#Like i couldn't tie my own shoe laces while drunk but some gow can write edit and post an entire short story ??
queerclarkkent · 6 months
There are two kinds of inebriated AO3 posts
The high ones:
Sorry I'm hig, anywayys heres the storry
' Uand they rubbed eaach otber and sucked bongs and allso , alsoo cocks '
and then there's the drunk ones, somehow:
i am deeply sorry, but I am currently rather intoxicated, and so am posting this fanfiction at 3 am, and fuck everyone who has a problem with that:
' and then the kiss dashed across his throat, like sugar in the sweet way it stung as the rose-brushed lips swiped across to his own, and sharp in their somehow subtle pressure. Eroticism dashed gallantly through his very viens as his hands began the gentle but pulling excursion into the man's depths, reverent as if it were the most tropical rainforest as sweet wine and calmer herbs flitted fleetingly across their minds, tongues, a mingled airs '
Like please god tell me I'm not the only one that noticed that please
Somehow the drunk ones are always written perfectly and beautifully and I
but as soon as they insinuate they were high its normally like that??
Like i dont get it?? Drunk people have so little coordination and high people as long as its only like a bit of weed seem so calm and put together please help me understand science side of tumblr I am so deeply incredibly confused
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