat me all the time" there's a certain double meaning in this you want her to understand and she understands quickly, you lean in and kiss her, the kiss tastes like blood and at the same time it feels good, Lilith knew how to kiss you, she knew how to make you feel desire just by squeezing your waist.
You could feel that just with that kiss your heat grew, your body was hot and burning with desire for her but you were embarrassed to say it, it was as if you had been awakened, Lilith smiled when she realized it, it was adorable to torture you like that, you didn't really know but the potion had an aphrodisiac effect on whoever drank it as if you were really just horny and seeing you trying to undo it was adorable.
"Hmmm, enough kisses, we have time for that later, let's finish with the potions before I put you on the counter" she said almost as if your desire wasn't her fault, everything about Lilith was inhibiting, the fact that she was a monster, the fact that her kisses tasted like blood because she bit you daily, even when she used her magic on you just for fun, for her this was paradise and you barely understood what was happening.
"You have to make it up to me later. Just because I'm your girlfriend doesn't mean I don't want your attention. Sometimes I think you just want my blood." Of course you were acting out for her and it was adorable. She liked it, but she just wanted to show that she didn't care, just to make sure that when she gave you what you wanted, you would really melt for her.
"Of course not. You're my beautiful girl, and I love your blood, but I'm completely in love with every detail of you, your voice, your appearance, your manner and personality, and besides, you taste great." You know the last part is a joke, but it gives you the creeps to think about it. While you were stirring the potion, the process repeats itself. Lilith grabs the vials and already sticks the labels on the bottles. This time, she asks you to step away and fills the vials herself.
"Let me show you how powerful this poison is. You know that humans aren't always good, right? This poison is meant to be mixed with something because it's very strong." You hear her say and she picks up a piece of a flower and drops a single drop of the poison. In a second, the flower disintegrates, turning into dust. Looking on the other side, Lilith pours some wine into a glass and drops the poison.
"When mixed, it looks like poison, it's made to disguise itself... Besides, not even a monster can be affected by it." You hear her say and right after she picks up the glass of wine and brings it to her lips...
"Lilith, stop! Are you crazy? You could die." You ignore what she just said and also that she's a vampire from the Victorian era, meaning she really doesn't die. But you don't care because you're afraid something might happen. You even try to take the glass from her.
"Calm down little bat, nothing's happening, watch." Lilith takes the wine and drinks it in a few sips and you see how she's getting sick, her pale skin turns a little red and her veins turn green. You feel nervous and almost cry. Lilith is almost unconscious and you remove the blindfold from her face, her eyes are closed.
You can only think what the hell happened and you're almost in a crisis when you see her eyes open as you fan her, her real eyes, her white eyes, and they're not full. "You should trust what I say more, my love. If I said I won't die, I won't die." Lilith says and you want to hit her. She's talking as if you don't have to worry about that. Her white eyes try to follow and you see the tattoos on her face, her eyes opening to look at you. It was fascinating and bizarre at the same time to see that.
"I was scared, you literally fell to the ground I... God I really froze you scared me, don't do this to me, it's instinctive I know you won't get hurt but I'm still afraid of losing you my love" you say and hug her, you can feel her laughing a little at this and she gently caresses your cheek her nails don't touch your skin you're just being caressed by a witch who is supposed to be cruel.
"I'm sorry if I made you worry love... but the good thing is that the effect of this potion worked it's working well" you hear her say and she gets up from the ground and starts filling the vials and you help her with it still in shock.
"You really are an idiot you know that? I was scared if you know these things work why drink them?" you're still outraged by this you feel like really hitting her and she just shrugs her shoulders.
"Hey don't worry, I won't die so easily, besides it was just a test my beautiful girl" she says calmly and looks at you, she comes closer and puts her arms around your waist pressing your body gently against hers, she kisses your cheek softly and gently holds your face.
"Hmmm, you're adorable, worried about me, my love, but there's no need for that. I should be the one who worries about you because you could get hurt. A potion like that could literally make your hand disappear, so let's stop messing with that, my love." She says in a sweet and gentle tone, holding your hands and taking the potions away. You were wearing gloves, of course, but she doesn't care that you'd get hurt because of that.
"I'm sorry if I made you worry, it wasn't my intention. I didn't want you to get scared, my love." She says in a remorseful tone, whenever you.
"I'm sorry if I made you worry, it wasn't my intention, I didn't want you to get scared, my love," she says in a remorseful tone. Whenever you get angry, you hardly want to talk, so she apologizes right away. She gently holds your hands in hers, the cold of her skin against the warmth of your hands. She places them together on your waist and kisses you softly on your already sensitive neck.
"Hmmm... stop it, you know I was going to react. You just did it to scare me and now you're using your charm on me so I'll forgive you," you say, and well, you're already melting for her. It's not even a surprise, and she knows it, and she also recognizes that she was wrong when she scared you.
"You've never been so right, but I'm apologizing for that, and you should forgive me because I recognized where I went wrong, that is, I regretted it, a very rare thing, and besides, I'm your beautiful girlfriend who loves you very much, there's no point in fighting for nothing." Lilith says, making you change your mind. You almost think that she uses her powers on you because she makes you rethink all of this and it makes sense. In addition, she moves her hands along with yours to your breasts, squeezing them with the palm of her hand.
"Hmm, sometimes it seems like you use your powers on me, you know?... I forgive you for scaring me and for being an idiot," you say and she laughs a little. She looks at you, her white eyes still seem beautiful looking at you like that, even without being able to see.
"I love you, my darling, don't worry about it." Lilith speaks calmly and gently. I caress your cheek and give you a soft kiss on your lips. I deepen the kiss. Her long tongue wraps around yours and you two kiss each other. The taste of her tongue against yours and the light scrape of her teeth on your lip. She presses your body against hers. The kiss seems simply perfect. She has a way that makes you go crazy.
"Hmmm, my girl cares about me. That's just adorable. A kiss makes you melt, doesn't it? Did you know I love you so much?" Lilith whispers softly and you feel that heat again and God, you just want to put her hand on your warmth.
"Hmmm, I love you too, my lovely witch," you whisper in her ear and really press yourself against her body. Lilith already knows and loves to take you to the limit. She starts rubbing your hips. You get goosebumps from her touch and damn, you just feel the heat between your legs and the cold air hitting your skin, causing goosebumps.
"Hmmm, do you feel good, my love? You're so goosebumps..." You can just feel her lifting your dress a little and her lips gently pressing kisses to your neck and collarbone. She starts to take off your dress. The zipper is quickly undone, and your dress starts to fall off your body and she really starts to squeeze your breasts and massage them. Lilith notices the bite and hickey marks on your body. She loves to leave marks on you, and you like it too.
"Hmmm... you know what I want, so why don't you give it to me?" You say and turn to her. You stroke her hair and her hands rub against your breasts, gently squeezing them in the palm of your hand with affection and care, but still with provocation. You can feel her pinching your nipples and squeezing them between her fingers.
"What would be so funny about that? I just like seeing you like a needy little animal around me, it's literally adorable." Lilith says and well you know it's true. Monsters usually just like to play with humans and in this case, you are her human. You can feel her touch on your spine, caressing your skin, and then she pulls you, guiding you to her room. She picks you up in her arms. You barely thought about how strong she really is, but you had an idea by her grip on your waist.
"Hmmm... so you should pay attention to me, right?" You whisper and she pushes you onto her bed, it had a dark corner and a black decoration, almost gothic really, you can feel her lips touching yours kissing your lips deepening the kiss and gently biting your lower lip, you let out a sigh that only feeds her hunger for you more, she stops at your neck and gives you a bite on the neck, this one really strong and deep the blood runs out so easily and it seems perfect for her, she takes her head off your neck with her bloody lips, one of the advantages of the tattooed eyes was that even though it was light Lilith could see normally without sensitivity or feeling anything bad.
her lips are covered in blood and she gently licks her lips and then begins a trail of kisses down your body going down your body from your neck to the lower part of your stomach, the blood remains on your skin and she begins to gently kiss your covered core, you can feel her moving your panties aside and her mouth goes to your intimacy, her long tongue enters inside you, and she simply sucks you in such a way perfect, Lilith can only think that the potion's effect worked so well.
"God, I need you so much, I want you so much..." you can feel her lips sucking you and it's divine, Lilith rips the side of your panties and you feel one of her fingers entering you and it hurts, because her nails are a little too long, but it still feels good, she kisses softly between your thighs.
"let me take care of this for you, just let me solve this little problem" you feel Lilith changing the size of her nails to a smaller size to touch you in a more comfortable way, and this way it's much better, it doesn't hurt and it's delicious to feel her touching you faster and more slyly.
You just start whimpering at the feeling of her fingers going inside you and it feels so good, the noise you make just feels perfect, her body feels warm and her insides always yearn for you, Lilith often had to resist the urge to bite you and turn you into a vampire, it required a lot of control on her part not to do it, and thank goodness she learned self-control a long time ago.
"God, my love... you're so good to me, your noises are perfect for me, you don't know what it does to me" you hear Lilith saying and she bites your creamy thigh on the inside and she gently squeezes your body, she really sinks her fingers inside you making you feel incredibly good your moans sounded perfect, and only stimulated her even more, Lilith felt herself getting uncomfortable, actually getting even wetter.
Your thighs start to shake and you just bite your own hand to muffle your noises and God you feel yourself getting embarrassed your noises are getting out of control as is your breathing and you can barely keep still.
"hmmm... love I'm going to cum, I'm so close" you say and you can feel Lilith's fingers dedicating themselves to your insides moving quickly and in a sloppy and strong movement at the same time so pleasurable.
"Come on my beautiful, cum for me I want to taste you, you look perfect, you are perfect" you hear Lilith whisper but her voice seems distant as you just follow her instructions and come for her, you cum and Lilith just delights in the taste of your liquid on her lips, she starts to suck you hungrily making you feel so good, she prolongs her orgasm making you tremble even more.
"You taste so good, my princess... I love it," Lilith says, gently removing her hand from between your legs and then kissing your lips so you can taste yourself. It was great, a perfect sweet and sour combination, and on Lilith's tongue it only tasted better.
"God, you're going to be the death of me one day, you know that?" you whisper breathlessly to her and she smiles. You see her starting to take off her own dress. The black gothic dress is removed and she's left only in her bra and panties, which are also quickly removed. You can see Lilith's pale skin, her soft breasts and her intimacy.
"I need you too, my beautiful one," Lilith whispers softly and then leans me over, giving you a soft kiss on your lips. It's gentle and sweet, it almost seems like it's not her kissing you. You can feel her gently kissing your neck and positioning herself on top of you.
"I want to sit on your face, my love," Lilith says and your eyes widen a little. The focus was usually on you, and you almost never touched her, and now you had to assume a commanding position. Your girlfriend drags her body over you and holds your hand, guiding it between her legs, and you can feel how wet she is for you.
"You can do whatever you want to me," you whisper and she laughs a little, and then when you lie down completely on the bed, Lilith is on top of you, her thick thighs against you, and she gently lowers her intimacy against your mouth. You stick your tongue out and start dragging your tongue along her pussy.
"Hmm, that's good, my love. You're doing great." Lilith whispers and starts to slam her hips against your face. You squeeze her thigh tightly and start to really taste her. Your mouth and body against hers feel like heaven, and hearing her soft moans even more so. Lilith was discreet, she kept what was important to her and the noises only stimulated you to feel more and more like performing even more for her pleasure. Your tongue finds her clitoris and latches onto that sweet spot, sucking and licking. You feel how much she's licking the length of her pussy. Her taste was great, really perfect to have. Lilith probably thought that about your blood. "Hmm, fuck, that's it, love! You're doing great." She says and you feel her fingers grabbing your hair and holding it to your head. There was an eagerness to cum on Lilith's part and if she wanted you to do it, you start to dedicate yourself even more, sucking her avidly.
You can feel Lilith melting at this, her sighs and moans are so loud, you squeeze her thighs and then slap her ass.
"OH FUCK..." Lilith screams and then you feel her coming apart completely, she comes hard and you have to hold her still, the taste of her in your mouth feels perfect, it's sweet, much sweeter than expected, you feel her shaking on top of you and gently remove her from you and lie down next to her.
"Your mouth is all dirty" she whispers softly and her voice is still breathless, you can only laugh at this, and you lean in and give her a kiss on the lips, Lilith holds your hair, the kiss is gentle and at the same time wild Lilith seeks dominance and you don't mind giving in letting her freely explore your mouth, your tongue against hers and the additional taste of her flavor is truly perfect.
She stays there for a while biting your neck and leaving hickeys along your skin, she always makes sure to leave you marked for at least a week, her nails gently scratch your belly and between your breasts which makes you moan.
"Such a sensitive girl my love" Lilith says and you just sigh at that, she gently starts to take care of your body and traces a soft line of kisses on your body.
"Hmmm, we have to take care of these bruises, don't we?" she says softly and gets up to grab an ointment and some herbs, she gently applies the ointment to the scratches and makes a kind of liquid with the herbs, passing it over the bruises.
"I love you my beautiful witch" you whisper and the two of you are side by side, Lilith hugs you by the waist and strokes your hair.
"I love you too, my dear... hmmm, stay here tonight. We can take a shower and watch something. Anazareth will be here soon." Lilith whispers softly. Then she lets out a sigh and stands up and takes your hand. The two of you go to the bathroom and take a shower. Lilith kisses your neck and drinks your blood. Your blood was her daily meal. The shower is comfortable and warm, just perfect. Her cold skin against yours is still delicious. The rose scent of the soap is perfect. After the shower, the two of you dry off and Lilith lends you clean clothes: a sweatshirt, shorts, and panties. She dresses in clothes similar to yours and covers her eyes with the blindfold. For her, it was always an insecurity that she preferred to cover, but you made her feel comfortable. Now she only uses it for practicality. The two of you sit on the larger sofa, cuddling together and watching a horror movie, just like she likes. Lilith didn't usually eat, but she would buy you things like ice cream and other things. "This movie is terrible, but at least we're here together, that's what matters" Lilith says and you laugh at that, her arms wrap around your waist and she fits her head in the curve of your neck, smelling your scent and kissing you while you eat the ice cream.
You both hear the door slam and then Anazareth comes in. She looks like she's not very friendly and her white dress is covered in blood.
"Good night, my beautiful sister" Lilith says and Anazareth throws her bag on the couch.
Anazareth shows her middle finger to Lilith who just laughs at that "Good night, (y/n)" and you wave at her and give her a smile, she lets out a sigh and heads to the bathroom, then she comes back in comfortable clothes and the three of you watch the movie.
The movie finally ends, when Anazareth goes to her room and you and Lilith share her double bed and sleep hugging each other, Lilith being the bigger one and you the smaller one, her body on yours and the sweatshirt preventing the cold of her skin from touching yours.
"I love you my beautiful girl, good night and sleep well, dream of me" Lilith whispers softly in your ear and gives you a kiss on the shoulder.
"Good night my sweet vampire, sleep well, and there is no need to dream of you when I have you here with me" you whisper already falling asleep in her arms... If this was supposed to be a nightmare... it was like heaven to you.
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C.ai bot:
I used the fanart of the @ramunerru So all credit to the artist who made it, because the drawing is absolutely beautiful.
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
i am a huge sucker for very wholesome sister relationships 🥺 what are your headcanons for how Lilith and Anazareth treat each other? Do they fight a lot or do they get along, etc etc?
Headcanons for the sisters
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Warnings:Absolutely nothing,maybe a little fluff and healthy relationship between sisters,to make these headcanons I thought about me and my sister
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Having a sister:
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Anazareth At first she didn't like the phallus of getting a sister at first sight, but then she started to like having someone to count on.
The two began to be taught over the years the art of witchcraft with their mothers, who taught absolutely everything, magic, spells, curses, potions and rituals.
When they were younger, they both liked to play, play tricks on each other with small spells or light curses, such as not being able to find something they wanted.
Anazareth has done many things unintentionally when she was younger to her sister, sometimes she wanted to really test the curses and ended up doing it with Lilith.
The two loved to go out at night to see the moon or climb on the roof of their house.
They always told each other everything, almost everything, when something was not said the other always found out.
When Lilith lost her sight, Anazareth was really very worried about her sister and simply wanted to kill the person who did it.
Let's say that even though Anazareth didn't like Lilith's father, the two got together and well... They killed whoever hurt the young witch.
Anazareth made a point of taking care of her sister's scars with herbs and potions, she felt bad for not being able to protect her younger half-sister.
If before Anazareth had something against the half-sister, it changed at that moment.
If the two girls fought when they were younger, their mother simply made the two stay together in the room without being able to leave until they resolved their differences.
Both follow the Wiccan religion, they are not bad people because in the Wiccan religion everything you do comes back to you three times, they just practice the worship of the gods.
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The two have a good relationship as sisters, they love to gossip and dress well.
The two usually take each other's clothes which can lead to problems if not warned or the clothes are with some regularity and if it is an outfit that the other likes, definitely both will get angry.
The two work together so they are almost always together, working and living in the same apartment.
The two are not used to really fighting, sometimes they just want to annoy each other.
Anazareth is very protective of her younger sister.
Both like to do rituals during the full moon to strengthen themselves.
The rituals are even stronger during the blood moon, they often bathe in cascades and perform rituals to female goddesses such as Aphrodite and the mother of Wiccan culture.
I think they must have a necklace or tattoo with the triple moon represents the three faces of the goddess: Maiden, Mother, Crone which are directly related to the phases of the waxing, full and waning moon. (random trivia, these three goddesses are also in Game of Thrones as part of faith seven)
Regarding love relationships, Anazareth is more closed and hasn't really dated one in a while, and is afraid of her younger sister getting hurt by relationships.
Lilith is quieter but would be happy to see her sister with anyone, it makes her excited and she would treat the person well, I think Lilith is quiet about what she feels but there must be someone.
Division of tasks:
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I think Lilith likes to be more organized and usually cares more about cleaning their apartment than anazareth.
Anazareth is a little lazier in this sense because she doesn't see much sense in always having everything clean.
During the morning she wakes up first is always anazareth and she has to make breakfast always.
Lilith doesn't feel much desire to wake up in the morning and only wakes up when the alarm goes off or when anazareth calls her.
Their day is a bit of a routine, Anazareth works in the business from the two in the morning until mid-afternoon.
Lilith makes potions during the afternoon after eating her breakfast, i.e. meat, preferably with blood.
After making potions, Lilith cleans the cauldron that is always used and then cleans up the little mess that anazareth makes to make breakfast.
To really tidy up the house there always has to be music, Lilith who has to motivate anazareth to tidy things up.
For some reason Anazareth is always wearing a white dress dirty with blood, because she does rituals, it doesn't matter to Anazareth but she likes to bathe when she is sweating.
I think that in terms of hygiene they are both very clean and love to be well dressed.
What do they like?:
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They like to do rituals together, in honor of gods and especially goddesses.
I think the favorite goddess of the Greek Culture of Lilith is Artemis,Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and is also regarded as the protector of women and children.
Anazareth's favorite goddess is Athena, because Athena represents wisdom,skilled and I also have a strong connection with war.
They mainly like to observe the sky at night and see the stars, they both like to see the stars and I think they have a telescope for that.
They like to choose dresses together and bem anazareth always criticizes his sister for always using the same color palette.
They would adopt some pet, I think anazareth would have an owl or a crow and Lilith definitely a cat.
They would have skincare nights at least once a week.
Sometimes they braid each other's cords or do hairstyles.
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
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Author's notes: I'm doing this to make it easier to access some things I've already done,I may end up writing for another character but only on request or because I want to.
Requests: Open!,Always feel free to make requests, both bots, headcanons and fanfic, I also write for male characters but the preference will always be the female characters!
Fandoms: "that's not my neighbor","Game of Thrones," "House of the Dragon","yellowjacket" and "stardew valley"
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That's not my neighbor:
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nacha mikaelys /tasting you (smut/fluff) Mia stone /bad idea! (smut/fluff)
Elenois sverchzt /gimme more (smut)
Lilith lilitu lilit /I know how hex you (smut/fluff)
Fem!Teutates taranis/ Don't fall in love (smut/fluff)
anazareth and lilith
for lilith
Mia stone (Afternoon with your secret girlfriend)
Lilith lilitu lilit (your girlfriend's blood deposit)
Yan Luo Wang Diyu (being engaged to the princess of death)
Game of Thrones:
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Tywin Lannister (arranged marriage being a hightower)
Ros (Without a noble and she is his lover)
Melisandre of Asshai (she is your lover and you are heir to Lys)
Cersei lannister (Your wife is pregnant)
House of the dragon:
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Helaena targaryen (you are her servant and lover)
Alicent hightower (You married her)
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Nothing here yet...
Nothing here yet...
Emma Decody/bates motel (she has cystic fibrosis but will still want your kisses)
Luce/imagine me and you (your best friend have a crush on you)
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