#Like for example 3 different mods add edible tentacles so I renamed them to various wriggly limbs
bonebabbles · 4 months
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@quaelgeist333 Yeah! It's nothing special lmao. I have a group of friends who're a perfect gradient of Minecraft Experience from "hasn't played since they added coral" to "seasoned Botania expert", and we all decided we wanted to play with a basic server together. I'm actually a bit of an enthusiast so I decided to make us a personal modpack tailored to what each of us tends to like in video games.
I've made crummy mish-mashes of different mods before, but this time I'm doing a LOT to add compat. Conflict name resource packs, crafttweaker scripts, I'm even running Expanded Nametags and adding stuff myself so I can minimize how much time they spend having to check a wiki.
It's not like I'm actually making compat mods or anything, since I don't know Java. But it's honest work
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