#Lila Rossi redemption
the-delta-42 · 4 months
Lila jerked forwards as Marinette pushed her to the ground. The Italian growled, spinning to glare at French-Chinese girl. The look of shock on Chloé’s face made her stop, before she noticed the Akuma towering over them.
Without another word, Lila and Chloé bolted, leaving Marinette with the Akuma. Steal looked at the girl the other two left behind. She recognised her as the girl that got her arrested. A cruel smirk on her face, Steal picked her up, placed a bucket on her head and threw her into the Seine.
Lila and Chloé stopped running after passing a third block. Lila heaved air into her lungs, before Chloé slid down to the ground.
“I…think…we…lost…them.” Panted Lila, her hands on her legs.
“Yeah…good thing Dupain-Cheng was there.” Said Chloé, suddenly making Lila aware that Marinette wasn’t with them.
“Where is she?” Asked Lila, looking back the way they came.
“She was stunned, I think.” Dismissed Chloé, getting to her feet and dusting herself off, “I don’t care where she is, I’ve got more important things to worry about.”
Chloé sauntered off, leaving Lila behind. The Italian stood still, thinking her possible courses of action over. If she left Marinette at the mercy of the Akuma, she’d be down a liability. But Marinette took a hit for her. It’s not like Lila is responsible for what happens to the person next to you during an Akuma attack. For all she knew, Marinette could have just saved Lila’s life.
Biting back a groan, Lila headed back the way she came.
Marinette struggled to hold her breath, she couldn’t move her arms of her legs, she couldn’t see and she was underwater. Marinette’s bucket was full of water, and Marinette was craving air. She needed to head up. But which way was up? How was she supposed to do that is she couldn’t move her limbs. Marinette’s mind started to get foggy, sending Marinette into a disaster spiral and, without thinking, Marinette breathed in.
Chloé scowled at her phone. Her manicure appointment wasn’t for another hour, which no doubt was now delayed because of the Akuma. Chloé’s mind went back to Marinette. She took a hit for her and Lila and she just ran away.
Chloé stewed for a couple of minutes, before getting up and running to where Marinette was.
Lila skidded to a halt, finding Marinette to be gone. There was a wet patch next to the bank. Lila froze and her heart sunk. The Akuma couldn’t’ve thrown Marinette into the Seine, could they?
A small bubble confirmed Lila’s thoughts and, without a second’s hesitation, Lila shed her jacket and bag and dived into the Seine. The water stung Lila’s eyes, but she quickly located Marinette. Swimming down and grabbing Marinette’s prone leg, Lila pulled her close to her and started to swim back up to the surface. Lila tried to lift Marinette up when she reached the bank, only to lose her grip and nearly drop her. A pair of hands quickly grabbed Marinette and started to haul her up, Lila dove and got underneath Marinette, pushing her up.
Chloé dragged Marinette’s prone form away from the bank, with Lila hauling herself up.
“You,” Lila coughed, “You need to get that bucket off her head.”
Chloé rolled her eyes and lifted Marinette’s head up, freezing when water spilled out from around Marinette’s head. Acting fast, Chloé pulled the bucket off and tried to listen for Marinette breathing. Nothing. She moved her head to Marinette’s chest, trying to hear for a heartbeat. Again, nothing.
Chloé immediately started doing chest compressions, as Lila finished wringing her hair out.
“What are you doing?” Asked Lila, flinching as she heard Marinette’s chest crack.
“CPR.” Grunted Chloé, “You need to give her mouth to mouth.”
“Why?!” Demanded Lila, glaring at Chloé.
She sighed, impatiently, “It’s two fold,” Chloé grunted, “this works for the heart, and the mouth-to-mouth inflates her lungs, so, fucking help!”
Lila rolled her eyes, pulling Marinette’s mouth open and reared back when water spilled out.
“Remember to plug her nose.” Heaved Chloé, “Take a deep breath and force it down her throat.”
Lila stared at Chloé.
“NOW!” Shrieked Chloé, prompting Lila into action.
Pinching Marinette’s nose shut, Lila covered Marinette’s mouth with her own.
Chat ducked as Tazer tried to hit him, Ladybug had yet to turn up, but he knew she’d turn up, she always did.
“Down!” Yelled a voice.
Ladydragon tackled him out of the way of a blast, the two heroes skidded to a stop.
“What are you doing here?” Blurted Chat, as Ladydragon got to her feet.
“I heard Majesta was going to be here and I wanted her autograph.” Panted Ladydragon, rolling of one side, “Where’s Ladybug?”
“I…I don’t know.” Confessed Chat, “she’s usually here by now.”
Ladydragon froze, before looking around. Tazer hit the ground between them, sending them flying. The Akuma sauntered up to them, only to be tackled by a cream-coloured blur.
Eagle and Knightowl landed next to the other heroes.
“You said you could handle things.” Snapped Knightowl, hauling Chat to his feet.
“We can,” Growled Chat, as Uncanny Valley joined them, “Ladybug hasn’t turned up.”
Knightowl tutted, before looking at Uncanny Valley. The Android looked around, scanning for Ladybug.
“I’m unable to locate her.” Said Uncanny Valley, looking at Knightowl, “She may be out of range.”
Knightowl tutted again, as Uncanny Valley scanned again.
Chloé and Lila leaned away from Marinette, she wasn’t breathing and neither of them could hear a heartbeat. A faint flashing drew their attention to Marinette’s ears, the earrings no longer looked like black studs.
A moment later, a small red and black thing was floating in front of them.
“No fucking way.” Lila swore, staring at the Kwami.
“Dupain-Cheng’s Ladybug?!” Demanded Chloé, immediately reaching for the earrings.
“Don’t.” Said Tikki, glaring at them, “If you put those on, they will tear you apart. Both of you.”
Chloé and Lila stared at Tikki, who continued to glare at them.
“But,” Tikki glanced at Marinette’s prone form, “since these are extenuating circumstances, both of you are going to have to take one earring each.”
Chat ducked as Ladydragon and Eagle were thrown into Majesta and Knightowl. He rolled his eyes when Knightowl tutted again, he considered using Cataclysm, but Ladybug still hadn’t arrived.
“She’s really professional, isn’t she?” Snarled Knightowl, as Chat slid under Tazer, as a second Akuma joined the fight.
“Where were you?” Asked Tazer, getting a smirk from Steal.
“Settling a debt.” Two yoyos suddenly wrapped themselves around Steal and pulled her backwards.
“Oh, thank god M’La-” Chat stared at the two girls, before snarling, “Who are you? And where’s Ladybug?”
The blonde looked at the Brunette, before swallowing, “I’m…Scarlet Lady and this is…”
“Ladybug’s, kinda been hurt.”
“What do you mean hurt?” Demanded Knightowl, just as Uncanny Valley contacted them.
“I’ve found Ladybug.”
Majesta stiffened at the sadness in her daughter’s voice.
“What’s wrong?” Demanded Majesta, as everyone stared at the communicator.
“Ladybug’s lungs are filled with water,” Reported Uncanny Valley, “She’s not breathing, and I am unable to detect a heartbeat. I’ve managed to stimulate her brain enough to prevent brain death.”
Chat swallowed, before looking at Scarlet and Harlequinn, “What did you do?!”
“Hey,” Snapped Harlequinn, “it was the Akuma, not us!”
Chat huffed, before looking at Steal, who was still tied up, while they were distracted, Eagle had managed to subdue Tazer, as Chat looking at Scarlet Lady and Harlequinn, “So, which one of you has the Lucky Charm?”
Harlequinn held up a red and black spotted mask, before she handed it to Scarlet Lady. Chat turned to the Akumas and located their objects. Breaking them, the two Ladybug wielders caught the Akumas and, barely, purified them.
Scarlet bit her bottom lip and tossed the mask into the air, the cure shakily making its way around the city.
“Ladybug’s just coughed up water, I’m taking her to a hospital.” Reported Uncanny Valley, prompting Chat to hold his hand out to the two Ladybug wielders.
“The Miraculous.” Chat glared, “Now.”
Reluctantly, Scarlet Lady and Harlequinn removed the earrings and held them out to Chat. Chat cast a glare at Chloé and Lila, before racing off to catch up with Uncanny Valley.
“Eagle, escort them home.” Said Knightowl, going to grab on of the Akuma victims.
Eagle nodded, and grabbed their arms, “Come on.”
Marinette shook with the deep, chesty coughs.
Adrien held a cup of water out to her, gently rubbing her back.
“It hurts.” Rasped Marinette, spitting out so phlegm.
“It’s a chest infection.” Said Alya, dropping onto the end of Marinette’s bed, “You had polluted water in your lungs for the better part of an hour. Thank god Uncanny Valley was there.”
“Thank god for Tikki’s bluff.” Responded Adrien, “Tricking Chloé and Lila into thinking that wearing bath earrings would destroy them.”
“I wasn’t bluffing.” Said Tikki, from Marinette’s hair, “If either of them had put on both earrings, then they’d be like a bag of soup.”
They were silent, excluding Marinette’s coughs.
“How can we be sure they won’t tell anyone?” Asked Adrien, looking between Alya and Marinette.
“Who would believe them?” Retorted Alya, raising her eyebrows, “Lila’s already a known liar and Chloé isn’t much better. Both of them are known for not being on civil terms with Marinette also.”
Adrien sighed through his nose, “I hope you’re right. Since Marinette can’t exactly defend herself now.”
Meanwhile, across the city, Lila had come clean to her parents and Chloé was speaking with a therapist.
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trashyangelic · 2 years
ML Prompt (w/ Lila Rossi Redemption, A Little of Lila Salt, Adrien Salt, Alya Salt, Class Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt + Felinette)
I got something in mind. I'm not sure if anyone wants to make it. But if I were to make this then I might do one but for now I'll post this if anyone wanna do this one. You can decide an OC for Lila if you want or let her stay single that is. The pairings are Felinette, JulekaXNino, ChloeXNathanielXMarc, there will be no julerose since Rose is a salt. Outside of CFD is LukaXKagami.
What if Lila Rossi got the part as Marinette's Job aka. Class President from her classmates? But what she doesn't know that she is recieving pure pressure from the class and her teacher causing her to rant at home.
Marinette has transferred school from this toxic classroom that she has been telling her parents about and send her to Jeanne Arc on the otherside of Paris where she meets the Quantic Kids and her twin sister Bridgette as she somehow fallen in love with Felix Graham de Vanily.
As for Lila she was glad that she was picked for Class President here in CFD but what she doesn't realize is that her classmates wants her to do the jobs like field trips, fund rasier, birthday parties, etc for them instead of them doing it for themselves. Just like before with Marinette and Chloe when they had connections from publicity before Lila but now it is her turn.
Until a few days ago it gotten out of hand for Lila. As she was thinking of a possible way to finish this file for the class but she even ask for Sabrina's help since Alya isn't doing her job as a Class Deputy as to what Nino told her the day she was selected as Miss Bustier's Class President. But Sabrina told Lila to ask Alya for that this made her very annoyed at the last second.
Lila told her mother to called the school as she isn't feeling well which she is tired of this stuff that her class wants her to do plus she didn't want to talk to her classmates on the phone she turn off her phone it was driving her nuts while working on this folder that Dupain-Cheng gave her after leaving the class for good.
But what she didn't realize is that her mom is at kitchen after a early day off from her job that her boss had decided for her to spend time with her child. Lila did some research on the internet of what a Class President is suppose to but now it clicked.
"This entire time the fund raisers, field trips, and birthday parties were meant for the teachers. Why is Miss Bustier putting this on me then if its her job to this it is not the Class President job. Well that explains why Dupain-Cheng left from that including my lies as well. I'm starting to regret being the Class President. I think I should tell this to mom maybe she can do something to get a contact to the school board this is ridiculous." Lila muttered to herself.
Lila went to tell this to her mother that she was selected as the Class President but something went off for her so she explain it to her mother which made her super pissed off. But now regretting everything that is happening so she send a text message to Dupain-Cheng that she is sorry for ruining her life and other stuffs but ask for forgiveness as she wants to restart over to find who she is.
Then for Marinette well she is surprised to read Lila's text on her phone but respond back that its gonna take time to forgive her but also suggested her to transfer to Mrs. Mendeleiev's class if Bustier is pure pressuring her to do it. Which caught her attention instantly but now that is done she went to tell her mother the truth as her mother was angry but scold her never do it ever so then she send emails to celebrities that she lied to including Prince Ali that she is sorry for lying to them and other stuff but to be fair she even told them that her classmates from CFD believe in the lies she told them which made Prince Ali felt betrayed by Rose when the girl explain it on email to him but he forgave the girl but told her not to do this again but the other two celebrities as in Jagged and Clara weren't very happy as they remembered that Marinette told them about Lila but to her she apologize to them which gave them a huge relief.
Then there comes Adrien who practically scold Lila on text message to do it which made her scream in fustration in her room as she send a message back to NO. Lila started to hate Adrien with passion plus she doesn't even like him anymore after getting that off her chest.
Lila explain this all to her mother as Mrs. Rossi decided to transfer her daughter to a new class that is in Mrs. Mendeleiev class but highly threaten the principal if he doesn't do this damn job she will send a message to the school board to get him fired. But to Lila she will have to explain this to her science teacher why she is moving to her class instead of Bustier.
While Marinette's squad with Chloe, Nino, Juleka, Nathaniel, and Sabrina looked really surprised the way Lila acted out of the shell then they told their parents to get them transfer to Mrs. Mendeleiev's class away from those people who wants free stuff instead of them getting it for themselves.
Tag me if you are willing to make it. It doesn't have to be a prompt it can be a fanfic but thats your choice.
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awholelotofladybug · 6 months
(Stammering Adrien AU) Lila, since you got a new hairdo to represent a new you, how's the road to redemption been like? Have you been making up to Marinette for the times you've bullied her?
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"I absolutely have. Marinette has been so sweet about it too. She and the others have been very kind to me, so I do whatever I can to be a good friend."
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a-flaming-idiot · 6 months
Thinking about how when Shadybug and Claw Noir are evil, they can be redeemed since they're traumatized kids being manipulated by an adult taking advantage of them. When Lila and Chloe are evil, they're irredeemable monsters who know exactly what they're doing and deserve what's coming to them.
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cardiac-agreste · 1 year
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Here are some thoughts on why I think Chloe's character arc makes perfect sense.
Chloe has a real bad hangup about power. She needs to feel it desperately.
she idolizes Ladybug, who is powerful
she wants a Miraculous to feel powerful
she orders her dad around to feel powerful
she mis-names her butler to feel powerful
she bosses Sabrina around to feel powerful
she is cruel to Marinette to feel powerful
she is dismissive of Chat Noir because he is subservient to Ladybug and therefore weak
When Adrien stands up to Chloe regarding her treatment of Marinette, she perceives this as him ordering her to reign in her power. To restrict her power.
In response, she re-asserts her power: she cuts him out of her life. Similarly, Ladybug denies her a Miraculous, so she turns on Ladybug, again lashing out at someone who has diminished her power. She then aligns herself with someone who promises it to her.
Then Zoe shows up, and Zoe gets attention and affection (and therfore power) from Andre, who isn't even her real father! She's spent more time with their mother, which is another form of power.
S3 through S5 is a systematic stripping away of the thing Chloe holds most dear: power. In response to this, she exerts power every opportunity she gets: she tries to take over the movie, she bosses Adrien around, she revels in her cruelty toward Marinette, she aligns herself with Lila (who Chloe recognizes has the power to fool everyone around them), she is cruel to her sister, and eventually she "leads" a fascist takeover of Paris (of course, not realizing that she's fourth banana in the takeover after Evil Gandalf, Slightly Less Evil Elon Musk, and Lila.
Her character arc makes perfect sense.
Uhh, umm, in this powerpoint presentation I will
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foundfamilyhq · 8 months
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Below is propaganda submitted in support of why this character should join the tumblr found family:
Okay, so I know Lila is awful and deserves to be ditched, but hear me out: No one gaslights, gatekeeps, gaybaits or girlbosses better than her. She is the best at being the worst. And isn't that admirable? Shouldn't that be studied in the tumblr found family labs??
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galahadwilder · 2 years
The Time I Got Reincarnated as an Evil Version of Myself
Chapter 3: Disagreements
Link to AO3 in Bio
Akumatization isn't exactly a common experience among Parisians. With a population of over 2 million and under 300 Akumatizations—maybe half that if only count individual victims instead of instances (most of that thanks to Mr. Pigeon)—that's slightly more than a percent of a percent. Still, there are enough of them that there are certain common experiences. Any one of them could tell you that Akumatization is really only traumatizing after the fact, when you find out what you've done. It's a mercy, really, not remembering. Being saddled with the memories of causing mayhem, havoc, and murder would be too much for the psyches of most people, and Paris would look very different.
The number of people who have successfully resisted Akumatization is much, much smaller. A percent of a percent of a percent. Three people, in total, have ever done it. And while they'll gladly tell you how they did it, in hopes that you get the same success, there's one thing all three of them keep very close to their chests—a secret only three people on Earth share.
Breaking an Akumatization hurts. And worse—you remember everything.
Chloé sits curled up on a cot in the nurse's office, pressing her knees to her chest, trying her best to fight down the bile that rises in her throat. Hawkmoth may not have been able to see the memories he dredged up, but he had pressed on the worst emotional response she has, forcing her to relive her most painful moments. All her traumas, all the things she'd buried, front and center. She feels... she feels...
Ugh. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.
The room is too small. And normally she'd be happy for the darkness after a panic attack—she really has to thank Marinette again for helping her admit she has those—but right now it's too much like the darkness, like the black void of Akumatization. She can almost see her mother's face blank with apathy, without recognition, devoid of love. Something inside her chest is tearing, pulling apart, and God she just wants her sister right now.
Zoé is not the person who comes through the door.
"Chloé!" Lila gasps, bursting through the door of the sleeping room of the nurse's station, all false concern and smiles. "I heard you got Akumatized!"
Chloé's pain immediately twists beneath her ribcage into rage and confusion as the most unexpected person in Paris throws her arms around her shoulders. Lila--Lila was expelled, she's been banned from the building, what is she doing here? Chloé wants to pull away, to shove her off, to do something, but she's a deer in headlights, frozen, utterly unable to stop the horror that she's trapped in.
"Are you okay?" Lila asks.
Chloé's whole body contracts, as if making herself smaller will help her escape this. Her throat constricts, strangling her words into a choking whine.
Lila pulls back, holding Chloé at arms’ length. “I’m really impressed you were able to break the Akumatization,” she says with a smile that makes Chloé’s skin crawl. “You’ve been having such a hard time of it lately, you know, and, well…” Lila starts tearing up, wiping her eye with the heel of her hand. “I can’t believe Marinette did that to you,” she whimpers. "All we ever try to do is be nice to her, but—"
Something inside Chloé snaps.
"Nice?" she snarls.
Lila’s expression immediately changes—for a split second, Chloé can see the snake behind her carefully faked expression, and that snake is scared. Some part of Chloé, the part that still likes to hurt people, the part of her that is her mother, is happy with that, and she feels a brief burst of shame, but this is Lila. She deserves every bit of Chloé's vitriol and her own fear.
The rest of her, though? The rest of her is not happy. Another, primal, feral part of her, the part of her that spent ten years in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng in spite of all her attempts to bury it, the part of her that remembers the day Marinette finally gave her Pollen permanently, the part of her that looks at her friends, her hive, and says protect with your life, rises up like a beast and burns in her muscles, her bones, her rage, and suddenly her palms slam into Lila's stomach, Lila is on the ground, stunned, and Chloé is standing over her like a wasp looming in the air above a doomed tarantula.
"I don't know how you got on campus," she spits. “And I don’t care.” She steps forward, her gaze beating Lila down into the ground. "You say one more word about Marinette and... and..."
Lila stares up at her, eyes wide and glistening. "I—I go here," she says, and for once, her voice sounds almost honest. "I—Chloé, we're friends, aren't we?"
Chloé’s brain goes white. "Friends?" Chloé shrieks. Oh, she’s about to get Akumatized again, isn’t she. But if her Akuma form goes after Lila? Worth it. "After what you did?" She bends down, grabs a fistful of Lila's tacky plastic orange lapels. "Marinette may have forgiven you but I. Have. Not."
Now Lila is the deer in the headlights, except she's not on a road or even on a highway, Chloé Bourgeois is a bullet train barrelling down on a fawn that has wandered onto the tracks and Chloé will not stop. "You are ridiculous, Lila," Chloé snarls, barely managing to stop herself from biting the other girl's face. "Utterly. Ridiculous."
"Hey!" Zoé says, forcing the two of them apart. "Break it up, you two!"
Huh, Chloé thinks, suddenly aware of her sister's hand on her chest. She'd been so pissed at Lila, she hadn't even noticed Zoé come in.
"She just..." Lila stammers, and the shock on her face—oh, Chloé hopes it's real. "She just—”
Than her eyes narrow. For a moment, a grin flashes across her face, before her teary shock returns… but with significantly less reality to it.
”You’re—you’re breaking up with me?” Lila sobs.
Zoé’s head snaps around, and Chloé can feel her sister tense. But she—oh, God, haha, Lila thought…
Lila doesn’t know she’s out.
Chloé starts to laugh.
It’s almost a cackle, more than anything. It bubbles up from her stomach, snatching her breath, doubling her over. She’s laughing so hard she fills the entire space of the tiny nap room, so hard that both Zoé and Lila are looking at her like she’s grown a second head.
”You think—” Chloé gasps, clutching at her stomach, “—I’d cheat on Kagami—” Oh, she can’t breathe. She can’t breathe. It’s too funny. “—with you?”
This is, very definitely, not the response Lila was expecting, given the shock on her face. Probably she was thinking Chloé would loudly deny being gay (when of course anyone with half a brain could have seen she was), thus confirming to Zoé their “secret relationship” and making herself look like the victim.
Whoopsie for her!
Chloé’s laughter slows down as she plops back into her cot, and she sighs, wiping tears out of her eyes. “You’re ridiculous,” she gasps through the largest grin she’s had all day. “Utterly, completely, and totally ridiculous.”
The look on Lila’s face is priceless. There are few things more satisfying than outmaneuvering smug assholes, and it’s so rare to catch the liar off-guard like this. Blindsiding Lila is a joy all its own, and Chloé intends to savor the memory of that face for years to come.
“Wait a minute,” Zoé says, breaking the moment. “You know?”
”Of—of course she knows,” Lila begins. “She and I—”
"Shut up," Chloé growls, flexing her perfectly-manicured fingers like claws. "And get. Out."
Lila swallows, frozen for half a second, then she spins and bolts for the door. It slams shut behind her, leaving Chloé alone with her sister.
Chloé collapses back onto her cot, her back slamming against the exposed white brick. Now that the adrenaline is gone, the encounter is starting to leave a really bad taste in her mouth, the way any encounter with Lila does. The bile is rising in her throat again, and she just wants to strip off her own skin and fling it somewhere far away where she doesn't have to live in it. "What is with everyone today?" she mumbles.
"What is with—what's with you?" Zoé says, slamming her hand onto the cot next to Chloé's leg. "First the Pollen thing, then the coffee prank, then…” She points out the door. “Lila is a nice person, who for some reason after all the bridges you've burned decided to be your friend, and you just—"
"She hurt Marinette," Chloé mumbles. "Nobody hurts Marinette."
“And then!” Zoé continues, heedless of Chloé’s interruption. “I’ve been trying to make you feel comfortable enough to admit to yourself that you’re gay for months, and then you just… casually? Out of spite?”
Admit that she's... what?
Wait. Something’s—something’s wrong. That's... not at all something she'd expect Zoé to say.
“I—I came out before we met,” Chloé says, haltingly. She's confused, and more than a little hurt. “You—you know that. You’ve met my girlfriend. We—” When she’d found out about Zoé, she’d been pissed enough for Akumatization—but afterwards, afterwards, it had been such a relief, such a joy, to have just one family member who accepted her as she was. “We went on double dates with you and Luka.” Had Zoé not known, all this time? Had she—had none of it mattered?
Zoé looks at her like she’s grown a second head. “Luka?” she says. “Marinette’s ex? I’ve barely even spoken to him, much less… been on dates!”
Chloé’s pulse is stabbing at her ears now. She has no idea what’s going on. Zoé’s confusion—has everyone else been feeling the same thing, today? Is that why they suddenly all hate her? Did some… Akuma or something wipe all their memories of her?
Except she was Akumatized, and Hawkmoth can’t have two out at once unless he’s Scarlet Moth, and that definitely didn’t happen today, and he’d never bother going Scarlet over her because he apparently still thinks of her as the nasty girl nobody cares about so he doesn’t think anyone would care about her the way they do about Marinette. A Sentimonster wouldn’t have this much reach, wouldn’t be able to make EVERYONE forget—
She can see Zoé going through the same mental calculations in her head. Something messed with someone’s memories. Hawkmoth is the most likely—okay, let's be real, only—candidate.
”You—you can’t be Akumatized, you rejected it,” Zoé says. “That means—” She turns pale. “You’re—you’re not my sister.”
Chloé’s heart stops. “W-what?” she manages.
Zoé backs away from her, eyes wide and immobile. “You’re a Sentimonster.”
The way she says the word—as if it's a swear, as if it's a curse—stabs straight through Chloé’s gut. She wants to vomit. Chloe is better at managing her anger when it comes to people she loves. Honestly, she is. But she never expected... from her own sister of all people... Don't get Akumatized, don't get Akumatized, don't get Akumatized—
Shut up and burn her, says the part of her that is her mother, and Chloé ignites.
She leaps to her feet, heedless of how Zoé is forced back, heedless of the terrified expression on her sister's face, barely aware of anything except her own rage. “OF COURSE I'M A FUCKING SENTIMONSTER!” she screams, reaching for her necklace. “You—you helped me steal my Amok from Mom! It was your plan! You—”
Instead of her mother’s wedding ring, Chloé’s fingers close on the necklace to find empty air.
Her entire body goes cold. She looks at the stunned, horrified Zoé, and suddenly she's in freefall. Part of her wonders if this is how Adrien felt when his bodyguard pitched him off the Montparnasse, but the rest is too caught up in the sickening drop of her gut, the fire in her extremities, the vacuum where her lungs are supposed to be.
"My..." she croaks, barely able to speak. "My Amok. It's—" She swallows as best she can around the lump that is digging spikes into her throat. "It's gone."
@emma-d-klutz @generalluxun @naresar @ninepostsstuff @grotesquewombat @erisluna35 @oblivionhold @all-peristeronic @chaos-has-theories @into-september @claws-and-bee-stings @279ital @drawing2cope @theramendragon @jameskillianreaper @wild-mare-of-prosecution @blessedfatui @luckychatons @ninepostsstuff @sailorladybug @ladybeug @ymfingsteadilyon @steelblaidd @alexseanchai @dravidious @lowbatterylamp @nekoisadumbname @lemonadeready @tobytober @sunny-key @amandayetagain @darkwolf13reblogs @faunina @marichatsajjvv @mugchild @greenbloodedskink @miraculoussly @flightfoot @chaos-has-theories @multimousenette @spookyyarn @cosmictacos @toychicraft-dump @dragonking1987 @thesernotthedroidsurlooking4 @coracal @erisluna35 @merryberry01 @claws-and-bee-stings @princess-of-the-corner
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mattw83 · 1 year
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Miraculous Tales Chapter 12 - PG11-PG15
Sometimes a little sweetness goes a long way to temper the vinegar within.
A tale of how Chloe’s many false starts in life were just the beginning to a real redemption of heart and hero.
From a moment of bonding acceptance a dark shadow begins to loom over Chloe, creeping closer to her inner turmoil, and her guarded heart.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 -   Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 -   Chapter 10  - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - 
Cover - PG05 – PG06-PG10 – PG11-PG15 – PG16-PG20
>>> PG16
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Chloé Bourgeois they could never make me hate you
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ninadove · 1 year
Obviously I know this is not happening, because Leaks™, but Chlolila could have been a great malevolent equivalent to Feligami.
Hear me out.
On the one hand, we have this young girl who desperately wants to be loved — to the point that it drove her to madness. She has great potential for ✨ Evil ✨ and can plot very efficiently and intelligently when she wants to (as exemplified in Derision); but she’s impulsive and emotional, and keeps getting in her own way.
On the other hand is the✨ Mastermind ✨ with a deeper agenda (supposedly and very unfortunately, given how elaborate her plan is — I still hold out hope that she’s just doing it for the lolz). Not only is she the first person to recognise this potential in her partner, but she is also excellent at communicating with her, talking her down, and helping her refocus her energy in order to actually get results.
They could have been SO evil yet SO healthy together!
In the wise words of my girlfriend (and Grandma Molag from Firebringer) :
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the-delta-42 · 10 months
Stuck on Repeat
Stuck on Repeat
Lila’s day started normally enough. Wake up, get out of bed, perform the usual hygiene routine, have breakfast and walk to school. She spent most of her walk fuming about Marinette, Adrien and their oh-so subtle needling of her stories.
She couldn’t see what the fuss was about, it not like their other classmates were telling the truth. Come on, a sentient AI and a rising DJ and Director? Alya was mediocre at best, Nathaniel’s comics were predictable and linear, and it’s not like Myléne or Kitty Section were going anywhere. To Lila, the only ones who were the rich kids, Adrien and Chloé, and an already recognised designer, Marinette.
She hated to admit it, but Marinette was talented, if she hadn’t seen through her lies, Lila would’ve made sure to reel Marinette in. Lila stopped across the road from the school and Marinette’s parent’s Bakery. Marinette was just leaving, a box of Macarons in her hands.
Lila frowned and glared at Marinette’s back, silently wishing harm on her.
Lila was shocked when a car came bombing down the road and hit Marinette with enough force to send her flying over the roof and land with a sickening crunch. There was silence, before the door to the bakery swung open and Marinette’s mother ran out.
A crowd surrounded Marinette’s prone form, with someone calling for an ambulance and Marinette’s mother wailing. Lila didn’t know why she just didn’t walk into school and ignore the crowd.
The ambulance arrived, and a few minutes later, Marinette was pronounced dead. Only then, did Lila move. The school day was downtrodden, Adrien kept casting dark looked at her, as if she was responsible for Marinette being hit by that car.
The day passed quickly and, soon, Lila found herself getting into bed. On one hand, she was down a nuisance, but on the other hand, she was down a distraction. Lila shook her head, before pulling the covers up to her chest and going to sleep.
Lila woke to her alarm clock going off, which was odd, since she didn’t set her alarm the night before. She shrugged, got out of bed, performed her usual hygiene routine, had breakfast and walked to school.
She stopped across the road from the school and the bakery with… Marinette leaving? Marinette held the same macaron box from the day before, looked both ways and started to cross the road, when a car came bombing down the road, hit Marinette with enough force to send her flying over the cars roof and land with a sickening crunch.
Lila stared at the scene, before pulling her phone out and looked at the date. It was the day before. Lila stared at her phone screen, before hastily putting it away, she looked around and hurried into the school.
The day passed and ended the same way.
‘Maybe this is just one bizarre dream?’ Thought Lila, before she went to sleep.
Three weeks. Three weeks. Three. Fucking. Weeks.
Lila seethed as she stalked towards the school and the bakery, she’d been stuck in this loop for three weeks. Glancing around, Lila quickly crossed the road and stopped outside the bakery. Marinette stepped out and rushed toward the road, looked both ways, started to cross and was tackled by Lila as a car came bombing down the road.
“What the hell?!” Demanded Marinette, glaring at Lila.
Lila huffed, her eyes dark, “I’ve been stuck living the same fucking day for three weeks. Three! Weeks!”
“What are you talking about?” Asked Marinette, the rage subsiding.
“The same day, for three weeks, I’ve been living this exact day,” Snarled Lila, “I wake up, I get dressed, I eat, I wash, I walk to school and I see you get hit by that fucking car!”
Marinette stared up at Lila, before frowning, “So, you got tired of seeing me die and decided to save me?”
“Don’t say it like that.” Scoffed Lila, “I don’t want to keep listening to your friends crying and bitching about you dying.”
Marinette gave Lila a dead pan expression, “And there goes my hopes of you turning over a new leaf.”
Marinette turned around and walked up the schools steps, “Thank for saving my lif-”
Marinette was cut off by Kim flinging the door open, hitting her in the face and sending her tumbling down the steps and landing on her neck with a sick crack. Lila stared down at Marinette, whose head was jutting out at an unnatural angle.
“You just killed Marinette.” Said Lila, as she looked up at Kim.
Lila grabbed Marinette’s arm and marched her up to the steps.
“Okay, why are you doing this?” Asked Marinette, as Lila looked at her, “Kim’ll push the door open, hit you in the face and making you fall down the stairs and break your neck.”
As if on que, Kim pushed the door open and bounded down the stairs. Marinette stared at him, before looking at Lila, “How long has this been going on again?”
“I stopped counting on day 578.” Said Lila, guiding Marinette through the school, “You’ve been hit by cars, pushed down stairs, stabbed, shot, beheaded, set on fire, torn apart, had your head crushed and being turned into a hand puppet.”
Marinette stared at Lila, before straightening up, “Okay, anything else?”
“Monarch got your miraculous.” Stated Lila, making Marinette freeze, “I don’t care about his problems, or yours, I just want to eat something for breakfast that isn’t stale cereal.”
Marinette blinked, before swallowing, “Okay.”
Lila banged her head against the table, Marinette and Alya staring at her, “Why do you keep dying?”
“Akuma?” Suggested Alya, frowning.
“I still think this is some elaborate lie,” Said Alya and Lila together, “Lucky guess. Random Akuma. Stop that. Lila. Lila, Stop. Lila Rossi has a big forehead. Lila Rossi wets the bed. Lila Rossi sleeps with a horses head and every morning when she wakes up-”
“Okay, okay, stop!” Interrupted Marinette, grabbing their shoulders, “I believe you.”
Lila didn’t say anything, reaching out and grabbing the front of Marinette’s shirt and yanked her forwards.
A circular saw blade embedded itself into the wall where Marinette’s head had been.
“Okay,” Said Marinette, looking at Lila, “anything else that I should know about?”
Lila stared at Chloe, “She’d holding a different book.”
“Chloe’s holding a different book, she’s supposed to be holding Great Expectations, not Wind in the Willows.” Said Lila, getting up and stomping over to Chloe.
Marinette looked around, before she and Alya hastily followed her.
“Why are you holding the wrong book?!” Demanded Lila, glaring at Chloe.
“You’re supposed to be holding Great Expectations!”
“What’s going on?” Asked Ms. Mendeleiev, storming over, just as Marinette tripped over Chloe’s discarded bag, falling over and narrowly avoiding a large arrow.
“What the fuck?!” Screamed Chloe, pulling her legs up as if to avoid something.
“It’s a long-” Started Lila, just as Marinette’s head exploded, “Oh, for fucks-”
Marinette jerked as Lila jammed a helmet on her head as soon as she tripped over Chloe’s bag.
Moments later, Mendeleiev dragged the four girls out of the library and into her classroom.
“What’s going on?” She demanded, glaring at them.
“Lila says she keeps watching Marinette die.” Said Alya, pointing at the Italian, “Then she started going on about how Chloe was reading the wrong book.”
“I think there might be an Akuma.” Said Marinette, her voice slightly muffled.
“Right.” Said Mendeleiev, before pinching the bridge of her nose, “What else could it be?”
Chat stared at Marinette, surrounded by Alya, Chloe and Lila.
“You…think there’s an Akuma trying to kill Marinette?”
“There’s an Akuma who’s successfully killing Marinette.” Corrected Lila, “I’ve been living the same day for…” Lila trailed off, before she looked at her hand, “6,498 days.”
“I thought you stopped counting after day 578.” Said Alya, frowning at her.
“I started counting again after Marinette had her head explode.” Said Lila, frowning, “I just want to wake up and not worry about seeing a dead body today.”
Lila then pushed Marinette into Alya, as the ground where Marinette had been standing exploded. Chat zeroed onto the source of the shot, and launched himself towards the Akuma, landing a solid punch on the Akuma’s face. There was a cracking sound, as the porcelain mask broke, the Akuma flew away.
Marinette froze, before running off. A flash of light later, Ladybug caught the Akuma, purified it and looked at the former Akuma. It was a blond-haired, blue eyed man glaring at her and snarling.
“Let go of me, that mongrel doesn’t deserve to live!” Ladybug stared at him, before kicking him in the face.
Marinette watched her father spit his coffee out as the mug shot of the killer akuma appeared on screen, “That’s Joseph!”
“Who?” Asked Marinette looking up at Tom.
“He used to work for us, before he was arrested for some serious…charges.” Said Tom, “He’s supposed to be in prison.”
Marinette frowned, before looking at the screen, as the man, Joseph, screamed about purity and white superiority.
“What a dick.”
Lila dropped down into her seat and stared a head of her, both she and Chloe had taken to using the Akuma charms they had to ward off any future Akumatisations. Strangely, Lila felt happier not constantly talking about herself or making grandiose lies to make herself seem better.
She doesn’t dwell on what could’ve been, only that she was glad she didn’t have to eat stale cornflakes again.
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trashyangelic · 2 years
MLB Request #12
I've seen alot of Lila x Felix on Gacha Youtube but never on fanfics here in Wattpad or AO3. So I want this to happen if anyone is interested to make this.
SALT: Alya Cesaire, Caline Bustier, Adrien Agreste SUGAR: Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sanceour REDEMPTION: Lila Rossi, Nino Lahiffe, Chloe Bourgeois, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Le Chien Kim, Alix Kubdel, Sabrina Raincomprix PAIRING: Lila x Felix / Marinette x Damian / Chloe x Jon / Juleka x Rose / Kim x Alix / Nino x Cass / Sabrina x Delmar
Lila's mother decided to take her daughter away from the toxic school she been hearing about from mainly Tom & Sabine Patissiere Bakery she always goes to. She wanted her daughter to stop with her lies for once too so they move to London for her daughter to attend a new school. Where Lila meet Felix Graham de Vanily they got on a good start. Lila was shock that Felix is Adrien's cousin now thinking that she should change her attitude to Felix to gain and stay on his good side.
But what Lila didn't know that Marinette, Nino, and Chloe moved to a different new school in New Jersey so she didn't even think about it until Felix mention about Chloe's name and Marinette. Lila did feel bad for bullying Marinette she still wonder whatever happen back in her old school back in Paris.
News spread wild fire on international and social media about Lila Rossi is now dating Felix Graham de Vanily, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is dating Damian Wayne, Chloe Bourgeois is dating Jon Kent, and lastly Nino Lahiffe is dating Cassandra Cain. It appears that Sabine was a former assassin from League of Assassin with her friend Talia Al Ghul yet they stand as rivals.
As for Alya she seems to be on clutched with Lila Rossi's tales but never check her sources properly but what she doesn't know that she had a restraining order from Marinette, Lila, and Nino.
As for Adrien well he is no longer a sunshine after giving the advice to Marinette about 'high road'. He also got a restraining order from Marinette and Chloe.
Yet Marinette and Chloe still visits Paris as their alter ego to defeat Hawkmoth and Mayura with a help by Nino as well. Marinette told Nadja that Rena Rogue is no longer to be trusted with miraculos if she doesn't fact-check her sources. She does not tolerate people who are tabloids.
Marinette is the guardian of the Miraculous which means that she took the Black Cat miraculous from Chat Noir last night before leaving for her new school that her parents and Chloe's dad set up for her, Chloe, and Nino to leave Paris. She gave the Black Cat Miraculous to Damien...
But the rest is up to you!
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awholelotofladybug · 1 year
Canon vs Fanon
Canon Chloé: You two are ridiculous!
Canon Lila: Not to mention weak. You actually caved and became friends with Marinette? Pathetic.
AU Chloé: We're pathetic? Are you kidding me? I'm not the one who has to use my best friend to do my homework for me... Anymore... What's more, I have more friends, REAL friends, than you've ever had, a boyfriend who loves me, and a healthier relationship with my family.
AU Lila: And at least I embrace who I am. Your name might not even really be Lila. And I don't have to leech off a supervillain to feel important. *takes AU Chloé's hand* And my friendships are based off love and forgiveness, not lies and empty promises.
Canon Chloé: Whatever. It doesn't matter.
Canon Lila: At the end of the day, we're the originals and you're not.
AU Lila: We don't care! We still exist!
AU Chloé: And if being canon means having to be anything like you, then maybe we don't want to be! *starts to leave* And by the way, Marinette is a great friend, in yours and a lot of other universes. And I pity you because you will never know.
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a-flaming-idiot · 4 months
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They're good kids, I SWEAR!!!
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
A Little Birdy Told Me 19
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Summary:  Just another day at Gotham Academy, well, Damian wished it was. His acquaintances seem to like to make it anything but.
Damian was not having a good day despite his father’s wishes. For the record, he did try to have a good day, it’s not like he purposefully went into the school with the intent to not, but it seemed like any good luck he had had in the last couple of days (which wasn’t much mind you) ran out. The whispers were what had tipped him off to begin with, usually he could brush them off as nonsensical youth gossip and carry on but the stares coupled with the whispers put him a bit on edge. He hadn’t done anything to his knowledge to warrant the behavior he had observed when he walked in but he didn’t let it show that anything was amiss. He merely strode to his locker and dropped off his afternoon class books before shutting it and locking it swiftly. Damian had tried to be nonchalant about his locker in the beginning, but when it had been broken into in his first week he had been livid, and upgraded the security courtesy of Drake. Apparently some schoolmates just wanted a peek into the newest Wayne’s locker and see if there was anything damning they could use against his Father to sell to some tacky tabloid. Needless to say, he and his father had been less than amused and in Damian’s case, hopeful that he would not have to stay in the ridiculous establishment. 
As he had said, luck was not on his side back then, so why would it be now? 
“Oh our favorite and sometimes benevolent Ice Prince of Gotham Academy.” an annoyingly familiar voice sang out as the body it belonged to slumped against the locker next to Damian’s. “Have you heard the latest gossip, my liege?” 
“Hardy. How many times have I told you I do not listen to drivel?” Damian replied in the most monotone voice he could pull-off. The one that made Drake throw pillows at him because he disliked how robotic it made him sound. 
“Oh, of course, of course Milord. But…this “drivel” as you call it has to do with you.” Claude Hardy, active member of their drama club, well-liked, class clown and as always an avid gossiper told Damian. Damian didn’t talk to him a lot, or well, it was better to say he tried not to. With Hardy came Allegra Vogel: accomplished flutist, ballerina, the queen of gossip and his class’ president, Alan Lopez: writer, soccer player and like his friends Hardy and Vogel, a gossip and Sebastian Allaway: one of the school’s best track members and whose parents own and run The Cottage, the restaurant that replaced Bamonte’s Restaurant after Don Maroni died and The Maroni Family dissolved (assumedly). An odd group of…almost friends, more so associates maybe to him, he wasn’t sure yet if they were friends but Damian would admit they were entertaining at the least.
“Can you never just get to the point, Claude?” The newest addition to the friend group, and Damian’s associate circle asked dramatically. Damian’s gaze shifted to look over at Gotham Academy’s latest transfer Chloé Bourgeois. Nicknamed Queen Bee by the friend group, but Damian noticed she always smiled sadly when she was called that. Perhaps her friends noticed too because Queen Bee quickly shortened to just Queenie. Both nicknames were ridiculous if you asked Damian, he somewhat disliked nicknames. It was fine when Dick did it, because he did it out of affection, Jason did it to be a dick and Tim did it to be annoying. Well that was his theory in any case. 
“You missed it too Queenie!” Hardy helpfully pointed out. 
“Traffic was worse than usual but I’m not that late Drama King. English hasn’t even begun.” Bourgeois snarked back.
“Bourgeois has a point. The school day has barely begun, how have we missed anything vital?” Damian asked with a furrowed brow as he closed his locker and led the group in the direction of their English class. 
“It’s sad how you both don’t get here early enough to socialize like proper socialites,” Hardy sighed dramatically before he perked up and looked at them with a glint in his eye. One Damian was not a fan of as it often painted trouble for him. “That class exchange thing, the one Damian’s father is funding, the class arrived the other day and oh boy was Headmaster Hammer not amused!”
Damian stiffened but kept walking, the news startled him but he was not going to let it show. He could not let anyone know he knew about the class already and especially not about Marinette. “Oh? I thought they were supposed to start next week? That’s what Father said. I would also like to point out that one cannot be late to gossip as I was not here to begin with.”
“Exactly. At least Wayne has brain cells that work.” Bourgeois teased. 
“Are we teasing Claude?” And now another person was walking with them and Damian had to resist the urge to sigh loudly. It was too early to be this social. 
“Don’t we always Allegra?” Bourgeois asked as though the answer was obvious which to be fair it was. The group did tease Claude an absurd amount, but he just made it so easy. 
“Oh yes of course. How silly of me to forget.” The other blonde responded with a teasing laugh.
“Why are you guys so cruel? I’m just here, existing. I’m just a little guy.” Claude pouted. 
“You are taller than us.” Damian pointed out a bit bitterly. He was of average height for his age but it seemed like a lot of his male classmates surpassed average in grade school. 
“ANYWAY. Sir Ice Prince and Queenie, you both weren’t here on Friday-” 
“I had an appointment, I told the group this on Thursday.” Bourgeois interjected.
“I didn’t want to leave Richard alone after what happened at Wayne Tower on Thursday so my father excused me from class.” Damian threw in, in some way it was the truth. Dick had been rather…wound up after the situation at the Tower and the run in with Brat Chat hadn’t helped anything. He may be playing it off but Damian knew his older brother well and he knew that Dick was holding everything in still. So it was no surprise that Dick was sticking around Marinette more than the rest of them. He was worried about the girl, that much was clear and it didn’t take a genius to guess it was because he felt responsible for her being Fear Toxined when he was there and able to do something, but the fact of the matter was there really wasn’t much he could have done. Dick was stubborn though and would continue to blame himself until Dupain-Cheng was safe or until Damian could beat sense into him. He had no problem exercising the second option. Dick was too hard on himself. 
“That’s understandable. How is he doing?” Vogel asked softly. 
“Better.” He replied honestly. 
“I’m glad Dick is doing better, but you and Chloé really did miss one hell of an…interesting day.” Hardy continued. Damian merely hummed in response, he knew it was futile to try and argue that he was not interested because Hardy didn’t care. Or just didn’t believe him; either option was equally annoying. “Like I said, that French class the school is doing the exchange with arrived on Friday. Like the whole class. I can tell you guys now, they did not make a good impression on our dear schoolmates.”
“Oh…yeah…the class exchange. You said they’re French?” Bourgeois asked nonchalantly, though Damian could see her body stiffen as stutter as they walked before she collected herself. 
“Yeah. I thought they’d be nice to speak with. Especially this small group that had been discussing music but…” Vogel scrunched her nose up, it made her distaste well-known. Though, Vogel was not one to hide how she felt to begin with so the expression wasn’t a surprise. Especially to Damian who had knowledge of the class already and he knew he wouldn’t like most, if not all of them. “Instead of telling me about their songs and band and such they only spoke about this girl in their class. I swear, you would think she was newly Sainted or the like with how they looked at her and talked about her. It was like experiencing a cult without actually being in the cult.”
“Oh yeah. It was some real Jim Jones’ shit.” Hardy readily agreed.
“Language.” Damian couldn’t help but quip. He was too used to telling Jason, Tim and Steph that so they would have to add to Alfred’s ‘Swear Jar.’ 
“And the teacher acted like their behavior was normal!” Hardy continued as though he hadn’t heard Damian. Brat. “She acted like they were perfect little angels.”
“It was disturbing.” Vogul shook her head.
“The teacher…” Bourgeois was inspecting her nails, feigning disinterest but Damian could see the subtle shake in her hand. “What was her name?”
“Why? Think it might be your old one Queenie?” Hardy asked with a smile but the twitch of his brows told Damian he was worried about the answer Bourgeois might give. “What are the chances of that?”
“Just- What was her name, Claude?” 
“Uh, something with a ‘B.’”
“You’re beyond help Claude. How do you not remember?” Vogel asked.
“Look. In my defense, I don’t like her and I don’t pay attention to things I don’t like nor care for.”
“You’re horrible. Her name was Caline Bustier. Her class was supposed to be placed in ours but apparently now, that’s not even certain. I think I heard someone say Headmaster Hammer was not at all pleased with how they came in and demanded their schedules. I guess their class president was supposed to be present but she was not there. Word on the street and from the horse’s mouth is that she went missing after the whole Two-Face, Scarecrow situation at The Tower.” Vogel was as connected as ever. Damian was impressed she had all that info already given it had only been a few days since everything went down. Not to mention a weekend passed, which meant some of her sources were not available to talk with, or so Damian assumed. She probably had them all on speed dial for all he knew.
Another thing he observed? All of them looked at him like he had answers. He did, but he wasn’t going to say anything, it was for Marinette’s safety after all. So he sighed like he did best, “Even if I knew something, I wouldn’t tell you.”
They nodded. “Fair.” Hardy said with a shrug, he was used to those kinds of answers. He would have to be since he had been bugging Damian since he started at Gotham Academy. 
Bourgeois had stopped walking and though he wanted to just head into the classroom, it was quite literally fifteen steps away from them and if he went ahead it would be incredibly rude to ignore whatever was bothering the girl. Alfred impressed upon him how a gentleman behaved and leaving Bourgeois in this situation was most definitely against Alfred’s teachings. As though the man himself was watching him, Damian stopped walking and barely held in his complaints. His grandpa was terrifying when he wanted to be, especially when it came to manners. Damian shuddered at the memories of Alfred’s etiquette training but managed to hide it as he turned to face Bourgeois who honestly looked close to passing out right there in the middle of the hallway. “Bustier?” She gasped.
“Chloe?” Vogel asked as she placed a hand on the other blonde’s shoulder. 
“Oh my god, they are your old class.” It was a statement rather than a question from Hardy. The Style Queen Heiress’s reaction was all the answer they needed but she did give a stiff nod. The answer was…interesting to say the least but it also put Damian on edge. If that was her old class then she must have known about Lila Rossi, granted she had been at their school for about a year now but due to the family’s research, Damian knew the Lila situation had been going on for about four years. So Bourgeois had been in that class when it was happening, Damian knew the school sounded familiar, he just couldn’t remember why. He, of course, had done his own research into Chloé Bourgeois when she had been announced as the new transfer student but admittedly he hadn’t dug too far as Dick and Alfred told him that was not the way to make friends. He couldn’t help being cautious, it was a skill he had to learn very early in the League, so anyone new that came into his life he couldn't help but be suspicious of.
Honestly, he did the bare basics of a background research on Bourgeois that the fact he was being surprised by a fact he could have found out if it weren’t for ‘manners’ and ‘courtesy’, he would have found out about Bustier’s class before the exchange program was finalized. He could have prevented so many annoyances by arguing with his father about them. Though that would have meant never meeting Dupain-Cheng… he didn’t know how to feel about that. “We can speak about this after class. The bell is about to ring and I for one would rather not be counted late while I have the ability to be on time in mere steps.” Damian announces as he walked on, he would gather whatever information he could from Bourgeois at lunch, he had time. 
Chloé took a deep breath in to calm herself for what felt like the millionth time that day. Ever since she found out her former class was the one that won the spot for the Gotham Education Exchange she had felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest all day. She didn’t want to face them, she wasn’t ready to face them, ever since her move to Gotham Chloé had changed and she knew it was for the better. There was no Hawkmoth in Gotham, so no reason to not feel, and well, Jean-Claude made her go to therapy and though she found it ridiculous to begin with, she had to admit it did actually help if you put the work in. It was the end of collège for her when she realized just how absolutely miserable she was. Her parents’ fighting had gotten worse, her classmates were all sheep, she knew that before but she thought they had grown some kind of backbone when Marinette started standing up for herself but then that liar joined the class and things changed. It was terrifying to see just how fast everyone turned on the person they called their ‘Everyday Ladybug’. If they turned on her that fast, what would happen to Chloé? 
What happened was nothing she hadn’t expected. Much like Dupain-Cheng she had been sent to the back, at first she had been there with Sabrina but by 4’eme* the redhead had left her. She had the mercy of not being targeted by some of the classmates “pranks” like Dupain-Cheng had been but no one spoke to her, no one acknowledged her unless they absolutely had to. Chloé had tried to get her dad to do something about it but that was when he and her mother’s fights started getting bad and they paid less attention to her. The only one who seemed to care what was happening to her was Jean-Claude, he tried to help as best he could but there was only so much he could do. She thought Mme Bustier would do something as she had always been on her side but when Chloé tried to complain she was hit with that good old infamous ‘good example’ bullshit. It was like a slap to the face. Usually hearing that would have brought a smug smile to her face because it wasn’t her getting that talk, she was the one who got her way and the others were supposed to be the ‘good examples’. 
It threw her for a fucking loop is what it did and it sent her in a deep depression. She was so used to getting her way by throwing tantrums, throwing money or just in general throwing something someone’s way, then all of a sudden she couldn’t get her way by doing what she used to do and she was lost, utterly lost. Her mother and dad kept fighting, sometimes she expected it to get physical with how close both got to one another while shouting and maybe that was the one saving grace that never happened but she never wanted to see her mother throw her heels at her dad ever again. That was as physical as it had gotten and it scared her because one of those times one of the heels almost hit her when she tried to enter the room and beg them to stop fighting. That was the last time she tried. By her last year, 3’eme, they had at least taken to fighting with each other through their assistants and poor Jean-Claude in a ridiculous imitation of Mlle Sancoeur (she never did like when Chloé called her by her first name despite the fact she has known her since Chloé was in diapers.) But when they got lawyers involved they didn’t fight over one thing, one important thing, her. 
No. She was thrown around like the shared house furniture trying to be divided, except where they argued about who kept what piece of furniture, they argued why the other should keep her. They did it with her in the room. It was then that she realized that neither of her parents’ really loved her, oh she always knew with her mother there was never any love, but when her dad didn’t fight for her? It hurt more than she cared to admit and that was the day of her final akumatization, Folk-Tail. From pictures she had seen her hair had grown down to her feet in its ponytail but it took on the likeness of a scorpion’s tail, her skin had turned gray but it looked like she had cried after just putting on mascara that was definitely not waterproof since she had black streaks starting from her eyes going down her face, she wore what she always imagined Princess Potentilla wore when she was made to live in the small house by her jealous mother and on top of her ponytail sat a crown of forget-me-nots. The tale of Princess Potentilla and Prince Narcissus had always been her favorite fairytale. It was no surprise that her akuma had been fairytale based since at that moment in time all she had wanted was for her life to be like the fairytales Jean-Claude had often read to her. She just wanted a happy ending. 
Apparently her power was to assign roles to people, roles of famous fairy tale characters or creatures that she felt they reflected. Since she herself had been a sad reflection of Potentilla, her father was of course King Cloverleaf and her mother Queen Frivola. Those she did not personally know were given basic roles like a villager or the like. She had gotten to most of her class given they were hanging out at the park that day in celebration of their last year of collège. It was no surprise that she found out Lila had been turned into the Big Bad Wolf, what did surprise her was that she had hit Dupain-Cheng and the girl had become Melinette, the helpful, powerful fairy from her favorite story. It shouldn’t have been so surprising and yet it was. It was after she had been defeated that she reflected on it all, her akuma had been surprisingly truthful with what she herself felt but was too scared to acknowledge. Her father was only interested in what had his attention like the glory of being Mayor and his true love running his hotel much like King Cloverleaf loved being King but only because it gave him the means to hunt to his full pleasure. Her mother was a vain woman who cared too much about her reputation much like Queen Frivola who thought herself the most beautiful woman and threw the most lavish balls but when she saw the beauty of her daughter, she hid her from the kingdom out of jealousy. She had no Prince Narcissus. Yet she had Marinette, determined, helpful, kind Marinette who was very much like Melinette, the fairy who raised the Prince. 
If she had hit Hawkmoth with her ‘tail’ he for sure would have been Grumedan the Evil Enchanter. It was that akumatization and everything else going on around her that made her snap. She didn’t want to be like her mother or her father. Hell, she had spent so many years trying to be like her mother in an attempt to get the woman to just get her name right! Chloé didn’t even know who she really was but she wanted to find out and she knew that wouldn’t happen in Paris. She broke down to Jean-Claude about it all, she cried for the first time in a long time, she didn’t care if she got akumatized again, she wanted to cry, she needed to cry. That was when Jean-Claude took charge, he yelled at her parents, demanded a meeting with them and the lawyers outside of Paris because he knew emotions would be high and he demanded parental rights over Chloé. In some ways it shocked her and at the same time it didn’t because he was always the one taking care of her. He wanted her. He cared for her. Chloé had zoned out after his demand because she was just so overwhelmed, someone actually wanted her; she missed the fight and following negotiations. Since her parents didn’t want to take care of her Jean-Claude would be her parent, they wouldn’t change her name since Jean-Claude fully expected her parents to still provide for her.
Oh she knew they fought that with everything they had but Jean-Claude told her after the fact that he essentially blackmailed them. If they provided for her by sending money to her and Jean-Claude after their move and if they kept her as their heir for their respective businesses until she was old enough to decide if she wanted to take over either business, then he wouldn’t go to the media with some illegal stuff he knew had gone on and absolute neglect the put their child through. They folded quickly since there was nothing more important to Audrey and André Bourgeois than their reputations. Before she knew it, after all the necessary paperwork was completed, she and Jean-Claude moved in with his sister Margot in Gotham, New Jersey. It was quite the move and it was hard to adjust but Jean-Claude was patient with her but firm, they arrived in the summer which was the perfect time for her to start therapy apparently. She thought it would be hard adjusting to Gotham and its unique brand of crime but it really wasn’t. Costumed weirdos running around causing havoc? Old news. No Miraculous Cure? Now that, that was scary and took time getting used to. 
All in all she thought she was getting better and growing. She had friends, actual friends! She liked hanging out with them, listening to them, just in general being with them, she didn’t have to fake anything around them. Sure she had a hard time with Damian but that was just because he was so standoffish and kind of reminded her of Felix which wasn’t great but she was starting to separate the two in her mind. Though both boys were fond of their families, Damian wasn’t as conniving as Felix nor as fake, he was simply blunt and in some way it was refreshing. She liked their little odd group of friends and one acquaintance who was becoming a friend and she didn’t want anything ruining it. Especially not her old class but she was still fragile and they had the power to set her back and she didn’t want that at all. But Chloé Bourgeois was not someone who bowed to anyone and she wouldn’t start now but…she would talk to Jean-Claude about it all and maybe see if her therapist would be available for more sessions or even on speed dial. 
“Chloé?” Allegra’s voice tore through the murky fog that her thoughts had become and she finally realized she had somehow made it to their table. 
“Hey. You okay Chlo?” Sebastian asked. 
“This is about your former class, is it not?” Damian asked but the way he said it made it sound like it wasn’t a question. It made her wince.
“Damian. A little more tact next time please.” Allegra said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“But he’s not wrong is he?” Claude asked next. 
Chloé looked at her friends and tried to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat, her hands clenched and unclenched around her lunch tray that she hadn’t noticed she didn’t set down and she took in another deep breath. “I am…I’m scared. I was not the best person to them as I’ve told you all before, I was a bully. But towards the end of my years with that class things changed. They changed. They didn’t speak to me. At all. Me and Mari-another classmate, we were isolated, basically banished to the back to be all but forgotten. Well…I was. Dupai-the other classmate, she wasn’t as…fortunate?”
“Fortunate?” Allan echoed.
Chloé nodded. “I would take my fate over hers any day. I was forgotten in a way, but they did bad talk me and insult me when they knew I could hear but they never acknowledged my existence. It was like I wasn’t there in the room while they were talking. But Ma-my classmate, they bullied her, worse than I ever did and I admit I bullied her for years. While I did it out of jealousy and to just get her mad or in trouble, they did it to break her. I did nothing to help. I was going through things, yes, but that’s no excuse and I don’t know how I’m going to face any of them.” 
It was quiet. Awkwardly quiet. Chloé was close to just pushing away from the table and just storming out because everything she was feeling was too much but a small yet loud ‘Hm’ stopped her and called her attention. It came from Damian who was staring at her with his calculating eyes that gave her the creeps from time to time. It was like he was trying to pull your secrets out of you with his eyes. She stared back at him as he stared at her and leaned his elbows on the table, interlocking his fingers and resting his face on his hands. “So you know Lila Rossi. Tell me about her and everything she’s done to Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” 
Well that was not what Chloé expected him to say.
Chloe Bourgeois
School is barely halfway over and I’m already ready to call my therapist.
#imdonewithtoday #gothamacademy #itsbarelynoon 
RE: Chloe Bourgeois
[School is barely halfway over and I’m already ready…]
#Iwasnotpreparedforthatenglishtest #TTuTT 
*4'eme (3'eme) are the last two level of schooling in college (French schooling). College typically goes from ages 11-15, 4'eme is for those 13-14, 3'eme is 14-15.
Prince Narcissus and The Princess Potentilla is a fairy tale that you can read here if you would like context -> HERE
Next Chapter
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vintage-retro-queen · 7 months
Paris Reacts to Watch Us Work
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Akuma Class
Another weekend, another week without any way to watch a new episode of Total Drama.
They all were at the park, sitting there, bored out of their minds. That was until they heard a crash far away behind them. They turned to see an akuma attack from Copycat happening.
Even though Alya was excited and wanted to get great material for her blog and get Ladybug's trust to have her endorse the blog again. But when she realized and remembered that her phone was still confiscated by her parents, her excitement and happiness both went down the drain.
That was until a lava red portal appeared, and there came out Ladybug, and now seeing her new look, it looked like she combined two miraculous, one which was obviously the Ladybug earrings and the black cat ring. And along with Ladybug, was an unfamiliar girl that is dressed in a very odd outfit. They then hear the unfamiliar girl talk aloud in a deep-strong British accent. "Oy! Are you talking about us?" "And who are you?" "Your worst bloody nightmare."
The girl then throws something at Copycat that wraps around the Copycat's waist and holds him tightly. "GET OVER HERE!" the girl yelled, pulling Copycat over to her. She then aimed her hands at Copycat, which froze him into ice. The class looked shocked, surprised, and amazed at the scene they were watching.
However, the whole class was not as shocked as Adrien was when he saw Ladybug using both hers and his miraculous at the same time. And if that wasn't shocking enough, she has a new, different heroine fighting along with her and not having him have his miraculous back and save the day with her and not with some stranger.
After returning everything to normal and Theo returns to a normal Parisian citizen, Ladybug, and the unfamiliar girl does a fist pound, saying something that the class couldn't hear. They tried to head over to Ladybug, but a lot of people beat them to the punch.
"Ladybug! Who is this with you?" "All you mates, can call me Anarchia." The unknown girl, Anarchia, said, introducing herself. "How did you meet Anarchia?" "She was there for me when I was on patrol." "An armed picket-pocketer was spotted, and I quickly caught 'im 'round the same time she showed up." "She was very useful for a lot of other things aside from akuma attacks." Adrien couldn't believe that Ladybug trusted a heroine who might not be from Paris without even telling him and ever getting his consent first. "Is it true that you stopped endorsing the Ladyblog?" "Sadly, yes. Only because of various reasons. One of them is one person claiming that she is my 'best friend', which is not true because I never have any time hanging out with civilians." Alya's eyes widened after hearing that. After hearing those words come out of Ladybug's mouth, it felt like her whole world started to fall apart. However, Alya was not as shocked as Adrien was when Ladybug exposed Lila's lies. 'I thought she was going to let that go. Why can't people see that it doesn't hurt anyone?" He thought. That was until they heard Anarchia talk, "Some cottonheads never understand what the real world works and never fact checks like they are supposed to." hearing that felt like a stab to the gut to both Adrien and Alya. "Not to mention, some bloody cottonheads always lose their minds over what wanker tells them what they want to hear. That, and they never got to wake up and smell the real scent of tea to face reality." A couple of eyes widened in shock hearing that. However, before they can say anything, Anarchia continued, "However, speaking of facing reality, I do recommend this brilliant site and app I have endorsed back in London. It is called Face Reality. Because I have heard they are having some of their best reporters start here in about the next week." Alya's eyes widened upon hearing that. Face Reality was one of the world-known news blog-media industries for children, teens, and young adults. Not to mention her competition for the title of Best Blog-Media in the news world. "Are you kidding me?!" she gawked in disbelief. They all tried to get to Ladybug to see what she was doing with a different heroine. But as soon as they got to the two, the sun was already setting, and Ladybug's earrings started beeping. "Well, I say it is time for us to leave. Good day." Anarchia said, grabbing some keys, pressing one button that summons a black motorcycle, automatically driving to her, and stopping and staying by her side. As Anarchia gets on, she drives off along with Ladybug, as she uses her yo-yo, saying a quick 'Bug out', and the two leave. "Ladybug, wait!"
Unfortunately, it was too late, and the two were gone.
When Monday came around once again, they all heard the rest of the students chattering about the new episode of Total Drama.
"I'm so happy for Marinette!"
"I know, she's now one of them. That's amazing!"
"Her mom and dad must be very proud of her right now."
"Yeah, and her diary box was such a blessing in disguise."
"Yeah, and thank goodness too. Who knows what would've happened if it didn't trap Heather's hand."
"And Harold's music playing was awesome. Sure beats you know who's."
"And the MetaBetas performing there? They were amazing."
"Yeah, especially their hoodies. They look so cool!"
"More like epic if you ask me."
"You should've seen Duncan's face when he saw Marinette onstage."
"Yeah, the guy looked like one of those guys who has his eyes on the girl of his dreams."
"Not to mention the drooling he was doing."
"Honestly, I think Trent would be a perfect match for her."
"Yeah, he snagged an extra muffin for her."
"And he sang a song all about her. And it was actually for her too! So romantic!"
The class groaned and whined about how it was unfair that they got to watch the new episode and they couldn't. Even Adrien thinks it is unfair. Not to mention that Ladybug has his miraculous and has a new partner siding with her. And if that wasn't bad enough, Ladybug exposed Lila in the worst possible way. He knows that when the time comes, he will have his miraculous back and try to make Ladybug see the light and ditch that wannabe partner, Anarchia.
Celebrities + Friends and Family
It was another special weekend for all of the celebrities, friends, and families in Paris, France.
They're all getting together at the hotel, getting ready to watch the new episode of Total Drama. As they were all getting together, they were not even unaware of a familiar blonde ponytail girl getting ready to watch the new episode herself.
Two weeks ago, she noticed a lot of people coming to the hotel very often. At first, both she and her father thought that the people needed a place to stay, but when Chloe started to hear that Marinette was sent to a camp in Muskoka against her will by their classmates, that was where she drew the line. She even gives Adrien a friendship suspension until he learns to grow up and face the real world after demanding the whole truth from him, which causes him to fess up everything to her and Sabrina. Sabrina couldn't even believe it herself after hearing the whole truth from Adrien. And since Chloe was still mad at Adrien for letting Lila get off scot-free without any consequences, she decided to give Sabrina a break from everything and deal with things her way. Sabrina was surprised since this was the first time she saw this new side of Chloe, but Sabrina knew that it was only because of Lila's tactics she took it. However, Sabrina was still surprised about this new side of Chloe. Chloe told her father everything, and he couldn't believe it himself. As a result, he sent out the board of governors and education to investigate College Francois Dupont and sent the students of the school to another school that has the highest security and staff members that will have students full-on under surveillance until then. The mayor and Chloe herself were surprised to know that they were not the only ones who had called the board since a bunch of other concerned students and families were aware of it all as well. And since Sabrina once told the mayor about most of their classmates talking down about some people and some things both in person and online via social media, he not only sent temporary transfer notices to the families, he also sent another notice to all the families about checking on their kids and their electronic devices to see if they're doing anything bad without any of them knowing. 'I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Dupain-Cheng definitely deserves better than all of this. Besides, nobody messes with Dupain-Cheng's life but me! What those losers did was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!' she thought to herself with a huff while changing channels to the one that shows Total Drama.
Meanwhile, with everyone else, as they are getting ready to watch the new episode, Luka is talking to Zoe, Mirelle, Aurore, Kagami, Marc, Soqueline, Jessica, Aeon, and Fei about their call with Marinette and her friends in Muskoka. They all talked about how amazing Marinette was doing there and how the campers there were really good friends for her. All except Heather since they now know her true colors. However, they were glad that Lucy was officially the one to put Heather in her place, even if it was with her anger getting the best of her. After their talk, the show finally starts.
"Last time on Total Drama Island, the Killer Bass finally dodged their pathetic losing streak against the Screaming Gophers. There were bruises, tears, risky moves, and dangerous alliances. And in the end, it was Noah, the Know-it-All, who didn't see it coming." "Well, I can understand that he's not a sports person, but he could've shown some spirit or something at least." one of the fame-rising football (soccer) players said, shrugging their shoulders. "Well, everyone has their own opinion and choice of things." another one said. "This week, another challenge will send one more camper on a cruise to Loserville, population...four. Who will sink and who will stay afloat? Find out right now on Total Drama Island."
After watching its usual theme, they watched as they now see Lucy and Marinette on the steps of the Killer Bass cabin, reading, scribbling away on a sketchpad, and listening to music. "There she is! There's my favorite little lady!" Jagged cheered. They then hear someone speak on the radio. "Alright! That was Start Again by Alayah. This next one was from 1995. A love song for the late lucky girl and New Rustale's beloved sweetheart, Luci Grassette. This is Our Perfect Love by Perfection Division in 198.5 EPIC!" "Oh! I love that song!" "I hear it's good." "I haven't heard that in a long time." "Man, I miss hearing Perfection Division." a lot of the celebrities, parents, grandparents, and other adults explained, remembering the song and band. Hearing all of that from the adults got all of the children and teenagers now intrigued about the song and band. They then quiet down as the song starts on the show.
This one's for you, Miss Grassette!
Our love for you is like the most perfect,
Your face reminds us of your gorgeous self,
Together, we are like Vicki and J.D.
Oh darling Luci,
Our beautiful,
Our glamorous,
Our perfect companion to our longing-yearning souls.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
We love our perfect times,
But not as much as we love being with you!
Oh darling Luci,
Your eyes are like our favorite candy that will never fail, You're like the most beautiful princess to ever walk New Rustvale
Your loving pretty face,
Your breathtaking soul,
Your gorgeous eyes,
Your glamorous princess being...
How can we look at another when our perfect love is so strong?
We love you Miss Grassette!
"Man, it feels good to hear Perfection Division, their singing, and Our Perfect Love again." "I know, right? It's been years since I heard their songs." "Years? For me, it feels like centuries." "Luci was so lucky to have a song about her." "She was." "That was pretty catchy." "It was, wasn't it?" "I can see why our families love it." "Yeah." Socqueline smiles as they all complimented about the song and band she and her family listened to back at the family store.
"Alright! That was Perfection Division! Can you feel the love? Because I certainly can."
"Yeah, that was a great song," Marinette commented. "Yeah. That Luci girl must've been so lucky to be featured in a song like that." "Yeah...she was." all of the teenagers and children in the room then turn to notice their families and other adults' faces looking down and sad. Some with sad smiles and some with a single tear or two falling from their face and onto the floor. Before any of them ask what happened to Luci Grassette, they hear the guy on the radio talking still. However, the guy talked in a heartbroken, melancholy, and grieving tone. "You know, it's hard to believe that it's been twenty-something years since we lost all the five members of Perfection Division in a horrific hit and run." The teenagers and the children were shocked to hear that. "That's awful." one of the girls said, putting her hand to her heart in a heartbreaking way. "It was," Nadja said mournfully, holding her daughter Manon tightly. Manon felt sorry for the people losing a great boy band and a girl who was a respected member of the community and loved by all, even people from all over the world, along with her (Luci Grassette) older brother. After a moment of silence for the late girl and the late boy band, they all hear Chris McLean talking on the loudspeakers. "All right, campers, enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of." "Welp, time to get going, Nettie," Lucy said, getting up and closing her book with a 50s diner-themed bookmark in the pages she was in. Marinette nods and gets up from her spot as well. They all then watch as the scene changes from the girls getting up from the steps of the Killer Bass cabin to a stage. "Are we gonna see a musical? I love musicals. Especially, the ones with singing and dancing." Lindsay said, feeling excited. "Um, that's exactly what musicals are, Lindsay." "Marinette, saved you a seat." Trent said, making Marinette and Lucy walk to him and Gwen. "Oh, thank you, Trent," Marinette said happily. Marinette sat down next to him while Lucy sat down next to Gwen, and the two girls started having a conversation about their favorite horror films. The four of them were not even aware of Cody trying to impress the girls but ended up falling on his seat, yet still trying to look cool.
Chris then got everyone's attention and talked to them: "Welcome to our brand-new, deluxe, state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater. Okay, this week's challenge is a summer camp favorite: a talent contest." "Yes! Awesome," said Owen. They all then see Lucy's eyes widen in surprise. They all looked confused about why she looked surprised until they then watched her confessional. "Well, that was unexpected. I haven't performed in a while since the last tour incident when the MetaBetas and I were performing in a small town. We were finished with our performance and when my friends and I were ready to head into the bus, some people were talking while we were walking. They were talking about, I don't know what, but frankly, I don't even want to know. At least, and as long as it doesn't involve me in any more dramatic situations than it did back in freshman year. But anyway, it sure has been a while performing. I honestly can't remember the last time I performed, really." "Huh, that is weird." "Yeah, I wonder what those people were talking about." "I guess we'll never know." "Yeah, but I do know that it's true that it sure is a while since Lucy and the other MetaBetas performed." "That's right. I think the last concert the girls did was last summer, I believe." Penny said, trying to remember when the last time the MetaBetas performed. After that, they continued watching the show.
"Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." Chris explain, signing a 'Got my eyes on you' to Duncan, causing him to snap his fingers with a frown. "I wonder what Duncan was thinking about doing?" "I don't know. I just hope it's nothing bad." "Hope not." Chris continued, "You will be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J., V.J., and rap legend, grand...Master Chef who will show his approval via the Chef-o-Meter. The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck." with that, Chris headed off the stage.
After that, they watched as Heather blew a whistle. "Okay, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work," she said until Gwen cut her off. "Wait, who said you were team captain?" "She did. Just now," said Lindsay. "Lindsay, Beth, and I took a vote, and I won." "Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic." "I'm with the bambina on that," Lucy said, agreeing with Gwen. "You said it, girls." one of the celebrity girls said, crossing her arms. That was until they saw Trent walk over to Marinette, holding a muffin in his hand. "Hey, snagged you an extra muffin." "Oh, thank you," Marinette said. They all smile at that scene until Beth then walks over to them, talking to Marinette and Lucy. "Hey, Lucy, Marinette. Chris was hoping to talk to you about something. He's saying that there's an urgent call from someone." "Oh, jeez. It better not be about Slick and Brutus trying to get all the action figures in stores to find another legendary collectible again. I swear those two just won't knock it off." Lucy said, unamused, as she and Marinette headed over to the location Beth gave them. After they leave, Heather starts talking to Trent. "Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?" "Right on. Go for it." Trent said with sarcasm. "Good. Beth, Lindsay, and I will be the judges."
After watching some of them do their special talents, the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends suddenly heard a crash coming from outside; they all looked to see that it was another Akuma attack happening from none other than Copycat. Again. As they all watch as the akumatized person attacks the city, demanding Ladybug and Chat Noir's arrival and surrender, they notice a lava-red portal appearing. There, they see Ladybug come out of it. They looked surprised to see her come out of a portal that they had never seen before. Not to mention that she has a different look because, from the looks of it, they see that she is using both her miraculous and the black cat miraculous.
They understand that she's using both of them only because she announced once that Chat Noir is permanently retired due to various personal reasons. Of course, a lot of people respect that since someone shared video proof of Chat Noir being incompetent and not saving others in the past akuma attacks, such as the Syren debacle, the second Gigantitan incident where Gigantitan threw Ladybug's Lucky Charm at a room in the Dupain-Cheng bakery, which turned out to be Marinette's bedroom, and the last one where the akumatized person shot some bullets that stopped people and make them freeze like statues, unlike him, Ladybug saved some from getting shot and getting them into safety while he just did nothing but pout and sulk about Ladybug not accepting his love. Looking back, some felt disgusted about themselves for thinking that the two were a cute couple and they were an item. After all of that, Ladybug got the cat miraculous back from Chat Noir and has used it along with her miraculous ever since.
However, the only thing they don't understand is how the portal appeared and why Ladybug was using it. That was until they saw an unfamiliar girl walking out of the portal after Ladybug.
"Who is that?"
"I have never seen this one before?"
"Is she a new partner of Ladybug's?"
"I don't think she has a miraculous on her."
They then quiet down their chatter when they hear the new girl calling out aloud in a deep-toned, strong-British accent. "Oy! Are you talking about us?" "And who are you?" "Your worst bloody nightmare."
The girl then throws something at Copycat that wraps around Copycat's waist and holds him tightly. "GET OVER HERE!" the girl yelled, pulling the Copycat over to her. She then aims her hands at Copycat, which froze him into ice.
Everyone looked shocked, surprised, and amazed at what they were seeing with their very eyes. "Whoa! Did you see that?!" "She stopped the akumatized villain easily and faster than ever!" "That's a new record right there!"
After Ladybug turned everything back to normal, all of the celebrity newscasts, media, and press quickly ran out of the hotel for a quick interview of Ladybug and her new partner. When they got to her, they asked the two a lot of questions. "Ladybug! Who is this with you?" "All you mates, can call me Anarchia." The unknown girl, Anarchia, said, introducing herself to them all. "How did you meet Anarchia?" "She was there for me when I was on patrol." "An armed picket-pocketer was spotted, and I quickly caught 'im 'round the same time she showed up."
"She was very useful for a lot of other things aside from Akuma attacks." they were all very impressed with this new heroine, even when she seemed to be from another country, and whether it was an Akuma attack or not, Anarchia was very useful to stop it. "Is it true that you stopped endorsing the Ladyblog?" "Sadly, yes. Only because of various reasons. One of them is one person claiming that she is my 'best friend', which is not true because I never have any time hanging out with civilians." hearing that was very understandable. Knowing that Ladybug would never have time for anything else. Mr. Ramier and others who were having their troubles, maybe, but a civilian saying that they are best friends, which is not even true, and possibly putting a target on themselves without even knowing, that was another story that was a whole other bad level. Anarchia then tsks, saying, "Some cottonheads never understand what the real world works and never fact checks like they are supposed to." 'Ain't that the truth.' one of the news interns thought. "Not to mention, some bloody cottonheads always lose their minds over what wanker tells them what they want to hear. That, and they never got to wake up and smell the real scent of tea to face reality." 'You said it, Anarchia.' another one thought to himself. 'Tell it, girl.' the third one thought to herself. "However, speaking of facing reality, I do recommend this brilliant site and app I have endorsed back in London. It is called Face Reality. Because I have heard they are having some of their best reporters start here in about the next week." they were all intrigued with the recommendation Anarchia told them. They continued with the questioning with Ladybug and Anarchia until sunset, and Ladybug's earrings started beeping. "Well, I say it is time for us to leave. Good day." Anarchia said, grabbing some keys, pressing one button that summons a black motorcycle, automatically driving to her, and stopping and staying by her side. As Anarchia gets on, she drives off along with Ladybug, as she uses her yo-yo, saying a quick 'Bug out', and the two leave. The newscasts, media, and press also left, happy that they had an interview with Ladybug and her new partner Anarchia, not even aware of some people running and stopping behind them.
As they all head back into the room, satisfied with their interview with the two heroines, the show was still on. However, they missed almost half of the show. "What did we miss?" one of the intern reporters asked. "Not much, really. Although I think the Killer Bass are going to lose this one for sure." one of the wunderkind rappers said, crossing their arms. They then see that Trent is next. "This one goes out to someone special here at camp. Last name initials, D and C." everyone's eyes widened in surprise hearing that. Even though they can tell that most of the campers on the show are more focused on winning the challenge, the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends know who Trent is talking about. Luka and Kagami could tell that Gwen knew about it as well after seeing her smile proudly at him while crossing her arms. After hearing the song, they were all amazed. They were so amazed that they even applauded Trent along with the other campers. They all then decided to take a quick snack break and continue watching the show later. As they snack down, they talk about Trent's song for Marinette.
"That song was amazing."
"Yeah, Trent did wonderful there."
"That was so sweet of him singing a song for Marinette."
"Marinette must be really lucky by now."
"Yeah, and I wonder what's taking her and Lucy so long though."
"I don't know. They're sure taking a while with that phone call."
"Maybe it is about those two Slick and Brutus guys and the action figures."
"Oh boy. I can't imagine what that phone call is like right about now."
"It's probably for the best we don't wanna know."
After their opinion and the snack break, they continued watching the show.
"Welcome back! Okay, so in a strange turn of events, Bridgette's chunk-blowing test registered two thumbs up by Grandmaster Chef." "Bridgette's what blowing?" "I think it's best to leave that unquestionable." "But it's not enough to pull ahead of the Screaming Gophers who hold the lead with Trent's love song. So without further delay, here she is for the leaders...Heather." when Heather appears, she explains that she's going to read something. And then, reveals a box that is holding a book. Tom and Sabine's eyes widened when they realized what that book really was... "THAT'S MARINETTE'S DIARY!" they all gasped in shock and fear, worried that Heather might read something humiliating from Marinette's diary. However, as Heather places her hand on the diary, the box quickly closed in a milisecond, trapping her hand inside along with the said diary. And when it did, Heather started screaming. Even though they should wince from Heather's hand getting stuck, Gwen, the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends all sigh in relief, knowing that Marinette's secrets are safe from Heather's scheming grasp. They all then watch Marinette's and Lucy's confessionals.
"Probably should've warned the girls that I have a box for my diary. But in this case, I'm glad I brought the box with me." "Glad you did, Marinette," Socqueline said, with Luka, Fei, Zoe, Kagami, and Tomoe nodding in agreement. "I guess one of them must've told her what happened while she and Lucy were having that phone call." one of the gaming celebrities guessed. "See, that's exactly why I don't bring a diary around me anymore. What Heather did, that's the reason." "I can't imagine what happened."
"Alright, it's down to the final act of the night," Chris announced. "Can Geoff and his rad stunts turn it around?...I seriously doubt it. Let's find out." "Why would he think that?" Just then, they see Geoff jump and break his skateboard. "Oh, that's why." "Now what? We have to send someone out there, or we're going to lose this." Bridgette said. They then watch as Marinette walks in. "There she is!" "Boy, that must've been a really long phone call." "Hey, guys." "Marinette! Thank goodness you're here. You and Lucy got to help us!" Bridgette said. "Katie and Sadie are covered in barf." "That only leaves Tyler, Duncan, or Harold. We already know Tyler stinks. What can Duncan do again?" "Carve a picture of his own skull into a tree?" "Oh, that's what Chris was talking about." a famous nature activist said, now understanding. "How the heck is going to do so in a stage when the trees are planted to the ground?" one of the wunderkinder questioned, looking not surprised. "What are we going to do?" Courtney asked, panicking. Geoff then noticed. "Wait, where's Marinette?" Bridgette and Courtney now noticed that he was right that Marinette wasn't there anymore. "Where did she go?" Just then, they all hear music playing. They watched Bridgette and Courtney look to see Harold start playing some music with his keyboard. The spotlights then shine on four girls, which turn out to be Marinette, Lucy, and the two girls of the MetaBetas, Angie and Malviña. Who are otherwise known as Miss Maleficent and Queen Red Hood. Everyone looked shocked and surprised to see them onstage. That was when the girls started singing.
Lucy: Never gets old no matter how much I'm told I'm amazing
Angie: You're amazing
Lucy: It's hard to get tired when I'm always on fire I'm blazing
Angie: Ooh, you're blazing
Malviña: All my greatness. It doesn't come for free. All my talent. It doesn't grow on trees. Take a breather. They'll take it all away.
Marinette: If the top is where you wanna stay
All Four: You gotta work hard. To make it look easy. You gotta live fast. To keep making that money. If you want to be as famous as me. You gotta work, gotta work, gotta work. Watch me work.
Everyone looked surprised and amazed, seeing Marinette perform with the MetaBetas, while the campers, too, looked surprised. Their singing and dancing were all in sync. They were even surprised with their outfits. They were wearing hoodies in their colors. Angie in purple, Malviña in black, Lucy in navy blue, and Marinette in pink. On the back of their hoodies have their logos in silver, and their stage names in rhinestones.
Angie: Haters want to be me or be with me yeah, they're fr-fr-fr-freaking
Lucy: Yeah, they're freaking
Angie: I just keep on working, lurking, smirking when they think that I'm peaking
Lucy: Never peaking, yeah
Malviña: All my greatness. It doesn't come for free. All my talent. It doesn't grow on trees. Take a breather. They'll take it all away.
Marinette: If the top is where you wanna stay
All four: You gotta work hard. To make it look easy. You gotta live fast. To keep making that money. If you want to be as famous as me. You gotta work, gotta work, gotta work. Watch me work.
After they ended their performance with a pose of their choice, there was a quick pause in the audience in front of them until the campers all started to cheer for their performance. Everyone else also cheered and applauded the five for their outstanding performance.
Chris then walks up to them, clapping. "Wicked music playing, dude. And MetaBetas, a very outstanding performance." "Hey, it's what we do." Malviña said, "And a perfect way to help endorse Total Drama." Angie added. "Especially with our newest member of the MetaBetas. Our very own Knitting Fairy." Lucy happily announced, wrapping an arm around Marinette. Marinette giggles as she waves to the others, causing them to cheer more about Marinette now being a new member of the idol group. Everyone cheered as well. "Alright, Marinette!" "Our little girl, a new member of an idol group!" "That's my Marinetta!" Marinette's friends cheered, feeling very happy for her. "And we would like to thank Harold for taking part in aiding our performance." Harold smiled and nodded to the girls as thanks and a way of saying 'happy to help.' "Congratulations, Marinette, for now being in their group. And check it out. Grandmaster Chef has declared his winner. Even though they held the lead, the Screaming Gophers have been trampled by the Killer Bass."
After a while of cheering, they all headed home for the night, still feeling happy for the girl for both winning the challenge for the team and being a new member of the MetaBetas. Meanwhile, in her bedroom, Chloe still watches the show, not surprised to know that Heather got some of the campers to vote off Justin. But she then watches Gwen's confessional. "If that evil little cow thinks she's getting away with this scot-free, she has another thing coming." Chloe then watches as Gwen knocks on the guys' side of the Killer Bass door. Harold answers, and Gwen asks him, "Did you say you brought a red ant farm with you?" "Yes." After that, while everyone was asleep, Heather ran out of the Screaming Gophers cabin, covered in red ants, screaming and trying to get them off of her. Chloe then laughs at Heather while she trips and falls. "Serves you right, Heather! Nobody messes with Dupain-Cheng but me!" she said.
??? & ???
The two of them watch as Lucy squints her eyes, trying to sleep while Heather is still screaming. "Man, I thought I was done with this when I was at that sleepover with Kit, Mills, Jade-Jade, and Sonya." she whisper-mumbled while putting her pillow over her head in order to drown the noise. "I can never forget the time she ranted on about what they did." one of them said, remembering the times she ranted. The second one nodded as they looked at the tablet that showed the account of Lucy and the rest of the MetaBetas. "At least we now know how to get in touch with her. Call the number. With this, we will finally get to her." "Of course."
Desc Prologue Get to Know My OC Chpt 1 Reactions Pt 1 Chpt 2 Reactions Pt 2 Chpt 3 Reactions Pt 3 Chpt 4 Chpt 5 Reactions Pt 5
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