#Like steam punk goggles
the-kr8tor · 4 months
Could we get some chill fluffy writing/hcs of hobie with an S/o that likes hanging out with minimal talking? Yknow just sharing their space and feeling safe :3? ❤️❤️❤️
S'cute!! Thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, FLUFF!
You enter his workspace with a blanket trailing behind you, a thick encyclopedia-like book in the crook of your arm, and two mugs of steaming tea. The door was already open, a sign that Hobie openly invites you in. He feels your presence immediately, taking his eyes off from the contraption he's been tinkering with for hours, he senses that you want to be near him without interrupting his flow of work. To which he's most grateful for, he'd hug you if not for the high voltage tech he's handling.
“Plannin’ on stayin’, lovie?” Hobie asks, goggles fitted on his eyes, rubber gloves on his hands that he silently curses at because he can't hold you with it on— and because of the electricity coursing through his tools.
“Mm-hmm.” You nod, placing his cup on another table, safe from all his tools and thingamabobs. “Can I?”
“‘course.” You smile sweetly, leaning slightly, lips puckered up and head tilting questioningly. Hobie chuckles, and without another word, he purses his lips to meet with yours.
Your lips feel slightly tingly, you guess it's from the electricity. Nonetheless, you gladly kiss back even though it was quicker than you'd like. It's for your own good you bet as he beams up at you, goggles making him look a thousand times cuter than he already is. (which you thought was impossible at first) His brown eyes are all big and round, a sight that has you giggling and wanting to kiss him more. But alas, he has to continue working so that you have the rest of the day with him.
“I'll be there in a bit, yeah?” He whispers to you, matching your energy, and you immediately want to kiss him back for it. Fighting the urge to hold you, he returns to his work.
You nod, walking quietly to the cozy armchair that he specifically placed for you. It's a deep green colour, just looking at it brings you at peace. Laying your mug in the cup holder (which he installed for you) you wrap yourself with the blanket, perfectly tucking yourself in. With your book opened on your lap, you begin to relax whilst the soft whirs of Hobie's tools fills your ears.
You read while he works quietly, just two people living in comfortable silence. And loving each other in the same room but in different corners of it, it's love all the same.
Mug now empty, and belly fully warmed up, you're on page 210 when you feel him snuggle up to you. Hobie sits on the arm of the seat, body slightly folded to accommodate for your own; chin tucked atop your shoulder, lips brushing along your cheek. His arm finds its place wrapped along your middle, palm splayed over your stomach that he has since moved the blanket and your shirt over to feel you closer. Skin still warm, skin still making you giddy after all these years. His other hand meets with the other, fingers linking together, properly warming you up and embracing you like a burrito.
You lean close to Hobie, pulling him impossibly closer by the ribbons on his sweatpants. He chuckles against your skin, pressing a quick affectionate peck on your shoulder. You inhale his presence, he smells of steel and the green tea you've made him earlier.
For a minute, you two just sit there, you read and he watches your expression change depending on the paragraph you're reading. You suddenly sigh longingly, curious, Hobie follows your line of sight, reading it silently with you.
Hobie scoffs in place, rolling his eyes at the passage you're currently on. He points at the exact sentence that's full of pining and longing from the main character. You look at him as he points to himself right after, making a face that says ‘can’t be me, love’ and his hand gesturing a slash across his neck.
You raise an eyebrow, wordlessly saying, ‘you sure about that?’ Poking his chest, you shake your head with a smile and then you point at the same passage in the book repeatedly. ‘this was literally you, Hobie’
He shakes his head, mirroring you, ‘no, ‘m not.’
You correct him with a simple gesture that you know will have him melting into you further. And you winning the ‘argument’ Holding his cheek with one hand, thumb pressing softly on his chin, you lean forward, eyes slowly shutting close, lips reaching for his own.
Of course he'd chase your lips, especially when you flutter your eyelashes at him like that! His hands fly towards your own face, tenderly holding you close. Your lips brush along his, but before he could finally close the small distance, you move away with a smug smile. Hobie's mouth is agape, feigning offense. He follows where your finger points at the book where the main character literally did what he just did, chasing down his love interest’s lips like a thirsty man stranded in the desert.
You lovingly poke him again. ‘it’s you’
He sighs, defeated, ‘it's me.’
You're not a monster, so with all your heart, you continue what you didn't do just a moment ago. Wrapping your arms around him just like he did to you, you kiss him just like in the books you devour, you devour him also. To which Hobie clearly indulges himself in.
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tnoy-kara-xis · 4 months
[Thunder rumbled in a dark corner of the Black and White. Glitch had been looking for what felt like an eternity and still felt no closer to finding the right timeline. Lightning sparked out of their data form erratically.]
[ Tnoy Karaxis felt the pressure as thunder roared, a smirk slowly stretches across the man’s face. He shifted into his human form, with yellow spiky hair, steam punk styled goggles. At this point, covered head to toe in yellow. ]
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shelbgrey · 1 year
When will the emmet series be updated?
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 21: is she even Italian?
Table of contents
Tags: @zudooms @demogorgon-master1 @misscaller06 @marouasabir @f-1-maniac
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--------(Emmett's pov)--------
It was early in the afternoon, y/n asked me to pick Owen up from the library while she got dinner ready with the girls. Apparently he's been spending a lot of time there. I thought he'd be waiting outside for me, hut I was wrong. I when I drove up to the parking lot and turned off my Jeep's engine, Owen came racing out of the building while a couple of other guys chased him.
I was seething with anger as I watched the three guys chase and torment him. I quickly got out of the jeep, slamming the door so hard I'm suprised it didn't break. I tried to walk fast as humanly possible as the three guys cornered him. 
“Hey!” I shouted to the three kids. They were laughing and poking and pushing Owen around while the third one held on to the callor of his flannel. The one what kept pusing him had ripped off the steam-punk goggles he wore all the time off of him and put them on in a mocking manner, he had always had them on his neck no matter if it matched what the was wearing. He told me his grandfather and dad where into the steam-punk style and the goggles ment everything to him.
Even if we weren't exactly close yet, I could help but feel my blood boil with anger, and I could only imagine what y/n would have done if she saw thing. He was like a brother to me just like Edward was to y/n. As I got closer all I could here was their degrading comments.
“Aw is he gonna cry?” one laughed.
“he's such a wimp” one laughed. The third one tightened his grip on Owen's flannel as he tried to make his escape by the. He tossed him up against the wall making the side of his face collide with the bricks.
“HEY!” I shouted
Owen was shaking and he was trying to throw punches. “Leave me alone” he stuttered.
“or what?” one mocked. “gonna tell your father? Oh wait you can't”
“hay!” I said pushing one of them to the side, he tumbled backwards with no same of what he was just doing.
“what the hell do you think your doing?” I said grabbing another one by the hood of his jacket. Knowing they were kids I did my best to not through them acrossed the property.
“nothing” the other mumbled as he tumbled backwards but didn't fall.
“you got a problem Cullen?” the one who stole the goggles smirked. He actually acted like he though he was a badass and had done nothing wrong. I snapped my head towards him.
“yeah I there is” I snapped as I snatched the goggles of his face, he jerked back as I looked between the three kids.
They laughed and I grabbed the ring leader by the collar of his sweater. “okay, here's the thing... If you or anyone else touch him again I'll bash all your heads in”
I pushed him backwards and he grumbled as the other three stepped forward like they were gonna do something. I stepped forward, blocking their way to Owen. “what are you gonna do? Really?” I asked. They looked around not really knowing. I slightly lunged at them and they scurried away.
I turned around after they left and check to make sure Owen wasn't hurt. He sighed and leaned forward taking his steam punk goggles out of my hand.
“you okay?” I asked. he nodded, putting the goggles on his neck, Owen refused to look up at me. I sighed putting my hand on his shoulder. “look all you have to do is stand up to them once and they'll go away. If they see your stronger than them they'll find something else to do with they're pathetic lives”
He nodded. "thanks" he mumbled, just by the sound of his voice I could tell he didn't believe me. I really didn't believe what I was telling him either, kids were assholes and there's nothing anyone could do about it.
I smiled anyway and nodded to him. “come on, we're going to my place, your sister will be worried about us if we're gone any longer.” Owen nodded walking to the jeep with me.
“don't tell y/n... Or Charlie, please” I gave him a confused look as I started the engine. I sighed and pulled into the road. “look, I understand, but what if it continues and your sister will be pissed when she finds out you've been hiding this”
“it'll only make it worse” he turned to me with a soft look in his eyes. “and I know your trying to make me feel better, but common you probably have never been pushed around like that. People would be stupid to screw with you”
“why? Because I'm a big guy?” I asked, looking at him briefly before turning back to the road. “it's rough all over Owen, people will bully you no matter what. I used to get bullied because my size, I was bigger than everyone else... Then when Carlisle adopted me the whispering didn't stop. I know how to shut out the judgment pretty well and not give a crap, but when people stare at Alice and call her weird or make fun of Jasper because of his expressions... That's what bothers me”
“being a freak is better than being an ass hole that picks on people” I added. Owen chuckled. “I guess I can handle being a freak”
~~~~~~~~(1st pov)~~~~~~~~
“Hey, guys we're back” Emmett shouted, I looked up from the recipe me and Carlisle were reading as Emmett and my brother came into the kitchen.
“Hey, Boys. Find anything at the library?” I asked Owen. He shrugged and put his backpack on the floor.
“no, they didn't have To Kill A Mockingbird, apparently it was already checked out” Owen said. He then turned to the family and awkwardly waved. “I'm Owen by the way”
Carlisle got from the the counter we were setting at and held his hand out. “Carlisle, and I have the book if you want to barow it”
Owen smiled genuinely. It was the first time he asked like was comfortable around an adult that wasn't Uncle Charlie. “thanks, that would be awesome”
Esme was next to great him, she held her natural motherly smile and pulled him in for a hug. “so nice to finally meet you”
Owen smiled as he pulled away from the hug. He then tuned to me, I gave him a smile and handed him a recipe. “well, now that your here you can help us”
Owen nodded and I turned around and started to pre-heat the oven, after I pushed in the right temperature I started to boil the water for the noodles. “when was the last time you guys actually cooked?” I asked Carlisle. Emmett chuckled as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“it's definitely been awhile” carlisle chuckled. “we didn't have all the stuff you have”
“yeah, but you had stuff she doesn't have” Emmett said. “yeah like dinosaurs and moses” I snickered.
Carlisle rolled his eyes playfully while Emmett's muffled his laughs as he nuzzled his face in between my shoulder and neck.
“I'm glad your comfortable enough here now. I love hearing you can say theses things to carlisle, it bring me joy that you make fun of his age” Jasper chuckled as he walked into the kitchen.
I chuckled as Emmett leaned down again and kissed m neck. We then pulled apart by the sounds of clapping. “come on love birds we got a lot to do! Chop chop” Alice said skipping into the kitchen, pulling Jasper towrds the window. Stefan was quick to follow the couple.
“We're going hunting real quick before Edward comes back with Bella” Alice said. I nodded as I watched the three of them disappear deep into the woods.
After awhile most of the family was in the kitchen pitching in, thank God it was a big kitchen or else it would be freaking crowed.
While I was helping Carlisle with the pasta sauce, Emmett came up to us playing with a knife. “anything I can do?”
“you can mince the garlic” I said. He looked confused as I set a head of unpealed garlic infront of him. “I don't know what that means.”
I was about to explain but Esme sighed and started to shout for the two missing family members. “Rosalie come in here and help! You too Damon!” Esme shouted.
“Yeah! Quit with the tonsil hocky!” Emmett added which earned him a slap in the arm by Esme.
Rosalie sighed as she looked around. “is she even Italian? Are you guys Italian?” she asked turning to me.
“her names Bella” Emmett said trying to peal the garlic, he got frustrated and slammed the piece of garlic on the cutting board then slammed his fist on it.
“got It!” Emmett smirked and dumped all the smashed up garlic cloves in the sauce Carlisle was working on.
“I'm sure she'll love it no matter what” carlisle said throwing the chicken into the frying pan.
“she better, you know how hard it is to find Romano cheese around here?” I asked, checking heat on the stove. Carlisle moved to the side as I made sure he wasn't burning anything. “you can turn the stove off Doc, it's done” I said, he turned it off and I got a big wiff of Bella. I hated the fact my sences were Hightened after I phased.
“ew, get a wiff of that” Rosalie said suddenly. “here comes the human” Esme smiled and handed the cheese grader to Damon. I smiled at Emmett and rubbed his shoulder as he shut the oven off.
Emmett looked down at me and smiled as Edward walked around the corner with Bella. Esme was the first to greet her with open arms. “Bella we're making Italiana for you”
Bella smiled then looked around at the crowed, she looked suprised when she saw me and Owen. I gave her a soft smile as Emmett wrapped his arm around my waist hugging me to his side.
“you gave us an excuse to us the kitchen for the first time” carlisle smiled brightly. Esme nodded as her mate walked to her side. “I hope your hungry”
Everything seemed to be going smoothly till Edward dropped a bomb shell. “she already ate”
Bella hit his shoulder. “no I di-” Rosalie snapped and shattered the bowl of salad in her hands. Esme gave her a warning look as Damon walked to her side. “perfect, just perfect”
“well it's just I know guys don't eat and...” she stoped then looked at me. “Wait do you know?”
“obviously” I said in my best Severes Snape voice. Edward cracked a smile at the Harry Potter reference. Owen smirked as she hopped up on the counter next to me and Emmett.
“it's fine Bella, very considerate” Esme smiled as Carlisle wrapped his arm around her.
“ignore Rosalie, I do... And Damon” Edward told Bella. “fuck you too man” Damon said, not really phased by Edward's jab. I hadn't seen my best friend act like this before, so I just shook my head at him. “chill out Eddie” I said as Emmett rested his forehead on the side of my forehead wanting this encounter to be over.
“yeah, let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us” Rosalie said getting angrier.
“I would never tell anyone anything” Bella said trying to stay calm. “I think she knows that” Carlisle said.
“well the problem is the four of you have become public now soo...” Damon started but Esme and I cut him off.
“no, she should know” Rosalie said. Damon sighed and put his hands up giving up on keeping Rosalie calm. “the entire family will be implicated if this ends badly” she said looking over to me and Emmett with fear. She never treated me as awful as she did Bella. I could tell she was genuinely scared, but she covered it with bitterness.
“badly as.... We would become a meal” Bella stuttered looking at me, I chuckled. Emmett crossed his arms and shrugged as Carlisle hid his laughter in his mates shoulder.
Before it could get worse for Bella, Alice, Stefan, and Jasper came in through the open window. Alice took the boys hunting before they had to meet the human. “hi Bella! I'm Alice” Alice smiled and hugged Bella immediately. “Alice what are you doing?” Edward asked.
“don't worry me and Bella are going to become great friends.” Alice responded. Carlisle cleared his throat and looked over to Jasper and Stefan as they both looked extremely uncomfortable.
“sorry, Jasper and Stefan are both our newest vegetarians, it's been a little difficult for the both of them” Jasper nodded trying to put on a smile. “it's a p-pleasure to meet you”
“hi Bella” Stefan nodded while he stuffed his hands in his leather jacket pockets.
“don't worry Guys, you won't hurt her” Alice reassured. Owen looked over at Jasper and smiled. Jasper nodded, showing him he was okay with a small smile.
Edward sighed. “I'm gonna show you the rest of the house” Edward looked so embarrassed as he pulled Bella away.
“well I expected that to be worse if I'm honest” Damon sighed as he rubbed Rosalie's arms in a comforting manner. “you okay?” he asked, kissing her cheek.
“she so cute” Esme smiled. “I think it went well” carlisle said looking over to his mate.
“clean this up right now” Esme said to Rosalie as she pointed at the broken glass. “what are we gonna do with crap?” Emmett asked.
“well... I'm actually hungry” Owen said hopping off the counter. Esme turned to him and smiled. “of course, take as much as you like”
As the family were cleaning up and Owen was munching on a plate of past, Emmett took my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen. “where are we going?”
“it's a surprise” he said, opening a widow then squatting down so I could climb on his back. “hold on tight and keep your eyes closed” he smirked and jumped out of the window, I held on tightly as he ran faster than the speed of light I to the woods.
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gmanwhore · 15 days
I made. An au based off a personal story concept I have! The basic gist of the story itself is that after a catastrophic global event (basically the Cold War ending because someone exploded a nuclear warhead in the ocean which terrified everyone and caused an intense amount of radiation poisoning) some people started being born with odd growths on their brains. These growths cause a disorder called Michelle's Disease or Songkindism. The disorder itself means that everyone effected is tied to a song (the song doesn't have to exist yet, don't have lore for that so just bear with me) and thus they have a defect based on said song. The defect can by physical (something on your body changes, you have weird things inside your body), internal (usually magic adjacent) or both. Songkindism usually manifests around age 11, no one is quite sure why but it's theorized it's tied to puberty. In this world every child must get screened for Songkindism, and if they are found to have it they are sent to a facility to be studied.
In this au, a few things change. The inciting incident instead happens in World War 2, and the odd extra part of the brain was found way earlier. The inciting incident is also tied to the creation of the Doppler, who are theorized to all be attached to one song which is a VERY rare occurrence. Your neighbors are songbound who were allowed to leave their facility to experiment on how Doppler react to other snowbound in their environment, and also just to see if they can live normal lives. Below is each character and their song and defect. If people like this I may do more with it!
Roman: Song: Starman (David Bowie) Defect: Made of stardust, if you breathe it in it causes a surge of hope in you. 
Lois: Song: Killer Queen (Queen) Defect: High charisma, can levitate anything dangerous/that can be made dangerous 
Albertsky:  Song: Burn It Down (The Cog is Dead)  Defect: Can burn things with hands, exceptional strength. 
Robertsky:  Song: Ragtime Punk (Abney Park) Defect: Able to see the past with perfect clarity. 
Angus: Song: Mind Brand (MARETU) Defect: Knows everyone's secrets by just looking at them. 
Selenne: Song: Mowgli's Road (MARINA) Defect: Made of plants/covered in plants, is constantly in a state of desperation though she is unsure why. 
Elenois: Song: Hermit the Frog (MARINA) Defect: Made of glass (can see organs), is constantly in a state of rage, but she’s not sure why.
Gloria: Song: Cara Mia Addio (Portal) Defect: Eyes glow, she can calm anyone down by being in the room, though nobody can pinpoint it’s her. 
Arnold: Song: 100 Years (Or3o) Defect: If he likes/is crushing/is in love with someone and they are songbound, the lyrics of their song appear on his body. 
Izaack: Song: Touch Tone Telephone (Lemon Demon) Defect: He can stick pins into himself, and when it has information attached to it he can permanently perfectly recall that information. 
Margarette:  Song: Dream Sweet in Sea Major (Miracle Musical) Defect: Moon eyes, can “wash away” things but you have to work with her.
Nacha: Song: Decepticon (La Tigre) Defect: She’s made of metal and can explode herself at will. Exploding herself has no negative consequences on her. 
Anastacha: Song: Brass Goggles (Steam Powered Giraffe) Defect: She is a robot. Like that’s it she’s a robot. 
Dr. Afton: Song: Browser History Defect: ???? (Defect hides itself)
Mia: Song: Whose Eye is it Anyways??? (Jhariah) Defect: Gave her eye for knowledge. She can see through any facade and always know the truth, but she is still missing an eye. 
Francis: Song: There's No Love in February (The Orion Experience) Defect: The sadder he is, the more he freezes over. 
Steven: Song: Toes (Glass Animals) Defect: Can steal people's aggression/anger and give it to himself. 
Mclooy:  Song: The Boys are Back in Town (To Kill You) (Jerryterry) Defect: Goes crazy when he smells blood, like a shark.
Alf:  Song: The Haunted Phonograph (Thoushaltnot) Defect: Record effect over his voice, and can steal your soul and put it on the record in his stomach area.
Rafttellyn:  Song: Girl With One Eye (Florence+ The Machine) Defect: Rotting from the inside once someone steals her eye. Stealing her eye usually requires her making a mistake and it becoming loose from her guilt. She currently only has one eye. 
Arcade Clown/Mono: Song: Devil’s Train (The Lab Rats) Defect: Can just kinda. Summon a ghost train. Hands out tickets instead of papers.
Mask Ghost/Julia: Song: A Crow’s Trial (Vane Lily) Defect: More bird-like (feathered arms, bird like hands and feet, wing-like appendages), and her mask looks too tight and like it hurts. Like an iron maiden.
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lifenconcepts · 3 months
because I have banger tunes in my head always. In no order at all!
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Living in a Dream - Pseudo Echo
Waiting For the Ghost Train - Madness
People are strange - The Doors
Awake - Electric Guest
Chauffeur - Duran Duran
Elegant Aliens - Blood Culture
Opium Eaters - Madness
Cheek to Cheek - Taco
Enjoy The Silence - Depeche Mode
Destination Unknown - Pseudo Echo
Forever - Angels & Agony
Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
Struck By Lightning - Toto
Listening - Pseudo Echo
Rock You like a Hurricane - Scorpions
When dawn arrives - Madness
Grey Day - Madness
Come Back Down - Trevor Something
Avtomobili - Vesyoliye Rebyata
Mime’s song - VITAS
Romantica Megapolisa - Bioconstructor
Spam - Daiitye Tank
Zero - Kofe
Moi Adress sovetskii soyuz
Stranger In Me - Pseudo Echo
Voice - Ultravox
Daydream - Narvent
Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles (both of and strings only version)
First Woe - Ofdream
Devil’s Train - The Lab Rats
How Soon Is Now
King of lullaby - Eiffel 65
Come along now - Cosmo Sheldrake
Blue Monday - New Order
Orby - Cosmo Sheldrake
Oxygen - OSVISS
Stranger in town - Toto
Sub-Culture - New Order
Svet Ogneii - KODIZC
The Son of Flynn - Daft punk - Ki Theory
19 2000 - GORILLAZ
2000 miil’ - Chernobyl
Castor - Daft Punk
Acid Rain - Lorn
Counting Sheep - SAFIA
Crow - Forest Swords
Devil - Moon Walker
Lose Yourself - Eminem
My Ordinary Life
Love and Pain - Creeper
Donaukinder - Rammstein
Kletka - Molchat DomA
Krisha - bishkek
Vsyo Slozhno - Egorbez
Natural - Imagine dragons
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
People Eater - sodikken
Vladimirsky Central Prison - Chernikovskaya hata
London Goodbye - Car-man
Bez konkretiki - Byespokoinik
Chabged The Way You Kiss Me - Example
Freed from desire - GALA
Timezone - Sander van Doorn
Destination Calabria - Alex Gaudino
Everybody wants to rule the world - Tears for Fears
Be My Lover - La Bouche
Livin la Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
Mr Vain - Culture Beats
Sunny - Boney M
Moves like Jagger - Maroon 5
We No Speak Americano - Yolanda Be Cool DCUP
Blind Spots - C418
Dry Hands - C418
Far - C418
Moog City - C418
Droopy likes your face - C418
Taswell - C418
Dombummel- spongebob music
stadium rave - spongebob
Waltzing flutes - same as above
Aloha oe -same
Chill out -same
Faraway - Eiffel 65
Happy Nation - Ace of Base
I’m OK - Little Big
High Hopes - Pink Floyd
The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals
Who is She - I monster
I ran so far away - a flock of seagulls
Alarm call - The Correspondents
Around the world - ATC
Stayin alive - Bee Gees
Don’t fear the reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
Body Company - And One
Come as you are - Nirvana
Brother - Stuck in the Sound
Get Lucky - Daft Punk
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Dont stop me now - Queen
I DJ with the fire - Eiffel 65
My Generation - GORKY PARK
American Interior - Gruff Rhys
Hall of fame - the script
Chlorine - 21 pilots
I wanna rock - Twisted Sister
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
bulletproof - La Roux
Lenningradskiy Blues
Animals - Martin Garrix
Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron
Little Dark Age - MGMT
Counting Stars - OneRepublic
People of Tomorrow - Eiffel 65
Control - House of Harm
Ally or Enemy - T.P. And the Indians
Angel of Snow - PLAZMA
Brass Goggles - Steam powered giraffes
California Dreamin- The mamas and the papas
Cigarettes out the window - TV girl
Fish in a birdcage
Glasshouse - Germinator
Lovers rock - TV girl
We re not gonna take it - Twisted sister
Stressed out - 21 pilots
Keep your eyes peeled - ULTRA SUNN
Young Foxes - ULTRA SUNN
Tonight - The Correspondents
Tardigrade - Cosmo Sheldrake
Stupid MF - Mindless self indulgence
Sadness is rebellion - Lebanon Hanover
Lonely - PLAZMA
Piece of your heart - MEDUZA, goodboys
Pink Elephants on parade
Wplf in sheep’s clothing - ft. William Beckett
White Room - Cream
Sol Seppy - Move
SNAP! - Rythm is a dancer
Bangarang - Skrillex
Shut me up - MSI
Test & Recognise - Seekae
Rubber ring - The Smiths
Prescription - MSI
Pork Soda - Glass Animals
Embryo - Pink Floyd
achilles come down - gang of youth
Blue Canary
Strawberry fields forever - The Beatles
Shoplifters of the world unite - The Smiths
Show me the meaning of being lonely - Backstreet boys
West end girls - backstreet boys
Green Machine - Lightnin Harry Dee
Le silence - Hante
Heart of glass - Blondie
Cadillac - Buster Band
Crying just a little - Billy DeCole & Derriere
Errol - Australian Crawl
Dont go - Pseudo Echo
Heart of stone - David Lewis
Shadows of love - Jeff Hurd and the differents
The Miracle - Queen
Sneg - Aigel
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lunarthing159 · 1 year
Before the bad boys revealed their skins I had headcanons about what there styles would be because I imagined that they would all choose to dress as over the top stereotypical badboys but in different unique ways 
Joel street punk/rocker wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
Oh My Goodness These Are Amazing To Visualize In My Head, They Look Like A Mess Together /aff
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
I love the bad boys and how they tell everyone that they’re bad boys but end up coming across as trying to hard and i already have ideas to start I’m imagining them as going over the top with the bad boy image they what so they dress in over the top edgy bad boy clothes 
Joel street punk/rocker wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
These are really cool design hcs :0 I actually kind of love these haha.
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nezhanetwork · 1 year
Before the bad boys revealed their skins I had headcanons about what there styles would be because I imagined that they would all choose to dress as over the top stereotypical badboys but in different unique ways 
Joel street punk/grunge wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra and Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
i love the fact that all of them borrowed something from other people, that's kind of endearing, i love the connection between the characters this implies. it goes well with the whole "family" dynamic in limlife :) also jimmy dying his hair is so silly in a good way!! such a nice headcanon aghhhh i miss the bad boys
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itsoddissey · 1 year
Before the bad boys revealed their skins I had headcanons about what there styles would be because I imagined that they would all choose to dress as over the top stereotypical badboys but in different unique ways 
Joel street punk/grunge wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra and Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
OMG COUGH COUGH COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGH THEY SLAY IN THOSE OUTFITS OOOOUGHHHHHH I could probably draw one (or more) of this outfits fr I'm obsessed
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myrathefarmer · 1 year
Before the bad boys revealed their skins I had headcanons about what there styles would be because I imagined that they would all choose to dress as over the top stereotypical badboys but in different unique ways 
Joel street punk/rocker wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
:O that all sounds cool!! I’ll have to look up all those styles to see what that might look like
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ordinaryartistt · 2 years
I love the bad boys and how they tell everyone that they’re bad boys but end up coming across as trying to hard and i already have ideas to start I’m imagining them as going over the top with the bad boy image they what so they dress in over the top edgy bad boy clothes 
Joel street punk/rocker wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
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I had to do it
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cocoabats · 2 years
I love the bad boys and how they tell everyone that they’re bad boys but end up coming across as trying to hard and i already have ideas to start I’m imagining them as going over the top with the bad boy image they what so they dress in over the top edgy bad boy clothes 
Joel street punk/rocker wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra Ciel Phantomhive from black butler 
ohhhhhh i love these, honestly having all of them in different kinds of outfits but with the same theme, really cool
(i do have to tell you that that fishing on the roof scene just gave me such dad vibes that i dont know if ill be able to shake them off when designing them myself, just three dads trying to go back to their younger aesthetic)
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adina123 · 2 years
I love the bad boys and how they tell everyone that they’re bad boys but end up coming across as trying to hard and i already have ideas to start I’m imagining them as going over the top with the bad boy image they what so they dress in over the top edgy bad boy clothes 
Joel street punk/rocker wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra Ciel Phantomhive from black butler 
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angelbunny-arts · 1 year
Before the bad boys revealed their skins I had headcanons about what there styles would be because I imagined that they would all choose to dress as over the top stereotypical badboys but in different unique ways 
Joel street punk/grunge wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra and Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
Oh that is fantastic- I did try making my designs have their own theming to them myself, I mainly waited until the skins were revealed to make any solid decisions
like for Joel I tried to lean way into like,,, punk biker type beat?? I imagine he put the most about of effort into this bad boy persona so I tried to go all out with his design
For Tim honestly I had him be a bit softer? If that’s the word. he tried, but his fit ended up being a bit more silly than the others. I mainly looked at streetwear for his I believe.
I’m honestly upset at myself for not thinking of scene kid Tim earlier hey mind if I steal that thank youuu he would absolutely wear candi and love it
And like you said, my Grian didn’t really put all that much effort into his fit either. he just kinda slapped on a leather jacket and some darker pants and called it a day- the platforms were given to him by,, somebody maybe Joel because he didn’t “look cool enough”
I wILL say though that the idea of steampunk Grian is very cool I am not immune to the steampunk brainrot
All in all I tried having them be very cringefail silly guys trying to be bad boys grrr
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hyper-pixels · 8 months
Got snagged and tagged by @autumnfangirler. I have been playing my Sidestep playlist over and over for the past month-ish. Seeped into my non-stop playlist like an infection.
1.) Labyrinth – Miracle Musical, Shane MauX, and KAYE
2.) Intertia – AJR
3.) Iron Lung – Musiclide, The Stependium, GridLine Studios (Farm Vibes from FH:R imo)
4.) Brass Goggles – Steam Powered Giraffe
5.) Dog Days Are Over – Florence + The Machine
6.) I'm Gonna Win – Rob Cantor
7.) Human – Avanae
8.) Out of Touch – Daryl Hall & John Oats
9.) Cigarettes Out the Window – TV Girl
10.) Punk Tactics – Joey Valence & Brae
I'm tagging @obsolete-stars-if @chinchinashi @sexlesssnakebaby and @autistic-sidestep Shuffle your On-Repeat 10x :>
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mnih765 · 2 years
I love the bad boys and how they tell everyone that they’re bad boys but end up coming across as trying to hard and i already have ideas to start I’m imagining them as going over the top with the bad boy image they what so they dress in over the top edgy bad boy clothes 
Joel street punk/rocker wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra and Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
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So I tried to draw them in the way you describe it and I think it looks alright? Hope you like it
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